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McIntosh  K.  Akbar  F.  Calderon  C.  Stoffa  P.  Operto  S.  Christeson  G.  Nakamura  Y.  Shipley  T.  Flueh  E.  Stavenhagen  A.  Leandro  G. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(5):451-474
In March and April 1995 a cooperative German, Costa Rican, and United States research team recorded onshore-offshore seismic data sets along the Pacific margin of Costa Rica using the R/V Ewing. Off the Nicoya Peninsula we used a linear array of ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) with onshore seismometers extending across much of the isthmus. In the central area we deployed an OBS/H areal array consisting of 30 instruments over a 9 km by 35-km area and had land stations on the Nicoya Peninsula adjacent to this marine array and also extending northeast on the main Costa Rican landmass. Our goal in these experiments was to determine the crustal velocity structure along different portions of this convergent margin and to use the dense instrument deployments to create migrated reflection images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting Cocos Plate. Our specific goal in the central area was to determine whether a subducted seamount is present at the location of the 1990, M 7 earthquake off the Nicoya Peninsula and can thus be linked to its nucleation. Subsequently we have processed the data to improve reflection signals, used the data to calculate crustal velocity models, and developed several wide-aperture migration techniques, based on a Kirchhoff algorithm, to produce reflection images. Along the northern transect we used the ocean bottom data to construct a detailed crustal velocity model, but reflections from the plate boundary and top and bottom of the subducting Cocos plate are difficult to identify and have so far produced poor images. In contrast, the land stations along this same transect recorded clear reflections from the top of the subducting plate or plate boundary, within the seismogenic zone, and we have constructed a clear image from this reflector beneath the Nicoya shelf. Data from the 3-D seismic experiment suffer from high-amplitude, coherent noise (arrivals other than reflections), and we have tried many techniques to enhance the signal to noise ratio of reflected arrivals. Due to the noise, an apparent lack of strong reflections from the plate boundary zone, and probable structural complexity, the resulting 3-D images only poorly resolve the top of the subducting Cocos Plate. The images are not able to provide compelling evidence of whether there is a subducting seamount at the 1990 earthquake hypocenter. Our results do show that OBS surveys are capable of creating images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting plate well into the seismogenic zone if coherent reflections are recorded at 1.8 km instrument spacing (2-D) and 5 km inline by 1 km crossline spacing for 3-D acquisition. However, due to typical high amplitude coherent noise, imaging results may be poorer than expected, especially in unfavorable geologic settings such as our 3-D survey area. More effective noise reduction in acquisition, possibly with the use of vertical hydrophone arrays, and in processing, with advanced multiple removal and possibly depth filtering, is required to achieve the desired detailed images of the seismogenic plate boundary zone.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible environmental impact of oily cuttings discharged during oil exploration activities, we studied the benthic foraminiferal faunas in a five-station, 4-km-long sampling transect around a cuttings disposal site at about 670 m depth offshore Angola (W Africa), where drilling activities started 1.5 years before sampling. Living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminiferal faunas were sampled in March 2006. The faunal patterns mirror the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons, which are dispersed into a southeastern direction. Four different areas can be distinguished on the basis of the investigated faunal parameters (density, diversity and species composition of the living fauna, and comparison with subrecent dead faunas). The fauna at station S31, 300 m SE of the oil cuttings disposal site, appears to be clearly impacted: the faunal density and diversity are maximal, but evenness is minimal. Taxa sensitive to organic enrichment, such as Uvigerina peregrina, Cancris auriculus and Cribrostomoides subglobosus, have largely disappeared, whereas the low-oxygen-resistant taxon Chilostomella oolina and opportunistic buliminids and bolivinids attain relatively high densities. At station S32, 500 m SE of the disposal site, environmental impact is still perceptible. The faunal density is slightly increased, and U. peregrina, apparently the most sensitive species, is still almost absent. The faunas found at 1 and 1.8 km SE of the disposal site are apparently no longer impacted by the drill mud disposal. Faunal density and diversity are low, and the faunal composition is typical for a mesotrophic to eutrophic upper slope environment. Finally, Station S35, 2 km NW of the disposal site, contains an intermediate fauna, where both the low-oxygen-resistant C. oolina and the more sensitive taxa (U. peregrina, C. auriculus and C. subglobosus) are present. All taxa live close to the sediment–water interface here, indicating a reduced oxygen penetration into the sediment. Since the hydrocarbon concentration is low at this station, it appears that the faunal characteristics are the consequence of a slightly different environmental setting, and not due to a contamination with drill cuttings. Our data underline the large potential of benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of anthropogenic enrichment in open marine settings, such as caused by the disposal of oily drill cuttings. The foraminiferal faunas react essentially by a density increase of a number of tolerant and/or opportunistic taxa, and a progressive disappearance of more sensitive taxa in the most impacted area. Rather surprisingly, large-sized taxa appear to be more sensitive than small-sized foraminiferal taxa.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,219(1):19-25
Investigations are being carried out to locate the indirect evidences of gas occurrences in the Indian Continental Margins by identifying features like pockmarks, shale diapirs, venting as well as bottom simulating reflectors (BSR). We investigate one such case of a shale diapirs. Occurrence of free gas and gas hydrates is reported using a complex trace analysis to study the variation of reflection strength and instantaneous frequency along individual reflections. A frequency analysis over the flank of the shale diapir indicates attenuation of high frequencies, possibly representing the migration of fluids (probably methane) along the fault pathways. Similarly a plot of reflection strength along an individual reflector shows the migration pathways and significant blanking.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the methane oxidation rate is estimated. The methane lifetime in the atmosphere is shown to decrease by about 3% from 1900 to 2005. The overwhelming fraction of the total methane content is removed from the atmosphere at intratropical latitudes during the daytime. The methane oxidation rate growth due to the temperature increase in the troposphere generates negative feedback in the methane cycle and, accordingly, climatic feedback with the same sign. According to the estimates performed, the halt in methane concentration growth in the atmosphere observed in recent years can be associated with a decrease in the lifetime of methane in the atmosphere. According to the results of numerical experiments with the climatic model of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), the climatic effect of negative feedback of the tropospheric temperature and the methane lifetime in the atmosphere is not large and is comparable with the climatic forcing of the methane emission growth from bog ecosystems.  相似文献   

对南海北部陆架琼东沿岸泥质区$20孔进行了岩性、粒度和常量元素分析,初步探讨了该泥质区常量元素地球化学特征.S20孔岩性较均一,主要为黏土质粉砂,研究区受相对单一而稳定的水动力条件控制.常量元素含量变化符合“元素的粒度控制律”,R型因子分析结果表明,第一因子P2O5,MnO,TiO2,A12O3,Fe2O3和K2O等的...  相似文献   

The worlds >1500 mud volcanoes are normally in a dormant stage due to the short duration of eruptions. Their dormant stage activity is often characterized by vigorous seepage of water, gas, and petroleum. However, the source of the fluids and the fluid–rock interactions within the mud volcano conduit remain poorly understood. In order to investigate this type of activity, we have combined satellite images with fieldwork and extensive sampling of water and gas at seeping gryphons, pools and salsa lakes at the Dashgil mud volcano in Azerbaijan. We find that caldera collapse faults and E–W oriented faults determine the location of the seeps. The seeping gas is dominated by methane (94.9–99.6%), with a δ13C (‰ V-PDB) in the −43.9 to −40.4‰ range, consistent throughout the 12 analysed seeps. Ethane and carbon dioxide occur in minor amounts. Seventeen samples of seeping water show a wide range in solute content and isotopic composition. Pools and salsa lakes have the highest salinities (up to 101,043 ppm Cl) and the lowest δ18O (‰ V-SMOW) values (1–4‰). The mud-rich gryphons have low salinities (<18,000 ppm Cl) and are enriched in 18O (δ18O = 4–6‰).  相似文献   

Coastal waters off the southwest coast of India draw special attention because of the occurrence of mud banks at certain locations during southwest monsoon period. The present study puts forward a hypothesis of a subterranean flow, which could be a plausible mechanism to initiate the mud banks. The subterranean flow is believed to be coupled with activated trending faults and originate from the adjacent watershed (Vembanad Lake) separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land where submerged porous lime shell beds are present. When the lake water injection occurs through the fault, the mud/clay gets excited by its thixotrophic properties (as the overlying water looses its electrolyte) and transforms into a flowing fluid. The lowering of salinity due to the introduction of fresh water keeps the mud suspension in the water column for longer duration, leading to the formation of mud banks. The idea of subterranean flow through lime shell beds initiating formation of mud banks may apply globally to any coastal regions hugged by wetlands and of similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

Marine fisheries in Costa Rica have become characterized by overexploitation, ineffective centralized management and increased conflict among fishing sectors. Despite high economic and socio-cultural importance of small-scale fisheries, no formal mechanisms existed until recently to facilitate the participation of fishers in management. Marine Areas for Responsible Fishing (Áreas Marinas para la Pesca Responsable, AMPR) were legally recognized in 2009 as a co-management approach, enabling the designation of spatial management areas to be implemented collaboratively by artisanal fishers and government agencies. In this paper, we examine property and access relations shaping this emerging participatory management model using case studies primarily from the Gulf of Nicoya region. The policy demonstrably improves upon some aspects of management, for instance, by allowing artisanal fishers to determine gear restrictions within designated areas. However, the model lacks other attributes of more successful co-management scenarios, particularly exclusive access. The fugitive nature of resources further complicates property relations over these fisheries. The cases explored also illustrate broader institutional and systemic issues that preclude effective participatory management. Lessons from the region are used to propose significant shifts to the management of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

The Dongsha Basin, circling Dongsha Island that is amid the northern margin of the South China Sea, is characterized by thin (∼0.5 km) Cenozoic sediments veneering on thick (up to 5 km) Mesozoic strata. Recently, several geophysical and geological surveys, including multiple channel reflection seismic, sub-bottom profiling and benthic dredging, have been conducted on the slope southwest to the Dongsha Island, where the water depth varies from 400 m to 2000 m. A novel discovery is numerous submarine mud volcanoes of various sizes over there, typically 50–200 m high and 0.5–5 km wide. Geophysical profiles document their unusual features, e.g., roughly undulating seafloor, high-amplitude seabed reflectivity, foggy hyperbolic diffractions up to 50 m in water column above seabed, and internal reflection chaos and wipe-out down to 2–3 km level or deeper below the seabed. Benthic dredging from the mud volcanoes gives abundant faunas of high diversity, e.g., scleractinian (stony coral), gorgonian, black coral, thiophil tubeworm, glass sponge, bryozoan etc., indicating booming chemosynthetic community, among which the Lophelia pertusa-like coral and the Euretidae-like glass sponges are the first reports in the South China Sea. Concomitantly with them, there are also abundant authigenic carbonate nodules and slabs, raw, brecciated and breccias with bio-clasts congregation. Besides, there coexist massive mudflows and allogenic coarse-grained quartz, feldspar and tourmaline most likely brought out by mud volcanism. Geochemical analysis of the bottom water samples give dissolved methane concentration up to 4 times higher than the background average. These results lend comprehensive evidences for the ongoing and historical mud volcanism. The escaping methane gas is inferred to source mainly from the Mesozoic strata. Occupying a large province of the deep water slope, ca. 1000 km2 or more, the mud volcanoes is prospective for gas hydrate and natural gas for the Dongsha Basin.  相似文献   

Reproduction and larval development of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon is strongly linked to temperature changes provoked by upwelling along the Chilean coast. Here, we propose the hypothesis that both the breeding cycle and the spatial distribution of egg‐bearing females of P. monodon in Costa Rica are related to decreasing water temperatures during seasonal coastal upwelling. To describe the breeding cycle, squat lobsters were collected between February 2007 and January 2008 from the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The presence of egg‐bearing females in other areas of the Costa Rican coast was studied from samples collected during two latitudinal research cruises (August 2008: rainy season; May 2009: dry season). Our results revealed that P. monodon has a marked seasonal breeding period (from November to March), which is associated with decreasing water surface temperatures registered during coastal upwelling events. All females with embryos close to hatching were found in areas surrounding the Gulf of Nicoya, when upwelling events have been reported. The near absence of egg‐bearing females in zones where upwelling does not occur suggests the existence of a strong correlation between upwelling events and the breeding cycle of Pmonodon. Our information should be considered when developing management measures for the sustainable use of this potential fishery resource in the Pacific coast of Central America.  相似文献   

Magnetic total intensity values and bathymetric data collected on the continental margin off Saurashtra were, used to prepare magnetic anomalies and bathymetric contour maps. The magnetic anomalies are considered to have been caused by the Deccan Trap flood basalts which underlie the Tertiary sediments. Interpretation of the magnetic data using two-dimensional modelling method suggests that the magnetic basement is block faulted and deepens in steps from less than 1.0 km in the north to about 8.0 km towards the southern portion of the study area. The WNW-ESE trending faults identified in the present study extend across the Saurashtra continental margin between Porbandar and Veraval and appear to represent a major linear tectonic feature. The relationship of these fault lineaments with the regional tectonic framework have been discussed to indicate that they conform better as the northern boundary faults of the Narmada rift graben on the continental margin off Saurashtra.  相似文献   

Tropical blue crabs Callinectes arcuatus were collected by trawling in the Gulf of Nicoya on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America. The gulf population was generally dominated by females. Adult females were common in the upper, more estuarine regions of the gulf during rainy season, but appeared to migrate to the lower gulf during dry season for spawning. Biomass varied with seasonal changes in abundance, but was generally similar to biomass of C. sapidus in Chesapeake Bay. Analysis of size frequency indicated that the population is numerically dominated by adults during January and February and that juveniles are common during the remainder of the year. Extrapolation of available data suggests that female crabs reach maturity in approximately one year after hatching.  相似文献   

The textural and compositional characteristics of the surficial shelf sediments north and south of the Orange River Delta are reviewed and compared. Sediments are fractionated and dispersed both north- and southwards of the Orange River mouth by wave action, longshore drift and subsurface currents. The mean grain size decreases both offshore and southwards in response to decreased wave influence at the seabed and the competence of the weak poleward undercurrent respectively. The increasing dominance of marine biogenic components in sediments south of the prodelta indicates a greater marine influence, modifying previous inferences that the Namaqualand mudbelt is primarily derived from the southward transport of Orange River sediments. A sharp distinction can be drawn between sediments of the Orange Shelf to the south and the Walvis Shelf to the north. Foraminiferarich deposits that dominate the Orange middle shelf and slope indicate that upwelling is an inner-shelf phenomenon. On the Walvis Shelf, foraminiferal sediments are confined to the slope and outer shelf. Fish debris is more common in Walvis Shelf sediments. Although phosphorite and glauconite sands often occur together in the same deposits on the Orange Shelf, the two minerals are concentrated in separate deposits on the Walvis Shelf.  相似文献   

Lagrangian experiments with short-term, drifting sediment traps were conducted during a cruise on RRS Charles Darwin to the NW coast of Spain to study the vertical flux and composition of settling biogenic matter. The cruise was split into two legs corresponding to (i) a period of increased production following an upwelling event on the continental shelf (3–10 August 1998) and (ii) an evolution of a cold water filament originating from the upwelled water off the shelf (14–19 August). The export of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the upper layer (0–60m) on the shelf was 90–240mgC.m−2.d−1 and off the shelf was 60–180mgC.m−2.d−1. Off shelf the POC flux at 200m was 50–60mg.m−2.d−1. A modest sedimentation of diatoms (15–30mgC.m−2.d−1) after the upwelling was associated with increased vertical flux of chlorophyll a (1.8–2.1mg.m−2.d−1) and a decrease of the POC:PON molar ratio of the settled material from 9 to 6.4. Most of the pico-, nano-, and microplankton in the settled material were flagellates; diatoms were significant during the on shelf and dinoflagellates during the off shelf leg. Off shelf, the exponential attenuation of POC flux indicated a strong retention capacity of the plankton community between 40 and 75m. POC:PON ratio of the settled particulate matter decreased with depth and the relative portion of flagellates increased, suggesting a novel, flagellate and aggregate mediated particulate flux in these waters. Export of POC from the euphotic layer comprised 14–26% of the integrated primary production per day during the on shelf leg and 25–42% during the off shelf leg, which characterises the importance of sedimentation in the organic carbon budget of these waters.  相似文献   

 Results of a detailed geophysical transect across the transform continental margin off Ghana, at the eastern end of the Romanche Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic, are presented. Seismic refraction, single-channel seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic data were collected, and seismic, gravity, and magnetic models along the transect are shown. The 6- to 11-km-wide ocean–continent transition (OCT) is characterized by a high-velocity, high-density, high-magnetization crustal zone. The models show no evidence for any underplating of the continental crust adjacent to the margin but minor melting and intrusion of the continental crust may have occurred in the vicinity of the OCT. Received: 6 February 1995/Revision received: 24 July 1995  相似文献   

This study is a first step towards valuing the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME), one of the five world's most productive marine areas that are rich in fishery resources, petroleum production, and an important global region of marine biological diversity. The area is highly degraded and thus demands urgent attention to recover and sustain depleted fisheries; restore degraded habitats; and reduce land and ship-based pollutions. Achieving this goal would be a mirage if the actual value of the ecosystem's contribution to the society is not known. Valuation can help identify the main beneficiaries of conservation and the magnitude of benefits they receive, and help design measures to capture some of these benefits and contribute to financing of conservation. Hence this study used the direct output approach to estimate the value of relevant marine activities in the area. The result shows that the total value of output in GCLME when some outputs namely, marine fishery, offshore oil production, NTFP (periwinkle) and mining, are considered as $49,941.4 million. Among these uses, offshore oil production has the highest value accounting for 59.79% of the total estimate. These estimates provides sufficient evidence to show that GCLME provide enormous value and should be managed appropriately to sustain the gains if the economic development would be guaranteed especially considering that most countries in the GCLM depend on natural resources for their survival. Evolving a well defined property rights regime and an efficient governance system for management is recommended.  相似文献   

山东半岛南部近岸全新世泥质区表层沉积物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥质区沉积记录是全新世海洋环境演变的重要信息载体。中国近海沿岸发育着若干小型泥质沉积体,比较明确的有南海西部近海的泥质区,但尚未进行研究。通过对山东半岛南部近岸海域采集的浅地层剖面资料精细解释后发现,在该区近岸海域存在一个小型泥质沉积区,主要分布在青岛崂山头以北至乳山口附近的近岸海域,整体上平行海岸线呈条带状分布,由近岸向海逐渐变薄,等厚深度分布平行于岸线,沉积中心位于鳌山湾海域,沉积中心最厚可达22.5 m。AMS14C测年结果表明,该泥质区形成于全新世。本文利用在泥质区采集的表层沉积物的粒度、黏土矿物、碎屑矿物、地球化学元素等分析测试结果,对比研究区周边主要入海中小河流物质成分和黄河物质成分,探讨了山东半岛南部近岸海域泥质沉积区的沉积特征和物源情况。结果表明,该泥质区的形成是黄河与周边入海河流共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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