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The widely distributed thick gravel deposits along the rim of the Tibetan Plateau have been long thought to be the product of rapid tectonic uplift of the plateau. However, this has been challenged by recent works that suggest these thick gravels may be the result of climate change. In this paper we carried out a detailed field measurement of gravel grain sizes from the Jiuquan and Gobi Gravel Beds in the top of the Laojunmiao section in the Jiuxi Basin in the northern margin of Qilian Mts. (northern Tibetan Plateau). The results suggest that the grain sizes of the Jiuquan and Gobi Gravel Beds over the last 0.8 Ma are characterized by nine coarse-fine cycles having strong 100-ka and 41-ka periodicities that correlate well with the loess-paleosol monsoon record and isotopic global climatic record from deep sea sediments as well as by a long trend of coarsening in gravel grain size. The coarse gravel layers were formed during the warm-humid interglaciations while the fine layers correspond to the cold-dry glaciations. Because the paleoclimate in NW China began to get dramatically drier after the mid-Pleistocene, we think the persistent coarsening of gravel grain size was most probably caused by the rapid uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau, and that the orbital scale cyclic variations in gravel grain size were driven by orbital forcing factors that were superimposed on the tectonically-forced long-term coarsening trend in gravel size. These findings also shed new light on the interaction results of climate and tectonics in relation to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Geochemical alteration processes in archaeological sites may affect the environmental dose rate during the burial history and cause inaccuracy in age determination by palaeodosimetric dating methods, such as luminescence or ESR. In Arago Cave (Tautavel, France), the original composition of the sandy aeolian sediments of palaeoanthropological level G, where the Homo heidelbergensis Arago XXI skull was found, has been modified by both carbonation and phosphatization processes. Eight fossil teeth were collected from different geochemically affected parts of level G and analyzed by the ESR–U-series method. All the teeth are presumably contemporaneous. The results show that the samples from the phosphated area agree within error with those from the carbonated area. Surprisingly, the samples from the non-altered area show ages 100–150 ka younger. This difference is mainly due to the remarkable changes in the gamma dose rate over time. The measured in situ dose rate accounts for more than 50% of the total dose rate for all the samples. We observed that the samples' equivalent dose (DE) were generally 20% lower in the non-altered area than in the carbonated and phosphated ones. These results show the crucial effect of the geochemical processes affecting the age calculation by ESR–U-series method in comparison with independent chronological data.  相似文献   

A block of sulfide crust collected from an active hydrothermal mound in an Archaean site (12°56.4′N, 143°37.9′E; depth ca. 3000 m) of the South Mariana Trough was dated using both 230Th/234U disequilibrium and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods to establish the growth duration. Eight subsamples from the sulfide crust were separated further into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions using a Franz isodynamic separator. Thirteen sulfide samples, soluble in nitric acid, yielded 230Th/234U ages of 0.3–2.2 ka. The magnetic fractions had significantly lower Th/U ratios, which enabled age determinations as precise as ±2% (2σ). The age distribution obtained for the section of sulfide crust analyzed is consistent with deposition of sulfide minerals from the upper surface of the crust to the inner side. The 230Th/234U ages of the sulfide minerals were compared with ESR ages of barites separated from 12 subsamples of the same sulfide crust. ESR ages of 0.27–1.3 ka show a spatial pattern broadly resembling that observed in 230Th/234U dating method. While there are some significant offsets, these results illustrate the potential of the two methods for use in investigation of the evolutional history of a hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The Qaidam Basin in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is one of the largest hyper-arid intermontane basins in the northern hemisphere, and has abundant records for the study on palaeo-lake level fluctuations and palaeoclimatic changes. Significant efforts have been invested to define the timing of shoreline deposits using radiocarbon dating. However, due to the dating limit, the absence of organic materials and carbon reservoir effects for radiocarbon dating in arid areas, it is difficult to establish a reliable chronology for shoreline deposits. Therefore, controversy exists regarding the chronology for the high lake level in the Qaidam Basin, as well in the QTP. Some proposed that high lake levels occurred during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, while others recently argued that the highest lake level in the QTP and adjacent regions existed in MIS 5. In Gahai Lake (now a salt lake), we investigated a section comprising lacustrine and shoreline deposits, which was about 25 m above the present lake level. Seven samples were collected for quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. A sample collected from a fine sand layer (the bottom of the section, and 12 m above the present lake level), which was assumed to have been deposited underwater, gave an OSL age of 82 ± 8 ka. It suggested that the lake level was at least 12 m higher than present in late MIS 5. The high lake level could maintain till about 73 ± 6 ka, and then decreased. This lake level decrease resulted in a gravel layer deposit between 73 ± 6 and 63 ± 6 ka (roughly during MIS 4). The lake level rose again (about 24 m above the present lake level) between 63 ± 6 and 55 ± 5 ka (roughly in early MIS 3). No lacustrine or shoreline deposits higher than the top of the current section were found around Gahai Lake. Thus, higher than present lake levels in Gahai Lake occurred in both late MIS 5 and early MIS 3.  相似文献   

Previous works focused on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz extracted from Romanian and Serbian loess reported significant discrepancies between ages obtained on fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 μm) quartz. The present study is directed at expanding these investigations. The SAR-OSL and double SAR-OSL protocols are applied on quartz of different grain sizes belonging to 9 samples extracted from a newly identified archaeological site at Bistricioara-Lutărie III on the Bistrița Valley (NE Romania). Radiocarbon ages are also obtained for the 3 uppermost cultural layers hosted in the loess-like deposit.Discrepant ages are obtained between fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 and 90–200 μm, respectively) quartz for equivalent doses higher than ∼80–100 Gy. However, a very good agreement is achieved for the youngest sample, with an age of ∼8 ka (with a De of 38 Gy for fine and 35 Gy for coarse grains, respectively). The comparison with independent control provided by radiocarbon dating suggests better agreement of ages calculated for coarse quartz. Our results are once again proof that concerns should be raised regarding the reliability of the equivalent doses obtained on quartz samples for which the laboratory dose response cannot be fitted by a single saturating exponential function. Further systematic investigations are required regarding the very different saturation characteristics of fine and coarse grained quartz.  相似文献   

The influence of wave–bedform feedbacks on both the initial formation of shoreface-connected sand ridges (sfcr) and on grain size sorting over these ridges on micro-tidal inner shelves is studied. Also, the effect of sediment sorting on the growth and the migration of sfcr is investigated. This is done by applying a linear stability analysis to an idealized process-based morphodynamic model, which simulates the initial growth of sfcr due to the positive coupling between waves, currents, and an erodible bed. The sediment consists of sand grains with two different sizes. New elements with respect to earlier studies on grain sorting over sfcr are that wave-topography interactions are explicitly accounted for, entrainment of sediment depends on bottom roughness, and transport of suspended sediment involves settling lag effects. The results of the model indicate that sediment sorting causes a reduction of the growth rate and migration speed of sfcr, whereas the wavelength is only slightly affected. In the case where the entrainment of suspended sediment depends on bottom roughness, the coarsest sediment is found in the troughs; otherwise, the finest sediment occurs in the troughs. Compared to previous work, modeled maximum variations in the mean grain size over the topography are in better agreement with field observations. Settling lag effects are important for the damping of high-wavenumber mode instabilities such that a preferred wavelength of the bedforms is obtained.  相似文献   

Two laminated carbonate deposits from the wall of an underground aqueduct, built between the 13th and 15th century, in Paris, France, were studied to provide historical information about nearby human occupation and urban development. To obtain a robust chronology for these small (29 and 45 mm thick) and very young deposits (< 800 a based on the probable date of aqueduct construction), we adopted two methods: laminae counting and U–Th analysis. For laminae, we tested the hypothesis that their deposition is bi-annual. Concerning U–Th dating, the influence of inherited 230Th on calculated ages is discussed and detrital 230Th/232Th values for each speleothem was determined using stratigraphic constraints and found to be significantly different despite their close proximity. In these speleothems, that precipitated over approximately 300 a according to U–Th dating, the number of laminae is similar, and two laminae were deposited each year. The lamina-counting chronology was used to interpret the rare earth elements and yttrium content (REE + Y) variations measured by ICP-QMS as historical variations in water quality in relation with the anthropogenic use of these elements. There is a marked increase of the REE + Y concentrations since the second half of the twentieth century. A marked negative Ce anomaly in the NASC-normalized REE trend is evidenced, and is more pronounced for post 1850s. This anomaly could be due to prior precipitation of Ce4+ before the water reached the aqueduct, related to a high organic matter content of the water in oxidizing conditions. The increase in the Ce anomaly could indicate a second source of water, from a wastewater collection system or a modern water conveyance system. We thus demonstrate the interest of using these annual carbonate deposits in urban areas as a proxy for the history of urbanization or human activities.  相似文献   

Effects of temporally correlated infiltration on water flow in an unsaturated–saturated system were investigated. Both white noise and exponentially correlated infiltration processes were considered. The moment equations of the pressure head (ψ) were solved numerically to obtain the variance and autocorrelation functions of ψ at 14 observation points. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to verify the numerical results and to estimate the power spectrum of ψ (S ψψ ). It was found that as the water flows through the system, the variance of the ψ (\( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \)) were damped by the system: the deeper in the system, the smaller the \( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \), and the larger the correlation timescale of the infiltration process (λ I ), the larger the \( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \). The unsaturated–saturated system gradually filters out the short-term fluctuations of ψ and the damping effect is most significant in the upper part of the system. The fluctuations of ψ is non-stationary at early time and becomes stationary as time progresses: the larger the value of λ I , the longer the non-stationary period. The correlation timescale of the ψ (λ ψ ) increases with depth and approaches a constant value at depth: the larger the value of λ I , the larger the value of λ ψ . The results of the estimated S ψψ is consistent with those of the variance and autocorrelation function.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and stable procedure for the estimation of periods and dampings of piled shear buildings taking soil–structure interaction into account. A substructuring methodology that includes the three-dimensional character of the foundations is used. The structure is analyzed as founded on an elastic homogeneous half-space and excited by vertically incident S waves. The strategies proposed in the literature to estimate the period and damping are revised, and a modified strategy is proposed including crossed impedances and all damping terms. Ready-to-use graphs are presented for the estimation of flexible-base period and damping in terms of their fixed-base values and the system configuration. Maximum shear forces together with base displacement and rocking peak response are also provided. It is shown that cross-coupled impedances and kinematic interaction factors need to be taken into account to obtain accurate results for piled buildings.  相似文献   

In view of composition measurements in the night-time equatorial ionosphere, the role of molecular ions on the collisional Rayleigh–Taylor instability is examined using a linear perturbation analysis and a growth rate expression in the presence of double-ion species is obtained. The expression reveals that the growth rate depends on the number densities of both the ion species. This is in contrast to a single ionic constituent wherein the growth rate is independent of number density. The numerical calculation under realistic conditions reveals that the growth rate of the instability reduces with the introduction of the second dominant ion species and never exceeds the growth rate corresponding to a single ionic constituent. Further, the growth of the plasma instability is feasible even when the scale length of the second dominant ion is negative.  相似文献   

A stable linear relation between foF2 and W with a correlation coefficient of 0.68–0.96 has been revealed as a result of a joint analysis of the foF2 critical frequencies and the virtual minimal heights (hF) obtained from the data of vertical sounding (VS) of the ionosphere at Dixon Island auroral station, Wolf numbers (W), and PC geomagnetic index from 1963 to 1986. A significant linear relation exists between foF2 and the PC index with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.18–0.67. The correlation between the PC index and W is low in winter and autumn and is r = 0.50 and 0.74 at a significance level of ss = 0.96–0.99 in spring and summer. When the correlation between PC and foF2 is analyzed, it is necessary to consider the effect of solar activity (SA) on both parameters. The multiple correlation coefficients between these parameters have been calculated with regard to the effect of W. They were R = 0.75−0.98; however, the standardized regression coefficients β W and β PC indicated that W and PC considerably and insignificantly affect multiple correlation with foF2, respectively, and this effect depends on the season and time of day. It has been detected that the cyclic variations in foF2 and hF are asymmetric. The amplitudes of these parameters in cycle 20 are smaller than in cycle 21.  相似文献   

The results of studying the composition of hydrocarbon gases (C1–C5) and organic matter in bottom sediments of the Ivankovo Reservoir in 1995, 2004, and 2005 are given. The methods used in the study include vapor-phase gas chromatography, instrumental pyrolysis gas chromatography, and mass-spectrometry for determining organic carbon δ 13Corg. The gas field of bottom sediments in different regions of the reservoir varies widely in terms of gas saturation and the spectrum of hydrocarbon gases. This suggests the heterogeneous composition of organic matter in the sediments and different conditions of its input and transformation processes. The gases were found to contain saturated hydrocarbons from methane to pentane C1–C5, including isomers i-C4 and i-C5 and unsaturated compounds C2–C4. A correlation was found to exist between methane distribution and the distribution of its more high-molecular homologues, which confirms their genetic relationship in bottom sediments. The obtained results show an increase in the rate of microbiological processes and organic matter transformation for most regions in the Ivankovo Reservoir. The only exceptions are the zones of Moshkovichskii Bay and the sections at Gorodnya and Konakovo, where technogenic organic matter is being accumulated. The high information value of hydrocarbon gases as biogeochemical markers of the sources of organic matter and the rates of its transformation is demonstrated. The isotopic composition of organic-matter carbon in the bottom sediments of the Ivankovo Reservoir δ 13C varies from ?26.21 to ?30.86‰.  相似文献   

In humid upland catchments wetlands are often a prominent feature in the vicinity of streams and have potential implications for runoff generation and nutrient export. Wetland surfaces are often characterized by distinct micro-topography (hollows and hummocks). The effects of such micro-topography on surface–subsurface exchange and runoff generation for a 10 by 20 m synthetic section of a riparian wetland were investigated in a virtual modeling experiment. A reference model with a planar surface was run for comparison. The geostatistically simulated structure of the micro-topography replicates the topography of a peat-forming riparian wetland in a small mountainous catchment in South-East Germany (Lehstenbach). Flow was modeled with the fully-integrated surface–subsurface code HydroGeoSphere. Simulation results showed that the specific structure of the wetland surface resulted in distinct shifts between surface and subsurface flow dominance. Surface depressions filled and started to drain via connected channel networks in a threshold controlled process, when groundwater levels intersected the land surface. These networks expanded and shrunk in a spill and fill mechanism when the shallow water table fluctuated around the mean surface elevation under variable rainfall inputs. The micro-topography efficiently buffered rainfall inputs and produced a hydrograph that was characterized by subsurface flow during most of the year and only temporarily shifted to surface flow dominance (> 80% of total discharge) during intense rainstorms. In contrast the hydrograph in the planar reference model was much “flashier” and more controlled by surface runoff. A non-linear, hysteretic relationship between groundwater level and discharge observed at the study site was reproduced with the micro-topography model. Hysteresis was also observed in the relationship between surface water storage and discharge, but over a relatively narrow range of surface water storage values. Therefore it was concluded that surface water storage was a better predictor for the occurrence of surface runoff than groundwater levels.  相似文献   

According to Water Framework Directive requirements, Member States must identify and analyze effects derived from human pressures in aquatic systems. As different kind of pressures can impact water bodies at different scales, analyses of spatio-temporal evolution of water bodies becomes essential in order to understand ecosystem responses. In this investigation, an analysis of spatio-temporal evolution of sedimentary metal pollution (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) in 12 Basque estuaries (Bay of Biscay) is presented. Data collected in extensive sampling surveys is the basis for the GIS-based statistical approach used. The implementation of pollution abatement measures is reflected in a long-term decontamination process, mostly evident in estuaries with highest historical sediment pollution levels. Spatial evolution is determined by either naturally occurring or human driven processes. Such spatial processes are more obviously being reflected in estuaries with lower historical sediment pollution levels.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly affected by human influences. Since the pre-industrial era, lakes of the Muskoka–Haliburton region of south-central Ontario have had increases in shoreline residential development and acid deposition. Previous research on 54 of these lakes, using sediment cores and diatom-based transfer functions, showed changes in lakewater pH and total phosphorus concentration between the preindustrial era and 1992. Since 1992, there has been further change, which we have documented for the same set of lakes, using similar methods. For example, dissolved organic carbon has increased and there have been significant increases in planktonic diatoms (e.g. Cyclotella stelligera) commonly associated with climate warming. More striking diatom changes have occurred in the past 15 years than between pre-industrial times and 1992. Significant changes observed in both chemical (e.g. pH, Ca, DOC) and biological data suggest that novel stressors, such as declines in lake calcium concentrations, acting in conjunction with climate and land-use change, have created ecosystems for which there are no historical analogs.  相似文献   

We analysed the biomechanical properties of aquatic plant stems of four common submerged river macrophyte species with bending, tension and cyclic loading/unloading tests and related these properties to the hydraulic habitats of the plants. The studied species included Glyceria fluitans, Ranunculus penicillatus, Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Fontinalis antipyretica. Habitat assessment shows that these species occur in a range from low to high flow velocities, respectively. G. fluitans is a semi-aquatic species with stems of a high flexural rigidity and high breaking force and breaking stress that enable them to carry their own weight and balance gravity when growing upright in slow flowing rivers. G. fluitans may also grow horizontally often producing emerged terrestrial stems. In contrast, F. antipyretica grows in fierce water flow. Its stems have the highest flexibility, a significantly higher ‘tension’ Young’s modulus, breaking stress and work of fracture and a lower plastic deformation compared to M. alterniflorum and R. penicillatus. These traits enable F. antipyretica to survive even in swift flowing streams and constrict the growth of M. alterniflorum and R. penicillatus to the river reaches with moderate flow velocities. R. penicillatus has a weak bottom part with a low breaking force and breaking stress acting as a predetermined breaking point and enabling seasonal regrowth from root parts.  相似文献   

In the past decades, archaeologists have found evidences for prehistorical human activity in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In 1982, some Paleolithic stone tools were found in a section from a terrace of the Xiao Qaidam Lake in the Qaidam Basin, NE of the QTP. The age of this Paleolithic site has remained unknown by far. Some believed that the age of human inhabitation in this Paleolithic site was about 30 ka. In this study, quartz optically stimulated luminescence was used to date 10 samples collected from four sections in the Xiao Qaidam Lake, using the single-aliquot regeneration-dose protocol. The two samples from section XCDH2, which is from a lake terrace about ~7–8 m above the present lake level and in which the top gravel layer contains stone tools, were not well-bleached before deposition. Their ages (>101 and >159 ka) determined by SAR should be considered minimums. OSL dating results of six samples from two sections (XCDH1 and XCDH3) of an adjacent lake terrace, which is ~12 m above the present lake level, suggest two possibilities for the age of the tool-bearing gravel layer: (1) younger than ~3 ka if the lake terrace of XCDH2 is younger than the terrace represented by XCDH1 and XCDH3; or (2) between ~3 and 11 ka if these two terraces are part of the deposit of the same time period. In either case, the age of the archaeological layer should be much younger than the previously proposed ~30 ka. As the climate in the early Holocene after 11 ka was increasingly warm and the Xiao Qaidam Lake area could be suitable for human inhabitation then, we deduce that the age range of ~3–11 ka is more likely the time frame for this archaeological site. The age of 3.1 ± 0.3 ka for the surface of terrace XCDH1/XCDH3 suggests a significant lake level decrease after this time and a corresponding arid event at ~3 ka; the lake level did not reach this level again after that time. Section XCDH4 is more than 40 m above the present lake level, and two samples gave ages of 37 ± 4 and 51 ± 4 ka. These two dates and the dates from the other sections demonstrate that two lake levels higher than present existed for Xiao Qaidam Lake, one at ~12 m and dated ~3–11 ka and the another at >40 m and dated ~37–51 ka.  相似文献   

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