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Abstract— The CBb chondrites are rare, primitive, metal‐rich meteorites that contain several features, including zoned metal, that have previously been interpreted as evidence for origins in the solar nebula. We have measured concentrations of Ni, Cu, Ga, Ru, Pd, Ir, and Au within both zoned and unzoned metal grains in the CBb chondrites Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 237 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94627 using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The refractory elements Ni, Ru, and Ir are enriched in the grain cores, relative to the rims, in the zoned metal. All refractory elements are uniform across the unzoned metal grains, at concentrations that are highly variable between grains. The volatile elements Cu, Ga, and Au are usually depleted relative to chondritic abundances and are most often uniform within the grains but are sometimes slightly elevated at the outermost rim. The Pd abundances are nearly uniform, at close to chondritic abundances, in all of the metal grains. A condensation origin is inferred for both types of metal. The data support a model in which the zoned metal formed at high temperatures, in a relatively rapidly cooling nebular gas, and the unzoned metal formed at lower temperatures and at a lower cooling rate. The CBb metal appears to have formed by a process very similar to that of the CH chondrites, but the CBb meteorite components experienced even less thermal alteration following their formation and are among the most primitive materials known to have formed in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied the CB carbonaceous chondrites Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411, Hammadah al Hamra (HH) 237, and Bencubbin with an emphasis on the petrographical and mineralogical effects of the shock processing that these meteorite assemblages have undergone. Iron‐nickel metal and chondrule silicates are the main components in these meteorites. These high‐temperature components are held together by shock melts consisting of droplets of dendritically intergrown Fe,Ni‐metal/sulfide embedded in silicate glass, which is substantially more FeO‐rich (30–40 wt%) than the chondrule silicates (FeO <5 wt%). Fine‐grained matrix material, which is a major component in most other chondrite classes, is extremely scarce in QUE 94411 and HH 237, and has not been observed in Bencubbin. This material occurs as rare, hydrated matrix lumps with major and minor element abundances roughly similar to the ferrous silicate shock melts (and CI). We infer that hydrated, fine‐grained material, compositionally similar to these matrix lumps, was originally present between the Fe,Ni‐metal grains and chondrules, but was preferentially shock melted. Other shock‐related features in QUE 94411, HH 237, and Bencubbin include an alignment and occasionally strong plastic deformation of metal and chondrule fragments. The existence of chemically zoned and metastable Fe,Ni‐metal condensates in direct contact with shock melts indicates that the shock did not substantially increase the average temperature of the rock. Because porphyritic olivine‐pyroxene chondrules are absent in QUE 94411, HH 237, and Bencubbin, it is difficult to determine the precise shock stage of these meteorites, but the shock was probably relatively light (S2–S3), consistent with a bulk temperature increase of the assemblages of less than ?300 °C. The apparently similar shock processing of Bencubbin, Weatherford, Gujba (CBa) and QUE 94411/HH 237 (CBb) supports the idea of a common asteroidal parent body for these meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fine‐grained, heavily‐hydrated lithic clasts in the metal‐rich (CB) chondrites Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411 and Hammadah al Hamra 237 and CH chondrites, such as Patuxent Range (PAT) 91546 and Allan Hills (ALH) 85085, are mineralogically similar suggesting genetic relationship between these meteorites. These clasts contain no anhydrous silicates and consist of framboidal and platelet magnetite, prismatic sulfides (pentlandite and pyrrhotite), and Fe‐Mn‐Mg‐bearing Ca‐carbonates set in a phyllosilicate‐rich matrix. Two types of phyllosilicates were identified: serpentine, with basal spacing of ?0.73 nm, and saponite, with basal spacings of about 1.1–1.2 nm. Chondrules and FeNi‐metal grains in CB and CH chondrites are believed to have formed at high temperature (>1300 K) by condensation in a solar nebula region that experienced complete vaporization. The absence of aqueous alteration of chondrules and metal grains in CB and CH chondrites indicates that the clasts experienced hydration in an asteroidal setting prior to incorporation into the CH and CB parent bodies. The hydrated clasts were either incorporated during regolith gardening or accreted together with chondrules and FeNi‐metal grains after these high‐temperature components had been transported from their hot formation region to a much colder region of the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— The metal‐rich chondrites Hammadah al Hamra (HH) 237 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411, paired with QUE 94627, contain relatively rare (<1 vol%) calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and Al‐diopside‐rich chondrules. Forty CAIs and CAI fragments and seven Al‐diopside‐rich chondrules were identified in HH 237 and QUE 94411/94627. The CAIs, ~50–400 μm in apparent diameter, include (a) 22 (56%) pyroxene‐spinel ± melilite (+forsterite rim), (b) 11 (28%) forsterite‐bearing, pyroxene‐spinel ± melilite ± anorthite (+forsterite rim) (c) 2 (5%) grossite‐rich (+spinel‐melilite‐pyroxene rim), (d) 2 (5%) hibonite‐melilite (+spinel‐pyroxene ± forsterite rim), (e) 1 (2%) hibonite‐bearing, spinel‐perovskite (+melilite‐pyroxene rim), (f) 1 (2%) spinel‐melilite‐pyroxene‐anorthite, and (g) 1 (2%) amoeboid olivine aggregate. Each type of CAI is known to exist in other chondrite groups, but the high abundance of pyroxene‐spinel ± melilite CAIs with igneous textures and surrounded by a forsterite rim are unique features of HH 237 and QUE 94411/94627. Additionally, oxygen isotopes consistently show relatively heavy compositions with Δ17O ranging from ?6%0 to ?10%0 (1σ = 1.3%0) for all analyzed CAI minerals (grossite, hibonite, melilite, pyroxene, spinel). This suggests that the CAIs formed in a reservoir isotopically distinct from the reservoir(s) where “normal”, 16O‐rich (Δ17O < ?20%0) CAIs in most other chondritic meteorites formed. The Al‐diopside‐rich chondrules, which have previously been observed in CH chondrites and the unique carbonaceous chondrite Adelaide, contain Al‐diopside grains enclosing oriented inclusions of forsterite, and interstitial anorthitic mesostasis and Al‐rich, Ca‐poor pyroxene, occasionally enclosing spinel and forsterite. These chondrules are mineralogically similar to the Al‐rich barred‐olivine chondrules in HH 237 and QUE 94411/94627, but have lower Cr concentrations than the latter, indicating that they may have formed during the same chondrule‐forming event, but at slightly different ambient nebular temperatures. Aluminum‐diopside grains from two Al‐diopside‐rich chondrules have O‐isotopic compositions (Δ17O ? ?7 ± 1.1 %0) similar to CAI minerals, suggesting that they formed from an isotopically similar reservoir. The oxygen‐isotopic composition of one Ca, Al‐poor cryptocrystalline chondrule in QUE 94411/94627 was analyzed and found to have Δ17O ? ?3 ± 1.4%0. The characteristics of the CAIs in HH 237 and QUE 94411/94627 are inconsistent with an impact origin of these metal‐rich meteorites. Instead they suggest that the components in CB chondrites are pristine products of large‐scale, high‐temperature processes in the solar nebula and should be considered bona fide chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Nova 001 [= Nuevo Mercurio (b)] and Nullarbor 010 meteorites are ureilites, both of which contain euhedral graphite crystals. The bulk of the meteorites are olivine (Fo79) and pyroxenes (Wo9En73Fs18, Wo3En77Fs20), with a few percent graphite and minor amounts of troilite, Ni-Fe metal, and possibly diamond. The rims of olivine grains are reduced (to Fo91) and contain abundant blebs of Fe metal. Silicate mineral grains are equant, anhedral, up to 2 mm across, and lack obvious preferred orientations. Euhedral graphite crystals (to 1 mm x 0.3 mm) are present at silicate grain boundaries, along boundaries and protruding into the silicates, and entirely within silicate mineral grains. Graphite euhedra are also present as radiating clusters and groups of parallel plates grains embedded in olivine; no other ureilite has comparable graphite textures. Minute lumps within graphite grains are possibly diamond, inferred to be a result of shock. Other shock effects are limited to undulatory extinction and fracturing. Both ureilites have been weathered significantly. Considering their similar mineralogies, identical mineral compositions, and identical unusual textures, Nova 001 and Nullarbor 010 are probably paired. Based on olivine compositions, Nova 001 and Nullarbor 010 are in Group 1 (FeO-rich) of Berkley et al. (1980). Silicate mineral compositions are consistent with those of other known ureilites. The presence of euhedral graphite crystals within the silicate minerals is consistent with an igneous origin, and suggests that large proportions of silicate magma were present locally and crystallized in situ.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three augite-bearing ureilites from Antarctica, Y74130, MET78008 and ALH82106, have been studied by electron microprobe, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM). The first two belong to the low-16O subgroup of Clayton and Mayeda (1988) and are closely related; ALH82106 belongs to the high-16O subgroup. MET78008 is an augite-olivine ureilite, similar to the augite-bearing part of the Y74130. Augites poikilitically include ellipsoidal pigeonites, and low-Ca pyroxene poikilitically encloses ellipsoidal olivine and augite. The temperature of last equilibration deduced from an orthopyroxene-pigeonite-augite assemblage is above 1200 °C. The ALH82106 pigeonite contains irregular augite inclusions produced by decomposition. Augites in Y74130, MET78008 and ALH82106 (decomposed one) all show similar spinodal decomposition textures on the TEM scale. Cooling rates estimated from an experimentally calibrated diagram for the wavelengths of spinodal decomposition versus cooling rates are about 20 °C/hr. The calcic trend for the low-16O subgroup including Y74130 and MET78008 shows large Ca variations in pyroxene with similar Mg/Fe ratio; differentiation involving reduction was not an important process. Augite in ALH82106 is a minor phase and contains lower Na2O contents than Y74130 and MET78008, confirming that ALH82106 is not directly related to them.  相似文献   

Abstract– We performed micro‐Raman spectroscopic analyses of the carbon vein in five ureilites: Allan Hills (ALH) A77257, Northwest Africa (NWA) 3140, Shi?r 007, Yamato 790981 (Y‐790981), and Yamato 791538 (Y‐791538). The graphite peaks showed that the graphite structure in ureilite is well developed, especially compared with the carbonaceous material in carbonaceous chondrite. The domain sizes of the graphite were 45–110 Å. We observed shifts in the diamond peak positions to higher wave numbers with a large full width at half maximum (FWHM), especially for NWA 3140. Although the FWHM of a diamond peak is not a crucial diagnostic test for a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) origin of diamond, the shift of the diamond peaks to higher wave numbers could be a strong indicator that supports the CVD origin as these shifts have only been observed in CVD diamonds. We discuss the origin of diamond from various aspects, and confirm that the CVD model is the most plausible. We conclude that all carbon material (graphite, amorphous carbon, diamond, etc.) condensed on the early condensates in the primitive solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— Polymict ureilites contain various mineral and lithic clasts not observed in monomict ureilites, including plagioclase, enstatite, feldspathic melt clasts and dark inclusions. This paper investigates the microdistributions and petrogenetic implications of rare earth elements (REEs) in three polymict ureilites (Elephant Moraine (EET) 83309, EET 87720 and North Haig), focusing particularly on the mineral and lithic clasts not found in monomict ureilites. As in monomict ureilites, olivine and pyroxene are the major heavy (H)REE carriers in polymict ureilites. They have light (L)REE‐depleted patterns with little variation in REE abundances, despite large differences in major element compositions. The textural and REE characteristics of feldspathic melt clasts in the three polymict ureilites indicate that they are most likely shocked melt that sampled the basaltic components associated with ureilites on their parent body. Simple REE modeling shows that the most common melt clasts in polymict ureilites can be produced by 20–30% partial melting of chondritic material, leaving behind a ureilitic residue. The plagioclase clasts, as well as some of the high‐Ca pyroxene grains, probably represent plagioclase‐pyroxene rock types on the ureilite parent body. However, the variety of REE patterns in both plagioclase and melt clasts cannot be the result of a single igneous differentiation event. Multiple processes, probably including shock melting and different sources, are required to account for all the REE characteristics observed in lithic and mineral clasts. The C‐rich matrix in polymict ureilites is LREE‐enriched, like that in monomict ureilites. The occurrence of Ce anomalies in C‐rich matrix, dark inclusions and the presence of the hydration product, iddingsite, imply significant terrestrial weathering. A search for 26Mg excesses, from the radioactive decay of 26Al, in the polymict ureilite EET 83309 was negative.  相似文献   

Abstract— Y74123 is an olivine-rich, relatively unshocked ureilite and contains more interstitial pigeonitic materials than do ureilites which have been reported previously. Thus, Y74123 is especially suited for detailed study of the interstitial materials. We have studied these materials by optical microscope, electron microprobe, scanning electron microscope, high resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) and analytical TEM to gain a better understanding of their nature and origin. Y790981, with shock partial melts, has also been examined by the same techniques. Bulk chemical compositions of the interstitial materials in Y74123 are pyroxene-like and have higher CaO and Al2O3 contents than the large pigeonite and olivine core. Interstitial materials at olivine-pigeonite grain boundaries are richer in CaO and Al2O3 than those at olivine-olivine grain boundaries. TEM observations of the interstitial material of Y74123 show that it consists of alternating pigeonite-augite lamellae more than 3.5 μm thick on (001). This texture suggests that the rim material had already crystallized before the parent body breakup. The shock-produced glassy veins in Y790981 cut through the rim materials. These observations are consistent with the idea that the interstitial materials in this ureilite are a mixture of residual liquids of high Ca melts and shock-produced partial melts of olivine and pigeonite. This mixture accumulated along the grain boundaries and some of it is trapped within grains.  相似文献   

A detailed mineralogical and chemical study of Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (MS‐20, MS‐165, MS‐168) was performed to shed light on the origin of these lithologies and their sulfide and metal. The Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (silicates <30 μm grain size) show textural and chemical evidence for severe impact smelting as described for other fine‐grained ureilites. Highly reduced areas in Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites show large (up to ~1 mm) Si‐bearing metal grains (up to ~4.5 wt% Si) and niningerite [Mg>0.5,(Mn,Fe)<0.5S] with some similarities to the mineralogy of enstatite (E) chondrites. Overall, metal grains show a large compositional variability in Ni and Si concentrations. Niningerite grains probably formed as a by‐product of smelting via sulfidation. The large Si‐Ni variation in fine‐grained ureilite metal could be the result of variable degrees of reduction during impact smelting, inherited from coarse‐grained ureilite precursors, or a combination of both. Large Si‐bearing metal grains probably formed via coalescence of existing and newly formed metal during impact smelting. Bulk and in situ siderophile trace element abundances indicate three distinct populations of (1) metal crystallized from partial melts in MS‐20, (2) metal resembling bulk chondritic compositions in MS‐165, and (3) residual metal in MS‐168. Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites developed their distinctive mineralogy due to severe reduction during smelting. Despite the presence of E chondrite and ureilite stones in the Almahata Sitta fall, a mixing relation of E chondrites or their constituents and ureilite material in Almahata Sitta can be ruled out based on isotopic, textural, and mineral‐chemical reasons.  相似文献   

Abstract— The microtextures of pigeonite in four ureilites, Allan Hills (ALH) 77257, Reckling Peak (RKP) A80239, Yamato (Y‐) 791538, and Allan Hills A81101, chosen to span a range of composition and shock level, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two of the samples were also investigated by single crystal X‐ray diffraction to determine Fe2+‐Mg cation site partitioning. The low‐shock and compositionally homogeneous pigeonites in ALHA77257 and RKPA80329 (Wo 6.4 for both, mg 86.3 and 84.3 respectively) display irregularly spaced, shock‐induced stacking faults oriented parallel to (100), and large antiphase domains (50–100 nm). Antiphase domains have no preferential orientation. No evidence of exsolution was observed. The low‐shock Y‐791538 pigeonite is homogeneous and has higher Ca and mg (Wo 9.4, mg 91.2). TEM investigation showed spinodal decomposition, indicative of incipient exsolution; small antiphase domains were observed (~5 nm). Single crystal refinement yielded R4s? = 5.71%, with Fe2+‐Mg partitioning coefficient kd = 0.077(8) and Tc = 658(35) °C. ALHA81101 has compositionally heterogeneous pyroxenes, with large local variations in Wo and mg (Wo = 4–13, mg = 86–68). No compositional gradients from core to rim of grains were observed, and the heterogeneity is interpreted as related to cation migration during shock. In one relatively Ca‐rich region (Wo~12), TEM analysis showed augite‐pigeonite exsolution lamellae, with spacing 145(20) nm. Results for ALHA77257, RKPA80239, and Y‐791538 support a model of rapid cooling following breakup of the ureilite parent body. The presence of exsolution lamellae in ALHA81101 can be related to a local shock‐induced Ca enrichment and provides no constraint on the late cooling history.  相似文献   

Bell Regio is a highland fragment south of Ishtar Terra, extending 1300 km in N-S direction and 900 km in E-W direction. South of this region Eisila Regio is located with an E-W extension of 8000 km and a width of 2000 km. Bell Regio consists of two large massifs: a northern massif with maximum altitudes of 2.5 to 3.0 km above the 6051 km datum and with a semi-corona (other coronae on Venus are associated with volcanic-tectonic processes) and a southern massif with a maximum of 4 to 4.5 km above the datum. The possible shield volcano Tepev Mons of 250 km in diameter is superimposed on the southern massif. It shows a radar dark crater of 40 km diameter on its eastern flank, a crater-like feature of 15 km diameter on the top and a radar bright area extending from the dark crater across the summit. South of Tepev Mons are several volcanic structures with summit depressions. The crest of Bell Regio exhibits a N-S extending fossa system. The whole fresh appearing plain-like area has been classified as rather young compared to other units. Gravity data show a maximum of 33 mGal at Bell Regio and 35 mGal at eastern Eisila Regio. The basins north and south of the highland fragments are associated with gravity lows.Density models have been calculated along the gravity profile Rev. 163 of Pioneer Venus Orbiter across Bell and Eisila Regiones assuming Airy isostatic compensation of the topography and considering several boundary conditions (e.g. mean crustal thickness T<- 100 km). There are two groups of density models in the case of Airy compensation. In the first group global total compensation is assumed along the profile and regional partial compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones. This solution gives a range of possible models with 10 km <- T <- 100 km and a partial compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones between 12% and 55%. Thus these two highland fragments show subsurface surplus masses.The second group of models considers for the whole profile total compensation with a global T <- 100 km and a regional very large depth of compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones, i.e. T > 100 km.The highland of Beta Regio has, like Bell Regio, a N-S rifting system, volcanic structures, a fresh appearing plain-like surface and either deep-seating compensating masses or near surface surplus masses. Bell can be considered as little sister of Beta. The geological and geophysical results imply a volcanic-tectonic uplift over a hot spot. The conditions of Atla Regio in eastern Aphrodite Terra are similar. Thus the existence of volcanic-tectonic uplifts support the important role of hot spot volcanism on Venus.Contribution Nr. 343, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, F.R.G.  相似文献   

The anomalous polymict ureilite Almahata Sitta (AhS) fell in 2008 when asteroid 2008 TC3 disintegrated over Sudan and formed a strewn field of disaggregated clasts of various ureilitic and chondritic types. We studied the petrology and oxygen isotope compositions of enstatite meteorite samples from the University of Khartoum (UoK) collection of AhS. In addition, we describe the first bona fide (3.5 mm-sized) clast of an enstatite chondrite (EC) in a typical polymict ureilite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 10657. We evaluate whether 2008 TC3 and typical polymict ureilites have a common origin, and examine implications for the history of enstatite meteorite asteroids in the solar system. Based on mineralogy, mineral compositions, and textures, the seven AhS EC clasts studied comprise one EHa3 (S151), one ELb3 (AhS 1002), two EHb4-5 (AhS 2012, AhS 26), two EHb5-6 or possibly impact melt rocks (AhS 609, AhS 41), and one ELb6-7 (AhS 17), while the EC clast in NWA 10657 is EHa3. Oxygen isotope compositions analyzed for five of these are similar to those of EC from non-UoK collections of AhS, and within the range of individual EC meteorites. There are no correlations of oxygen isotope composition with chemical group or subgroup. The EC clasts from the UoK collection show the same large range of types as those from non-UoK collections of AhS. The enstatite achondrite, AhS 60, is a unique type (not known as an individual meteorite) that has also been found among non-UoK AhS samples. EC are the most abundant non-ureilitic clasts in AhS but previously were thought to be absent in typical polymict ureilites, necessitating a distinct origin for AhS. The discovery of an EC in NWA 10657 changes this. We argue that the types of materials in AhS and typical polymict ureilites are essentially similar, indicating a common origin. We elaborate on a model in which AhS and typical polymict ureilites formed in the same regolith on a ureilitic daughter body. Most non-ureilitic clasts are remnants of impactors implanted at ~50–60 Myr after CAI. Differences in abundances can be explained by the stochastic nature of impactor addition. There is no significant difference between the chemical/petrologic types of EC in polymict ureilites and individual EC meteorites. This implies that fragments of the same populations of EC parent bodies were available as impactors at ~50–60 Myr after CAI and recently. This can be explained if materials excavated from various depths on EC bodies at ~50–60 Myr after CAI were reassembled into mixed layers, leaving relatively large bodies intact to survive 4 billion years. Polymict ureilites record a critical timestep in the collisional and dynamical evolution of the solar system, showing that asteroids that may have accreted at distant locations had migrated to within proximity of one another by 50–60 Myr after CAI, and providing constraints on the dynamical processes that could have caused such migrations.  相似文献   

Abstract— In 1998, Dar al Gani (DaG) 476 was found in the Libyan desert. The meteorite is classified as a basaltic shergottite and is only the 13th martian meteorite known to date. It has a porphyritic texture consisting of a fine‐grained groundmass and larger olivines. The groundmass consists of pyroxene and feldspathic glass. Minor phases are oxides and sulfides as well as phosphates. The presence of olivine, orthopyroxene, and chromite is a feature that DaG 476 has in common with lithology A of Elephant Moraine (EET) A79001. However, in DaG 476, these phases appear to be early phenocrysts rather than xenocrysts. Shock features, such as twinning, mosaicism, and impact‐melt pockets, are ubiquitous. Terrestrial weathering was severe and led to formation of carbonate veins following grain boundaries and cracks. With a molar MgO/(MgO + FeO) of 0.68, DaG 476 is the most magnesian member among the basaltic shergottites. Compositions of augite and pigeonite and some of the bulk element concentrations are intermediate between those of lherzolitic and basaltic shergottites. However, major elements, such as Fe and Ti, as well as LREE concentrations are considerably lower than in other shergottites. Noble gas concentrations are low and dominated by the mantle component previously found in Chassigny. A component, similar to that representing martian atmosphere, is virtually absent. The ejection age of 1.35 ± 0.10 Ma is older than that of EETA79001 and could possibly mark a distinct ejection. Dar al Gani 476 is classified as a basaltic shergottite based on its mineralogy. It has a fine‐grained groundmass consisting of clinopyroxene, pigeonite and augite, feldspathic glass and chromite, Ti‐chromite, ilmenite, sulfides, and whitlockite. Isolated olivine and single chromite grains occur in the groundmass. Orthopyroxene forms cores of some pigeonite grains. Shock‐features, such as shock‐twinning, mosaicism, cracks, and impact‐melt pockets, are abundant. Severe weathering in the Sahara led to significant formation of carbonate veins crosscutting the entire meteorite. Dar al Gani 476 is distinct from other known shergottites. Chemically, it is the most magnesian member among known basaltic shergottites and intermediate in composition for most trace and major elements between Iherzolitic and basaltic shergottites. Unique are the very low bulk REE element abundances. The CI‐normalized abundances of LREEs are even lower than those of Iherzolitic shergottites. The overall abundance pattern, however, is similar to that of QUE 94201. Textural evidence indicates that orthopyroxene, as well as olivine and chromite, crystallized as phenocrysts from a magma similar in composition to that of bulk DaG 476. Whether such a magma composition can be a shergottite parent melt or was formed by impact melting needs to be explored further. At this time, it cannot entirely be ruled out that these phases represent relics of disaggregated xenoliths that were incorporated and partially assimilated by a basaltic melt, although the texture does not support this possibility. Trapped noble gas concentrations are low and dominated by a Chassigny‐like mantle component. Virtually no martian atmosphere was trapped in DaG 476 whole‐rock splits. The exposure age of 1.26 ± 0.09 Ma is younger than that of most shergottites and closer to that of EETA79001. The ejection age of 1.35 ± 0.1 Ma could mark another distinct impact event.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic measurements of the Ap star HD 9996 yielded the radial velocity and the strength of the effective magnetic field. From the reversal of the magnetic field periods smaller than 4.92 years can be excluded. We cannot state an exact period, but a value of 20.60 years seems to be the most probable one. Further we find hints at a short period of about 1.8 days for the variations in the radial velocities as well as in the magnetic field strengths. The elements of the binary motion were derived.  相似文献   

Six complete samples of radio sources have been analysed by the Spearman rank and the Spearman partial-rank correlation coefficients. The relations between the radio luminosities and linear sizes as well as between linear sizes and redshift indicate that the observed angular diameter-redshift diagram may be explained by the changes of linear sizes with radio luminosity of radio sources.  相似文献   

A carbon‐rich melt fragment from the Gardnos impact structure has been studied for a better understanding of the preservation and structural form(s) of carbon that have been processed by impact melting. The carbon was analyzed in situ in its original petrographic context within the melt fragment, using high‐resolution techniques including focused ion beam‐transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Results show that the carbon is largely uniform and has a nanocrystalline grain size. The Gardnos carbon has a graphitic structure but with a large c/a ratio indicating disorder. The disorder could be a result of rapid heating to high temperatures during impact, followed by rapid cooling, with not enough time to crystallize into highly ordered graphite. However, temperature distribution during impact is extremely heterogenous, and the disordered Gardnos carbon could also represent material that avoided extreme temperatures, and thus, it was preserved. Understanding the structure of carbon during terrestrial impacts is important to help determine if the history of carbon within extraterrestrial samples is impact related. Furthermore, the degree of preservation of carbon during impact is key for locating and detecting organic compounds in extraterrestrial samples. This example from Gardnos, together with previous studies, shows that not all carbon is lost to oxidation during impact but that impact melting can encapsulate and preserve carbon where it is available.  相似文献   

The converging cylindrical and spherical shock waves have been numerically simulated. The flow is created by rupturing the diaphragm. The behaviour of the solution in the focussing stage is closely investigated and compared with the other results. An invariant difference scheme of Rusanov is used to follow the propagation of the shock wave. The study includes not only the moderate initial pressure ratio but also pressure ratios amounting up to thousands. The same scheme has been used from the initial stage of the focussing stage near the axis.  相似文献   

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