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We have analysed volatiles (H2O, He, Ar, CO2) in differentiated (basaltic andesite, dacite) volcanic glasses dredged at a depth of ca. 2000 m in the eastern part of the Manus Basin between 151°20′ and 152°10′ E. These samples have Sr–O–B isotopic ratios that show that they most likely represent lavas evolved from a common magma source. Since these glasses are very fresh, they provide a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of magmatic volatiles during assimilation–fractional crystallisation–degassing (AFCD). The samples are highly vesicular (up to 18%) and the volatiles trapped in vesicles consist predominantly of H2O with minor amounts of CO2, and the concentration of water in the glasses indicates that H2O saturation was attained. Rare gases except helium are atmospheric in origin, and the 3He/4He ratios and the CO2/3He ratios are respectively lower and higher than those typical of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), and appear to correlate with the degree of differentiation. AFCD allows efficient degassing of mantle-derived volatiles and contribution of crust-derived and atmosphere-derived volatiles. Given the widespread occurrence of differentiated magmatism at arcs, we suggest that AFCD is responsible for large-scale occurrence of 3He-rich crustal fluids and of atmospheric-like rare gases in arc emanations, and that most of the volatiles are lost continuously during fractional crystallisation, rather than catastrophically during eruptions.  相似文献   

The contemporary horizontal movements and deformations in the central and southern parts of the Baikal depression are analyzed, and their relationship with contemporary seismicity is studied. Based on the long-term measurements by the Baikal geodynamical GPS monitoring network, the refined estimate is obtained for the velocity of the divergence of the Siberian and Transbaikalian blocks, which is found to occur in the southeastward direction (130°) at 3.4 ± 0.7 mm per annum. This agrees with the parameters of the long-term extension component estimated from the geological data and with the direction of extension determined from the seismic data. The distribution of the displacement velocity across the strike of the rift, which gradually increases from one block to another, suggests a nonrigid behavior of the continental lithospheric plates at the divergent boundary. About 30% (1.0–1.5 mm per annum) of the total increase in the velocity is accommodated by the Baikal Basin. The strain rate within the trough reaches 3.1 × 10?8 yr?1 and decreases on either side across the structure. The character of distribution of the horizontal displacement velocities on the Baikal divergent boundary between the Eurasian and Amurian plates favors the model of passive rifting. The zones of highly contrasting topography and increased seismicity are localized within the area of contemporary deformations, and the seismic moment release rate directly depends on the strain rate. Here, the rate of the seismic moment release rate makes up a few percent of the geodetic moment accumulation rate calculated by the approach suggested by Anderson (1979). Based on the coherence between the graphs of the rates of geodetic moment accumulation and seismic moment release rate by the earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0 during the historical and instrumental observation periods, the contemporary seismic hazard for the South Baikal Basin could be assessed at a level of seismic event with M = 7.5–7.6.  相似文献   

Storm runoff from the Marikina River Basin frequently causes flood events in the Philippine capital region Metro Manila. This paper presents and evaluates a system to predict short-term runoff from the upper part of that basin (380 km2). It was designed as a possible component of an operational warning system yet to be installed. For the purpose of forecast verification, hindcasts of streamflow were generated for a period of 15 months with a time-continuous, conceptual hydrological model. The latter was fed with real-time observations of rainfall. Both ground observations and weather radar data were tested as rainfall forcings. The radar-based precipitation estimates clearly outperformed the raingauge-based estimates in the hydrological verification. Nevertheless, the quality of the deterministic short-term runoff forecasts was found to be limited. For the radar-based predictions, the reduction of variance for lead times of 1, 2 and 3 hours was 0.61, 0.62 and 0.54, respectively, with reference to a “no-forecast” scenario, i.e. persistence. The probability of detection for major increases in streamflow was typically less than 0.5. Given the significance of flood events in the Marikina Basin, more effort needs to be put into the reduction of forecast errors and the quantification of remaining uncertainties.  相似文献   

We discuss the chemical compositions of rhyolites from three distinct tectonic settings: (i) the continental rift from Ethiopia (both Oligocene–Miocene and Quaternary rhyolites); (ii) the early Miocene continental arc of Japan (the Mt Wasso rhyolites related to the rifting of the Japan Sea); and (iii) the oceanic Izu–Bonin Island Arc. The comparison reveals that the oceanic island arc rhyolites have high contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and extremely low abundance of trace elements including K2O. In contrast, the Ethiopian continental rift rhyolites are characterized by low contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and high contents of K2O, and are enriched in the whole range of trace elements. The continental arc Mt Wasso rhyolites are apparently low in Nb content, although they display similar chemical trends to those of the Ethiopian rhyolites. This obvious difference in the chemical signatures of the rhyolites from the three tectonic settings is the consequence of their derivation from different sources. The implication of this result is that fractional crystallization processes were dominant in the rift‐related rhyolites both from continental rift and continental arc regardless of the prevailing tectonic setting and the nature of the crust (age, thickness, composition), whereas the oceanic island arc rhyolites may form through partial melting of young, mafic crust.  相似文献   

In the article, the results of field observations of the chemical composition of the small river basin waters obtained during warm periods in 2011–2012 are presented. Seven basic geographical types of water were investigated, namely, cyclonic rainfall, rainstorm, throughfall, subsurface soil flow, low water flow (specific discharges of waters do not exceed 2.5 L/s km2), low floods (peak specific discharges are from 2.5 to 16 L/s km2) and medium floods (peak specific discharges are from 16 to about 100 L/s km2). A result of the interaction between the rain water and landscape constituents is that all examined natural waters differ to the maximum extent in the anionic composition. A chemical type of stream waters is sufficiently stable; it is formed predominantly within the soil-ground cover and does not change with increase in flow rate.  相似文献   

Abstract Temporal–spatial variations in Late Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Chugoku area, southwest Japan, have been examined based on 108 newly obtained K–Ar ages. Lava samples were collected from eight Quaternary volcanic provinces (Daisen, Hiruzen, Yokota, Daikonjima, Sambe, Ooe–Takayama, Abu and Oki) and a Tertiary volcanic cluster (Kibi Province) to cover almost all geological units in the province. Including published age data, a total of 442 Cenozoic radiometric ages are now available. Across‐arc volcanic activity in an area approximately 500 km long and 150 km wide can be examined over 26 million years. The period corresponds to syn‐ and post‐back‐arc basin opening stages of the island arc. Volcanic activity began in the central part of the rear‐arc ca 26 Ma. This was followed by arc‐wide expansion at 20 Ma by eruption at two rear‐arc centers located at the eastern and western ends. Expansion to the fore‐arc occurred between 20 and 12 Ma. This Tertiary volcanic arc was maintained until 4 Ma with predominant alkali basalt centers. The foremost‐arc zone activity ceased at 4 Ma, followed by quiescence over the whole arc between 4 and 3 Ma. Volcanic activity resumed at 3 Ma, covering the entire rear‐arc area, and continued until the present to form a Quaternary volcanic arc. Adakitic dacite first occurred at 1.7 Ma in the middle of the arc, and spread out in the center part of the Quaternary volcanic arc. Alkali basalt activities ceased in the area where adakite volcanism occurred. Fore‐arc expansion of the volcanic arc could be related to the upwelling and expansion of the asthenosphere, which caused opening of the Japan Sea. Narrowing of the volcanic zone could have been caused by progressive Philippine Sea Plate subduction. Deeper penetration could have caused melting of the slab and resulted in adakites. Volcanic history in the Late Cenozoic was probably controlled by the history of evolution of the upper mantle structure, coinciding with back‐arc basin opening and subsequent reinitiation of subduction.  相似文献   

In central Baja California (Vizcaino Peninsula, and Cedros and San Benito Islands) two distinct radiolarian bedded chert sequences of late Triassic and late Jurassic/lowermost Cretaceous age, can be differentiated on lithostratigraphic and geochemical criteria.These bedded chert sequences are part of the conformable sedimentary cover of more or less dismembered ophiolites, which are overthrusted by the San Andrès-Cedros volcanic arc system of middle late Jurassic age.Major and trace elements permit paleogeographic zonation of the late Jurassic/lowermost Cretaceous radiolarites lying conformably upon ophiolites considered as fragments of an oceanic basin floor which developed westward of the San Andrès volcanic arc. Progressive accretion of this oceanic basin floor, along the continental margin is supported by the fact that the more distal radiolarian chert sequences belong to the lowermost structural units of this area.  相似文献   

Field data and seismic reflection profiles of various resolutions, calibrated by deep well logs, have been used to unravel the tectonic evolution of the Crati Basin (southern Italy). The study area is located in the northern portion of the Calabrian Arc, a well-developed arc-shaped feature of the circum-Mediterranean belts, consisting of a series of ophiolite-bearing tectonic units and overlying basement nappes. NW–SE oriented left-lateral strike-slip faults exerted a major control on the tectonic evolution of northern-central Calabria, from Middle Miocene to Lower Pleistocene times. Such faults, arranged in an en-échelon geometry and dissecting the pre-existing Late Oligocene–Early Miocene orogenic belt, led to a structural setting including major N-S striking synforms – as the offshore Paola Basin and the Crati Basin are interpreted based on our results – separated by a broad antiformal ridge. Since the Middle Pleistocene, both E- and W-dipping normal faults developed in the southernmost sector of the Crati Basin, probably as a consequence of both uplift of the orogenic edifice and Tyrrhenian back-arc extension. The pre-existing regional strike-slip faults became inactive in this sector of the belt. However, working as persistent barriers, it is envisaged here that they inhibited the southern propagation of the newly formed normal faults, which therefore propagated towards the north. A minimum value of cumulative displacement of ca. 600 m has been unraveled for the central sector of the Crati Basin since Middle Pleistocene times. This yields a vertical strain rate of ca. 0.9 mm/y during the last 700 ka.  相似文献   

Low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analyses were performed on 532 samples collected in 36 (mostly lower Pliocene to lower Pleistocene) marine clay sites from the Crotone basin, a fore-arc basin located on top of the external Calabrian accretionary wedge. The Crotone basin formed since mid-late Miocene under a predominant extensional tectonic regime, but it was influenced thereafter by complex interactions with NW–SE left-lateral strike-faults bounding the basin, which also yielded post-1.2 Ma ∼30° counterclockwise block rotations. The basin is filled by continental to marine sediments yielding one of the thickest and best-exposed Neogene succession available worldwide. The deep-marine facies – represented by blue-grey marly clays gave the best results, as they both preserved a clear magnetic fabric, and provided accurate chronology based on previously published magnetostratigraphy and calcareous plankton (i.e. foraminifers and nannofossils) biostratigraphy. Magnetic susceptibility range and rock magnetic analyses both indicate that AMS reflects paramagnetic clay matrix crystal arrangement. The fabric is predominantly oblate to triaxial, the anisotropy degree low (<1.06), and the magnetic foliation mostly subparallel to bedding. Magnetic lineation is defined in 30 out of 36 sites (where the e12 angle is <35°). By also considering local structural analysis data, we find that magnetic fabric was generally acquired during the first tectonic phases occurring after sediment deposition, thus validating its use as temporally dependent strain proxy. Although most of the magnetic lineations trend NW–SE and are orthogonal to normal faults (as observed elsewhere in Calabria), few NE–SW compressive lineations show that the Neogene extensional regime of the Crotone basin was punctuated by compressive episodes. Finally, compressive lineations (prolate magnetic fabric) documented along the strike-slip fault bounding the basin to the south support the significance of Pleistocene strike-slip tectonics. Thus the Crotone basin shows a markedly different tectonics with respect to other internal and western basins of Calabria, as it yields a magnetic fabric still dominated by extensional tectonics but also revealing arc-normal shortening episodes and recent strike-slip fault activity. The tectonics documented in the Crotone basin is compatible with a continuous upper crustal structural reorganization occurring during the SE-migration of the Calabria terrane above the Ionian subduction system.  相似文献   

Olivier  Monod  Michel  Faure  Juan-Carlos  Salinas 《Island Arc》1994,3(1):25-34
Abstract The pre-Oligocene structure of southwest Mexico, south of the trans-Mexico volcanic axis, is investigated from Taxco (Guerrero state, abbreviation: Gro) to the Pacific coast. Three volcano-sedimentary units are recognized; from east to west the calc-alkaline Teloloapan, tholeiitic Arcelia and calc-alkaline Zihuatanejo suites. Structural and stratigraphic data show that the Teloloapan volcanic arc, active during ?Late Jurassic and early Cretaceous, was built upon continental basement. The Teloloapan lavas are overlain by the Albian–Cenomanian Morelos platform carbonates and followed by the Upper Cretaceous Mexcala flysch. In contrast, the Arcelia pillow lavas are associated with sandstones and cherts of Albian-?Cenomanian age. The Zihuatanejo arc was also installed upon continental basement and its magmatic activity was in part coeval with Arcelia magmatism. Unlike the almost undeformed Zihuatanejo volcanic rocks, all the other volcanic units are involved in east-vergent thrusting and recumbent folding associated with ductile tectonics, as well as the Late Cretaceous Mexcala flysch overlying the Morelos platform carbonates. Contrasting with previous views, the present results do not support a major mid-Cretaceous thrusting event in the study area. The new geodynamic interpretation proposed here considers that the Arcelia rocks were formed in a marginal basin situated east of the Zihuatanejo arc. Closure of this basin in Paleocene times is responsible for the east vergent thrust tectonics in SW Mexico.  相似文献   

A thick (<175 m) North Mountain Basalt flow at McKay Head, Nova Scotia (Canada) shows 25-cm-thick differentiated layers separated by 130 cm of basalt in its upper 34m. Upper layers (5 m below the lava top) are highly vesicular whereas lower ones are pegmatitic and contain a thin (2 cm) rhyolite band. The layering of the flow closely resemble that of some Hawaiian lava lakes. The eesicular basalts and mafic pegmatites are inferred to be liquid-rich segregations which drained into horizontal cracks that formed within a crystalline mush. The cracks resulted from a thermal contraction associated with cooling and shrinkage of the mush. Rhyolites were formed by in situ differentiation. Gas overpressures fractured the pegmatites and gas effervescence filter pressing forced silicarich residual liquid from pegmatite interstices into the fractures creating bands. Chemical differences between the pegmatitic layers and early formed, highly differentiated upper vesicular layers may reflect a role for volatiles in the differentiation process along with crystal fractionation.  相似文献   

The volcanic products from Lipari define an evolutionary trend with a high gradient of K-enrichment, similar to the calc-alkaline to potassic volcanism of other islands in the Aeolian arc. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the island based on field and geochronological data indicate that the volcanic activity can be subdivided in two stages. The first stage, from 223 to 42 ka, consists of six eruptive cycles and is characterized by basalts and basalt-andesites showing progressive increase in both SiO2 and K2O contents with time. The second stage consists of four cycles erupted since 42 ka and is marked by an apparent rejuvenation of the geochemical system with the appearance of the first rhyolitic products. Fractional crystallization, assimilation and mixing models suggest that the geochemistry of Lipari volcanism evolved with time by a complex interplay between two mantle-derived components, one sub-alkaline and the other alkaline, in addition to crustal melts and/or crustally-derived materials. A petrogenetic model in which fractional crystallization was subordinate to mixing best fits the geochemical data and petrographic observations of macro- and microscopic features. Melts from the crustal and mantle end-members are almost always present in the system but the relative proportions appear to vary with time. The sub-alkaline mantle component (source of Tyrrhenian tholeiites) is an important contributor to the early evolution of the volcanism in Lipari; input from the alkaline mantle component (source of the Roman Comagmatic Province) increases with time, and the crustal component becomes dominant in the later activity. The preferred petrogenetic model for the temporal evolution of the volcanic system in Lipari involves melting initially caused by an increase in the thermal input related to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and/or to subduction processes. The quick rise of the isotherms and almost contemporaneous melting of source materials with different compositions favored complex mixing during ascent of the melts.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contributions of different factors to runoff change is helpful for basin management, especially in the context of climate change and anthropogenic activities. The effect of snow change on runoff is seldom evaluated. We attribute the runoff change in the Heihe Upstream Basin (HUB), an alpine basin in China, using two approaches: a snowmelt-based water balance model and the Budyko framework. Results from these approaches show good consistency. Precipitation accounts for 58% of the increasing runoff. The contribution of land-cover change seems unremarkable for the HUB as a whole, where land-cover change has a major effect on runoff in each sub-basin, but its positive effect on increasing runoff in sub-basins 1 and 3 is offset by the negative effect in sub-basin 2. Snow change plays an essential role in each sub-basin, with a contribution rate of around 30%. The impact of potential evapotranspiration is almost negligible.

EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   

A very broad band (10?3 to 104 Hz) magnetotelluric investigation of the axial zone of the Ghoubbet-Asal rift (Djibouti) has revealed a shallow (2–4 km) magma chamber which can be mapped in some detail. The suggested roof of the chamber is shallowest very close to the Ardoukoba volcano which was built during the November 1978 rifting episode.  相似文献   

Abstract   A 8.65 Ma adakitic intrusive sheet exposed near Monglo village in the Baguio District of Northern Luzon contains a suite of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths including in order of abundance: spinel dunites showing typical mantle-related textures, mineral and bulk rock compositions, and serpentinites derived from them; amphibole-rich gabbros displaying incompatible element patterns similar to those of flat or moderately enriched back-arc basin basalt magmas; and amphibolites derived from metabasalts and/or metagabbros of identical affinity. A single quartz diorite xenolith carrying a similar subduction-related geochemical signature has also been sampled. One amphibolite xenolith provided a whole-rock K–Ar age of 115.6 Ma (Barremian). We attribute the origin of this suite to the sampling by ascending adakitic magmas of a Lower Cretaceous ophiolitic complex located at a depth within the 30–35 km thick Luzon crust. It could represent an equivalent of the Isabela-Aurora and Pugo-Lepanto ophiolitic massifs exposed in Northern Luzon.  相似文献   

Yasuhiko Ohara 《Island Arc》2016,25(3):193-208
The Godzilla Megamullion is the largest known oceanic core complex (OCC) on the Earth, located in the Parece Vela Basin in the Philippine Sea. In this article, the history of Godzilla Megamullion study is reviewed for the first time, dividing it into three major phases: (i) the early studies done before Japan's extended continental shelf survey program; (ii) the studies during Japan's extended continental shelf survey program that discovered the OCC; and (iii) the studies by the post‐discovery cruises. The early studies included an interpretation of US nautical chart of the southwestern Pacific and the site surveys for Deep Sea Drilling Project cruises (DSDP Legs 6, 31 and 59). The early studies recognized the presence of the Parece Vela Rift, the extinct spreading axis of the Parece Vela Basin, and established the currently accepted model that the Philippine Sea evolved with eastward progression of backarc spreading and arc migration. The modern understanding of the Parece Vela Basin comes from Japan's extended continental shelf survey program. The program revealed the ultramafic petrology as well as a two‐stage evolution model of the basin. Following these results, the discovery of the Godzilla Megamullion was made in 2001. The studies by the post‐discovery cruises further revealed important characteristics of the OCC, such as the presence of abundant plagioclase‐bearing peridotite and the systematic temporal changes in both deformation microstructures and composition of plagioclase and amphibole in gabbroic mylonites and ultramylonites. Zircon U–Pb ages of gabboric and leucocratic rocks indicate that the terminal phase of Parece Vela Basin spreading was with a significant decline in spreading rate and asymmetry accompanying formation of the Godzilla Megamullion. The estimated denudation rate of the OCC was approximately 2.5 cm/yr; significantly slower than the previous estimate based on poorly constrained magnetic data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to transform the rain into flow in the basin of Wadi Djendjen by using a simulation model in absence of the continuous measurements of the flow. The obtained results indicated and confirmed the strong adaptability of this model with varied hydroclimatic situations. The validation process showed an interesting result, which lead to conclude that the model is well calibrated and has a good performance to be used for the basins with Mediterranean climate. The obtained results for the simulation by the GR2M model over the studied period (1973–1986) showed that there no significant difference between the obtained value for the yearly average flow (197.70 hm3) and that measured at Missa hydrometric station (200.80 hm3), which allow us to estimate quantitatively the flow in Missa hydrometric station. While, for the period of 2000–2012, the results showed that the yearly average flow value (171.90 hm3), is significantly different (reduction of 15% for 12 years), in comparison with that measured at Missa hydrometric station (200.80 hm3). This can be due to the dryness which struck the region since 2000, and the local degradation of the forest ecosystem, which has considerably affected the runoff surface.  相似文献   

We present the results of a multidisciplinary study of the Ms = 6.2, 1995, June 15, Aigion earthquake (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). In order to constrain the rupture geometry, we used all available data from seismology (local, regional and teleseismic records of the mainshock and of aftershocks), geodesy (GPS and SAR interferometry), and tectonics. Part of these data were obtained during a postseismic field study consisting of the surveying of 24 GPS points, the temporary installation of 20 digital seismometers, and a detailed field investigation for surface fault break. The Aigion fault was the only fault onland which showed detectable breaks (< 4 cm). We relocated the mainshock hypocenter at 10 km in depth, 38 ° 21.7 N, 22 ° 12.0 E, about 15 km NNE to the damaged city of Aigion. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a seismic moment Mo = 3.4 1018 N.m, a well constrained focal mechanism (strike 277 °, dip 33 °, rake – 77°), at a centroidal depth of 7.2 km, consistent with the NEIC and the revised Harvard determinations. It thus involved almost pure normal faulting in agreement with the tectonics of the Gulf. The horizontal GPS displacements corrected for the opening of the gulf (1.5 cm/year) show a well-resolved 7 cm northward motion above the hypocenter, which eliminates the possibility of a steep, south-dipping fault plane. Fitting the S-wave polarization at SERG, 10 km from the epicenter, with a 33° northward dipping plane implies a hypocentral depth greater than 10 km. The north dipping fault plane provides a poor fit to the GPS data at the southern points when a homogeneous elastic half-space is considered: the best fit geodetic model is obtained for a fault shallower by 2 km, assuming the same dip. We show with a two-dimensional model that this depth difference is probably due to the distorting effect of the shallow, low-rigidity sediments of the gulf and of its edges. The best-fit fault model, with dimensions 9 km E–W and 15 km along dip, and a 0.87 m uniform slip, fits InSAR data covering the time of the earthquake. The fault is located about 10 km east-northeast to the Aigion fault, whose surface breaks thus appears as secondary features. The rupture lasted 4 to 5 s, propagating southward and upward on a fault probably outcropping offshore, near the southern edge of the gulf. In the shallowest 4 km, the slip – if any – has not exceeded about 30 cm. This geometry implies a large directivity effect in Aigion, in agreement with the accelerogram aig which shows a short duration (2 s) and a large amplitude (0.5 g) of the direct S acceleration. This unusual low-angle normal faulting may have been favoured by a low-friction, high pore pressure fault zone, or by a rotation of the stress directions due to the possible dip towards the south of the brittle-ductile transition zone. This fault cannot be responsible for the long term topography of the rift, which is controlled by larger normal faults with larger dip angles, implying either a seldom, or a more recently started activity of such low angle faults in the central part of the rift.  相似文献   

The waveform inversion method is applied—using synthetic ocean-bottom seismometer(OBS) data—to study oceanic crust structure. A niching genetic algorithm(NGA) is used to implement the inversion for the thickness and P-wave velocity of each layer, and to update the model by minimizing the objective function, which consists of the misfit and cross-correlation of observed and synthetic waveforms. The influence of specific NGA method parameters is discussed, and suitable values are presented.The NGA method works well for various observation systems, such as those with irregular and sparse distribution of receivers as well as single receiver systems. A strategy is proposed to accelerate the convergence rate by a factor of five with no increase in computational complexity; this is achieved using a first inversion with several generations to impose a restriction on the preset range of each parameter and then conducting a second inversion with the new range. Despite the successes of this method,its usage is limited. A shallow water layer is not favored because the direct wave in water will suppress the useful reflection signals from the crust. A more precise calculation of the air-gun source signal should be considered in order to better simulate waveforms generated in realistic situations; further studies are required to investigate this issue.  相似文献   

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