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The relations between star formation rates along the spiral arms and the velocities of gas inflow into the arms in the grand‐design galaxy NGC 628 were studied. We found that the radial distribution of the average star formation rate in individual star formation regions in regular spiral arms correlates with the velocity of gas inflow into the spiral arms. Both distributions have maxima at a galactocentric distance of 4.5–5 kpc. There are no correlations between the radial distributions of the average star formation rate in star formation regions in spiral arms and outside spiral arms in the main disc. We also did not find a correlation between the radial distribution of the average star formation rate in star formation regions in spiral arms and the H I column density. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of a bar and an asymmetric spiral structure on the neutral hydrogen distribution and kinematics in the strongly barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479. The strongest 21-cm line emission at 1-kpc resolution comes from the western spiral arm which appears to be slightly inclined to the plane of the main disc. In contrast, the area within the radius of the bar is devoid of 21-cm line emission. The radio continuum emission at 21 cm follows the bar dust lanes, but beyond 3 kpc from the nucleus the radio continuum emission has a peculiar morphology, unlike that of optical and near-infrared images. We did not detect any low surface brightness gas-rich companions in the near neighbourhood of NGC 7479. This leads us to propose that the strong western spiral arm was created in a recent minor merger.  相似文献   

We present for the first time a two-dimensional velocity field of the central region of the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 5248, at 0.9-arcsec spatial resolution. The H α velocity field is dominated by circular rotation. While no systematic streaming motions are seen in the area of the nuclear grand-design spiral or the circumnuclear ring, the amplitude of residual velocities, after subtracting a model circular velocity field, reaches 20 km s−1 in projection. The rotation curve levels out at around 140 km s−1, after a well-resolved and rather shallow rise. We have generated an analytical model for the nuclear spiral and fitted it to our observations to obtain estimates of the pattern speed of the spiral and the speed of sound in the central region of NGC 5248. Our results are consistent with a low pattern speed, suggesting that the nuclear spiral rotates with the same rate as the main spiral structure in NGC 5248, and thus that the spiral structure is coupled from scales of a few hundred parsecs to several kiloparsecs. We have also compared the observed structure and kinematics between the nuclear regions of NGC 5248 and M100. Several similarities and differences are discussed, including the location of the peak emission regions on major and minor axes, and the spiral arm streaming motions. We find no kinematic evidence for the presence of a nuclear bar in NGC 5248.  相似文献   

We study the pattern speed of the bar in NGC 7479 by comparing observations with numerical simulations of gas flow in a two-dimensional gravitational potential, derived from observations. The best agreement between the observations and the modelling is achieved for the fast bar pattern speed of 27 km s−1 kpc−1, when the corotation radius is at 50 arcsec, i.e. 1.1 times the radial length of the bar. This result is supported by the gas and dust lane morphologies, star formation distribution, projected velocity field and overall morphology. We find that star formation is most likely to be triggered close to the large-scale shocks and dust lanes in the bar. The net gas inflow rate in the simulations at 1-kpc radius is 4–6 M⊙ yr−1 at intermediate times.  相似文献   

The overall morphology of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479 is modelled in numerical simulations of a minor merger. Special attention is paid to the morphology and velocity field of the asymmetric spiral structure and the strong stellar bar. The mass of the satellite galaxy is 1/10 of the mass of the primary disc, or 1/30 of the total mass of the primary. The satellite is placed initially in a circular prograde orbit at six disc scalelengths from the centre of the primary. We follow the evolution of the merger until the secondary galaxy reaches the nuclear region of the primary. A comparison between the modelled and observed morphologies of the stellar and the ionized and neutral gas distributions and velocity fields supports the hypothesis that the transient look of NGC 7479 is a result of a minor merger. We vary several of the initial parameters of the merger and discuss their effects on the resulting morphology. The merging satellite galaxy is likely to lie within the bar of NGC 7479. We identify a possible candidate in the observational data. We discuss briefly the most probable future evolution of NGC 7479 in the light of our minor-merger simulations, and conclude that NGC 7479 is likely to evolve toward an earlier Hubble type.  相似文献   

We present the first observations of molecular line emission in NGC 3718 with the IRAM 30m and the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. This galaxy is an excellent example for a strongly warped gas disk harboring an active galactic nucleus (AGN). An impressive dust lane is crossing the nucleus and a warp is developing into a polar ring. The molecular gas content is found to be typical of an elliptical galaxy with a relatively low molecular gas mass content (∼ 4 × 108 M ). The molecular gas distribution is found to warp from the inner disk together with the HI distribution. The CO data were also used to improve the kinematic modeling in the inner part of the galaxy, based on the so-called tilted ring-model. The nature of NGC 3718 is compared with its northern sky `twin' Centaurus A and the possible recent swallowing of a small-size gas-rich spiral is discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The velocity field of the nearly face-on galaxy NGC 3631, derived from observations in the H α line and H  i radio line, is analysed to study perturbations related to the spiral structure of the galaxy. We confirm our previous conclusion that the line-of-sight velocity field gives evidence of the wave nature of the observed two-armed spiral structure. Fourier analysis of the observed velocity field is used to determine the location of corotation of the spiral structure of this galaxy, and the radius of corotation R c is found to be about 42 arcsec, or 3.2 kpc. The vector velocity field of the gas in the plane of the disc is restored, and, taking into account that we previously investigated vertical motions, we now have a full three-dimensional gaseous velocity field of the galaxy. We show clear evidence of the existence of two anticyclonic and four cyclonic vortices near corotation in a frame of reference rotating with the spiral pattern. The centres of the anticyclones lie between the observed spiral arms. The cyclones lie close to the observed spirals, but their centres are shifted from the maxima in brightness.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a model for the late-type barred-spiral galaxy NGC 3359 by using both observational and numerical techniques. The results of our modelling are compared with photometric and kinematical data. The potential used is estimated directly from observations of the galaxy. It describes with a single potential function, a barred-spiral system with an extended spiral structure. Thus, the study of the dynamics in this potential has an interest by itself. We apply orbital theory and response models for the study of the stellar component, and smoothed particle hydrodynamics for modelling the gas. In particular, we examine the pattern speed of the system and the orbital character (chaotic or ordered) of the spiral arms. We conclude that the spiral pattern rotates slowly, in the sense that its corotation is close to or even beyond the end of the arms. Although a single, slow pattern speed could, under certain assumptions, characterize the whole disc, the comparison with the observational data indicates that probably the bar and the spirals have different angular velocities. In our two pattern speeds model, the best fit is obtained with a bar ending close to its 4:1 resonance and a more slowly rotating spiral. Assuming an 11 Mpc distance to the galaxy, a match of our models with the observed data indicates a pattern speed of about  39 km s−1 kpc−1  for the bar and about  15 km s−1 kpc−1  for the spiral. We do not find any indication for a chaotic character of the arms in this barred-spiral system. The flow in the region of the spirals can best be described as a regular 'precessing-ellipses flow'.  相似文献   

Various processes have been proposed to explain how galaxy discs acquire their thickness. A simple diagnostic for ascertaining this 'heating' mechanism is provided by the ratio of the vertical to radial velocity dispersion components. In a previous paper we have developed a technique for measuring this ratio, and demonstrated its viability on the Sb system NGC 488. Here we present follow-up observations of the morphologically similar Sab galaxy NGC 2985, still only the second galaxy for which this ratio has been determined outside the solar neighbourhood. The result is consistent with simple disc-heating models that predict ratios of σ z σ R less than one.  相似文献   

Submillimetre mapping observations of the active edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079 are presented. These maps at 850 and 450 μm were made with the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT).
The source structure at these wavelengths consists of a central unresolved source embedded in diffuse disc emission, similar to that displayed at 1.2 mm. The disc emission is fitted with two optically thin, isothermal dust models which give temperatures of 12 and 31 K, similar to those derived previously by Braine et al. The core component is well described by a single-temperature fit (∼32 K). The combined dust mass from these observations, using the same mass absorption coefficient as Devereux & Young (1990) is 3.5×108 M, of which ∼90 per cent resides in the cold component of the galactic disc. The effect of the cold dust component detected by SCUBA is thus to reduce the global gas-to-dust mass ratio from ∼1400 found in the above study to 85, very similar to the Galactic level. Calculations using the models of Draine & Lee and/or alternative molecular gas mass estimates yield gas-to-dust mass ratios in the range 60–190.
The data presented here, together with previously published 1.2-mm mapping observations and IRAS data, are inconsistent with detections made with the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ). In particular, the latter give an excess of flux at 200 and 180 μm relative to that predicted by our simple model fits (approximately a factor of 2–3).  相似文献   

We analyse new integral-field spectroscopy of the inner region (central 2.5 kpc) of the spiral galaxy NGC 4321 to study the peculiar kinematics of this region. Fourier analysis of the velocity residuals obtained by subtracting an axisymmetric rotation model from the Hα velocity field indicates that the distortions are global features generated by an   m = 2  perturbation of the gravitational potential which can be explained by the nuclear bar. This bar has been previously observed in the near-infrared but not in the optical continuum dominated by star formation. We detect the optical counterpart of this bar in the 2D distribution of the old stellar population (inferred from the equivalent width map of the stellar absorption lines). We apply the Tremaine–Weinberg method to the stellar velocity field to calculate the pattern speed of the inner bar, obtaining a value of  Ωb= 160 ± 70 km s−1 kpc−1  . This value is considerably larger than the one obtained when a simple bar model is considered. However, the uncertainties in the pattern speed determination prevent us from giving support to alternative scenarios.  相似文献   

It has been known for a long time that a large fraction of disc galaxies are lopsided. We simulate three different mechanisms that can induce lopsidedness: flyby interactions, gas accretion from cosmological filaments and ram pressure from the intergalactic medium. Comparing the morphologies, H  i spectrum, kinematics and   m = 1  Fourier components, we find that all of these mechanisms can induce lopsidedness in galaxies, although in different degrees and with observable consequences. The time-scale over which lopsidedness persists suggests that flybys can contribute to ∼20 per cent of lopsided galaxies. We focus our detailed comparison on the case of NGC 891, a lopsided, edge-on galaxy with a nearby companion (UGC 1807). We find that the main properties of NGC 891 (morphology, H  i spectrum, rotation curve, existence of a gaseous filament pointing towards UGC 1807) favour a flyby event for the origin of lopsidedness in this galaxy.  相似文献   

We present H  i line and 20-cm radio continuum observations of the NGC 1511 galaxy group obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The data reveal an extended, rather disturbed H  i distribution for the peculiar starburst galaxy NGC 1511 and a narrow bridge to its small companion galaxy, NGC 1511B, which has been severely distorted by the interaction/collision between the two galaxies. No stellar counterpart to the gaseous bridge has been detected. In addition, we find that the peculiar optical ridge to the east of NGC 1511 is probably the stellar remnant of a galaxy completely disrupted by interactions with NGC 1511. The slightly more distant neighbour, NGC 1511A, shows a regular H  i velocity field and no obvious signs of interactions.
Radio continuum emission from NGC 1511 reveals three prominent sources on top of a more diffuse, extended distribution. We derive an overall star formation rate of  7 M yr−1  . The most enhanced star formation is found in the south-eastern part of the disc, coincident with several bright H  ii regions, and closest to the peculiar optical ridge. No continuum emission was detected in the companions, but NGC 1511B appears to show an H  ii region at its faint western edge, closest to NGC 1511. The group displays a prime example of interaction-induced star formation activity.  相似文献   

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