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Abstract— Bulk and grain densities of 132 ordinary chondrites from the Vatican Observatory collection were measured and compared with their magnetic susceptibility (for the most part using previously measured values; ten new susceptibility measures were taken for this study). Grain density and magnetic susceptibility combined provide a reliable method of classifying unweathered ordinary chondrites. Unlike traditional chemical tests, this method is fast, nondestructive, and characterizes the whole rock, making it especially appropriate for surveying large collections. The system is less viable for finds; extensive weathering of metallic iron in an H chondrite can cause it to plot among L chondrites, while heavily weathered L chondrites plot among the LL group. This system has revealed outlier stones that may be misclassified meteorites or mislabeled samples; in every case where the magnetic susceptibility of a meteorite does not fit its putative classification, the grain density is also found to be in disagreement in a manner consistent with either severe weathering or misidentification. An analysis of stones from five showers shows that, excluding outliers, these samples tend to cluster tightly within their appropriate groups in a plot of grain versus magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report Rb-Sr analyses of phosphates from nine ordinary chondrites, more than doubling the number of meteorites for which such data are available. Ordinary chondrite phosphates characteristically have Rb/Sr ratios sufficiently low to permit accurate identification of initial 87Sr/86Sr, which is generally (but not in all cases) found to be significantly higher than the more primitive initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios inferred for carbonaceous chondrite refractory inclusions (ALL), basaltic achondrites (BABI), or bulk ordinary chondrites (in the ALL-BABI range). Such elevation of initial 87Sr/86Sr is generally considered to reflect isotopic redistribution during metamorphism, and with a model for Rb/Sr in this environment can lead to an inferred metamorphic timescale. For whole rock Rb/Sr the inferred formation intervals are typically tens of Ma (range nil to > 100 Ma). There is no evident relation between initial Sr elevation and metamorphic grade. There is not a clear difference in initial Sr effects between H and L chondrites; LL chondrites show much less (if any) elevation of initial Sr, but data are available for only two meteorites. For the first time it is possible to make a detailed comparison of initial Sr and I-Xe chronologies for several meteorites: these two potential metamorphic chronometers conspicuously fail to agree, in terms of both age and sequence of ages. A comparably definitive assessment of the comparison between initial Sr and Pb-Pb chronologies is not yet possible, but presently available data suggest that these two approaches to chondrite chronology also fail to agree. Without a correlation with metamorphic grade, or detailed agreement with an independent chronometer, it remains unclear whether initial 87Sr/86Sr in phosphates can be translated into a reliable chronometer for ordinary chondrite metamorphism, at least within simple interpretational frameworks.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties are sensitive proxies to characterize FeNi metal phases in meteorites. We present a data set of magnetic hysteresis properties of 91 ordinary chondrite falls. We show that hysteresis properties are distinctive of individual meteorites while homogeneous among meteorite subsamples. Except for the most primitive chondrites, these properties can be explained by a mixture of multidomain kamacite that dominates the induced magnetism and tetrataenite (both in the cloudy zone as single‐domain grains, and as larger multidomain grains in plessite and in the rim of zoned taenite) dominates the remanent magnetism, in agreement with previous microscopic magnetic observations. The bulk metal contents derived from magnetic measurements are in agreement with those estimated previously from chemical analyses. We evidence a decreasing metal content with increasing petrologic type in ordinary chondrites, compatible with oxidation of metal during thermal metamorphism. Types 5 and 6 ordinary chondrites have higher tetrataenite content than type 4 chondrites. This is compatible with lower cooling rates in the 650–450 °C interval for higher petrographic types (consistent with an onion‐shell model), but is more likely the result of the oxidation of ordinary chondrites with increasing metamorphism. In equilibrated chondrites, shock‐related transient heating events above approximately 500 °C result in the disordering of tetrataenite and associated drastic change in magnetic properties. As a good indicator of the amount of tetrataenite, hysteresis properties are a very sensitive proxy of the thermal history of ordinary chondrites, revealing low cooling rates during thermal metamorphism and high cooling rates (e.g., following shock reheating or excavation after thermal metamorphism). Our data strengthen the view that the poor magnetic recording properties of multidomain kamacite and the secondary origin of tetrataenite make equilibrated ordinary chondrites challenging targets for paleomagnetic study.  相似文献   

Low‐temperature specific heat capacities of meteorites provide valuable data for understanding the composition and evolution of meteorites and modeling the thermal behavior of their source asteroids. By liquid nitrogen immersion, we measured average low‐temperature heat capacities for 60 ordinary chondrite falls from the Vatican collection. We further characterized the temperature dependence of ordinary chondrite by direct measurement of Cp(T) over the range 5–320 K for five OC falls, coupled by composition‐based models for 94 ordinary chondrites. We find that the heat capacity as a function of temperature for typical ordinary chondrites can be closely approximated by a third‐order polynomial in temperature. Furthermore, those polynomial coefficients can be estimated from the single‐value average heat capacity measurement. These measurements have important implications for the orbital and spin evolution of S‐ and Q‐type asteroids via the various Yarkovsky effects and the thermal evolution of meteorite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Meteoritical Bulletin No. 82 lists information for 974 new meteorites, including 521 finds from Antarctica, 401 finds from the Sahara, 21 finds from the Nullarbor region of Australia, and 7 falls (Ban Rong Du, Burnwell, Fermo, Jalanash, Juancheng, Monahans (1998), and Silao). Many rare types of meteorites are reported: counting pairing groups as one, these include one CR chondrite, two CK chondrites, two CO chondrites, four CV chondrites, one CH chondrite or Bencubbin-like, six C2 (unclassified) chondrites, two EH chondrites, two EL chondrites, three R chondrites, thirty unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, one un-grouped chondrite, three eucrites, six howardites, one diogenite, eleven ureilites, nine iron meteorites, one mesosiderite, two brachinites, one lodranite, one winonaite, and two lunar meteorites (Dar al Gani 400 and EET 96008). All italicized abbreviations refer to addresses tabulated at the end of this document.  相似文献   

Abstract— Black ordinary chondrite meteorites sample the spectral effects of shock on ordinary chondrite material in the space environment. Since shock is an important regolith process, these meteorites may provide insight into the spectral properties of the regoliths on ordinary chondrite parent bodies. To determine how common black chondrites are in the meteorite collection and, by analogy, the frequency of shock-alteration in ordinary chondrites, several of the world's major meteorite collections were examined to identify black chondrites. Over 80% of all catalogued ordinary chondrites were examined and, using an optical definition, 61 black chondrites were identified. Black chondrites account for approximately 13.7% of ordinary chondrite falls. If the optically altered gas-rich ordinary chondrites are included, the proportion of falls that exhibit some form of altered spectral properties increases to 16.7%. This suggests that optical alteration of asteroidal material in the space environment is a relatively common process.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mössbauer spectroscopy is a very useful tool for identifying ferric iron weathering products in meteorites because of the capability to quantify the relative amounts of ferric iron in them. Mössbauer measurements were made of 33 Antarctic H chondrites (predominately H5) and two paired Antarctic CR chondrites. The primary goals of this study are to determine if Mössbauer spectroscopy can be used to determine which phases are weathering in Antarctic meteorites and if the relative amounts of ferric iron correlate with terrestrial age. Determining which minerals are weathering in ordinary chondrites appears very difficult due to variations in composition for different ordinary chondrites of the same meteorite class and possible problems in preparing homogeneous samples. The analysis of the two paired CR chondrites appears to indicate that metallic iron is predominately weathering to produce ferric iron for this class of meteorite. No correlation is seen between the relative amounts of ferric iron and terrestrial age for ordinary chondrites. One Antarctic H5 chondrite (ALHA77294) with a short 14C age of 135 ± 200 years from the dating of interior carbonate weathering products does have a relatively low amount of ferric iron, which is consistent with this meteorite being exposed on the surface for a relatively short time.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Meteoritical Bulletin, Number 74, contains listings for 190 meteorites, including 112 from North Africa, 63 from Antarctica and eight from Australia and six from the U.S. Among the meteorites described are 15 type 3 ordinary chondrites, most notably Roosevelt County 075 which is the lowest petrologic type H chondrite known to date, two very similar ureilites (Nova 1 and Nullarbor 010), a howardite (Old Homestead 001), a CK3 chondrite (Camel Donga 003), a CV3 chondrite (Denman 002) and a major new CR chondrite (Acfer 311 and 10 meteorites with which it is paired).  相似文献   

Abstract– Compared with ordinary chondrites, there is a relative paucity of chronological and other data to define the early thermal histories of enstatite parent bodies. In this study, we report 39Ar‐40Ar dating results for five EL chondrites: Khairpur, Pillistfer, Hvittis, Blithfield, and Forrest; five EH chondrites: Parsa, Saint Marks, Indarch, Bethune, and Reckling Peak 80259; three igneous‐textured enstatite meteorites that represent impact melts on enstatite chondrite parent bodies: Zaklodzie, Queen Alexandra Range 97348, and Queen Alexandra Range 97289; and three aubrites, Norton County, Bishopville, and Cumberland Falls Several Ar‐Ar age spectra show unusual 39Ar recoil effects, possibly the result of some of the K residing in unusual sulfide minerals, such as djerfisherite and rodderite, and other age spectra show 40Ar diffusion loss. Few additional Ar‐Ar ages for enstatite meteorites are available in the literature. When all available Ar‐Ar data on enstatite meteorites are considered, preferred ages of nine chondrites and one aubrite show a range of 4.50–4.54 Ga, whereas five other meteorites show only lower age limits over 4.35–4.46 Ga. Ar‐Ar ages of several enstatite chondrites are as old or older as the oldest Ar‐Ar ages of ordinary chondrites, which suggests that enstatite chondrites may have derived from somewhat smaller parent bodies, or were metamorphosed to lower temperatures compared to other chondrite types. Many enstatite meteorites are brecciated and/or shocked, and some of the younger Ar‐Ar ages may record these impact events. Although impact heating of ordinary chondrites within the last 1 Ga is relatively common for ordinary chondrites, only Bethune gives any significant evidence for such a young event.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Rumuruti meteorite shower fell in Rumuruti, Kenya, on 1934 January 28 at 10:43 p.m. Rumuruti is an olivine-rich chondritic breccia with light-dark structure. Based on the coexistence of highly recrystallized fragments and unequilibrated components, Rumuruti is classified as a type 3–6 chondrite breccia. The most abundant phase of Rumuruti is olivine (mostly Fa~39) with about 70 vol%. Feldspar (~14 vol%; mainly plagioclase), Ca-pyroxene (5 vol%), pyrrhotite (4.4 vol%), and pentlandite (3.6 vol%) are major constituents. All other phases have abundances below 1 vol%, including low-Ca pyroxene, chrome spinels, phosphates (chlorapatite and whitlockite), chalcopyrite, ilmenite, tridymite, Ni-rich and Ge-containing metals, kamacite, and various particles enriched in noble metals like Pt, Ir, arid Au. The chemical composition of Rumuruti is chondritic. The depletion in refractory elements (Sc, REE, etc.) and the comparatively high Mn, Na, and K contents are characteristic of ordinary chondrites and distinguish Rumuruti from carbonaceous chondrites. However, S, Se, and Zn contents in Rumuruti are significantly above the level expected for ordinary chondrites. The oxygen isotope composition of Rumuruti is high in δ17O (5.52 ‰) and δ18O (5.07 ‰). Previously, a small number of chondritic meteorites with strong similarities to Rumuruti were described. They were called Carlisle Lakes-type chondrites and they comprise: Carlisle Lakes, ALH85151, Y-75302, Y-793575, Y-82002, Acfer 217, PCA91002, and PCA91241, as well as clasts in the Weatherford chondrite. All these meteorites are finds from hot and cold deserts having experienced various degrees of weathering. With Rumuruti, the first meteorite fall has been recognized that preserves the primary mineralogical and chemical characteristics of a new group of meteorites. Comparing all chondrites, the characteristic features can be summarized as follows: (a) basically chondritic chemistry with ordinary chondrite element patterns of refractory and moderately volatile lithophiles but higher abundances of S, Se, and Zn; (b) high degree of oxidation (37–41 mol% Fa in olivine, only traces of Fe, Ni-metals, occurrence of chalcopyrite); (c) exceptionally high Δ17O values of about 2.7 for bulk samples; (d) high modal abundance of olivine (~70 vol%); (e) Ti-Fe3+?rich chromite (~5.5 wt% TiO2); (f) occurrence of various noble metal-rich particles; (g) abundant chondritic breccias consisting of equilibrated clasts and unequilibrated lithologies. With Rumuruti, nine meteorite samples exist that are chemically and mineralogically very similar. These meteorites are attributed to at least eight different fall events. It is proposed in this paper to call this group R chondrites (rumurutiites) after the first and only fall among these meteorites. These meteorites have a close relationship to ordinary chondrites. However, they are more oxidized than any of the existing groups of ordinary chondrites. Small, but significant differences in chemical composition and in oxygen isotopes between R chondrites and ordinary chondrites exclude formation of R chondrites from ordinary chondrites by oxidation. This implies a separate, independent R chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— A database of magnetic susceptibility (χ) measurements on different non‐ordinary chondrites (C, E, R, and ungrouped) populations is presented and compared to our previous similar work on ordinary chondrites. It provides an exhaustive study of the amount of iron‐nickel magnetic phases (essentially metal and magnetite) in these meteorites. In contrast with all the other classes, CM and CV show a wide range of magnetic mineral content, with a two orders of magnitude variation of χ. Whether this is due to primary parent body differences, metamorphism or alteration, remains unclear. C3–4 and C2 yield similar χ values to the ones shown by CK and CM, respectively. By order of increasing χ, the classes with well‐grouped χ are: R << CO < CK ≈ CI < Kak < CR < E ≈ CH < CB. Based on magnetism, EH and EL classes have indistinguishable metal content. Outliers that we suggest may need to have their classifications reconsidered are Acfer 202 (CO), Elephant Moraine (EET) 96026 (C4–5), Meteorite Hills (MET) 01149, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 521 (CK), Asuka (A)‐88198, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 031156, and Sahara 98248 (R). χ values can also be used to define affinities of ungrouped chondrites, and propose pairing, particularly in the case of CM and CV meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Concentration and isotopic composition of the light noble gases as well as of 84Kr, 129Xe, and 132Xe have been measured in bulk samples of 60 carbonaceous chondrites; 45 were measured for the first time. Solar noble gases were found in nine specimens (Arch, Acfer 094, Dar al Gani 056, Graves Nunataks 95229, Grosnaja, Isna, Mt. Prestrud 95404, Yamato (Y) 86009, and Y 86751). These meteorites are thus regolith breccias. The CV and CO chondrites contain abundant planetary‐type noble gases, but not CK chondrites. Characteristic features of CK chondrites are high 129Xe/132Xe ratios. The petrologic type of carbonaceous chondrites is correlated with the concentration of trapped heavy noble gases, similar to observations shown for ordinary chondrites. However, this correlation is disturbed for several meteorites due to a contribution of atmospheric noble gases, an effect correlated to terrestrial weathering effects. Cosmic‐ray exposure ages are calculated from cosmogenic 21Ne. They range from about 1 to 63.5 Ma for CO, CV, and CK classes, which is longer than exposure ages reported for CM and CI chondrites. Only the CO3 chondrite Isna has an exceptionally low exposure age of 0.15 Ma. No dominant clusters are observed in the cosmic‐ray exposure age distribution; only for CV and CK chondrites do potential peaks seem to develop at ~9 and ~29 Ma. Several pairings among the chondrites from hot deserts are suggested, but 52 of the 60 investigated meteorites are individual falls. In general, we confirm the results of Mazor et al. (1970) regarding cosmic‐ray exposure and trapped heavy noble gases. With this study, a considerable number of new carbonaceous chondrites were added to the noble gas data base, but this is still not sufficient to obtain a clear picture of the collisional history of the carbonaceous chondrite groups. Obviously, the exposure histories of CI and CM chondrites differ from those of CV, CO, and CK chondrites that have much longer exposure ages. The close relationship among the latter three is also evident from the similar cosmic‐ray exposure age patterns that do not reveal a clear picture of major breakup events. The CK chondrites, however, with their wide range of petrologic types, form the only carbonaceous chondrite group which so far lacks a solar‐gas‐bearing regolith breccia. The CK chondrites contain only minute amounts of trapped noble gases and their noble gas fingerprint is thus distinguishable from the other groups. In the future, more analyses of newly collected CK chondrites are needed to unravel the genetic and historic evolution of this group. It is also evident that the problems of weathering and pairing have to be considered when noble gas data of carbonaceous chondrite are interpreted.  相似文献   

Scott A. Sandford 《Icarus》1984,60(1):115-126
Infrared transmission spectra from 53 meteorites in the spectral range from 2.5 to 25 μm were measured to permit comparisons with data of astronomical objects that are potential meteorite sources. Data were taken for 14 carbonaceous chondrites, 5 LL ordinary chondrites, 6 L ordinary chondrites, 10 H ordinary chondrites, 1 enstatite chondrite, 4 aubrites, 3 eucrites, 4 howardites, 1 diogenite, 1 mesosiderite, 2 nakhlites, 1 shergottite, and the anomalous achondrite Angra dos Reis. The CO and CV carbonaceous chondrites have spectra similar to each other, with 10-μm features characteristic of olivine. The CM carbonaceous chondrites have distinctive 10-μm features that are attributed to layer lattice silicates. Members of both the CI and CR classes have spectra distinct from those of other carbonaceous chondrites. The LL, L, and H ordinary chondrites have spectra that match those of olivine and pyroxene mixtures. The enstatite chondrites and enstatite achondrites (aubrites) all exhibit spectra diagnostic of the pyroxene enstatite. The angrite, howardites, aucrites, nakhlites, shergottite, and diogenite all have similar spectra also dominated by pyroxene. The single mesosiderite examined had a spectrum distinct from all the other meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The discovery of 34 new stony meteorites is reported from those areas of the Nullarbor Region, Western Australia named after Mundrabilla, Forrest, Reid and Deakin sidings on the Trans Australian Railway line. The recoveries include 15 H-, and 15 L-group equilibrated (types 4–6) ordinary chondrites, two distinct H3 chondrites (Mundrabilla 003 and Forrest 003), a genomict H-group chondrite breccia (Reid 011) comprising types 3–6, and one structurally anomalous chondrite (Deakin 001). Seventy-eight distinct meteorites are now known from the region.  相似文献   

Ordinary chondrites have previously been nondestructively characterized using bulk magnetic susceptibility, broadly reflecting their Fe-Ni alloy content. We seek to expand the information that can be recovered from magnetic susceptibility by using the University of Toronto Electromagnetic Induction Spectrometer (UTEMIS) to measure the complex magnetic susceptibility tensor of 20 ordinary chondrites samples in addition to 16 Gao–Guenie (H5) chondrites at 35 frequencies from 90 Hz to 64 kHz, at variable low applied field strengths <10 A m−1. Following removal of the field-dependent component of susceptibility, frequency dependence, in- and out-of-phase components, and bulk magnetic susceptibility were interpreted. Most meteorites showed no frequency-dependent in-phase responses, but had a frequency-dependent out-of-phase response attributed to eddy currents induced in conductive minerals. Greater in- and out-of-phase frequency dependence correlated with lower fayalite content in olivine and was, in turn, inversely proportional to Fe-Ni alloy content. The uncertainty in the UTEMIS measurements ranges from approximately 0.05% for low-frequency in-phase measurements to a maximum of 3% for low-frequency out-of-phase measurements. This uncertainty level was far lower than the intra-meteorite variability for the Gao–Guenie suite suggesting inhomogeneity at scales of approximately 10 g.  相似文献   

Abstract— A database of magnetic susceptibility measurements of stony achondrites (acapulcoite‐lodranite clan, winonaites, ureilites, angrites, aubrites, brachinites, howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) clan, and Martian meteorites, except lunar meteorites) is presented and compared to our previous work on chondrites. This database provides an exhaustive study of the amount of iron‐nickel magnetic phases (essentially metal and more rarely pyrrhotite and titanomagnetite) in these meteorites. Except for ureilites, achondrites appear much more heterogeneous than chondrites in metal content, both at the meteorite scale and at the parent body scale. We propose a model to explain the lack of or inefficient metal segregation in a low gravity context. The relationship between grain density and magnetic susceptibility is discussed. Saturation remanence appears quite weak in most metal‐bearing achondrites (HED and aubrites) compared to Martian meteorites. Ureilites are a notable exception and can carry a strong remanence, similar to most chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The N and C abundances and isotopic compositions of acid-insoluble carbonaceous material in thirteen primitive chondrites (five unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, three CM chondrites, three enstatite chondrites, a CI chondrite and a CR chondrite) have been measured by stepped combustion. While the range of C isotopic compositions observed is only ~δ13C = 30%, the N isotopes range from δ15N ' -40 to 260%. After correction for metamorphism, presolar nanodiamonds appear to have made up a fairly constant 3–4 wt% of the insoluble C in all the chondrites studied. The apparently similar initial presolar nanodiamond to organic C ratios, and the correlations of elemental and isotopic compositions with metamorphic indicators in the ordinary and enstatite chondrites, suggest that the chondrites all accreted similar organic material. This original material probably most closely resembles that now found in Renazzo and Semarkona. These two meteorites have almost M-shaped N isotope release profiles that can be explained most simply by the superposition of two components, one with a composition between δ15N = -20 and -40% and a narrow combustion interval, the other having a broader release profile and a composition of δ15N ~ 260%. Although isotopically more subdued, the CI and the three CM chondrites all appear to show vestiges of this M-shaped profile. How and where the components in the acid-insoluble organics formed remains poorly constrained. The small variation in nanodiamond to organic C ratio between the chondrite groups limits the local synthesis of organic matter in the various chondrite formation regions to at most 30%. The most 15N-rich material probably formed in the interstellar medium, and the fraction of organic N in Renazzo in this material ranges from 40 to 70%. The isotopically light component may have formed in the solar system, but the limited range in nanodiamond to total organic C ratios in the chondrite groups is consistent with most of the organic material being presolar.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of the Didwana‐Rajod chondrite, which fell on 1991 August 12 in western Rajasthan, India, are presented. The results are compared with the Mössbauer data of several enstatite and ordinary chondrites including the Dhajala chondrite for which Mössbauer data were acquired during the present study. The Didwana‐Rajod chondrite's iron phases and its oxidation states strongly suggest that it should be classified as an H‐type ordinary chondrite instead of the earlier suggestion (based on petrographic studies) that it could be an enstatite chondrite. The present study demonstrates that Mössbauer spectroscopy is a very powerful technique for aiding in the classification of meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetometer experiment (MAG) onboard the Near‐Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)‐Shoemaker spacecraft detected no global scale magnetization and established a maximum magnetization of 2.1 times 10?6 Am2 kg?1 for asteroid 433 Eros. This is in sharp contrast with the estimated magnetization of other S‐class asteroids (Gaspra, ?2.4 times 10?2 Am2 kg?1; Braille, ?2.8 times 10?2 Am2 kg?1) and is below published values for all types of ordinary chondrites. This includes the L/LL types considered to most closely match 433 Eros based on preliminary interpretations of NEAR remote geochemical experiments. The ordinary chondrite meteorite magnetization intensity data was reviewed in order to assess the reasonableness of an asteroid‐meteorite match based on magnetic property measurements. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensities for the ordinary chondrite meteorites show at least a 2 order of magnitude range within each of the H, L, and LL groups, all well above the 2.1 times 10?6 Am2 kg?1 level for 433 Eros. The REM values (ratio of the NRM to the SIRM (saturation remanent magnetization)) range over 3 orders of magnitude for all chondrite groups indicating no clear relationship between NRM and the amount of magnetic material. Levels of magnetic noise in chondrite meteorites can be as much as 70% or more of the NRM. Consequently, published values of the NRM should be considered suspect unless careful evaluation of the noise sources is done. NASA Goddard SFC studies of per unit mass intensities in large (>10 000 g) and small (down to <1 g) samples from the same meteorite demonstrate magnetic intensity decreases as size increases. This would appear to be explained by demagnetization due to magnetic vector randomness at unknown scale sizes in the larger samples. This would then argue for some level of demagnetization of large objects such as an asteroid. The possibility that 433 Eros is an LL chondrite cannot be discounted.  相似文献   

Abstract— Platinum‐group element (PGE) concentrations and ratios obtained from samples of the Clearwater East impact melt have been used along with other siderophile element ratios to classify the impacting projectile as a carbonaceous chondrite. This is at odds with recent chromium isotope analyses that suggest ordinary chondrite‐type material is present. The present study reviews and reinterprets the available PGE data in the light of new PGE data from meteorites and concludes that the PGE ratios in the impact melt are most consistent with ordinary (possibly type‐L) chondrite source material, not carbonaceous chondrites. Therefore the structure was most probably formed by the impact of an asteroid composed of material similar to ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

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