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In the central Western Alps, a combined structural, petrological and 40Ar–39Ar geochronological study of the Modane-Aussois and Southern Vanoise units yields important constraints on the timing of deformation and exhumation of the Briançonnais zone. These data help to decipher the respective roles of oceanic subduction, continental subduction and collision in the burial and exhumation of the main units through time. In the Modane-Aussois unit top to the NW thrusting (D1) was followed by top to the east shearing (D2) interpreted by some as normal faulting and by others as backthrusting. Pseudosection calculations imply that D1 deformation occurred at 1.0 ± 0.1 GPa and 350 ± 30 °C. Analysis of chlorite–phengite pairs yield P–T estimates between 0.15 and 0.65 GPa and between 220 and 350 °C for the D2 event. Phengites along the D1 schistosity (sample M80) yields an 40Ar–39Ar age of 37.12 ± 0.39 Ma, while D2 phengites yield ages of 35.42 ± 0.38 (sample M173) and 31.60 ± 0.33 Ma (sample M196). It was not possible to test whether these ages are altered by excess argon or not. Our interpretation is that the D1/D2 transition occurred at ∼37 Ma at the beginning of decompression, and that D2 lasted until at least ∼32 Ma. Pseudosection calculation suggests that the Southern Vanoise unit was buried at 1.6 ± 0.2 GPa and 500–540 °C. D1 deformation occurred during exhumation until 0.7–10.5 GPa and 370 ± 30 °C. Published ages suggest that D1 deformation possibly started at ∼50 Ma and lasted until ∼37 Ma. D2 deformations started at P–T conditions close to that recorded in Modane-Aussois unit and lasted until 0.2 ± 0.1 GPa and 280 ± 30 °C at ∼28 Ma. The gap of 0.6 ± 0.3 GPa and 150 ± 130 °C between peak metamorphic conditions in the two units was concealed by thrusting of the South Vanoise unit on top of the Modane-Aussois unit during D1 Deformation. Top to the east deformation (D2) affects both units and is interpreted as backthrusting.Based on these data, we propose a geodynamic reconstruction where the oceanic subduction of the Piedmont unit until ∼50 Ma, is followed by its exhumation at the time of continental subduction of the continental Southern Vanoise unit until ∼45 Ma. The Southern Vanoise is in turn underthrusted by the Modane-Aussois unit until ∼37 Ma (D1). Between 37 and 31 Ma the Modane-Aussois and Southern Vanoise units exhume together during backthrusting to the east (D2). This corresponds to the collision stage and to the activation of the Penninic Thrust. In the ∼50 Ma to ∼31 Ma time period the main thrusts propagated westward as the tectonic context switched from oceanic to continental subduction and finally to collision. During each stage, external units are buried while internal ones are exhumed.  相似文献   

The inner Northern Apennines (western Tuscany and Tyrrhenian basin) is characterized by a relatively thin continental crust (∼20–25 km), high heat flow (>100 mW m−2), and the presence of relevant tectonic elision of stratigraphic sequences, a setting known as Serie Ridotta. These features are normally ascribed to an extensional deformation that affected the back-arc area above the subducting Adria plate since the Early-Middle Miocene (∼16 Ma). However, various geophysical studies image the continental crust to be currently affected by W-dipping thrust faults (and associated basement uplifts) that have not been obliterated by this claimed long-lasting extensional process. These observations raise the question whether the thrusts are older or younger than the continental extension. To address this question we have reprocessed and interpreted the deep seismic reflection profile CROP03/c that crosses the onshore hinterland sector, and investigated the structural setting of some of the Late Miocene-Pliocene hinterland basins (Cinigiano-Baccinello, Siena-Radicofani, Tafone, Albegna and Radicondoli basins) that are situated at the front or in-between the basement uplifts. The analysis of field structures and commercial seismic profiles has allowed the recognition that both substratum and basins’ infill have been intensely shortened. These findings and the architecture of the basins suggest that the latter developed under a contractional regime, which would have started around 8.5 Ma with the onset of the continental sedimentation. This compressive stress state followed an earlier phase of continental extension that presumably started at ∼16 Ma (with the blocking of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation), and thinned both the continental crust and sedimentary cover producing most of the Serie Ridotta. The main phases of basin shortening are bracketed between 7.5 and 3.5 Ma, and thus overlap with the increase in the exhumation rate of the metamorphic cores at ∼6–4 Ma determined through thermochronological data. We therefore propose a correlation between the basin deformation and the activity of the nearby basement thrusts, which would have thus shortened a previously thinned continental crust. This chronology of deformation may suggest a geodynamic model in which the back-arc and hinterland sector of the Northern Apennines was recompressed during Late Miocene-Early Pliocene times. This evolution may be explained through different speculative scenarios involving a blockage of the subduction process, which may vary between end members of complete slab detachment and stalled subduction.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs the late stages in the exhumation history of a nappe derived from the Meliatic accretionary wedge in the Western Carpathians by means of zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He dating. The Meliatic accretionary wedge formed due to the closure of the Neotethyan Triassic–Jurassic Meliata–Hallstatt Ocean in the Late Jurassic. The studied fragments of the blueschist-bearing Meliatic Bôrka Nappe were metamorphosed at low-temperature and high- to medium-pressure conditions at ca. 160–150 Ma and included into the accretionary wedge. The time of the accretionary wedge formation constrains the beginning of the Bôrka Nappe northward thrusting over the Gemeric Unit of the evolving Central Western Carpathians (CWC) orogenic wedge. The zircon (U-Th)/He data on four samples recorded three evolutionary stages: (i) cooling through the ∼180 °C isotherm at 130–120 Ma related to starting collapse of the accretionary wedge, following exhumation of the high-pressure slices in the Meliatic accretionary wedge; (ii) postponed exhumation and cooling of some fragments through the ∼180 °C isotherm from 115 to 95 Ma due to ongoing collapse of this wedge; and (iii) cooling from 80 to 65 Ma, postdating the thrusting (∼100–80 Ma) of the Bôrka Nappe slices during the Late Cretaceous compression related to formation of the CWC orogenic wedge. The third stage already documents cooling of the Meliatic Bôrka Nappe slices in the CWC orogenic wedge. The apatite (U-Th)/He data may indicate cooling of a Bôrka Nappe slice to near-surface temperatures at ∼65 Ma. The younger AHe age clusters indicate that at least one, or possibly two, reheating events could have occurred in the longer interval from ∼40 to ∼10 Ma during the Oligocene–Miocene. These were related to sedimentary burial and/or the magmatism as documented in other parts of the CWC.  相似文献   

Orogens formed by a combination of subduction and accretion are featured by a short-lived collisional history. They preserve crustal geometries acquired prior to the collisional event. These geometries comprise obducted oceanic crust sequences that may propagate somewhat far away from the suture zone, preserved accretionary prism and subduction channel at the interplate boundary. The cessation of deformation is ascribed to rapid jump of the subduction zone at the passive margin rim of the opposite side of the accreted block. Geological investigation and 40Ar/39Ar dating on the main tectonic boundaries of the Anatolide–Tauride–Armenian (ATA) block in Eastern Turkey, Armenia and Georgia provide temporal constraints of subduction and accretion on both sides of this small continental block, and final collisional history of Eurasian and Arabian plates. On the northern side, 40Ar/39Ar ages give insights for the subduction and collage from the Middle to Upper Cretaceous (95–80 Ma). To the south, younger magmatic and metamorphic ages exhibit subduction of Neotethys and accretion of the Bitlis–Pütürge block during the Upper Cretaceous (74–71 Ma). These data are interpreted as a subduction jump from the northern to the southern boundary of the ATA continental block at 80–75 Ma. Similar back-arc type geochemistry of obducted ophiolites in the two subduction–accretion domains point to a similar intra-oceanic evolution prior to accretion, featured by slab steepening and roll-back as for the current Mediterranean domain. Final closure of Neotethys and initiation of collision with Arabian Plate occurred in the Middle-Upper Eocene as featured by the development of a Himalayan-type thrust sheet exhuming amphibolite facies rocks in its hanging-wall at c. 48 Ma.  相似文献   

The Early Jurassic Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE) and concurrent negative carbon-isotope (δ13C) excursion have recently been attributed to either the release of methane (CH4) clathrates or thermogenic CH4 gas associated with the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province (LIP) into coals and organic-rich shales. 12C-enriched thermogenic CH4 production associated with the Karoo-Ferrar would result in residual material being 12C-depleted nearer the intrusions. In this study, geochemical analyses (carbon isotopes, volatile matter (VM), vitrinite reflectance (Ro)) are reported for two coal transects associated with dykes intruding the No. 4L coal in the Highveld Coalfield, Karoo Basin, South Africa. VM decreases from over 35% to around 15% in one transect, and the second transect shows a less pronounced decrease (from > 25% to ~ 16%). Accompanying the decrease in VM content is an increase in Ro from background levels of around 0.7% to over 4% adjacent to the dyke; used as a palaeo-geothermometer, Ro values indicate background temperatures of ~ 100 °C increasing to > 300 °C close to the contact. Despite changes in VM and Ro, there are no significant changes in δ13C, certainly not of the magnitude that would be expected associated with large-scale thermogenic CH4 generation. These and other Gondwanan coals have low vitrinite and liptinite contents (components more prone to CH4 generation), in part explaining the modest decreases in VM adjacent to the dykes. This, combined with the relatively narrow metamorphic aureole surrounding the intrusions and the likelihood that at least some of the volatiles generated by the intrusion were trapped as coalbed CH4 or condensed as pyrolytic carbon, suggests only limited CH4 release. In addition, based on original estimates of moisture contents in these coals and the depth at time of intrusion (1,000–2,000 m) the dykes would have lost most of their energy heating and evaporating water, thus having very little remaining energy to generate thermogenic CH4.  相似文献   

We report a compilation of data recorded at a distant tiltmeter station (RER) during recent episodes of dyke emplacement and eruption (2003–2007) at Piton de La Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). This sensitive station provides useful information for evaluating the extent of deformation. Distinct responses of this station were recorded based on the eruption type. Dykes feeding summit eruptions did not significantly influence the RER tiltmeter signals, whereas dykes feeding large distal eruptions (with vents located more than 4 km from the summit) generated up to 1.4 μrad of tilt, an amplitude 2 to 4 times greater than for proximal eruptions (0.3–0.7 μrad) on the flanks of the summit cone. The distinct tilt amplitude is directly linked to the location, depth, and volume of the dyke. Comparison with summit tiltmeters reveals that up to one-third to half of the RER tilt signal associated to dyke propagation is recorded when the dyke is still below the summit crater. Thus, before large distal eruptions, more than 0.5 μrad of tilt is recorded in less than 20 min when the dyke is below the summit crater (i.e. a few minutes/hours before the beginning of the eruption). We can thus propose for the RER station a threshold value of 0.5 μrad which, when reached as a dyke rises beneath the summit crater, suggests a high likelihood of a large distal eruption. The distant RER tiltmeter station thus appears to be a powerful tool for forecasting the type of eruption that is likely to occur, and can contribute to the early detection of large distal eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise, which are the most dangerous to inhabitants. For volcano monitoring, installation of high precision distant tiltmeters along the lower slopes of a volcano may provide warnings of large eruptions with enough lead time to allow for short-term hazards mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

The exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary rocks of the Taoudeni basin, NW Africa represent one of the world's most widespread (> 1 M km2) Proterozoic successions. Hitherto, the sedimentary rocks were considered to be Mid Tonian based on Rb–Sr illite and glauconite geochronology of the Atar Group. However, new Re–Os organic-rich sediment (ORS) geochronology from two drill cores indicates that the Proterozoic Atar Group is ~ 200 Ma older (1107 ± 12 Ma, 1109 ± 22 Ma and 1105 ± 37 Ma). The Re–Os geochronology suggests that the Rb–Sr geochronology records the age of diagenetic events possibly associated with the Pan African collision.The new Re–Os geochronology data provide absolute age constraints for recent carbon isotope chemostratigraphy which suggests that the Atar Group is Mesoproterozoic and not Neoproterozoic.The new Re–Os ORS geochronology supports previous studies that suggest that rapid hydrocarbon generation (flash pyrolysis) from contact metamorphism of a dolerite sill does not significantly disturb the Re–Os ORS systematics. Modelled contact conditions suggest that the Re–Os ORS systematics remain undisturbed at ~ 650 °C at the sill/shale contact and ≥ 280 °C 20 m from the sill/shale contact.Moreover, the Re–Os geochronology indicates that the West African craton has a depositional history that predates 1100 Ma and that ORS can be correlated on a basin-wide scale. In addition, the Re–Os depositional ages for the ORS of the Taoudeni basin are comparable to those of ORS from the São Francisco craton, suggesting that these cratons are correlatable. This postulate is further supported by identical Osi values for the Atar Group and the Vazante Group of the São Francisco craton.  相似文献   

The ~ 14 km diameter Jänisjärvi impact structure is located in Svecofennian Proterozoic terrain in the southeastern part of the Baltic shield, Karelia, Russia. Previous radioisotopic dating attempts gave K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages of 700 ± 5 Ma and 698 ± 22 Ma, respectively, with both results being difficult to interpret. Recent paleomagnetic results have challenged these ages and proposed instead ages of either 500 Ma or 850–900 Ma. In order to better constrain the age of the Jänisjärvi impact structure, we present new 40Ar/39Ar data for the Jänisjärvi impact melt rock. We obtained five concordant isochron ages that yield a combined isochron age of 682 ± 4 Ma (2σ) with a MSWD of 1.2, P = 0.14, and 40Ar/36Ar intercept of 475 ± 3. We suggest that this date indicates the age of the impact and therefore can be used in conjunction with existing paleomagnetic results to define the position of the Baltica paleocontinent at that time. Argon isotopic results imply that melt homogenization was achieved at the hundred-micrometer scale certainly, because of the low-silica content of the molten target rock that allows fast 40Ar? diffusion in the melt. However, the large range of F(40Ar?inherited) (4.1% to 11.0%) observed for seven grains shows that complete isotopic homogenization was not reached at the centimeter and perhaps the millimeter scale. The F(40Ar?inherited) results are also in good agreement with previous Rb and Sr isotopic data.  相似文献   

In situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb, trace element, and Hf isotope data in zircon demonstrate a Carboniferous age for eclogite-facies metamorphism in Siluro-Devonian protoliths in the Huwan shear zone, Dabie Mountains, Central China. This age contrasts with the more prevailing Triassic age for high- to ultrahigh pressure (HP to UHP) metamorphism in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogen. Metamorphic zircon in two eclogite samples from Sujiahe is characterized by low Th/U ratios, small negative Eu anomalies, flat HREE patterns, and low 176Lu/177Hf ratios. These geochemical signatures suggest that the zircon crystallized in the presence of garnet and in the absence of plagioclase feldspar. Furthermore, temperatures of ~ 655 and ~ 638 °C, calculated using the Ti content of zircon, are consistent with their formation during eclogite-facies metamorphism. The weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 309 ± 4 Ma (2δ) for this zircon improves previous age estimates for eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone, ranging from 420 to 220 Ma. Metamorphic zircon from one eclogite sample from Hujiawan, most likely formed during prograde metamorphism, yields an equivalent age estimate of 312 ± 11 Ma. Magmatic zircon cores in the three samples yield ages for the magmatic protoliths of the eclogites ranging from 420 ± 7 to 406 ± 5 Ma, and post-dating the middle Paleozoic collision of the North China and the Qinling terrain. The zircon crystals in the three eclogite samples display a large variation of εHf (t) values of ? 4.9 to 21.3. The metamorphic zircon overgrowths show the same range of εHf (t) values as those of the inherited magmatic crystal interiors. This suggests that the metamorphic zircon overgrowths may have formed by dissolution-reprecipitation of pre-existing magmatic zircon thereby preserving their original Hf isotopic composition. The high εHf (t) values suggest that the protoliths were derived from depleted mantle sources, most likely Paleotethyan oceanic crust; while the low εHf (t) values are attributed to crustal contamination. Some eclogites in the Huwan shear zone have a distinctive signature of continental crust most probably derived from the Yangtze Craton. The coexistence of Paleozoic oceanic crust and Neoproterozoic continental crust with similar metamorphic ages in the Huwan shear zone implies that Paleozoic Paleotethyan oceanic crust was produced within a marginal basin of the northern Yangtze Craton. The opening of the Paleo-Tethyan ocean was slightly younger than the collision of the North China Craton and the Qinling terrain during the Late Paleozoic in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogen. Subduction of the Paleo-Tethyan oceanic crust and associated continental basement resulted in the 309 ± 2 Ma (2σ) eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone. The subsequent Triassic continent-continent collision led to the final coalescence of the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons. Amalgamation of the Yangtze and North China cratons was, therefore, a multistage process extending over at least 200 Ma.  相似文献   

40Ar / 39Ar incremental heating ages for twenty one grains of cryptomelane, collected at 0, 42, 45, and 60 m depths in the Cachoeira Mine weathering profile, Minas Gerais, permit calculating long-term (10 Ma time scale) weathering rate (saprolitization rate) in SE Brazil. Pure well-crystallized cryptomelane grains with high K contents (3–5 wt.%) yield reliable geochronological results. The 40Ar / 39Ar plateau ages obtained decrease from the top to the bottom of the profile (12.7 ± 0.1 to 7.6 ± 0.1 Ma at surface; 7.6  ± 0.2 to 6.1 ± 0.2 Ma at 42 m; and 7.1 ± 0.2 to 5.9 ± 0.1 Ma at 45 m; 6.6 ± 0.1 to 5.2 ± 0.1 Ma at 60 m), yielding a weathering front propagation rate of 8.9 ± 1.1 m/m.y. From the geochronological results and the mineral transformations implicit by the current mineralogy in the weathering profiles, it is possible to calculate the saprolitization rate for the Cachoeira Mine lithologies and for adjacent weathering profiles developed on granodiorites and schists. The measured weathering front propagation rate yields a saprolitization rate of 24.9 ± 3.1 t/km2/yr. This average long-term (> 10 Ma) saprolitization rate is consistent with mass balance calculations results for present saprolitization rates in weathering watersheds. These results are also consistent with long-term saprolitization rates estimated by combining cosmogenic isotope denudation rates with mass balance calculations.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1999,19(9):1113-1141
Relationships among primary production, chlorophyll, nutrients, irradiance and mixing processes were examined along the salinity gradient in the Mississippi River outflow region. A series of six cruises were conducted during 1988–1992 at various times of year and stages of river discharge. Maximum values of biomass and primary production were typically observed at intermediate salinities and coincided with non-conservative decreases in nutrients along the salinity gradient. Highest values of productivity (>10 gC m−2 d−1) and biomass (>30 mg chlorophyll a m−3) were observed in April 1988, July–August 1990 and April–May 1992; values were lower in March and September 1991. Rates of primary production were apparently constrained by low irradiance and mixing in the more turbid, low salinity regions of the plume, and by nutrient limitation outside the plume. Highest values of primary production occurred at stations where surface nutrient concentrations exhibited large deviations from conservative mixing relationships, indicating that depletion of nutrients was related to phytoplankton uptake. Mixing and advection were important in determining the location and magnitude of primary production maxima and nutrient depletion. In addition to growth within plume surface waters, enhanced growth and/or retention of biomass may have occurred in longer residence time waters at the plume edge and/or beneath the surface plume. Vertical structure of some plume stations revealed the presence of subsurface biomass maxima in intermediate salinity water that was depleted in nutrients presumably by uptake processes. Exchange between subsurface water and the surface plume apparently contributed to the reduction in nutrients at intermediate salinities in the surface layer. DIN (=nitrate+nitrite+ammonium) : PO4 (=phosphate) ratios in river water varied seasonally, with high values in winter and spring and low values in late summer and fall. Periods of high DIN : PO4 ratios in river nutrients coincided with cruises when surface nutrient concentrations and their ratios indicated a high probability for P limitation. N limitation was more likely to occur at high salinities and during late summer and fall. Evidence for Si limitation was also found, particularly in spring.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of mildly alkalic basalts (24–25 Ma) erupted in the southeastern Kerguelen Archipelago are considered to represent the best estimate for the composition of the enriched Kerguelen plume end-member. A recent study of picrites and high-MgO basalts from this part of the archipelago highlighted the Pb and Hf isotopic variations and suggested the presence of mantle heterogeneities within the Kerguelen plume itself. We present new helium and neon isotopic compositions for olivines from these picrites and high-MgO basalts (6–17 wt.% MgO) both to constrain the enriched composition of the Kerguelen plume and to determine the origin of isotopic heterogeneities involved in the genesis of Kerguelen plume-related basalts. The olivine phenocrysts have extremely variable 4He / 3He compositions between MORB and primitive values observed in OIB (∼90,000 to 40,000; i.e., R / Ra ∼8 to 18) and they show primitive neon isotopic ratios (average 21Ne / 21Neext ∼0.044). The neon isotopic systematics and the 4He / 3He ratios that are lower than MORB values for the Kerguelen basalts clearly suggest that the Kerguelen hotspot belongs to the family of primitive hotspots, such as Iceland and Hawaii. The rare gas signature for the Kerguelen samples, intermediate between MORB and solar, is apparently inconsistent with mixing of a primitive component with a MORB-like source, but may result from sampling a heterogeneous part of the mantle with solar 3He / 22Ne and with a higher (U, Th) / 3He ratio compared to typically high R / Ra hotspot basalts such as those from Iceland and Hawaii.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the nature and formation of oceanic lithosphere beneath the Early Cretaceous Ontong Java Plateau, Re–Os isotopes have been analysed in a suite of peridotite xenoliths from Malaita, Solomon Islands. Geological, thermobarometric and petrological evidence from previous studies reveal that the xenoliths represent virtually the entire thickness of the southern part of subplateau lithospheric mantle (< 120 km). This study demonstrates that vertical Os isotopic variations correlate with compositional variations in a stratified lithosphere. The shallowest plateau lithosphere (< 85 km) is dominated by fertile lherzolites showing a restricted range of 187Os/188Os (0.1222 to 0.1288), consistent with an origin from ~ 160 Ma Pacific lithosphere. In contrast, the basal section of subplateau lithospheric mantle (~ 95–120 km) is enriched in refractory harzburgites with highly unradiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios ranging from 0.1152 to 0.1196, which yield Proterozoic model ages of 0.9–1.7 Ga. Although the whole range of Os isotope compositions of Malaita peridotites is within the variations seen in modern abyssal peridotites, the contrasting isotopic compositions of shallow and deep plateau lithosphere suggest their derivation from different mantle reservoirs. We propose that the subplateau lithosphere forms a genetically unrelated two-layered structure, comprising shallower, typical oceanic lithosphere underpinned by deeper impinged material, which included a component of recycled Proterozoic lithosphere. The impingement of residual but chemically heterogeneous mantle, mechanically coupled to the recently formed, thin lithosphere, may have a bearing on the anomalous initial uplift and late subsidence history of the seismically anomalous plateau root.  相似文献   

Satellite ocean color images were used to determine the space-time variability of the Amazon River plume from 2000–2004. The relationship between sea-surface salinity (SSS) and the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) absorption coefficient for dissolved and detrital material (adg) (r2=0.76, n=30, rmse=0.4) was used to identify the Amazon River plume low-salinity waters (<34 psu). The plume's spatial information was extracted from satellite bi-weekly time series using two metrics: plume area and plume shape. These metrics identified the seasonal variability of plume dimensions and dispersion patterns. During the study period, the plume showed the largest areas from July to August and the smallest from December to January. The mean annual amplitude and the mean, maximum and minimum plume areas were 1020×103 km2, 680×103 km2, 1506×103 km2 and 268×103 km2, respectively. Three main shapes and dispersion pattern periods were identified: (1) flow to the northeastern South American coast, in a narrow band adjacent to the continental shelf, from January to April; (2) flow to the Caribbean region, from April to July; and (3) flow to the Central Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, from August to December. Cross-correlation techniques were used to quantify the relationship between the plume's spatial variability and environmental forcing factors, including Amazon River discharge, wind field and ocean currents. The results showed that (1) river discharge is the main factor influencing plume area variability, (2) the wind field regulates the plume's northwestward flow velocity and residence time near the river mouth, and (3) surface currents have a strong influence over river plume dispersion patterns.  相似文献   

Flood basalts, such as the Deccan Traps of India, represent huge, typically fissure-fed volcanic provinces. We discuss the structural attributes and emplacement mechanics of a large, linear, tholeiitic dyke swarm exposed in the Nandurbar–Dhule area of the Deccan province. The swarm contains 210 dykes of dolerite and basalt >1 km in length, exposed over an area of 14,500 km2. The dykes intrude an exclusively basaltic lava pile, largely composed of highly weathered and zeolitized compound pahoehoe flows. The dykes range in length from <1 km to 79 km, and in thickness from 3 to 62 m. Almost all dykes are vertical, with the others nearly so. They show a strong preferred orientation, with a mean strike of N88°. Because they are not emplaced along faults or fractures, they indicate the regional minimum horizontal compressive stress (σ 3) to have been aligned ~N–S during swarm emplacement. The dykes have a negative power law length distribution but an irregular thickness distribution; the latter is uncommon among the other dyke swarms described worldwide. Dyke length is not correlated with dyke width. Using the aspect ratios (length/thickness) of several dykes, we calculate magmatic overpressures required for dyke emplacement, and depths to source magma chambers that are consistent with results of previous petrological and gravity modelling. The anomalously high source depths calculated for a few dykes may be an artifact of underestimated aspect ratios due to incomplete along-strike exposure. However, thermal erosion is a mechanism that can also explain this. Whereas several of the Nandurbar–Dhule dykes may be vertically injected dykes from shallow magma chambers, others, particularly the long ones, must have been formed by lateral injection from such chambers. The larger dykes could well have fed substantial (≥1,000 km3) and quickly emplaced (a few years) flood basalt lava flows. This work highlights some interesting and significant similarities, and contrasts, between the Nandurbar–Dhule dyke swarm and regional tholeiitic dyke swarms in Iceland, Sudan, and elsewhere. Editorial responsibility: J. White  相似文献   

We report a survey of natural mass-dependent cadmium isotope fractionation measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using a double-spike technique (DS-TIMS). Over sixty samples of natural terrestrial Cd from diverse environments, including MORB, OIB, continental loess, hydrogenic and hydrothermal ferromanganese deposits, and sphalerites (both oceanic and from major continental ore deposits) were analysed. Our results are expressed in terms of ε112/110Cd, which are deviations in 112Cd/110Cd from our in-house JMC Cd standard in parts per 104. The total ε112/110Cd variation is relatively small, with a range of only 5 ε-units, and is one-to-two orders of magnitude smaller than that previously found in meteorites.The MORB, OIB and loess ε112/110Cd values are similar and provide a good estimate for the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) value which is ? 0.95 ± 0.12 relative to our Cd standard (ε112/110Cd = + 0.16 relative to Münster JMC Cd). Taken together, these data suggest little Cd isotope fractionation takes place during crust–mantle segregation. Cd isotopic compositions of continental sphalerite (ZnS) deposits worldwide and high-temperature oceanic hydrothermal sulphides show remarkably similar ε112/110Cd values, consistent with our estimate for the BSE. In contrast, mid-temperature oceanic sulphides from a single extinct hydrothermal chimney display over 4 ε-units variation — along with the most negative values. These variations are most probably caused by precipitation/redissolution of sulphide phases en route within the hydrothermal system.The ε112/110Cd variability found in worldwide marine Fe–Mn deposits reflects the seawater Cd isotope signal upon precipitation from ambient seawater. A decrease in ε112/110Cd is observed in passing from shallow-water Fe–Mn deposits to those from deeper waters (> 2000 m depth). This shift is explained by biological fractionation related to the uptake of dissolved seawater Cd by phytoplankton in the upper water column. The relatively uniform ε112/110Cd values close to zero at great depths are consistent with regeneration and remineralization of Cd at depth. Our data suggest that Cd isotopes – much like the Cd/Ca ratio in foraminifera – could potentially serve as a proxy for past changes in biological productivity. The temporal Cd isotope record in a Fe–Mn crust archive at 2000 m depth from the NE Atlantic suggests no gross long-term changes in Cd cycling took place over the past 8 Ma.  相似文献   

Explosion deep seismic sounding data sections of high quality had been obtained with RV Meteor in the Reykjanes Iceland Seismic Project (RRISP77 [Angenheister, G., Gebrande, H., Miller, H., Goldflam, P., Weigel, W., Jacoby, W.R., Pálmason, G., Björnsson, S., Einarsson, P., Pavlenkova, N.I., Zverev, S., Litvinenko, I.V., Loncarecic, B., Solomon, S., 1980. Reykjanes Ridge Iceland Seismic Experiment (RRISP 77). J. Geophys. 47, 228–238]) which close an information gap near 62°N. Preliminary results were presented by Weigel [Weigel, W., 1980. Aufbau des Reykjanes Rückens nach refraktionsseismischen Messungen. In: Weigel, W. (Ed.), Reykjanes Rücken, Island, Norwegischer Kontinentalrand. Abschlusskolloquium, Hamburg zur Meteor-Expedition, vol. 45. DFG, Bonn, pp. 53–61], and here we report on the data and results of interpretation. Clear refracted phases to 90 km distance permit crustal and uppermost mantle structure to be modelled by ray tracing. The apparent P-wave velocities are around 4.5, 6–6.5, 7–7.6 and 8.2–8.7 km/s, but no wide-angle reflections have been clearly seen. Accompanying sparker reflection data reveal thin sediment ponds in the axial zone and up to 400 m thick sediments at 10 Ma crustal age. Ray tracing reveals the following model below the sediments: (1) a distinct, 1–2 km thick upper crust (layer 2A) with Vp increasing with age (to 10 Ma) from <3.4 to 4.9 km/s and with a vertical gradient of 0.1–0.2 km/s/km, (2) a lower crust or layer 3 beginning at depths of 2 (axis) to 4 km (10 Ma age) below sea level with 6.1–6.8 km/s and similar vertical gradients as above, (3) the lower crust bottoms at 5.2–9.5 km depth below sea level (0–10 Ma) with a marked discontinuity, underneath which (4) Vp rises from about 7.5–7.8 km/s (0–10 Ma) with a positive vertical gradient of, again, 0.1–0.2 km/s/km such that 8 km/s would be reached at 12 km and deeper near the axis. Our preferred interpretation is that the mantle begins at the distinct discontinuity (“Moho”), but a deeper “Moho” of Vp  8 km/s cannot be excluded. From Iceland southward to 60°N several experiments show a decrease of crustal thickness from 14 to 8 km. Velocity trends with age across the ridge reflect cooling and filling of cracks, and thickness trends probably suggest volcanic productivity variations as previously suggested.Gravity inversion concentrates on a profile across the ridge with the above seismic a priori information; with 0.2–0.5 km depth uncertainty it leads to a good fit (±2.5 mGal where seismic data exist). Best fitting densities are (in kg/m3) for sediments, 2180; upper crust, 2450–2570; lower crust, 2850–2940; mantle lithosphere, 3215–3240 with a deficit for an asthenospheric wedge of no more than −100 kg/m3. The morphological ridges and troughs superimposed on the SE ridge flank are partly correlated, partly anti-correlated with the Bouguer anomaly and suggest that variable crustal density variations accompany the morphology variations.  相似文献   

The coastal dyke swarm and associated flexure, plutonic intrusions and volcanics are the products of a short episode of rifting between normal and thinned continental crust during initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and the Rockall Plateau 56–52 m.y. ago. They constitute a continental rift zone which provides deeply eroded onshore examples of phenomena which probably lie buried beneath the sea along major rifted continental margins.The dyke swarm occurs in a series of zones arranged en echelon, similar to dyke and fissure swarms in Iceland. Most dykes were intruded vertically before flexuring rather than as a fan during flexuring as postulated by Wager and Deer [1]. Layered gabbro plutons and basic cone sheets were emplaced during early stages of flexuring. Magma was tapped westwards along the upper limb of the developing flexure to form the Skaergaard and Kap Edvard Holm intrusions, but intrusions such as Imilik and Kap Gustav Holm in the steep limb show more complex histories of synplutonic tilting, slumping and deformation. Most flexuring occurred after consolidation of the gabbros and was followed by the intrusion of linear and radial swarms of intermediate dykes and ring dykes associated with the emplacement of syenite and granite plutons by cauldron subsidence.  相似文献   

Garnet geochronology was used to provide the first direct measurement of the timing of eclogitization in the central Himalaya. Lu–Hf dates from garnet separates in one relict eclogite from the Arun River Valley in eastern Nepal indicate an age of 20.7 ± 0.4 Ma, significantly younger than ultra-high pressure eclogites from the western Himalaya, reflecting either different origins or substantial time lags in tectonics along strike. Four proximal garnet amphibolites from structurally lower horizons are 14–15 Ma, similar to post-eclogitization ages published for rocks along strike in southern Tibet. PT calculations indicate three metamorphic episodes for the eclogite: i) eclogite-facies metamorphism at ~ 670 °C and ≥ 15 kbar at 23–16 Ma; ii) a peak-T granulite event at ~ 780 °C and 12 kbar; and iii) late-stage amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ~ 675 °C and 6 kbar at ~ 14 Ma. The garnet amphibolites were metamorphosed at ~ 660 °C. Three models are considered to explain the observed PTt evolution. The first assumes that the Main Himalayan Thrust (basal thrust of the Himalayan thrust system) cuts deeper at Arun than elsewhere. While conceptually the simplest, this model has difficulty explaining both the granulite-facies overprint and the pulse of exhumation between 25 and 14 Ma. A second model assumes that (aborted) subduction, slab breakoff, and ascent of India's leading edge occurred diachronously: ~ 50 Ma in the western Himalaya, ~ 25 Ma in the central Himalaya of Nepal, and presumably later in the eastern Himalaya. This model explains the PTt path, particularly heating during initial exhumation, but implies significant along-strike diachroneity, which is generally lacking in other features of the Himalaya. A third model assumes repeated loss of mantle lithosphere, first by slab breakoff at ~ 50 Ma, and again by delamination at ~ 25 Ma; this model explains the PTt path, but requires geographically restricted tectonic behavior at Arun. The PTt history of the Arun eclogites may imply a change in the physical state of the Himalayan metamorphic wedge at 16–25 Ma, ultimately giving rise to the Main Central Thrust by 15–16 Ma.  相似文献   

The possible sources of pre-anthropogenic Pb contributed to the world's oceans have been the focus of considerable study. The role of eolian dust versus riverine inputs has been of particular interest. With better calibration of isotopic records from central Pacific ferromanganese crusts using Os isotope stratigraphy it now appears that deep water Pb isotopic compositions were effectively homogeneous over a distance of 5000 km for the past 80 Myr. The composition shifted slightly from high 206Pb/204Pb ratios in the range of 18.87 ± 0.02 before 65 Ma to lower values of 18.62 ± 0.02 by 45 Ma and then gradually increased again very slightly to the present day ratio of 18.67 ± 0.02. The regional homogeneity provides evidence of a dominant well-mixed atmospheric source the most likely candidate for which is volcanic aerosols contributed either directly or as soluble condensates on eolian dust. The slight shift in Pb isotope composition of deep waters in the central Pacific between 65 and 45 Ma may be the result of a regional- or perhaps global-scale change in the sources of volcanic exhalations and volcanic activity caused by an increase in the importance of melting and assimilation of older continental crustal components over the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

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