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Surface exposure dating of carbonate rocks using cosmogenic 10Be is problematic. We have performed step-wise leaching of calcite-rich samples in order to investigate the reasons for this. Results on different grain size fractions clearly indicate the source of atmospheric 10Be is clay. We demonstrate that partial-leaching procedures, which result in moderate pH levels will not release 10Be (in-situ produced or atmospheric) due to the instant re-absorption on grain surfaces. By contrast, under strongly acidic conditions, all absorbed 10Be is leached from aluminosilicates giving abnormally high 10Be concentrations and consequently exposure ages that are too old. Dating is only possible if samples do not contain any clay minerals or if they can be removed prior to carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

The central premises of applications of the in situ cosmogenic dating method for studying specific problems in geomorphology are outlined for simple and complex exposure settings. In the light of these general models, we discuss the information that can be derived about geomorphic processes, utilizing concentrations of in situ produced cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be (half-life=1·5 ma) and 26A1 (half-life=0·7 ma) in a variety of geomorphic contexts: glacial polish and tills; meteorite impact craters; alluvial fans; paleo-beach ridges; marine terraces; sand dunes; and bedrock slopes. We also compare 10Be-26Al data with results obtained by other dating methods. We conclude that the technique of measuring in situ cosmic ray produced nuclides holds promise for quantitative studies of processes and time-scales in a wide range of geomorphological problems.  相似文献   

The distribution of concentration of cosmogenic nuclides in fault scarps is used to determine slip histories. The complicated part is the calculation of cosmic radiation shielding by the escarpment body and the overlying wedge of the colluvial sediment. To improve reconstruction of earthquake ages and slip histories, we developed a mathematical model and corresponding MATLAB® code for computation of shielding factor profiles in fault scarp geometry. In the model, cosmic radiation received by a point of footwall is represented as unit rays attenuated exponentially in scarp geometry. This approach allows producing very precise results both for the fault scarp and the sloped surface. The code is presented as a m-function and as a stand-alone program with a user-friendly interface. Shielding factors are calculated by the code for fast neutrons or for muons and include all general shieldings: topographical, sloped surface, fault scarp surface, colluvium cover, snow cover and self-shielding. A variety of input parameters enables one to adjust the model and the code to almost all possible shielding cases. The code and stand-alone version are provided as supplementary materials and equipped with help and explanatory notes.  相似文献   

The site of Gongwangling is among the most important early hominin sites in China due to the discovery of a partial Homo erectus cranium. Until recently the cranium has been widely accepted as ∼1.15 Ma (million years) in age based on magnetostratigraphy and loess/paleosol correlation. However, a revised magnetostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic study assigned a much older age of 1.63 Ma, making Gongwangling the second oldest hominin cranium-bearing site in Eurasia. Here we apply the isochron burial dating method as an independent check for the magnetostratigraphy. Samples from the top of a gravel bed ∼7 m below the fossil-bearing layer give an isochron burial age of 1.82 ± 0.12 Ma, in excellent agreement with the Olduvai subchron in the revised magnetostratigraphy, supporting the antiquity of the cranium.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges and Western Hubei area in the geographic central part of China was a potential migration corridor for early hominin and mammals linking South and North China during the Pleistocene period. Some key early hominin sites are known in this region where limestone cave and fissure sites are numerous but difficult to date as beyond the dating range of OSL and mass spectrometry U-series method. Here, we report radiometric dating study for such a hominin site, Meipu (Hubei Province), by coupled ESR and U-series dating of nine fossil teeth and cosmogenic 26Al/10Be burial dating of one quartz sediment. The burial age calculated by simple burial model (573 ± 266 ka) gives a minimum age constraint of the sediment. The fossil dating provided two main age groups at 541 ± 48 ka and 849 ± 39 ka, the older age group is in agreement with the U-series age (>630 ka) of the flowstone overlying the fossil layer and the paleomagnetic data which placed the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary in the fossil layer. The reason of this age difference is probably caused by the U-content discrepancy in the enamel of the dated fossil samples. This study exhibits the limitation of ESR/U-series fossil dating and the importance of using multiple dating approach when it is possible in order to identify the problematic ages.  相似文献   

Uranium-series dating of pedogenic carbonate crusts from fluvial gravels is tested using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) ages as references. OSL dating yielded ages of 30–15 ka and 13–11 ka, which correlate with the cold periods of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Younger Dryas. These ages are internally coherent and consistent with the geological background and are thus regarded as reliable. Most of the U/Th results scatter widely in the 230Th/232Th vs. 234U/232Th isochron diagram, making regression unrealistic. Semiquantitative age estimates from the data were found to be mostly older than the OSL ages and the geological context. It is suggested that a heterogeneous initial 230Th input, not relatable to a detrital component, is responsible for the observed discrepancies. This input may be due to bacterial activities and Th transport on organic colloids. It appears necessary to avoid samples where bacteria could have contributed to carbonate precipitation. Further, the relative importance of this problem decreases with sample age, so that U/Th dating of sinters is expected to be more reliable in the >100 ka age range.  相似文献   

Optimizing sample preparation for the isotopic measurement of 10Be extracted from quartz mineral separates has a direct positive effect on the accuracy and precision of isotopic analysis. Here, we demonstrate the value of tracing Be throughout the extraction process (both after dissolution and after processing), producing pure Be (by optimizing ion exchange chromatography methods and quantifying quartz mineral separate and final Be fraction purity), and minimizing backgrounds (through reducing both laboratory process blanks and 10B isobaric interference). These optimization strategies increase the amount of 10Be available for analysis during accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), while simultaneously decreasing interference and contamination, and ensuring that sample performance matches standard performance during analysis. After optimization of our laboratory's extraction methodology, 9Be3+ ion beam currents measured during AMS analysis, a metric for sample purity and Be yield through the extraction process, matched the 9Be3+ beam currents of AMS standards analyzed at the same time considering nearly 800 samples. Optimization of laboratory procedures leads to purer samples that perform better, more consistently, and more similarly to standards during AMS analysis, allowing for improved precision and accuracy of measurements used for dating and quantification of Earth surface processes.  相似文献   

Meteoric 10Be, due to its high affinity with soil and sediment particles, is widely used in geomorphologic and environmental studies attempting to evaluate the soil production/denudation rates or soil ages up to 107 years. However, the evolution of the 10Be distribution as a function of depth is poorly known in soils as revealed by recent reviews (Graly et al., 2010; Willenbring and von Blanckenburg, 2010). In this study, 10Be concentrations in the bulk and the 0–2 μm (lutum) granulometric fraction of samples along Luvisols profiles developed from loess in Northern France have been measured. The bulk 10Be concentrations are significantly higher in one of the three sites, likely reflecting differences in the inherited 10Be concentrations of the loess parent material as well as in the accumulation rates of the later. However, the bulk 10Be concentrations along all profiles are significantly correlated with the lutum (0–2 μm fraction) content, the maximum 10Be concentrations being evidenced in the Bt-horizon. Dominant adsorption of 10Be to the lutum has been furthermore corroborated by the mass-balance calculations with as much as 79.8 ± 9.0% of 10Be being associated with the lutum. Contrary to the bulk 10Be concentrations, the lutum 10Be concentrations showed several maxima coinciding with shifts in the coarse to fine silt ratio. This was interpreted as a change in the loess deposit dynamic. Finally, using numerical modeling approach based on the advection-diffusion equation, an average downward migration of 10Be by clay translocation was estimated. It ranges from 0.01 to 0.08 cm yr−1. Inherited 10Be in the loess parent material represented from 64 to 71% of the total 10Be content in the simulated soils. Vertical 10Be distributions and their maximum concentrations in the Bt-horizon thus mainly result from redistribution of the inherited 10Be by clay translocation and bioturbation.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for the determination of past soil erosion provide only average rates of erosion of the sediment's source areas and are unable to determine the rate of at-a-site soil loss. In this study, we report in-situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, and 14C measurements from erratic boulders and two depth-profiles from Younger Dryas moraines in Scotland, and assess the extent to which these data allow the quantification of the amount and timing of site-specific Holocene soil erosion at these sites. The study focuses on two sites located on end moraines of the Loch Lomond Readvance (LLR): Wester Cameron and Inchie Farm, both near Glasgow. The site near Wester Cameron does not show any visible signs of soil disturbance and was selected in order to test (i) whether a cosmogenic nuclide depth profile in a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed, and (ii) whether in situ 10Be and 14C yield concordant results. Field evidence suggests that the site at Inchie Farm has undergone soil erosion and this site was selected to explore whether the technique can be applied to determine the broad timing of soil loss. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Wester Cameron confirm that the cosmogenic nuclide depth-profile to be expected from a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed. Moreover, the agreement between the total cosmogenic 10Be inventories in the erratics and the Wester Cameron soil/till samples indicate that there has been no erosion at the sample site since the deposition of the till/moraine. Further, the Wester Cameron depth profiles show minimal signs of homogenisation, as a result of bioturbation, and minimal cosmogenic nuclide inheritance from previous exposure periods. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Inchie Farm show a clear departure from the zero-erosion cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles, suggesting that the soil/till at this site has undergone erosion since its stabilisation. The LLR moraine at the Inchie Farm site is characterised by the presence of a sharp break in slope, suggesting that the missing soil material was removed instantaneously by an erosion event rather than slowly by continuous erosion. The results of numerical simulations carried out to constrain the magnitude and timing of this erosion event suggest that the event was relatively recent and relatively shallow, resulting in the removal of circa 20–50 cm of soil at a maximum of ∼2000 years BP. Our analyses also show that the predicted magnitude and timing of the Inchie Farm erosion event are highly sensitive to the assumptions that are made about the background rate of continuous soil erosion at the site, the stabilisation age of the till, and the density of the sedimentary deposit. All three parameters can be independently determined a priori and so do not impede future applications to other localities. The results of the sensitivity analyses further show that the predicted erosion event magnitude and timing is very sensitive to the 14C production rate used and to assumptions about the contribution of muons to the total production rate of this nuclide. Thus, advances in this regard need to be made for the method presented in this study to be applicable with confidence to scenarios similar to the one presented here.  相似文献   

Catastrophic drainage of ice-dammed lakes in the Altai Mountains has been inferred from geomorphological evidence in the Katun Valley (Russia), and is presumed to have occurred during the Pleistocene. The sedimentary features have been difficult to date directly, due to the absence of organic carbon, and the improbability that luminescence signals in sand grains would be reset during transport. However, the development of rock-surface luminescence dating provides a new opportunity to date the features: clasts have a different transport history to sand grains, and their luminescence depth profiles can be inspected for evidence of bleaching before burial. Here we investigate two sites in the Altai Mountains, and use rock-surface luminescence burial dating to constrain the age of the megaflood deposits. In the Katun Valley, we sampled granite cobbles from a frozen sediment clast emplaced as a dropstone within a massive megaflood gravel terrace. Burial ages for the clasts range from 16.7 to 21.4 ka, with a mean age of 19.8 ± 1.5 ka. This represents the depositional age of the fluvial sediments that preceded the lake outburst flood, (and hence places a maximum age on the catastrophic flood). Clasts sampled from mega-ripples in the Kurai Basin are shown to have a mid-to-late Holocene burial age, which is not consistent with the possible origin of these features during a catastrophic drainage of a glacier-dammed lake. Instead, the burial age of the Kurai Basin sediments may reflect local-scale periglacial or seismic processes along the Kurai Fault Zone.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand chronology of alluvial episodes in Cuyama Valley in the western Transverse Ranges of California, USA, we employed optically stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon and cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure dating methods. Twenty-one optical dates ranging from 0.01 to 27 ka were obtained from exposures of late-Holocene axial-fluvial deposits, Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial-fan deposits, and axial-fluvial sands interbedded within a late Pleistocene alluvial fan. These were cross-checked with 37 AMS radiocarbon dates from charcoal and wood from within a and five 10Be surface exposure dates from boulders on alluvial-fan surfaces. The OSL results show generally good stratigraphic consistency, logical comparison with the radiocarbon and cosmogenic data, and appear to be the best method for accurate dating within deposits of this nature because suitable material is fairly easy to find in these environments. The radiocarbon data contained numerous “detrital ages”, but well-bedded lenses of apparently in situ or minimally transported charcoal provide reliable age estimates for the associated alluvium. Radiocarbon dating of detrital charcoal in the older alluvial fan deposits was problematic. Our cosmogenic surface-exposure dating was consistent stratigraphically and with our other data, but we were unable to determine its accuracy due to the limited number of samples and the possibility of inherited radionuclides and post-depositional erosion. In light of our results, we suggest that OSL dating using the latest analytical techniques combined with rigorous methods for estimation of paleodase is reliable and of increasing utility in otherwise difficult-to-date coarse alluvial environments in the southwestern United States and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Catchment‐wide erosion rates were defined using 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides for the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes to help determine the nature of drainage development and landscape evolution. The Eastern Cordillera, characterized by a smooth axial plateau bordered by steep flanks, has a mean erosion rate of 11 ± 1 mm/ka across the plateau and 70 ± 10 mm/ka on its flanks, with local high rates >400 mm/ka. The erosional contrast between the plateau and its flanks was produced by the increase in the orogen regional slope, derived from the progressive shortening and thickening of the Eastern Cordillera. The erosion rates together with digital topographic analysis show that the drainage network is dynamic and confirms the view that drainage divides in the Eastern Cordillera are migrating towards the interior of the mountain belt resulting in progressive drainage reorganization from longitudinal to transverse‐dominated rivers and areal reduction of the Sabana de Bogotá plateau. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mesas are ubiquitous landforms in arid and semiarid regions and are often characterized by horizontal stratified erodible rocks capped by more resistant strata. The accepted conceptual model for mesa evolution and degradation considers reduction in the width of the mesa flat‐top plateau due to cliff retreat but ignores possible denudation of the mesa flat‐top and the rates and mechanism of erosion. In this study we examine mesas in the northeastern hyperarid Negev Desert where they appear in various sizes and morphologies and represent different stages of mesa evolution. The variety of mesas within a single climatic zone allows examination of the process of mesa evolution through time. Two of the four sites examined are characterized by a relatively wide (200–230 m) flat‐top and a thick caprock whereas the other two are characterized by a much narrower remnant flat‐top (several meters) and thinner caprock. We use the concentration of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be for: (a) determining the chronology of the various geomorphic features associated with the mesa; and (b) understanding geomorphic processes forming the mesa. The 10Be data, combined with field observations, suggest a correlation between the width of flat‐top mesa and the denudation and cliff retreat rates. Our results demonstrate that: (a) cliff retreat rates decrease with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa; (b) vertical denudation rates increase with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa below a critical value (~60 m, for the Negev Desert); (c) the reduction in the width of the flat‐top mesa is driven mainly by cliff retreat accompanied by extremely slow vertical denudation rate which can persist for a very long time (>106 Ma); and (d) when the width of the mesa decreases below a certain threshold, its rate of denudation increases dramatically and mesa degradation is completed in a short time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To better assess the spatiotemporal variations of the snow shielding effect on surface exposure dating, we compiled a dataset of 1341 10Be ages from alpine moraines and glacially eroded valleys across western North America, and conducted a sensitivity test with both modern and time-integrated snow data covering the same region. Our analyses reveal significant differences in snow shielding both across our geographic domain and through time. In our time-integrated experiments we find snow-based exposure age corrections as low as 3.5% in the Great Basin region and high as 28.4% in the Pacific Northwest for samples dating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when no wind-sweeping is assumed. As demonstrated with our time-varying snow conditions with a global climate model and a positive degree day model, modern snow conditions across western North America cannot account for the varying snow patterns under large scale climate shifts since the LGM. The snow-based exposure age corrections from the modern data differ from those calculated by our time-varying model by up to 17% across our model domain. In addition, we find that the 10Be ages calculated under two end-member scenarios regarding wind-sweeping effects, specifically whether boulders were shielded only when the total snow accumulation exceeded boulder heights or were always shielded when the snow was present, can differ by ∼7.6% on average for LGM aged samples. Our analyses provide a model-based estimates of the spatiotemporal variability and complexity of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dates across western North America and highlight the need to consider snow depth variations both spatially and temporally when conducting surface exposure dating in terrains where snowfall accumulation is significant.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of bedrock lithology on the catchment-averaged erosion rates of normal fault-bounded catchments and the effect that different bedrock erodibilties have on the evolution of transient fluvial geomorphology remain major challenges. To investigate this problem, we collected 18 samples for 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide analysis to determine catchment-averaged erosion rates along the well-constrained Gediz Fault system in western Türkiye, which is experiencing fault-driven river incision owing to a linkage event ~0.8 Ma and has weak rocks overlying strong rocks in the footwall. Combined with existing cosmogenic data, we show that the background rate of erosion of the pre-incision landscape can be constrained as <92 mMyr−1, and erosion rates within the transient reach vary from 16 to 1330 mMyr−1. Erosion rates weakly scale with unit stream power, steepness index and slip rate on the bounding fault, although erosion rates are an order of magnitude lower than slip rates. However, there are no clear relationships between erosion rate and relief or catchment slope. Bedrock strength is assessed using Schmidt hammer rebound and Selby Rock Mass Strength Assessments; despite a 30-fold difference in erodibility, there is no difference in the erosion rate between strong and weak rocks. We argue that, for the Gediz Graben, the strong lithological contrast affects the ability of the river to erode the bed, resulting in a complex erosional response to uplift along the graben boundary fault. Weak covariant trends between erosion rates and various topographic factors potentially result from incomplete sediment mixing or pre-existing topographic inheritance. These findings indicate that the erosional response to uplift along an active normal fault is a complex response to multiple drivers that vary spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

The 26Al–10Be burial dating method has been applied to a range of problems in geochronology. This technique allows us to determine the burial age of quartz‐containing sediments, by measuring the concentration of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in the quartz. In its most basic form, the method assumes a simple history (single exposure episode followed by burial) for the quartz clasts. Balco and Rovey have recently developed an innovative isochron version of this method, which can take into account a more complicated exposure history for the quartz, and used it to date a series of glacial tills. There can be constraints on the slope and intercept of the isochron, depending on how we model the geology of the Balco–Rovey approach. We show how to take these constraints into account when fitting the slope and intercept; we apply a Bayesian approach, in which there is a straightforward way to implement constraints. We discuss the important issues that arise; a variety of choices must be made in choosing the prior, both in what geological insights to include and in how to include them. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We use cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in both bedrock and fluvial sediments to investigate controls on erosion rates and sediment supply to river basins at the regional scale in the Kimberley, NW Australia. The area is characterised by lithologically controlled morphologies such as cuestas, isolated mesas and extensive plateaus made of slightly dipping, extensively jointed sandstones. All sampled bedrock surfaces at plateau tops, ridgelines, and in the broader floodplain of major rivers over the region show similar slow lowering rates between 0.17 and 4.88 m.Myr-1, with a mean value of 1.0 ± 0.6 m.Myr-1 (n=15), whilst two bedrock samples collected directly within river-beds record rates that are one to two orders of magnitude higher (14.4 ± 1.5 and 20.9 ± 2.5 m.Myr-1, respectively). Bedrock 26Al/10Be ratios are all compatible with simple, continuous sub-aerial exposure histories. Modern river sediment yield lower 10Be and 26Al concentrations, apparent 10Be basin-wide denudation rates ranging between 1.8 and 7.7 m.Myr-1, with a median value of 2.6 m.Myr-1, more than double the magnitude of bedrock erosion rates. 26Al/10Be ratios of the sediment samples are lower than those obtained for bedrock samples. We propose that these depleted 26Al/10Be ratios can largely be explained by the supply of sediment to river basins from the slab fragmentation and chemical weathering of channel gorge walls and plateau escarpments that result in diluting the cosmogenic nuclide concentration in river sediments measured at the basin outlets. The results of a mass-balance model suggest that ~60–90% of river sediment in the Kimberley results from the breakdown and chemical weathering of retreating vertical sandstone rock-walls in contrast to sediment generated by bedrock weathering and erosion on the plateau tops. This study emphasises the value of analysing two or more isotopes in basin-scale studies using cosmogenic nuclides, especially in slowly eroding post-orogenic settings. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 26Al, 10Be, and 14C dating of fluvial fill terraces in steep canyons of the Colorado Front Range provides a temporal framework for analysing episodic aggradation and incision. Results from Boulder Canyon show that terrace heights above the modern channel (grade) can be divided into: (1) Bull Lake (≳100 ka; 20–15 m above grade); (2) Pinedale (32–10 ka; 15–4 m above grade); and (3) Holocene age (<4 m above grade). No pre‐Bull Lake deposits are preserved along Boulder Canyon, and only three small remnants >15 m above grade record Bull Lake deposition. Well‐preserved terraces of Pinedale age suggest that the range of terrace height above grade reflects short‐term fluctuations in the river profile during periods of rapidly changing stream load and power. Net river incision apparently occurred during transitions to interglacial periods. Soil development and stratigraphic position, along with limited cosmogenic and 14C dating, suggest that ∼130 ka terraces in Boulder Canyon correlate with the Louviers Alluvium, and that 32 to 10 ka fills in the canyon correlate with the Broadway Alluvium on the adjacent High Plains. Late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·15 m ka−1) along Boulder Canyon exceed pre‐late Pleistocene incision rates, and are higher than middle to late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·04 m ka−1) on the High Plains. This study provides an example of how modern geochronologic techniques allow us to understand better rivers that drain glaciated catchments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

First, I benchmark existing methods of calculating subsurface 26Al, 10Be, and 14C production rates due to cosmic-ray muons against published calibration data from bedrock cores and mine excavations. This shows that methods based on downward propagation of the surface muon energy spectrum fit calibration data adequately. Of these methods, one that uses a simpler geographic scaling method based on energy-dependent attenuation of muons in the atmosphere appears to fit calibration data better than a more complicated one that uses the results of a global particle transport model to estimate geographic variation in the surface muon energy spectrum. Second, I show that although highly simplified and computationally much cheaper exponential function approximations for subsurface production rates are not globally adequate for accurate production rate estimates at arbitrary location and depth, they can be used with acceptable accuracy for many exposure-dating and erosion-rate-estimation applications.  相似文献   

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