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松辽盆地庆深气田异常氢同位素组成成因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对松辽盆地徐家围子断陷庆深气田天然气组分、碳氢同位素和稀有气体同位素的分析表明,天然气以烷烃气为主,烷烃气碳同位素组成随着碳数增加呈变轻趋势,且δ13C1>-30‰, R/Ra一般大于1.0,δ13CCO2值介于-16.5‰~-5.1‰之间;氢同位素组成δD1=-205‰~-197‰,平均值为-203‰,δD2=-247‰~-160‰,平均值为-195‰,δD3=-237‰~-126‰,平均值为-163‰,且存在氢同位素组成倒转现象,即δD1>δD2<δD3。根据对庆深气田天然气不同地球化学特征分析,认为该气田烷烃气中重烃主要为有机成因,而 CH4有相当无机成因混入。庆深气田烷烃气氢同位素组成具有 CH4变化小,而重烃(δD2,δD3)变化大的特点。根据与朝阳沟地区天然气烷烃气氢同位素组成对比分析,认为 CH4主要表现为无机成因,而重烃气(δD2,δD3)主要为有机成因,且无机成因CH4氢同位素组成重于有机成因CH4。  相似文献   

为研究低熟气形成过程中大分子结构的变化情况,对吐哈盆地侏罗系八道湾组的煤与碳质泥岩干酪根在不同升温速率下进行了热解实验,借助于红外光谱分析,研究了不同热模拟温度下干酪根结构的特征与变化。结果表明,随热演化的进行,煤与碳质泥岩干酪根的芳香结构不断缩合,含氧官能团不断脱落,碳质泥岩干酪根中的脂肪族类有所降低。吐哈盆地低熟气主要来源于煤与碳质泥岩干酪根中的含氧官能团--羧基与甲氧基,以及碳质泥岩干酪根上的脂肪族。从干酪根结构上揭示了低熟气主要来源于Ⅲ型有机质的原因。  相似文献   

Chemical composition and stable carbon isotopic studies were undertaken for 27 gas samples from deep strata of the Xujiaweizi Depression in the Songliao Basin to investigate their origin. Gas molecular and carbon isotopic compositions show great variety. Methane is the main component for all studied samples and its content ranges from 57.4% to 98.2% with an average of 90.1%. Gas wetness ranges from 0.8% to 16.7% with an average of 2.7%. The main non-hydrocarbon gases are carbon dioxide and nitrogen with an average of 4.0% and 3.2%, respectively. Carbon isotope data suggest that these deep strata gases are mainly coal-type gases mixed with minor amounts of associated (oil-type) gases. Coal-type gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopic values and drier chemical compositions. These gases were generated from the Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation coals interbedded shales with type III kerogen during the postmature stage of hydrocarbon generation. Oil-type gases are characterized by lighter carbon isotope and higher wetness, which were generated from the Lower Cretaceous shales with type II kerogen in the shallow strata during the early mature stage of hydrocarbon generation. Mixing of two different gases causes unusual carbon isotopic distribution patterns, with lighter isotopic values in higher numbered carbons in most gases. The discovery of coal-type gases in the Songliao Basin provides new prospects for the exploration in this region.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东部地区天然气地球化学特征及成因探讨(之二)   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
天然气的组分和碳、氢同位素组成特征研究表明塔里木盆地已发现的天然气均为热解气。通过气源对比可知,该盆地东部地区的天然气主要有两种类型 :1)是来自震旦纪到下古生界海相腐泥型母质的油型气,其甲烷、乙烷、丙烷δ13C值,分别为-44.5‰~-33.8‰、- 42‰~-2 8.1‰和-35.4‰~-2 8.4‰,其甲烷的氢同位素组成大于- 2 0 0‰;2 )是产自中生代陆相腐殖型源岩的煤型气,其甲烷、乙烷、丙烷的δ13C值分别为-40.5‰~-33.1‰、- 2 9.7‰~-2 1.3‰和-2 6.3‰~-2 0.3‰,其甲烷的氢同位素组成小于-2 0 0‰。将天然气的地化特征与地质背景相结合判断可知,在塔北隆起地区一些天然气藏是由成熟 (高成熟 )阶段的油型气与过成熟阶段的油型气混合形成,另一些天然气藏是由成熟阶段的油型气和成熟阶段的煤型气混合形成.  相似文献   

采用黄金管—高压釜封闭体系,对吐哈盆地艾试1井的泥岩和煤岩进行了低温热解实验。根据实验结果,分别求取了干气(C1)、湿气(C2~C5)生成过程的初始动力学参数,然后将单一活化能的动力学参数进一步优化为具有高斯分布的活化能,优化后的动力学参数能较好拟合实验数据。利用优化后的动力学模型模拟了吐哈盆地丘东凹陷八道湾组天然气早期生成过程,并将模拟结果与实际地质资料进行了对比。结果表明,经过优化后的低温恒温热解动力学,能有效评价早期生气过程;在丘东次陷发现的天然气,与八道湾组源岩关系密切。  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of natural gases discovered in the Bozhong Depression are systematically described in this paper. The natural gases are composed mainly of hydrocarbon gases. Natural gases occurring in the Paleogene and older reservoirs are wet gases, whereas those in the Neogene reservoirs are dry gases. Methane and ethane in the gases are significantly different in carbon isotopic composition. The methane carbon isotopic composition of the gases in structure BZ28-1 and the ethane carbon isotopic composition of the gases in structure QHD30-1 are characterized by the heaviest values, respectively. The natural gases are in the mature to highly mature stages. The hydrocarbon gases are of organic origin and can be classified as oil-type gases, coal-derived gases and mixed gases with the third one accounting for the major portion.  相似文献   

The origin of natural gases in central Tarim Basin is very complicated and there has been no definite conclusion in this aspect. Based on the results of systematic research on their composition and carbon isotopic characteristics, natural gases in central Tarim Basin are composed mainly of hydrocarbon gas, Ordovician natural gas with the characteristics of crude oil-cracking gas, and Carboniferous natural gas not only originating from kerogen cracking, but also from oil cracking. There are significant differences in composition and carbon isotope of natural gases between the eastern and western areas. The causes for the differences in geochemical characteristics of natural gases are presented as follows: different thermal evolution degrees of organic matter. Natural gases in the western region may have generated from the Middle- Upper Ordovician source rocks, and natural gases in the eatern region may be derived from the Cambrian source rocks, which entered into high to over mature stages; the gases migrated from west to east and caused the different compositional and carbon isotopic characteristics of natural gases; difference in the strength of thermal sulfate reduction between the eastern and western parts, with the reduction in the eastern part being stronger than that in the western part.  相似文献   

赛汉塔拉凹陷位于二连盆地腾格尔坳陷西部,是二连盆地低熟油分布区.采用有机地球化学和生物标志物分析方法,对赛汉塔拉凹陷下白垩统腾二段低熟原油和油砂样品进行了地球化学特征和油源对比研究.赛汉塔拉凹陷腾二段低熟油具有饱和烃含量相对较低、非烃和沥青质含量相对较高的族组成特征,正构烷烃分布以前峰型为主,主峰碳为C21或C23,P...  相似文献   

天然气碳氢同位素在线分析表明鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界天然气属于煤成气,不同地区不同层位的天然气碳氢同位素组成存在明显差异,构成了 3类不同的分布模式,即榆林型 (C2- P2)、苏里格型 (P1- P2)和神木-米脂型 (P3).榆林型天然气碳氢同位素组成符合随碳数增加δ 13C与δ D值均逐渐变重的热成因气的变化规律,为成熟-较高成熟阶段的产物;苏里格型天然气 C3H8的δ 13C3与值均出现比 C2H6偏轻的特征,可能是煤岩生烃过程中,同位素动力学分馏效应固有特征的反映;神米型的突出特点是石千峰组天然气的碳氢同位素值明显比其下伏气藏偏轻,δ 13C1、δ 13C2偏轻约 2.5‰,值偏轻约 12‰ (榆 17井 ),可能为较高热演化阶段凝析油裂解和 (或 )运移分馏聚集而成.这 3类气藏碳氢同位素组成的差异,反映了不同热演化阶段煤成天然气同位素组成的固有特征,从而为天然气聚集与成藏研究提供了重要例证.  相似文献   

川中-川南地区须家河组天然气同位素组成特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
川中-川南地区须家河组天然气烃类组成以甲烷为主,主要分布在80%~96%之间;天然气干燥系数(C1/C1-5)以小于0.95为主,为典型的湿气.天然气同位素组成包括C1-c4碳、氢同位素等.总体特征是碳、氢同位素值主要受成熟度的影响,均表现出较轻的特点, δ13C1,值介于-43‰~-37‰之间,δ13C2值介于-30‰~-24‰之间;δDCH4值介于-190‰~-150‰之间,δDC2H6值介于-150‰~-110‰之间,δD2与δD1的差值大于15‰,明显轻于海相层系的天然气,具有煤型气特征,表明须家河组天然气主要来源于上三叠统煤系烃源岩.天然气甲烷碳同位素值与干燥系数之间有很好的正相关关系,同时,甲、乙烷氢同位素值也呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

吐哈盆地低熟气评价的化学动力学方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前尚无公认的有效方法评价低熟气生成量的难题,本文从低熟气的(低温)热成因机理出发,认为被广泛、成功应用于成熟的热成因天然气生成量评价的化学动力学理论仍然应该是评价低熟气生成量的有效方法。在此基础上,建立并标定了吐哈盆地代表性泥岩、煤岩干酪根成气的化学动力学模型,与可能部分成为低熟气先质的非烃、沥青质的化学动力学模型一起,构成了评价低熟气生成量的方法。标定结果表明,盆地内有机质成气的平均活化能低于其成油的活化能,而且成气过程中低活化能组分的含量也高于成油过程。这可能正是吐哈盆地的有机质在大量生油之前的低成熟阶段,能开始规模性地生成低熟气、从而导致工业性的低熟气聚集的内因所在。应用表明,吐哈盆地低熟气的总生成量可观,达到632.15×10^11 m^3,而且生气强度较高,最高达到100×10^8m^3/km^2以上。吐哈盆地低熟气资源量约为3.16×10^11~12.62×10^11 m^3。可见,盆地内低熟气具有可观的勘探潜力。本文所建立的方法应该可被推广应用到其他含低熟气盆地的低熟气的评价当中。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地浅层天然气多种成因地球化学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
浅层天然气是当前国内外天然气勘探和基础研究的一个热点,在准噶尔盆地是油气勘探的一个重要新领域,但研究程度较低.为给区域勘探和成藏研究提供信息,并为国内外同类研究对比参考,主要以盆地腹部地区为例,着重从地球化学角度,包括系统的天然气组分、烷烃系列碳同位素组成、轻烃等,结合与天然气共生凝析油和储层沥青的研究,揭示了浅层天然气具有多种成因.研究区浅层天然气主要分布在陆梁、滴西、滴北和白家海4个地区.其中,陆梁地区浅层天然气成因为原油次生生物降解气,典型地球化学特征是气组分很干,几乎全为甲烷组成,甲烷碳同位素特别轻(–55‰~–45‰).滴西地区浅层天然气以石炭系来源煤型气为主,兼有二叠系来源煤型气和油型气,典型特征是乙烷碳同位素值变化大(–30.67‰~–22.20‰).滴北地区浅层天然气为石炭系来源煤型气,典型特征是乙烷碳同位素重(–24.54‰~–23.72‰).白家海地区浅层天然气为二叠系来源高成熟煤型气,典型特征是干燥系数大(0.97),甲烷碳同位素重(–30.15‰~–29.45‰),乙烷碳同位素较重(–25.83‰~–25.81‰).因此,研究区浅层天然气具有多种成因,主要包括来自不同烃源的原油次生生物降解气、油型气和煤型气,这预示着成藏的复杂性,需在下一步的勘探中给予充分重视  相似文献   

At present, shallow gases have received much attention due to low cost in exploration and production. Low-mature gases, as one significant origin to shallow gas, turns to be an important research topic. The present understanding of low-mature gases is confined within some geological cases, and few laboratory studies have been reported. Therefore, the potential and characters of low- mature gases are not clear up to now. Here, two premature samples (one coal and the other shale) were pyrolyzed in a gold confined system. The gaseous components including hydrocarbon gases and non-hydrocarbon gases were analyzed. Based on kinetic modeling, the formation of low-mature gases was modeled. The results showed that during low mature stage, about 178 mL/gTOC gas was generated from the shale and 100 mL/gTOC from the coal. Two third to three fourth of the generated gases are non-hydrocarbon gases such as H2S and CO2. The total yields of C1-5 for the two samples are almost the same, 30-40 mL/gTOC, but individual gaseous hydrocarbon is different. The shale has much lower C1 but higher C2-5, whereas the coal has higher C1 but lower C2-5. Hydrocarbon gases formed during low-mature stage are very wet. The stable carbon isotope ratios of methane range from -40‰ to -50‰ (PDB), in good consistence with empiric criterion for low-mature gases summed up by the previous researchers. The generation characters suggest that the low-mature gases could be accumulated to form an economic gas reservoir, but most of them occur only as associated gases.  相似文献   

王杰  顾忆  饶丹  楼章华 《地球化学》2007,36(6):549-558
塔河油田奥陶系天然气主要以烃类气体为主,甲烷占绝对优势,绝大部分天然气重烃含量较高,非烃气体以N2和CO2为主,含有一定量的H2S.塔河奥陶系天然气具有相同母质来源,为不同成熟度油型气的复合,二氧化碳气体为碳酸盐岩热变质作用产生.塔河奥陶系天然气的生成具有多阶连续的特征,既有反映成熟阶段的正常原油伴生气和较高成熟阶段的凝析油伴生气,又有反映高过成熟阶段的高温裂解气.主体区奥陶系天然气具有两期充注、两期混合的特征.早期充注的为典型原油伴生气,充注方向为从东南向西北,从东向西;晚期充注的为高温裂解气,充注方向为从东向西.还对两期主要天然气充注的范围进行了初步厘定.  相似文献   

The Central Gas Field is a famous large-sized gas field in the Ordos Basin of China. However, identification of main gas sources of the Ordovician reservoirs in this gas field remains puzzling. On the basis of a lot of geochemical data and geological research on natural gases, the characteristics and sources of natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin were studied. The results indicated that natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin have similar chemical and isotopic compositions to highly mature and over-mature dry gases. Both coal-derived gases and oil-type gases coexist in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin. The former was derived mainly from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures and the latter from Lower Paleozoic marine carbonates. It is suggested that coal-derived gases occur in the eastern part of the Central Gas Field while oil-type gases may be produced mainly in the northern, western and southern parts of the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东部地区天然气地球化学特征及成因探讨(之一)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陈践发  黄第藩 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):606-610
塔里木盆地是世界上勘探程度较低的大型盆地之一。近年来在该盆地中进行了大规模的油气勘探,发现了一系列的油、气田,其油、气资源量近似1∶1,说明在该盆地中天然气资源非常丰富。该盆地已发现的天然气主要分布在塔里木盆地东部地区的塔北隆起、塔中隆起和库车拗陷。天然气主要与凝析油及原油伴生。该盆地天然气组分分析表明,已发现的天然气藏绝大多数烃类气体含量大于65%;非烃气体CO2含量小于5%,N2含量小于10%。一些天然气中N2含量达25%到35%。在塔北隆起油气藏中天然气的干湿指数(C1/C2+比值)具有从东到西降低的趋势,天然气中N2含量具有从东到西升高的趋势,天然气甲烷的碳同位素组成也具有由东到西变轻的趋势,结合该区的地质背景可知造成这一趋势的主要因素可能是由于该区下古生界烃源岩热演化程度具有东高西低的特征。  相似文献   

生物气碳、氢同位素组成是探讨其形成途径和成藏特征的基本手段,研究基于我国10个生物气气藏31个气样的碳、氢同位素组成资料探讨了这些气藏的形成途径和成藏特征。研究表明:这些气藏的氢同位素组成可以分为三个区间,即δDCH4>-200‰;δDCH4值在-250‰~-200‰之间和δDCH4<-250‰。前人认为在陆相淡水条件下生物气的形成途径主要是乙酸发酵作用,我国10个气藏31个气样碳、氢同位素研究表明,海相及盐湖相条件下生物气形成途径为典型的CO2还原途径,具有重的氢同位素组成,其δDCH4>-200‰,而陆相条件下成藏的生物气也主要为CO2还原途径,但氢同位素组成较典型海相成因生物气轻,其δDCH4值在-250‰~-200‰之间。其值可能与古湖泊水介质的咸化程度有关。从柴达木的资料来看,随水介质咸度增大,生物甲烷氢同位素组成也具有相应增大趋势。陆相条件下有处于CO2还原和乙酸发酵两种作用过渡区形成的生物气气藏,其形成可能与古水介质无咸化过程和地温梯度较高有关,如保山盆地。该区形成的生物气具有轻的氢同位素组成,δDCH4<-250‰,碳同位素组成则相对较重,其碳、氢同位素组成之间具有较好的负相关。生物气碳、氢同位素组成的成气机理及途径有可能成为判识自然界采集的生物气气样是否具有工业意义,一般而言,乙酸发酵途径形成的生物气不利于成藏。  相似文献   

川西南碳酸盐岩储层流体包裹体气体地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用真空磁力破碎包裹体与质谱计在线连接的方法,分析了四川盆地西南威远气田、资阳气田和隆昌气田不同时代碳酸盐岩储层中流体包裹体的化学成分和碳同位素组成,并结合储层地质特征,研究了储层流体的来源。研究表明 :流体包裹体气体成分主要以CH4和CO2 为主,不同时代的储层原岩流体包裹体的成分明显不同,同一时代储层原岩及次生脉体中气体的含量变化不一。二叠系储层原岩流体包裹体气体成分以甲烷为主,CH4含量一般在80 %以上,而震旦系储层原岩则以CO2 为主,CO2 含量大于 6 0 %。震旦系储层沥青脉中的包裹体CH4含量最低,储层原岩包裹体CH4含量次之,次生白云岩及方解石脉体中的包裹体CH4的含量均大于前两者;而CO2 的含量却刚好于此相反。依据储层原岩、次生矿物脉体和沥青脉中包裹体CH4和CO2 碳同位素组成的变化,讨论了二叠系 (P3 12A、P3 12B)和震旦系 (Z4、Z3、Z2 )不同层段储层中油气侵入的方式和过程。  相似文献   

The natural gases in the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Ordos basin are characterized by relatively heavy C isotope of gaseous alkanes with δ 13C1 and δ13C2 values ranging mainly from ?35‰ to ?30‰ and ?27‰ to ?22‰, respectively, high δ13C excursions (round 10) between ethane and methane and predominant methane in hydrocarbon gases with most C1/(C1-C5) ratios in excess of 0.95, suggesting an origin of coal-derived gas. The gases exhibit different carbon isotopic profiles for C1-C4 alkanes with those of the natural gases found in the Lower Paleozoic of this basin, and believed to be originated from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures. The occurrence of regionally pervasive gas accumulation is distinct in the gently southward-dipping Shanbei slope of the central basin. It is noted that molecular and isotopic composition changes of the gases in various gas reservoirs are associated with the thermal maturities of gas source rocks. The abundances and δ13C values of methane generally decline northwards and from the basin center to its margins, and the effects of hydrocarbon migration on compositional modification seem insignificant. However, C isotopes of autogenetic calcites in the vertical and lateral section of reservoirs show a regular variation, and are as a whole depleted upwards and towards basin margins. Combination with gas maturity gradient, the analysis could be considered to be a useful tool for gas migration.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地区域地下水环境同位素特征及其意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以大量水环境同位素样品测试结果为依据,对塔里木盆地的区域水环境同位素特征进行了分析,得出了一些有意义的认识:(1)塔里木盆地不同14C年龄的地下水的δD、δ18O值差异不明显,反映了水资源形成区在最后冰期和冰后期气温相差不大,推测是由于新构造运动使山体隆升,同一位置因高程变化产生的气温变化弥合了气候的变化,这一特征使我们难以运用δD-δ18O关系区别古水(冰期)与现代水(冰后期)。(2)在δD-δ18O关系图上,沿大气降水线可把盆地内主要河流及其补给形成的地下水大致圈定在3个域内,这3个域的区别不是大气环流作用的结果,而是河流源区山脉高程效应的反映。(3)与西北内陆盆地其他大型河流比较,阿克苏河流域下游承压自流水的14C年龄小得多,这是由阿克苏河径流量大、下游为河槽洼地、不完全具备山前倾斜平原水文地质特征等决定的。阿克苏河下游承压水水循环交替迅速,开发潜力较大,在西北内流盆地中是一个特例。(4)塔克拉玛干沙漠第四系松散层地下水主要是从盆地南缘侧向补给的,在沙漠腹地由深部向浅部顶托排泄。盆地内深层油田水处于高度封闭的滞留状态,与上部松散沉积层地下水之间基本没有联系。  相似文献   

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