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Concentrations of 222Rn at 0.1 m and 6.5 m height above ground level and 222Rn flux density were measured during nights characterized by strong cooling, light winds and clear sky conditions in the Carpathian Basin in Hungary. A very stable boundary layer (vSBL) formed on 14 nights between 15 August and 3 September 2009. On 12 nights, an estimated 72% (s.d. 20%) of 222Rn emitted from the surface since sunset was retained within the lowest 6.5 m above the ground until sunrise the following morning. On two nights an intermittent increase in wind speed at 9.4 m height was followed by a rise in temperature at 2.0 m height, indicating a larger atmospheric motion that resulted in 222Rn at 0.1 m around sunrise being the same as around the preceding sunset. It does not seem to be rare in a large continental basin for a vSBL to be nearly completely decoupled from the atmosphere above for the entire period from sunset to sunrise.  相似文献   

Despite the long interest in understanding fog processes and improving fog parametrization, numerical modelling of fog remains an important challenge in short-term forecasts, due to the diversity and scales of the mechanisms involved with fog parametrization. In this study, we focus on the key processes that govern performance in fog modelling in very stable conditions. Large-eddy simulations at very high resolution are tested against the observations from Cardington, UK, presented in Part I of this study. The radiation fog forms in statically stable conditions. Five hours after its formation, the fog deepens rapidly and a significant cooling associated with the formation of positive curvature can be seen in the vertical profiles of potential temperature around 50 m. After roughly 8 h of development, a mixed layer has formed at the base of the fog, driven by surface instability. We show that the model captures well the change in static stability, but fails at capturing correctly the mechanisms associated with the deepening of the fog layer. Different possible mechanisms are discussed and tested with the model, such as additional drainage flow and cold air advection, which might result from local heterogeneity. The sensitivity of these results to different microphysical parametrizations is also briefly addressed.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements for very stable conditions near the surface are contrasted among three sites: a high altitude basin during winter with grass or snow-covered grass, a broad valley with complex agricultural land use, and a more narrow valley that is influenced by a valley cold pool and cold air drainage. In contrast to previous studies, this investigation emphasizes the very weak turbulence with large bulk Richardson number occurring during extensive periods between brief mixing events. The relationship of the turbulence to the non-stationary wind and stratification is examined along with the impact of short-term flow accelerations, directional shear and downward diffusion of turbulence from higher levels. The failure of the turbulence for strong stratification to decrease with further increase of stratification is explored. Additional analyses are applied to weak-wind cases for the entire range of stratification, including weak stratification associated with cloudy conditions.  相似文献   

Based on gradient transport theory or K-theory, turbulent transport in the atmosphere has long been parameterized using the eddy diffusivity. Due to its simplicity, this approach has often been applied in many numerical models but rarely tested with observations. Here, the widely used O’Brien cubic polynomial approach has been validated together with an exponential approach against eddy diffusivity profiles determined from measurements and from large-eddy simulation data in stable conditions. Verification is completed by analyzing the variability effects on pollutant concentrations of two different vertical diffusion (K(z)) schemes incorporated in an atmospheric chemical model. It is shown that the analytical, exponential solution agrees better with observations than the O’Brien profile and should be used henceforth in practical applications.  相似文献   

Scale modelling is used to determine the relative contribution of heat transfer processes to the nocturnal cooling of urban parks and the characteristic temporal and spatial variation of surface temperature. Validation is achieved using a hardware model-to-numerical model-to-field observation chain of comparisons. For the calm case, modelling shows that urban-park differences of sky view factor (s) and thermal admittance () are the relevant properties governing the park cool island (PCI) effect. Reduction in sky view factor by buildings and trees decreases the drain of longwave radiation from the surface to the sky. Thus park areas near the perimeter where there may be a line of buildings or trees, or even sites within a park containing tree clumps or individual trees, generally cool less than open areas. The edge effect applies within distances of about 2.2 to 3.5 times the height of the border obstruction, i.e., to have any part of the park cooling at the maximum rate a square park must be at least twice these dimensions in width. Although the central areas of parks larger than this will experience greater cooling they will accumulate a larger volume of cold air that may make it possible for them to initiate a thermal circulation and extend the influence of the park into the surrounding city. Given real world values of s and it seems likely that radiation and conduction play almost equal roles in nocturnal PCI development. Evaporation is not a significant cooling mechanism in the nocturnal calm case but by day it is probably critical in establishing a PCI by sunset. It is likely that conditions that favour PCI by day (tree shade, soil wetness) retard PCI growth at night. The present work, which only deals with PCI growth, cannot predict which type of park will be coolest at night. Complete specification of nocturnal PCI magnitude requires knowledge of the PCI at sunset, and this depends on daytime energetics.  相似文献   

Based on data obtained during the Hualhe River Basin Experiment (HUBEX) in 1999, this study intends to detect the quantitative discrepancies in the momentum (τ0), sensible heat (H0) and latent heat (E0) fluxes among six sets of similarity functions with the aerodynamic method. It also aims to clarify the applicability of the functions under stable conditions. The relative discrepancy was studied with the normalized transfer coefficients for τ0, H0 and E0, namely CD, CH and CQ, respectively. Except for one set of functions that adopted a rather small von Kármán's constant (0.365), the relative discrepancy in τ0 among the other functions was less than 10%, while that in H0(E0) sometimes reached 25% when the bulk Richardson number (R/B) was less than 0.07. The absolute discrepancy in the fluxes was studied with statistical computations. Among the six sets of functions, the discrepancy in τ0, H0 and E0 sometimes reached 0.03 kg m^-1 s^-2, 4 W m^-2 and 10 W m^-2, respectively, and the discrepancy in the energy balance ratio sometimes exceeded 0.1. Furthermore, when RiB exceeded the critical value (Ric) for a specific set of functions, no fluxes could be derived with the functions. It is therefore suggested that RiB be compared with Ric before computing the fluxes if RiB is less than Ric. Finally, two sets of nonlinear similarity functions are recommended, due to their unlimited applicability in terms of RiB.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地夜暴雨多   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
贺勤  邱东平  刘正奇  白月波 《气象》1997,23(7):46-50
该文用鄂尔多斯盆地及周围干旱、半干旱及沙漠地区34个气象台站37-44年夜暴雨资料进行了研究,分析了鄂尔多斯盆地及周围地区暴雨的昼夜分布,给出了暴雨昼夜强度极值,重点讨论了地形对夜暴雨的作用。  相似文献   

Micrometeorological tower data from the Microfronts experiment are analyzed. Scale-dependencies of the flux and flux sampling error are combined to automatically determine Reynolds turbulence cut-off time scales for computing fluxes from time series. The computed downward heat flux at the 3 m height averaged over nine nights with 7.3 hours each night is 20% greater than the downward heat flux computed at the 10 m height. In contrast, there is only a 1.2% difference between 3 m and 10 m heat fluxes averaged over daytime periods, and there is less than a 2% difference between 3 m and 10 m momentum fluxes whether averaged over nighttime or daytime periods.Stability functions, M(z/L) and H(z/L) are extended to z/L up to 10, where z is the observational height and L is the Obukhov length. For 0.01 < z/L < 1 the estimated functions generally agree with Businger-Dyer formulations, though the H estimates include more scatter compared to the M estimates. For 1 < z/L < 10, the flux intermittency increases, the flux Richardson number exceeds 0.2, and the number of flux samples decreases. Nonetheless the estimates of the stability function M based on 3-m fluxes are closer to the formula proposed by Beljaars and Holtslag in 1991 while the M functions based on 10-m fluxes appears to be closer to the formula proposed by Businger et al. in 1971. The stability function H levels off at z/L = 0.5.  相似文献   

Extremely Weak Mixing in Stable Conditions   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Transport by extremely weak turbulence occurring on nights with clear skies and weak winds is examined from seven tower levels of eddy-correlation data taken from each of two field programs. The very small flux is systematic, provided that the perturbations are computed from a record-dependent averaging length, which must be as small as 10 s in very stable conditions. With traditional methods for computing the flux, these fluxes were considered too small to estimate, in that the computed values behaved erratically. For extremely weak turbulence, the fluxes decrease systematically with height and often indicate very shallow boundary-layer depths on the order of 10 m. However, in one field program, the turbulence slowly increases with height above the surface flux-based boundary layer apparently due to horizontal advection of stronger turbulence driven by modest surface heterogeneity. For very weak turbulence, the eddy diffusivity for momentum is systematically greater than that for heat in both field programs. The dependence of the turbulence strength and its variability with stability is examined in some detail.  相似文献   

The relationship of turbulence quantities to mean flow quantities, such as the Richardson number, degenerates substantially for strong stability, at least in those studies that do not place restrictions on minimum turbulence or non-stationarity. This study examines the large variability of the turbulence for very stable conditions by analyzing four months of turbulence data from a site with short grass. Brief comparisons are made with three additional sites, one over short grass on flat terrain and two with tall vegetation in complex terrain. For very stable conditions, any dependence of the turbulence quantities on the mean wind speed or bulk Richardson number becomes masked by large scatter, as found in some previous studies. The large variability of the turbulence quantities is due to random variations and other physical influences not represented by the bulk Richardson number. There is no critical Richardson number above which the turbulence vanishes. For very stable conditions, the record-averaged vertical velocity variance and the drag coefficient increase with the strength of the submeso motions (wave motions, solitary waves, horizontal modes and numerous more complex signatures). The submeso motions are on time scales of minutes and not normally considered part of the mean flow. The generation of turbulence by such unpredictable motions appears to preclude universal similarity theory for predicting the surface stress for very stable conditions. Large variation of the stress direction with respect to the wind direction for the very stable regime is also examined. Needed additional work is noted.  相似文献   

Vertical mixing of the nocturnal stable boundary layer (SBL) over a complex land surface is investigated for a range of stabilities, using a decoupling index ( $0 < D_{rb} < 1$ ) based on the 2–50 m bulk gradient of the ubiquitous natural trace gas radon-222. The relationship between $D_{rb}$ and the bulk Richardson number ( $R_{ib}$ ) exhibits three broad regions: (1) a well-mixed region ( $D_{rb} \approx 0.05$ ) in weakly stable conditions ( $R_{ib} < 0.03$ ); (2) a steeply increasing region ( $0.05 < D_{rb} < 0.9$ ) for “transitional” stabilities ( $0.03 < R_{ib} < 1$ ); and (3) a decoupled region ( $D_{rb} \approx 0.9$ –1.0) in very stable conditions ( $R_{ib} > 1$ ). $D_{rb}$ exhibits a large variability within individual $R_{ib}$ bins, however, due to a range of competing processes influencing bulk mixing under different conditions. To explore these processes in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space, we perform a bivariate analysis of the bulk thermodynamic gradients, various indicators of external influences, and key turbulence quantities at 10 and 50 m. Strong and consistent patterns are found, and five distinct regions in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space are identified and associated with archetypal stable boundary-layer regimes. Results demonstrate that the introduction of a scalar decoupling index yields valuable information about turbulent mixing in the SBL that cannot be gained directly from a single bulk thermodynamic stability parameter. A significant part of the high variability observed in turbulence statistics during very stable conditions is attributable to changes in the degree of decoupling of the SBL from the residual layer above. When examined in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space, it is seen that very different turbulence regimes can occur for the same value of $R_{ib}$ , depending on the particular combination of values for the bulk temperature gradient and wind shear, together with external factors. Extremely low turbulent variances and fluxes are found at 50 m height when $R_{ib} > 1$ and $D_{rb} \approx 1$ (fully decoupled). These “quiescent” cases tend to occur when geostrophic forcing is very weak and subsidence is present, but are not associated with the largest bulk temperature gradients. Humidity and net radiation data indicate the presence of low cloud, patchy fog or dew, any of which may aid decoupling in these cases by preventing temperature gradients from increasing sufficiently to favour gravity wave activity. The largest temperature gradients in our dataset are actually associated with smaller values of the decoupling index ( $D_{rb} < 0.7$ ), indicating the presence of mixing. Strong evidence is seen from enhanced turbulence levels, fluxes and submeso activity at 50 m, as well as high temperature variances and heat flux intermittencies at 10 m, suggesting this region of the $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ distribution can be identified as a top-down mixing regime. This may indicate an important role for gravity waves and other wave-like phenomena in providing the energy required for sporadic mixing at this complex terrain site.  相似文献   

Tethered Lifting System (TLS) estimates of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (e){(\varepsilon)} are reasonably well correlated with concurrent measurements of vertical velocity variance (sw2){(\sigma_{w}^{2})} obtained from sonic anemometers located on a nearby 60-m tower during the CASES-99 field experiment. Additional results in the first 100 m of the nocturnal stable boundary layer confirm our earlier claim that the presence of weak but persistent background turbulence exists even during the most stable atmospheric conditions, where e{\varepsilon} can exhibit values as low as 10−7 m2 s−3. We also present a set of empirical equations that incorporates TLS measurements of temperature, horizontal wind speed, and e{\varepsilon} to provide a proxy measurement for sw2{\sigma_{w}^{2}} at altitudes higher than tower heights.  相似文献   

Using data for one year, we examined the vertical wind speed profileson a mountain slope covered with forest in northern Thailand undera tropical monsoon climate. We defined two profile patterns: higherwind speeds at greater heights (Pattern 1) and lower wind speeds atgreater heights (Pattern 2). We classified 9.4% of the data as Pattern 2;this pattern tended to occur during the night, at low wind speeds, and with high outgoing longwave radiation. In addition, stable stratification anddecoupling between the canopy surface air and the overlying layers wereobserved when Pattern 2 occurred frequently. These facts suggested thatPattern 2 was caused by a nocturnal drainage flow. The occurrence ofPattern 2 showed a clear seasonal trend, indicating that there is a seasonaltrend in the occurrence of nocturnal drainage flows. Pattern 2 was observedmore frequently between August and February and less frequently betweenMarch and July. This corresponded to the seasonal trend in wind speed, butdid not correspond to the seasonal trend in the outgoing longwave radiation.  相似文献   

The difficulties associated with the parameterization of turbulence in the stable nocturnal planetary boundary layer (PBL) have been a great challenge for the nighttime predictions from mesoscale meteorological models such as MM5. As such, there is a general consensus on the need for better stable boundary-layer parameterizations. To this end, two new turbulence parameterizations based on the measurements of the Vertical Transport and Mixing (VTMX) field campaign were implemented and evaluated in MM5. A unique aspect of this parameterization is the use of a stability-dependent turbulent Prandtl number that allows momentum to be transported by the internal waves, while heat diffusion is impeded by the stratification. This improvement alleviates the problem of over-prediction of heat diffusion under stable conditions, which is a characteristic of conventional atmospheric boundary-layer schemes, such as the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) and Blackadar schemes employed in MM5. The predictions made with the new PBL scheme for the complex terrain airshed of Salt Lake City were compared with those made with a default scheme of MM5, and with observations made during the VTMX campaign. The new schemes showed an improvement in predictions, particularly for the nocturnal near-surface temperature. Surface wind predictions also improved slightly, but not to the extent of temperature predictions. The default MRF scheme showed a significantly higher surface temperature than observed, which could be attributed to the enhanced vertical heat exchange brought about by its turbulence parameterization. The modified parameterizations reduced the surface sensible heat flux, thus enhancing the strength of the near-surface inversion and lowering the temperature towards the observed values.  相似文献   

Information concerning the average wind speed and the variances of lateral and longitudinal wind velocity fluctuations is required by dispersion models to characterise turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer. When the winds are weak, the scalar average wind speed and the vector average wind speed need to be clearly distinguished and both lateral and longitudinal wind velocity fluctuations assume equal importance in dispersion calculations. We examine commonly-used methods of estimating these variances from wind-speed and wind-direction statistics measured separately, for example, by a cup anemometer and a wind vane, and evaluate the implied relationship between the scalar and vector wind speeds, using measurements taken under low-wind stable conditions. We highlight several inconsistencies inherent in the existing formulations and show that the widely-used assumption that the lateral velocity variance is equal to the longitudinal velocity variance is not necessarily true. We derive improved relations for the two variances, and although data under stable stratification are considered for comparison, our analysis is applicable more generally.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the early-morning boundary layer in a low-mountain valley in south-western Germany during COPS (convective and orographically induced precipitation study) in summer 2007. The term low-mountain refers to a mountainous region with a relief of gentle slopes and with an absolute altitude that remains under a specified height (usually 1,500 m a.s.l.). A subset of 23 fair weather days from the campaign was selected to study the transition of the boundary-layer flow in the early morning. The typical valley atmosphere in the morning hours was characterized by a stable temperature stratification and a pronounced valley wind system. During the reversal period—called the low wind period—of the valley wind system (duration of 1–2 h), the horizontal flow was very weak and the conditions for free convection were fulfilled close to the ground. Ground-based sodar observations of the vertical wind show enhanced values of upward motion, and the corresponding statistical properties differ from those observed under windless convective conditions over flat terrain. Large-eddy simulations of the boundary-layer transition in the valley were conducted, and statistical properties of the simulated flow agree with the observed quantities. Spatially coherent turbulence structures are present in the temporal as well as in the ensemble mean analysis. Thus, the complex orography induces coherent convective structures at predictable, specific locations during the early-morning low wind situations. These coherent updrafts, found in both the sodar observations and the simulation, lead to a flux counter to the gradient of the stably stratified valley atmosphere and reach up to the heights of the surrounding ridges. Furthermore, the energy balance in the surface layer during the low wind periods is closed. However, it becomes unclosed after the onset of the valley wind. The partition into the sensible and the latent heat fluxes indicates that missing flux components of sensible heat are the main reason for the unclosed energy balance in the considered situations. This result supports previously published investigations on the energy balance closure.  相似文献   

刘磊  胡非  程雪玲 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1280-1288
在夜间稳定边界层中,湍流热通量往往具有间歇性特征.在一阵阵出现的强度较大的湍流热通量之间,混杂着弱噪声或其他微弱的难以辨识的高频脉动信号.为了研究间歇性湍流热通量的特征,必须将这些无关信号剔除,以提取出干净的湍流热通量.本文提出了一种新的提取间歇性湍流热通量的方法,该方法通过分析湍流热通量的概率密度函数,并与稳定分布进行比较,湍流热通量的概率密度函数开始偏离稳定分布的位置,即是间歇性湍流热通量开始出现的阈值.本文通过夜间稳定边界层外场试验数据的验证,发现利用稳定分布确定的阈值可有效地提取出间歇性湍流热通量.在此基础之上,本文对比了提取前后湍流热通量的功率谱,发现提取后低频信号的方差所占比重下降  相似文献   

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