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A healthy food environment is an important component in helping people access and maintain healthy diets, which may reduce the prevalence of chronic disease. With few exceptions, studies on healthy food access in urban regions typically ignore how time of day impacts access to food. Similarly, most extant research ignores the complexities of accounting for the role of transportation in spatial access. Examining healthy food access is important, especially for populations whose day-to-day schedules do not align with a typical work schedule. This study profiles novel methods that can be used to examine the daily dynamics of food access in Toronto, Ontario, using grocery stores as a case study to examine the changing geographies of food access over a 24-h period, and the impact of a changing public transit schedule on food access. Walking and automobile travel times are also reported. Results indicate that access to grocery stores is severely diminished for large parts of the city in the late night and early morning, and that public transit travel times are higher and more variable in the early morning hours. Ultimately, this research demonstrates the need for further study on how residents with nonconventional schedules experience, and are affected by, the dynamic food and transportation environments. Future research should build upon the methods presented here to include a broader range of food retailers.  相似文献   

成都市体验性网络团购市场发展的空间特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
体验性网络团购模式正在对城市商业空间产生显著影响。以团购商品信息量作为基础数据,采用矢量数据符号法和空间插值法对成都市团购市场发展的空间特征进行分析。结果表明:餐饮、娱乐、生活和旅游酒店类团购信息在各商圈分布的集中化程度与摄影类相比较低。成都市中心区域的团购市场发展水平较高,形成了以春熙路商圈为核心的综合商业型热点区和以建设路商圈和双楠商圈为核心的生活服务型热点区。市场原则下团购市场发展的空间公平性较好的区域主要集中在成都市中心区域。团购市场发展的空间格局具有明显的区位特征,其空间发展的驱动力主要包括实体商业空间布局、消费者规模空间格局和区域可达性等;“时间距离”对团购市场区位特征产生的摩擦阻力已经超过空间距离。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify food deserts using a geographic information system (GIS)-based multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) approach in the city of Tehran. We have found that, compared to technocratic methods, GIS-based MCDM and taking into account people or their agents' opinions in the food deserts analysis leads to different results. Whereas measuring food deserts based on the distance to large retail food stores indicated that a large part of the northern neighborhoods of Tehran do not have access to large food stores, identifying the food desert through the GIS-based MCDM approach revealed that northern neighborhoods of Tehran have relatively good access to healthy, affordable food. In addition, results indicated that individual factors have a more effective role than environmental factors in food accessibility. Food accessibility analysis revealed that more than 26.6 percent of Tehran's people (2,049,796) are living in very low and low food accessibility areas. Accordingly, to achieve a relatively healthy and inclusive food environment, establishment of a food council, development of mobile food markets and farmers' markets, extension of public transport, enhancement of food literacy, and community-based development of small full-service grocery stores, especially in southern and western sections of Tehran, should be pursued. In addition, addressing Tehran's food desert issues would be incomplete without due attention to the wider political and economic environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the U.S.-based consumer electronics retailer Best Buy implemented its dual brand strategy in Canada following its acquisition of Future Shop in 2001. The study examines the differentiations between the two brands (Best Buy and Future Shop) in four aspects: geographical adjacency, store operation, product offering, and price structure. The study reveals that Best Buy takes a spatial proximity approach to store development with both Best Buy and Future Shop stores at many locations. Yet, their big box stores have very similar product offerings and price structure. Limited forms of differentiation are observed in store operations; however, they are insufficient to avoid cannibalization. Although the dual brand strategy should not be viewed as the only cause of Best Buy Canada losing its competitive edge in the Canadian consumer electronics market, it is a factor that affects its ability to reduce overhead costs in competition with online retailers and has led Best Buy to abandon this strategy in Canada.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of changing housing and neighborhood characteristics on the accessibility of neighborhood businesses using Long Beach, California, as a case study. Although advocates of smart growth and New Urbanism encourage land use mixing, aggregate-level analysis can be too coarse to pick up on fine-grained aspects of urban streetscapes. This study uses assessor parcel records and a point-based business establishment data set to analyze city-wide patterns of accessibility from individual dwelling units to thirty-one types of neighborhood businesses, including grocery stores, service shops, drug stores, doctor's offices, and banks. Regression results compare parcel-level and neighborhood-level drivers of accessibility between 2006 and 2015 to gauge the aggregated effect of recent economic, demographic, and built environment changes on this aspect of urban spatial structure. Larger homes in older, multiunit buildings and higher income neighborhoods show substantial increases in accessibility to most establishment types, suggesting a trend toward both greater accessibility and larger dwelling units—despite the traditional trade-off between access and space. Although gradual increases in home and business density increased overall accessibility over this period, weaker neighborhood-level results indicate that this trend is less pronounced in high-poverty and non-white areas.  相似文献   

This article comprehensively explores the effects of socio-economic status on residents' fresh food access in Saskatoon and Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Spatial effects potentially resulting from agglomeration of food retailers and clustering of neighborhoods with similar characteristics have been integrated into analysis using spatial regression models. Key findings include: areas with a larger percentage of population density, single-parent households, senior populations, higher educational populations, and minority groups tend to have higher access to supermarkets and local grocery stores, although the effects vary by city. Areas with higher private car access are more inclined to be farther from these food retailers, meanwhile the influence of public transportation is found to be insignificant in both cities. Regression results demonstrate that ignoring spatial interaction leads to overestimates of the true disparities when investigating food-access inequality among residents with different socio-economic status.  相似文献   

While the term food insecurity is gaining popularity in contemporary literature, there is debate as to how tenets of this phenomenon can be quantitatively measured. One of these tenets, proximity to food resources, which is used to measure food deserts, can be measured within a digital GIS (Geographic Information System). Metrics such as Euclidean and network distance represent planimetric distance measurements between locations and resources, but do not truly represent the empirical cost that serves as a barrier, most notably time and/or money, to those who must decide to travel to these resources. While the vector data model has been the standard by which these calculations are done within a GIS, raster-based travel time surfaces can serve as a faster, replicable and scalable alternative. However, little research has been done to test the efficacy of these surfaces and their alignment with vector-based network calculations. In this research, we developed two travel-time surfaces for a rural region in southeastern North Carolina. One represented travel times to grocery stores and while the other represented travel time to convenience stores. We found that the travel times derived from this surface were statistically consistent with vector-based counterparts for sample sizes at a 95% confidence. When utilized correctly using an appropriate scale and spatial resolution, these surfaces have the potential to be effective tools in the study of food deserts.  相似文献   

社区化新零售是新兴的商业模式,也是商业与社区互动的重要场域,值得从城市空间视角深入探究。基于南京市盒马鲜生及相关兴趣点(point of interest,POI)与兴趣面(area of interest,AOI)数据,综合运用空间分析、定量统计、实地调研等方法,解析盒马鲜生的服务类型及对象、空间布局特征、区位选址因素,并提出优化发展建议。研究发现:① 南京市盒马鲜生服务对象以社区为主,酒店、写字楼为辅;服务客户以具有一定经济基础和消费能力的中青年人群为主。② 空间布局总体呈现南—北走向的主城区+近郊区的“5+7三组团”格局,均为“点”状门店+不规则“面”状服务区相结合的“中心—外围”结构,实际配送范围与3 km缓冲区存在差异。③ 区位选址主要受社区密度和交通环境的影响,对商圈、地价具有依赖性,竞争对手对门店选址影响较小;主要位于社区与道路密度中高值区、商圈边缘地带、主干道两侧及地价中等区域,并利用面状服务区延伸服务范围,获取更多潜在目标客户群。最后从消费群体、运营成本、品牌竞争3个方面探索其区位选址的影响机制,并基于区位选址特征提出优化发展建议。  相似文献   

张英浩  汪明峰 《热带地理》2021,41(3):573-583
零售活动的空间关系研究是城市地理学研究的一个热点问题.以上海市内环地区的星巴克、COSTA和瑞幸咖啡三家咖啡连锁公司的门店为研究对象,综合运用多种空间统计方法和实地调研分析三者之间的空间关联特征.结果表明:1)无论是传统零售还是新零售模式下的咖啡门店,其空间分布均大致表现出靠近消费市场的空间导向特征;2)星巴克门店的空...  相似文献   

姜洪强  梅林  杨立青 《地理科学》2020,40(3):428-436
以淘宝最常见的五大类皇冠和金冠店铺数据为基础,构建淘宝店铺服务质量评价指标体系,运用熵权-TOPSIS、引力模型及地理探测器等方法,分析中国淘宝整体和五大类店铺服务质量空间分异特征及影响因素。结果表明:直辖市、省会城市和经济发达城市比经济欠发达城市淘宝店铺整体及各大类服务质量高;家居类、电子类比服装类、美妆类、食品类店铺服务质量高值区集聚明显。长三角、珠三角地区整体及各大类店铺服务质量均呈网络状分布,两两城市相互作用较强;北京、武汉、郑州等与外围城市呈“中心-外围”的辐射状分布;其他城市两两间相互联系较弱。美妆类、食品类店铺服务质量空间联系比电子类、服装类、家居类更为复杂,并且城市联系强度明显高于后3类。全国尺度下,社会消费品零售总额对淘宝店铺服务质量具有主导作用,地区货运总量、互联网宽带接入户数、城市行政等级、普通高等学校数量起助推作用。东部地区店铺服务质量影响因素相互关联性强,以多因素叠加影响为主;中部地区影响因素呈一定等级性,各因素影响力层次性明显;西部地区与中部地区相似,但各因素影响力弱于中部地区;东北地区影响因素相对较少,各因素单独作用于店铺服务质量。  相似文献   

Wal-Mart and Kmart, the two largest American discount retailers, have begun to utilize a supercenter retailing format that combines a full-service grocery store with a discount department store. Supercenters are expected to be the major format for future expansion of each of these firms. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the spatial expansion strategies of each firm for the locations of its supercenters. Wal-Mart is quickly expanding its number of supercenters in modest-sized communities clustered around its grocery distribution centers, especially in Southern states. Conversely, most Super Kmart Centers are located inthe suburbs of widely scattered major metropolitan markets, and Kmart has yet to develop a grocery distribution network. Kmart currently has major financial problems that severely restrict the expansion of the Super Kmart Center format.  相似文献   

快餐直营店的空间扩散是十分常见的经济现象,也是商业地理学研究的重要内容。以中国本土快餐企业老乡鸡直营店为研究对象,采用核密度分析、多距离空间聚类分析等研究方法与计量模型,总结了老乡鸡在不同时期的空间分布格局、空间扩散模式与集聚特征,进而分析了老乡鸡空间扩散的影响因素,研究结果表明:(1)2003年创立品牌至今,老乡鸡由合肥市的快餐企业发展为中国本土快餐业榜首企业,在不同发展阶段分别采取了深耕式、传染式、等级式及复合式等不同的空间扩散模式,空间扩散模式与路径转变的次序性内生于企业规模的演化;(2)老乡鸡门店呈现明显的空间集聚特征,其集聚强度与集聚规模伴随着不同阶段扩散模式的多样化而不断增强,集聚范围一般控制在200 km范围内,已由初期仅在合肥市内的单中心集聚向在安徽省内集聚转变,在长三角及周边地区扩散布局的态势十分明显;(3)城镇常住人口规模、人均可支配收入、社会消费品零售总额、原有门店数量等因素显著影响老乡鸡的空间扩散。在进入复合式扩散后,空间距离在老乡鸡空间扩散过程中的作用并不显著。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):142-163
This article reports an empirical analysis of the shopping center cognitions of subgroups of older urban consumers domiciled in (a) the central area and (b) two contrasting suburban distr' ts. Attention is focused on two behavioral constructs which underlie consumer spatial dec'sion-making: f (i) information field, and (ii) evaluative criteria. The data are based on a questionnairehterview survey of ambulatory elderly residents of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The findings disclose significant differences among the subgroups concerning both the magnitudes and compositions of their information fields. Additionally, the results of a resistanceto- change experiment reveal that each subgroup identifies "distance from home," "prices," and provision of a "grocery supermarket" as the most important of seventeen shopping center attributes. Significant differences among the levels of importance assigned to eight of the other attributes not only reflect the limited mobility of the central area elderly, but also the contextual effects of the local shopping resources of the three subgroups.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of driving time and retail agglomerations on consumer store choice within a retail network. A pairwise comparison of confluencing store trade areas is conducted based on loyalty card information and exit questionnaires for six retailers operating in different product categories in Belgium. Results show that there is a stronger emphasis in the preference hierarchy on driving time towards a store for the daily goods retailer. Moreover, there is varying intra-network spatial competition depending on the type of location strategy pursued by the different retailers. Results show that for some retailers retail agglomeration effects are more outspoken than for others. However, impact of driving time on consumer intra-network store choice was independent of retail agglomeration size. Finally, results indicate that opening stores outside the pursued location strategy should be approached with care as significant impacts on sales cannibalization can emerge within the store network. These findings are important for crafting an overall expansion strategy for expansion managers as well as for marketing managers occupied with network changes at operational level.  相似文献   

Although food pantries have become a crucial component of the food landscapes in many countries, so far they have rarely been included in research on the food environment. This study aims to map and analyze the relation between the proportion of adult food pantry users and child food pantry recipients as well as compositional and structural characteristics of areas in Berlin, Germany.Publicly accessible data including the percentage of adults and children receiving welfare and those with migration background were used to characterize area composition. Investigated structural resources included the availability of discount stores, stops of the public transport as well as 44 food pantries throughout the city. Small spatial units of two incongruent spatial area data sets were denominated to characterize the 44 food pantry areas and the areas within walking distance (1000 m) to a food pantry. Linear multiple regression models were conducted to model the proportion of food pantry recipients among adults and children. Results of the study showed that the proportion of child food pantry recipients was more than twice as high compared to the proportion of adult food pantry users, with large variations between pantries. The distribution of food pantries largely mirrored the distribution of welfare recipients in Berlin. Results of multiple regression analyses suggested that the percentage of adults receiving welfare benefits and the number of stops around a food pantry were positively, and the percentage of adults with migration background was negatively related to the proportion of adult food pantry users. Among children, the percentage of children receiving welfare benefits, the number of discount grocery stores per 1000 children, and the number of stops around a food pantry were positively related to the proportion of food pantry recipients. Results of the spatial analyses can be used to improve the allocation of social and food services to support impoverished people. Future studies could investigate whether there are unmet needs of food assistance services among inhabitants with migration background.  相似文献   

消费因素影响下广州市大型百货商店的发展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
大型百货商店的发展受多方面的综合作用 ,消费因素是其中的一个重要因素。城市基本消费结构和消费者行为规律对大型百货商店的选址、市场定位、空间拓展等有着举足轻重的影响。论文通过实际问卷调查 ,对广州市整体消费结构和消费的空间差异进行分析 ,对商店在业态和空间方面的发展提出借鉴性的建议  相似文献   

基于中国最具代表性的C2C网络零售商圈——淘宝网,选择居民消费最常见的五类店铺进行数据搜集,以店铺的服务质量为特征量,分析中部地区C2C店铺服务质量的空间分异格局及其影响因素。结果表明:① 从省域层次看,综合、服装类、电子类排名依次为湖北、湖南、河南、安徽、江西、山西,湖北呈现一枝独秀的状态。家居箱包类、美食类与美妆类前四位排名与综合服务质量有所差别,后两位保持不变。② 从市域层面看,省会城市、城市群核心城市、经济强市的综合服务质量较高,外围区综合服务质量较低,北部太原市周边形成低值集聚区。无论是综合还是分类服务质量均存在微弱的负空间关联,彼此之间的临近效应不明显。其中长株潭城市群、武汉市处于显著HL区,对周边的极化效应明显。城市空间联系特征主要呈现以省会城市为中心向四周扩散的辐射状模式,其中长株潭城市群、中原城市群内部城市之间的联系程度较高。以电子、美妆类为表征的空间联系强度网络比另外三类相对复杂,且城市联系强度明显优于另外三类。从复杂网络特征看,总体上表现出以核心城市和少数综合实力强市为主的“核心—外围”空间布局结构,产生了中心度与集聚系数不相匹配的倒置现象。③ 从影响因素看,基础规模实力发挥着决定性的影响,城镇化质量扮演着重要的推动作用,文化教育水平提供了重要的知识与技能支撑,信息化起着融合助推作用,物流环境的影响在逐渐弱化,区位优势的作用有所下降,六类影响因素交织影响造成了中部市域店铺服务质量的分异格局。  相似文献   

The three largest discount chains, Kmart, Target, and Wal‐Mart, have adopted the supercenter format for expansion. This article examines the locations of and the competition among these supercenters. Wal‐Mart has the greatest number of supercenters and is driving the expansion of the supercenter format. Both Kmart and Target have clustered their supercenters in a small number of metropolitan markets. In contrast to Wal‐Mart and Kmart, Target has focused on a middle‐class rather than a blue‐collar clientele. Now Kmart is struggling following a declaration of bankruptcy. Wal‐Mart has largely defeated its supercenter competitors and now is confronting the major grocery chains for grocery sales.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential spatial impact of grocery store closures and their impact on the food accessibility of the population of one rural county in Southern Illinois. Additionally, we offer public health officials a simple method for locating populations at particular risk of food inaccessibility in the event of a grocery store closure. A model is introduced for weighting different types of food outlets based on the types of food products offered to potential customers. By using a weighted system for measuring different types of food outlets, individual addresses, and a novel method of visualizing food access, we find an improved means of locating areas of risk in a fluid food-access landscape.  相似文献   

基于广州市居民食品购物行为问卷调查数据,利用交叉频数、卡方检验和对应分析,通过网购食品者同不网购食品者、不同区位网购食品者、不同网购食品频率者的对比,分析了网络购物影响下广州市居民购买食品行为的一般特征和空间特征。结果发现:1)网络购买食品的接受度总体不高,传统实体购物模式仍占主导,网络购买食品对实体店购买食品有一定的替代沁。2)网络购买食品对居住地周边商店负面影响较大,对商业区影响很小,超市和百货公司休闲零食、地方特产类食品销售会受到一定负面影响,生鲜类商店所受影响较小。3)不同区位居民网购食品的频率差异较小,单次花费、时间和网购原因空间差异较大,实体购物条件差的居民更倾向于网络购买食品,验证了Anderson等提出的“效率假说”。4)网购食品者的实体购物出行目的休闲性增加,周末购物出行更频繁,网购食品频率高的居民购物出行时间更短。  相似文献   

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