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洋中脊速度结构是揭示大洋岩石圈演化过程的重要约束.为探讨不同扩张速率下洋中脊的洋壳速度结构特征,挑选了全球152处快速(全扩张速率> 90 mm·a-1)、慢速(全扩张速率20~50 mm·a-1)和超慢速(全扩张速率 < 20 mm·a-1)扩张洋中脊和非洋中脊的洋壳1-D地震波速度结构剖面,通过筛选统计、求取平均值等方法对分类的洋壳1-D速度结构进行对比研究,获得了不同扩张速率下洋中脊洋壳速度结构差异以及洋中脊与非洋中脊洋壳速度结构差异的新认识:(1)快速、慢速和超慢速扩张洋中脊的平均正常洋壳厚度分别为6.4 km、7.2 km和5.3 km,其中洋壳层2的厚度基本相似,洋壳厚度差异主要源自洋壳层3;其洋壳厚度变化范围分别为4.9~8.1 km、4.6~8.7 km和4.2~10.2 km,随着洋中脊扩张速率减小,洋壳厚度的变化范围逐渐增大;(2)快速扩张洋中脊的洋壳速度大于慢速和超慢速,可能与快速扩张脊洋壳生成过程中深部高密度岩浆上涌比较充足有关;(3)非洋中脊(>10 Ma)的洋壳比洋中脊(< 10 Ma)的洋壳厚~0.3 km,表明洋壳厚度与洋壳年龄有一定的正相关性.


The plot of temporal variation in the seismic activity level in the central and eastern North American platform (NAP) is shown to be similar to that for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). This fact was previously noted for Fennoscandia [Skordas et al., 1991]. The characteristic features of the MAR plot recur approximately every three years for Fennoscandia and every four to eight years for the NAP. These data indicate that the mid-ocean ridge largely controls the seismic activity of the adjacent platforms. The control is provided by the ridge push force. As a result of variations in this force due to the nonstationary process of dike intrusion in the axial zone of the ridge, disturbances of the stationary stress-strain state of the lithosphere migrate from the ridge. Using the Elsasser model, the observed time shift can be used for estimating the viscosity of the asthenosphere, amounting to 1017 Pa s with an accuracy of ±30% in the case considered. The disturbance amplitudes decaying away from the ridge are high enough to change the seismic activity of the adjacent platforms.  相似文献   

Failed magmatic eruptions: late-stage cessation of magma ascent   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
When a volcano becomes restless, a primary question is whether the unrest will lead to an eruption. Here we recognize four possible outcomes of a magmatic intrusion: “deep intrusion”, “shallow intrusion”, “sluggish/viscous magmatic eruption”, and “rapid, often explosive magmatic eruption”. We define “failed eruptions” as instances in which magma reaches but does not pass the “shallow intrusion” stage, i.e., when magma gets close to, but does not reach, the surface. Competing factors act to promote or hinder the eventual eruption of a magma intrusion. Fresh intrusion from depth, high magma gas content, rapid ascent rates that leave little time for enroute degassing, opening of pathways, and sudden decompression near the surface all act to promote eruption, whereas decreased magma supply from depth, slow ascent, significant enroute degassing and associated increases in viscosity, and impingement on structural barriers all act to hinder eruption. All of these factors interact in complex ways with variable results, but often cause magma to stall at some depth before reaching the surface. Although certain precursory phenomena, such as rapidly escalating seismic swarms or rates of degassing or deformation, are good indicators that an eruption is likely, such phenomena have also been observed in association with intrusions that have ultimately failed to erupt. A perpetual difficulty with quantifying the probability of eruption is a lack of data, particularly on instances of failed eruptions. This difficulty is being addressed in part through the WOVOdat database. Papers in this volume will be an additional resource for scientists grappling with the issue of whether or not an episode of unrest will lead to a magmatic eruption.  相似文献   

In Iceland tectonic activity in the neovolcanic zone leads to the formation of three kinds of parallel structures: open fissures, emissive fissures, and normal faults.This observation is used to built a kinematic model which is based on the superposition of lava flows generated from an active central belt of finite width. The results are in good agreement with the recent results in magnetism and tectonic observations of both subaerial and underwater active ridges.  相似文献   

A nonstationary model of spreading with periodic intrusions of a molten material into an axial zone of a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is applied to numerical analysis of the thermal state in MOR axial zones and the formation of crustal and mantle magma chambers in them. The model satisfactorily explains the positions, dimensions, and shapes of magma chambers, as well as variations in these parameters depending on the spreading rate, temperature, and composition of crustal and mantle rocks. The release and absorption of the latent heat of rock melting, hydrothermal heating of the crust, and variations in the solidus and liquidus temperatures of crustal and mantle rocks as a function of their composition are factors controlling the shape and position of crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   

We performed a complete noble gas study on eight different josephinites and one oregonite. The 4He/3He ratios range between 100,000 and 330,000 and are probably due to a combination of a MORB He-component from the Josephinite Peridotite massif, where these nickel-iron specimens are found, and either atmospheric He or radiogenic He from the underlying continental or subcontinental basement. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 302 to 381 are slightly higher than the ratio of air-argon. The neon, krypton and xenon isotopic ratios are identical to the corresponding air ratios. We cannot confirm large3He and21Ne excesses published earlier. The observed noble gas isotopic signatures are in agreement with a formation of josephinites near the surface. The data do not favour a deep mantle origin or a formation at the mantle-core boundary as proposed before.  相似文献   

During the 2001 eruptive episode three different magmas were erupted on the southern flank of Mount Etna volcano from distinct vent systems. Major and minor element chemistry of rocks and minerals shows that mixing occurred, and that the mixed magma was erupted during the last eruptive phases.The space–time integrated analysis of the eruption, supported by geophysical data, together with major and trace element bulk chemistry (XRF, ICP-MS) and major and trace mineral chemistry (EPMA, LAM ICP-MS), support the following model: 1) trachybasaltic magma rises through a NNW–SSE trending structure, connected to the main open conduit system; 2) ascent of an amphibole-bearing trachybasaltic magma from a 6 km deep eccentric reservoir through newly open N–S trending fractures; 3) just a few days following the eruption onset the two tectonic systems intersect at the Laghetto area; 4) at the Laghetto vent a mixed magma is erupted.Mixing occurred between the amphibole-bearing trachybasaltic magma and an inferred deep more basic end-member. The most relevant aspect in the eruptive dynamics is that the eruption of the mixed magma at the Laghetto vent was highly explosive due to volatile content in the magma. The gas phase formed, mainly because of the decreased volatile solubility due to rapid fractures opening and increased T, related to mixing, and partially because of the amphibole breakdown.  相似文献   

In this contribution we show that natural fracture/conduit networks can be studied by using a new method based on Graph Theory. A number of natural networks at different length scales (from the meter to the millimeter) are analysed and results show that they have typical attributes of ‘small-world’ networks, a special class of networks characterized by high global and local transport efficiency. To our knowledge, this topological feature of natural fracture networks is recognized here for the first time. By starting from results on natural fracture/conduit networks, the possible implications are discussed by focusing on disequilibrium transport of magmas in the upper mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges. Results indicate that the ‘small-world’ topology of natural fracture/conduit networks is an important characteristic to ensure disequilibrium delivery of melts through the upper mantle, thus offering a good explanation of geochemical features of magmas. The remarkable point here is that the modelling of melt migration has been constrained by using real fracture network systems. The results presented in this work may contribute to a better understanding of melt migration in fracture network systems and of the way geochemical features of magmas may be influenced by their transport history.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) measurements were conducted at Iwate volcano, across the entirety of the mountain, in 1997, 1999, 2003, 2006, and 2007. The survey line was 18 km in length and oriented E–W, comprising 38 measurements sites. Following 2D inversion, we obtained the resistivity structure to a depth of 4 km. The surface resistive layer (~ several hundreds of meters thick) is underlain by extensive highly conductive zones. Based on drilling data, the bottom of the highly conductive zone is interpreted to represent the 200 °C isotherm, below which (i.e., at higher temperatures) conductive clay minerals (smectite) are rare. The high conductivity is therefore mainly attributed to the presence of hydrothermally altered clay. The focus of this study is a resistive body beneath the Onigajo (West-Iwate) caldera at depths of 0.5–3 km. This body appears to have impeded magmatic fluid ascent during the 1998 volcanic unrest, as inferred from geodetic data. Both tectonic and low-frequency earthquakes are sparsely distributed throughout this resistive body. We interpret this resistive body as a zone of old, solidified intrusive magma with temperatures in excess of 200 °C. Given that a similar relationship between a resistive body and subsurface volcanic activity has been suggested for Asama volcano, structural controls on subsurface magmatic fluid movement may be a common phenomenon at shallow levels beneath volcanoes.  相似文献   

Mombacho is a deeply dissected volcano belonging to the Quaternary volcanic chain of Nicaragua. The southern, historic collapse crater (El Crater) currently hosts a fumarolic field with a maximum temperature of 121°C. Chemical and isotopic data from five gas-sampling field campaigns carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2005 highlight the presence of high-temperature gas components (e.g. SO2, HCl and HF), which indicate a significant contribution of juvenile magmatic fluids to the hydrothermal system feeding the gas discharges. This is strongly supported by the mantle-derived helium and carbon isotopic signatures, although the latter is partly masked by either a sedimentary subduction-related or a shallow carbonate component. The observed chemical and isotopic composition of the Mombacho fluids seems to indicate that this volcanic system, although it has not experienced eruptive events during the last centuries, can be considered active and possibly dangerous, in agreement with the geophysical data recorded in the region. Systematic geochemical monitoring of the fumarolic gas discharges, coupled with a seismic and ground deformation network, is highly recommended in order to monitor a possible new eruptive phase.  相似文献   

The viscosity of natural rhyolitic melt from Lipari, Aeolian Islands and melt-bubble emulsions (30–50 vol% porosity) generated from Lipari rhyolite have been measured in a concentric cylinder rheometer at temperatures and shear rates in the range 925–1150°C and 10−3–10−1.2 s−1, respectively, in order to better understand the dependence of emulsion shear viscosity on temperature and shear rate in natural systems. Bubble-free melt exhibits Newtonian–Arrhenian behavior in the temperature range 950–1150°C with an activation energy of 395±30 kJ/mol; the shear viscosity is given by log ηm=−8.320+20624/T. Suspensions were prepared from natural rhyolite glass to which small amounts of Na2SO4 were added as a ‘foaming agent’. Reasonably homogeneous magmatic mixtures with an approximate log-normal distribution of bubbles were generated by this technique. Suspension viscosity varied from 106.1 to 108.37 Pa s and systematically correlates with temperature and porosity in the shear stress range (104.26–105.46 Pa) of the experiments. The viscosity of melt-bubble emulsions is described in terms of the relative viscosity, ηr=ηe/ηm where ηe is the emulsion viscosity and ηm is the viscosity of melt of the same composition and temperature. The dependence of relative viscosity on porosity for magmatic emulsions depends on the magnitude of the capillary number Ca≡G/(σrb−1ηm−1), the ratio of viscous forces acting to deform bubbles to interfacial forces resisting bubble deformation. For inviscid bubbles in magmatic flows three regimes may be identified. For Ca<0.1, bubbles are nearly spherical and relative viscosity is an increasing function of porosity. For dilute systems, ηr=1+φ given by the classical result of Taylor [Proc. R. Soc. London A 138 (1932) 41–48]. For Ca in the range 0.1<Ca<10, emulsions behave as power law fluids and the relative viscosity depends on shear rate (or Ca) as well as porosity. At high Ca (Ca>10) an asymptotic regime is reached in which relative viscosity decreases with increasing porosity and is independent of Ca. Our experiments were carried out for 30<Ca<925 in order to quantify the maximal effect of bubbles in reducing the viscosity of magmatic emulsions relative to single-phase melt at identical conditions of shear rate and temperature. The viscosity of a 50 vol% emulsion is a factor of five smaller than that of melt alone. Rheometric measurements obtained in this study are useful in constraining models of magma transport and volcanic eruption mechanics relevant to transport of volatile-saturated magma in the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

In the Tarim Basin, black shale series at the bottom of Cambrian is one of the important marine facies hydrocarbon source rocks. This research focuses on the analysis of the isotope of noble gas of 11 cherts. The R/R a ratio of chert in the Keping area is 0.032–0.319, and 40Ar/36Ar is 338–430. In Quruqtagh the R/R a ratio is 0.44–10.21, and 40Ar/36Ar is 360–765. The R/R a ratio of chert increases with 40Ar/36Ar from the west to the east accordingly. They have evolved from the crust source area to the mantle source area in a direct proportion. Surplus argon 40ArE in chert is in direct proportion to the R/R a ratio, indicating that it has the same origin of excess argon as in fluid and mantle source helium. Comparison of the R/R a ratios between the west and the east shows that the chert in the eastern part formed from the activity system of the bottom hydrothermal venting driven by the mantle source, where the material and energy of crust and mantle had a strong interaction in exchange; whereas in the western part, chert deposited from the floating of hydrothermal plume undersea bottom, which is far away from the centre of activities of the hydrothermal fluid of ocean bottom. In addition, from noble gas isotope composition of chert, it is suggested that the ocean anoxia incident happened at the black shale of the Cambrian bottom probably because of the large-scaled ocean volcanoes and the following hydrothermal activities.  相似文献   


In the Tarim Basin, black shale series at the bottom of Cambrian is one of the important marine facies hydrocarbon source rocks. This research focuses on the analysis of the isotope of noble gas of 11 cherts. The R/R a ratio of chert in the Keping area is 0.032–0.319, and 40Ar/36Ar is 338–430. In Quruqtagh the R/R a ratio is 0.44–10.21, and 40Ar/36Ar is 360–765. The R/R a ratio of chert increases with 40Ar/36Ar from the west to the east accordingly. They have evolved from the crust source area to the mantle source area in a direct proportion. Surplus argon 40ArE in chert is in direct proportion to the R/R a ratio, indicating that it has the same origin of excess argon as in fluid and mantle source helium. Comparison of the R/R a ratios between the west and the east shows that the chert in the eastern part formed from the activity system of the bottom hydrothermal venting driven by the mantle source, where the material and energy of crust and mantle had a strong interaction in exchange; whereas in the western part, chert deposited from the floating of hydrothermal plume undersea bottom, which is far away from the centre of activities of the hydrothermal fluid of ocean bottom. In addition, from noble gas isotope composition of chert, it is suggested that the ocean anoxia incident happened at the black shale of the Cambrian bottom probably because of the large-scaled ocean volcanoes and the following hydrothermal activities.


A simple model of mass fractionation may explain the isotopic ratios of rare gases in volcanic materials. Single-stage mass fractionation of atmospheric rare gases predicts an upper limit for20Ne/22Ne of 10.3 and a lower limit for40Ar/36Ar of 280. The rare gas data in volcanic materials seem to support this interpretation.Relatively low40Ar/36Ar ratios, as low as 282, have been observed in recent Japanese volcanic rocks. Such a low40Ar/36Ar ratio may be explained by mass fractionation of the atmospheric value if the rare gases represent those which were transported into the magma chamber with other volatile elements.Both the amounts and the fractionated rare gas abundance pattern of lighter elements which are observed in pumices from the recent eruption of Mt. Usu, Southern Hokkaido, Japan, suggest the possibility of air injection into its magma chamber. Thus, the fractionation of rare gases in volcanic materials may be a common occurrence, and it must be considered in models for the origin of isotopic differences between rare gases in volcanic materials and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Current research efforts to explore and account for the distribution of nitrogen isotope abundances in the ancient and present-day solar wind and in meteorites often require measurement of nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions in very small samples of rare extraterrestrial materials. Isotopic analysis of ~ 1 μg of N2 is possible with modern techniques of dynamic mass spectrometry, but even this high sensitivity is a limiting factor for certain critical samples. We have utilized a statistically operated mass spectrometer coupled to an ultrahigh vacuum gas extraction and processing system to lower this limit by approximately four orders of magnitude. Quantities of N2 ranging from ~ 100 ng to < 100 pg are measurable with permil to percent precision in isotope ratios. Nitrogen and all noble gases evolved during stepwise combustion of fine-grained matrix material separated from the Allende meteorite have been meausred simultaneously in a pilot experiment using this technique. Isotopically heavy H-Xe (CCF-Xe) and isotopically light N are co-sited in a carbonaceous carrier phase, supporting a nucleosynthetic origin for15N-depleted nitrogen in Allende. The great isotopic uniformity of trapped Ar in all carrier phases indicates that simple, physical mass fractionation in gravitational escape of volatiles from the primitive nebula cannot have played a significant role in generating the nitrogen compositions observed in solar system matter.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopic analyses of melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from pantellerites erupted at Pantelleria, Italy, show that the magmas contained moderate pre-eruptive H2O contents, ranging from 1.4 to 2.1 wt.%. Melt H2O concentrations increase linearly with incompatible elements, demonstrating that H2O contents were not buffered significantly during fractionation by any crystalline or vapor phase. The relatively low H2O contents of pantellerites are consistent with an origin by partial melting of alkali gabbros rather than fractional crystallization of basalt. Preeruptive H2O concentrations do not correlate with the volume or explosivity of pantellerite eruptions; decompression history is critical in determining the style of pantellerite (and other) eruptions.  相似文献   

Brittle magmatic fragmentation plays a crucial role in explosive eruptions. It represents the starting point of hazardous explosive events that can affect large areas surrounding erupting volcanoes. Knowing the initial energy released during this fragmentation process is fundamental for the understanding of the subsequent dynamics of the eruptive gas-particle mixture and consequently for the forecasting of the erupting column’s behavior. The specific kinetic energy (SKE) of the particles quantifies the initial velocity shortly after the fragmentation and is therefore a necessary variable to model the gas-particle conduit flow and eruptive column regime. In this paper, we present a new method for its determination based on fragmentation experiments and identification of the timings of energy release. The results obtained on compositions representative for basaltic and phonolitic melts show a direct dependence on magma material properties: poorly vesiculated basaltic melts from Stromboli show the highest SKE values ranging from 7.3 to 11.8 kJ/kg, while experiments with highly vesiculated samples from Stromboli and Vesuvius result in lower SKE values (3.1 to 3.8 kJ/kg). The described methodology presents a useful tool for quantitative estimation of the kinetic energy release of magmatic fragmentation processes, which can contribute to the improvement of hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Mount Baker volcano displayed a short interval of seismically-quiescent thermal unrest in 1975, with high emissions of magmatic gas that slowly waned during the following three decades. The area of snow-free ground in the active crater has not returned to pre-unrest levels, and fumarole gas geochemistry shows a decreasing magmatic signature over that same interval. A relative microgravity survey revealed a substantial gravity increase in the ~30 years since the unrest, while deformation measurements suggest slight deflation of the edifice between 1981–83 and 2006–07. The volcano remains seismically quiet with regard to impulsive volcano-tectonic events, but experiences shallow (<3 km) low-frequency events likely related to glacier activity, as well as deep (>10 km) long-period earthquakes. Reviewing the observations from the 1975 unrest in combination with geophysical and geochemical data collected in the decades that followed, we infer that elevated gas and thermal emissions at Mount Baker in 1975 resulted from magmatic activity beneath the volcano: either the emplacement of magma at mid-crustal levels, or opening of a conduit to a deep existing source of magmatic volatiles. Decadal-timescale, multi-parameter observations were essential to this assessment of magmatic activity.  相似文献   

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