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Biominerals are natural composite materials comprising organic and inorganic components. Detailed knowledge of the nature and distribution of both components is a crucial requirement in order to advance our understanding of biomineral formation, their material properties and preservation potential as well as the interpretation of environmental data. Detailed chemical data are essential for our understanding of the nature and distribution of such components. Micro-XANES mapping at the sulphur K-edge reveals that, in the brachiopod Terebratulina retusa, the sulphate concentration is higher in the outer (primary) layer than in the calcite fibres of the secondary layer. This is co-incident with a higher magnesium concentration. In contrast, the sheaths surrounding the calcite fibres contain sulphur as thiol, confirming the presence of protein while, the sulphur within the fibres themselves, occurs as sulphate. Micro-XANES analysis of the insoluble organic extract from T. retusa indicates the presence of organic sulphate while Micro-Raman spectroscopy confirms that structurally substituted sulphate (SSS) is also present although semi-quantitative Raman spectroscopy carried out in this spectral region (wavenumbers 900–1200) indicates that the sulphate present is at the threshold of detection by Raman spectroscopy. The distribution of phosphorus in the shell of T. retusa correlates well with that of protein indicating the presence of phosphorylated proteins in the periostracum, the sheaths surrounding the calcite fibres and the interface between the primary and secondary layer.  相似文献   

We investigated the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of shell striae from juvenile Comptopallium radula (Mollusca; Pectinidae) specimens collected live in New Caledonia. Bottom-water temperature and salinity were monitored in-situ throughout the study period. External shell striae form with a 2-day periodicity in this scallop, making it possible to estimate the date of precipitation for each calcite sample collected along a growth transect. The oxygen isotope composition of shell calcite (δ18Oshell calcite) measured at almost weekly resolution on calcite accreted between August 2002 and July 2003 accurately tracks bottom-water temperatures. A new empirical paleotemperature equation for this scallop species relates temperature and δ18Oshell calcite:
t(°C)=20.00(±0.61)-3.66(±0.39)×(δ18Oshell calcite VPDB18Owater VSMOW)  相似文献   

The chromosomes of Ovis nivicola, described for the first time, exhibit 2n = 52, the lowest diploid number to be reported for wild sheep and goats. The new chromosomal data, together with a review of the fossil history of the genus, lead us to conclude that the bighorned wild sheep (subgenus Pachyceros) evolved their distinctive characteristics while isolated in the ice-free Beringian refugium, and then migrated southward into western North America when the glacial barriers melted, as first suggested by Cowan (1940).  相似文献   

The occurrence of the freshwater genus Tanousia Servain 1881 (Hydrobiidae) in the Middle Pleistocene lacustrine succession of the Piànico-Sèllere Basin (Bergamo, Northern Italy) represents a significant biostratigraphical discovery. The Tanousia were recovered from the basal part of the carbonate varved bed (BVC), in siltysandy slump sediments, and from the lower and middle parts of the La Palazzina Member (MLP) of the Piànico formation. The BVC unit, in which a dated tephra layer occurs, accumulated during an interglacial phase, as shown by pollen analyses. The MLP Tanousia-bearing layers have been laid down during cool–temperate climate oscillation. The Piànico population of Tanousia displays great morphological variability but is similar to T. runtoniana (Sandberger, 1880), T. stenostoma (Nordmann, 1901) and T. cf. T. stenostoma (Nordmann, 1901), from the Bavelian and Cromerian interglacial deposits of late Early and early Middle Pleistocene age in Northern Europe. As for these species, the Tanousia population from Piànico appears to indicate fluvial conditions under a fully temperate climate.  相似文献   

Lead concentrations were determined in samples of soil B-horizon (N = 258), forest-floor humus (O-horizon, N = 259), grass (Avenella flexuosa, N = 251) and spruce (Picea abies, N = 253) needles (2nd year) collected at the same locations evenly spread over the territory of the Czech Republic at an average density of 1 site/300 km2. Median Pb concentrations differ widely in the four materials: soil B-horizon: 27 mg/kg (3.3-220 mg/kg), humus: 78 mg/kg (19-1863 mg/kg), grass: 0.37 mg/kg (0.08-8 mg/kg) and spruce needles: 0.23 mg/kg (0.07-3 mg/kg). In the Pb distribution maps for humus, grass and spruce a number of well-known Pb-contamination sources are indicated by unusually high concentrations (e.g., the Pb smelter at Pribram, the metallurgical industry in the NE of the Czech Republic and along the Polish border, as well as the metallurgical industry in Upper Silesia and Europe’s largest coal-fired power plant at Bogatynia, Poland). The ratio 206Pb/207Pb was determined in all four materials. The median value of the 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratio in the soil B-horizon is 1.184 (variation: 1.145-1.337). In both humus and grass the median value for the 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratio is 1.162 (variation: 1.130-1.182), in spruce needles the median ratio is 1.159 (variation: 1.116-1.186). In humus, grass and spruce needles the known contamination sources are all marked by higher 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratios in the maps. Furthermore, the soil B-horizon, humus, grass and spruce needles show distinctly different spatial distribution patterns of the 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratios. The B-horizon does not provide a viable background value for metal concentrations in the O-horizon or plant materials. None of the maps provides evidence for the importance of traffic-related emissions for the observed isotope ratios at the scale of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The potential significance of the contributions of long chain iso and anteiso monomethyl alkanes (LC MMAs) from plants of the Lamiaceae, a family that includes many culinary and aromatic herbs of cultural value, to sediments and soil has been evaluated by analyzing 21 specimens from 16 species of Lamiaceae from different environmental settings in Hubei Province, central China, and comparing the results with those from tobacco plants, which are established to be rich in these compounds. Odd numbered iso-alkanes (i-C25 to i-C36) and even numbered anteiso-alkanes (a-C25 to a-C36) are abundant in the Lamiaceae (1.9-23.2% and 0.9-23.8% of total alkanes, respectively). The proportions of LC MMAs are relatively high and comparable to those in the tobacco plant. However, chain lengths in the Lamiaceae are longer than those in tobacco plants and compound-specific δ13C values are more negative than in the tobacco plants, potentially allowing distinction of their different origins. The results imply that Lamiaceae, in addition to some other land plants, can be important sources of LC iso- and anteiso-alkanes in sediments and soils.  相似文献   

A single stem section (pluricolumnal) belonging to a post-Palaeozoic crinoid (sea lily) is reported from a small outcrop of Lower Jurassic Lias Group strata exposed in low cliff near Dunrobin Castle. This is the first Jurassic crinoid recorded from Eastern Scotland and the small fragment has enough diagnostic characters to be assigned to the species Isocrinus cf. robustus; a crinoid found commonly in the Lower Jurassic of England. The Scottish form collected has unusual morphology that is atypical of the genus.  相似文献   

New records of Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) and elk-moose (Cervalces scotti) from Lang Farm provide the first precise temporal correlation of these taxa with the specific environments inhabited by them near the time of their extinction. Six AMS 14C measurements establish an age of 11,405 ± 50 14C yr B.P. for Lang Farm Cervalces and an age of 11,430 ± 60 or 11,485 ± 40 14C yr B.P. for the Megalonyx. These measurements represent the youngest 14C dates for these two genera based on direct dating. Comparison of the dates with pollen data from northern Illinois indicates that these species inhabited a nonanalog environment that was transitional from mid-latitude tundra to mixed conifer and deciduous woodland. Although spruce (Picea sp.) was dominant, it was less abundant than prior to 12,500 14C yr B.P. The presence of black ash (Fraxinus nigra) and fir (Abies sp.) indicates a wet climate and heavy winter precipitation. This may have been the preferred habitat for Cervalces because of its narrow geographic range. However, this habitat type was only one of many occupied by Megalonyx as indicated by its broad geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Multi-channel seismic (MCS) reflection data recorded offshore from Valdivia (40° S), in the Chilean margin, were processed to obtain a seismic image to establish structural characteristics and relate them to the presence of the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). Seismic structure velocity of the BSR was determined using 1-D forward modeling. Recorded seismograms for two representative common mid-point (CMP) gathers were compared with synthetics, using different physical parameters to fit the waveforms. Our results confirm the presence of gas hydrates above the BSR. The BSR spatial continuity appears to be either interrupted or irregular due to the presence of faults. Tectonic movements can change the gas hydrate stability zone and consequently the BSR disappears or becomes weaker. Structural and topographic factors, differences in concentration, vertical distribution characteristics and internal structure of gas hydrates can influence BSR amplitude behavior. Variability in the concentration, volume, and extra supply of free gas coming from faults could be the main factors in the change of BSR amplitudes. The inclusion of the attenuation factor in the modeling supports the existence of free gas below the BSR. It is possible that the free gas below the BSR is distributed in bubbles or “bags”.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous (Turonian–Campanian) turritellid gastropod Roemerella Akopyan in Akopyan et al., 1990, is a junior homonym of the Devonian inarticulate brachiopod Roemerella Hall and Clarke, 1890. The generic name Roamerella nom. nov. is proposed for the homonymous gastropod.  相似文献   

Recent studies undertaken at Saint-Acheul in the Somme Valley (France) have provided an opportunity to recover malacological assemblages from a tufa deposit located at the top of a Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequence. Molluscan communities are rich and, although dominated by open grassland species, contain up to 23 forest taxa. This high diversity of thermophilous molluscs allows the recognition of fully temperate climatic conditions. Moreover, the occurrence of an extinct zonitid belonging to the genus Retinella (Lyrodiscus), along with several species beyond their modern range (Platyla polita, Ena montana, Ruthenica filograna Clausilia pumila, Clausilia dubia, Macrogastra ventricosa, Perforatella bidentata, Monachoides incarnatus, Belgrandia marginata, Hygromia limbata) allows correlation of the Saint-Acheul assemblage with malacofaunas recovered in other MIS 11 tufa deposits from the Somme and Seine valleys. This age attribution is reinforced at Saint-Acheul by stratigraphy and an ESR date on quartz of 403±73 kyr from the underlying fluvial deposits. In addition, old collections containing R. (Lyrodiscus) specimens have been rediscovered, allowing taxonomic reassessment of the species. This shows that Retinella (Lyrodiscus) skertchlyi Kerney, 1976 is a junior synonym of Retinella (Lyrodiscus) elephantium (Bourguignat, 1869) and that at least two extinct species of R. (Lyrodiscus) occurred in western Europe during the Quaternary. Finally, reappraisal of these French molluscan assemblages shows that they are similar to British malacofaunas of Hoxnian age. These new results strengthen the uniqueness and biostratigraphical value of the 'Lyrodiscus assemblage'.  相似文献   

常云平  武仙竹 《第四纪研究》2019,39(6):1467-1475

蓝家寨遗址位于重庆市巫山县大昌镇兴胜村(31°15'95"N,109°48'23"E),自然地貌特征为长江三峡北岸大宁河中游的一级阶地。2012年,在对蓝家寨春秋时期(距今2489多年前)古文化遗址考古发掘中,出土了1件保存较好的中华鲟骨鳞板,该枚骨鳞板长64 mm,宽35 mm;骨板平面最大厚度5 mm,骨板尾端高度为16 mm。根据该标本生长形态和中华鲟骨鳞板排列规律,可以确定该标本为中华鲟背鳍前部的最后一块骨鳞板。中华鲟是鲟形目中在地球上分布最南端的种类,主要生活于亚洲东部沿海大陆架水域和中国长江干流,是起源于白垩纪(恐龙时代)残留至今最为古老的现生鱼种之一。中国长江三峡地区,是世界上唯一发现有中华鲟考古材料的地区。中华鲟体内骨骼以软骨为主,自然状态下很难在土壤中保存,并且其体内软骨自古被人们视为名馔珍肴,所以考古发掘中迄今没有发现中华鲟体内骨骼。中华鲟体表分布有5列骨质鳞板,由于鳞板形态近似,数目较多,并且骨鳞板埋在地层中极易破碎,所以此前考古发现的零散骨鳞板,均未能鉴定出其具体生长体位。本文报道的重庆巫山县蓝家寨遗址考古发掘中,出土了迄今保存最为完整的1件骨鳞板,也是我国考古工作中首次发现可以确认具体生长体位的中华鲟骨骼。三峡地区大巴山、巫山、武陵山巨岭交错,陡峡深谷,其特殊地理位置、地貌特征及特色资源,使该地区形成富有特色的各种经济文化交流圈。史前时期,该地有盐业经济圈、太阳崇拜文化圈等。蓝家寨遗址中华鲟标本及其相关研究,使我们认识到春秋时期(距今2489多年前),三峡地区长江干流沿岸生活有专门捕捞中华鲟的渔民,这些沿岸渔民以中华鲟等渔获物与周围山区古居民进行物质交流,至少在沿江两岸35 km的直线范围内,还存在有以中华鲟为重要交换物的经济文化交流圈。中华鲟生存、演化了约1亿5千万年。但现代长江是在约100多万年前三峡贯通后才形成。现代长江形成后,中国海岸线海侵及长江河道改变等也曾经历过很大变化。所以,在现代长江形成之前和之后,中华鲟已在中国海域和河流经历过很多生态变化。在中国地貌环境巨大变化过程中,中华鲟始终适应并以较大种群在中国近海和长江流域生存下来。但是,现代人们在长江三峡地区的大江截流(1981年葛洲坝截流),是人类行为在短时间内突然强制性改变中华鲟繁衍生态,并且在筑坝过程中对中华鲟集中、过度捕捞。针对此情况,人类必须采取补救措施,严禁捕捞和增殖放流,帮助中华鲟适应新繁殖栖息环境。蓝家寨遗址中华鲟标本的发现及研究,对科学论证长江流域中华鲟资源价值、生态演化,以及深度剖析历史时期三峡古居民生业模式和文化交流等具有重要意义。


We examined the assemblage of macroinvertebrates that inhabits the egg masses of the sea hareAplysia brasiliana Rang. A total of 3,721 individuals belonging to 31 invertebrate species was recovered from 107 egg masses collected in the Indian River Lagoon in east-central Florida. The egg mass associates appeared to be a subset of the surrounding faunal assemblage. Amphipods, polychaetes, and molluscs comprised the majority of the egg mass fauna. Of these, approximately 10 species were abundant, and were collected with high frequency in the egg masses examined. Association analysis of the distribution patterns of the more common species indicates that only positive first order effects and second order interactions were potentially important in this assemblage.  相似文献   

Mathesia darderi, a slender cylindrical monopleurid genus, formerly documented from the late Aptian-Albian of Spain, France, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Turkey, has been discovered in the upper Barremian and the lower Aptian of Bulgaria and Spain. Notwithstanding some morphological changes, Barremian-lower Aptian forms and those of the upper Aptian-Albian possess the same myocardinal organisation and the same microstructural attributes. The inner shell margin of the right valve displays scalloped, festooned, tubular and vermiform microstructures. The most prominent evolutionary trait of M. darderi is the increase in body size through time. A statistical analysis of size distributions show that populations of the late Barremian-early Aptian, and the late Aptian, and those of the early to middle Albian, are significantly different; a pattern which has a biostratigraphic potential. Ecological changes through time are expressed by a displacement of communities from the central/distal part, to the proximal part of carbonate platforms. M. darderi is present locally in the upper Barremian-lower Aptian, and has its major spreading over the European and Arabo-African margins of the Mediterranean Tethys during the Clansayesian-lower to middle Albian. The disappearance of the species at the Middle-Upper Albian boundary, correlates with a critical, spatial reduction of carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

In South China, black organic-rich shales in the lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation host a NiMo polymetallic sulfide layer that discontinuously extends over ~1600 km. Seawater and hydrothermal origins are among the many suggested hypotheses and are still under debate. In order to discriminate Zn sources, we report Zn isotopes in NiMo polymetallic sulfide layers and their host shales from the Nayong and Zunyi locations in Guizhou province and the Zhangjiajie section in Hunan province. In each section, host organic-rich shales show homogeneous Zn isotope compositions which likely resulted from quantitative scavenging of dissolved Zn from seawater under euxinic conditions. The difference in the average δ66Zn values of organic-rich shales between the two sections in Guizhou (0.76 ± 0.09‰) and one section in Hunan (0.59 ± 0.10‰) might reflect variations of Zn isotope gradient with the depth of seawater. Therefore, the organic-rich sediments need not always represent an isotopically light Zn sink, which is dependent on Zn isotope fractionation in the local basin. However, the δ66Zn values in the NiMo polymetallic sulfide layers are different from those of their host shales, indicating that these sulfide layers did not inherit the Zn isotope signal of seawater. Based on the regular increasing trend in δ66Zn values from Nayong (0.54 ± 0.06‰) to Zhangjiajie (1.34 ± 0.09‰) and the presence of PbZn mineralization in the Dengying/Doushantuo Formations, we argue that hydrothermal fluids associated with PbZn mineralization could be a major source of Zn in NiMo sulfide layers, especially in the Nayong location. A possible model is that the hydrothermal fluids related to MVT-type mineralization got overprinted on a multiple-sourced synsedimentary sulfide-rich layer. We provide additional evidence that Zn isotopes have great potential as a tracer of metal source and can be applied to similar types of mineralization as e.g., the late Devonian Ni-Zn-PGE Nick deposit (Selwyn Basin, Canada) or elsewhere.  相似文献   

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