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Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs is a large and closed-basin lake in a partly glaciated catchment. Two parallel sediment cores were collected from 12 m water depth. The cores were correlated using XRF analysis and dated using radiocarbon and OSL techniques. The age results of the two dating methods are generally in agreement. The correlated composite core of 12.26 m length represents continuous accumulation of sediments in the lake basin since 31 ka. The lake reservoir effect (LRE) remained relatively constant over this period. High sediment accumulation rates (SedARs) were recorded before 23 ka and after 6.5 ka. The relatively close position of the coring location near the eastern shore of the lake implies that high SedARs resulted from low lake levels. Thus, high SedARs and lower lake levels before 23 ka probably reflect cold and dry climate conditions that inhibited the arrival of moist air at high elevation in the eastern Pamirs. Low lake levels after 6.5 ka were probably caused by declining temperatures after the warmer early Holocene, which had caused a reduction in water resources stored as snow, ice and frozen ground in the catchment. Low SedARs during 23–6.5 ka suggest increased lake levels in Lake Karakul. A short-lived increase of SedARs at 15 ka probably corresponds to the rapid melting of glaciers in the Karakul catchment during the Greenland Interstadial 1e, shortly after glaciers in the catchment had reached their maximum extents. The sediment cores from Lake Karakul represent an important climate archive with robust chronology for the last glacial–interglacial cycle from Central Asia.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating has become a key tool in studies of the Quaternary. The typically stable luminescence response of quartz grains and the absence of a significant internal dose, make quartz minerals the preferred dosimeter for monitoring the burial dose in sediments. Unfortunately, the reliability of conventional OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) dating, based on blue stimulation, can be compromised when the luminescence decay is not dominated by a rapidly decaying and stable part of the luminescence signal (i.e. the fast component). On the other hand, standard methods in luminescence dating are limited to ages of a few hundred kiloyears. In this study, violet stimulated luminescence (VSL) has been used as a means to overcome both problems, applied to a series of colluvial deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Quartz from this region, characterized by poor blue-OSL response, showed a reproducible and stable VSL signal capable of recovering given doses up to ∼500 Gy and a saturation dose twice as high as conventional OSL. The VSL response from these samples has been studied in detail and the estimated ages have been compared with an already established chronology for the same site, based on IRSL of potassium feldspar single grains. Results agree for the dose range of the profile studied, ∼100–250 Gy, equivalent to ages of 29–79 ka confirming the suitability of VSL for dating sedimentary quartz with unreliable blue-OSL response and to extend the age range of conventional OSL dating.  相似文献   

The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals from quartz consist of several physically distinct components, which are commonly referred to as fast, medium and slow components. In this study, the OSL components of quartz from the Taklimakan Desert and the Hunshandake sandy land in north China are investigated. Our results show that the relative contributions of OSL components to the bulk OSL signal can be significantly different among quartz grains from both deserts. Laboratory dosing, optical bleaching and heating experiments are used to test their effects on the relative contributions of quartz OSL components. It is found that cycles of dosing and optical bleaching have insignificant impact on the relative contributions of quartz OSL components, while heating to high temperature (500 °C) can significantly enhance the contribution of the fast component to the bulk OSL signals, especially for quartz samples from the Taklimakan Desert. Such results suggest that the different heating history of natural quartz grains plays an important role in controlling OSL components. Additionally, the quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land can easily be distinguished from those of the Taklimakan Desert, by using a ternary plot of fast-medium-slow components. The quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land exhibit a much stronger fast component than those from the Taklimakan Desert. This can be explained by that the quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land are mainly of igneous origin, while most of the quartz grains from the Taklimakan Desert are of low grade metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was performed on Late Quaternary deltaic sequences from a 55-m-long core sampled from the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. OSL ages obtained from chemically separated fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (90–212 μm) quartz grains ranged from 29.4 ± 2.6 to 0.4 ± 0.04 ka, revealing clear consistency between the grain-size fractions. The De values from the standardized growth curve (SGC) are consistent with those from the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure, which suggests that the SGC is valid for the Nakdong deltaic sediments. The 14C ages of shells and wood fragments ranged from 11 to 2.9 ka, demonstrating reasonable agreement with the OSL ages, within the error range. However, the limited number and random sampling interval of the 14C age data (10 ages) result in a simple linear and exponential trend in the depth–age curve. In contrast, OSL ages obtained by high-resolution sampling show down-section variations in the depth–age curve, indicating the occurrence of rapid changes in sedimentation rate. It is suggested that the high-sampling-resolution OSL ages provide a more realistic and detailed depth–age curve and sedimentation rate. The Nakdong deltaic sediments were divided into five units based on sedimentation rate. The lowest (unit 5) shows a break in sedimentation between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. The sedimentation rate increased in units 4 and 3, presumably corresponding to the early to middle Holocene sea level rise and high stand. Unit 2 shows a gradually decreasing sedimentation rate following the regression of the shoreline, until about 2 ka. The progradation of the Nakdong River delta resulted in the rapid accumulation of unit 1 during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   

This study applies single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (SG OSL) dating of quartz sand temper to Intermountain Ware ceramics recovered from four archaeological sites in northwestern Wyoming, USA. We show that SG OSL dating can strengthen and further refines existing archaeological site chronologies in certain settings. The SG OSL results are compared to multi-grain infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of the polymineral (feldspar and quartz) silt fraction in the ceramic paste of the same sherds. Results from the two methods are statistically indistinguishable, although coarse-grained quartz SG OSL ages have consistently lower standard error terms due to higher relative sensitivity and avoidance of anomalous fading calculations. Moreover, the SG OSL results produced precision at two-sigma standard error greater than or equal to associated calibrated radiocarbon ages. SG OSL dating of quartz temper from Intermountain Ware ceramics provides more reliable site occupation timing than radiocarbon dating, which can be conditioned by incorporation of old wood and contamination from young soil carbon. This study highlights the importance of SG OSL dating on sherds from buried contexts when exposure to wildfires may have occurred, as ceramics recovered from the ground surface of one site after a high-intensity fire produced near-modern apparent ages, suggesting they were thermally reset during the fire. We suggest SG OSL should be applied to date similar ceramics with quartz temper to determine site age and bolster regional chronologies.  相似文献   

Dating of quartz by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been revolutionized with introduction of the test dose (TD) in development of a measurement sequence known as the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR), whereby a valid sensitivity correction for the luminescence signal is provided in the measurement cycle. However, the size of the TD used in the SAR protocol remains controversial. Previous studies show that the TD has little effect on the equivalent dose (De) for young samples in luminescence dating in which the applicability of different deposits varies greatly in different regions. However, detailed studies are lacking on how TD size affects SAR–OSL results of samples with a relatively high De range. In this study, typical loess samples with high De values (∼60 Gy–∼250 Gy) from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were selected to investigate the effects of variation in TD size on the quartz SAR–OSL protocol. Dose recovery tests show that a known dose could be recovered successfully by applying different TDs. Test dose size has an effect on shapes of regenerated dose–response curves (DRCs) and has different influences on Des and characteristic saturation doses for quartz samples with a high dose range. A TD size of 20%–30% De is a good compromise for Tibetan loess with De of ∼60–120 Gy in the quartz SAR protocol, and a TD size larger than 30% should be considered for samples with a larger De. The results of this study highlight the importance of TD size in the SAR–OSL protocol for quartz samples with a high dose range.  相似文献   

The challenge of accurately estimating the deposition age of incompletely-bleached samples in luminescence dating has motivated developments in the analysis of single grain dose distributions, and a number of statistical approaches have been proposed over the last few years. In this study, we compare the behaviour of the arithmetic average, so-called ‘robust statistics’, the Central Age Model (CAM), the Minimum Age Model (MAM) and the Internal–External Consistency Criterion (IEU) and lowest 5% method, when applied to single-grain dose distributions from a sequence of eight recent (40–1000 years) flash-flood deposits. These sediments are expected to be incompletely bleached, but all have age control from historical records. Modifications were made to allow the use of the standard CAM and MAM models with dose distributions containing near zero and negative dose values. An assessment of minimum over-dispersion (OD) is based on dose recovery tests based on gamma-irradiated samples. We then present a detailed analysis of the effect of an additional uncertainty added to the individual dose estimates on the burial dose estimates from the MAM and the IEU approach. The results of the various models are discussed in terms of the accuracy of the resulting age, and we conclude that, overall, the IEU approach generates the most accurate ages. We also demonstrate that accurate doses can be obtained for those older samples for which uncertainties of ∼40 years are unimportant by applying the IEU model to small aliquot (∼30 grains) dose distributions. From our study we conclude that these and similar young slack-water flood deposits can be accurately dated using quartz OSL, opening up the possibility of establishing time series of flood discharge in catchments for which no instrumental or historical record exists.  相似文献   

Chronologies of glacial advances during the last glacial period in the Nyainqentanglha mountain range may provide constraints on the past climate in a transition zone of the Asian monsoon.We present 15 new10Be exposure ages from two moraines in the Payuwang valley,on the north slope of the range.The inner moraine has exposure ages ranging from 18.0±1.7 to 30.6±2.8 ka(n=10),with a mean age of 23.8±4.0 ka,corresponding to the global Last Glacial Maximum(LGM).The outer moraine yields exposure ages ranging from 18.0±1.6 to 39.9±3.7 ka(n=5).Evidence for weathering leads us to view the oldest age as a minimum age,placing moraine formation during MIS3.Chronologies from the last glacial period from south slope of the Nyainqentanglha support this interpretation.Thus,there appears to have been a local LGM(LLGM)during MIS3 and a more limited glacial advance during the global LGM.Glacial advances during MIS3 in the Nyainqentanglha may correlate with millennial-scale climate change(Heinrich events).  相似文献   

Work to apply luminescence dating to archaeological sites in the Lower Mekong Delta has continued with a programme aimed at dating ancient canal sediments and brick monuments in the vicinity of ancient city of Angkor Borei. Following the successful application of OSL dating to the Paris 2 canal near Angkor Borei further fieldwork and analysis has been undertaken. The infill and substrate of the larger Paris 4 canal connecting Angkor Borei to Oc Eo, some 80 km to the south in Vietnam has been sampled and subjected to luminescence analysis. Field spectroscopy and underwater bleaching experiments were also conducted in the Baray and Angkor Borei in 2004. The results show that both illumination intensities and spectral distributions are severely altered by as little as 1.5 m of turbid water, and that OSL bleaching rates for both quartz and feldspars are reduced. Since quartz resetting is heavily dependant on the UV components in daylight, which have preferentially attenuated the effects of turbid water on OSL zeroing rates are especially marked. The new data from the Paris 4 canal, which has been dated by OSL to be between the first millenium BC and the late first millenium AD are significant to understanding the archaeological development of the Fu Nan state in the Lower Mekong Delta, and the sequence of development of the canal network linking inland agrarian sites and coastal trading centres.  相似文献   

In this study we report on optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of quartz extracted from a sedimentary record in the N-Oman mountain range. Equivalent dose (DE) distributions derived from single aliquot measurements (SAR) of small aliquots (ca. 200 grains) were investigated to test whether the skewness and broadness of the dose distribution can be used as criteria for the identification of insufficient bleaching. Furthermore, the methods proposed by Lepper and McKeever [2002 An objective methodology for dose distribution analysis. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 101 (1–4), 349-352]. Singhvi [Juyal, N., Chamyal, L.S., Bhandari, S., Bushan, R., Singhvi, A.K., in press. Continental record of the southwest monsoon during the last 130 ka: evidence from the southern margin of the Thar Desert, India. Quaternary Science Review] and Fuchs and Lang [2001 Fuchs, M., Lang, A., 2001. OSL dating of coarse-grain fluvial quartz using single-aliquot protocols on sediments from NE Peloponnese, Greece. Quaternary Science Review 20, 783–787.] to derive DE's from insufficiently bleached sediments were compared. At first, the investigations were carried out on artificially bleached, irradiated and mixed quartz material from the Oman study area to simulate insufficiently bleached sediments. Then, the various statistical methods for identifying insufficient bleaching and DE derivation were applied to the natural samples from the study area, where 18 samples were measured. For the identification of insufficient bleaching the preferential parameter is the broadness of a distribution. For DE calculation, both the Singhvi method and the Fuchs and Lang method produce similar results, which are consistent with the stratigraphic order. A drawback of both methods is their sensitivity to low outliers. The Lepper and McKeever method was not applied to the natural samples, due to limitations in its application to a small number of aliquots and due to the ambiguous identification of the rising limb of the dose distributions.  相似文献   

Sediments attributed to flooding events of River Danube concerning the bleaching of the optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal were investigated. It is demonstrated that the OSL signal in both quartz and feldspar is not completely but differentially bleached in the sediment grains. Partial bleaching of the samples is clearly indicated by the scatter of equivalent dose determined for several individual single aliquots. It is also shown that residual ages in feldspars are significantly higher than those calculated for quartz. It is furthermore demonstrated that analysing measurement-time dependent equivalent dose estimates is not a suitable method to identify partial bleaching in the investigated sediment grains. However, the transport and deposition process of the investigated samples was probably disturbed by an artificial input of sediment, and this case study may thus not be representative of undisturbed high flood events in the past.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from quartz is thought to be mainly influenced by source rock (crystallization temperature and quartz defect types) and depositional history (irradiation/bleaching cycles). In this study, the OSL sensitivity of quartz of different grain sizes from loess (L1) and paleosol (S1) layers at the Xifeng section of the Chinese Loess Plateau was analyzed. The OSL sensitivity of the samples from the Xifeng section shows a distinct difference between glacial and interglacial cycles, which is consistent with the patterns observed from magnetic susceptibility (MS) and grain sizes. The highest OSL sensitivity is observed in S1, which is twelve times the lowest sensitivity observed in L1. Moreover, the contribution of the fast component of quartz OSL from the paleosol accounts for more than 90% of the total OSL signal. In contrast, the middle and slow components contribute more in loess, and a significant variation among different aliquots was observed.Comparison of the data obtained from loess sections from different regions, including Xifeng, Luochuan, Jingyuan and Shimao, show significant differences in the magnitudes of OSL sensitivity but a similar pattern between glacial and interglacial periods. The results of this study suggest that, except for the wildfire model proposed to interpret the high OSL sensitivity in paleosol (Zhang, 2018), the shift of wind pattern of westerly wind (i.e., transporting “dim” source from North Tibetan Plateau and northwesterly wind (i.e., transporting “bright” source from Alxa Arid Lands and the subsequent mixture from the different sources may partially contribute to the different OSL sensitivities observed for Xifeng and Luochuan. In contrast, the OSL sensitivity of Shimao samples from L1 was affected by the input from the Mu Us Desert, and those of Jingyuan may affected by the contribution from the Yellow River.  相似文献   

Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL are applied to small aliquots and single grains to determine the equivalent dose (De) of eleven alluvial and fluvial sediment samples collected in the Pativilca valley, Central Peru at ca. 10°S latitude. Small aliquot De distributions are rather symmetric and display over-dispersion values between 15 and 46%. Small aliquot g-values range between 4 and 8% per decade for the IRSL and 1 and 2% per decade for the post-IR IRSL signal. The single grain De distributions are highly over-dispersed with some of them skewed to higher doses, implying partial bleaching; this is especially true for the post-IR IRSL. Measurements of a modern analog reveal that residuals due to partial bleaching are present in both the IRSL as well as the post-IR IRSL signal. The g-values of individual grains exhibit a wide range with high individual uncertainties and might contribute significantly to the spread of the single grain De values, at least for the IRSL data. Electron Microprobe Analysis performed on single grains reveal that a varying K-content can be excluded as the origin of over-dispersion. Final ages for the different approaches are calculated using the Central Age Model and the Minimum Age Model (MAM). The samples are grouped into well-beached, potentially well-bleached and partially bleached according to the evaluation of the single grain distributions and the agreement of age estimates between methods. The application of the MAM to the single grain data resulted in consistent age estimates for both the fading corrected IRSL and the post-IR IRSL ages, and suggests that both approaches are suitable for dating these samples.  相似文献   

Five Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene aeolian quartz samples from the coastal dune deposits of the Wilderness-Knysna area (South Africa) previously dated by OSL were selected for ESR dating. Samples were processed following the Multiple Centre approach and using the Multiple Aliquot Additive dose method. Aluminium (Al) and Titanium (Ti) signals were systematically measured in all samples.Our study shows that ESR results obtained for Middle Pleistocene to Holocene samples may be strongly impacted by (i) the presence of a significant high frequency noise in the ESR spectra acquired for the Ti signals and (ii) the choice of the fitting function employed. In particular, if not taken into account, very noisy spectra can lead to a significant overestimation of the true ESR intensity measured for the Ti–H signal. These sources of uncertainty are however not sufficient to remove the ESR age overestimations. Consequently, our results indicate that the Al and Ti ESR signals of these quartz samples have not been fully reset during their aeolian transport.While this work contributes to improve our understanding of the ESR method applied to quartz grains, and especially of the potential and limitations of the Ti signals, it also provides additional baseline data to illustrate the existing variability among quartz samples of different origins or sedimentary context. Our results are consistent with previous studies by confirming that the Ti–H signal shows the best potential for the evaluation of low dose values (<100 Gy for these samples), whereas it becomes inappropriate for the higher dose range, and the Ti–Li–H (option D sensu Duval and Guilarte, 2015) should be used instead.Beyond the methodological outcome, this ESR dating study also provides a useful addition to the existing chronology of the aeolian deposits in this region. In particular, new (and possibly) finite numerical age results were obtained for the two oldest samples, constraining the aeolianite landward barrier dune and the coversand formations to the MIS 10-8 and Pliocene, respectively.  相似文献   

Multiple-centres electron spin resonance (MC-ESR) dating of quartz grains has been commonly applied to fluvial and lacustrine deposits and can provide a precise chronological framework for depositional histories. However, the reliability of this method for quartz grains obtained from sediments of boreholes, which are usually deposited continuously and record information regarding basin evolution and climate change, has not yet been assessed. In this study, we have initially applied the MC-ESR dating method to borehole sediments from the Zhoulao core (ZLC), located in the depocenter of the Jianghan Basin, middle Yangtze River, China. Dating of quartz grains from the ZLC using MC-ESR yields estimated ages that are generally consistent with the established paleomagnetic chronological framework. For Middle Pleistocene samples (i.e., 0.7–0.3 Ma), the Ti–Li centre provides more accurate ages than those of Al centre, which are overestimated. For Early Pleistocene samples (i.e., 2.3–0.8 Ma), both the Al centre and Ti–Li centre give highly consistent estimate ages, indicating that this is a favorable dating range for MC-ESR. Overall, the Al centre shows promise for dating Pliocene samples, whereas the Ti–Li centre is more suitable for Middle-Early Pleistocene (2.3–0.3 Ma) sediments. In addition, the deposition rate of depth <170 m in the ZLC is greater than those of depth >170 m sediments; however, the specific tectonic, climatic, or geomorphic mechanism for this change in sedimentation rate is still unclear.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of perennially frozen loess was tested on quartz grains extracted from deposits associated with the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in western Yukon Territory, Canada. OSL samples were obtained from ice-rich loess bracketing the Dawson tephra, while radiocarbon (14C) samples were collected from the bulk sediments directly underlying the tephra and from a ground-squirrel burrow 2.7 m below the tephra. Here we report the OSL characteristics and ages of the extracted quartz grains, as well as additional radiocarbon ages for samples described in Froese [2002. Age and significance of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in eastern Beringia. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 2137–2142; 2006. Seasonality of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra and exceptional preservation of a buried riparian surface in central Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1542–1551]. We refine the time of Dawson tephra deposition to between 25,420±70 and 25,290±80 14C a BP. Bayesian analysis of constraining radiocarbon ages places the deposition of the Dawson tephra at between 30,433 and 30,032 cal a BP. Linear modulation (LM) OSL analysis of multi-grain aliquots of quartz showed that the initial part of the decay curve is dominated by a rapidly bleached (‘fast’) component; these samples, however, had relatively dim continuous wave (CW) OSL signals at the multi-grain aliquot (each composed of 80 grains) and single-grain scales of analysis. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol was applied to multi-grain aliquots and single grains to obtain equivalent dose (De) values for samples collected from below and above the Dawson tephra. The De values were examined graphically and numerically, the latter using the central age, minimum age, and finite mixture models. For multi-grain aliquots, the central age model gave weighted mean De values between 30 and 50 Gy, which greatly underestimated the expected De of 74–81 Gy for both samples studied. Possible reasons for these underestimations are discussed, and a solution proposed based on single-grain analysis. Measurements of single grains produced De values in agreement with the expected De, and yielded OSL ages of 28±5 and 30±4 ka for the samples taken from above and below the Dawson tephra, respectively. Examination of individual grains with differing luminescence behaviors showed that a significant number of the measured quartz grains exhibited anomalous luminescence properties that would have compromised the results obtained from multi-grain aliquots. We therefore recommend analysis of individual grains to overcome the age-shortfall from multi-grain analysis of these and similar samples of quartz.  相似文献   

Fossil oyster reefs are indicators of past sea levels, and their formation is usually dated by means of radiocarbon. However, radiocarbon dating of the shells from coastal areas may be complicated by the varying sources of carbon. Here we applied optical dating methods to date the samples from above and below a fossil oyster bed in a section on the coast of Bohai Bay, China. The optical ages of the sediments were used to constrain the oyster bed. Single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedures using the OSL signal from fine grain quartz, the IRSL and post-IR OSL signals from polymineral fine grains were employed to determine equivalent dose (De). The behaviors of the different luminescence signals from quartz and polymineral grains during De measurements were examined. The results showed that the quartz OSL signal is more reliable than the polymineral IRSL and post-IR OSL signals with respect to dating for these coastal samples. The optical ages indicated that the oyster reef formed between ca. 6.2 and 5.0 ka.  相似文献   

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