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本文用数学方法讨论了地幔平衡部分熔融与岩浆分离结晶关系式随D_A变化的相对大小,进而对这两种成因作出判别。最后对最优判别元素的选择作了讨论。  相似文献   

软流层静压推力及其板块动力学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
地幔软流层之上漂浮着地球板块,软流层对板块存在流体静压——软流层静压推力。对海洋板块而言,软流层静压推力在物理意义上与传统的分布力型洋脊推力没有差别。假定板块内部的应力场在水平和竖直方向上互相解耦,可利用二维球壳有限单元模型计算板内应力场的水平分量,并根据重力均衡理论计算其竖直分量,进而计算其差分应力场。利用软流层静压推力的概念,在研究有关的板块动力学问题时,能够充分利用观测资料中的应力状态信息作为约束条件,简明有效地解释部分海洋与大陆过渡区域及重力非均衡区域的复杂应力场图象。  相似文献   

新生代以来,共和盆地及其周缘造山带无火山、岩浆活动,印支期隐伏花岗岩体岩浆余热与放射性元素衰变生热等难以构成共和盆地干热岩资源的主要热源,而共和盆地又为一高温地热异常盆地.目前已基本探明了共和县恰卜恰与贵德县热水泉干热岩体2处,圈定出干热岩勘查目标靶区16处.区域重力和区域航磁调查、区域天然地震成像、盆地尺度天然地震背...  相似文献   

The evolution of melt segregation in deforming partially moltenolivine-rich rocks has been studied in a series of laboratoryexperiments. During deformation, melt segregates into networksof anastamosing channels (or ‘bands’) surroundinglenses of melt-depleted material. We quantify the nature ofthe melt distribution in the samples, including thickness, angle,spacing, volume fraction, and melt fraction of melt-rich bands,to understand the dynamics of melt-network organization. Twoseries of experiments were designed to isolate the effects of(1) increasing shear strain (at similar stress levels), and(2) varying stress levels (deformed to similar shear strains).Melt-rich bands develop by a shear strain of unity. In samplesdeformed at varying stress levels, higher stress produces smallercharacteristic band spacings. We relate these variations tothe compaction length, c, which varies only as a result of thereduction of matrix viscosity with increasing stress. Simpleapproaches to scaling from experimental to mantle conditionssuggest that stress-driven melt segregation can occur in theasthenosphere; if so, it will significantly affect rheological,transport and seismic properties, with enticing consequencesfor our understanding of plate–mantle interactions. KEY WORDS: melt segregation; rock rheology; magma transport; self-organization; mid-ocean ridges  相似文献   

东秦岭地区石宝沟和火神庙岩体的时代及岩浆物质来源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
东秦岭地区石宝沟和火神庙岩体的时代及岩浆物质来源杨荣勇徐兆文任启江(中山大学地球科学系,广州510275)(南京大学地球科学系,南京210093)关键词东秦岭花岗岩岩体的时代岩浆物质来源东秦岭地区沿华北大陆板块边缘发育了大量的中生代花岗岩体,许多岩体...  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔地区克拉玛依花岗质岩体中发育大量闪长质微粒包体,并形成有岩浆混合成因的岩浆混合岩——石英闪长岩。包体成分主要为闪长质,显微镜下具有岩浆岩结构,岩浆混合特征十分明显,如:针状磷灰石,角闪石包裹辉石残晶,长石斑晶的溶蚀环带等特征。岩体中寄主岩石、岩浆混合岩、闪长质微粒包体、闪长玢岩脉分别代表岩浆混合演化过程中两端元岩浆按不同比例混合的产物。在岩石地球化学方面,包体与寄主岩石的主要氧化物之间具有良好的线性关系,寄主岩石和包体的稀土元素配分曲线和微量元素蛛网图形态相似;各种地球化学元素参数特征显示,寄主岩石与包体在岩石形成过程中发生过成分交换及均一化。特征元素比值及同位素等特征表明,闪长质包体的端元岩浆可能为幔源基性岩浆,寄主岩石的端元岩浆可能是以壳源为主的酸性岩浆。岩石地球化学特征进一步佐证了该区岩浆混合作用的存在,同时也暗示岩浆混合作用可能是新疆北部后碰撞过程中重要的岩浆活动形式。  相似文献   




花岗岩浆液态不混溶作用和饱和H2O花岗岩浆的热液出溶作用是花岗岩类矿床成矿流体形成的重要机制。利用最新式热液金刚石压腔,开展了成矿流体形成机制的原位观测实验。在岩浆热液出溶过程的实验中,初始样品为各类硅酸盐和纯H2O或LiCl水溶液,在H2O饱和状态中,硅酸盐熔体珠不断分异出富H2O的流体。花岗岩浆液态不混溶实验的初始样品为NaAlSi3O8-LiAlSiO4-SiO2-LiCl-H2O。在硅酸盐完全重熔后的降温过程中,硅酸盐熔体珠分离出富H2O熔体相和贫H2O熔体相,压力的突然降低促进了相分离的发生。研究表明:岩浆热液的出溶作用发生在H2O饱和的条件下,是岩浆的“第二次”沸腾作用,对花岗岩型稀有金属矿床的形成具有重要意义;花岗岩浆液态不混溶产生的富H2O熔体易于结晶出粗大晶体,暗示岩浆液态不混溶作用可能是一些花岗伟晶岩形成的主要机制。两类成矿流体形成机制实验条件的差异表明,Li是花岗岩浆发生不混溶作用的重要因素。在今后的研究中,应把热液金刚石压腔的原位观测与微束分析技术结合,在高温高压状态下分析成矿元素的迁移和富集规律。  相似文献   

In the early 1980's, the author proposed his view that copper-nickel sulphide deposts are of ore magma origin. For more than ten years, this view has aroused attention of his colleagues at home and abroad. In this paper an attempt is made to deal with the genetic model for ore magma of copper-nickel sulphide deposits in more details on the basis of geological, geochemical, petrophysico - chemical and thermodynamic studies of the Chibaisong copper-nickel sulphide deposit in the Changbai Mountains, Jilin province.  相似文献   

河南鲁山鸡冢岩体岩浆混合特征及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡冢岩体为经历两次岩浆脉动上侵而成的复式深成岩体,化学成分表现为贫SiO2,低MgO,富CaO、Na2O,岩石类型为偏铝质高钾钙碱性岩系,属岩浆混合花岗岩.研究表明,花岗岩及其中暗色微粒包体在地球化学特征上具有相似的稀土、微量元素含量和配分模式.成分变异图解显示,SiO2与Al2O3、K2O、CaO、MgO、FeO*、TiO2及稀土、微量元素La-Ce、Nd-Sm、La-Ba、Th/Yb-Ta/Yb之间具有较好的线性关系.氧同位素地球化学特征表明花岗岩形成过程中有大量幔源组分加入,说明鸡冢岩体为岩浆混合作用产物,其形成与华北陆块南缘陆内俯冲造山作用有关.  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolution of an active silicic magma-feedingsystem beneath Usu volcano, Japan, where eight eruptions havebeen recorded since AD 1663. All magmatic products contain similartypes of plagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts that consistof homogeneous cores with uniform compositions, and a zonedmantle that increases in size with time. The compositions ofplagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts vary gradually andregularly with time, as do the bulk-rock compositions. The textureof these phenocrysts also changes systematically, caused byprogressive crystal growth, dissolution and diffusion. On thebasis of these observations, we conclude that the same magma-feedingsystem has persisted at Usu volcano since AD 1663. Compositionalvariation of magnetite phenocrysts differs from that of plagioclaseand orthopyroxene, because magnetite has large diffusion coefficientsand should represent magmatic conditions immediately beforethe eruption. Most pumices from Usu volcano contain two typesof magnetite phenocryst, each with a different composition andcrystallization temperature, indicating that two magmas mixedbefore each eruption (approximately several days before). Theend-members changed with time: rhyolite + basaltic andesite(1663); dacite ± rhyolite (1769, 1822, 1853); dacite± dacite (1977, 2000). The temperature of the magma apparentlyincreases with time, and the increase can be explained by sequentialtapping from a magma chamber with a thermal and chemical gradientin addition to injection of high-temperature magma. KEY WORDS: continuous existence of magma chamber; dacite; dissolution and diffusion of phenocrysts; magma mixing; magnetite  相似文献   

We analyzed and compared the mixing properties of 2-D mantle convection models. Two rheologically different models, Newtonian and non-Newtonian (power-law), were considered with both the line and field methods. The line method is based on monitoring of passive particles joined into lines, while the field method relies on the advection of a passive scalar field. Both visual and quantitative estimates revealed that the efficiency of the Newtonian mixing is greater than the non-Newtonian. A heterogeneity placed in the non-Newtonian convection forms horizontal structures, which may persist for at least 1 Ga on the upper-mantle scale. In addition, the non-Newtonian medium reveals a lesser amount of stretching of the lines than the Newtonian material. The rate of the Newtonian stretching fits well with an exponential dependence with time, while the non-Newtonian rheology shows the stretching rate close to a power-law dependence with time. In the Newtonian medium the heterogeneity is reorganized into two unstable vertical columns, while the non-Newtonian mixing favors horizontal structures. In the latter case, these structures are sufficiently stable in both the temporal and spatial planes to explain the mantle geochemical and geophysical heterogeneities. Due to the non-linear character of power-law rheology, the non-Newtonian medium offers a “natural” scale-dependent resistance to deformation, which prevents efficient mixing at the intermediate length scales.  相似文献   

Magma mingling has been identified within the continental margin of southeastern China.This study focuses on the relationship between mafic and felsic igneous rocks in composite dikes and plutons in this area,and uses this relationship to examine the tectonic and geodynamic implications of the mingling of mafic and felsic magmas.Mafic magmatic enclaves(MMEs) show complex relationships with the hosting Xiaocuo granite in Fujian area,including lenticular to rounded porphyritic microgranular enclaves containing abundant felsic/mafic phenocrysts,elongate mafic enclaves,and back-veining of the felsic host granite into mafic enclaves.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analyses show crystallization of the granite and dioritic mafic magmatic enclave during ca.132 and 116 Ma.The host granite and MMEs both show zircon growth during repeated thermal events at-210 Ma and 160-180 Ma.Samples from the magma mingling zone generally contain felsic-derived zircons with well-developed growth zoning and aspect ratios of 2-3,and maficderived zircons with no obvious oscillatory zoning and with higher aspect ratios of 5-10.However,these two groups of zircons show no obvious trace element or age differences.The Hf-isotope compositions show that the host granite and MMEs have similar ε_(Hf)(t) values from negative to positive which suggest a mixed source from partial melting of the Meso-Neoproterozoic with involvement of enriched mantlederived magmas or juvenile components.The lithologies,mineral associations,and geochemical characteristics of the mafic and felsic rocks in this study area indicate that both were intruded together,suggesting Early Cretaceous mantle—crustal interactions along the southeastern China continental margin.The Early Cretaceous magma mingling is correlated to subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

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