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Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has been applied to sandy beach ridge systems from the Magdalen Islands in the center of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Quebec, Canada) to provide the first chronological framework for these features. Nineteen beach ridges (22 samples) from four different sites throughout the archipelago were investigated. At one of the sites, samples were taken at 9 m and 7.5 m depth using a vibracore. The quartz is dominated by the fast OSL component and a single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was used to measure the equivalent doses; a low preheat (180°C/10 s) was chosen to avoid the influence of thermal transfer. The average dose recovery ratio of all samples is 1.02 ± 0.02 (n = 130) suggesting that the SAR protocol works satisfactorily on this material. The OSL ages are internally consistent and supported by independent age control (radiocarbon). The OSL ages indicate that the ridges were built between 2.6 ± 0.2 ka and 0.40 ± 0.10 ka, i.e. during a period of sea level rise. This rise eroded adjacent sandstone cliffs, which contributed a significant sediment supply to the littoral drift and beaches. Some low-lying coasts in the archipelago are still prograding, despite a relative sea level increase of ∼1.6 mm/a over the last 600 years. The late Holocene ages obtained in this study indicate that these processes have been active for at least the past two thousand years. This study demonstrates for the first time that OSL dating using quartz has great potential in this area, and is an appropriate method for establishing precise chronologies for coastal sediments in this region of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

Debris flows in the mountainous regions south west of Beijing, China occur frequently and often result in considerable mass movements with disastrous consequences for human life, infrastructure and agriculture. Obtaining chronological information on such events is important for the prediction of the return frequency of these debris flows, risk assessment and climate change research. In this project, we use quartz single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods to determine the burial ages of five debris flow samples from the Zhai Tang region ∼60 km west of Beijing. OSL characteristics were found to be acceptable despite the low inherent brightness of quartz extracted from these samples. Single-grain thermal transfer was determined to be negligible and beta dose recovery experiments were satisfactory. The quartz single-grain dose distributions strongly indicate that the samples were poorly bleached prior to deposition; relative over-dispersions are larger than 60%. Minimum age modelling indicates that all five samples were deposited within the past few hundred years, indicating that catastrophic debris flows are occurring under the historically-recent land-use pattern.  相似文献   

Loess deposits distributed in southeastern China play an important role for paleoclimate reconstruction of the subtropical regions. These loess-paleosol deposits are mainly spread within the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as well as in the drainage area of the Huai River. The ages of loess paleosol sequences that are distributed along the Huai River are not well constrained. In this study, the standard single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) protocol and two elevated temperature post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence SAR protocols (pIRIR225 and pIRIR290) were applied on 4–11 μm quartz and polymineral fine grains, respectively, in order to obtain the first numerical luminescence chronology for a loess-paleosol sequence in northern Jiangsu Province. Our results show a good agreement between quartz SAR-OSL and polymineral pIRIR ages up to ~70 ka. These findings confirm that Xiashu loess accumulated during the Last Glaciation. For samples older than this, the ages increasingly deviate with depth. Fine quartz ages beyond 70 ka are interpreted as underestimates, as previous studies reported that quartz ages >70 ka from various sedimentary origins worldwide may underestimate even if they pass rejection criteria and dose recovery tests. On the other hand, the pIRIR ages are most likely overestimating the true depositional ages as indicated by the results of dose recovery tests, where a 30–60% overestimation of the recovered dose is reported for values larger than ~400 Gy. The overestimation of pIRIR protocols was also confirmed by the results obtained when large beta doses were added on top of the natural accrued dose. Moreover, our dating results suggest that L1/S1 transition (corresponding to MIS 5/4 boundary) occurred much higher in the stratigraphic sequence than may have been interpreted from the magnetic susceptibility enhancement. This inconsistency can be assigned to invalidity of magnetic susceptibility as a chronostratigraphical proxy due to ferrimagnetic minerals dissolution or transformation during paedogenesis processes in this humid subtropical region in the southeastern China.  相似文献   

The standardised growth curve (SGC) technique has the potential to save instrument time for equivalent dose (De) determination when applying single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol during optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements. In this study, we test the applicability of two commonly used SGC procedures for OSL signals of quartz grains from aqueous deposits of the Yangtze Delta in China, which have been reported for weak luminescence signals and suffering from partial bleaching. Multiple silt-sized and sand-sized fractions of quartz samples from eight cores are used to construct SGCs by test dose standardisation (TD-SGC) and least-squares normalisation (LS-SGC), respectively. Three strategies, i.e. region-specific (SGCR), region with core-specific (SGCR + C) and core-specific (SGCC), are adopted to categorise these normalised data into different SGC datasets. The large variability of dose response signals is substantially reduced by the SGC procedures for most of these datasets. Hence, common SGCs for a variety of samples from the Yangtze Delta can be established, irrespective of their distinctive particle sizes and luminescence characteristics. The De values are then estimated using both TD-SGC and LS-SGC procedures for samples from a specific core. Comparing to the full SAR protocol, the TD-SGC procedure roughly gives reproducible De estimates lower than ∼100 Gy while the LS-SGC procedure derives generally consistent De estimates of up to ∼230 Gy. Although LS-SGCC and LS-SGCR + C procedures replicate the most consistent De values, the LS-SGCR procedure performs better in efficiency with a slightly less accuracy. In addition to careful comparison of LS-SGC and full SAR procedures, we suggest that a synchronous ratio derived by the chosen regenerative dose and its response signal for re-normalisation can be used to predict the LS-SGC De reliability on samples from similar sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

This study presents results from 20 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from one of the world's largest beach ridge plains, the Jerup beach ridge plain at the base of the Skagen Spit in the northernmost part of Jutland, Denmark. The OSL ages were obtained using quartz and a SAR protocol, and used to establish a chronology for the beach ridge plain and for the underlying coastal plain. The accuracy of the chronology is tested both by laboratory tests (recuperation, recycling ratio and dose recovery) and by comparison with independent age controls, e.g. previously reported radiocarbon dates, map sources, anecdotal evidence and settlement names. It is concluded that the OSL signals are internally consistent, and that the derived OSL ages are in good agreement with a large range of independent age controls. The ridge plain is shown to cover a time span from 1000 to 2700 years ago; this chronology is more detailed and precise than those previously available, and gives an average beach ridge formation rate of 15 yr/ridge and an average lateral migration rate of 2.0 m/yr. This study adds to the growing knowledge that OSL dating has a large potential for establishing detailed and precise chronologies in coastal marine sediments, including beach ridges.  相似文献   

OSL dating of sediments from deserts in northern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aeolian samples from deserts in northern China were studied using the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz and potassium (K) feldspar separates. K-feldspar has shown advantages over quartz for dating samples younger than 100 years, due to its more homogeneous equivalent dose (De) values, higher internal dose rate and higher luminescence sensitivity to dose. Without additional measurements, the luminescence characteristics of quartz obtained in De determination procedures can be used to reveal the source material and/or quartz thermal history for the deserts in northern China. The results indicated that the duration of paleosol formation in desert areas reflects regional paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a semi-enclosed continental shelf sea in northern China. Three transgression layers have been identified from the Late Quaternary strata in the western Bohai Sea and the coastal regions, which provide critical information on Late Quaternary sea-level fluctuations and landscape development. The three transgression layers were previously assigned to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 1 (transgression 1, T1), MIS 3 (T2) and MIS 5 (T3), respectively, mainly based on 14C dating. However, this chronological framework aroused an enigma that the regional sea level in MIS 3 was even higher than that of MIS 5, conflicting with the context of global sea-level pattern. In order to clarify this issue, here quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating (four samples) was used to constrain the T2 chronology of borehole TJC-1 from the western Bohai Sea. Radiocarbon samples (eight) of peaty sediments were also measured for reference and comparison. All the four OSL samples showed saturation ages of >80 ka, suggesting that the T2 layer should have formed at least in MIS 5, instead of in MIS 3. Radiocarbon ages in T2 should have been severely underestimated, with a saturation age range of 22–30 cal ka BP, similar to all the previous published radiocarbon ages. The renewed OSL chronological framework for Late Quaternary transgressions in the western Bohai Sea is in better compliance with the history of global sea-level change.  相似文献   

When measuring samples from southern Peru, we discovered an age offset between feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages. This age offset was not only found in these particular samples but was also observed in samples from a range of geographical localities. Extensive analysis revealed that it is actually the quartz age that underestimates the true depositional age, and this is due to a very weak fast component combined with other thermally unstable OSL signal components. We discuss properties of these poorly behaving samples and how to detect such samples prior to the OSL single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) measurement. Finally, existing approaches to improve equivalent dose (De) determination are discussed for samples from southern Peru.  相似文献   

采集来自毛乌素沙地东南缘巴图湾、大沟湾和三岔河等3处典型湖相地层出露点的3个样品,分别提取石英和钾长石矿物组分,采用小片技术(样品直径2 mm)进行释光年代测试,并将两种矿物年代结果进行对比研究.应用单片再生剂量(SAR)流程测试了石英样品的等效剂量(预热温度选为260℃).剂量恢复实验和光释光特性显示,SAR流程测试条件选择合适,样品沉积前光释光信号晒退完全,说明石英年代结果可靠.另外,应用两步红外激发(激发温度分别为50℃和150℃)的单片再生剂量流程(post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence,简写为p IRIR流程)测试钾长石样品的等效剂量,剂量恢复实验和释光特性等各项检验均符合要求,剩余剂量在-0.2~0.026 Gy之间,可忽略不计.钾长石的p IRIR150信号异常衰减速率为0.55~1.71(%/decade),因造成的误差较小,故无需对年代结果进行校正.3处湖相地层的石英年代分别为11.3±0.9、6.5±0.6、2.7±0.2 ka BP,钾长石p IRIR150年代分别为10.0±0.7、6.9±0.5、2.4±0.2 ka BP,两者在误差范围内一致,说明毛乌素沙地东南缘的全新世湖相沉积物适合用钾长石p IRIR150流程进行释光测年.本研究为毛乌素沙地部分样品因石英信号较弱而无法测年问题提供了解决办法,也为该区域全新世,尤其是历史时期(近2000年)以来的环境变化研究提供了年代学支撑.  相似文献   

The properties of the quartz luminescence signal have been shown to be a useful tool for sediment provenance analysis. These provenance studies are based on the sensitivity of the fast optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) component, which is also used for sediment dating. Besides the widespread occurrence of quartz in terrigenous sediments, OSL sensitivity can be acquired using relatively fast and low-cost measurements compared to sediment provenance analysis methods based on accessory minerals or isotopes. Additionally, laboratories worldwide already have an extensive database of recorded quartz OSL signals primarily measured for dating studies, and these data could potentially be repurposed for provenance analysis of Quaternary sedimentary systems through OSL sensitivity calculation. Here, we investigate the use of OSL quartz signals measured in sediment dating surveys for OSL sensitivity calculation and evaluation of changes in sediment sources. The OSL sensitivity was calculated and expressed as %BOSLF, which corresponds to the percentage of the fast OSL component signal (blue stimulation) to the total OSL curve; such approach is advantageous as it does not require any normalisation of the measured signal intensity to dose or aliquot size (weight). Three sets of samples from Amazonian fluvial sediments are investigated: two sets of Holocene floodplain sediments representing different sediment sources to the Amazonian fluvial system, i.e. the Amazon craton and the Andes Mountain belt, and a set of samples from the Içá Formation, a paleo-fluvial system active during the Pleistocene whose provenance is not fully known. Results show that the quartz OSL signal derived from the first test doses (Tn) applied in dating protocols had the best performance for %BOSLF calculation when compared to results from a measurement protocol designed specifically for sediment provenance analysis. There is significant correlation (R2 = 88) between sensitivities derived from Tn and a specific OSL provenance analysis protocol. The proposed approach indicates to be appropriate for sediment provenance analysis since it is able to discriminate signal differences among samples from known sources: Brazilian cratonic quartz yield high sensitivity values (mean %BOSLF >70), in contrast to the relatively lower values from Andean quartz (mean %BOSLF <50). In general, quartz OSL sensitivities from the Içá Formation samples fall into the same range of modern sediments transported by the Içá and Japurá rivers draining the Andean Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and Ecuador. We also observe a decrease in quartz OSL sensitivity during the Holocene, notably after 4 ka, with younger deposits showing lower sensitivity. Sediment provenance variations are discussed in terms of watershed rearrangement and/or precipitation-driven changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene across Amazonia.  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) forms the basis for the chronology of Weichselian ice advances in Arctic Eurasia developed over the last few years. There is almost no age control on this chronology before 40 ka, except for some marine sediments correlated with marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e on the basis of their palaeofauna. Results from more southern latitudes have shown that dose estimates based on quartz OSL and the single aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose procedure may underestimate the age of MIS 5e deposits. Here we use the same method to date well-described marine sediments, thought to have been deposited during the very beginning of the Eemian interglacial at 130 ka, and exposed in two sections on the river Sula in northern Russia. Various quality-control checks are used to show that the OSL behaviour is satisfactory; the mean of 16 ages is 112±2 ka (σ=9 ka). This represents an underestimate of 14% compared to the expected age, a discrepancy similar to that reported elsewhere. In contrast to SAR, the single aliquot regeneration and added (SARA) dose procedure corrects for any change in sensitivity during the first OSL measurement. The SARA results are shown to be 10% older than those from SAR, confirming the geological age estimate and suggesting that SAR ages may underestimate older ages (larger doses), despite their good performance in the younger age range.  相似文献   

We present quartz single-grain dose distributions for four well-bleached and unmixed sediment samples with independent age control (22–48 ka), from the archaeologically important Bordes-Fitte rockshelter at Roches d'Abilly, France. This site has previously been dated using 14C AMS dating and standard multi-grain OSL dating using both quartz and feldspar. The effect of rejection criteria usually employed in single-grain dating on dose and over-dispersion is tested using both laboratory irradiated samples and natural samples. It is shown that had these samples been analysed in the absence of other age control, standard modelling decisions based on the shape of single-grain dose distributions would have led to significant misinterpretation of results and a corresponding >40% underestimation in age. If we instead ignore this standard decision process and apply weighted average and mixing models then the most likely results deviate from the expected ages by >10%. Finally, we show that by careful consideration of the luminescence characteristics of individual grains, we are able to obtain good agreement with the independent age control by applying alternative rejection criteria but this is at the cost of reducing the accepted grain population by more than an order of magnitude, with the corresponding inevitable decrease in precision.  相似文献   

Loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of arid central Asia (ACA) play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital time scales. However, problems with dating loess in ACA have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially Holocene data. We selected a typical loess/paleosol sequence (LJW10) on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in ACA consisting of 280 cm of loess with multiple paleosols formed in the upper 170 cm of the section. We applied quartz OSL dating to coarse-grained (63–90 μm) fractions, and newly developed K-feldspar pIRIR dating protocols to both coarse-grained and medium-grained (38–63 μm) fractions of the samples from LJW10 section. Internal checks of the quartz OSL dating indicate that the single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol on large aliquots (5 mm) is appropriate for equivalent dose (De) determinations and that the quartz ages of the loess samples are likely to be reliable. Luminescence characteristics and internal checks of the pIRIR dating indicate the pIRIR signal at a 170 °C stimulation temperature with a 200 °C preheat can be used for both coarse-grained and medium-grained De determinations. Anomalous fading tests for the pIRIR 170 °C signal indicate the pIRIR signals are stable and the anomalous fading of the pIRIR 170 °C signal can be ignored. Sunlight bleaching tests of the loess indicate the residual dose for the pIRIR 170 °C signal can also be ignored as it corresponds to only ∼9 years for the medium-grained K-feldspar and ∼85 years for the coarse-grained K-feldspar. The pIRIR ages of five medium-grained and coarse-grained K-feldspar samples are consistent with coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and both the medium-grained and coarse-grained ages increase uniformly with depth, indicating these pIRIR ages are reliable. Based on the coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and on coarse-grained and medium-grained K-feldspar pIRIR ages, an age-depth model for the paleosol-loess sequence was established by using a Bacon age-depth model. This model suggests eolian loess deposition began by at least ∼16 ka ago and that paleosol development on these eolian loess deposits began ∼5.5 ka, continuing to the present, with periods of high effective moisture at 5.5–4.9, 4.6–4.1, and 3.4–3.1 ka. This sequence suggests overall relative aridity during the early Holocene and an increase in effective moisture beginning ∼5.5 ka during the mid-late Holocene in ACA.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence of fine silt quartz was investigated to establish chronologies for lake sediments from the British Isles. Feldspar contamination and its potential effects on equivalent dose (De) determination were examined. A new feldspar contamination test based on the thermal quenching of quartz OSL and thermal assistance of feldspar OSL identified feldspar contamination in samples being treated for 20 min in 20% hydrofluoric acid. Feldspar component monitoring based on the post-IR OSL/OSL ratio was not sufficiently sensitive to monitor a feldspar component, but is a good indicator whether a standard SAR procedure can be applied successfully, despite the presence of feldspar. Based on these results we used a modified SAR protocol including a 100 s IRSL stimulation at 50 °C before OSL readout. This protocol could overcome any malign effects of feldspar even for a feldspar bearing polymineral sub-sample.  相似文献   

Reliable chronology is critical for reconstructing estuarine delta process. In this study, detailed chronological framework has been performed on a core HPQK01 (52 m in depth) from the central Pearl River delta (PRD) of China. Both quartz OSL and feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) methods for late Pleistocene sediments, as well as radiocarbon dating for Holocene sediments, were applied to date the core. Results show that quartz OSL ages range from 125 ± 18 ka to 58 ± 6 ka, and that all of them were minimum ages due to the OSL signal saturation. Feldspar pIR200IR290 protocol shows some overestimation in dose recovery test, with the recovered to the given ratio of 1.2, while a ratio of around 1 was obtained for feldspar pIR50IR250 signals. Robust ages have been obtained from feldspar fading corrected pIR50IR250 dating with ages ranging from 150 ± 17 ka to 98 ± 12 ka. AMS 14C results suggest that subtidal-intertidal zone was deposited during the middle Holocene from 8.21 ± 0.19 cal ka BP to 4.99 ± 0.25 cal ka BP. The sedimentology of core HPQK01 record two marine transgressive-regressive cycles. Based on the dating results, the lower fluvial sediment unit (T2) could be correlated to marine isotope stage (MIS) 6, and the lower marine unit (M2) was deposited during MIS 5. A sedimentary hiatus occurred with age range of from MIS 4 to MIS 2. Since middle Holocene, another marine stratum (M1) has been accumulated. Overall, our findings suggest that feldspar pIRIR dating method has the potential to establish the Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework of the PRD for samples with ages within 150 ka.  相似文献   

Little work has been undertaken on combined dating of sedimentary quartz grains using electron spin resonance (ESR) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques in Australia. This study aims to assess the suitability of a combined ESR and OSL dating approach for establishing improved chronologies of Middle-Late Pleistocene deposits within the Naracoorte Cave Complex (NCC), South Australia. Here, we apply ESR and OSL dating in tandem to a series of samples collected from three different NCC sites: Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave. ESR quartz dating focuses on the multi-centre (MC) approach, which involves comparative evaluations of Al and Ti centre signals, while paired luminescence dating focuses on single-grain OSL analysis and includes examination of multi-grain averaging effects. The comparative ESR-OSL dating results exhibit broad agreement for deposits spanning 50–150 thousand years, with either the Ti–H or Al centre ages overlapping with paired OSL ages at 2σ in nearly all cases. MC ESR evaluations (Al v Ti–Li v Ti–H age assessments) indicate incomplete resetting of the bleachable Al centre signal for a small number of samples. Two-thirds of samples exhibit Ti–Li ages that are significantly older than corresponding Al centre ages, which is unexpected from a bleaching kinetics perspective and may indicate a broader reliability issue for Ti–Li palaeodose evaluation with these particular samples. Our findings: (i) support the applicability of both palaeodosimetric dating methods in this depositional setting; (ii) highlight the merits of applying combined ESR-OSL analyses in tandem, and; (iii) provide one of the first reliable evaluations of quartz ESR MC dating for samples with natural dose ranges as low as only a few tens of Gy. These results show that the Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave sites are temporally related and can be used to derive multi-site reconstructions of faunal assemblages and palaeoenvironmental history.  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is widely used to determine the time of deposition and burial of Late Quaternary sediments. Application of the method is usually limited to the past 150,000 years due to early saturation of the OSL signal. Here we explore the potential to date Quaternary sediments using the violet (402 nm) stimulated luminescence (VSL) signal of quartz. We develop and test a new post-blue VSL single aliquot regenerative dose dating protocol, and demonstrate that the VSL signal originates from a deep trap at about 1.9 eV with a thermal lifetime of 1011 years at 10 °C, and that this trap is bleachable by sunlight. The VSL signal grows with dose to ∼6400 Gy, a factor ∼20 higher than the conventional quartz OSL signal, and with the proposed protocol we recover a known dose of 1000 Gy in three out of four samples. The potential of the VSL protocol for dating Quaternary sediments is highlighted by its successful application to a suite of geological samples ranging in age between 13 and 330 ka. Based on our investigations, we propose that the VSL protocol has the potential to extend the quartz dating range to cover the full Quaternary.  相似文献   

The applicability of both quartz and feldspar luminescence dating was tested on twenty-five samples from a marine succession now forming a coastal cliff at Oga Peninsula, Honshu Island, Japan. The quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal shows thermal instability and linear modulated (LM)-OSL analysis revealed the dominance of a slow component. When compared with independent age control provided by two marker tephras, the quartz OSL ages grossly underestimate the depositional age. In contrast, potassium (K)-rich feldspar is a suitable dosimeter when measured using post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 225 °C (pIRIR225). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses on the feldspar extracts revealed that the grains are amorphous with small crystalline inclusions; using standard internal dose rate parameters, this would result in a too large dose rate. Dose rates were calculated using the observed grain size of 40 ± 20 μm with an assumed K concentration of 12.5 ± 0.5%. The fading corrected pIRIR225 ages agree well with independent age control, and the sediments of the Katanishi Formation were deposited between 82 ± 6 and 170 ± 16 ka. This study demonstrates that pIRIR dating of feldspar is a powerful chronological tool for the dating of sediments of volcanic origin.  相似文献   

OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) sensitivity of quartz has been shown to either (1) record downstream sediment transport related to increased number and duration of light exposure cycles or (2) be a function of source geology, presenting a potential tool to track sediment provenance. To test these competing models this study leverages a suite of modern river samples from an extensional basin system in the Rocky Mountains of western USA (Bear River) and a retroarc foreland basin system in the southern Central Andes of Argentina (Río San Juan) to understand the relationships among quartz luminescence sensitivity, sediment transport distance, and catchment lithologies. We compare our results with petrographic analysis of the river sand composition, and characterization of the lithology and morphometrics of the river catchments. Samples taken along the Bear River and its major tributaries in the Rocky Mountains show a progressive downstream decrease in quartz OSL sensitivity that records variation in sediment provenance and steady contribution of lower OSL sensitivity quartz recycled from Palaeozoic passive margin stratigraphy. Andean river sand samples from the Rio San Juan network exhibit pervasive low sensitivity quartz derived from Andean arc volcanic rocks and recycled Neogene foreland basin strata. These modern river sand data do not show increased sensitivity with transport distance and instead indicates that in these landscapes, quartz OSL sensitivity is an intrinsic property of the source rock. Our study shows that river sands primarily composed of older, recycled low-strained quartz derived from quartzite lithologies exhibit the highest quartz sensitivity values. Moderate quartz OSL sensitivity values are observed in rivers with young igneous quartz derived directly from the volcanic and intrusive rocks. Conversely, microcrystalline quartz in chert lithic grains or polycrystalline quartz found in composite metamorphic lithic grains record the lowest quartz OSL sensitivity values. Determining the controlling factors of quartz sensitivity in river sand provides a current baseline for resolving paleogeographic and paleodrainage histories in the sedimentary record and provides further understanding of how sediments are eroded, transported, and deposited in fluvial systems with diverse tectonic settings and geologic source rocks.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was performed on Late Quaternary deltaic sequences from a 55-m-long core sampled from the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. OSL ages obtained from chemically separated fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (90–212 μm) quartz grains ranged from 29.4 ± 2.6 to 0.4 ± 0.04 ka, revealing clear consistency between the grain-size fractions. The De values from the standardized growth curve (SGC) are consistent with those from the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure, which suggests that the SGC is valid for the Nakdong deltaic sediments. The 14C ages of shells and wood fragments ranged from 11 to 2.9 ka, demonstrating reasonable agreement with the OSL ages, within the error range. However, the limited number and random sampling interval of the 14C age data (10 ages) result in a simple linear and exponential trend in the depth–age curve. In contrast, OSL ages obtained by high-resolution sampling show down-section variations in the depth–age curve, indicating the occurrence of rapid changes in sedimentation rate. It is suggested that the high-sampling-resolution OSL ages provide a more realistic and detailed depth–age curve and sedimentation rate. The Nakdong deltaic sediments were divided into five units based on sedimentation rate. The lowest (unit 5) shows a break in sedimentation between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. The sedimentation rate increased in units 4 and 3, presumably corresponding to the early to middle Holocene sea level rise and high stand. Unit 2 shows a gradually decreasing sedimentation rate following the regression of the shoreline, until about 2 ka. The progradation of the Nakdong River delta resulted in the rapid accumulation of unit 1 during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   

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