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3D GIS中空间对象的存储与快速查询   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永玉  马劲松  刘艳 《测绘科学》2009,34(4):147-149
空间对象的存储和快速查询是三维地理信息系统研究的基本问题。本文采用面向对象的方法将三维空间对象抽象为点、线、面、体四类,点对象用一个坐标点(x,y,z)来表示,线对象用一组首尾相接的线段表示,面对象与体对象用三角网表示,然后采用SQL Server 2005来组织存储数据。为了提高空间数据库的检索速度,作者编程实现了线性八叉树空间索引,应用程序采用目前比较流行的ADO.net技术来访问数据库。  相似文献   

Direction is a common spatial concept that is used in our daily life. It is frequently used as a selection condition in spatial queries. As a result, it is important for spatial databases to provide a mechanism for modeling and processing direction queries and reasoning. Depending on the direction relation matrix, an inverted direction relation matrix and the concept of direction pre- dominance are proposed to improve the detection of direction relation between objects. Direction predicates of spatial systems are also extended. These techniques can improve the veracity of direction queries and reasoning. Experiments show excellent efficiency and performance in view of direction queries.  相似文献   

Direction is a common spatial concept that is used in our daily life. It is frequently used as a selection condition in spatial queries. As a result, it is important for spatial databases to provide a mechanism for modeling and processing direction queries and reasoning. Depending on the direction relation matrix, an inverted direction relation matrix and the concept of direction pre- dominance are proposed to improve the detection of direction relation between objects. Direction predicates of spatial systems are also extended. These techniques can improve the veracity of direction queries and reasoning. Experiments show excellent efficiency and performance in view of direction queries.  相似文献   

多尺度空间线状实体形状相似关系的表达与度量   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对空间数据多尺度表达中线状实体综合前后的形状相似性进行了描述、分析和研究。通过调查统计,得出了衡量线状实体形状相似程度的两个重要参量SIMⅠ、SIMⅡ,基于这两个参量给出了空间线状实体形状相似性的定义以及在不同尺度下线状实体形状相似性的度量方法,并用实例进行验证。为空间数据多尺度表达时线状实体的形状表达提供了一种分析和评价手段。  相似文献   

王秋龙 《测绘工程》2014,23(11):19-24
利用安徽省内15个和周边17个气象台站1957-2008年的降水资料,运用线性倾向估计和ArcGIS软件的空间分析等方法,分析从1957-2008年安徽省降水量的时空分布规律和长期变化趋势,并选取900mm,1200mm,1500mm为特定等值线,通过对特定等值线的变化来分析不同年代降水量的空间差异.研究结果表明:安徽省近50余年来降水整体上呈上升趋势,省内各区域降水差异较大,呈南多北少,山区多平原少的特点;从各区域降水的变化趋势来看,南方山区逐步减少,而北方平原呈逐步增加的趋势,南北降水差距在不断缩小.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSpatialrelationsqueryisoneofbasicfunctionsinGIS’sapplication .MostofcurrentcommercialGISscanonlyqueryspatialrelationsforspatialob jectswithoutanyerrororuncertainty ,forexample ,tousecomputation geometryalgorithmtodeter minewhetherapointfalls…  相似文献   

To design retrieval algorithm of spatial relations for spatial objects with randomness in GIS, this paper builds up the membership functions based on set theory idea, used for determination of topological spatial relations between random objects, such as between point and point, point and line or polygon, which provides theoretical basis for retrieving spatial relations between certain and random objects. Finally, this paper interprets detailed methods and steps of realizing them by means of some simple examples under the GIS's environment.  相似文献   

Virtual globes (VGs) allow Internet users to view geographic data of heterogeneous quality created by other users. This article presents a new approach for collecting and visualizing information about the perceived quality of 3D data in VGs. It aims at improving users' awareness of the quality of 3D objects. Instead of relying on the existing metadata or on formal accuracy assessments that are often impossible in practice, we propose a crowd-sourced quality recommender system based on the five-star visualization method successful in other types of Web applications. Four alternative five-star visualizations were implemented in a Google Earth-based prototype and tested through a formal user evaluation. These tests helped identifying the most effective method for a 3D environment. Results indicate that while most websites use a visualization approach that shows a ‘number of stars’, this method was the least preferred by participants. Instead, participants ranked the ‘number within a star’ method highest as it allowed reducing the visual clutter in urban settings, suggesting that 3D environments such as VGs require different design approaches than 2D or non-geographic applications. Results also confirmed that expert and non-expert users in geographic data share similar preferences for the most and least preferred visualization methods.  相似文献   

Quantitative relations between spatial similarity degree and map scale change in multi-scale map spaces play important roles in map generalization and construction of spatial data infrastructure. Nevertheless, no achievements have been made regarding this issue. To fill the gap, this paper firstly proposes a model for calculating spatial similarity degrees between an individual linear object at one scale and its generalized counterpart at the other scale. Then psychological experiments are designed to validate the new model, taking four different individual linear objects at five different scales as test samples. The experiments have shown that spatial similarity degrees calculated by the new model can be accepted by a majority of the subjects. After this, it constructs a formula that can calculate spatial similarity degree using map scale change (and vice versa) for individual linear objects in multi-scale map spaces by the curve fitting method using the point data from the psychological experiments. Both the formula and the model can calculate quantitative relations between spatial similarity degree and map scale change of individual linear objects in multi-scale map spaces, which facilitates automation of map generalization algorithms for linear features.  相似文献   

Similarity for spatial directions plays an important role in GIS. In this paper, the conventional approaches are analyzed. Based on raster data areal objects, the authors propose two new methods for measuring similarity among spatial directions. One is to measure the similarity among spatial directions based on the features of raster data and the changes of distances between spatial objects, the other is to measure the similarity among spatial directions according to the variation of each raster cell centroid angle. The two methods overcome the complexity of measuring similarity among spatial directions with direction matrix model and solve the limitation of small changes in direction. The two methods are simple and have broader applicability.  相似文献   

杨瑞红  董春  张玉 《测绘科学》2014,39(11):72-75
文章运用GIS空间分析技术,以四川省汶川县为研究区域,对居民地的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行分析.研究结果表明:汶川县居民地大体呈条带状分布,具有强烈的低海拔取向,其分布的优势地形区段为海拔2000m以下,居民地分布具有明显的沿河分布特征;在乡镇层面上汶川县居民地呈现一定的集聚分布特征,主要分布在海拔较低的水磨镇、漩口镇及县城所在地威州镇.研究成果可为汶川县居民地的整治规划提供参考.  相似文献   

本文主要研究城市人口空间分布模型在长春市区的应用,目的在于模拟长春市区人口的空间分布情况。本文参考前人研究的基于城镇面积的城市人口密度系数模型,同时考虑交通网对城市人口分布的影响,提出适合长春市区人口空间分布的模型,生成100m(100m网格的人口数据空间分布图。为验证该模型的准确性,将建模所得数据与人口统计数据以街道为单位进行对比,发现模拟结果与调查数据基本相符。  相似文献   

On the spatial distribution of buildings for map generalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information on spatial distribution of buildings must be explored as part of the process of map generalization. A new approach is proposed in this article, which combines building classification and clustering to enable the detection of class differences within a pattern, as well as patterns within a class. To do this, an analysis of existing parameters describing building characteristics is performed via principal component analysis (PCA), and four major parameters (i.e. convex hull area, IPQ compactness, number of edges, and smallest minimum bounding rectangle orientation) are selected for further classification based on similarities between building characteristics. A building clustering method based on minimum spanning tree (MST) considering rivers and roads is then applied. Theory and experiments show that use of a relative neighbor graph (RNG) is more effective in detecting linear building patterns than either a nearest neighbor graph (NNG), an MST, or a Gabriel graph (GssG). Building classification and clustering are therefore conducted separately using experimental data extracted from OpenStreetMap (OSM), and linear patterns are then recognized within resultant clusters. Experimental results show that the approach proposed in this article is both reasonable and efficient for mining information on the spatial distribution of buildings for map generalization.  相似文献   

空间插值方法对土壤重金属污染格局识别的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对广东省某地区土壤中采样样品点的重金属污染物砷(As),文章选取统计学中具有代表性的反距离加权(IDW)、样条函数(Spline)、普通克里格(OK)3种空间插值方法,对比分析不同空间插值方法下研究区土壤中As浓度估算精度、污染特征识别和污染格局空间区划的差异。结果表明:3种空间插值方法在研究区土壤As浓度的估算中,IDW表现最佳;3种插值方法所识别的研究区As污染空间分布特征和污染格局均存在差异,但相对于OK法,IDW和Spline两种方法的结果更加相近。研究表明,在基于点状离散数据采用空间插值方法分析区域土壤重金属污染特征的过程中,应首先考虑结合区域数据样本的数量和特征,开展各空间插值方法的精度评价。  相似文献   

为了进一步分析我国GNSS周期信号的空间分布规律,文章基于我国大陆及周边IGS站与中国地壳运动观测网络基准站的坐标时间序列,给出定量标准剔除质量差的测站;采用分段线性拟合法提取并扣除时间序列的趋势项;采用"拉依达准则"剔除时间序列中的奇异值;采用4参数三角函数拟合出时间序列的周期与幅度;分析东向、北向、垂向3个方向的年周期、半年周期的振幅与最大值出现月份在我国的空间分布情况。分析结果表明:3方向年周期的振幅都是半年周期振幅的两倍以上,3个方向不同周期振幅的空间分布规律差异明显。  相似文献   

聂芹 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):216-217,223
借助MapInfo7.0平台及其二次开发语言MapBasic对山东省108个县市的人口分布及其空间相关性进行了研究,结果表明:1995-2006年间,山东省各县市人口分布的不均衡指数和集中指数分别由0.0178和0.1306增长到0.0198和0.1454,人口稠密区和人口稀疏区的密度差在不断增大;人口密度分布呈现显著...  相似文献   

基于空间分析的徐州市居民点分布模式研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
闫庆武  卞正富  王桢 《测绘科学》2009,34(5):160-163
居民点空间分布的研究是聚落地理学的主要内容之一,运用空间分析的方法研究居民点的分布能更准确地刻画出其空间分布的本质规律。本文根据2004年TM遥感图像和城市地图得到徐州市城乡居民点空间分布的信息,继而运用样方分析(QA)法、最近邻距离指数(NNI)、K(d)函数、热点探测技术(NNH)研究了徐州市居民点空间分布格局与模式。结果显示:徐州市居民点的空间分布具有明显的空间依赖性,总体上呈现出集聚分布的特点;随着研究尺度的变大,居民点空间分布的集聚性指数也增大;居民点空间分布的热点区域在微观尺度上具有空间随机性、在中观尺度上具有轴带延伸性、宏观尺度上具有面状集中性的特点。  相似文献   

利用Voronoi图的城乡居民点布局优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
覃瑜  师学义 《测绘科学》2012,37(1):136-138,150
本文综合考虑居民点现状布局及相邻居民点间相互影响,以山西省晋城市为例,应用Voronoi图理论,依据熵值、聚类指数、标准差3个测度组台,将晋城市居民点划分为4种整理类型并绘制城乡用地布局等级图,结合2020年晋城市居民点用地规模预测值,进行晋城市居民点布局优化.结果显示,考虑居民点布局现状,利用Voronoi图理论及其聚合形态测度检验,为城乡居民点布局优化方案的提出提供了空间理论依据,是布局优化的直观方法.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) provide a variety of tools for the manipulation and display of public health data. Few, however, enable users to interactively evaluate hypotheses on spatial trends in disease risk that may be suggested by maps of measures of disease impact. We addressed this limitation by developing a seamless interface between a commercial GIS and a suite of spatial analysis algorithms. Users of the system can utilize the GIS's capability to interactively select and manipulate geographically referenced data and, through a series of pull-down menus, apply a variety of exploratory analysis methods to this information. In the presented application, we illustrate this capability by including algorithms for the reduction of random noise in observed incidence rates, for the detection of unusual aggregations of disease events, and for the statistical evaluation of inferences drawn from spatial trends. We demonstrate this application by examining lung cancer mortality in the state of Ohio. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 8 March 2000  相似文献   

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