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We present the new 14C extraction line at ETH Zürich. This system is designed to extract in situ-produced cosmogenic 14C from terrestrial quartz samples, and to obtain pure CO2 gas for analysis with a gas ion source Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system. Samples are degassed at 1550–1600 °C without the use of a fluxing agent. Gas purification is achieved by a series of cryogenic traps and passage through hot Ag and Cu wool/mesh. Graphitization and, thus, sample dilution is not required. Tests to determine the CO2 recovery after gas extraction and cleaning yielded consistently good recovery rates of >99.8% (n = 7). The 14C blank contribution from the all-metal tubing system is negligible. Our preliminary procedural blank estimate – deriving mostly from the hot extraction furnace – is <5 × 105 14C atoms. Extraction tests on two quartz samples by stepped-heating show a quantitative separation of atmospheric 14C at ≤500 °C from the in situ component above 1200 °C. Based on these data, we estimate to achieve a complete 14C extraction from a quartz sample.  相似文献   

We have evaluated all parameters for the calculation of cosmogenic 36Cl production rates and thus surface exposure ages in dolomite and limestone. We found that we can use either of both published negative muon stopping rates until more information is available. The largest uncertainty of the age estimation in the upper meter of rock comes from the 36Cl production rate from Ca spallation and, in the case of 50–100 ppm Cl content, from the production rate of epithermal neutrons, which we estimate at 760 ± 150 neutrons/g_air/yr (1σ). For a sample with representative amounts of Ca and Cl (20 wt% Ca and 50 ppm Cl, or 40 wt% Ca and 100 ppm Cl), the age can be calculated with a precision of 7–10% in the top 1.5 m of the depth profile. Further improvement of 36Cl calculations depends on new calibration of 36Cl production from Ca spallation, re-evaluation of 36Cl production by low-energy neutron capture on 35Cl, as well as of the muon flux and muon capture based on the most recent measurement data.  相似文献   

The possibility of quantifying surface processes in mafic or volcanic environment using the potentialities offered by the in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides, and more specifically by the in situ-produced 10Be, is often hampered by the rarity of quartz minerals in the available lithologies. As an alternative to overcome this difficulty, we explore in this work the possibility of relying on feldspar minerals rather that on quartz to perform in situ-produced 10Be measurements in such environments. Our strategy was to cross-calibrate the total production rate of 10Be in feldspar (P10fsp) against the total production rate of 3He in pyroxene (P3px) by measuring 3He and 10Be in cogenetic pyroxene (3Hepx) and feldspar (10Befsp). The samples were collected from eight ignimbritic boulders, exposed from ca 120 to 600 ka at elevations ranging from 800 to 2500 m, along the preserved rock-avalanche deposits of the giant Caquilluco landslide (18°S, 70°W), Southern Peru. Along with data recently published by Blard et al. (2013a) at a close latitude (22°S) but higher elevation (ca. 4000 m), the samples yield a remarkably tight cluster of 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratios whose weighted-mean is 35.6 ± 0.5 (1σ). The obtained weighted-mean 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratio combined with the local 3Hepy total production rate in the high tropical Andes published by Martin et al. (2017) allows to establish a total SLHL 10Be in situ-production rate in feldspar mineral (P10fsp) of 3.57 ± 0.21 at.g−1.yr−1 (scaled for the LSD scaling scheme, the ERA40 atm model and the VDM of Lifton, 2016).Despite the large elevation range covered by the whole dataset (800–4300 m), no significant variation of the 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratios in pyroxene and feldspar was evidenced. As an attempt to investigate the effect of the chemical composition of feldspar on the total 10Be production rate, major and trace element concentrations of the studied feldspar samples were analyzed. Unfortunately, giving the low compositional variability of our dataset, this issue is still pending.  相似文献   

Zafarraya Cave is considered a reference site for the last presence of Homo neanderthalensis presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In this paper, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates were carried out on charcoals and faunal remains, U–Th dating using either alpha spectrometry or Thermal-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) and ESR dating were performed on faunal remains. These analyses were carried out on samples from the Mousterian levels of the site (archaeostratigraphic units UC, UD, UE, UF, UG). The 14C AMS dates of charcoal samples (n = 11) were scattered and displayed no coherence with the stratigraphy suggesting possible alteration. The delicate charcoal and faunal samples underwent the gentle RR, ZR (ABA) or AG (ABA) pretreatment procedures at ORAU. The RR protocol is currently considered too gentle and the results are considered with caution. Four ZR charcoal pretreatments failed due to the fact that the charcoal samples were altered. Only two charcoals samples subjected to the ZR pretreatment yielded a reliable % C (>60%) (OxA-9001 and OxA-9002, 40,294–42,761 and 38,763–40,604 cal BP). Their ages are consistent with the stratigraphy and are considered to provide the best age estimate for the level bearing the Z2 Neandertal mandible (Unit UE). For the dentine and the bone samples, the 14C AMS were less dispersed. 14C analyses failed for four bone samples due to insufficient collagen content. Moreover, the %C is very low for two samples, suggesting alteration of the fossil remains at Zafarraya. Only two other samples with enough %C (>30%) were retained: OxA-8024 and OxA-8999 (Unit UE). The respective 14C ages range from ∼34 to 39 ka cal BP. The U/Th (TIMS) analyses of enamel samples displayed an extremely low uranium content (< ∼ 0.02–0.04 ppm). Moreover, the U/Th age range of faunal remains is large, thus providing no conclusive results. ESR dating was chosen for this exercise as, in combination with U-series, it can be used to assess U-uptake in open systems. The combined ESR and U/Th (TIMS) age estimates on tooth enamel yielded US-ESR ages between 33 (+3/−4) ka to 43 ± 3 ka (MIS3) for two Equus teeth and one Capra tooth in unit UE, overlapping with the oldest charcoal and bone 14C dates. The age of the Zafarraya fossil remains was derived from the US-ESR time range of 30–46 ka (MIS 3). We consider this age range to be more representative of the Neandertal occupations at the site than the hitherto widely cited uncalibrated 14C age of around 30 ka.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to the production of 14C by the secondary cosmic radiation in polar ice. The radiocarbon production in the reactions caused by the nuclear-active and muon components is considered. The data on 14C from the Vostok and Taylor Dome Antarctic boreholes are analyzed. The 14C concentration values at depths larger than the firn—ice boundary by a factor of 2—3 can be explained by a deep production of radiocarbon in the reactions caused by the cosmic radiation muon component.  相似文献   

We reconstruct the timing of ice flow reconfiguration and deglaciation of the Central Alpine Gotthard Pass, Switzerland, using cosmogenic 10Be and in situ 14C surface exposure dating. Combined with mapping of glacial erosional markers, exposure ages of bedrock surfaces reveal progressive glacier downwasting from the maximum LGM ice volume and a gradual reorganization of the paleoflow pattern with a southward migration of the ice divide. Exposure ages of ∼16–14 ka (snow corrected) give evidence for continuous early Lateglacial ice cover and indicate that the first deglaciation was contemporaneous with the decay of the large Gschnitz glacier system. In agreement with published ages from other Alpine passes, these data support the concept of large transection glaciers that persisted in the high Alps after the breakdown of the LGM ice masses in the foreland and possibly decayed as late as the onset of the Bølling warming. A younger group of ages around ∼12–13 ka records the timing of deglaciation following local glacier readvance during the Egesen stadial. Glacial erosional features and the distribution of exposure ages consistently imply that Egesen glaciers were of comparatively small volume and were following a topographically controlled paleoflow pattern. Dating of a boulder close to the pass elevation gives a minimum age of 11.1 ± 0.4 ka for final deglaciation by the end of the Younger Dryas. In situ 14C data are overall in good agreement with the 10Be ages and confirm continuous exposure throughout the Holocene. However, in situ 14C demonstrates that partial surface shielding, e.g. by snow, has to be incorporated in the exposure age calculations and the model of deglaciation.  相似文献   

We present a sensitivity analysis of the isochron approach of Goehring et al. (2013) for paired measurements of in situ 14C/10Be from glacially sculpted bedrock surfaces. This analysis tests how sensitive the resulting exposure durations from this technique are to both the number of samples analyzed and their locations along a glacial trough transect, using a dataset from Goehring et al. (2011) as a test case. A simple equally weighted combinatorial approach was employed to (1) generate non-repetitive combinations of n subsets of samples arranged from the ten possible samples (where n < 10), and (2) estimate the exposure duration and uncertainty for each set of simulations. Results from the Goehring et al. (2011) data indicate that five samples evenly distributed along a transect parallel to the ice margin are the minimum number of samples required for this method, while eight or more samples provide an optimal combination of accuracy and precision at the 1σ level. These findings should be applicable to paired in situ 14C/10Be measurements from other polished bedrock troughs at glacial margins, but need further experimental confirmation.  相似文献   

The Huancané II moraines deposited by the Quelccaya Ice Cap in southern Peru were selected by the CRONUS-Earth Project as a primary site for evaluating cosmogenic-nuclide scaling methods and for calibrating production rates. The CRONUS-Earth Project is an effort to improve the state of the art for applications of cosmogenic nuclides to earth-surface chronology and processes. The Huancané II moraines are situated in the southern Peruvian Andes at about 4850 m and ∼13.9°S, 70.9°W. They are favorable for cosmogenic-nuclide calibration because of their low-latitude and high-elevation setting, because their age is very well constrained to 12.3 ± 0.1 ka by 34 radiocarbon ages on peat bracketing the moraines, and because boulder coverage by snow or soil is thought to be very unlikely. However, boulder-surface erosion by granular disintegration is observed and a ∼4% correction was applied to measured concentrations to compensate. Samples from 10 boulders were analyzed for 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl. Interlaboratory bias at the ∼5% level was the largest contributor to variability of the 10Be samples, which were prepared by three laboratories (the other two nuclides were only prepared by one laboratory). Other than this issue, variability for all three nuclides was very low, with standard deviations of the analyses only slightly larger than the analytical uncertainties. The site production rates (corrected for topographic shielding, erosion, and radionuclide decay) at the mean site elevation of 4857 m were 45.5 ± 1.6 atoms 10Be (g quartz)−1 yr−1, 303 ± 15 atoms 26Al (g quartz)−1 yr−1, and 1690 ± 100 atoms 36Cl (g K)−1 yr−1. The nuclide data from this site, along with data from other primary sites, were used to calibrate the production rates of these three nuclides using seven global scaling methods. The traditional Lal formulation and the new Lifton-Sato-Dunai calibrations yield average ages for the Huancané samples that are in excellent-to-good agreement with the radiocarbon age control (within 0.7% for 10Be and 36Cl and 6% for 26Al). However, all of the neutron-monitor-based methods yielded ages that were too young by about 20%. The nuclide production ratios at this site are 6.74 ± 0.34 for 26Al/10Be in quartz and 37.8 ± 2.3 (atoms 36Cl (g K)−1) (atom 10Be (g SiO2)−1)−1 for 36Cl/10Be, in sanidine and quartz, respectively.  相似文献   

Yumidong (Corn Cave) is a newly discovered Paleolithic site in the Three Gorges region of central China. Numerous Paleolithic artifacts have been excavated from the sedimentary deposits of the cave in association with faunal remains attributed to the Middle-Late Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna of southern China. To establish the chronology of the sedimentary sequence (>5 m thick), 14C dating was applied to bone and charcoal samples (n = 6); the U-series method was used to date in situ precipitated speleothems (n = 12), transported speleothem samples (n = 6) and 18 subsamples of a fossil tooth; and the coupled ESR/U-series method was used to date fossil teeth (n = 6). The derived dates were combined using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to generate a unified chronostratigraphy for the Yumidong sequence. In our Bayesian analyses, the 14C and coupled ESR/U-series dates were considered to provide direct age estimates for the target layers, while the U-series dates of the in situ precipitated speleothems and fossil tooth were used as minimum age constraints and those of the transported speleothem fragments as maximum age constraints. The Bayesian analyses provided robust time intervals for the archeological layers: L2-Upper (14–23 ka), L2-Lower (27–63 ka), L3 (106–171 ka), L4 (140–192 ka), L10 (157–229 ka), L11 (181–256 ka), and L12 (214–274 ka) with a probability of 95%, allowing the establishment of a ∼300 ka long geological and archeological history for the Yumidong site and placing it as a reference site for Paleolithic cultural evolution in the Three Gorges region from the late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The identification of the center acting as electron source for the well-known 110 °C thermoluminescence (TL) peak of quartz is of fundamental importance for practical applications in dating and dosimetry. This TL peak was studied in parallel with the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal of the [GeO4] center on natural colourless quartz irradiated at room temperature. Immediately after irradiation, the signals of the 110 °C TL peak and of [GeO4] center decay exponentially in the same way, yielding a lifetime of 50.4 ± 0.9 min at room temperature. Besides, we acquired the isothermal decay curves for the 110 °C TL peak and [GeO4] center at different temperatures (the samples were held at the selected temperature in the range of 260–308 K). The lifetimes extracted by the isothermal decays were plotted as a function of reciprocal temperature, revealing again the same behavior of the 110 °C TL peak and [GeO4] center, both characterized by activation energies very close of 0.76 ± 0.07 eV and 0.77 ± 0.07 eV, respectively. All results of the present work clearly show the role of electron source of [GeO4] center in the emission mechanism of the 110 °C TL peak in quartz.  相似文献   

We report observations of seasonal and local time variation of the averaged electron and iron concentrations, as well as simultaneous measurements of the two species, above the Arecibo Observatory (18.35°N, 66.75°N), Puerto Rico. The average Fe profile between 21:00 and 24:00 LT has a single peak at about 85 km with the exception of the summer when an additional peak exists at about 95 km. The higher Fe peak in the summer is correlated with higher electron concentrations in this season. The three nights of simultaneous measurements of electron and iron concentrations show that narrow layers of Fe and electrons are well correlated. Comparison of the climatological and simultaneous Fe and electron data suggests that recombination of Fe+ plays an important role in determining the Fe profile in the upper part of the Fe layer. Above 93 km, the Fe concentration appears to increase after sunset if the electron concentration exceeds about 4000 electrons cm−3. The average rate of Fe production is about 0.1 atom cm−3 s−1 for all seasons at 100 km in the early evening hours. A chemical model reveals that the concentration of Fe+ must be 50–80% of the total ionization over Arecibo for typical equinox conditions to explain the observed rate of Fe production. These high relative Fe+ concentrations are consistent with in situ observations that Fe+ is usually the dominant ion in sporadic E layers in the nighttime lower E region. This suggests that the source of Fe+ is provided by sporadic E layers descending over Arecibo after sunset. The Fe density between 80 and 85 km decreases during the night, for all seasons. This is attributed to the formation of stable molecular Fe species, such as FeOH, due to the increase in O3 and decrease in atomic O and H during the night at these altitudes.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian isochron approach to interpret measurements of multiple cosmogenic nuclides from glacially modified bedrock surfaces with complex exposure histories. An isochron approach explicitly incorporating glacial erosion is ideally suited for this problem; such erosion must be accounted for but has traditionally been ignored. Previous methods required treating each sample individually (to account for glacial erosion) and subsequently averaging results for the entire dataset. Geological considerations, however, suggest a more robust approach is to treat samples in the dataset here (and samples from other conceivable datasets) simultaneously. The Bayesian isochron method is applied to a previously published set of in situ 14C and 10Be measurements from a set of samples spanning the forefield of the Rhone Glacier, Switzerland. Results indicate 6.4 ± 0.5 kyr of integrated exposure and 4.7 ± 0.5 kyr of cumulative burial, similar to previous estimates, but with much smaller uncertainties. The reduced uncertainties result from fitting the exposure and burial duration to the entire dataset, while explicitly accounting for glacial erosion. The method presented here should be applicable with minor modifications in a number of geologic settings, and further demonstrates the utility of paired in situ 10Be and 14C measurements for unraveling complex exposure histories over during the Holocene and late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,83(1-2):155-166
Recently compiled databases facilitated estimation of basin-wide benthic organic biomass and turnover in the Strait of Georgia, an inland sea off western Canada. Basin-wide organic biomass was estimated at 43.1 × 106 kg C and production was 54.6 × 106 kg C yr−1, resulting in organic biomass turnover (P/B) of 1.27 × yr−1. Organic biomass and production for sub-regions were predictable from modified organic flux (r2 > 0.9). P/B declined significantly with increasing modified organic flux, suggesting greater biomass storage in high flux sediments. Biomass and production were highest, and P/B lowest near the Fraser River. Annual basin-wide benthic production was 60% of previously estimated oxidized organic flux to substrates, which agrees with proportional measurements from a recent, localized study.Deviations from expected patterns related to organic enrichment and other stressors are discussed, as are potential impacts to benthic biomass and production, of declining bottom oxygen, increasing bottom temperature and potential changes in riverine input.  相似文献   

In Brazil, where reefs occur in markedly turbid environments, the relationship between sedimentation/organic matter and corals is poorly known. Thus, the ex situ effects of sediment with and without organic matter over the ΔF/Fm and physical state of Mussismilia braziliensis were analyzed. The ΔF/Fm and coral physical state, evaluated through the susceptibility index to sedimentation (SI), were measured in seven colonies exposed to sedimentation (0–450 mg cm−2 day−1) free of organic matter after 45 days of exposure, and in 12 colonies exposed to sedimentation (0–500 mg cm−2 day−1) with organic matter content (10%), in which case ΔF/Fm was measured after 72 h and SI after 120 h. In both cases there were effects of increasing sedimentation on the SI with no effect on ΔF/Fm. Despite the tolerance to high sedimentation rates shown by this coral, we noted that the presence of organic matter might reduce its tolerance to sedimentation stress.  相似文献   

Currently, nanotechnology has gained much interest due to the unique properties of nanomaterials in science and technology. Different types of metallic nanoparticles are routinely synthesized. However, their release into the aquatic environments is a major ecotoxicological concern. In this scenario, it is important to study the potential impact of engineered nanoparticle in aquatic organisms especially freshwater microcrustaceans, such as Ceriodaphnia cornuta. In this study, ZnO NPs were synthesized using the aqueous leaf extracts of Musa paradisiaca and physico-chemically characterized by UV–Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infra red (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). UV–Vis spectroscopy recorded the absorbance peak of ZnO NPs at 338 nm. XRD analysis showed the various Bragg’s reflection peaks at 100, 002, 101, 102, 110, 103, 200, 112, 201, 004 and 202 lattice planes. FTIR spectroscopy outlined sharp intense peaks at 3416 cm−1, 1388 and 1416 cm−1. SEM showed the spherical shape of ZnO NPs with mean particle size of 23.3 nm. AFM confirmed the spherical shape, nanosize and 3D topography of NPs. The ecotoxicity of ZnO NPs was tested on the freshwater crustacean C. cornuta. ZnO NPs were comparatively less toxic than zinc acetate. ZnO NPs caused 42% mortality of C. cornuta at 50 μg mL−1. However, 80% mortality was observed at 50 μg mL−1 of zinc acetate after 24 h. Light and confocal laser scanning microscopic images evidenced the uptake and accumulation of ZnO NPs in the gut of C. cornuta at 50 μg mL−1 after 24 h. Structural deformities were observed on C. cornuta after treatment with 50 μg mL−1 of ZnO NPs. Overall, this study describes the potential impact of the biologically synthesized ZnO NPs in comparison with zinc acetate in the freshwater crustacean C. cornuta.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a combined stable isotope and 14C dating approach to determine the radiocarbon reservoir age correction, ΔR, for the James River, Virginia estuary from 17th century Crassostrea virginica shells of known collection dates. ΔR, which can vary spatially and temporally, is a locality-specific adjustment applied to the global ocean reservoir, R, to further account for the offset between the atmospheric and marine 14C calibration curves. To assess the temporal variability in ΔR, continuous δ18O sampling along the oyster shell hinge provides a seasonal record throughout the oyster's life. This is then used to identify sampling locations for 14C measurements based on calcite precipitated during the Summer (>19 °C) and Fall through Spring (F-Sp, <15 °C) months. The resulting seasonal ΔR values range from −151 ± 46 to +109 ± 55 14C years (260 years) due to changes in the contribution and age of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from marine and freshwater sources in the James River estuary. The F-Sp samples display a larger ΔR range than the Summer samples, as do the shells precipitated during drought conditions (1606–1612) when compared to shells from the remainder of the 17th century. The largest intrashell ΔR variability, 195 14C years, is similarly found in a drought shell and is attributed to variability caused by the extreme regional 1606–1612 drought. Early land use changes related to European development and farming practices also altered the age of DIC in the James River estuary. We estimate that the soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contributing to freshwater DIC ranged from 0 to ∼1800 years old and reflected both the drought and land use changes that occurred during the 17th century. Using only the Summer samples, which represent the majority of shell calcite, we obtain a mean ΔR = −32 ± 11 14C years (1σ) for 17th century James River estuary ΔR at the very onset of European colonization. Employing a seasonally resolved sampling method will provide the greatest constraint on 14C measurements in an estuarine environment where multiple carbon sources can fluctuate on seasonal timescales and as a result of large scale environmental change.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2650-2655
In the present work, fat, skin, liver and muscle samples from Leptonychotes weddellii (Weddell seal, n = 2 individuals), Lobodon carcinophagus (crabeater seal, n = 2), Arctocephalus gazella (Antarctic fur seal, n = 3) and Mirounga leonina (southern elephant seal, n = 1) were collected from King George Island, Antarctica, and analysed for POPs (PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and PBDEs) and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N in all tissues but fat). PBDEs could be found in only one sample (L. weddellii fat). Generally, PCBs (from 74 to 523 ng g−1 lw), DDTs (from 14 to 168 ng g−1 lw) and chlordanes (from 9 to 78 ng g−1 lw) were the prevailing compounds. Results showed a clear stratification in accordance with ecological data. Nonetheless, stable isotope analyses provide a deeper insight into fluctuations due to migrations and nutritional stress. Correlation between δ15N and pollutants suggests, to some degree, a considerable ability to metabolize and/or excrete the majority of them.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2241-2259
The Amazon River spawns a vast mobile mudbelt extending ∼1600 km from the equator to the Orinoco delta. Deposits along the Amazon–Guianas coastline are characterized by some of the highest Corg remineralization rates reported for estuarine, deltaic, or shelf deposits, however, paradoxically, except where stabilized by mangroves or intertidal algal mats, they are usually suboxic and nonsulfidic. A combination of tides, wind-driven waves, and coastal currents forms massive fluid muds and mobile surface sediment layers ∼0.5–2 m thick which are dynamically refluxed and frequently reoxidized. Overall, the seabed functions as a periodically mixed batch reactor, efficiently remineralizing organic matter in a gigantic sedimentary incinerator of global importance. Amazon River material entering the head of this dynamic dispersal system carries an initial terrestrial sedimentary Corg loading of ∼ 0.7 mg C m−2 particle surface area. Total Corg loading is lowered to ∼ 0.2 mg C m−2 in the proximal delta topset, ∼60–70% of which remains of terrestrial origin. Loading decreases further to 0.12–0.14 mg C m−2 (∼60% terrestrial) in mudbanks ∼600 km downdrift along French Guiana, values comparable to those found in the oligotrophic deepsea. DOC/ΣCO2 ratios in pore waters of French Guiana mudbanks indicate that >90% of metabolized organic substrates are completely oxidized. Within the Amazon delta topset at the head of the dispersal system, both terrestrial and marine organic matter contribute substantially to early diagenetic remineralization, although reactive marine substrate dominates (∼60–70%). The conditional rate constant for terrestrial Corg in the delta topset is ∼0.2 a−1. As sedimentary Corg is depleted during transit, marine sources become virtually the exclusive substrate for remineralization except very near the mangrove shoreline. The δ13C and Δ14C values of pore water ΣCO2 in mudbanks demonstrate that the primary source of remineralized organic matter within ∼1 km of shore is a small quantity of bomb signature marine plankton (+80‰). Thus, fresh marine organic material is constantly entrained into mobile deposits and increasingly drives early diagenetic reactions along the transit path. Relatively refractory terrestrial Corg is lost more slowly but steadily during sedimentary refluxing and suboxic diagenesis. Amazon Fan deposits formed during low sea level stand largely bypassed this suboxic sedimentary incinerator and stored material with up to ∼3X the modern high stand inner shelf Corg load (Keil et al., 1997b. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. Vol. 155. pp. 531–537). Sedimentary dynamics, including frequency and magnitude of remobilization, and the nature of dispersal systems are clearly key controls on diagenetic processes, biogeochemical cycling, and global C storage along the continental margins.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle contamination in freshwater habitat leads to the drastic reduction in the population of freshwater micro crustaceans. Both Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura were considered as the potential biological bio-tracers of freshwater ecosystem. This study describes the chemical synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using zinc nitrate as the starting material. The physico-chemical characterization of ZnO NPs was made by UV–Vis spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). ZnO NPs elicited 100% and 76% mortality of freshwater crustaceans, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura at 160 μg L−1 respectively. The accumulation of ZnO NPs in the intestine and loss of antennae and carapace were clearly visualized through light microscopy. The exposure of C. cornuta and M. micrura neonates at 160 μg L−1 of ZnO NPs showed abnormal swimming behaviour after 12 h. However, chitosan significantly reduced the mortality and enhanced the survival of C. cornuta and M. micrura at 100 μg ml−1. This study concludes the protective effect of chitosan against the hazardous effect of ZnO NPs in C. cornuta and M. micrura.  相似文献   

Based on cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al analyses in 15 individual detrital quartz pebbles (16–21 mm) and cosmogenic 10Be in amalgamated medium sand (0.25–0.50 mm), all collected from the outlet of the upper Gaub River catchment in Namibia, quartz pebbles yield a substantially lower average denudation rate than those yielded by the amalgamated sand sample. 10Be and 26Al concentrations in the 15 individual pebbles span nearly two orders of magnitude (0.22 ± 0.01 to 20.74 ± 0.52 × 106 10Be atoms g−1 and 1.35 ± 0.09 to 72.76 ± 2.04 × 106 26Al atoms g−1, respectively) and yield average denudation rates of ∼0.7 m Myr−1 (10Be) and ∼0.9 m Myr−1 (26Al). In contrast, the amalgamated sand yields an average 10Be concentration of 0.77 ± 0.03 × 106 atoms g−1, and an associated mean denudation rate of 9.6 ± 1.1 m Myr−1, an order of magnitude greater than the rates obtained for the amalgamated pebbles. The inconsistency between the 10Be and 26Al in the pebbles and the 10Be in the amalgamated sand is likely due to the combined effect of differential sediment sourcing and longer sediment transport times for the pebbles compared to the sand-sized grains. The amalgamated sands leaving the catchment are an aggregate of grains originating from all quartz-bearing rocks in all parts of the catchment. Thus, the cosmogenic nuclide inventories of these sands record the overall average lowering rate of the landscape. The pebbles originate from quartz vein outcrops throughout the catchment, and the episodic erosion of the latter means that the pebbles will have higher nuclide inventories than the surrounding bedrock and soil, and therefore also higher than the amalgamated sand grains. The order-of-magnitude grain size bias observed in the Gaub has important implications for using cosmogenic nuclide abundances in depositional surfaces because in arid environments, akin to our study catchment, pebble-sized clasts yield substantially underestimated palaeo-denudation rates. Our results highlight the importance of carefully considering geomorphology and grain size when interpreting cosmogenic nuclide data in depositional surfaces.  相似文献   

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