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Mineralogic, textural, and compositional studies of black and white matrices in the unequilibrated ordinary chondrite Tieschitz (H/L, 3.6) show, for the first time in an ordinary chondrite, the presence of widespread, randomly distributed geode‐like voids and veins. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies show that these voids and veins are partially or completely filled by sodic–calcic amphiboles (winchite and barroisite). The occurrence of amphiboles provides unequivocal evidence of the involvement of fluids in the metamorphic evolution of the parent body of Tieschitz. The presence of amphiboles as the main hydrous phases, rather than phyllosilicates, indicates that aqueous fluids were present at or close to the peak of thermal metamorphism, rather than during the waning stages of the cooling history of the parent body. In addition, ferrous olivine crystals, in association with the amphibole, also establish an important link between thermal metamorphism and hydrous phases formed at high temperatures. Mineralogic and textural evidence suggests that the white matrix and amphibole formed contemporaneously from the same hydrous fluid, prior to the formation of ferrous olivine crystals. Additionally, a dark inclusion identified in the host chondrite has mineralogic, petrologic, and bulk chemical characteristics that are similar to the black matrix of host Tieschitz, suggesting that this dark inclusion was emplaced before or during parent body metamorphism.  相似文献   

Renazzo‐type (CR) carbonaceous chondrites belong to one of the most pristine meteorite groups containing various early solar system components such as matrix and fine‐grained rims (FGRs), whose formation mechanisms are still debated. Here, we have investigated FGRs of three Antarctic CR chondrites (GRA 95229, MIL 07525, and EET 92161) by electron microscopy techniques. We specifically focused on the abundances and chemical compositions of the amorphous silicates within the rims and matrix by analytical transmission electron microscopy. Comparison of the amorphous silicate composition to a matrix area of GRA 95229 clearly shows a compositional relationship between the matrix and the fine‐grained rim, such as similar Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios. This relationship and the abundance of the amorphous silicates in the rims strengthen a solar nebular origin and rule out a primary formation mechanism by parent body processes such as chondrule erosion. Moreover, our chemical analyses of the amorphous silicates and their abundance indicate that the CR rims experienced progressive alteration stages. According to our analyses, the GRA 95229 sample is the least altered one based on its high modal abundance of amorphous silicates (31%) and close‐to‐chondritic Fe/Si ratios, followed by MIL 07525 and finally EET 92161 with lesser amounts of amorphous silicates (12% and 5%, respectively) and higher Fe/Si ratios. Abundances and chemical compositions of amorphous silicates within matrix and rims are therefore suitable recorders to track different alteration stages on a submicron scale within variably altered CR chondrites.  相似文献   

We investigated the inventory of presolar silicate, oxide, and silicon carbide (SiC) grains of fine‐grained chondrule rims in six Mighei‐type (CM) carbonaceous chondrites (Banten, Jbilet Winselwan, Maribo, Murchison, Murray and Yamato 791198), and the CM‐related carbonaceous chondrite Sutter's Mill. Sixteen O‐anomalous grains (nine silicates, six oxides) were detected, corresponding to a combined matrix‐normalized abundance of ~18 ppm, together with 21 presolar SiC grains (~42 ppm). Twelve of the O‐rich grains are enriched in 17O, and could originate from low‐mass asymptotic giant branch stars. One grain is enriched in 17O and significantly depleted in 18O, indicative of additional cool bottom processing or hot bottom burning in its stellar parent, and three grains are of likely core‐collapse supernova origin showing enhanced 18O/16O ratios relative to the solar system ratio. We find a presolar silicate/oxide ratio of 1.5, significantly lower than the ratios typically observed for chondritic meteorites. This may indicate a higher degree of aqueous alteration in the studied meteorites, or hint at a heterogeneous distribution of presolar silicates and oxides in the solar nebula. Nevertheless, the low O‐anomalous grain abundance is consistent with aqueous alteration occurring in the protosolar nebula and/or on the respective parent bodies. Six O‐rich presolar grains were studied by Auger Electron Spectroscopy, revealing two Fe‐rich silicates, one forsterite‐like Mg‐rich silicate, two Al‐oxides with spinel‐like compositions, and one Fe‐(Mg‐)oxide. Scanning electron and transmission electron microscopic investigation of a relatively large silicate grain (490 nm × 735 nm) revealed that it was crystalline åkermanite (Ca2Mg[Si2O7]) or a an åkermanite‐diopside (MgCaSi2O6) intergrowth.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a detailed petrographic and electron microprobe study of metal grains and related opaque minerals in the chondrule interiors and rims of the Bishunpur (LL3.1) ordinary chondrite. There are distinct differences between metal grains that are completely encased in chondrule interiors and those that have some portion of their surface exposed outside of the chondrule boundary, even though the two types of metal grains can be separated by only a few microns. Metal grains in chondrule interiors exhibit minor alteration in the form of oxidized P‐, Cr‐, and Si‐bearing minerals. Metal grains at chondrule boundaries and in chondrule rims are extensively altered into troilite and fayalite. The results of this study suggest that many metal grains in Bishunpur reacted with a type‐I chondrule melt and incorporated significant amounts of P, Cr, and Si. As the system cooled, some metal oxidation occurred in the chondrule interior, producing metal‐associated phosphate, chromite, and silica. Metal that migrated to chondrule boundaries experienced extensive corrosion as a result of exposure to the external atmosphere present during chondrule formation. It appears that chondrule‐derived metal and its corrosion products were incorporated into the fine‐grained rims that surround many type‐I chondrules, contributing to their Fe‐rich compositions. We propose that these fine‐grained rims formed by a combination of corrosion of metal expelled from the chondrule interior and accretion of fine‐grained mineral fragments and microchondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Wark‐Lovering rims of six calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) representing the main CAI types and groups in Allende, Efremovka and Vigarano were microsurgically separated and analysed by neutron activation analysis (NAA). All the rims have similar ~4x enrichments, relative to the interiors, of highly refractory lithophile and siderophile elements. The NAA results are confirmed by ion microprobe and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of rim perovskites and rim metal grains. Less refractory Eu, Yb, V, Sr, Ca and Ni are less enriched in the rims. The refractory element patterns in the rims parallel the patterns in the outer parts of the CAIs. In particular, the rims on type B1 CAIs have the igneously fractionated rare earth element (REE) pattern of the melilite mantle below the rim and not the REE pattern of the bulk CAI, proving that the refractory elements in the rims were derived from the outer mantle and were not condensates onto the CAIs. The refractory elements were enriched in an Al2O3‐rich residue <50 μm thick after the most volatile ~80% of the outermost 200 μm of each CAI had been volatilized, including much Mg, Si and Ca. Some volatilization occurred below the rim, and created refractory partial melts that crystallized hibonite and gehlenitic melilite. The required “flash heating” probably exceeded 2000 °C, but for only a few seconds, in order to melt only the outer CAI and to unselectively volatilize slow‐diffusing O isotopes which show no mass fractionation in the rim. The volatilization did, however, produce “heavy” mass‐fractionated Mg in rims. In some CAIs this was later obscured when “normal” Mg diffused in from accreted olivine grains at relatively high temperature (not the lower temperature meteorite metamorphism) and created the ~50 μm set of monomineralic rim layers of pyroxene, melilite and spinel.  相似文献   

A coordinated, electron‐backscatter‐diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) study was undertaken to obtain information on the origin of rims on refractory inclusions in the Allende and Axtell CV3 chondrites. These measurements were supported by theoretical modeling using density functional theory. Crystal‐orientation analysis of Wark‐Lovering rims via EBSD revealed pyroxene grains with similar crystallographic orientations to one another in both inclusions. An epitaxial relationship between grains within the diopside and anorthite rim layers was observed in Allende. TEM examination of the rims of both samples also revealed oriented crystals at depth. The microstructural data on the rims suggest that grain clusters grew in the form of three‐dimensional islands. Density functional theory calculations confirm that formation of oriented grain islands is the result of energy minimization at high temperature. The results point toward condensation as the mode of origin for the rims studied here.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the petrology and geochemistry of Northwest Africa (NWA) 4215, an unbrecciated diogenite recovered in the Sahara. This single stone, weighing 46.4 g, displays a wellpreserved cumulative texture. It consists of zoned xenomorphic orthopyroxene grains on the order of 500 μm in size, along with a few large chromite crystals (<5 vol%, up to 3 mm). Accessory olivine and scarce diopside grains occur within the groundmass, usually around the chromite crystals. Minor phases are cristobalite, troilite, and metal. Unlike other diogenites, orthopyroxenes (En76.2Wo1.1Fs22.7 to En68.6Wo5.5Fs25.9), olivines (Fo76 to Fo71), and chromites (Mg# = 14.3 44.0, Cr# = 42.2–86.5) are chemically zoned. The minor element behavior in orthopyroxenes and the intricate chemical profiles obtained in chromites indicate that the zonings do not mirror the evolution of the parental melt. We suggest that they resulted from reaction of the crystals with intercumulus melt. In order to preserve the observed zoning profiles, NWA 4215 clearly cooled significantly faster than other diogenites. Indeed, the cooling rate determined from the diffusion of Cr in olivine abutting chromite is in the order of 10–50 °C/a, suggesting that NWA 4215 formed within a small, shallow intrusion. The bulk composition of NWA 4215 has been determined for major and trace elements. This meteorite is weathered and its fractures are filled with calcite, limonite, and gypsum, typical of hot desert alteration. In particular, the FeO, CaO abundances and most of the trace element concentrations (Sr, Ba, Pb, and REE among others) are high and indicate a significant contribution from the secondary minerals. To remove the terrestrial contribution, we have leached with HCl a subsample of the meteorite. The residue, made essentially of orthopyroxene and chromite, has similar major and trace element abundances to diogenites as shown by the shape of its REE pattern or by its high Al/Ga ratio. The connection of NWA 4215 with diogenites is confirmed by its O‐isotopic composition (δ17O = 1.431 ± 0.102‰, δ18O = 3.203 ± 0.205‰, Δ17O = ?0.248 ± 0.005‰).  相似文献   

Abstract— –The presence of apparently unaltered, micron‐sized Fe,Ni metal grains, juxtaposed against hydrated fine‐grained rim materials in the CM2 chondrite Yamato (Y‐) 791198 has been cited as unequivocal evidence of preaccretionary alteration. We have examined the occurrence, composition, and textural characteristics of 60 Fe,Ni metal grains located in fine‐grained rims in Y‐791198 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron microprobe analysis. In addition, three metal grains, prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation techniques were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The metal grains are heterogeneously distributed within the rims. Electron microprobe analyses show that all the metal grains are kamacite with minor element contents (P, Cr, and Co) that lie either within or close to the range for other CM2 metal grains. X‐ray maps obtained by electron microprobe show S, P, and/or Ca enrichments on the outermost parts of many of the metal grains. Z‐contrast STEM imaging of FIB‐prepared Fe,Ni metal grains show the presence of a small amount of a lower Z secondary phase on the surface of the grains and within indentations on the grain surfaces. Energy‐filtered TEM (EFTEM) compositional mapping shows that these pits are enriched in oxygen and depleted in Fe relative to the metal. These observations are consistent with pitting corrosion of the metal on the edges of the grains and we suggest may be the result of the formation of Fe(OH)2, a common oxidation product of Fe metal. The presence of such a layer could have inhibited further alteration of the metal grains. These findings are consistent with alteration by an alkaline fluid as suggested by Zolensky et al. (1989), but the location of this alteration remains unconstrained, because Y‐791198 was recovered from Antarctica and therefore may have experienced incipient terrestrial alteration. However, we infer that the extremely low degree of oxidation of the metal is inconsistent with weathering in Antarctica and that alteration in an extraterrestrial environment is more probable. Although the presence of unaltered or incipiently altered metal grains in these fine‐grained rims could be interpreted as evidence for preaccretionary alteration, we suggest an alternative model in which metal alteration was inhibited by alkaline fluids on the asteroidal parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to investigate the distribution of 26A1 in chondrites, we measured aluminum‐magnesium systematics in four calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and eleven aluminum‐rich chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs). All four CAIs were found to contain radiogenic 26Mg (26Mg*) from the decay of 26A1. The inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratios for these objects ((26Al/27Al)0 ? 5 × 10?5) are indistinguishable from the (26Al/27Al)0 ratios found in most CAIs from carbonaceous chondrites. These observations, together with the similarities in mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions of the two sets of CAIs, imply that CAIs in UOCs and carbonaceous chondrites formed by similar processes from similar (or the same) isotopic reservoirs, or perhaps in a single location in the solar system. We also found 26Mg* in two of eleven aluminum‐rich chondrules. The (26Al/27Al)0 ratio inferred for both of these chondrules is ~1 × 10?5, clearly distinct from most CAIs but consistent with the values found in chondrules from type 3.0–3.1 UOCs and for aluminum‐rich chondrules from lightly metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites (~0.5 × 10?5 to ~2 × 10?5). The consistency of the (26Al/27Al)0 ratios for CAIs and chondrules in primitive chondrites, independent of meteorite class, implies broad‐scale nebular homogeneity with respect to 26Al and indicates that the differences in initial ratios can be interpreted in terms of formation time. A timeline based on 26Al indicates that chondrules began to form 1 to 2 Ma after most CAIs formed, that accretion of meteorite parent bodies was essentially complete by 4 Ma after CAIs, and that metamorphism was essentially over in type 4 chondrite parent bodies by 5 to 6 Ma after CAIs formed. Type 6 chondrites apparently did not cool until more than 7 Ma after CAIs formed. This timeline is consistent with 26Al as a principal heat source for melting and metamorphism.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscope studies of fine‐grained rims in three CM2 carbonaceous chondrites, Y‐791198, Murchison, and ALH 81002, have revealed the presence of widespread nanoparticles with a distinctive core–shell structure, invariably associated with carbonaceous material. These nanoparticles vary in size from ~20 nm up to 50 nm in diameter and consist of a core of Fe,Ni carbide surrounded by a continuous layer of polycrystalline magnetite. These magnetite shells are 5–7 nm in thickness irrespective of the diameter of the core Fe,Ni carbide grains. A narrow layer of amorphous carbon a few nanometers in thickness is present separating the carbide core from the magnetite shell in all the nanoparticles observed. The Fe,Ni carbide phases that constitute the core are consistent with both haxonite and cohenite, based on electron diffraction data, energy dispersive X‐ray analysis, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Z‐contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy shows that these core–shell magnetite‐carbide nanoparticles can occur as individual isolated grains, but more commonly occur in clusters of multiple particles. In addition, energy‐filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) images show that in all cases, the nanoparticles are embedded within regions of carbonaceous material or are coated with carbonaceous material. The observed nanostructures of the carbides and their association with carbonaceous material can be interpreted as being indicative of Fischer–Tropsch‐type (FTT) reactions catalyzed by nanophase Fe,Ni metal grains that were carburized during the catalysis reaction. The most likely environment for these FTT reactions appears to be the solar nebula consistent with the high thermal stability of haxonite and cohenite, compared with other carbides and the evidence of localized catalytic graphitization of the carbonaceous material. However, the possibility that such reactions occurred within the CM parent body cannot be excluded, although this scenario seems unlikely, because the kinetics of the reaction would be extremely slow at the temperatures inferred for CM asteroidal parent bodies. In addition, carbides are unlikely to be stable under the oxidizing conditions of alteration experienced by CM chondrites. Instead, it is most probable that the magnetite rims on all the carbide particles are the product of parent body oxidation of Fe,Ni carbides, but this oxidation was incomplete, because of the buildup of an impermeable layer of amorphous carbon at the interface between the magnetite and the carbide phase that arrested the reaction before it went to completion. These observations suggest that although FTT catalysis reactions may not have been the major mechanism of organic material formation within the solar nebula, they nevertheless contributed to the inventory of complex insoluble organic matter that is present in carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Shock‐metamorphosed rock fragments have been found in the Australasian microtektite layer from the South China Sea. Previous X‐ray diffraction (XRD) studies indicate that the most abundant crystalline phases in the rock fragments are coesite, quartz, and a 10 Å phase (mica/clay?). In addition, the presence of numerous other phases was suggested by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy‐dispersive X‐ray (EDX) analysis. In the present research, ten of the rock fragments, which had previously been studied using SEM/EDX, were studied by micro‐Raman spectroscopy. The presence of K‐feldspar, plagioclase, rutile, ilmenite, titanite, magnetite, calcite, and dolomite were confirmed. In addition, the high‐pressure TiO2 polymorph with an α‐PbO2 structure (i.e., TiO2II) was found in several rock fragments. Two grains previously thought to have been zircon, based on their compositions, were found to have Raman spectra that do not match the Raman spectra of zircon, reidite, or any of the possible decomposition products of zircon or their high‐pressure polymorphs. We speculate that the ZrSiO4 phase might be a previously unknown high‐pressure polymorph of zircon or one of its decomposition products (i.e., ZrO2 or SiO2). The presence of coesite and TiO2 II, and partial melting and vesiculation suggest that the rock fragments containing the unknown ZrSiO4 phase must have experienced shock pressures between 45 and 60 GPa. We conclude that micro‐Raman spectroscopy, in combination with XRD and SEM/EDX, is a powerful tool for the study of small, fine‐grained impact ejecta.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two dark lithic fragments and matrix of the Krymka LL3.1 chondrite were mineralogically and chemically studied in detail. These objects are characterised by the following chemical and mineralogical characteristics, which distinguish them from the host chondrite Krymka: (1) bulk chemical analyses revealed low totals (systematically lower than 94 wt%) due to high porosity; (2) enrichment in FeO and depletion in S, MgO and SiO2 due to a high abundance of Fe‐rich silicates and low sulfide abundance; (3) fine‐grained, almost chondrule‐free texture with predominance of a porous, cryptocrystalline groundmass and fine grains; (4) occurrence of a small amount of once‐molten material (microchondrules) enclosed in fine‐grained materials; (5) occurrence of accretionary features, especially unique accretionary spherules; (6) high abundance of small calcium‐ aluminium‐rich inclusions (CAIs) in one of the fine‐grained fragments. It is suggested that the abundance of CAIs in this fragment is one of the highest ever found in an ordinary chondrite. Accretionary, fine‐grained spherules within one of the fragments bear fundamental information about the initial stages of accretion as well as on the evolution of the clast, its incorporation, and history within the bulk rock of Krymka. The differences in porosity, bulk composition, and mineralogy of cores and rims of the fine‐grained spherulitic objects allow us to speculate on the following processes: (1) Low velocity accretion of tiny silicate grains onto the surface of coarse metal or silicate grains in a dusty region of the nebula is the beginning of the formation of accretionary, porous (fluffy) silicate spherules. (2) Within a dusty environment with decreasing silicate/(metal + sulfide) ratio the porous spherules collected abundant metal and sulfide particles together with silicate dust, which formed an accretionary rim. Variations of the silicate/(sulfide + metal) ratio in the dusty nebular environment result in the formation of multi‐layered rims on the surface of the silicate‐rich spherules. (3) Soft accretion and lithification of rimmed, fluffy spherules, fine‐grained, silicate‐rich dust, metal‐sulfide particles, CAIs, silicate‐rich microchondrules, and coarse silicate grains and fragments followed. (4) After low‐temperature processing of the primary, accretionary rock collisional fragmentation occurred, the fragments were subsequently coated by fine‐grained material, which was highly oxidized and depleted in sulfides. (5) In a final stage this accretionary “dusty” rock was incorporated as a fragment within the Krymka host.  相似文献   

We report the mineralogy and texture of magnetite grains, a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage, and the adjacent mineral phases in five hydrated fine‐grained Antarctic micrometeorites (H‐FgMMs). Additionally, we measured the oxygen isotopic composition of magnetite grains and a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in these samples. Our mineralogical study shows that the secondary phases identified in H‐FgMMs have similar textures and chemical compositions to those described previously in other primitive solar system materials, such as carbonaceous chondrites. However, the oxygen isotopic compositions of magnetite in H‐FgMMs span a range of ?17O values from +1.3‰ to +4.2‰, which is intermediate between magnetites measured in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (CCs and OCs). The δ18O values of magnetites in one H‐FgMM have a ~27‰ mass‐dependent spread in a single 100 × 200 μm particle, indicating that there was a localized control of the fluid composition, probably due to a low water‐to‐rock mass ratio. The ?17O values of magnetite indicate that H‐FgMMs sampled a different aqueous fluid than ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, implying that the source of H‐FgMMs is probably distinct from the asteroidal source of CCs and OCs. Additionally, we analyzed the oxygen isotopic composition of a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in one of the H‐FgMMs (sample 03‐36‐46) to investigate the temperature at which these minerals coprecipitated. We have used the oxygen isotope fractionation between the coexisting magnetite and dolomite to infer a precipitation temperature between 160 and 280 °C for this sample. This alteration temperature is ~100–200 °C warmer than that determined from a calcite‐magnetite assemblage from the CR2 chondrite Al Rais, but similar to the estimated temperature of aqueous alteration for unequilibrated OCs, CIs, and CMs. This suggests that the sample 03‐36‐46 could come from a parent body that was large enough to attain temperatures as high as the OCs, CIs, and CMs, which implies an asteroidal origin for this particular H‐FgMM.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied an Allende dark inclusion by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The inclusion consists of chondrules, isolated olivines and matrix, which, as in the Allende host, is mainly composed of 5–20 μm long lath-shaped fayalitic grains with a narrow compositional range (Fa42 ± 2) and nepheline. Olivine phenocrysts in chondrules and isolated olivine grains show various degrees of replacement by 5–10 μm wide fayalitic rims (Fa39 ± 2) and 100–1000 μm wide translucent zones, which consist of 5–20 μm long lath-shaped fayalitic grains (Fa41 ± 1) intergrown with nepheline. These fayalitic olivines, like those in the matrix of the dark inclusion, contain 10–20 nm sized inclusions of chromite, hercynite, and Fe-Ni sulfides. The fayalitic rims around remnant olivines are texturally and compositionally identical to those in Allende host, suggesting that they have similar origins. Chondrules are surrounded by opaque rims consisting of tiny lath-shaped fayalitic olivines (<1–3 μm long) intergrown with nepheline. As in the Allende host, fayalitic olivine veins may crosscut altered chondrules, fine-grained chondrule rims and extend into the matrix, indicating that alteration occurred after accretion. We infer that fayalitic olivine rims and lath-shaped fayalites in Allende and its dark inclusions formed from phyllosilicate intermediate phases. This explanation accounts for (1) the similarity of the replacement textures observed in the dark inclusion and Allende host to aqueous alteration textures in CM chondrites; (2) the anomalously high abundances of Al and Cr and the presence of tiny inclusions of spinels and sulfides in fayalitic olivines in Allende and Allende dark inclusions; (3) abundant voids and defects in lath-shaped fayalites in the Allende dark inclusion, which may be analogous to those in partly dehydrated phyllosilicates in metamorphosed CM/CI chondrites. We conclude that the matrix and chondrule rims in Allende were largely converted to phyllosilicates and then completely dehydrated. The Allende dark inclusions experienced diverse degrees of aqueous/hydrothermal alteration prior to complete dehydration. The absence of low-Ca pyroxene in the dark inclusion and its significant replacement by fayalitic olivine in Allende is consistent with the lower resistance of low-Ca pyroxene to aqueous alteration relative to forsteritic olivine. Hydro-thermal processing of Allende probably also accounts for the low abundance of planetary noble gases and interstellar grains, and the formation of nepheline, sodalite, salite-hedenbergite pyroxenes, wollastonite, kirschsteinite and andradite in chondrules and Ca,Al-rich inclusions.  相似文献   

The early stages of atmospheric entry are investigated in four large (250–950 μm) unmelted micrometeorites (three fine‐grained and one composite), derived from the Transantarctic Mountain micrometeorite collection. These particles have abundant, interconnected, secondary pore spaces which form branching channels and show evidence of enhanced heating along their channel walls. Additionally, a micrometeorite with a double‐walled igneous rim is described, suggesting that some particles undergo volume expansion during entry. This study provides new textural data which links together entry heating processes known to operate inside micrometeoroids, thereby generating a more comprehensive model of their petrographic evolution. Initially, flash heated micrometeorites develop a melt layer on their exterior; this igneous rim migrates inwards. Meanwhile, the particle core is heated by the decomposition of low‐temperature phases and by volatile gas release. Where the igneous rim acts as a seal, gas pressures rise, resulting in the formation of interconnected voids and higher particle porosities. Eventually, the igneous rim is breached and gas exchange with the atmosphere occurs. This mechanism replaces inefficient conductive rim‐to‐core thermal gradients with more efficient particle‐wide heating, driven by convective gas flow. Interconnected voids also increase the likelihood of particle fragmentation during entry and, may therefore explain the rarity of large fine‐grained micrometeorites among collections.  相似文献   

Abstract– We present 40Ar‐39Ar dating results of handpicked mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny. Our data on Nakhla and Lafayette and recently reported ages for some nakhlites and Chassigny ( Misawa et al. 2006 ; Park et al. 2009 ) point to formation ages of approximately 1.4 Ga rather than 1.3 Ga that is consistent with previous suggestions of close‐in‐time formation of nakhlites and Chassigny. In Lafayette mesostasis, we detected a secondary degassing event at approximately 1.1 Ga, which is not related to iddingsite formation. It may have been caused by a medium‐grade thermal event resetting the mesostasis age but not influencing the K‐Ar system of magmatic inclusions and the original igneous texture of this rock. Cosmic‐ray exposure ages for these meteorites and for Governador Valadares were calculated from bulk rock concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar. Individual results are similar to literature data. The considerable scatter of T3, T21, and T38 ages is due to systematic uncertainties related to bulk rock and target element chemistry, production rates, and shielding effects. This hampers efforts to better constrain the hypothesis of a single ejection event for all nakhlites and Chassigny from a confined Martian surface terrain ( Eugster 2003 ; Garrison and Bogard 2005 ). Cosmic‐ray exposure ages from stepwise release age spectra using 38Ar and neutron induced 37Ar from Ca in irradiated samples can eliminate errors induced by bulk chemistry on production rates, although not from shielding conditions.  相似文献   

A detailed mineralogical and chemical study of Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (MS‐20, MS‐165, MS‐168) was performed to shed light on the origin of these lithologies and their sulfide and metal. The Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (silicates <30 μm grain size) show textural and chemical evidence for severe impact smelting as described for other fine‐grained ureilites. Highly reduced areas in Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites show large (up to ~1 mm) Si‐bearing metal grains (up to ~4.5 wt% Si) and niningerite [Mg>0.5,(Mn,Fe)<0.5S] with some similarities to the mineralogy of enstatite (E) chondrites. Overall, metal grains show a large compositional variability in Ni and Si concentrations. Niningerite grains probably formed as a by‐product of smelting via sulfidation. The large Si‐Ni variation in fine‐grained ureilite metal could be the result of variable degrees of reduction during impact smelting, inherited from coarse‐grained ureilite precursors, or a combination of both. Large Si‐bearing metal grains probably formed via coalescence of existing and newly formed metal during impact smelting. Bulk and in situ siderophile trace element abundances indicate three distinct populations of (1) metal crystallized from partial melts in MS‐20, (2) metal resembling bulk chondritic compositions in MS‐165, and (3) residual metal in MS‐168. Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites developed their distinctive mineralogy due to severe reduction during smelting. Despite the presence of E chondrite and ureilite stones in the Almahata Sitta fall, a mixing relation of E chondrites or their constituents and ureilite material in Almahata Sitta can be ruled out based on isotopic, textural, and mineral‐chemical reasons.  相似文献   

Palisade bodies, mineral assemblages with spinel shells, in coarse‐grained Ca‐, Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) have been considered either as exotic “mini‐CAIs” captured by their host inclusions (Wark and Lovering 1982 ) or as in situ crystallization products of a bubble‐rich melt (Simon and Grossman 1997 ). In order to clarify their origins, we conducted a comprehensive study of palisade bodies in an Allende Type B CAI (BBA‐7), using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), micro‐computed tomography (Micro‐CT), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). New observations support the in situ crystallization mechanism: early/residual melt infiltrated into spinel‐shelled bubbles and crystallized inside. Evidence includes (1) continuous crystallography of anorthite from the interior of the palisade body to the surrounding host; (2) partial consolidation of two individual palisade bodies revealed by micro‐CT; (3) a palisade body was entirely enclosed in a large anorthite crystal, and the anorthite within the palisade body shows the same crystallographic orientation as the anorthite host; and (4) identical chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions of the constituent minerals between the palisade bodies and the surrounding host. Oxygen isotopic compositions of the major minerals in BBA‐7 are bimodal‐distributed. Spinel and fassaite are uniformly 16O‐rich with ?17O = ?23.3 ± 1.5‰ (2SD), and melilite and anorthite are homogeneously 16O‐poor with ?17O = ?3.2 ± 0.7‰ (2SD). The latter ?17O value overlaps with that of the Allende matrix (?17O ~ ?2.87‰) (Clayton and Mayeda 1999 ), which could be explained by secondary alteration with a 16O‐poor fluid in the parent body. The mobility of fluid could be facilitated by the high porosity (1.56–2.56 vol%) and connectivity (~0.17–0.55 vol%) of this inclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antarctic CM meteorites Allan Hills (ALH) 81002 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500 contain abundant fine‐grained rims (FGRs) that surround a variety of coarse‐grained objects. FGRs from both meteorites have similar compositions and petrographic features, independent of their enclosed objects. The FGRs are chemically homogeneous at the 10 μm scale for major and minor elements and at the 25 μm scale for trace elements. They display accretionary features and contain large amounts of volatiles, presumably water. They are depleted in Ca, Mn, and S but enriched in P. All FGRs show a slightly fractionated rare earth element (REE) pattern, with enrichments of Gd and Yb and depletion of Er. Gd is twice as abundant as Er. Our results indicate that those FGRs are not genetically related to their enclosed cores. They were sampled from a reservoir of homogeneously mixed dust, prior to accretion to their parent body. The rim materials subsequently experienced aqueous alteration under identical conditions. Based on their mineral, textural, and especially chemical similarities, we conclude that ALH 81002 and LEW 90500 likely have a similar or identical source.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fine‐grained, spinel‐rich inclusions in the reduced CV chondrites Efremovka and Leoville consist of spinel, melilite, anorthite, Al‐diopside, and minor hibonite and perovskite; forsterite is very rare. Several CAIs are surrounded by forsterite‐rich accretionary rims. In contrast to heavily altered fine‐grained CAIs in the oxidized CV chondrite Allende, those in the reduced CVs experienced very little alteration (secondary nepheline and sodalite are rare). The Efremovka and Leoville fine‐grained CAIs are 16O‐enriched and, like their Allende counterparts, generally have volatility fractionated group II rare earth element patterns. Three out of 13 fine‐grained CAIs we studied are structurally uniform and consist of small concentrically zoned nodules having spinel ± hibonite ± perovskite cores surrounded by layers of melilite and Al‐diopside. Other fine‐grained CAIs show an overall structural zonation defined by modal mineralogy differences between the inclusion cores and mantles. The cores are melilite‐free and consist of tiny spinel ± hibonite ± perovskite grains surrounded by layers of anorthite and Al‐diopside. The mantles are calcium‐enriched, magnesium‐depleted and coarsergrained relative to the cores; they generally contain abundant melilite but have less spinel and anorthite than the cores. The bulk compositions of fine‐grained CAIs generally show significant fractionation of Al from Ca and Ti, with Ca and Ti being depleted relative to Al; they are similar to those of coarsegrained, type C igneous CAIs, and thus are reasonable candidate precursors for the latter. The finegrained CAIs originally formed as aggregates of spinel‐perovskite‐melilite ± hibonite gas‐solid condensates from a reservoir that was 16O‐enriched but depleted in the most refractory REEs. These aggregates later experienced low‐temperature gas‐solid nebular reactions with gaseous SiO and Mg to form Al‐diopside and ±anorthite. The zoned structures of many of the fine‐grained inclusions may be the result of subsequent reheating that resulted in the evaporative loss of SiO and Mg and the formation of melilite. The inferred multi‐stage formation history of fine‐grained inclusions in Efremovka and Leoville is consistent with a complex formation history of coarse‐grained CAIs in CV chondrites.  相似文献   

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