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Detailed field mapping in the Güvem area in the Galatia province of NW Central Anatolia, Turkey, combined with K–Ar dating, has established the existence of two discrete Miocene volcanic phases, separated by a major unconformity. The magmas were erupted in a post-collisional tectonic setting and it is possible that the younger phase could be geodynamically linked to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault zone. The Early Miocene phase (18–20 Ma; Burdigalian) is the most voluminous, comprising of over 1500 m of potassium-rich intermediate-acid magmas. In contrast, the Late Miocene volcanic phase (ca. 10 Ma; Tortonian) comprises a single 70-m-thick flow unit of alkali basalt. The major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope compositions of the volcanics suggest that the Late Miocene basalts and the parental mafic magmas to the Early Miocene series were derived from different mantle sources. Despite showing some similarities to high-K calc-alkaline magma series from active continental margins, the Early Miocene volcanics are clearly alkaline with higher abundances of high field strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ti, Y). Crustal contamination appears to have enhanced the effects of crystal fractionation in the petrogensis of this series and some of the most silica-rich magmas may be crustal melts. The mantle source of the most primitive mafic magmas is considered to have been an asthenospheric mantle wedge modified by crustally-derived fluids rising from a Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Tethyan subduction zone dipping northwards beneath the Galatia province. The Late Miocene basalts, whilst still alkaline, have a Sr–Nd isotope composition indicating partial melting of a more depleted mantle source component, which most likely represents the average composition of the asthenosphere beneath the region.  相似文献   

Following the collision along the Bitlis–Zagros suture, a north–south convergence between the Arabian Platform and Laurasia has continued uninterrupted until the present. As a result, the continental crust has been shortened, thickened and consequently elevated to form the Turkish–Iranian high plateau. On the high plateau volcanic activity began during the Neogene, intensified during the late Miocene–Pliocene and continued until historical times. Large volcanic centres have been developed during the Quaternary which form significant peaks above the Turkish–Iranian high plateau. Among the Quaternary volcanoes, the major volcanic centres are Ararat, Tendürek, Suphan and Nemrut. Ararat (Ağri Daği) is the largest volcanic center and is a compound stratovolcano, consisting of Greater Ararat and lesser Ararat. The former represents the highest elevation of Anatolia reaching over 5000 m in height. Tendürek is a double-peaked shield volcano, which produced a voluminous amount of basalt lava as extensive pahoehoe, and aa flows. It has an ill-defined semi-caldera. Suphan is an isolated stratovolcano, capped by silicic dome. It represents the second highest topographic elevation in Anatolia, with a height of over 4000 m. A cluster of subsidiary cones and small domes surrounds the volcano. Nemrut is the largest member of a group of volcanoes, which trend north–south. It is a stratovolcano, having a well-defined collapse caldera and a caldera lake. Various volcanic ejecta have been extruded from these volcanic centres over the last 1 to 2 million years. The Quaternary volcanic centres, although temporally and spatially closely associated, display a wide range of lavas from basalt to rhyolite. The volcanoes have diverse compositional trends; Ararat is distinctly subalkaline, Suphan is mildly subalkaline, Nemrut is mildly alkaline and Tendürek is strongly alkaline. The major and trace element compositions together with the isotope ratios indicate that their magmas were generated from a heterogeneous mantle source. Each of the volcanic centres has undergone a partly different magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

The Ezine region is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia where young granitic and volcanic rocks are widespread and show close spatial and temporal association. In this region magmatism began with the Kestanbol granite, which intruded into metamorphic basement rocks, and formed contact metamorphic aureole. To the east and southeast the pluton is surrounded by hypabyssal rocks, which in turn, are surrounded by volcanic associations. The volcanic rocks may be divided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological properties. Lavas and lahar deposits dominate the northern sector while ignimbrites dominate the southern sector. The ignimbrite eruptions were formed partly coevally with the plutonic and the associated volcanic rocks during the early Miocene. They appear to have been associated in a caldera collapse environment. Geochemical properties of the plutonic and the associated volcanic assemblages indicate that the magmas are hybrid and co-genetic and, were formed from a similar mantle source, under a compressional regime prior to the opening of the present E–W-trending graben of the Aegean western Anatolian region.  相似文献   

The 1875-1840-Ma Great Bear magmatic zone is a 100-km wide by at least 900-km-long belt of predominantly subgreenschist facies volcanic and plutonic rocks that unconformably overlie and intrude an older sialic basement complex. The basement complex comprises older arc and back-arc rocks metamorphosed and deformed during the Calderian orogeny, 5–15 Ma before the onset of Great Bear magmatism. The Great Bear magmatic zone contains the products of two magmatic episodes, separated temporally by an oblique folding event caused by dextral transpression of the zone: (1) a 1875-1860-Ma pre-folding suite of mainly calc-alkaline rocks ranging continuously in composition from basalt to rhyolite, cut by allied biotite-hornblende-bearing epizonal plutons; and (2) a 1.85-1.84-Ga post-folding suite of discordant, epizonal, biotite syenogranitic plutons, associated dikes, and hornblende-diorites, quartz diorites, and monzodiorites. The pre-folding suite of volcanic and plutonic rocks is interpreted as a continental magmatic arc generated by eastward subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Cessation of arc magmatism and subsequent dextral transpression may have resulted from ridge subduction and resultant change in relative plate motion. Increased heat flux due to ridge subduction coupled with crustal thickening during transpression may have caused crustal melting as evidenced by the late syenogranite suite. Final closure of the western ocean by collision with a substantial continental fragment, now forming the neoautochthonous basement of the northern Canadian Cordillera, is manifested by a major swarm of transcurrent faults found throughout the Great Bear zone and the Wopmay orogen.Although there is probably no single evolutionary template for magmatism at convergent plate margins, the main Andean phase of magmatism, exemplified by the pre-folding Great Bear magmatic suite, evolves as larger quantities of subduction-related mafic magma rise into and heat the crust. This results in magmas that are more homogeneous, siliceous, and explosive with time, ultimately leading to overturn and fractionation of the continental crust.  相似文献   

Twenty-four K-Ar radiometric ages are presented for late Cenozoic continental volcanic rocks of the Cordillera Occidental of southernmost Perú (lat. 16° 57′–17° 36′S). Rhyodacitic ignimbrite eruptions began in this transect during the Late Oligocene and continued episodically through the Miocene. The development of andesitic-dacitic strato volcanoes was initiated in the Pliocene and continues to the present.The earliest ignimbrite flows (25.3–22.7 Ma) are intercalated in the upper, coarsely-elastic member of the Moquegua Formation and demonstrate that this sedimentary unit accumulated in a trough, parallel to Andean tectonic trends, largely in the Oligocene. More voluminous ash-flow eruptions prevailed in the Early Miocene (22.8–17.6 Ma) and formed the extensively preserved Huaylillas Formation. This episode was coeval with a major phase of Andean uplift, and the pyroclastics overlie an erosional surface of regional extent incised into a Paleogene volcano-plutonic arc terrain. An age span of 14.2–8.9 Ma (mid-Late Miocene) is indicated for the younger Chuntacala Formation, which again comprises felsic ignimbrite flows, largely restricted to valleys incised into the pre-Huaylillas Formation lithologies, and, at lower altitudes, an extensive aggradational elastic facies. The youngest areally extensive ignimbrites, constituting the Sencca Formation, were extruded during the Late Miocene.In the earliest Pliocene, the ignimbrites were succeeded by more voluminous calcalkaline, intermediate flows which generated numerous large and small stratovolcanoes; these range in age from 5.3 to 1.6 Ma. Present-day, or Holocene, volcanism is restricted to several large stratovolcanoes which had begun their development during the Pleistocene (by 0.7 Ma).The late Oligocene/Early Miocene (ca. 22–23 Ma) reactivation of the volcanic arc coincided with a comparable increase in magmatic activity throughout much of the Cordilleras Occidental and Oriental of the Central Andes.  相似文献   

Oligocene dome complexes of trachydacitic to rhyolitic composition are common in the southern portion of the Mesa Central physiographic province, which forms part of the southern Basin and Range extensional province as well as of the southern Sierra Madre Occidental volcanic province. Generally, dome complexes occur aligned with regional fault systems, mostly associated with the southern Basin and Range province, and thus suggesting that faults controlled the felsic magmas that formed these domes. Two distribution patterns are evident, one aligned NE–SW and another aligned NNE. The set of domes were emplaced at 33–28 Ma. Emplacement of domes occurred in three continuous phases starting with those of trachydacite affinity at 33–32 Ma, to trachydacite–rhyolitic at 32–31 Ma, and finally to those with rhyolitic composition at 31–28 Ma. Felsic magmas that originated the domes were apparently generated by partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Contrary to previous hypothesis, our evidence suggest that these magmas in these particular areas of the Mesa Central were not accumulated in large magma reservoirs emplaced at shallow levels in the crust, but crossed the continental crust directly. Since continental crust in this region is relatively thin (30–33 km), we propose that an intense extensional episode favored the direct ascension of these magmas through the brittle crust, with little interaction with the country rock during ascent to the surface, to end up forming aligned dome chains or complexes. Geochemical data favors this model, as the felsic rocks show no depletions in Nb and Th but instead relatively enrichment in these elements. REE show flat or concave up patterns, suggesting that the magmas involved enriched (fertile), metasomatized lithospheric fluids that generated partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Based upon these data, we infer an intra-plate tectonic setting for these rocks.  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dating of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Andean region of central Chile has revealed previously unrecognized episodes of igneous activity during Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. These results indicate the need to re-evaluate the classic stratigraphic subdivisions that have evolved on lithologic rather than time-stratigraphic criteria.Four radiometric age groups have been identified in the coast range volcanic belt:
1. (1) Las Chilcas Formation — Early Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (120-110 m.y.).
2. (2) Lo Valle Formation — Late Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (78-65 m.y.).
3. (3) Late Oligocene extrusive volcanics (31-28 m.y.).
4. (4) Early Miocene intrusive volcanics (20.6–19.5 m.y.).
Two radiometric age groups have also been identified in the adjacent Andean Cordillera:
1. (1) Farellones Formation — continental volcanic strata (18.5–17.3 m.y.).
2. (2) Early Pliocene extrusive volcanics (5-4 m.y.).
An older group of continental volcanic strata in the Andes represented by the Abanico Formation remains undated but is intruded by plutons dated at 19.5 and 24 m.y.Available chronologic evidence indicates that volcanic activity moved eastward from the coast range volcanic belt to the Andean Cordillera between 20 and 18 m.y. ago and remained there to the present time.  相似文献   

Western Anatolia, largely affected by extensional tectonics, witnessed widespread volcanic activity since the Early Miocene. The volcanic vents of the region are represented by epicontinental calderas, stratovolcanoes and monogenetic vents which are associated with small-scale intrusions as sills and dykes. The volcanic activity began with an explosive character producing a large ignimbritic plateau all over the region, indicating the initiation of the crustal extension event. These rhyolitic magmas are nearly contemporaneous with granitic intrusions in western Anatolia. The ignimbrites, emplaced approximately contemporaneous with alluvial fan and braided river deposits, flowed over the basement rocks prior to extensional basin formation. The lacustrine deposits overlie the ignimbrites. The potassic and ultrapotassic lavas with lamprophyric affinities were emplaced during the Late Miocene–Pliocene. The volcanic activities have continued with alkali basalts during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The Grande Découverte Volcanic Complex (GDVC), active since at least 0.2 Ma, is the most recent volcanic complex of the Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles Arc). A detailed geochronological study using the K–Ar Cassignol–Gillot technique has been undertaken in order to reconstruct the history of effusive activity of this long-lived volcanic system. Twenty new ages permit to suggest that the GDVC experienced at least six main effusive stages, from 200 ka to present time. To the north of the GDVC, the GDS (Grande Découverte–Soufrière volcano) has been active since at least 200 ka, and to the south, the TRMF (Trois-Rivières–Madeleine Field), started to be emplaced 100 ka. Morphological investigations suggest that the whole TRMF volcanism was emitted from vents distinct from the GDS, most probably a large E–W fissure network linked to the Marie-Galante rift. The mean age of 62 ± 5 ka, obtained for the E–W Madeleine–Le Palmiste alignment suggests that a fissure-opening event occurred at that time. However, whole-rock major and trace element signatures are similar for both systems, suggesting that a common complex magma-plumbing system has fed the overall GDVC. We report very young ages for lava flows from the TRMF, which implies that < 10 ka volcanic activity is now identified for both massifs. Although hazards associated with such effusive volcanism are much lower than those associated with potential flank-collapse of the Soufrière lava dome or a magmatic dome eruption with explosive phases within the GDS, the emplacement of relatively large Holocene age lava flows (3–1 × 108 m3) suggests that a revised integrated volcanic hazard assessment for Southern Basse-Terre should now consider the potential for renewed future activity from two Holocene volcanic centers including the TRMF.  相似文献   

Calc-alkaline intermediate rocks are spatially and temporally associated with high-Mg andesites (HMAs, Mg#>60) in Middle Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt. The calc-alkaline rocks are characterized by higher Mg# (strongly calc-alkaline trend) than ordinary calc-alkaline rocks at equivalent silica contents. Phenocrysts in the intermediate rocks have petrographical features such as: (1) coexisting reversely and normally zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts in single rock; (2) sieve type plagioclase in which cores are mantled by higher An%, melt inclusion-rich zone; and (3) reversely zoned amphibole phenocrysts with opacite cores. In addition, mingling textures and magmatic inclusions were observed in some rocks. These petrographic features and the mineral chemistry indicate that magma mixing was the most important process in producing the strongly calc-alkaline rocks. The core composition of normally zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts and the mantle composition of reversely zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts have relatively high Mg# (85–90) in maximum. Although basaltic and high-Mg andesitic magmas are candidate as possible mafic end-member magmas, basaltic magma is excluded in terms of phenocryst assemblage and bulk composition. HMA magmas are suitable mafic end-member magmas that precipitated high Mg# (90) orthopyroxene, whereas andesitic to dacitic magma are suitable felsic end-members. In contrast, it is difficult to produce the strongly calc-alkaline trend through fractional crystallization from a HMA magma, because it would require removal of plagioclase together with mafic minerals from the early stage of crystallization, whereas the precipitation of plagiolase is suppressed due to the high water content of HMA magmas. These results imply that Archean Mg#-rich TTGs (>45–55), which are an analog of the strongly calc-alkaline rocks in terms of chemistry and magma genesis, can be derived from magma mixing in which a HMA magma is the mafic end-member magma, rather than by fractional crystallization from a HMA magma.  相似文献   

The Tertiary volcanism of Eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace (Greece) developed in association with the sedimentary basin which formed, from Eocene to Oligocene, along the southern margin of the Rhodope Massif.The volcanic products, ranging in composition from basaltic andesites to rhyolites, show an overall calc-alkaline orogenic affinity, while chemical characteristics identify different groups of rocks, probably reflecting minor differences among parent magmas. The observed evolution within any group of rocks is compatible with fractional crystallization processes acting on relatively shallow magma bodies.The Sr isotopic composition of rhyolitic member shows an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio comparable with that of basaltic andesites, reinforcing the hypothesis of a crystal/liquid line of descent.Geochemical and petrographic evidence, on the whole, suggests that the investigated orogenic association developed on an active continental margin characterized by a relatively thick crust, acting as a density filter for the basic magmas and facilitating their storage and fractionation within the crust itself. Minor contamination by interaction with host materials may also have occurred.Stratigraphic and K/Ar geochronological data indicate that the volcanic activity started in Upper Eocene and reached its maximum development in Upper Oligocene. From Lower Miocene, the volcanism shifted southward in the Central Aegean area and in part of Western Anatolia, coming to an end by Middle Miocene.The southward migration of the volcanic front has been interpreted as a consequence of the increase in the dipping of the Benioff zone, due to the decrease of penetrative strength after the main phase of continental collision.  相似文献   


Detailed studies indicate that a typical island-arc magmatic zone exists in the Lianghe-Raofeng-Wuliba area of south Qinling. This is characterized by continental marginal andesite and bimodal volcanic rock association which was formed in a rift environment within an oceanic island-arc. The island-arc magmatic zone is the product of Devonian-Carboniferous oceanic crust subduction and rifting of Mianlue ancient oceanic basin. The presence of the island-arc magmatic zone suggests that the Mianxian-Lueyang suture zone had extended to the Bashan arcuate area. The Sunjiahe volcanic rock association of the Xixiang Group formed in a volcanic-arc setting which should have a close relationship with Mianlue suture zone.


Sixty-six K---Ar dates from igneous rocks in the central Chilean Andes between 33° and 38°S are reported in this study. From these results and observed field relations, major Cenozoic volcanic and intrusive rock units are divided into chronologic groups representing igneous events.Volcanic units of Oligocene (33.3–27.9 m.y.) and Early Miocene (20.2 m.y.) age have been dated west of the present range at 33°S but neither the magnitude nor extent of these volcanic events has yet been established. Extensive Middle to Late Miocene volcanism (15.3–6.4 m.y.) followed by regional folding is recognized in the map area between 35° 20′ and 36°S. Partly contemporaneous Middle Miocene volcanism (18.4–13.7 m.y.) also followed by regional folding is recorded in the Andes between 37° 30′ and 38°S. General volcanic quiescence from 6.4 to 2.5 m.y. is observed in the map area but whether this volcanic hiatus is of regional significance is not known.The majority of the K---Ar dates document a history of nearly continuous volcanism throughout the last 2.5 m.y. in the map area. The abundant and diverse sequences of volcanic strata formed during this time, have been divided into four successive age groups which as map units show the evolution and distribution of latest volcanic activity.Landforms preserved by this volcanic series show that topographic relief similar to the present has prevailed during this time. Deep incision of rivers into young volcanic terrain, estimated to be on the order of 1–2 m/1000 years, has produced a complex volcanic and morphologic record.Four plutons dated in this study give ages of 62.0, 41.3, 19.5, and 7.0 m.y. No spatial pattern of emplacement is observed in the map area where three of these plutons are represented.Similarities in structural style, orientation and degree of deformation of Miocene and Mesozoic strata suggest that Late Miocene regional folding may have accounted for a significant part of the observed deformation in older basement strata previously ascribed to earlier orogenies.A regional comparison of ages of recognized igneous and tectonic event at different latitudes in the central and southern Andes shows the gross chronology of Cenozoic events which can be correlated with sea-floor spreading and subduction events.  相似文献   

Abundances of major and trace elements were determined for the Tertiary volcanic rocks from SW Hokkaido. The Late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks of this region show geochemical features similar to those of the Quaternary rocks, that is, K/Si, Th/Si and LREE/HREE ratios increasing across the arc, east to west, from the Pacific to the Japan Sea side. In contrast, the Early Miocene volcanic rocks, which are geographically restricted to the Japan Sea coast, are distinct from all later volcanics and show “within-plate” characteristics — in particular, high concentrations of HFS elements. The Quaternary basalts have low Hf/Yb ratios and Hf contents, whereas the Early Miocene basalts are high in Hf/Yb and Hf, similar to Hawaiian alkali basalts. The compositional variation with time may result from the progressive depletion of incompatible HFS elements in the mantle source. Th/Yb ratios increase from Early Miocene to Quaternary, possibly reflecting increase in the LIL element contribution to the mantle source during that time.  相似文献   

The Eastern Anatolia Region exhibits one of the world's best exposed and most complete transects across a volcanic province related to a continental collision zone. Within this region, the Erzurum–Kars Plateau is of special importance since it contains the full record of collision-related volcanism from Middle Miocene to Pliocene. This paper presents a detailed study of the volcanic stratigraphy of the plateau, together with new K–Ar ages and several hundred new major- and trace-element analyses in order to evaluate the magmatic evolution of the plateau and its links to collision-related tectonic processes. The data show that the volcanic units of the Erzurum–Kars Plateau cover a broad compositional range from basalts to rhyolites. Correlations between six logged, volcano-stratigraphic sections suggest that the volcanic activity may be divided into three consecutive Stages, and that activity begins slightly earlier in the west of the plateau than in the east. The Early Stage (mostly from 11 to 6 Ma) is characterised by bimodal volcanism, made up of mafic-intermediate lavas and acid pyroclastic rocks. Their petrography and high-Y fractionation trend suggest that they result from crystallization of anhydrous assemblages at relatively shallow crustal levels. Their stratigraphy and geochemistry suggest that the basic rocks erupted from small transient chambers while the acid rocks erupted from large, zoned magma chambers. The Middle Stage (mostly from 6–5 Ma) is characterised by unimodal volcanism made up predominantly of andesitic–dacitic lavas. Their petrography and low-Y fractionation trend indicate that they resulted from crystallization of hydrous (amphibole-bearing) assemblages in deeper magma chambers. The Late Stage (mostly 5–2.7 Ma) is again characterised by bimodal volcanism, made up mainly of plateau basalts and basaltic andesite lavas and felsic domes. Their petrography and high-Y fractionation trend indicate that they resulted from crystallization of anhydrous assemblages at relatively shallow crustal levels. AFC modelling shows that crustal assimilation was most important in the deeper magma chambers of the Middle Stage. The geochemical data indicate that the parental magma changed little throughout the evolution of the plateau. This parental magma exhibits a distinctive subduction signature represented by selective enrichment in LILE and LREE thought to have been inherited from a lithosphere modified by pre-collision subduction events. The relationships between magmatism and tectonics support models in which delamination of thickened subcontinental lithosphere cause uplift accompanied by melting of this enriched lithosphere. Magma ascent, and possibly magma generation, is then strongly controlled by strike-slip faulting and associated pull-apart extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

The magmatic province of the northern Lhasa Terrane includes an Early Cretaceous (120–130 Ma) plutonic event, and a Late Cretaceous (80–110 Ma) volcanic event. The plutonic association constitutes an older suite of granodiorites, monzogranites and tonalites and a younger peraluminous leucogranite facies. Plutonism occurred about 20 Ma after obduction of the Banggong ophiolite, following closure between the Lhasa and Qiantang Terranes.The earlier suite is of broadly calc-alkaline in composition but differs from arc-related magmas in that only more evolved compositions are represented (SiO2 > 58%) and Rb/Zr ratios are elevated relative to the Gangdese batholith to the south. Trace-element and isotopic constraints are consistent with derivation from a Late Proterozoic amphibole-bearing crustal source requiring temperatures > 950°C during anatexis. The leucogranites require a pelitic source which is tentatively identified as the Nyaingentanglha basement exposed south of the plutonic province. Unlike the High Himalaya leucogranites, trace elements and field relations require a high degree of melting at source (> 50%) suggesting fluid-absent melting at temperatures > 850°C. Such high crustal temperatures indicate convective heat transfer from the mantle.Thermal constraints together with a tectonic setting of post-emplacement uplift followed by a marine transgression in the northern Lhasa Terrane can not be reconciled with a model of tectonically thickened crust but are consistent with post-collision attenuation of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Discrimination functions based on major element distribution (Pearce, 1976) can be used to define the different basalt types of the Tyrrhenian and Perityrrhenian areas in an attempt to clarify their geodynamic significance.The future Tyrrhenian and Perityrrhenian areas have been affected since Oligocene by either compressional (subduction related) or transitional processes which produced well-defined orogenic and anorogenic magmas. A local development of «transitional» magma types, characteristic of «anomalous» volcanic arcs, also occurred with geochemical features that are intermediate between within-plate and orogenic magmas.The eruption of orogenic rock suites (calcalkaline, shoshonitic and leucite-bearing rocks) took place along the Apennine border on the east and southeast of the Tyrrhenian basin from Upper Miocene to Quaternary (Aeolian and neighbouring seamounts; Campania; Latium; Capraia Island). Absence of spatial zonation and interlayering of products with a various potassic character are the peculiar features of these rocks that appear to be originated from a heterogeneous and variously metasomatized mantle source by the influx of fluids (H2O andLile enrichment) from the subduction zone affecting the Apennine-Maghrebides collisional front during Tertiary times.In the central Tyrrhenian area oceanic tholeiitic magmatism and creation of a new oceanic crust occurred from Upper Miocene. This activity was probably accomplished by Lower Pliocene when a within-plate volcanism produced the seamounts of the Batial Plain (Magnaghi, Vavilov, base of the Marsili Smts.).Etna and Ustica volcanisms occurring along the Perityrrhenian border on the south and west the Aeolian volcanism respectively, show geochemical characteristics that are transitional between anorogenic and orogenic magmas which could indicate some influence of fluids subduction-related to their mantle sources.The complex magmatic situation of the Tyrrhenian and Perityrrhenian areas may be caused by magma-producing events either from unmodified (anorogenic) or variously modified mantle sources (transitional to orogenic) depending on their proximity to and influenced by the Cainozoic subduction zone which developed along the Apennines-Maghrebides collisional front.  相似文献   

The application of the Sr/Ca-Ba/Ca systematics to volcanic rocks of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (33°S–46°S) has revealed a good correlation between the estimated degree of partial melting required to generate primary magmas and the projected extensions of the oceanic Nazca plate fracture zones under the continental South American plate. Magmas erupted at volcanic centers situated above these projections are thought to have been derived from primary magmas generated by relatively high degrees of melting, whereas those erupted at other centers are thought to have evolved from magmas produced by comparatively low degree of fusion. We interpret this relationship to reflect the facilitation of heat and mass transfer from the asthenosphere below the subducted oceanic lithosphere to the subarc mantle by the fracture zones. This contribution enhances the degree of melting of the subarc mantle source as well as the fraction of material derived from the subducted oceanic crust. This model predicts the predominance of basalts depleted in incompatible trace elements in centers located above the Nazca plate fracture zone extensions and of basalts enriched in incompatible trace elements in centers situated between boundaries of fracture extensions.  相似文献   

Volcanoes of the Mariana arc system produce magmas that belong to several liquid lines of descent and that originated from several different primary magmas. Despite differences in parental magmas, phenocryst assemblages are very similar throughout the arc. The different liquid lines of descent are attributed to differences in degree of silica saturation of the primary liquids and in the processes of magmatic evolution (fractional crystallization vs magma mixing). Pseudoternary projections of volcanic rocks from several arc volcanoes are used to show differences between different magmatic suites. In most of the arc, parental liquids were Ol- and Hy-normative basalts that crystallized olivine, augite, and plagioclase (± iron-titanium oxide) and then plagioclase and two pyroxenes, apparently at low pressure. Eruptive rocks follow subparallel liquid lines of descent on element–element diagrams and on pseudoternary projections. Magmas at North Hiyoshi are Ne-normative and have a liquid line of descent along the thermal divide due to precipitation of olivine, augite, and plagioclase. Derived liquids are large ion lithophile element (LILE)-rich. Magmas at other Hiyoshi seamounts included an alkaline component but had more complex evolution. Those at Central Hiyoshi formed by a process dominated by mixing alkaline and subalkaline magmas, whereas those at other Hiyoshi seamounts evolved by combined magma mixing and fractional crystallization. Influence of the alkaline component wanes as one goes south from North Hiyoshi. Alkaline and subalkaline magmas were also mixed to produce magmas erupted at the Kasuga seamounts that are behind the arc front. The alkaline magmas at both Hiyoshi and Kasuga seamounts had different sources from those of the subalkaline magmas at those sites as indicated by trace element ratios and by Nd.  相似文献   

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