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Several diagenetic fabrics are described in the uppermost member of the Sarnyéré formation, an Upper Proterozoic dolomite (700-600 Ma). Micronodular micrite, microsparite showing nodulisation processes, orbicular crusts and oncoids are thought to be due to the pedogenetic alteration of an algal (Porostromata) boundstone. Further evolution in a vadose zone creates a network of cavities which are later filled by “cave stromatolites”, micropopcorn micrite and multilayered cements. A rhythmical repetition of facies evidences a polyphased pedogenetic history, leading to a 30 m thick highly complex section. Such numerous and diversified structures are rarely preserved, especially in Proterozoic rocks, but each of them have equivalents in recent examples of caliche soil profiles.  相似文献   

洋内岛弧及微陆块的俯冲增生是形成增生杂岩的重要机制。本文通过对南羌塘地区日湾茶卡组进行野外实测地质剖面,开展沉积特征、古生物化石、碎屑组分模式、碎屑锆石测年等研究,发现:(1)日湾茶卡为近源沉积,最年轻碎屑锆石年龄峰值为325~375 Ma,但在龙木错-双湖古特提斯大洋周边陆块均未发现源区,其真正物源应为其下伏的望果山组火山岩;(2)日湾茶卡组内珊瑚化石丰度虽然高,但分异度非常低,其沉积位置应是一个相对突出的孤立位置。根据日湾茶卡组下伏望果山组火山岩所具有的洋内岛弧地球化学特征,并与同期SSZ型蛇绿岩组成的类似洋内俯冲的大地构造体系对比,本文认为日湾茶卡组与其下伏的望果山组火山岩共同组成了泥盆纪—石炭纪由洋内俯冲形成的古岛弧地体。根据碎屑锆石分布型式的相似性,本文进一步认为猫儿山地区部分南羌塘增生杂岩的源岩为日湾茶卡组。因此,日湾茶卡洋岛应曾经历过俯冲增生作用:浅部发生前端“刮削作用”形成冈玛错地区有变形但无变质的日湾茶卡组及望果山组,俯冲到深部的日湾茶卡组则发生高压变质作用并在后期折返至增生杂岩的浅部层次。因此,本文认为在南羌塘增生杂岩的形成过程中,日湾茶卡古岛弧地体的俯冲与增生也起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Metagabbros and amphibolites exposed in the Bou-Maïza area of the Edough massif (northeast Algeria) are described in detail. Field and petro-structural observations point to the syn-sedimentary emplacement of gabbros as clasts, blocks and lenses of polymictic gabbroic breccias. Associated amphibolites display fine-scale parallel sedimentary bedding and represent mafic epiclastites, litharenites and mafic greywackes. The mafic beds and lenses are intercalated with aluminous pelitic schists of continental origin, quartzite and marble. It is concluded that all mafic rocks from this locality derive from the erosion of an oceanic plutono-volcanic complex of MORB affinity that was reworked in a block matrix mélange and emplaced as turbidites and debris flows during the Mesozoic. We propose a convergent plate margin setting for these formations connected with the subducted Calabrian branch of the Tethyan slab.  相似文献   

Until recently orthodoxies on fuelwood and desertification have formed the cornerstones of mainstream views in research and development related to natural resources in the Sahel. Based on an empirical study of the fuelwood situation in the Gourma region in Mali, this article throws a critical light on these viewpoints. There is no relationship between deforestation and domestic fuelwood consumption in the Gourma. The fuelwood used comes from dry wood collected from dead trees. Collection distances are, however, getting longer; so people need to use more time for the collection of wood, or more of their limited incomes have to be spent on buying fuelwood. Therefore, the fuelwood problem in the Gourma is of a social and economic rather than an ecological character. Sahel orthodoxies, which are manifested in the national Malian plan to fight desertification, are used by the Water and Forests Service to justify their policy of harassment towards the rural poor. These orthodox beliefs about environmental issues in drylands are generalizations which tend to gloss over important regional diversities. The data presented should therefore not be used to create new orthodoxies. They should rather be regarded as a warning not to use generalizations on local realities about which there is no reliable information.  相似文献   

文章报道了浙江"陈蔡增生杂岩"中新发现一类特殊的变质基性火山岩组合,主要由斜长角闪岩和角闪岩组成,岩石具有低Ti高Mg的地球化学特征,原岩为拉斑玄武岩和钙碱性玄武岩。岩石稀土总量较低,ΣREE平均为25.46×10~(-6),轻重稀土比值LREE/HREE及(La/Yb)_N比值较小,平均分别为1.87和1.30,δEu平均为0.97,稀土配分与N-MORB及T-MORB类似,而微量元素显示为富集相容元素Cr、Ni及大离子亲石元素(LILE)K、Rb、Ba、U,亏损高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Zr、P、Ti。上述地球化学特征与玻安质岩石十分相似,微量元素比值及图解判别均指示该套变基性火山岩形成于大洋岛弧(洋内弧)环境。该洋内弧型变基性火山岩的发现表明原定陈蔡群极有可能为新元古代中期至早古生代含有古大洋地壳残片的俯冲增生杂岩,而不是华夏古陆块的基底。  相似文献   

The Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex is unique in the Andes in exposing kyanite–staurolite schist north of the Beagle Channel in southern Patagonia. Garnet in amphibolite facies pelitic schists from Bahía Pia has patchy textures whereby some grains consist of clear, grossular‐rich garnet with fine‐grained S1 inclusion trails truncated by regions of turbid spessartine–pyrope‐rich garnet with biotite, muscovite, plagioclase and quartz inclusions. Micron‐scale aqueous inclusions in turbid garnet are consistent with recrystallization facilitated by fluid ingress; S2 inclusion trails indicate this was broadly contemporary with the growth of kyanite and staurolite in the matrix. Pseudosection modelling in Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) is used to infer a P–T path dominated by decompression from 12 to 9 kbar at T 620 °C, coupled with garnet mode decreasing from 5% to <1%. U–Th–Pb in situ dating of S2 monazite indicates that staurolite and kyanite growth and thus exhumation was underway before 72.6 ± 1.1 Ma. Contact aureoles developed adjacent to late granite intrusions include sillimanite‐bearing migmatites formed at P 6 kbar after 72 Ma. Metamorphism of southern Cordillera Darwin induced by continental underthrusting beneath the arc, related to closure of the Rocas Verdes back‐arc basin, was terminated by thrusting‐controlled exhumation, with the rocks at P 9 kbar by c. 73 Ma and 6 kbar by c. 70 Ma.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1991-2007
A series of Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks occur in the Hatu, Darbut, and Baogutu areas of Xinjiang Province. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U–Pb isotopic data indicate that two samples of these rocks coevally erupted at 324.0 ± 2.8 Ma and 324.9 ± 3.4 Ma. Three detailed profile measurements show that the volcanics include the Hatu basalt, the Baogutu andesite and dacite, and the Darbut andesite. Whole-rock compositions suggest that the Hatu volcanics are tholeiites and have a mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like signature with a small negative Nb anomaly, suggesting formation in a back-arc basin. Their isotopic compositions (?Nd(t) = +2.2 to +4.0, (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70414 to 0.70517) suggest a mixing origin from depleted to enriched mantle sources. In contrast, the Baogutu and Darbut rocks are andesite and dacite possessing a transitional tholeiite to calc–alkaline character and have E-MORB-like and OIB signatures, with a marked negative Nb anomaly and Th/Yb-enrichment, indicating that they were generated in a subduction zone setting. Isotopically, they display consistently depleted Sr–Nd isotopic compositions [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70377–0.70469, ?Nd(t) = 1.0–5.2], suggesting that they were derived from a depleted mantle, and that fluid and sediments were involved in their petrogenesis. These features suggest that an early Carboniferous intra-oceanic arc and back-arc basin system generated the studied volcanic units in the West Junggar.  相似文献   

The Río San Juan metamorphic complex exposes a segment of a high-pressure subduction-accretionary complex built during Caribbean island arc-North America continental margin convergence. It is composed of accreted arc- and oceanic-derived metaigneous rocks, serpentinized peridotites and minor metasediments forming a structural pile. Combined detailed mapping, structural and metamorphic analysis, and geochronology show that the deformation can be divided into five main events (D1–D5). An early subduction-related D1 deformation and M1 metamorphism produced greenschist (mafic rocks of the Gaspar Hernández peridotite-tectonite), blueschist and eclogite (metamafic blocks in the Jagua Clara mélange), high-P epidote-amphibolite and eclogite (Cuaba unit), and lower blueschist and greenschist-facies conditions (Morrito unit). This was followed by M2 decompression and cooling in the blueschist, greenschist and low-P amphibolite-facies conditions. The shape of the retrograde P-T path, the age of the exhumation-related D2 structures, and the tectonic significance of D2 deformation are different in each structural unit. Published U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages and T-t/P-t estimations reveal diachronic Turonian-Coniacian to Maastrichtian retrograde M2 metamorphism in the different structural units of the complex, during a consistent D2 top-to-the-NE/ENE tectonic transport. Regionally, a similar top-to-the-ENE tectonic transport also took place in the metasedimentary nappes of the Samaná complex during the Eocene to earliest Miocene. This kinematic compatibility indicates a general northeastward progradation of deformation in the northern Caribbean convergent margin, as the successive tectonic incorporation of arc, oceanic and continental-derived terrains to the developing Caribbean subduction-accretionary complex took place. D3–D5 deformations are discontinuous and much less penetrative, recording the evolution from ductile to brittle conditions of deformation in the complex. The D3 event substantially modified the nappe-stack and produced open folds with amplitudes up to kilometer-scale. The Late Paleocene-Eocene D4 structures are ductile to ductile–brittle thrusts and inverse shear bands. D5 is a Tertiary, entirely brittle deformation that had considerable influence in the geometry of the whole complex. From the Miocene to the Present, it has been cut and laterally displaced by a D5 sinistral strike-slip fault system associated with the Septentrional fault zone.  相似文献   

In the Ladakh–Zanskar area, relicts of both ophiolites and paleo-accretionary prism have been preserved in the Sapi-Shergol mélange zone. The paleo-accretionary prism, related to the northward subduction of the northern Neo-Tethys beneath the Ladakh Asian margin, mainly consists of tectonic intercalations of sedimentary and blueschist facies rocks. Whole rock chemical composition data provide new constraints on the origin of both the ophiolitic and the blueschist facies rocks. The ophiolitic rocks are interpreted as relicts of the south Ladakh intra-oceanic arc that were incorporated in the accretionary prism during imbrication of the arc. The blueschist facies rocks were previously interpreted as oceanic island basalts (OIB), but our new data suggest that the protolith of some of the blueschists is a calc-alkaline igneous rock that formed in an arc environment. These blueschists most likely originated from the south Ladakh intra-oceanic arc. This arc was accreted to the southern margin of Asia during the Late Cretaceous and the buried portion was metamorphosed under blueschist facies conditions. Following oceanic subduction, the external part of the arc was obducted to form the south Ladakh ophiolites or was incorporated into the Sapi-Shergol mélange zone. The incorporation of the south Ladakh arc into the accretionary prism implies that the complete closure of the Neo-Tethys likely occurred by Eocene time.  相似文献   

阐述了洋陆转化形成的洋内弧与初始弧的岩石组合序列及其地球化学特征,提出岩浆弧是由洋陆转化以及底侵的壳幔转化共同作用形成的认识,前弧环境是洋陆转化形成初生大陆的场所,由特征的类似洋中脊的洋内弧前弧玄武岩类构成。大陆的形成过程如下:从地幔中生长出洋壳,从洋壳中的洋陆转化生长出不成熟的弧陆壳,最后从弧陆壳底侵的壳幔转化中长出成熟的陆壳。这样,地壳的生长和形成主要通过岩浆增生作用来实现。  相似文献   

A polycyclic two-stage corona growth in the Iforas Granulitic Unit (Mali)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Retrograde and prograde mineral assemblages from metapelitic and metabasic rocks of the Iforas Granulitic Unit (Mali) were generated by the superimposition of two granulite facies metamorphic events. They clearly result from a polycyclic evolution and can be related to a late Eburnean unroofing followed by a Pan-African burial.
Thermobarometry on Pan-African garnet-bearing assemblages yields ( P, T ) estimates of 620±50°C and 5± Ikbar. The nearly anhydrous conditions produced in the Eburnean appear to be the direct cause of the unusually lowtemperature granulite-facies metamorphism in the Pan-African. These P, T estimates are compared with those obtained on the underlying unit (Kidal Assemblage) upon which the Iforas Granulitic Unit was thrust. A P-T-t path, during the Pan-African orogeny, is proposed and discussed for both the Iforas Granulites and Kidal Assemblage.  相似文献   

Diamondiferous rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan, represent deeply subducted continental crust. In order to constrain the age of ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism and subsequent retrogression during exhumation, zircons from diamondiferous gneisses and metacarbonates have been investigated by a combined petrological and isotopic study. Four different zircon domains were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. Mineral inclusions and trace element characteristics of the zircon domains permit us to relate zircon growth to metamorphic conditions. Domain 1 consists of rounded cores and lacks evidence of UHP metamorphism. Domain 2 contains diamond, coesite, omphacite and titanian phengite inclusions providing evidence that it formed at UHP metamorphic conditions (P>43 kbar; T~950 °C). Domain 3 is characterised by low-pressure mineral inclusions such as garnet, biotite and plagioclase, which are common minerals in the granulite-facies overprint of the gneisses (P~10 kbar; T~800 °C). This multi-stage zircon growth during cooling and exhumation of the diamondiferous rocks can be best explained by zircon growth from Zr-saturated partial melts present in the gneisses. Domain 4 forms idiomorphic overgrowths and the rare earth element pattern indicates that it formed without coexisting garnet, most probably at amphibolite-facies conditions (P~5 kbar; T~600 °C). The metamorphic zircon domains were dated by SHRIMP ion microprobe and yielded ages of 527LJ, 528NJ and 526LJ Ma for domains 2, 3 and 4 respectively. These indistinguishable ages provide evidence for a fast exhumation beyond the resolution of SHRIMP dating. The mean age of all zircons formed between UHP metamorphic conditions and granulite-facies metamorphism is 528Dž Ma, indicating that decompression took place in less than 6 Ma. Hence, the deeply subducted continental crust was exhumed from mantle depth to the base of the crust at rates higher than 1.8 cm/year. We propose a two-stage exhumation model to explain the obtained P-T-t path. Fast exhumation on top of the subducted slab from depth >140 to ~35 km was driven by buoyancy and facilitated by the presence of partial melts. A period of near isobaric cooling was followed by a second decompression event probably related to extension in a late stage of continental collision.  相似文献   

Origin and differentiation of picritic arc magmas,Ambae (Aoba), Vanuatu   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Key aspects of magma generation and magma evolution in subduction zones are addressed in a study of Ambae (Aoba) volcano, Vanuatu. Two major lava suites (a low-Ti suite and high-Ti suite) are recognised on the basis of phenocryst mineralogy, geochemistry, and stratigraphy. Phenocryst assemblages in the more primitive low-Ti suite are dominated by magnesian olivine (mg 80 to 93.4) and clinopyroxene (mg 80 to 92), and include accessory Cr-rich spinel (cr 50 to 84). Calcic plagioclase and titanomagnetite are important additional phenocryst phases in the high-Ti suite lavas and the most evolved low-Ti suite lavas. The low-Ti suite lavas span a continuous compositional range, from picritic (up to 20 wt% MgO) to high-alumina basalts (<5 wt% MgO), and are consistent with differentiation involving observed phenocrysts. Melt compositions (aphyric lavas and groundmasses) in the low-Ti suite form a liquid-line of descent which corresponds with the petrographically-determined order of crystallisation: olivine + Cr-spinel, followed by clinopyroxene + olivine + titanomagnetite, and then plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + titanomagnetite. A primary melt for the low-Ti suite has been estimated by correcting the most magnesian melt composition (an aphyric lava with 10.5 wt% MgO) for crystal fractionation, at the oxidising conditions determined from olivine-spinel pairs (fo2 FMQ + 2.5 log units), until in equilibrium with the most magnesian olivine phenocrysts. The resultant composition has 15 wt% MgO and an mg Fe2 value of 81. It requires deep (3 GPa) melting of the peridotitic mantle wedge at a potential temperature consistent with current estimates for the convecting upper mantle (T p 1300°C). At least three geochemically-distinct source components are necessary to account for geochemical differences between, and geochemical heterogeneity within, the major lava suites. Two components, one LILE-rich and the other LILE- and LREE-rich, may both derive from the subducting ocean crust, possibly as an aqueous fluid and a silicate melt respeetively. A third component is attributed to either differnt degrees of melting, or extents of incompatible-element depletion, of the peridotitic mantle wedge.  相似文献   

The South Karakorum margin, east of the Himalayan syntaxis, consist of an E–W elongated zone of young (10–3 Ma) high‐grade metamorphic rocks (M2) and related migmatitic domes. This late tectono‐metamorphic event post‐dates the Palaeogene (55–37 Ma) phase of thickening of the belt featured by NW–SE structures and associated M1 amphibolite facies metamorphism (0.7 GPa, 700 °C). This M2 metamorphism is characterised by low‐pressure, high‐temperature conditions coeval with migmatite formation in response to a thermal increase of c. 150 °C compared to M1, culminating at a temperature of c. 770 °C and a pressure of 0.5–0.6 GPa. Rapid exhumation of migmatitic domes, at a rate of 5 mm yr?1, was accommodated by vertical extrusion, in the core of E–W crustal‐scale folds. These crustal‐scale folds formed in response to N–S syn‐collisional shortening and were enhanced by thermal weakening of the migmatised continental crust. M2 metamorphism is spatially and temporarily associated with granitoids showing a mantle affinity, firmly suggesting that this could be the advective heat source for the granite and syenite generation and the subsequent migmatisation of the mid‐crustal level. Such relationships between a mantle‐related magmatism and a high‐temperature metamorphism in a convergent shortening context are suggestive of the breakoff of the subducted Indian slab since 20 Ma.  相似文献   


The Gangdese batholith, Tibet, records the opening and closing of the Neo-Tethyan ocean and the resultant collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The Mesozoic magmatic rocks play a crucial role in understanding the formation and evolution of the Neo-Tethyan tectonic realm. This study focuses on Jurassic intrusive rocks in the Xietongmen area of the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane adjacent to the Yarlung–Tsangpo suture. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded Middle Jurassic dates for ca 170?Ma hornblende gabbro and ca 173?Ma granodiorite intrusions. All of the samples are medium- to high-K calc-alkaline, and the majority are metaluminous and enriched in the large ion lithophile elements and depleted in the high-field-strength elements. This indicates the magma was generated in a subduction-related tectonic setting. The intrusive rocks have high and positive εHf(t) values (hornblende gabbro: 13.3–18.7; granodiorite: 14.2–17.6) that yield Hf model ages younger than 312?Ma. These new data, combined with the results of previous research, suggest that the Jurassic igneous rocks were derived from a metasomatised region of an asthenospheric mantle wedge. Extremely depleted Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope compositions are similar to the Yarlung ophiolite and igneous rocks within other intra-oceanic island arcs. Together with the existence of sandstone that is identified as the product of the oceanic island arc environment, we suggest formation in an intra-oceanic island arc.
  1. The new zircon U–Pb dating has yielded Middle Jurassic ages for the ca 170?Ma hornblende gabbro and ca 173?Ma granodiorite phases of the Xietongmen intrusion.

  2. Jurassic igneous rocks formed from a metasomatised asthenospheric mantle wedge by northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust beneath the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane.

  3. Late Triassic–Jurassic igneous rocks, which are characterised by highly depleted isotopic compositions within the Southern Lhasa sub-terrane, record residual intra-oceanic island arcs in the eastern Tethyan belt.


Regional cooling in the course of Neoproterozoic core complex exhumation in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt is constraint by 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende and muscovite from Meatiq, Sibai and Hafafit domes. The data reveal highly diachronous cooling with hornblende ages clustering around 580 Ma in the Meatiq and the Hafafit, and 623 and 606 Ma in the Sibai. These 40Ar/39Ar ages are interpreted together with previously published structural and petrological data, radiometric ages obtained from Neoproterozoic plutons, and data on sediment dynamics from the intramontane Kareim molasse basin. Early-stage low velocity exhumation was triggered by magmatism initiated at 650 Ma in the Sibai and caused early deposition of molasses sediments within rim synforms. Rapid late stage exhumation was released by combined effect of strike-slip and normal faulting, exhumed Meatiq and Hafafit domes and continued until 580 Ma. We propose a new model that adopts core complex exhumation in oblique island arc collision-zones and includes transpression combined with lateral extrusion dynamics. In this model, continuous magma generation weakened the crust leading to facilitation of lateral extrusion tectonics. Since horizontal shortening is balanced by extension, no major crustal thickening and no increase of potential energy (gravitational collapse) is necessarily involved in the process of core complex formation. Core complexes were continuously but slowly exhumed without creating a significant mountain topography.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Wadi Ranga metavolcanic rocks, South Eastern Desert of Egypt, constitute a slightly metamorphosed bimodal sequence of low-K submarine tholeiitic mafic and felsic volcanic rocks. The mafic volcanic rocks are represented by massive and pillow flows and agglomerates, composed of porphyritic and aphyric basalts and basaltic andesites that are mostly amygdaloidal. The felsic volcanic rocks embrace porphyritic dacites and rhyolites and tuffs, which overlie the mafic volcanic rocks. The geochemical characteristics of Wadi Ranga volcanic rocks, especially a strong Nb depletion, indicate that they were formed from subduction-related melts. The clinopyroxene phenocrysts of basalts are more akin to those crystallizing from island-arc tholeiitic magmas. The tholeiitic nature of the Wadi Ranga volcanics as well as their LREE-depleted or nearly flat REE patterns and their low K2O contents suggest that they were developed in an immature island arc setting. The subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios (with the lowest ratio reported for any arc rocks) and low Nb/Yb ratios indicate that the mantle source of the Wadi Ranga mafic volcanic rocks was more depleted than N-MORB-source mantle. Subduction signature was dominated by aqueous fluids derived from slab dehydration, whereas the role of subducted sediments in mantle-wedge metasomatization was subordinate, implying that the subduction system was sediment-starved and far from continental clastic input. The amount of slab-derived fluids was enough to produce hydrous magmas that follow the tholeiitic but not the calc-alkaline differentiation trend. With Mg# > 64, few samples of Wadi Ranga mafic volcanic rocks are similar to primitive arc magmas, whereas the other samples have clearly experienced considerable fractional crystallization.The low abundances of trace elements, together with low K2O contents of the felsic metavolcanic rocks indicate that they were erupted in a primitive island arc setting. The felsic volcanic rocks are characterized by lower K/Rb ratios compared to the mafic volcanic rocks, higher trace element abundances (~ 2 to ~ 9 times basalt) on primitive arc basalt-normalized pattern and nearly flat chondrite-normalized REE patterns, which display a negative Eu anomaly. These features are largely consistent with fractional crystallization model for the origin of the felsic volcanic rocks. Moreover, SiO2-REE variations for the Wadi Ranga volcanic rocks display steadily increasing LREE over the entire mafic to felsic range and enriched La abundances in the felsic lavas relative to the most mafic lavas, features which are consistent with production of the felsic volcanic rocks through fractional crystallization of basaltic melts. The relatively large volume of Wadi Ranga silicic volcanic rocks implies that significant volume of silicic magmas can be generated in immature island arcs by fractional crystallization and indicates the significant role of intra-oceanic arcs in the production of Neoproterozoic continental crust. We emphasize that the geochemical characteristics of these rocks such as their low LILE and nearly flat REE patterns can successfully discriminate them from other Egyptian Neoproterozoic felsic volcanic rocks, which have higher LILE, Zr and Nb and fractionated REE patterns.  相似文献   

俯冲带弧岩浆分异是大陆地壳形成的主要过程,对研究大陆地壳的演化与生长机制具有重要意义。本文通过对中祁连弧地体西段盐池湾地区的哈马尔达坂杂岩体进行野外地质、地球化学、年代学和热力学模拟研究,来讨论弧岩浆分异过程。哈马尔达坂杂岩体主要存在两类岩石类型:镁铁质-超镁铁质堆晶岩(包括辉石角闪石岩、角闪辉长岩和角闪石岩)和闪长岩类(包括闪长岩、石英闪长岩)。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示辉石角闪石岩的形成时代为473±1Ma,与相邻高钾岛弧玄武岩的形成时代一致。哈马尔达坂杂岩体与高钾岛弧玄武岩具有相似的全岩Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成,(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i)比值在0.7035~0.7053之间,ε_(Nd)(t)=+3.9~+5.1,ε_(Hf)(t)=+10.8~+13.1,表明它们来自同一岩浆源区。结合野外地质关系与岩石地球化学特征,推测该侵入杂岩体的原始熔体为相邻的高钾玄武质弧岩浆。岩石学和地球化学特征表明:闪长岩类是来源于受沉积物熔体交代的俯冲带地幔楔部分熔融形成的原始玄武质岩浆在中下地壳发生(以角闪石为主)结晶分异的产物;镁铁质-超镁铁质岩石具有堆晶结构,地球化学特征呈现富铁贫硅的特征,具有较高的MgO含量(6.19%~14.29%,Mg^(#)=52.3~74.6),代表原始玄武质岩浆分离结晶形成的堆晶体。热力学模拟计算与实验岩石学资料对比,进一步说明该杂岩体中的闪长岩是玄武质岩浆在中压(约0.7GPa)和氧逸度为NNO+1的条件下、发生50%~67%分离结晶的产物。闪长岩类与镁铁质-超镁铁质堆晶岩具有相似的矿物结晶顺序与全岩同位素组成,指示它们具有发生分离结晶作用的互补成分特征,分别代表了玄武质岩浆分离结晶后的衍生熔体和堆晶岩。因此,本文研究表明角闪石分异是弧岩浆分异的主要机制,它导致富SiO_(2)熔体的形成,推动岩浆成分向富硅的方向演变,从而产生新生的安山质地壳。  相似文献   

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