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Groundwater ridging is the rapid rise of a shallow water table during a rainfall event, in an environment where, in the pre‐event period, the capillary fringe extends to the ground surface. Groundwater ridging is widely cited to account for the observed significant appearance of pre‐event water in a stream stormflow hydrograph. Various hypotheses have been advanced to explain the groundwater‐ridging mechanism; and most recently, from a field study site in South Africa, an energy hypothesis was proposed, which explains that groundwater‐ridging water‐table rise is a result of rapid introduction and transmission of additional pressure head into the capillary fringe from an intense rainfall at the ground surface. However, there is a need for further analysis and evidence from other field study sites to confirm and support this newly proposed energy hypothesis. The objectives of this paper are, therefore, as follows: to review previous observations on groundwater ridging, from other study sites, in order to deduce evidence of the newly proposed energy hypothesis; to present and evaluate a one‐dimensional diffusion mathematical model that can simulate groundwater‐ridging water‐table rise, based on the newly proposed energy hypothesis; and to evaluate the importance of a capillary fringe in streamflow generation. Analysis of previous observations from other study sites generally indicated that the rate of groundwater‐ridging water‐table rise is directly related to the rainfall intensity, hence confirming and agreeing with the newly proposed energy hypothesis. Additionally, theoretical results by the mathematical model agreed fairly well with the field results observed under natural rainfall, confirming that the rapidly rainfall‐induced energy is diffusively transmitted downwards through pore water, elevating the pressure head at every depth. The results in this study also support the concept of a three‐end‐member stream stormflow hydrograph and contribute to the explanation of how catchments can store water for long periods but then release it rapidly during storm events. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a water‐air two‐phase flow model was employed to investigate the formation, extension, and dissipation of groundwater ridging induced by recharge events in a hypothetical hillslope‐riparian zone, considering interactions between the liquid and gas phases in soil voids. The simulation results show that, after a rain begins, the groundwater table near the stream is elevated instantaneously and significantly, thereby generating a pressure gradient driving water toward both the stream (the discharge of groundwater to the stream) and upslope (the extension of groundwater ridging into upslope). Meanwhile, the airflow upslope triggered by the advancing wetting front moves downward gradually. Therefore, the extension of groundwater ridging into upslope and the downward airflow interact within a certain region. After the rain stops, groundwater ridging near the stream declines quickly while the airflow in the lower part of upslope is still moving into the hillslope. Thus, the airflow upslope mitigates the dissipation of groundwater ridging. Additionally, the development of groundwater ridging under different conditions, including rain intensity, intrinsic permeability, capillary fringe height, and initial groundwater table, was analyzed. Changes in intrinsic permeability affect the magnitude of groundwater ridging near the stream, as well as the downward speed of airflow, thereby generating highly complex responses. The capillary fringe is not a controlling factor but an influence factor on the formation of groundwater ridging, which is mainly related to the antecedent moisture. It was demonstrated that groundwater ridging also occurs where an unsaturated zone occurs above the capillary fringe with a subsurface lateral flow.  相似文献   

A study of the interaction between groundwater and surface water was undertaken within a small agricultural watershed in southern Ontario, Canada. Groundwater contributions to streamflow were measured along a section of stream during baseflow conditions and during rainfall events. Four techniques were used to estimate the contribution of groundwater to the stream along a 450 m reach (three during baseflow and one during stormflow conditions). Under baseflow conditions, streamflow measurements using the velocity–area technique indicated that the net groundwater flux to the stream during the summer months was 10 ml s−1 m−1. Hydrometric measurements (i.e. hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity) taken using mini-piezometers installed in the sediments beneath the stream resulted in net groundwater flux estimates that were four to five times lower. Seepage meters failed to provide any measurements of water flux into or out of the stream. Therefore, based on these results, the velocity–area technique gives the best estimate of groundwater discharge. Hydrograph separations were conducted using isotopic ratios and electrical conductivity on two large rainfall events with different antecedent moisture conditions in the catchment. Both events showed that pre-event water (generally considered groundwater) dominated streamflow and tile drain flow with 64%–80% of the total discharge contributed by pre-event water. High water table conditions within the catchment resulted in greater stream discharge and a greater contribution of event water in the streamflow than that observed under low water table conditions for similar intensity storm events. The results also showed that differences in riparian zone width, vegetation and surface saturation conditions between the upper and lower catchment can influence the relative magnitude of streamflow response from the two catchment areas.  相似文献   

There is a critical lack of knowledge regarding the dynamics of streamflow generation in the semi-arid tropics, particularly in Africa. In this project runoff mechanisms in forested and non-forested degraded catchments in northern Tanzania were studied using combined hydrometrical and hydrochemical methods. Following the hydrochemical identification of several flowpaths contributing to runoff, hydrograph separation by an end-member model based on K and Ca was undertaken. Results from the forested catchment indicate that stormflow was dominated by event water (about 75%), via overland flow and throughflow. The proportion of pre-event water (groundwater) displaced into the stream by a suggested riparian groundwater ridge mechanism varied, depending on the rainfall characteristics. In the non-forested, degraded catchment, nearly all stormflow was event water, and groundwater discharge was unaffected by rainfall. It is suggested that macropore flow is pivotal to the transmission of rainfall to runoff via throughflow, particularly in semi-arid tropical areas.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that the dominant streamflow generation mechanism in a river basin can leave distinct geomorphological signatures in basin topography. In particular, it has been suggested previously that basins generated by groundwater discharge tend to have a larger hypsometric integral than surface runoff basins because fluvial erosion is more focused in the valleys where groundwater discharge tends to occur. In this analysis, we aim to clarify this relationship by developing an alternative method to quantify the effects of streamflow generation mechanisms on basin hypsometry and by using a numerical model that can generate streamflow by different processes to evaluate the sensitivity of the results to the hydrological and geomorphological properties of the basin. The model results suggest that the hypsometric characteristics that are usually associated with groundwater discharge basins, such as a larger hypsometric integral, occur primarily when drainage networks are still advancing in the watershed. During later stages of development, an additional factor such as lithological controls or a distinct geomorphological process would be needed to preserve these features. The model results also show that the hypsometric effects are stronger when the parameters of the fluvial erosion process promote the influence of small discharge rates. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We performed quasi‐two‐dimensional flow through laboratory experiments to study the effect of a coarse‐material inclusion, located in the proximity of the water table, on flow and oxygen transfer in the capillary fringe. The experiments investigate different phases of mass transfer from the unsaturated zone to anoxic groundwater under both steady‐state and transient flow conditions, the latter obtained by fluctuating the water table. Monitoring of flow and transport in the different experimental phases was performed by visual inspection of the complex flow field using a dye tracer solution, measurement of oxygen profiles across the capillary fringe, and determination of oxygen fluxes in the effluent of the flow‐through chamber. Our results show significant effects of the coarse‐material inclusion on oxygen transfer during the different phases of the experiments. At steady state, the oxygen flux across the unsaturated/saturated interface was considerably enhanced due to flow focusing in the fully water‐saturated coarse‐material inclusion. During drainage, a zone of higher water saturation formed in the fine material overlying the coarse lens. The entrapped oxygen‐rich aqueous phase contributed to the total amount of oxygen supplied to the system when the water table was raised back to its initial level. In case of imbibition, pronounced air entrapment occurred in the coarse lens, causing oxygen to partition between the aqueous and gaseous phases. The oxygen mass supplied to the anoxic groundwater following the imbibition event was found to be remarkably higher (approximately seven times) in the heterogeneous system compared with a similar experiment performed in a homogeneous porous medium.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that the net groundwater flow direction is towards the channel in headwater streams in humid climates, with magnitudes dependent on flow state. However, studies that characterize stream–groundwater interactions in ephemeral and intermittent streams in humid landscapes remain sparse. Here, we examined seasonally driven stream–groundwater interactions in response to temporary streamflow on the basis of field observations of streamflow and groundwater on an adjacent hillslope. The direction of hydraulic head gradients between the stream and groundwater shifted seasonally. The stream gained water (head gradients were towards the stream) when storage state was high. During this period, streamflow was persistent. The stream lost water to the groundwater system (head gradients were away from the stream) when storage state was low. During this period, streamflow only occurred in response to precipitation events, and head gradients remained predominantly away from the stream during events. This suggested that mechanisms other than deep groundwater contributions produced run‐off when storage was low, such as surface and perched subsurface flowpaths above the water table. Analysis of the annual water balance for the study period showed that the residual between precipitation inputs and streamflow and evapotranspiration outputs, which were attributed to the loss of water to the deeper, regional groundwater system, was similar in magnitude to streamflow. This, coupled with results that showed bidirectionality in stream–groundwater head gradients, indicated that headwaters composed of temporary (e.g., ephemeral and intermittent) streams can be important focal areas for regional groundwater recharge, and both contribute to and receive water, solutes, and materials from the groundwater system.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on beach groundwater dynamics and identifies research questions which will need to be answered before swash zone sediment transport and beach profile evolution can be successfully modelled. Beach groundwater hydrodynamics are a result of combined forcing from the tide and waves at a range of frequencies, and a large number of observations exist which describe the shape and elevation of the beach watertable in response to tidal forcing at diurnal, semi-diurnal and spring-neap tidal frequencies. Models of beach watertable response to tidal forcing have been successfully validated; however, models of watertable response to wave forcing are less well developed and require verification. Improved predictions of swash zone sediment transport and beach profile evolution cannot be achieved unless the complex fluid and sediment interactions between the surface flow and the beach groundwater are better understood, particularly the sensitivity of sediment transport processes to flow perpendicular to the permeable bed.The presence of a capillary fringe, particularly when it lies just below the sand surface, has influences on beach groundwater dynamics. The presence of a capillary fringe can have a significant effect on the exchange of water between the ocean and the coastal aquifer, particularly in terms of the storage capacity of the aquifer. Field and laboratory observations have also shown that natural groundwater waves usually propagate faster and decay more slowly in aquifers with a capillary fringe, and observations which suggest that horizontal flows may also occur in the capillary zone have been reported. The effects of infiltration and exfiltration are generally invoked to explain why beaches with a low watertable tend to accrete and beaches with a high watertable tend to erode. However, the relative importance of processes such as infiltration losses in the swash, changes in the effective weight of the sediment, and modified shear stress due to boundary layer thinning, are not yet clear. Experimental work on the influence of seepage flows within sediment beds provides conflicting results concerning the effect on bed stability. Both modelling and experimental work indicates that the hydraulic conductivity of the beach is a critical parameter. However, hydraulic conductivity varies both spatially and temporally on beaches, particularly on gravel and mixed sand and gravel beaches. Another important, but poorly understood, consideration in beach groundwater studies is the role of air encapsulation during the wetting of beach sand.  相似文献   

Transmission losses from the beds of ephemeral streams are thought to be a widespread mechanism of groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions and support a range of dryland hydro-ecology. Dryland areas cover ~40% of the Earth's land surface and groundwater resources are often the main source of freshwater. It is commonly assumed that where an unsaturated zone exists beneath a stream, the interaction between surface water and groundwater is unidirectional and that groundwater does not exert a significant feedback on transmission losses. To test this assumption, we conducted a series of numerical model experiments using idealised two-dimensional channel-transects to assess the sensitivity and degree of interaction between surface and groundwater for typical dryland ephemeral stream geometries, hydraulic properties and flow regimes. We broaden the use of the term ‘stream–aquifer interactions’ to refer not just to fluxes and water exchange but also to include the ways in which the stream and aquifer have a hydraulic effect on one another. Our results indicate that deep water tables, less frequent streamflow events and/or highly permeable sediments tend to result in limited bi-directional hydraulic interaction between the stream and the underlying groundwater which, in turn, results in high amounts of infiltration. With shallower initial depth to the water table, higher streamflow frequency and/or lower bed permeability, greater ‘negative’ hydraulic feedback from the groundwater occurs which in turn results in lower amounts of infiltration. Streambed losses eventually reach a constant rate as initial water table depths increase, but only at depths of 10s of metres in some of the cases studied. Our results highlight that bi-directional stream–aquifer hydraulic interactions in ephemeral streams may be more widespread than is commonly assumed. We conclude that groundwater and surface water should be considered as connected systems for water resource management unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   

The point velocity probe (PVP) is a device that can measure groundwater velocity at the centimeter scale, and unlike devices that measure velocity within well screens, the PVP operates while in direct contact with the porous medium. Because of this feature, it was postulated that the PVP could be effective in measuring velocity within the capillary fringe. This hypothesis was tested using a laboratory flow-through cell filled with a medium-fine sand from Canadian Forces Base Borden. The cell was constructed to simulate conditions such that the PVP was positioned from 2.5 cm below the water table to 79 cm above the water table. As the water table was lowered, the PVP gave highly consistent values of velocity over the range equivalent to 2.5 cm below the water table to 44 cm above the water table, the approximate extent of the capillary fringe. The average measured velocity was 11.3 cm/d ± 11.6%, somewhat higher than that calculated based on the measured discharge through the cell (7.5 cm/d ± 5.5%). With a further decline in the water table there was a progressive decrease in the measured velocity values, consistent with the declining hydraulic conductivity as the sand material drained. Readings could not be made beyond about 57 cm, where the water content was approximately 75% of saturation. These experiments showed that the PVP is capable of measuring groundwater velocity within the saturated zone above the water table and possibly into the unsaturated zone. Currently, this is the only instrument available with this capability.  相似文献   

Human activities have resulted in rapid hydrological change around the world, in many cases producing shifts in the dominant hydrological processes, confounding predictions, and complicating effective management and planning. Identifying and characterizing such changes in hydrological processes is therefore a globally relevant problem, one that is particularly challenging in sparsely monitored environments. We develop a novel, process-based approach for attribution of hydrological change in such scenarios and apply the approach to the TG Halli watershed outside Bangalore, India, where streamflow has declined considerably over the last 50 years. The approach consists of (a) employing a range of field instrumentation and experiments to identify contemporary streamflow generation mechanisms, (b) using these observations to constrain our understanding and generate hypotheses pertaining to historical changes, and (c) evaluating these hypotheses with a range of evidence including proxies for historical hydrological processes. The body of evidence in the TG Halli watershed indicates the historical presence and subsequent loss of a shallow groundwater table that previously discharged to the stream, meaning that groundwater depletion is the most likely driver of streamflow decline. These findings present a viable path towards improved predictions of future water resources and sustainable water management within the watershed. Our process-based approach to attribution has the potential to improve understanding of human-driven hydrological change in regions with poor monitoring of hydrological systems.  相似文献   

Subsurface drainage systems have been widely used to deal with soil salinization and waterlogging problems around the world. In this paper, a mathematical model was introduced to quantify the transient behavior of the groundwater table and the seepage from a subsurface drainage system. Based on the assumption of a hydrostatic pressure distribution, the model considered the pore-water flow in both the phreatic and vadose soil zones. An approximate analytical solution for the model was derived to quantify the drainage of soils which were initially water-saturated. The analytical solution was validated against laboratory experiments and a 2-D Richards equation-based model, and found to predict well the transient water seepage from the subsurface drainage system. A saturated flow-based model was also tested and found to over-predict the time required for drainage and the total water seepage by nearly one order of magnitude, in comparison with the experimental results and the present analytical solution. During drainage, a vadose zone with a significant water storage capacity developed above the phreatic surface. A considerable amount of water still remained in the vadose zone at the steady state with the water table situated at the drain bottom. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that effects of the vadose zone were intensified with an increased thickness of capillary fringe, capillary rise and/or burying depth of drains, in terms of the required drainage time and total water seepage. The analytical solution provides guidance for assessing the capillary effects on the effectiveness and efficiency of subsurface drainage systems for combating soil salinization and waterlogging problems.  相似文献   

In mountain, snow driven catchments, snowmelt is supposed to be the primary contribution to river streamflows during spring. In these catchments the contribution of groundwater is not well documented because of the difficulty to monitor groundwater in such complex environment with deep aquifers. In this study we use an integrated hydrologic model to conduct numerical experiments that help quantify the effect of lateral groundwater flow on total annual and peak streamflow in predevelopment conditions. Our simulations focus on the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB; 2.8 × 105 km2) a well-documented mountain catchment for which both streamflow and water table measurements are available for several important sub-basins. For the simulated water year, our results suggest an increase in peak flow of up to 57% when lateral groundwater flow processes are included—an unexpected result for flood conditions generally assumed independent of groundwater. Additionally, inclusion of lateral groundwater flow moderately improved the model match to observations. The correlation coefficient for mean annual flows improved from 0.84 for the no lateral groundwater flow simulation to 0.98 for the lateral groundwater flow one. Spatially we see more pronounced differences between lateral and no lateral groundwater flow cases in areas of the domain with steeper topography. We also found distinct differences in the magnitude and spatial distribution of streamflow changes with and without lateral groundwater flow between Upper Colorado River Sub-basins. A sensitivity test that scaled hydraulic conductivity over two orders of magnitude was conducted for the lateral groundwater flow simulations. These results show that the impact of lateral groundwater flow is as large or larger than an order of magnitude change in hydraulic conductivity. While our results focus on the UCRB, we feel that these simulations have relevance to other headwaters systems worldwide.  相似文献   

Performance of process‐based hydrological models is usually assessed through comparison between simulated and measured streamflow. Although necessary, this analysis is not sufficient to estimate the quality and realism of the modelling since streamflow integrates all processes of the water cycle, including intermediate production or redistribution processes such as snowmelt or groundwater flow. Assessing the performance of hydrological models in simulating accurately intermediate processes is often difficult and requires heavy experimental investments. In this study, conceptual hydrological modelling (using SWAT) of a semi‐arid mountainous watershed in the High Atlas in Morocco is attempted. Our objective is to analyse whether good intermediate processes simulation is reached when global‐satisfying streamflow simulation is possible. First, parameters presenting intercorrelation issues are identified: from the soil, the groundwater and, to a lesser extent, from the snow. Second, methodologies are developed to retrieve information from accessible intermediate hydrological processes. A geochemical method is used to quantify the contribution of a superficial and a deep reservoir to streamflow. It is shown that, for this specific process, the model formalism is not adapted to our study area and thus leads to poor simulation results. A remote‐sensing methodology is proposed to retrieve the snow surfaces. Comparison with the simulation shows that this process can be satisfyingly simulated by the model. The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study, although supported by the hydrological community, is still uncommon. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reforestation of cleared land has the potential to reduce groundwater recharge, salt mobilization and streamflow. Stream salinity change is the net result of changes in stream salt load and streamflow. The net effect of these changes varies spatially as a function of climate, terrain and land cover. Successful natural resource management requires methods to map the spatial variability of reforestation impacts. We investigated salinity data from 2000 bores and streamflow and salinity measurements from 27 catchments in the Goulburn–Broken region in southeast Australia to assess the main factors determining stream salinity and opportunities for management through reforestation. For groundwater systems of similar geology, relationships were found between average annual rainfall and groundwater salinity and between groundwater salinity and low‐flow salinity. Despite its simplicity, we found that the steady‐state component of a simple conceptual coupled water–salt mass balance model (BC2C) adequately explained the spatial variation in streamflow and salinity. The model results suggest the efficiency of afforestation to reduce stream salinity could be increased by more than an order of magnitude through spatial planning. However, appreciable reductions in stream salinity in large rivers through land cover change alone would still require reforestation on an unprecedented scale. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Smith  C. Welch  T. Stadnyk 《水文研究》2016,30(21):3871-3884
Quantifying streamflow sources within remote, data scarce, Boreal catchments remains a significant challenge because of limited accessibility and complex, flat topography. The coupled use of hydrometric and isotopic data has previously been shown to facilitate quantification of streamflow sources, but application has generally been limited to small basins and short time scales. A lumped flow‐isotope model was used to estimate contributing streamflow sources (soil, ground, and wetland water) over a four‐year period in two large nested headwater catchments (Sapochi and Odei Rivers) in northern Manitoba, Canada. On average, the primary streamflow source was estimated as soil water (60%) in the Sapochi River, and groundwater (54%) in the Odei River. A strong seasonal influence was observed: soil water was the primary streamflow source in summer, changing to groundwater and wetlands during the winter. Interannual variability in streamflow sources was strongly linked to the presence or absence of late summer rainfall. The greatest uncertainties in source quantification were identified during the spring freshets and high precipitation events, and hence, simulations may be improved through explicit representation of the soil freeze/thaw process and data collection during this period. Assessment of primary streamflow components and qualitative uncertainty estimation using coupled isotope‐flow modelling is an effective method for first‐order identification of streamflow sources in data sparse remote headwaters. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for increased loads of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streams and rivers is a concern for regulating the water quality in water supply watersheds. With increasing hydroclimatic variability related to global warming and shifts in forest ecosystem community and structure, understanding and predicting the magnitude and variability of watershed supply and transport of DOC over multiple time scales have become important research and management goals. In this study, we use a distributed process‐based ecohydrological model (Regional Hydro‐Ecological Simulation System [RHESSys]) to explore controls and predict streamflow DOC loads in Biscuit Brook. Biscuit Brook is a forested headwater catchment of the Neversink Reservoir, part of the New York City water supply system in the Catskill Mountains. Three different model structures of RHESSys were proposed to explore and evaluate hypotheses addressing how vegetation phenology and hydrologic connectivity between deep groundwater and riparian zones influence streamflow and DOC loads. Model results showed that incorporating dynamic phenology improved model agreement with measured streamflow in spring, summer, and fall and fall DOC concentration, compared with a static phenology. Additionally, the connectivity of deep groundwater flux through riparian zones with dynamic phenology improved streamflow and DOC flux in low flow conditions. Therefore, this study suggests the importance of inter‐annual vegetation phenology and the connectivity of deep groundwater drainage through riparian zones in the hydrology and stream DOC loading in this forested watershed and the ability of process‐based ecohydrological models to simulate these dynamics. The advantage of a process‐based modelling approach is specifically seen in the sensitivity to forest ecosystem dynamics and the interactions of hydroclimate variability with ecosystem processes controlling the supply and distribution of DOC. These models will be useful to evaluate different forest management approaches toward mitigating water quality concerns.  相似文献   

C. H. TAYLOR Methodological issues associated with isotopic hydrograph separations (IHSs) in built-up environments are explored using results from the 1990 spring melt in a suburban basin in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The hetrogeneous nature of suburban environments complicates the selection of appropriate isotopic signatures for event and pre-event waters. Near-stream groundwater δ18O sampled from wells was poorly mixed, such that the pre-event water signature was best characterized by δ18O in pre-melt baseflow or discharge from a headwater spring. The event water signature during snowmelt can be characterized using δ18O in the pre-melt snowpack, surface runoff samples or meltwater from lysimeters. However, the use of snowpack δ18O may be inappropriate in suburban basins where meltwater from thin snowcover may exhibit pronounced responses to δ18O in rainfall contributions. Intensive sampling of the spatial variability of runoff or meltwater δ18O may be required to characterize the average event water signature adequately. Rainfall δ18O provided an appropriate event water signal during a large rain on snow event, and differences between this IHS and one generated using an event water signature that included meltwater contributions from snow-covered surfaces were within the uncertainty attributable to the analytical error in δ18O values. Event water supplied 55-63% of the peak discharge and 48-58% of total runoff from the basin during the melt, which is consistent with the fraction of the basin that has been developed. These results contrast with IHSs conducted in forested basins that suggest that stormflow is dominated by pre-event water contributions.  相似文献   

The water balance of a 600 m2 field site on a lateritic hillslope in Kerala, southwest India, has been studied during two southwest monsoon seasons. Surface runoff was of minor importance while infiltration and evapotranspiration were the major components amounting to approximately 2/3 and 1/3 of the rainfall, respectively. Groundwater response was rapid, involving fluctuations of several metres. Recharge mechanisms hypothesized are water movement via preferred pathways from the ground surface to the capillary fringe where rapid rise in groundwater level is brought about by a transmitted pressure pulse. Groundwater recharge was found normally to take place during the southwest monsoon season only. the field study demonstrates that seasonal shallow groundwater recharge representing the major portion of the rainfall May, be observed in this lateritic terrain in the humid tropics. It indicates a good potential for further groundwater development. Moreover, conditions are conducive to a considerable contribution to possible recharge to deeper aquifers. the observed groundwater recharge is the result of a complex process on which further research will throw more light.  相似文献   

Water transpired by trees has long been assumed to be sourced from the same subsurface water stocks that contribute to groundwater recharge and streamflow. However, recent investigations using dual water stable isotopes have shown an apparent ecohydrological separation between tree‐transpired water and stream water. Here we present evidence for such ecohydrological separation in two tropical environments in Puerto Rico where precipitation seasonality is relatively low and where precipitation is positively correlated with primary productivity. We determined the stable isotope signature of xylem water of 30 mahogany (Swietenia spp.) trees sampled during two periods with contrasting moisture status. Our results suggest that the separation between transpiration water and groundwater recharge/streamflow water might be related less to the temporal phasing of hydrologic inputs and primary productivity, and more to the fundamental processes that drive evaporative isotopic enrichment of residual soil water within the soil matrix. The lack of an evaporative signature of both groundwater and streams in the study area suggests that these water balance components have a water source that is transported quickly to deeper subsurface storage compared to waters that trees use. A Bayesian mixing model used to partition source water proportions of xylem water showed that groundwater contribution was greater for valley‐bottom, riparian trees than for ridge‐top trees. Groundwater contribution was also greater at the xeric site than at the mesic–hydric site. These model results (1) underline the utility of a simple linear mixing model, implemented in a Bayesian inference framework, in quantifying source water contributions at sites with contrasting physiographic characteristics, and (2) highlight the informed judgement that should be made in interpreting mixing model results, of import particularly in surveying groundwater use patterns by vegetation from regional to global scales. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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