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Abstract– The Almahata Sitta meteorite is the first case of recovered extraterrestrial material originating from an asteroid that was detected in near Earth space shortly before entering and exploding in the high atmosphere. The aims of our project within the 2008 TC3 consortium were investigating Almahata Sitta’s (AS) magnetic signature, phase composition and mineralogy, focussing on the opaque minerals, and gaining new insights into the magnetism of the ureilite parent body (UPB). We report on the general magnetic properties and behavior of Almahata Sitta and try to place the results in context with the existing data set on ureilites and ureilite parent body models. The magnetic signature of AS is dominated by a set of low‐Ni kamacites with large grain sizes. Additional contributions come from micron‐sized kamacites, suessite, (Cr) troilite, and daubreelite, mainly found in the olivine grains adjacent to carbon‐rich veins. Our results show that the paleomagnetic signal is of extraterrestrial origin as can be seen by comparing with laboratory produced magnetic records (IRM). Four types of kamacite (I–IV) have been recognized in the sample. The elemental composition of the ureilite vein metal Kamacite I (particularly Co) clearly differs from the other kamacites (II‐IV), which are considered to be indigenous. Element ratios of kamacite I indicate that it was introduced into the UPB by an impactor, supporting the conclusions of Gabriel and Pack (2009) .  相似文献   

Ureilites are carbon‐rich ultramafic achondrites that have been heated above the silicate solidus, do not contain plagioclase, and represent the melting residues of an unknown planetesimal (i.e., the ureilite parent body, UPB). Melting residues identical to pigeonite‐olivine ureilites (representing 80% of ureilites) have been produced in batch melting experiments of chondritic materials not depleted in alkali elements relative to the Sun’s photosphere (e.g., CI, H, LL chondrites), but only in a relatively narrow range of temperature (1120 ºC–1180 ºC). However, many ureilites are thought to have formed at higher temperature (1200 ºC–1280 ºC). New experiments, described in this study, show that pigeonite can persist at higher temperature (up to 1280 ºC) when CI and LL chondrites are melted incrementally and while partial melts are progressively extracted. The melt productivity decreases dramatically after the exhaustion of plagioclase with only 5–9 wt% melt being generated between 1120 ºC and 1280 ºC. The relative proportion of pyroxene and olivine in experiments is compared to 12 ureilites, analyzed for this study, together with ureilites described in the literature to constrain the initial Mg/Si ratio of the UPB (0.98–1.05). Experiments are also used to develop a new thermometer based on the partitioning of Cr between olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene that is applicable to all ureilites. The equilibration temperature of ureilites increases with decreasing Al2O3 and Wo contents of pyroxene and decreasing bulk REE concentrations. The UPB melted incrementally, at different fO2, and did not cool significantly (0 ºC–30 ºC) prior to its disruption. It remained isotopically heterogenous, but the initial concentration of major elements (SiO2, MgO, CaO, Al2O3, alkali elements) was similar in the different mantle reservoirs.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 26 IAB iron meteorites containing silicate‐bearing inclusions to better constrain the many diverse hypotheses for the formation of this complex group. These meteorites contain inclusions that fall broadly into five types: (1) sulfide‐rich, composed primarily of troilite and containing abundant embedded silicates; (2) nonchondritic, silicate‐rich, comprised of basaltic, troctolitic, and peridotitic mineralogies; (3) angular, chondritic silicate‐rich, the most common type, with approximately chondritic mineralogy and most closely resembling the winonaites in composition and texture; (4) rounded, often graphite‐rich assemblages that sometimes contain silicates; and (5) phosphate‐bearing inclusions with phosphates generally found in contact with the metallic host. Similarities in mineralogy and mineral and O‐isotopic compositions suggest that IAB iron and winonaite meteorites are from the same parent body. We propose a hypothesis for the origin of IAB iron meteorites that combines some aspects of previous formation models for these meteorites. We suggest that the precursor parent body was chondritic, although unlike any known chondrite group. Metamorphism, partial melting, and incomplete differentiation (i.e., incomplete separation of melt from residue) produced metallic, sulfide‐rich and silicate partial melts (portions of which may have crystallized prior to the mixing event), as well as metamorphosed chondritic materials and residues. Catastrophic impact breakup and reassembly of the debris while near the peak temperature mixed materials from various depths into the re‐accreted parent body. Thus, molten metal from depth was mixed with near‐surface silicate rock, resulting in the formation of silicate‐rich IAB iron and winonaite meteorites. Results of smoothed particle hydrodynamic model calculations support the feasibility of such a mixing mechanism. Not all of the metal melt bodies were mixed with silicate materials during this impact and reaccretion event, and these are now represented by silicate‐free IAB iron meteorites. Ages of silicate inclusions and winonaites of 4.40‐4.54 Ga indicate this entire process occurred early in solar system history.  相似文献   

Abstract– To investigate the effect of parent body processes on the abundance, distribution, and enantiomeric composition of amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites, the water extracts from nine different powdered CI, CM, and CR carbonaceous chondrites were analyzed for amino acids by ultra performance liquid chromatography‐fluorescence detection and time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (UPLC‐FD/ToF‐MS). Four aqueously altered type 1 carbonaceous chondrites including Orgueil (CI1), Meteorite Hills (MET) 01070 (CM1), Scott Glacier (SCO) 06043 (CM1), and Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95577 (CR1) were analyzed using this technique for the first time. Analyses of these meteorites revealed low levels of two‐ to five‐carbon acyclic amino alkanoic acids with concentrations ranging from approximately 1 to 2,700 parts‐per‐billion (ppb). The type 1 carbonaceous chondrites have a distinct distribution of the five‐carbon (C5) amino acids with much higher relative abundances of the γ‐ and δ‐amino acids compared to the type 2 and type 3 carbonaceous chondrites, which are dominated by α‐amino acids. Much higher amino acid abundances were found in the CM2 chondrites Murchison, Lonewolf Nunataks (LON) 94102, and Lewis Cliffs (LEW) 90500, the CR2 Elephant Moraine (EET) 92042, and the CR3 Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177. For example, α‐aminoisobutyric acid (α‐AIB) and isovaline were approximately 100 to 1000 times more abundant in the type 2 and 3 chondrites compared to the more aqueously altered type 1 chondrites. Most of the chiral amino acids identified in these meteorites were racemic, indicating an extraterrestrial abiotic origin. However, nonracemic isovaline was observed in the aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites Murchison, Orgueil, SCO 06043, and GRO 95577 with l ‐isovaline excesses ranging from approximately 11 to 19%, whereas the most pristine, unaltered carbonaceous chondrites analyzed in this study had no detectable l ‐isovaline excesses. These results are consistent with the theory that aqueous alteration played an important role in amplification of small initial left handed isovaline excesses on the parent bodies.  相似文献   

Analysis of the NWA 2086 CV3 chondrite showed a matrix/chondrule ratio of 52%, similar to Bali, Mokoia, and Grosanaja. Nearly twice as many chondrule fragments as intact ones demonstrate that an early fragmentation phase occurred prior to final accretion. After this event, no substantial mechanical change or redeposition is evident. Rims with double‐layered structures were identified around some chondrules, which, in at least one case, is attributed to an accretionary origin. The rim's outer parts with a diffuse appearance were formed by in situ chemical alteration. During this later process, Mg content decreased, Fe content increased, and olivine composition was homogenized, producing a rim composition close to that of the matrix. This alteration occasionally happened along fractures and at confined locations, and was probably produced by fluid interactions. Iron oxides are the best candidate for a small grain‐sized alteration product; however, technical limitations in the available equipment did not allow exact phase identification. These results suggest that NWA 2086 came from a location (possible more deeply buried) in the CV parent body than Mokoia or Bali, and suffered less impact effects—although there is no evidence of sustained thermal alteration. This meteorite may represent a sample of the CV parent asteroid interior and provide a useful basis for comparison with other CV meteorites in the future.  相似文献   

EET 87720 is a polymict ureilite breccia known to contain numerous nonindigenous fragments. We have discovered a microgranitic clast in an interior chip of Elephant Moraine (EET) 87720. The clast consists of a granophyre‐like intergrowth of a pure SiO2 phase (tridymite) and albite, mantling a zoned oligoclase phenocryst. In the intergrowth, the tridymite occurs as thin elongate vermicular blebs within larger albite crystals. The granophyre‐like intergrowth and the oligoclase phenocryst share a common margin, suggesting that the clast was originally part of a larger fragment. An estimate of its bulk composition is equivalent to that of granite (77 wt% SiO2). Patches of high‐Si K‐bearing glass occur interstitially within the clast; they have high concentrations of SO3 (11–12 wt%) and contain Cl (0.6 wt%), suggesting that the clast formed on a volatile‐rich parent body perhaps resembling early Mars. The mean oxygen isotope composition of the feldspar and tridymite in the clast is very different from the oxygen isotope compositions of ureilites, and is similar to those of silicate inclusions in IIE and IVA irons. Thus, the clast is not indigenous to the ureilite parent body, but it provides evidence for the formation of evolved melts on an unknown parent body in the early solar system.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of an extensive study of the Fountain Hills chondritic meteorite. This meteorite is closely related to the CBa class. Mineral compositions and O‐isotopic ratios are indistinguishable from other members of this group. However, many features of Fountain Hills are distinct from the other CB chondrites. Fountain Hills contains 23 volume percent metal, significantly lower than other members of this class. In addition, Fountain Hills contains porphyritic chondrules, which are extremely rare in other CBa chondrites. Fountain Hills does not appear to have experienced the extensive shock seen in other CB chondrites. The chondrule textures and lack of fine‐grained matrix suggests that Fountain Hills formed in a dust‐poor region of the early solar system by melting of solid precursors. Refractory siderophiles and lithophile elements are present in near‐CI abundances (within a factor of two, related to the enhancement of metal). Moderately volatile and highly volatile elements are significantly depleted in Fountain Hills. The abundances of refractory siderophile trace elements in metal grains are consistent with condensation from a gas that is reduced relative to solar composition and at relatively high pressures (10?3bars). Fountain Hills experienced significant thermal metamorphism on its parent asteroid. Combining results from the chemical gradients in an isolated spinel grain with olivine‐spinel geothermometry suggests a peak temperature of metamorphism between 535 °C and 878 °C, similar to type‐4 ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

A detailed mineralogical and chemical study of Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (MS‐20, MS‐165, MS‐168) was performed to shed light on the origin of these lithologies and their sulfide and metal. The Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites (silicates <30 μm grain size) show textural and chemical evidence for severe impact smelting as described for other fine‐grained ureilites. Highly reduced areas in Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites show large (up to ~1 mm) Si‐bearing metal grains (up to ~4.5 wt% Si) and niningerite [Mg>0.5,(Mn,Fe)<0.5S] with some similarities to the mineralogy of enstatite (E) chondrites. Overall, metal grains show a large compositional variability in Ni and Si concentrations. Niningerite grains probably formed as a by‐product of smelting via sulfidation. The large Si‐Ni variation in fine‐grained ureilite metal could be the result of variable degrees of reduction during impact smelting, inherited from coarse‐grained ureilite precursors, or a combination of both. Large Si‐bearing metal grains probably formed via coalescence of existing and newly formed metal during impact smelting. Bulk and in situ siderophile trace element abundances indicate three distinct populations of (1) metal crystallized from partial melts in MS‐20, (2) metal resembling bulk chondritic compositions in MS‐165, and (3) residual metal in MS‐168. Almahata Sitta fine‐grained ureilites developed their distinctive mineralogy due to severe reduction during smelting. Despite the presence of E chondrite and ureilite stones in the Almahata Sitta fall, a mixing relation of E chondrites or their constituents and ureilite material in Almahata Sitta can be ruled out based on isotopic, textural, and mineral‐chemical reasons.  相似文献   

Numerous petrologic and geochemical studies so far on the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites have produced various crystallization scenarios for their parent body, believed to be the differentiated asteroid 4 Vesta. Structural analyses of diogenites can reveal important insights into postcrystallization deformation on the parent body. Recently published results (Tkalcec et al. 2013 ) of structural analysis on the olivine‐rich diogenite NWA 5480 reveal that it underwent solid‐state plastic deformation, although not at the base of a magma chamber. Dynamic mantle downwelling has been proposed as a plausible deformation mechanism (Tkalcec et al. 2013 ). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the plastic deformation found in NWA 5480 is an isolated case. We expand the structural analysis on NWA 5480 and extend it to NWA 5784 and MIL 07001,6, two other samples of rare olivine‐rich diogenites, using electron‐backscattered‐diffraction (EBSD) techniques. Our EBSD results show that the diogenites analyzed in this study underwent solid‐state plastic deformation, confirming that the observed deformation of NWA 5480 was not an isolated case on the diogenite parent body. The lattice‐preferred orientations (LPOs) of olivine in NWA 5784 and NWA 5480 are clearly distinct from that typical for cumulate rocks at the base of magma chambers, indicating a different stress environment and a different deformation mechanism. The LPO of olivine in MIL 07001 is less conclusive. The structural results of this study suggest that plastic deformation occurred on the diogenite parent body at high temperatures (1273 < T ≤ 1573 K) in the solid state, i.e., after crystallization of the diogenites themselves, in a dynamic environment with active stress fields.  相似文献   

Abstract– Aubrites exhibit a wide range of highly siderophile element (HSE—Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, Au) concentrations and 187Os/188Os compositions. Their HSE concentrations are one to three orders of magnitude less than chondrites, with the exception of the Shallowater and Mt. Egerton samples. While most aubrites show chondritic HSE abundance ratios, significant enrichments of Pd and Re relative to Os, Ir, and Ru are observed in 12 of 16 samples. Present‐day 187Os/188Os ratios range from subchondritic values of 0.1174 to superchondritic values of up to 0.2263. Half of the samples have 187Os/188Os ratios of 0.127 to 0.130, which is in the range of enstatite chondrites. Along with the brecciated nature of aubrites, the HSE and Re‐Os isotope systematics support a history of extensive postaccretion processing, including core formation, late addition of chondritic material and/or core material and potential breakup and reassembly. Highly siderophile element signatures for some aubrites are consistent with a mixing of HSE‐rich chondritic fragments with a HSE‐free aubrite matrix. The enrichments in incompatible HSE such as Pd and Re observed in some aubrites, reminiscent of terrestrial basalts, suggest an extensive magmatic and impact history, which is supported by both the 187Re‐187Os isotope system and silicate‐hosted isotope systems (Rb‐Sr, K‐Ar) yielding young formation ages of 1.3–3.9 Ga for a subset of samples. Compared with other differentiated achondrites derived from small planetary bodies, aubrites show a wide range in HSE concentrations and 187Os/188Os, most similar to angrites. While similarities exist between the diverse groups of achondrites formed early in solar system history, the aubrite parent body(ies) clearly underwent a distinct evolution, different from angrites, brachinites, ureilites, howardites, eucrites, and diogenites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineralogical information recovered from the howardite, eucrite, diogenite (HED) meteorites was employed to reconstruct the history of the parent body and relate it to 4 Vesta. These interpreted crustal evolution processes were then compared to the expected geological features on the surface of a likely proto-planet, 4 Vesta. The original crustal materials of the HED parent body were preserved as mineral grains and lithic clasts, but in many eucrites, Fe/Mg ratios in pyroxenes were homogenized by diffusion after crystallization. The crystallization trend of the protocrust has been deciphered by (1) examining monomict and crystalline samples and using their mineralogical and chemical information to formulate a sequence of crystallization and cooling trends; and by (2) reconstructing the original crust prior to cratering events from lithic clasts and mineral fragments in polymict breccias such as howardites and polymict eucrites. Mineral components are identical, both in the individual HED and in polymict breccias, and no remnants of primitive materials were preserved in the polymict breccias. A layered crust model reconstructed from such breccias consists of an upper crust with extrusive lava-like eucrites that have been brecciated and metamorphosed, diogenite mantle, and cumulate eucrites of varying thickness between them. This model can be used to explain the surface geological features of Vesta observed from the Hubble space telescope. A large crater with diogenitic orthopyroxene at the crater floor is consistent with the deepest diogenitic layer of the layered crust model; and an underlying olivine layer is expected from early crystallized olivine in the crystal fractionation model. The old terrain of eucritic surface materials of Vesta can be howardites, polymict eucrites, or regolith-like eucrites produced from eucrites extruded and impacted on the surface. Partial melting models of eucrites seem to be favored by the rare-earth element (REE) chemistry and experimental studies. Unfortunately, partial melting models have not demonstrated how the HED parent body is converted to a layered crust without producing any metamorphosed primitive material in the layered crust. The origin of cumulate eucrites with systematic variation of textures and chemistries of pyroxene can be explained by the layered crust model with excavation and mixing of trapped liquid. Discovery of basaltic materials with Na-rich plagioclase and augite in iron meteorites, which are the products of partial melting, suggests that eucrites may be unique to a body that underwent large-scale differentiation and metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract– New analyses of mafic silicates from 14 ureilite meteorites further constrain a strong correlation ( Singletary and Grove 2003 ) between olivine‐core Fo ratio and the temperature of equilibration (TE) recorded by the composition of pigeonite. This correlation may be compared with relationships implied by various postulated combinations of Fo and pressure P in models for ureilite genesis by a putative process of anatectic (depth‐linked, P‐controlled) smelting. In such models, any combination of Fo and P together fixes the temperature of smelting. Agreement between the observed correlation and these models is poor. The anatectic smelting model also carries implausible implications for the depth range at which ureilites of a given composition (Fo) form. Actual ureilites (and polymict ureilite clasts: Downes et al. 2008 ) show a distribution strongly skewed toward the low‐Fo end of the compositional range, with approximately 58% in the range Fo76–81. In contrast, the P‐controlled smelting model implies that the Fo76–81 region is a small fraction of the volume of the parent body: not more than 3.2%, in a model consistent with the Fo‐TE observations; and even ignoring the Fo‐TE evidence not more than 11% (percentages cited require optimal assumptions concerning the size of the parent body). This region also must occur deep within the body, where no straightforward model would imply a strong bias in the impact‐driven sampling process. The ureilites did not derive preponderantly from one atypical “largest offspring” disruption survivor, because cooling history evidence shows that after the disruption (whose efficiency was increased by gas jetting), all of the known ureilites cooled in bodies that were tiny (mass of order 10?9) in comparison with the precursor body. The Ca/Al ratio of the ureilite starting matter cannot be 2.5 times chondritic, as has been suggested, unless the part of the body from which ureilites come is at most 50% of the whole body. Published variants of the anatectic, P‐controlled smelting model have the ureilites coming from a region that is >50 vol% of their parent body; and to invoke a larger body would have the drawback of implying that the Fo76–81 spike represents an even smaller fraction of the parent body’s interior. The ureilites’ moderate depletions in incompatible elements are difficult to reconcile with a fractional fusion model. It is not plausible that melt formed grossly out of equilibrium with the medium‐sized ureilite crystals. The alternative to pressure‐controlled smelting, i.e., a model of gasless or near‐gasless anatexis, has very different implications for the size and evolution of the original parent body. To yield internal pressures prohibitive of smelting in even the shallowest and most ferroan portion of its anatectic mantle, the body would have to be larger than roughly 690 km in diameter. A 400 km body would have approximately 12 vol% of the interior (or 13 vol% of the interior apart from the thermal “skin” that never undergoes anatexis) prone, if both extremely shallow and extremely ferroan, to mild smelting. Gasless anatexis also implies that this large parent body was compositionally, at least in terms of mg, grossly heterogeneous before anatexis, probably (in view of the oxygen isotopic diversity) as a result of mixed accretion.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review the petrology of Baszkówka, present new microprobe data on mineral constituents, and propose a model for surface properties of the parent body consistent with these data. The low shock index and high porosity of the Baszkówka L5 chondrite mean that considerable primary textural and petrographic detail is preserved, allowing insight into the structure and evolution of the parent body. This meteorite formed in a sedimentary environment resembling that in which pyroclastic rocks are deposited. The origin of the component chondrules, achondritic fragments (mostly olivine and pyroxene aggregates), chondritic‐achondritic aggregates, and compound chondrules can be explained by invoking collision of 2 melted or partially melted planetesimals, each covered with a thin crust. This could have happened at an early stage in the evolution of the solar system, between 1 and 2 Myr after its origin. The collision resulted in the formation of a cloud containing products of earlier magmatic crystallization (chondrite and achondrite fragments) from which new chondrules were created. Particle collision in this cloud produced fragmented chondrules, chondritic‐achondritic aggregates, and compound chondrules. Within this low‐density medium, these particles were accreted on the surface of the larger of the planetesimals involved in the collision. The density of the medium was low enough to prevent grain‐size sorting of the components but high enough to prevent the total loss of heat and to enable the welding of fragments on the surface of the body. The rock material was homogenized within the cloud and, in particular, within the zone close to the planetesimal surface. The hot material settled on the surface and became welded as molten or plastic metal, and sulfide components cemented the grains together. The process resembled the formation of welded ignimbrites. Once these processes on the planetesimal surface were completed, no subsequent recrystallization occurred. The high porosity of the Baszkówka chondrite indicates that the meteorite comes from a near‐surface part of the parent body. Deeper parts of the planetesimal would have been more massive because of compaction.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen data from stepped combustion analysis of eight angrites, seven eucrites, and two diogenites, alongside literature data from a further nine eucrites and two diogenites, have been used to assess carbon and nitrogen incorporation and isotope fractionation processes on the angrite parent body (APB), for comparison with volatile behavior on the HED parent body (4 Vesta). A subset of the angrite data has been reported previously (Abernethy et al. 2013 ). Two separate families of volatile components were observed. They were (1) moderately volatile material (MVM), mostly combusting between ~500 and 750 °C and indistinguishable from terrestrial contamination and (2) refractory material (RM), mainly released above 750 °C and thought to be carbon (as ) and nitrogen (as N2 or ) dissolved within the silicate lattice, fitting with the slightly oxidized (~IW to IW+2) angrite fO2 conditions. Isotopic fractionation trends for carbon and nitrogen within the plutonic and basaltic (quenched) angrites suggest that the behavior of the two volatile elements is loosely coupled, but that the fractionation process differs between the two angrite subgroups. Comparison with results from eucrites and diogenites implies similarities between speciation of carbon and nitrogen on 4 Vesta and the APB, with the latter being more enriched in volatiles than the former.  相似文献   

Here, we present the results of a multitechnique study of the bulk properties of insoluble organic material (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite, including four lithologies that have undergone different degrees of aqueous alteration. The IOM C contents of all four lithologies are very uniform and comprise about half the bulk C and N contents of the lithologies. However, the bulk IOM elemental and isotopic compositions vary significantly. In particular, there is a correlated decrease in bulk IOM H/C ratios and δD values with increasing degree of alteration—the IOM in the least altered lithology is intermediate between CM and CR IOM, while that in the more altered lithologies resembles the very aromatic IOM in mildly metamorphosed CV and CO chondrites, and heated CMs. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, C X‐ray absorption near‐edge (XANES), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirm and quantitate this transformation from CR‐like, relatively aliphatic IOM functional group chemistry to a highly aromatic one. The transformation is almost certainly thermally driven, and probably occurred under hydrothermal conditions. The lack of a paramagnetic shift in 13C NMR spectra and 1s‐σ* exciton in the C‐XANES spectra, both typically seen in metamorphosed chondrites, shows that the temperatures were lower and/or the timescales were shorter than experienced by even the least metamorphosed type 3 chondrites. Two endmember models were considered to quantitatively account for the changes in IOM functional group chemistry, but the one in which the transformations involved quantitative conversion of aliphatic material to aromatic material was the more successful. It seems likely that similar processes were involved in producing the diversity of IOM compositions and functional group chemistries among CR, CM, and CI chondrites. If correct, CRs experienced the lowest temperatures, while CM and CI chondrites experienced similar more elevated temperatures. This ordering is inconsistent with alteration temperatures based on mineralogy and O isotopes.  相似文献   

The presence of primary iron sulfides that appear to be aqueously altered in CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites provides the potential to study the effects and, by extension, the conditions of aqueous alteration. In this work, we have used SEM, TEM, and EPMA techniques to characterize primary sulfides that show evidence of secondary alteration. The alteration styles consist of primary pyrrhotite altering to secondary pentlandite (CMs only), magnetite (CMs and CRs), and phyllosilicates (CMs only) in grains that initially formed by crystallization from immiscible sulfide melts in chondrules (pyrrhotite‐pentlandite intergrowth [PPI] grains). Textural, microstructural, and compositional data from altered sulfides in a suite of CM and CR chondrites have been used to constrain the conditions of alteration of these grains and determine their alteration mechanisms. This work shows that the PPI grains exhibit two styles of alteration—one to form porous pyrrhotite‐pentlandite (3P) grains by dissolution of precursor PPI grain pyrrhotite and subsequent secondary pentlandite precipitation (CMs only), and the other to form the altered PPI grains by pseudomorphic replacement of primary pyrrhotite by magnetite (CMs and CRs) or phyllosilicates (CMs only). The range of alteration textures and products is the result of differences in conditions of alteration due to the role of microchemical environments and/or brecciation. Our observations show that primary sulfides are sensitive indicators of aqueous alteration processes in CM and CR chondrites.  相似文献   

We modeled the possible parent bodies of Itokawa, which was heated within by the decay energy of 26Al. Based on mineralogic studies of dust particles derived from Itokawa by the Hayabusa spacecraft, it appeared that they were thermally metamorphosed at a peak temperature of 800 °C, and kept at 700 °C or higher at 7.6 Myr after CAI formation. Our numerical results show that the parent bodies of Itokawa would have been larger than 20 km in radius and accreted at a period between 1.9 and 2.2 Myr after CAI formation, to satisfy mineralogic and isotopic evidence from dust particles.  相似文献   

The large collection of howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorites allows us to study the initial magmatic differentiation of a planetesimal. We report Pb‐Pb ages of the unequilibrated North West Africa (NWA) 4215 and Dhofar 700 diogenite meteorites and their mass‐independent 26Mg isotope compositions (26Mg*) to better understand the timing of differentiation and crystallization of their source reservoir(s). NWA 4215 defines a Pb‐Pb age of 4484.5 ± 7.9 Myr and has a 26Mg* excess of +2.3 ± 1.6 ppm whereas Dhofar 700 has a Pb‐Pb age of 4546.4 ± 4.7 Myr and a 26Mg* excess of +25.5 ± 1.9 ppm. We interpret the young age of NWA 4215 as a thermal overprint, but the age of Dhofar 700 is interpreted to represent a primary crystallization age. Combining our new data with published Mg isotope and trace element data suggests that approximately half of the diogenites for which such data are available crystallized within the first 1–2 Myr of our solar system, consistent with a short‐lived, early‐formed magma ocean undergoing convective cooling. The other half of the diogenites, including both NWA 4215 and Dhofar 700, are best explained by their crystallization in slowly cooled isolated magma chambers lasting over at least ~20 Myr.  相似文献   

Hiroshi Takeda 《Icarus》1979,40(3):455-470
A Howardite parent body is a Vesta-like hypothetical asteroid composed of diogenites, eucrites, and howardites (polymict breccias of various diogenites and eucrites). Combined single-crystal X-ray diffraction and microprobe studies of their pyroxenes indicate that their exsolution and inversion textures vary systematically with respect to their crystallization trend deduced from their Mg and Ca concentrations. Mg-Rich, early crystallized (presumably deep-seated) members revealed slowly cooled textures, except Mg-Rich pyroxene fragments in eucritic polymict breccias. Present study of such pyroxenes in Yamato-74450 and -75015 found in Antarctica confirmed that they were originally cores of the very rapidly cooled Pasamonte-like pigeonites. Based on these data, we reconstructed a layered-crust model from bottom to top as: (A) Mg-rich diogenite layer with orthopyroxenes with or without exsolution lamellae of augite with common (100) plane; (B) Fe-rich diogenite layer with inverted low-Ca pigeonites and orthopyroxenes; (C) cumulate eucrite layer with low-Ca inverted pigeonites with blebby augite inclusions with (100) in common generally, and plagioclase (Binda is the most Mg-rich member of this layer); (D) Moore County-like layer with partially inverted pigeonites with (001) augite lamellae and plagioclase; (E) common eucrite layer with the Juvinas-like pigeonites with fine (001) augite lamellae and plagiocalse; (F) surface eucrite layer with the Pasamonte-like pigeonites which are chemically zoned.  相似文献   

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