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Soil movement rates from fluted gully sides in New South Wales were measured over three years by erosion pins and survey. Erosion rates varied considerably over short distances from 0 to 53 mm yr?1 with an average removal rate of 19-8 mm yr?1.  相似文献   

Measurements of rainfall, runoff and sediment export from a barren deposit of coal mine refuse in south-western Indiana were collected during three storms in the summer and autumn of 1990. Interfluve sheetwash, sediment mass flux, sediment concentration and, to a lesser extent, trunk gully discharge all responded quickly to changes in rainfall intensity. Grain-size distributions varied considerably during storms, containing exclusively fine-grained sediment at low sediment discharges but very large quantities of coarse (> 2mm) sediment at peak sediment discharges. Although data from a fairly long, multipulsed storm indicate that sediment production is limited by supply, the imbricated layer of flat chips that exists at the surface of the deposit is apparently mobilized during most high-intensity pulses of rainfall, thereby producing large volumes of coarse sediment during summer thunderstorms.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary stratigraphy of a 50 km2 catchment on the south-eastern highlands of Australia reveals processes and history of denudation, and helps resolve a long-standing debate about factors controlling episodic valley aggradation and degradation during Holocene times. Valley sedimentation occurred when swampy vegetation fully colonized valley floors and obliterated all channels, promoting aggradation for periods of several thousand years, with most incoming sediment being trapped in swampy meadows. Much of the sediment was reworked from late Pleistocene alluvial fan and valley fill deposits, and primary hillslope erosion was minor during the Holocene. Differing sedimentation patterns between the Late Pleistocene, Holocene and Post-European settlement periods reflect regional changes in sediment supply and transport capacity as a result of major environmental change. Within the Holocene, however, valley fill stratigraphy is controlled by massive, episodic gully erosion terminating aggradation. Gully initiation appears to be controlled more by thresholds of incision into vegetated valley floors than by changes to sediment supply. Whether the thresholds are exceeded because of climatic change, autonomous change or extreme events cannot yet be determined. Overall, the Holocene history represents continuing complex response to events of the Late Pleistocene, and does not support the K-cycle concept, which has strongly influenced late Quaternary geomorphology in Australia.  相似文献   

Catchment sediment budget models are used to predict the location and rates of bank erosion in tropical catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, yet the reliability of these predictions has not been tested due to a lack of measured bank erosion data. This paper presents the results of a 3 year field study examining bank erosion and channel change on the Daintree River, Australia. Three different methods were employed: (1) erosion pins were used to assess the influence of riparian vegetation on bank erosion, (2) bench‐marked cross‐sections were used to evaluate annual changes in channel width and (3) historical aerial photos were used to place the short term data into a longer temporal perspective of channel change (1972–2000). The erosion pin data suggest that the mean erosion rate of banks with riparian vegetation is 6·5 times (or 85%) lower than that of banks without riparian vegetation. The changes measured from cross‐section surveys suggest that channel width has increased by an average of 0·74 (±0·47) m a?1 over the study period (or ~0·8% yr?1). The aerial photo results suggest that over the last 30 years the Daintree River has undergone channel contraction of the order of 0·25 m a?1. The cross‐section data were compared against modelled SedNet bank erosion rates, and it was found that the model underestimated bank erosion and was unable to represent the variable erosion and accretion processes that were observed in the field data. The reach averaged bank erosion rates were improved by the inclusion of locally derived bed slope and discharge estimates; however, the results suggest that it will be difficult for catchment scale sediment budget models to ever accurately predict the location and rate of bank erosion due to the variation in bank erosion rates in both space and time. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment yields estimated from contemporary stream monitoring of suspended sediment in the Merevale forested catchment, North Warwickshire, were compared with the sediment yield record obtained from analysis of lake sediment in the downstream reservoir. Total sediment volume and mass for nine periods since 1861 were calculated by extrapolation of synchronous levels in 54 cores, identified from magnetic susceptibility and other magnetic measurements, and by using 210Pb and 137Cs analysis to provide an absolute sediment chronology. Sediment yield estimated from the two methods show comparable but low (50-200 kg ha?1 yr?1) levels of sediment loss. While suggesting that lake sediments can be a useful means for extending the period over which contemporary monitoring exists, the study stresses the need for detailed historical records of land use and climate against which long term sediment yield records can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Agricultural land management requires strategies to reduce impacts on soil and water resources while maintaining food production. Models that capture the effects of agricultural and conservation practices on soil erosion and sediment delivery can help to address this challenge. Historic records of climatic variability and agricultural change over the last century also offer valuable information for establishing extended baselines against which to evaluate management scenarios. Here, we present an approach that combines centennial‐scale reconstructions of climate and agricultural land cover with modelling across four lake catchments in the UK where radiometric dating provides a record of lake sedimentation. We compare simulations using MMF‐TWI, a catchment‐scale model developed for humid agricultural landscapes that incorporates representation of seasonal variability in vegetation cover, soil water balance, runoff and sediment contributing areas. MMF‐TWI produced mean annual sediment exports within 9–20% of sediment core‐based records without calibration and using guide parameter values to represent vegetation cover. Simulations of land management scenarios compare upland afforestation and lowland field‐scale conservation measures to reconstructed historic baselines. Oak woodland versus conifer afforestation showed similar reductions in mean annual surface runoff (8–16%) compared to current moorland vegetation but a larger reduction in sediment exports (26–46 versus 4–30%). Riparian woodland buffers reduced upland sediment yields by 15–41%, depending on understorey cover levels, but had only minor effect on surface runoff. Planting of winter cover crops in the lowland arable catchment halved historic sediment exports. Permanent grass margins applied to sets of arable fields across 15% or more of the catchment led to further significant reduction in exports. Our findings show the potential for reducing sediment delivery at the catchment scale with land management interventions. We also demonstrate how MMF‐TWI can support hydrologically‐informed decision making to better target conservation measures in humid agricultural environments. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a field investigation aimed to characterize the morphology of both rills monitored at Sparacia experimental area and two ephemeral gullies (EGs) located in the Tremamargi basin, Sicily, Italy. At first, the available literature data together with the measurements carried out in this investigation were used to show that the EG length is a key parameter for the estimation of the eroded volume. Then, the comparison among the pairs length and volume corresponding to measured rills, EGs and gullies showed that the exponent of the power relationship is independent of the channelized erosion type (rill, EG and gully), while a different scale factor has to be used for each erosion process. Finally, a single relationship applicable to all channelized erosion processes was deduced applying the dimensional analysis and the self‐similarity theory. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion in catchment areas reduces soil productivity and causes a loss of reservoir capacity. Several parametric models have been developed to predict soil erosion at drainage basins, hill slopes and field levels. The well-known Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) represents a standardized approach. Miyun reservoir, which sits on Chaobaihe River, is the main surface source of drinking water for Beijing, the capital of China. Water and soil loss are the main reasons for sediment to enter a reservoir. Sediment yield is assessed using a version of the universal soil loss equation modified by Chinese researchers. All year 2001 and 2002 data for factors in the equation are obtained from remote sensing or collected to form an analysis database. These factors are computed and mapped using Geographic Information System tools. Based on the complex database, the modified model is developed. Through pixel-based computing the sediment yield per hydrological unit is calculated. The model does not consider sediment deposition occurring on hillslopes. Gross soil loss is often higher than the sum of those measured at catchment outlets. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) per hydrological unit is also computed. This study analyzes the main contributions of sediment yields on sub-basins of the Chaobaihe River to the Miyun Reservoir, and discusses the possible reasons for the difference between SDRs in 2001 and 2002 at different outlets. The result shows that in the upper basin of the Miyun Reservoir, in 2001 the area of erosion that could be neglected was 8,202.76 km^2, the area of low erosion 3,269.59 km^2, the area of moderate erosion 3,400.97 km^2, the area of high erosion 436.89 km^2, the area of strong erosion 52.19 km^2 and the area of severe erosion 3.13 km^2. The highest soil loss was 70,353 t/km^2. yr in Fengning County in 2001, followed by 64,418 t/km^2. yr by Chicheng County in 2001. The SDR in 2002 was lower than that in 2001. The main reasons are the decreasing rainfall erosivity and total runoff.  相似文献   

We present observations and analysis of gully headcut erosion, which differ from previous headcut studies in both spatial and temporal detail. Using ten terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) surveys conducted over a period of 3 years, we mapped headcut erosion with centimeter‐scale detail on a sub‐annual basis. Erosional change is observed through point cloud differencing, which expands on previous studies of headcut retreat rate by revealing the evolution of the headcut morphology. Headcut retreat observations are combined with hydrological measurements to explore the controlling factors of erosional retreat. We find that (i) mass failure due to wetting, (ii) saturation weakening of shale bedrock in plunge pools, and (iii) direct wash over the headcut face all appear to contribute to headcut retreat; however, mass failure via wetting appears to be the dominant process. Soil moisture was monitored near the study headcut at 0.4 m depth, and time‐lapse photos show that soil wetting tends to be concentrated along the headcut apex after rainfall and snowmelt runoff events. We find that moisture concentration at the headcut apex leads to more rapid erosion at that location than along the headcut sidewalls, resulting in a semi‐ellipsoidal plan view morphology that is maintained as the headcut migrates up‐valley. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land use is an important factor influencing soil erosion and sediment yield (SESY). Regressing soil erosion intensity (SEI) and sediment yield (SY) to land use characteristics can provide necessary information for controlling soil loss. However, current simple regression methods emphasize cross sectional parameters, with less emphasis on temporal variability of relevant land use parameters so that the derived effects of land use change on SESY can be biased. Here, a panel data method was applied to quantify the impact of land use change on SESY in 1954, 1975, and 2015, based on the WaTEM/SEDEM model and seven landscape metrics for 25 reservoir catchments in northeastern China. The results indicate that SEI and area-specific SY (SSY) continuously decreased from 1954 to 2015, which were significantly correlated with landscape metrics such as area-edge metrics of mean patch area (AREA_MN), shape index of the mean related circumscribing circle (CIRCLE_MN), aggregation index of effective mesh size (MESH), patch cohesion index (COHESION), and diversity metrics such as Shannon's diversity index (SHDI), patch richness density (PRD), and modified Simpson's evenness index (MSIEI). The results suggested that catchment SESY can be reduced through decreasing mean patch area, patch mesh size, and physical connectivity of patches, enriching landscape types, and elongating land use patches. These findings are helpful to effectively implement soil conservation measures in northeastern China and similar regions worldwide. The current study also implies that the panel data approach will have beneficial potential applications in earth-science research fields.  相似文献   

Concentrated flow erosion in Mediterranean cultivated areas is considered a major process of land degradation. Rills and ephemeral gullies in a 6.4 ha olive orchard catchment located in an intensive commercial farm, which could represent a common degradation scenario in hilly areas, were measured and compared with the sediment loads at the outlet. Four GPS survey campaigns were carried out between March 2009 and March 2014, for periods with cumulative precipitation ranging between 728 and 121 mm. Chopped pruning residues were kept on the lanes during campaigns 2–4, whereas a grass cover crop was seeded in campaign 4. Rainfall, runoff and sediment loads were measured in a flume gauge station at the catchment outlet. The ratio of concentrated flow erosion to catchment sediment load varied between 1.0 and 35.0. Total concentrated flow erosion ranged between 25.0 and 0.1 t ha−1. Rill erosion was the dominant process on ephemeral gullies for three campaigns, with a mean contribution to the total concentrated flow erosion of 55%. Rills clearly followed tractor tracks along the most parallel lanes to the maximum slope. Therefore, a change in traffic direction would be helpful to reduce the connectivity, controlled by the spatial distribution of rows and lanes in the farm. Olive plantation distributions should prioritize hydrological criteria to adapt traffic patterns in olive farms, as long as the tractor manoeuvrability and risk of overturning are not adversely affected. Although the farmer only kept the cover crop for one campaign, it proved to be an efficient measure for interrupting rills along the lanes, whereas pruning residues were effective for the control of interrill erosion. On-site application of pruning residues reduced their handling and transport costs, while increasing the soil fertility and soil cover. However, guidelines for the efficient application of pruning residues are still necessary in terms of residue rates and orientation.  相似文献   

The long‐term and current volumes of sediment exported from stream banks were calculated as potential sources of sediment in a large pond located at the catchment outlet of a small agricultural lowland basin strongly affected by anthropogenic pressure in France. Bank erosion was measured over a short period using a network of erosion pins along a small stream (1400 m long) to quantify the material exported during a single winter (2012–2013). The material exported by this same stream over the last 69 years was quantified using an original approach involving the comparison of a compilation of three‐dimensional historical stream redesign plans that date back to 1944 with the state of the banks in 2013 (differential global positioning system and LiDAR data). The results suggest that a global trend of material loss along the stream banks monitored by erosion pins, with an average erosion rate of 17.7 mm year?1 and an average volume of exported material of 75 t km?1. Over 69 years, this same stream exported an average of 36 t km?1 year?1, and the average loss of material from the banks throughout the whole catchment was estimated to be 14 t km?1 year?1. The contribution of bank material to the filling of the pond over the last 10 years is between 46% and 52% based on an extrapolation of erosion pin dynamics or between 27% and 30% based on the comparison of LiDAR data to the average historical profile extrapolated for the catchment. These results suggest that bank erosion represents a major source of sediment in degraded waters in traditionally understudied agricultural lowland catchments, where anthropogenic pressures are high.  相似文献   

This paper investigates temporal variations in fluxes of peat and other sediment in the catchment of March Haigh Reservoir, West Yorkshire. Long‐term estimates of sediment yield were derived from a study of reservoir sediments. Magnetic properties were used to correlate ten cores to a master profile dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. A 14C date suggests that most of the organic component of the sediment is allochthonous and derived from peat eroded from the catchment. Organic sediment yields suggest low catchment erosion rates between 1838 and 1963. Blanket peat erosion increased significantly after 1963, and peaked between 1976 and 1984. Estimates of total sediment yield range between 2 and 28 t km?2 a?1. These yields are significantly lower than those from some previous studies examining reservoir sedimentation in other blanket peat‐covered catchments. The low yield estimates may be due to relatively low rates of erosion in the basin, but may also be partly explained by maintenance of silt traps during the early life of the reservoir and removal of sediment by scouring. Sedimentation within the reservoir is spatially variable, and bathymetry and sediment source appear to be the dominant controls on sedimentation patterns within the reservoir. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studying the characteristics of runoff and sediment processes and revealing the sources of sediment provide key guidance for the scientific formulation of relevant soil erosion protection measures and water conservancy development plans. In the current study, the flow and sediment data of five hydrological stations on the main stream of the Fu River Basin (FRB) from 2007 to 2018 were selected to identify flood events, explore the variation of sediment transport along the FRB, and clarify the sediment sources. The results found that the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section is the main source of sediment in the FRB during the flood season. The runoff volume and sediment load during flood events in the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section accounted for 35% and 145% respectively of that of Xiaoheba station. These results combined with the change of the sediment load before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12) show that the sediment in this section mainly comes from the Fu River tributary–the Tongkou River watershed. The calculation results for the sediment carrying capacity of the Fu River show that the main stream was in a state of erosion in theory. However, according to the calculation results for the interval sediment yield during flood events, the sediment load at the Xiaoheba station was smaller than that at the Shehong station upstream. The analysis indicates that this was not because of sediment deposition in the river channel, but because of sand mining in the river channel and sediment interception by water conservancy projects. If heavy rainfall occurs in the FRB, the sediment accumulated upstream will move downstream with the resulting flood, and the sediment yield in the FRB may further increase. These research conclusions can provide reference information for improving the prediction and management ability of soil and water loss in the FRB and scientific regulation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

A computer model has been used to estimate soil loss and sediment yield from irregular field-size units of small watersheds. Input to the model includes spring data (i.e. relating to February through May) for the independent variables of the Universal Soil Loss Equation, and for factors such as surface roughness, an index of overland runoff, and proximity to the stream. Output from the model includes maps of seasonal estimates of potential soil losses, field sediment delivery ratios, and expected sediment yields. On the basis of selected erosion and sediment yield tolerances, the output information has been analysed to identify watershed areas which (1) exhibit both erosion and sediment yield problems; (2) exhibit only erosion problems; (3) exhibit only sediment yield problems; and (4) exhibit neither erosion nor sediment yield problems. The percentage of the watershed area in each category and the percentage of the watershed soil loss and sediment loads contributed by each category are also identified. Application of the procedure for planning remedial control programs for five watersheds is discussed.  相似文献   

The current generation of landscape evolution models use a digital elevation model for landscape representation. These programs also contain a hydrological model that defines overland flow with the drainage network routed to an outlet. One of the issues with landscape evolution modelling is the hydrological correctness of the digital elevation model used for the simulations. Despite the wide use and increased quality of digital elevation models, data pits and depressions in the elevation data are a common feature and their removal will remain a necessary step for many data sets. This study examines whether a digital elevation model can be hydrologically correct (i.e. all depressions removed so that all water can run downslope) before use in a landscape evolution model and what effect depression removal has on long‐term geomorphology and hydrology. The impact on sediment transport rates is also examined. The study was conducted using a field catchment and a proposed landform for a post‐mining landscape. The results show that there is little difference in catchment geomorphology and hydrology for the non‐depression removed and depression removed data sets. The non‐depression removed and depression removed digital elevation models were also evaluated as input to a landscape evolution model for a 50 000 year simulation period. The results show that after 1000 years there is little difference between the data sets, although sediment transport rates did vary considerably early on in the simulation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In response to the potential shortcomings of single-technique strategies in the investigation of erosion and sedimentation, a combined magnetic and radiometric (13Cs and 210Pb) approach has been undertaken in the upland, watershed-lake system of Howden Reservoir, Derbyshire. By combining these techniques, some assessment of sediment sources and the erosion status of the catchment has been achieved. Alone, each approach would have been unable to determine unequivocally sediment provenance. Furthermore, the parallel use of these measurements has highlighted limitations and/or uncertainties in both the magnetic and 137Cs techniques. These problems reflect the particular soil characteristics and drainage conditions of this upland catchment. Despite the documented severity of peat erosion in the region, Howden Reservoir has a mixture of sediment sources and a relatively moderate rate of sedimentation. Sediment yields (total 127·7 t km?2 yr?1 including organic fraction 31·3 t km?2 yr?1) are, however, higher than in other British upland areas.  相似文献   

Rockwall slope erosion is defined for the upper Bhagirathi catchment using cosmogenic Beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in sediment from medial moraines on Gangotri glacier. Beryllium-10 concentrations range from 1.1 ± 0.2 to 2.7 ± 0.3 × 104 at/g SiO2, yielding rockwall slope erosion rates from 2.4 ± 0.4 to 6.9 ± 1.9 mm/a. Slope erosion rates are likely to have varied over space and time and responded to shifts in climate, geomorphic and/or tectonic regime throughout the late Quaternary. Geomorphic and sedimentological analyses confirm that the moraines are predominately composed of rockfall and avalanche debris mobilized from steep relief rockwall slopes via periglacial weathering processes. The glacial rockwall slope erosion affects sediment flux and storage of snow and ice at the catchment head on diurnal to millennial timescales, and more broadly influences catchment configuration and relief, glacier dynamics and microclimates. The slope erosion rates exceed the averaged catchment-wide and exhumation rates of Bhagirathi and the Garhwal region on geomorphic timescales (103−105 years), supporting the view that erosion at the headwaters can outpace the wider catchment. The 10Be concentrations of medial moraine sediment for the upper Bhagirathi catchment and the catchments of Chhota Shigri in Lahul, northern India and Baltoro glacier in Central Karakoram, Pakistan show a tentative relationship between 10Be concentration and precipitation. As such there is more rapid glacial rockwall slope erosion in the monsoon-influenced Lesser and Greater Himalaya compared to the semi-arid interior of the orogen. Rockwall slope erosion in the three study areas, and more broadly across the northwest Himalaya is likely governed by individual catchment dynamics that vary across space and time. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Qihua Ran  Feng Wang  Jihui Gao 《水文研究》2020,34(23):4526-4540
Rainfall characteristics are key factors influencing infiltration and runoff generation in catchment hydrology, particularly for arid and semiarid catchments. Although the effect of storm movement on rainfall-runoff processes has been evaluated and emphasized since the 1960s, the effect on the infiltration process has barely been considered. In this study, a physically based distributed hydrological model (InHM) was applied to a typical semi-arid catchment (Shejiagou, 4.26 km2) located in the Loess Plateau, China, to investigate the effect of storm movement on infiltration, runoff and soil erosion at the catchment scale. Simulations of 84 scenarios of storm movement were conducted, including storms moving across the catchment in both the upstream and downstream directions along the main channel, while in each direction considering four storm moving speeds, three rainfall depths and two storm ranges. The simulation results showed that, on both the hillslopes facing downstream (facing south) and in the main channel, the duration of the overland flow process under the upstream-moving storms was longer than that under the downstream-moving storms. Thus, the duration and volume of infiltration under upstream-moving storms were larger in these areas. For the Shejiagou catchment, as there are more hillslopes facing downstream, more infiltration occurred under the upstream-moving storms than the downstream-moving storms. Therefore, downstream-moving storms generated up to 69% larger total runoff and up to 351% more soil loss in the catchment than upstream-moving storms. The difference in infiltration between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased as the storm moving speed increased. The relative difference in total runoff and sediment yield between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased with increasing rainfall depth and storm speed. The results of this study revealed that the infiltration differences under moving storms largely influenced the total runoff and sediment yield at the catchment scale, which is of importance in runoff prediction and flood management. The infiltration differences may be a potential factor leading to different groundwater, vegetation cover and ecology conditions for the different sides of the hillslopes.  相似文献   

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