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Research flights in November 1990 over the central parts of the United States, Wyoming and Colorado, were aimed to the investigation of the properties and microstructure of cirrus clouds (mainly cirrocumulus lenticularis). Among the other parameters measured on board the NCAR Saberliner were the concentration and size distribution of submicron particles and, in some cases, the particle deliquescence. For coarse insoluble particles found inside and outside of cloud elements, size distributions and morphology information were obtained by evaluating inertial impactor samples with an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the coarse particle composition was determined by x-ray energy spectrum analysis. The following conclusions from these measurements are:The large and coarse particle size distribution can be roughly simulated by a log-normal function with the modus around r=0.5 μm. Particle concentrations are very variable between several tenths and several particles per cm3. Particle volume distribution features a distinct maximum around 0.75 μm without a broad plateau which was observed in the case of sampling at lower altitude. Aerosol composition heterogeneity at cirrus cloud level is well documented by the evaluation of the fine particle sampling taken with the UMR sampling system. This heterogeneity can be partly explained by the interaction between aerosol and cloud elements, which is documented by the measured particle size distribution curves inside and outside of cloud elements. Assuming that particle deliquescence is caused by H2SO4 and/or by (NH4)2SO4, particle soluble mass fractions were found to be around 30% in the first case and about 40% in the second. The most frequently occurring elements in large and coarse particles at cirrus cloud level were Si, Cl, Ba, S, Ca and C.  相似文献   

郑倩  孙杭媛  潘欣  顾振海  黄亿  叶飞 《气象科学》2022,42(3):390-401
利用2008年9月—2016年8月的CloudSat卫星资料对发生在我国低纬度陆地区域(5°~36.5°N, 78°~124°E)的卷云物理特征进行统计分析,并分别讨论东部沿海、中部、西部3个子区域的卷云物理特征的季节变化。结果表明:卷云的整层发生率西部地区整体低于中部与东部沿海地区。3个子区域整层发生率均在夏季最高、冬季最低。卷云的主要发生高度在5.04~18.71 km,垂直分布中卷云发生率的最大值出现在春季中部地区,为15.34%,高度为9.83 km。冰水路径最大值出现在夏季的东部沿海,液水路径最大值在秋季的西部地区。冰水含量、冰粒数浓度、冰粒有效半径的主要分布高度与卷云的发生高度一致,液水含量、液滴数浓度、液滴有效半径的主要分布高度在5.04~9.35 km。3个子区域卷云冰水含量、冰粒数浓度、冰粒有效半径垂直分布中大多集中在中上部;液水含量垂直分布主要集中在分布高度的中下部。四季卷云雷达反射率因子的最大值在-19.89~-16.78 dBZ,分布高度在7.19~10.55 km。  相似文献   

The effect of cirrus clouds on microwave limb radiances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents and analyses the first simulations of microwave limb radiances with clouds. They are computed using the 1D unpolarized version of the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer System (ARTS). The study is meant to set a theoretical foundation for using microwave limb measurements for cloud monitoring. Information about clouds is required for the validation of climate models.Limb spectra are generated for the frequency bands of the Millimeter wave Acquisitions for Stratosphere/Troposphere Exchange Research (MASTER) instrument. For these simulations, the radiative transfer equation is solved using the Discrete Ordinate ITerative (DOIT) method, which is briefly described. Single scattering properties for the cloud particles are calculated using the T-matrix method.The impact of various cloud parameters is investigated. Simulated brightness temperatures most strongly depend on particle size, ice mass content and cloud altitude. The impact of particle shape is much smaller, but still significant. Increasing the ice mass content has a similar effect as increasing the particle size; this complicates the prediction of the impact of clouds on microwave radiances without exact knowledge of these cloud parameters.  相似文献   

西北地区气候与环境变化影响沙尘暴的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国西北地区生态环境极为脆弱,由于常年水资源不足,荒漠化成为该区域主要的生态环境问题。根据诸多学者对西北地区的研究,总结了我国西北地区生态环境与气候变化的特征,以及未来发展趋势。由于气候、环境变化及沙尘暴频次之间存在着一定的耦合关系,在此基础上,通过对影响沙尘暴频次的气候因子与其相关性研究的简要阐述,并结合相关论点,来探讨西北地区气候与环境变化如何影响沙尘暴的发生发展。相关研究表明,西北地区的大风、降水、下垫面状况等都直接影响着沙尘暴的发生发展,沙尘暴发生的频率和强度与沙尘源区的状况及其气候与生态环境变化都具有密切联系。其中,在一定的下垫面条件下,大风是影响较大的因子,降水的增加对沙尘暴有一定的抑制作用,气温通过大气环流的形式间接影响沙尘暴,土壤湿度则是通过改变植被覆盖、地表状况来影响沙尘暴。  相似文献   

针对1998 年4 月18 ~21 日出现在中国西北地区的一次强沙尘暴、浮尘天气过程,从天气事实、天气成因及动力诊断等方面进行了分析探讨。结果表明,西西伯利亚强冷空气迅速东移,在新疆西部上空形成强锋区,对应地面冷锋东移至前期增暖显著的新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏等地的沙漠、戈壁上,形成了大风、强沙尘暴、浮尘天气。该次强沙尘暴天气过程出现在基本稳定的大气层结中。  相似文献   

卢敬华  杨羽  段旭 《气象》1987,13(12):22-27
本文叙述了一种求解卷云射出长波辐射的方法。通过建立卷云示迹模式,用累加法进行分析,并通过分析卷云的一些微物理特征,假设卷云含水量垂直分布模式,由三层近似化筒求得射出长波辐射通量密度。根据模式计算得到:1.与卫星观测青藏高原高云地区对应射出长波辐射通量密度基本一致的结果。2.卷云底高度及卷云厚度与射出长波辐射通量密度相关的一些有意义的结果,并讨论了青藏高原上卷云影响的特殊情况。  相似文献   

Summary ?Cirrus clouds often form above intense convective storms due to several different mechanisms and affect the radiation field at the top of the atmosphere. Radiative transfer computations are performed to characterize these effects within the spectral bands of METEOSAT Second Generation’s (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI). Computations refer to five visible, near infrared and infrared MSG SEVIRI channels centered at 0.8, 1.6, 3.9, 10.8, and 12.0 μm. Reflectances and brightness temperatures are computed using the 1-D radiative transfer model STREAMER adopting simple parameterizations of the cloud layers and associated microphysical properties for the determination of the necessary optical properties. A sensitivity study is carried out by varying the cirrus ice crystal size and optical depth. The 1.6 and 3.9 μm channels reveal instrumental for the simultaneous detection of optical depth and crystal size of the cirrus layer. In particular, the results of the 3.9 μm channel show that the smaller the crystal size the higher the reflectance values. The computations provide interpretation clues on the phenomenon of ice crystal plumes on top of deep convective clouds, which are known to produce enhanced reflectivity signatures in the 3.7 μm channel of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). The sensitivity of the IR channels to cirrus cloud optical depth and ice crystal size is examined and the brightness temperature differences evaluated. Satellite observations and radiative transfer computations are at present the only way of studying such cloud features due to the unavailability of in situ aircraft measurements. Also Visiting Scientist at EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany. Received March 13, 2002  相似文献   

西北地区一次沙尘天气的数值诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王川  李韬  侯建忠 《气象科技》2008,36(5):581-586
利用实况资料和WRF模式预报场.对2006年4月9~11日西北地区一次大范围沙尘天气进行动力诊断及数值模拟分析.结果表明;此次过程属于蒙古冷槽型,地面强冷空气的爆发直接导致了沙尘天气的发生,沙尘发生在冷锋后及锋面过境时;高空急流的发展、移动对沙尘天气有预示作用;沙尘发生区次级环流在过程发展中有明显变化,下沉气流和上升气流并存;有利的散度场促进了上升及下沉运动的加强;涡度场的变化影响蒙古气旋,对沙尘天气的发生发展有指示意义;稳定的大气层结和近地层较大的垂直风切变是两个特征;WRF模式对此次沙尘天气有较好的模拟能力.  相似文献   

综合分析2006年4月9~11日发生在南疆、青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古等省(区)的一次强沙尘暴天气,指出这次沙尘暴是西方路径强冷空气引发的,冷锋后大风沙尘暴天气过程;斜压槽及强锋区是激发沙尘暴发生、发展的重要天气系统;前期持续增温为沙尘暴的发生提供了有利的热力条件;高空急流对沙尘暴的发生起到重要作用,而强沙尘暴发生在高空急流的右侧;特殊的地形及地表状况为沙尘暴形成提供了有利的地理环境。  相似文献   

The bulk single-scattering properties of cirrus clouds required for driving the radiation scheme in large-scale climate models are computed with respect to various size distributions and ice crystal shapes. It is shown that the average ice crystal size, defined as the ratio of total volume to the total projected area, can well-characterize the effect of various size distributions in determining the bulk radiative properties of cirrus clouds. Details of the size distributions are not significant in specifying the radiative properties of these clouds if the effective average size is thus defined. Therefore, the ratio of the total volume to the total projected area is an ideal parameter for describing the bulk single-scattering properties. The effect of ice crystal shape is not critical in the parameterization of the extinction coefficient and single-scattering albedo. However, the various crystal habits must be accounted for in the parameterization of the asymmetry parameter. The resulting parameterization is intended for radiative transfer calculations involving cirrus clouds in large-scale models.  相似文献   

我国西北地区沙尘暴天气时空分布特征   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析西北地区1952~1994年所出现的沙尘暴气象观测纪录,提出了沙尘暴天气强度划分标准,并研究了西北地区沙尘暴天气时空分布特征。得出西北地区沙尘暴天气的易发区和多发区,以及多发时段等。为建立沙尘暴灾害性天气综合监测、防灾减灾系统工程的设计和建设,为当地沙尘暴天气联报联防和科学研究等,都提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, characterization of cirrus clouds are made by using data from ground based polarization lidar and radiosonde measurements over Chung-Li (24.58°N, 121.10°E), Taiwan for a period of 1999–2006. During this period, the occurrence of cirrus clouds is about 37% of the total measurement nights over the lidar site. Analysis of the measurement gives the statistical characteristics about the macrophysical properties such as occurrence height, ambient temperature, and its geometrical thickness while the microphysical properties are interpreted in terms of extinction coefficient, optical depth, effective lidar ratio and depolarization ratio. The effective lidar ratio has been retrieved by using the simulation technique of backscattered lidar signals. The effect of multiple scattering has been taken into the account by a model calculation. Summer (Jun–Aug) shows the maximum appearances of cirrus due to its formation mechanism. It is shown that tropopause cirrus clouds may occur with a probability of about 24%. These clouds are usually optically thin and having laminar in structure with some cases resembling the characteristics similar to that of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The radiative properties of the cirrus clouds are also discussed in detail by the empirical equations with results show a positive feedback on any climate change.  相似文献   

The effect of clouds on aerosol growth in the rural atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of accumulation mode aerosol in the atmospheric boundary layer under cloudy and cloud-free conditions, and in the lower free troposphere under cloud-free conditions, were conducted over the rural northwest of England. Normalised size distributions in the cloud-free boundary layer (CFBL) and the cloud-free free troposphere (CFFT) exhibited almost identical spectral similarities with both size distributions possessing a concentration peak mode-radius of ≈0.05 μm or less. By comparison, aerosol distributions observed in cloudy air exhibited a distinctive log-normal distribution with mode-radii occurring at ≈0.1 μm concomitant with a local minimum at ≈0.05 μm. The consistent and noticeable difference in spectral features observed between cloudy and cloud-free conditions suggest that a greater amount of gas-to-particle conversion occurs on cloudy days, presumably through in-cloud aqueous phase oxidation processes, leading to larger sized accumulation mode particles. Apart from the distinct difference between cloudy and cloud-free aerosol spectra on cloudy days, aerosol concentration and mass were observed to be significantly enhanced above that of the ambient background in the vicinity of clouds. Volatility analysis during one case of cloud processing indicated an increase in the relative contribution of aerosol mass volatile at temperatures characteristic of sulphuric acid, along with a smaller fraction of more volatile material (possibly nitric acid and/or organic aerosol). Growth-law analysis of possible growth mechanisms point to aqueous phase oxidation of aerosol precursors in cloud droplets as being the only feasible mechanism capable of producing the observed growth. The effect of cloud processing is to alter the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) supersaturation spectrum in a manner which increases the availability of CCN at lower cloud supersaturations.  相似文献   

In this study, simulations performed with a large-eddy resolving numerical model are used to examine the effect of aerosol on cumulus clouds, and how this effect varies with precipitation intensity. By systematically varying the surface moisture fluxes, the modeled precipitation rate is forced to change from weak to strong intensity. For each of these intensities, simulations of a high-aerosol case (a polluted case with a higher aerosol concentration) and a low-aerosol case (a clean case with a lower aerosol concentration) are performed. Whether or not precipitation and associated sub-cloud evaporation and convective available potential energy (CAPE) are large, liquid–water path (LWP) is larger in the high-aerosol case than in the low-aerosol case over the first two-thirds of the entire simulation period. In weak precipitation cases, reduction in aerosol content leads to changes in CAPE in the middle parts of cloud layers, which in turn induces larger LWP in the low-aerosol case over the last third of the simulation period. With strong precipitation, stronger stabilization of the sub-cloud layers in the low-aerosol case counters the CAPE changes in the middle parts of cloud layers, inducing smaller LWP in the low-aerosol case over the last third of the simulation period. The results highlight an interaction between aerosol effects on CAPE above cloud base and those in sub-cloud layers, and indicate the importance of a consideration of aerosol effects on CAPE above cloud base as well as those in sub-cloud layers. In the high-aerosol case, near the beginning of the simulation period, larger environmental CAPE does not necessarily lead to larger in-cloud CAPE and associated larger cloud intensity because aerosol-induced increase in cloud population enhances competition among clouds for the environmental CAPE. This demonstrates the importance of the consideration of cloud population for an improved parameterization of convective clouds in climate models.  相似文献   

张杰  郭铌  郝志毅 《高原气象》2006,25(1):116-122
选取扬沙—浮尘天气发生中、后的对地观测卫星EOS-MODIS数据,利用6S辐射传输模式对该卫星资料进行大气订正,分析了沙尘气溶胶对沙尘多发区的西北地区植被指数(VI)遥感的影响。结果表明,与晴空天气得到的反射率相比,沙尘使红光通道反射率ρ1、近红外通道反射率ρ2和蓝光通道反射率ρ3均增加,归一化植被指数NDVI有不同程度的降低,降低最大值为0.246。抗大气植被指数ARVI也有所降低,降低最大值为0.231。应用晴空天气条件下的资料,建立了西北干旱区ARVI与NDVI之间的线性关系,并证明了在沙尘天气条件下,利用ARVI计算NDVI的方法,所得的结果较好。  相似文献   

西北地区沙尘暴天气监测预警服务业务系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
西北地区沙尘暴天气监测预警服务业务系统由沙尘天气资料库、沙尘天气监测、沙尘天气预报和沙尘天气服务4个子系统构成,是一个具有较好物理基础、较强监测预报服务能力、较高自动化程度并具有西北区域沙尘暴气候特色的综合业务系统,业务试运行期间,在2003、2004年春季几次沙尘暴天气的预报服务中发挥了重大作用,并取得了良好的社会经济效益。该系统为西部大开发气象服务提供了有力的技术保障,为西部地区环境保护和环境监测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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