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Abstract— Solid metal/liquid metal partition coefficients for Ag and Pd were determined experimentally as a function of the S concentration of the metallic liquid. Silver is incompatible in solid metal and strongly sensitive to the S content of the metallic liquid; partition coefficients for Ag decrease more than an order of magnitude with increasing S content of the metallic liquid and can be expressed as: where k(Ag) is the molar solid metal/liquid metal partition coefficient and XS is the molar S content of the metallic liquid. The partition coefficient of Pd is less variable but changes from modestly incompatible to modestly compatible in solid metal with increasing S content of the metallic liquid: With these new partition coefficients for Pd and a fractional crystallization model, Pd abundance trends recorded in iron meteorite groups are modeled successfully. Measured Ag distribution between troilite-rich nodules and adjacent metal in iron meteorites also agree well with experimental solid metal/liquid metal equilibrium values. However, observed Pd metal/nodule distributions do not agree with experimentally determined partition coefficients, which suggests a more complex history than simple solid metal/liquid metal equilibrium.  相似文献   

Abstract— Many solar system processes involve a metallic liquid, and the composition of the metallic liquid, such as the liquid's concentrations of S, P, and C, will influence the partitioning of elements during such processes. We present a method for parameterizing solid metal‐liquid metal partition coefficients for siderophile (metal‐loving) elements as a function of the metallic liquid composition. Our parameterization method is based on an older theory of Jones and Malvin (1990), which stated that the metallic liquid is composed of metal and non‐metal‐bearing domains, and the domains are the dominant influence on the partitioning behavior. By revising the means by which the metal domains are calculated, our revised parameterization method is able to match experimental partitioning data from the Fe‐Ni‐S, Fe‐Ni‐P, Fe‐Ni‐S‐P, and Fe‐Ni‐C systems. Mathematical expressions were derived for the solid metal‐liquid metal partitioning of 13 siderophile elements. Elements that are chalcophile (S‐loving), P‐loving, or C‐loving prefer the non‐metal‐bearing domains in the metallic liquid and, consequently, aren't fit by the parameterization method presented here. Possible applications for our parameterization method include modeling the crystallization of iron meteorites, planetary differentiation, and the solidification of Earth's inner core.  相似文献   

Abstract— The (compositionally) closely related iron meteorite groups IIIE and IIIAB were originally separated based on differences in kamacite bandwidth, the presence of carbides only in the IIIE group, and marginally resolvable differences on the Ga‐Ni and Ge‐Ni diagrams. A total of six IIIE iron meteorites have been analyzed for C and N using secondary ion mass spectrometry, and three of these have also been analyzed for N, Ne, and Ar by stepped combustion. We show that these groups cannot be resolved on the basis of N abundances or isotopic compositions but that they are marginally different in C‐isotopic composition and nitride occurrence. Cosmic‐ray exposure age distributions of the IIIE and IIIAB iron meteorites seem to be significantly different. There is a significant N‐isotopic range among the IIIE iron meteorites. A negative correlation between δ15N and N concentration suggests that the increase in s?15N resulted from diffusional loss of N.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal‐troilite textures are examined in metamorphosed and impact‐affected ordinary chondrites to examine the response of these phases to rapid changes in temperature. Complexly intergrown metal‐troilite textures are shown to form in response to three different impact‐related processes. (1) During impacts, immiscible melt emulsions form in response to spatially focused heating. (2) Immediately after impact events, re‐equilibration of heterogeneously distributed heat promotes metamorphism adjacent to zones of maximum impact heating. Where temperatures exceed ~850 ° C, this post‐impact metamorphism results in melting of conjoined metal‐troilite grains in chondrites that were previously equilibrated through radiogenic metamorphism. When the resulting Fe‐Ni‐S melt domains crystallize, a finely intergrown mixture of troilite and metal forms, which can be zoned with kamacite‐rich margins and taenite‐rich cores. (3) At lower temperatures, post‐impact metamorphism can also cause liberation of sulfur from troilite, which migrates into adjacent Fe‐Ni metal, allowing formation of troilite and occasionally copper within the metal during cooling. Because impact events cause heating within a small volume, post‐impact metamorphism is a short duration event (days to years) compared with radiogenic metamorphism (>106 years). The fast kinetics of metal‐sulfide reactions allows widespread textural changes in conjoined metal‐troilite grains during post‐impact metamorphism, whereas the slow rate of silicate reactions causes these to be either unaffected or only partially annealed, except in the largest impact events. Utilizing this knowledge, information can be gleaned as to whether a given meteorite has suffered a post‐impact thermal overprint, and some constraints can be placed on the temperatures reached and duration of heating.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mn‐Cr systematics in phosphates (sarcopside, graftonite, beusite, galileiite, and johnsomervilleite) in IIIAB iron meteorites were investigated by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In most cases, excesses in 53Cr are found and δ53Cr is well correlated with Mn/Cr ratios, suggesting that 53Mn was alive at the time of IIIAB iron formation. The inferred Mn‐Cr “ages” are different for different phosphate minerals. This is presumably due to a combined effect of the slow cooling rates of IIIAB iron meteorites and the difference in the diffusion properties of Cr and Mn in the phosphates. The ages of sarcopside are the same for the IIIAB iron meteorites. Johnsomervilleite shows apparent old ages, probably because of a gain of Cr enriched in 53Cr during the closure process. Apparently, old Mn‐Cr ages reported in previous studies can also be explained in a similar way. Therefore, the IIIAB iron meteorites probably experienced identical thermal histories and thus derived from the core of a parent body. Thermal histories of the parent body of IIIAB iron meteorites that satisfy the Mn‐Cr chronology and metallographic cooling rates were constructed by computer simulation. The thermal history at an early stage (<10 Ma after CAI formation) is well determined, though later history may be more model‐dependent. It is suggested that relative timing of various events in the IIIAB parent body may be estimated with the aid of the thermal history. There is a systematic difference in Mn and Cr concentrations in various minerals (phosphates, sulfide, etc.) among the IIIAB iron meteorites, which seems to be mainly controlled by redox conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of dynamic crystallization experiments that were specifically designed to study the dependence of Ca and Al partitioning between forsterite and melt in rapidly cooling Caand Al‐rich melts. The partitioning of Ca between olivine and silicate melt is found to be independent of the cooling rate within the range of 1.5 to 1000°C/hr and at CaO contents of up to 25 wt%. Within analytical uncertainty, our data plot on the equilibrium partitioning curve obtained by Libourel (1999). The partitioning behavior of Al at high cooling rates is more complex. Aluminum is much more heterogenously distributed in the olivine and the co‐existing melt than Ca. But, no systematic trend of Al partition coefficient with cooling rate is observed. We apply the results of the experiments to the formation of meteoritic forsterites with relatively high contents of Ca and Al. Although these forsterites are found frequently inside chondrules, the Ca contents of their host chondrules are far too low to crystallize these high Ca‐forsterites. This is also true for very rapid cooling of chondrule melts. The parental melt of these forsterites requires CaO contents above 20 wt%.  相似文献   

Abstract— X-ray microdiffraction measurements based on the Kossel effect have been used for orientation determinations of rhabdite (i.e., small prismatic schreibersite crystals) with respect to the kamacite matrix. For that purpose, polished specimens of the Toluca meteorite have been analyzed after surface etching. Kossel patterns of kamacite and rhabdite have been recorded and simulated. As the law of intergrowth for idiomorphic rhabdite crystals, we confirmed the relations: In comparison with typical line widths, the Kossel lines of kamacite are distinctly broadened. This is found for the meteorite Toluca and a for a second sample, the meteorite Morasko. This behaviour is probably connected with a high dislocation density, as shown by transmission electron microscope investigations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amino acid analyses of the Antarctic CM2 chondrites Allan Hills (ALH) 83100 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500 using liquid chromatography‐time of flight‐mass spectrometry (LC‐ToF‐MS) coupled with UV fluorescence detection revealed that these carbonaceous meteorites contain a suite of indigenous amino acids not present in Antarctic ice. Several amino acids were detected in ALH 83100, including glycine, alanine, β‐alanine, γ‐amino‐n‐butyric acid (γ‐ABA), and α‐aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) with concentrations ranging from 250 to 340 parts per billion (ppb). In contrast to ALH 83100, the CM2 meteorites LEW 90500 and Murchison had a much higher total abundance of these amino acids (440–3200 ppb). In addition, ALH 83100 was found to have lower abundances of the α‐dialkyl amino acids AIB and isovaline than LEW 90500 and Murchison. There are three possible explanations for the depleted amino acid content in ALH 83100: 1) amino acid leaching from ALH 83100 during exposure to Antarctic ice meltwater, 2) a higher degree of aqueous alteration on the ALH 83100 parent body, or 3) ALH 83100 originated on a chemically distinct parent body from the other two CM2 meteorites. The high relative abundance of ?‐amino‐n‐caproic acid (EACA) in the ALH 83100 meteorite as well as the Antarctic ice indicates that Nylon‐6 contamination from the Antarctic sample storage bags may have occurred during collection.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out noble gas measurements on graphite from a large graphite‐metal inclusion in Canyon Diablo. The Ne data of the low‐temperature fractions lie on the mixing line between air and the spallogenic component, but those of high temperatures seem to lie on the mixing line between Ne‐HL and the spallogenic component. The Ar isotope data indicate the presence of Q in addition to air, spallogenic component and Ar‐HL. As the elemental concentration of Ne in Q is low, we could not detect the Ne‐Q from the Ne data. On the other hand, we could not observe Xe‐HL in our Xe data. As the Xe concentration and the Xe/Ne ratio in Q is much higher than that in the HL component, it is likely that only the contribution of Q is observed in the Xe data. Xenon isotopic data can be explained as a mixture of Q, air, and “El Taco Xe.” The Canyon Diablo graphite contains both HL and Q, very much like carbonaceous chondrites, retaining the signatures of various primordial noble gas components. This indicates that the graphite was formed in a primitive nebular environment and was not heated to high, igneous temperatures. Furthermore, a large excess of 129Xe was observed, which indicates that the graphite was formed at a very early stage of the solar system when 129I was still present. The HL/Q ratios in the graphite in Canyon Diablo are lower than those in carbonaceous chondrites, indicating that some thermal metamorphism occurred on the former. We estimated the temperature of the thermal metamorphism to about 500–600 °C from the difference of thermal retentivities of HL and Q. It is also noted that “El Taco Xe” is commonly observed in many IAB iron meteorites, but its presence in carbonaceous chondrites has not yet been established.  相似文献   

A 435 kg piece of the Mont Dieu iron meteorite (MD) contains cm‐sized silicate inclusions. Based on the concentration of Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ir (8.59 ± 0.32 wt%, 25.4 ± 0.9 ppm, 61 ± 2 ppm, 7.1 ± 0.4 ppm, respectively) in the metal host, this piece can be classified as a IIE nonmagmatic iron. The silicate inclusions possess a chondritic mineralogy and relict chondrules occur throughout the inclusions. Major element analysis, oxygen isotopic analysis (Δ17O = 0.71 ± 0.02‰), and mean Fa and Fs molar contents (Fa15.7 ± 0.4 and Fs14.4 ± 0.5) indicate that MD originated as an H chondrite. Because of strong similarities with Netschaëvo IIE, MD can be classified in the most primitive subgroup of the IIE sequence. 40Ar/39Ar ages of 4536 ± 59 Ma and 4494 ± 95 Ma obtained on pyroxene and plagioclase inclusions show that MD belongs to the old (~4.5 Ga) group of IIE iron meteorites and that it has not been perturbed by any subsequent heating event following its formation. The primitive character of MD sheds light on the nature of its formation process, its thermal history, and the evolution of its parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Batch culture experiments were performed to investigate the weathering of meteoritic material by iron‐oxidizing bacteria. The aerobic, acidophilic iron oxidizer (A. ferrooxidans) was capable of oxidizing iron from both carbonaceous chondrites (Murchison and Cold Bokkeveld) and iron meteorites (York and Casas Grandes). Preliminary iron isotope results clearly show contrasted iron pathways during oxidation with and without bacteria suggesting that a biological role in meteorite weathering could be distinguished isotopically. Anaerobic iron‐oxidizers growing under pH‐neutral conditions oxidized iron from iron meteorites. These results show that rapid biologically‐mediated alteration of extraterrestrial materials can occur in both aerobic and anaerobic environments. These results also demonstrate that iron can act as a source of energy for microorganisms from both iron and carbonaceous chondrites in aerobic and anaerobic conditions with implications for life on the early Earth and the possible use of microorganisms to extract minerals from asteroidal material.  相似文献   

Raman spectra were acquired on a series of natural and synthetic sulfide minerals, commonly found in enstatite meteorites: oldhamite (CaS), niningerite or keilite ((Mg,Fe)S), alabandite (MnS), troilite (FeS), and daubreelite (Cr2FeS4). Natural samples come from three enstatite chondrites, three aubrites, and one anomalous ungrouped enstatite meteorite. Synthetic samples range from pure endmembers (CaS, FeS, MgS) to complex solid solutions (Fe, Mg, Ca)S. The main Raman peaks are localized at 225, 285, 360, and 470 cm?1 for the Mg‐rich sulfides; at 185, 205, and 285 cm?1 for the Ca‐rich sulfides; at 250, 370, and 580 cm?1 for the Mn‐rich sulfides; at 255, 290, and 365 cm?1 for the Cr‐rich sulfides; and at 290 and 335 cm?1 for troilite with, occasionally, an extra peak at 240 cm?1. A peak at 160 cm?1 is present in all Raman spectra and cannot be used to discriminate between the different sulfide compositions. According to group theory, none of the cubic monosulfides oldhamite, niningerite, or alabandite should present first‐order Raman spectra because of their ideal rocksalt structure. The occurrence of broad Raman peaks is tentatively explained by local breaking of symmetry rules. Measurements compare well with the infrared frequencies calculated from first‐principles calculations. Raman spectra arise from activation of certain vibrational modes due to clustering in the solid solutions or to coupling with electronic transitions in semiconductor sulfides.  相似文献   

Abstract— We performed a comprehensive study of the noble gas isotopic abundances, radionuclide activities, and mineralogical and chemical composition of two mesosiderites and two iron meteorites. For the mesosiderites Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan, the silicate and the metal phases were studied. The anomalous ataxite Rafrüti is not chemically related to any other meteorite class, whereas Ningbo is a type IVA octahedrite. The mineralogy and major and trace element abundances of the silicate phases of Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan are similar to those of other mesosiderites and distinct from those of the howardites. The cosmic‐ray exposure history was studied based on the concentrations of the cosmogenic noble gas nuclei and radionuclide activities. For the iron meteorites, cosmic‐ray exposure ages were calculated from the pairs 10Be‐21Ne, 26Al‐21Ne, and 36Cl‐36Ar. Rafrüti yields the youngest exposure age of all ataxites (6.8 ± 1.7 Ma), whereas that of Ningbo with 107 ± 15 Ma falls within the range observed for the other octahedrites. The parent body break‐up times of the mesosiderites Dong Ujimqin Qi and Weiyuan are 252 ± 50 and 25.9 ± 5.0 Ma, respectively. We find no evidence for a common break‐up event for the mesosiderites and the howardites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spherical carbonate globules of similar composition, size, and radial Ca‐, Mg‐, and Fe‐zonation to those in martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 were precipitated from Mg‐rich, supersaturated solutions of Ca‐Mg‐Fe‐CO2‐H2O at 150 °C. The supersaturated solutions (pH ? 6–7) were prepared at room temperature and contained in TeflonTM‐lined stainless steel vessels, which were sealed and heated to 150 °C for 24 h. Experiments were also conducted at 25 °C and no globules comparable to those of ALH 84001 were precipitated. Instead, amorphous Fe‐rich carbonates were formed after 24 h and Mg‐Fe calcites formed after 96 h. These experiments suggest a possible low‐temperature inorganic origin for the carbonates in martian meteorite ALH 84001.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magmatic iron meteorites are generally agreed to represent metal that crystallized in asteroidal cores from a large pool of liquid. Estimates suggest that the metallic liquid contained significant amounts of S and P, both of which are incompatible and exert a strong effect on trace element partitioning. In tandem, S and P are also prone to cause immiscibility between sulfide liquid and P-rich metal liquid. The liquid immiscibility field occupies ~70% of the portion of the Fe-Ni-S-P system in which Fe is the first phase to crystallize. In spite of this, previous fractional crystallization models have taken into account only one liquid phase and have encountered significant discrepancies between the meteorite data and model values for the key elements Ni, Ir, Ga, Ge and Au at even moderate degrees of fractionation. For the first time, a model for trace element partitioning between immiscible liquids in the Fe-Ni-S-P system is presented in order to assess the effects on fractionation in magmatic iron meteorite groups. The onset of liquid immiscibility causes a significant change in the enrichment patterns of S and P in both liquids; so elements with contrasting partitioning behavior will show trends deviating clearly from one-liquid trends. A trend recorded in the solid metal will either be a smooth curve as long as equilibrium is maintained between the two liquids or the trend may diverge into a field limited by two extreme curves depending on the degree of disequilibrium. Bulk initial liquids for most magmatic groups have S/P (wt%) ratios well below 25. In these cases and due to the constitution of the Fe-Ni-S-P system, most of the metal will crystallize from the rapidly decreasing volume of metal liquid and only a subordinate amount from the sulfide liquid. Because of the strong extraction of P into the metal liquid, P will have a much larger influence on trace element partitioning than a low initial P content might suggest. My model calculations suggest that liquid immiscibility played a significant role during the solidification of the IIIAB parent body's core. The two-liquid model reproduces the IIIAB trends more closely than previous one-liquid models and can account for: (a) the general widening of the IIIAB trend with increasing Ni and decreasing Ir contents, (b) the occurrence of high-Ni members that are not strongly depleted in Ir, Ga and Ge; and (c) an upper limit at ~11 wt% Ni where the metal liquid was almost consumed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we present the first purely physical model for cosmogenic production rates in iron meteorites with radii from 5 cm to 120 cm and for the outermost 1.3 m of an object having a radius of 10 m. The calculations are based on our current best knowledge of the particle spectra and the cross sections for the relevant nuclear reactions. The model usually describes the production rates for cosmogenic radionuclides within their uncertainties; exceptions are 53Mn and 60Fe, possibly due to normalization problems. When an average S content of about 1 ± 0.5% is assumed for Grant and Carbo samples, which is consistent with our earlier study, the model predictions for 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are in agreement. For 4He the model has to be adjusted by 24%, possibly a result of our rather crude approximation for the primary galactic α particles. For reasons not yet understood the modeled 36Ar/38Ar ratio is about 30–40% higher than the ratio typically measured in iron meteorites. Currently, the only reasonable explanation for this discrepancy is the lack of experimentally determined neutron induced cross sections and therefore the uncertainties of the model itself. However, the new model predictions, though not yet perfect, enable determining the radius of the meteoroid, the exposure age, the sulphur content of the studied sample as well as the terrestrial residence time. The determination of exposure ages is of special interest because of the still open question whether the GCR was constant over long time scales. Therefore we will discuss in detail the differences between exposure ages determined with different cosmogenic nuclides. With the new model we can calculate exposure ages that are based on the production rates (cm3STP/(gMa)) of noble gases only. These exposure ages, referred to as noble gas exposure ages or simply 3,4He, 21Ne, or 36,38Ar ages, are calculated assuming the current GCR flux. Besides calculating noble gas ages we were also able to improve the 41K‐40K‐and the 36Cl‐36Ar dating methods with the new model. Note that we distinguish between 36Ar ages (calculated via 36Ar production rates only) and 36Cl‐36Ar ages. Exposure ages for Grant and Carbo, calculated with the revised 41K‐40K method, are 628 ± 30 Ma and 841 ± 19 Ma, respectively. For Grant this is equal to the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but higher than the 36Ar‐ and 36Cl‐36Ar ages by ?30%. For Carbo the 41K‐40K age is ?40% lower than the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but equal to the 36Ar age. These differences can either be explained by our still insufficient knowledge of the neutron‐induced cross sections or by a long‐term variation of the GCR.  相似文献   

We report on the iron Kα line properties of a sample of Seyfert galaxies observed with the XMM‐Newton EPIC pn instrument. Using a systematic and uniform analysis, we find that complexity at iron‐K is extremely common in the XMM‐Newton spectra. Once appropriate soft X‐ray absorption, narrow 6.4 keV emission and associated Compton reflection are accounted for, ∼75% of the sample show an improvement when a further component is introduced. The typical properties of the broad emission are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with previous results from ASCA. The complexity is in general very well described by relativistic accretion disk models. In most cases the characteristic emission radius is constrained to be within ∼50R g, where strong gravitational effects become important. We find in about 1/3 of the sample the accretion disk interpretation is strongly favoured over competing models. In a few objects no broad line is apparent. We find evidence for emission within 6R g in only two cases, both of which exhibit highly complex absorption. Evidence for black hole spin based on the X‐ray spectra therefore remains tentative. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract– Asteroids and their fragments have impacted the Earth for the last 4.5 Gyr. Carbonaceous meteorites are known to contain a wealth of indigenous organic molecules, including amino acids, which suggests that these meteorites could have been an important source of prebiotic organic material during the origins of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere. We report the detection of extraterrestrial amino acids in thermally altered type 3 CV and CO carbonaceous chondrites and ureilites recovered from Antarctica. The amino acid concentrations of the thirteen Antarctic meteorites ranged from 300 to 3200 parts‐per‐billion (ppb), generally much less abundant than in amino acid‐rich CI, CM, and CR carbonaceous chondrites that experienced much lower temperature aqueous alteration on their parent bodies. In contrast to low‐temperature aqueously altered meteorites that show complete structural diversity in amino acids formed predominantly by Strecker–cyanohydrin synthesis, the thermally altered meteorites studied here are dominated by small, straight‐chain, amine terminal (n‐ω‐amino) amino acids that are not consistent with Strecker formation. The carbon isotopic ratios of two extraterrestrial n‐ω‐amino acids measured in one of the CV chondrites (δ13C approximately ?25‰) are consistent with 13C‐depletions observed previously in hydrocarbons produced by Fischer‐Tropsch type reactions. The predominance of n‐ω‐amino acid isomers in thermally altered meteorites hints at cosmochemical mechanisms for the preferential formation and preservation of a small subset of the possible amino acids.  相似文献   

Miller Range (MIL) 090340 and MIL 090206 are olivine‐rich achondrites originally classified as ureilites. We investigate their petrography, mineral compositions, olivine Cr valences, equilibration temperatures, and (for MIL 090340) oxygen isotope compositions, and compare them with ureilites and other olivine‐rich achondrites. We conclude that they are brachinite‐like achondrites that provide new insights into the petrogenesis of brachinite clan meteorites. MIL 090340,6 has a granoblastic texture and consists of ~97 modal % by area olivine (Fo = molar Mg/[Mg+Fe] = 71.3 ± 0.6). It also contains minor to trace augite, chromite, chlorapatite, orthopyroxene, metal, troilite, and terrestrial Fe‐oxides. Approximately 80% by area of MIL 090206,5 has a granoblastic texture of olivine (Fo 72.3 ± 0.1) plus minor augite and chromite, similar to MIL 090340 but also containing minor plagioclase. The rest of the section consists of a single crystal of orthopyroxene (~11 × 3 mm), poikilitically enclosing rounded grains of olivine (Fo = 76.1 ± 0.6), augite, chromite, metal, and sulfide. Equilibration temperatures for MIL 090340 and MIL 090206, calculated from olivine‐spinel, olivine‐augite, and two‐pyroxene thermometry range from ~800 to 930 °C. In both samples, symplectic intergrowths of Ca‐poor orthopyroxene + opaque phases (Fe‐oxides, sulfide, metal) occur as rims on and veins/patches within olivine. Before terrestrial weathering, the opaques were probably mostly sulfide, with minor metal. All petrologic properties of MIL 090340 and MIL 090206 are consistent with those of brachinite clan meteorites, and largely distinct from those of ureilites. Oxygen isotope compositions of olivine in MIL 090340 (δ18O = 5.08 ± 0.30‰, δ17O = 2.44 ± 0.21‰, and Δ17O = ?0.20 ± 0.12‰) are also within the range of brachinite clan meteorites, and well distinguished from ureilites. Olivine Cr valences in MIL 090340 and the granoblastic area of MIL 090206 are 2.57 ± 0.06 and 2.59 ± 0.07, respectively, similar to those of three brachinites also analyzed here (Brachina, Hughes 026, Nova 003). They are higher than those of olivine in ureilites, even those containing chromite. The valence systematics of MIL 090340, MIL 090206, and the three analyzed brachinites (lower Fo = more oxidized Cr) are consistent with previous evidence that brachinite‐like parent bodies were inherently more oxidized than the ureilite parent body. The symplectic orthopyroxene + sulfide/metal assemblages in MIL 090340, MIL 090206, and many brachinite clan meteorites have superficial similarities to characteristic “reduction rims” in ureilites. However, they differ significantly in detail. They likely formed by reaction of olivine with S‐rich fluids, with only minor reduction. MIL 090340 and the granoblastic area of MIL 090206 are similar in modal mineralogy and texture to most brachinites, but have higher Fo values typical of brachinite‐like achondrites. The poikilitic pyroxene area of MIL 090206 is more typical of brachinite‐like achondrites. The majority of their properties suggest that MIL 090340 and MIL 090206 are residues of low‐degree partial melting. The poikilitic area of MIL 090206 could be a result of limited melt migration, with trapping and recrystallization of a small volume of melt in the residual matrix. These two samples are so similar in mineral compositions, Cr valence, and cosmic ray exposure ages that they could be derived from the same lithologic unit on a common parent body.  相似文献   

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