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Late Cenozoic terrestrial deposits are widespread across the northern coastal regions of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and represent diverse fluvial, estuarine and deltaic environments. The dating and correlation of these deposits rely on stratigraphically-associated marine index beds, mammalian and molluscan faunas and magnetostratigraphy. In detail the geometries of these sediment bodies are extremely complex, typically varying between localities and representing many cycles of incision and aggradation. However, the overall disposition of the sediments reflects the transition from the uplifting sediment source region to the north and the subsiding depocentre in the interior of the Black Sea to the south. Since the Middle Miocene the area of the Paratethys/Black Sea depocentre has decreased significantly, but since the Middle Pliocene the hinge zone between uplift and subsidence has been located close to the modern coastline. A combination of regional and local differential crustal movements has given rise to the great variety of fluvial sediment bodies, to the erosion–aggradation cycles, different phases and river activity and to the various fluvial landforms that have all been important in landscape development in this region during the past 12 Ma. The fluvial erosion–accumulation cycles (during the upper Serravillian–Messinian, the Zanclean–late Gelasian, and the Pleistocene) and corresponding cycles of relief dissection and planation are reconstructed against a background of local sea-level changes and climatic variations determined from palaeobotanical data. The maximum fluvial incision occurred in the early Zanclean time with alluvial coastal plains, unique in this area, developing in the Gelasian. Increased climatic aridity during the Pleistocene caused a reduction of fluvial activity in comparison with the Late Miocene and Pliocene. The sea-level oscillations and Pleistocene glaciations affected fluvial processes in different ways. The most remarkable events were the substantial reduction of fluvial activity during the Messinian dessication in the Black Sea and drainage of the shelf, with intensive dissection, coeval with the Last Glaciation.  相似文献   

The available evidence regarding the disposition and chronology of Pliocene–Pleistocene fluvial terraces, coastal rock flats, raised beaches and lacustrine sediments adjoining the Anti-Atlas coastline of Morocco has been reviewed and supplemented by additional information from our own field reconnaissance. It is thus suggested that the study region has experienced uplift by  130 m since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum ( 3.1 Ma), by  90 m since the latest Pliocene ( 2 Ma), and by  45 m since the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution ( 0.9 Ma). Each of these phases of uplift correlates with a phase of global climate change known independently, and it is thus inferred that the observed uplift is being driven by climate through mechanisms such as erosional isostasy and the associated induced lower-crustal flow. Numerical modelling of the observed uplift history indicates that the mobile lower-crustal layer in the study region is  9 km thick, with a temperature at its base of  500 °C. The base of this mobile layer is inferred to be at  24 km depth, the deepest crust consisting of a layer of mafic underplating that does not flow under ambient conditions. The principal landform in the study region, the coastal rock platform at  60 m a.s.l., thus formed during a succession of interglacial marine highstands in the late Early Pleistocene when uplift rates were low. Although control on the ages of young sediments and landforms is currently extremely limited, being dependent on regional correlation schemes rather than on absolute dating, the study region fits the pattern, emerging worldwide, that climate change is driving the systematic growth of topographic relief evident during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Climate change during the Last Glacial is considered as a major forcing factor of fluvial system changes. A continuous succession of fluvial sediments, reflecting adaptations to climate change from the Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial (oxygen isotope stage 3) onwards, occurs in lowland river basins in the Netherlands.A comparison of the Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvial record in the Netherlands shows that climatic oscillations of similar magnitude did not produce changes in the fluvial sedimentary system of equal magnitude. The Late Glacial fluvial system proves to be highly sensitive to climate change. By contrast, many of the rapid climate changes that have occurred during oxygen isotope stage 3, according to the Greenland ice core record, are not detectable in the fluvial sediments. This can be explained by differences in the impact of the climate variations on drainage basin vegetation. During the Late Glacial, the tree line repeatedly shifted through the Netherlands, whereas the area remained within the tundra zone during the Middle Pleniglacial. Precipitation variations and permafrost aggradation and degradation have played a secondary role.The Weichselian fluvial succession in the Netherlands demonstrates that detection of a change in the fluvial sedimentary system and relating this change to climate change is subject to methodological limitations. The climatic significance of changes in the fluvial record should be carefully evaluated, as well as their chronology. The possibility that climate did not influence the fluvial system should always be considered as a null hypothesis in studies on fluvial successions.  相似文献   

We correlate Upper Pleistocene glacial and fluvial deposits of the Cinca and Gállego River valleys (south central Pyrenees and Ebro basin, Spain) using geomorphic position, luminescence dates, and time-related trends in soil development. The ages obtained from glacial deposits indicate glacial periods at 85 ± 5 ka, 64 ± 11 ka, and 36 ± 3 ka (from glacial till) and 20 ± 3 ka (from loess). The fluvial drainage system, fed by glaciers in the headwaters, developed extensive terrace systems in the Cinca River valley at 178 ± 21 ka, 97 ± 16 ka, 61 ± 4 ka, 47 ± 4 ka, and 11 ± 1 ka, and in the Gállego River valley at 151 ± 11 ka, 68 ± 7 ka, and 45 ± 3 ka. The times of maximum geomorphic activity related to cold phases coincide with Late Pleistocene marine isotope stages and Heinrich events. The maximum extent of glaciers during the last glacial occurred at 64 ± 11 ka, and the terraces correlated with this glacial phase are the most extensive in both the Cinca (61 ± 4 ka) and Gállego (68 ± 7 ka) valleys, indicating a strong increase in fluvial discharge and availability of sediments related to the transition to deglaciation. The global Last Glacial Maximum is scarcely represented in the south central Pyrenees owing to dominantly dry conditions at that time. Precipitation must be controlled by the position of the Iberian Peninsula with respect to the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation system. The glacial systems and the associated fluvial dynamic seem sensitive to 1) global climate changes controlled by insolation, 2) North Atlantic thermohaline circulation influenced by freshwater pulses into the North Atlantic, and 3) anomalies in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic controlling precipitation on the Iberian Peninsula. Our scenario of glacial and fluvial evolution during the Late Pleistocene in northern Spain could be extrapolated to other glaciated mountainous areas in southern Europe.  相似文献   

The Souss Basin in SW Morocco is filled by Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial, fluvio-lacustrine and aeolian sediments, representing an excellent archive of palaeohydrology, palaeoclimate and the effects of crustal deformation. In general these sediments indicate stream-dominated alluvial systems, influenced by fluctuations in climate (humidity/aridity). Lakes developed within the basin around the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition and persisted into the Early Pleistocene. During this early period, relatively humid conditions are indicated by the dominance of coarse-grained sedimentation in the upper reaches of fluvial systems, the existence of large lakes and the considerable sediment thicknesses in the centre of the basin. Uplift of the surrounding mountain ranges contributed to piedmont formation by providing large amounts of coarse-grained material that accumulated at the lowland margin. Climatic deterioration in the Middle Pleistocene was accompanied by progressively more irregular and disrupted fluvial regimes. These trends were evident in the Late Pleistocene and became clearer after the mid-Holocene, with aeolian activity becoming the dominant sedimentary agent. Differences between upstream and downstream depositional regimes became marked: while coarse-grained sedimentation has characterized the upper reaches of wadi catchments, fine-grained sedimentation has prevailed downstream. Hiatuses in sedimentation throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary are marked by palaeosol horizons interbedded within the sedimentary sequences, indicating alternate vegetated (stable) and unvegetated (unstable/active) phases (biostasy and ‘rhexistasy’).  相似文献   

Accurate temperature–depth profiles may help to assess the temperature variations associated with the climate changes in the past. Ninety-eight ground surface temperature histories inverted from the temperature–depth borehole logs drilled on the territory of the Czech Republic [Bodri, L., ermák, V., 1995. Climate changes of the last millennium inferred from borehole temperatures: results from the Czech Republic — Part I. Global Planet. Change 11, pp. 111–125; Bodri, L., ermák, V., 1997. Climate changes of the last two millennia inferred from borehole temperatures: results from the Czech Republic — Part II. Global Planet. Change 14, pp. 163–173.] are used to reconstruct the regional patterns of the respective climate change. The climate was mapped for the following periods: 1100–1300 A.D. (Little Climatic Optimum), 1400–1500 A.D., 1600–1700 A.D. (main phase of the Little Ice Age), and for the most recent climate trend after year 1960. Comparison of the obtained maps with the meteorological observations and proxy climatic reconstructions confirmed good applicability of the “geothermal” paleoclimatic reconstructions for the regional studies.  相似文献   

The origin of CN radicals in comets is not completely understood so far. We present a study of CN and HCN production rates and CN Haser scale lengths showing that: (1) at heliocentric distances larger than 3 AU, CN radicals could be entirely produced by HCN photolysis; (2) closer to the Sun, for a fraction of comets CN production rates are higher than HCN ones whereas (3) in the others, CN distribution cannot be explained by the HCN photolysis although CN and HCN production rates seem to be similar. Thus, when the comets are closer than 3 AU to the Sun, an additional process to the HCN photolysis seems to be required to explain the CN density in some comets.The photolysis of HC3N or C2N2 could explain the CN origin. But the HC3N production rate is probably too low to reproduce CN density profile, even if uncertainties on its photolysis leave the place for all possible conclusions. The presence of C2N2 in comets is a reliable hypothesis to explain the CN origin; thus, its detection is a challenging issue. Since C2N2 is very difficult to detect from ground-based observations, only in situ measurements or space observations could determine the contribution of this compound in the CN origin.Another hypothesis is a direct production of CN radicals by the photo- or thermal degradation of complex refractory organic compounds present on cometary grains. This process could explain the spatial profile of CN inside jets and the discrepancy noted in the isotopic ratio 14N/15N between CN and HCN. Laboratory studies of the thermal and UV-induced degradation of solid nitrogenated compounds are required to model and validate this hypothesis.  相似文献   

A comparison of the internal structure of Earth-like planets is unavoidable to understand the formation and evolution of the solar system, and the differences between Earth’s, Mars’, and Venus’ atmospheres, surfaces and tectonic behaviors. Recent studies point at the role of core structure and dynamics in the evolution of the atmosphere, mantle and crust. On Earth, the crust thickness and the radius and physical state of the cores are known for almost one century, since the advent of seismological observations, but the lack of long-term surface-based geodetic, electromagnetic and seismological observations on the other planets, results in very large uncertainties on the crust thickness, on the temperature and composition of their mantle, and on the size and physical state of their cores. According to the currently available geodetic data, Mars’ dimensionless mean-moment-of-inertia ratio is equal to 0.3653±0.0008. When combined with geochemical observations and with the inputs of laboratory experiments on planetary materials at high pressure and high temperature, this result constrains a narrow range of density values for Mars’ mantle and favors a light [6200-6765 kg m−3] sulfur-rich core, but it still allows for a 1600-1750 km range for the core radius, i.e. an uncertainty at least ten times larger than the precision obtained in 1913 by Gutenberg for the Earth’s core. Mars’ mantle density distribution may be explained by a large range of temperatures and mineralogical compositions, either olivine- or pyroxene-rich. The unknown mean thickness of Mars’ crust makes necessary a number of working assumptions for the interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data. The situation is worse for Venus, and the most conservative model of its deep interior is a transposition of the Earth’s structure scaled to Venus’ radius and mass. The temperature conditions at the surface of this planet hardly make possible long-term ground-based measurements, but this is indeed feasible at the surface of Mars. Precise measurements of Mars’ crust thickness, core radius and structure, and the proof of the existence or absence of an inner core, would put tight constraints on mantle dynamics and thermal evolution, and on possible scenarios leading to the extinction of Mars’ magnetic field about 4.0 Ga ago. Long-lasting surface-based geodetic, seismological and magnetic observations would provide this information, as well as the distributions as a function of depth of the density, elastic and anelastic parameters, and electrical conductivity. Current studies on the structure of Earth’s deep interior demonstrate that the latter data set, when constrained by laboratory experiments, may be inverted in terms of temperature, chemical, and mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   

An anomalous reduction in forest growth indices and temperature sensitivity has been detected in tree-ring width and density records from many circumpolar northern latitude sites since around the middle 20th century. This phenomenon, also known as the “divergence problem”, is expressed as an offset between warmer instrumental temperatures and their underestimation in reconstruction models based on tree rings. The divergence problem has potentially significant implications for large-scale patterns of forest growth, the development of paleoclimatic reconstructions based on tree-ring records from northern forests, and the global carbon cycle. Herein we review the current literature published on the divergence problem to date, and assess its possible causes and implications. The causes, however, are not well understood and are difficult to test due to the existence of a number of covarying environmental factors that may potentially impact recent tree growth. These possible causes include temperature-induced drought stress, nonlinear thresholds or time-dependent responses to recent warming, delayed snowmelt and related changes in seasonality, and differential growth/climate relationships inferred for maximum, minimum and mean temperatures. Another possible cause of the divergence described briefly herein is ‘global dimming’, a phenomenon that has appeared, in recent decades, to decrease the amount of solar radiation available for photosynthesis and plant growth on a large scale. It is theorized that the dimming phenomenon should have a relatively greater impact on tree growth at higher northern latitudes, consistent with what has been observed from the tree-ring record. Additional potential causes include “end effects” and other methodological issues that can emerge in standardization and chronology development, and biases in instrumental target data and its modeling. Although limited evidence suggests that the divergence may be anthropogenic in nature and restricted to the recent decades of the 20th century, more research is needed to confirm these observations.  相似文献   

Due to the major role played by diatoms in the biological pump of CO2, and to the presence of silica-rich sediments in areas that play a major role in air–sea CO2 exchange (e.g. the Southern Ocean and the Equatorial Pacific), opal has a strong potential as a proxy for paleoproductivity reconstructions. However, because of spatial variations in the biogenic silica preservation, and in the degree of coupling between the marine Si and C biogeochemical cycles, paleoreconstructions are not straitghtforward. A better calibration of this proxy in the modern ocean is required, which needs a good understanding of the mechanisms that control the Si cycle, in close relation to the carbon cycle.This review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean starts with the mechanisms that control the uptake of silicic acid (Si(OH)4) by diatoms and the subsequent silicification processes, the regulatory mechanisms of which are uncoupled. This has strong implications for the direct measurement in the field of the kinetics of Si(OH)4 uptake and diatom growth. It also strongly influences the Si:C ratio within diatoms, clearly linked to environmental conditions. Diatoms tend to dominate new production at marine ergoclines. At depth, they also succeed to form mats, which sedimentation is at the origin of laminated sediments and marine sapropels. The concentration of Si(OH)4 with respect to other macronutrients exerts a major influence on diatom dominance and on the rain ratio between siliceous and calcareous material, which severely impacts surface waters pCO2. A compilation of biogenic fluxes collected at about 40 sites by means of sediment traps also shows a remarkable pattern of increasing BSi:Corg ratio along the path of the “conveyor belt”, accompanying the relative enrichment of waters in Si compared to N and P. This observation suggests an extension of the Si pump model described by Dugdale and Wilkerson (Dugdale, R.C., Wilkerson, F.P., 1998. Understanding the eastern equatorial Pacific as a continuous new production system regulating on silicate. Nature 391, 270–273.), giving to Si(OH)4 a major role in the control of the rain ratio, which is of major importance in the global carbon cycle.The fate of the BSi produced in surface waters is then described, in relation to Corg, in terms of both dissolution and preservation mechanisms. Difficulties in quantifying the dissolution of biogenic silica in the water column as well as the sinking rates and forms of BSi to the deep, provide evidence for a major gap in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the competition between retention in and export from surface waters. The relative influences of environmental conditions, seasonality, food web structure or aggregation are however explored. Quantitatively, assuming steady state, the measurements of the opal rain rate by means of sediment traps matches reasonably well those obtained by adding the recycling and burial fluxes in the underlying abyssal sediments, for most of the sites where such a comparison is possible. The major exception is the Southern Ocean where sediment focusing precludes the closing of mass balances. Focusing in fact is also an important aspect of the downward revision of the importance of Southern Ocean sediments in the global biogenic silica accumulation. Qualitatively, little is known about the duration of the transfer through the deep and the quality of the material that reaches the seabed, which is suggested to represent a major gap in our understanding of the processes governing the early diagenesis of BSi in sediments. The sediment composition (special emphasis on Al availability), the sedimentation rate or bioturbation are shown to exert an important control on the competition between dissolution and preservation of BSi in sediments. It is suggested that a primary control on the kinetic and thermodynamic properties of BSi dissolution, both in coastal and abyssal sediments, is exerted by water column processes, either occuring in surface waters during the formation of the frustules, or linked to the transfer of the particles through the water column, which duration may influence the quality of the biogenic rain. This highlights the importance of studying the factors controlling the degree of coupling between pelagic and benthic processes in various regions of the world ocean, and its consequences, not only in terms of benthic biology but also for the constitution of the sediment archive.The last section, first calls for the end of the “NPZD” models, and for the introduction of processes linked to the Si cycle, into models describing the phytoplankton cycles in surface waters and the early diagenesis of BSi in sediments. It also calls for the creation of an integrated 1-D diagnostic model of the Si:C coupling, for a better understanding of the interactions between surface waters, deep waters and the upper sedimentary column. The importance of Si(OH)4 in the control of the rain ratio and the improved parametrization of the Si cycle in the 1-D diagnostic models should lead to a reasonable incorporation of the Si cycle into 3-D regional circulation models and OGCMs, with important implications for climate change studies and paleoreconstructions at regional and global scale.  相似文献   

A flare of maser radio emission in the 1665-MHz OH line with a flux density of about 1000 Jy was discovered in the star-forming region W75 N in 2003. At the time of its observations, it was the strongest OH maser in the entire history of research since the discovery of cosmic OH masers in 1965. The linear polarization of the flare emission reached 100%. A weaker flare with a flux density of 145 Jy was observed in this source in 2000–2001; this was probably a precursor of the intense flare. The intensity of two other spectral features decreased when the flare emerged. This change in the intensity of the emission from maser condensations (a brightening of some of them and a weakening of others) can be explained by the passage of a magnetohydrodynamic shock through regions of enhanced gas concentration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we characterize the morphology of the disk-integrated phase functions of satellites and rings around the giant planets of our solar system. We find that the shape of the phase function is accurately represented by a logarithmic model [Bobrov, M.S., 1970. Physical properties of Saturn's rings. In: Dollfus, A. (Ed.), Surfaces and Interiors of Planets and Satellites. Academic, New York, pp. 376-461]. For practical purposes, we also parametrize the phase curves by a linear-exponential model [Kaasalainen, S., Muinonen, K., Piironen, J., 2001. Comparative study on opposition effect of icy solar system objects. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 70, 529-543] and a simple linear-by-parts model [Lumme, K., Irvine, W.M., 1976. Photometry of Saturn's rings. Astronomical Journal 81, 865-893], which provides three morphological parameters: the amplitude A and the half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of the opposition surge, and the slope S of the linear part of the phase function at larger phase angles.Our analysis demonstrates that all of these morphological parameters are correlated with the single-scattering albedos of the surfaces.By taking more accurately into consideration the finite angular size of the Sun, we find that the Galilean, Saturnian, Uranian and Neptunian satellites have similar HWHMs (?0.5°), whereas they have a wide range of amplitudes A. The Moon has the largest HWHM (∼2°). We interpret that as a consequence of the “solar size bias”, via the finite angular size of the Sun which varies dramatically from the Earth to Neptune. By applying a new method that attempts to morphologically deconvolve the phase function to the solar angular size, we find that icy and young surfaces, with active resurfacing, have the smallest values of A and HWHM, whereas dark objects (and perhaps older surfaces) such as the Moon, Nereid and Saturn's C ring have the largest A and HWHM.Comparison between multiple objects also shows that solar system objects belonging to the same planet have comparable opposition surges. This can be interpreted as a “planetary environmental effect” that acts to locally modify the regolith and the surface properties of objects which are in the same environment.  相似文献   

We analyze the behavior of the outer envelope in a massive star during and after the collapse of its iron core into a protoneutron star (PNS) in terms of the equations of one-dimensional spherically symmetric ideal hydrodynamics. The profiles obtained in the studies of the evolution of massive stars up to the final stages of their existence, immediately before a supernova explosion (Boyes et al. 1999), are used as the initial data for the distribution of thermodynamic quantities in the envelope. We use a complex equation of state for matter with allowances made for arbitrary electron degeneracy and relativity, the appearance of electron-positron pairs, the presence of radiation, and the possibility of iron nuclei dissociating into free nucleons and helium nuclei. We performed calculations with the help of a numerical scheme based on Godunov's method. These calculations allowed us to ascertain whether the emersion of the outer envelope in a massive star is possible through the following two mechanisms: first, the decrease in the gravitational mass of the central PNS through neutrino-signal emission and, second, the effect of hot nucleon bubbles, which are most likely formed in the PNS corona, on the envelope emersion. We show that the second mechanism is highly efficient in the range of acceptable masses of the nucleon bubbles (≤0.01M ) simulated in our hydrodynamic calculations in a rough, spherically symmetric approximation.  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of the pulsar of the Be/X-ray binary, AX J0051-733. Although the system has a very short orbital period, it meets the basic definition of Be/X-ray binaries. We argue that, in order to interpret such a short orbital period, the initial magnetic field strength of the pulsar must be between 4.2×1013–5×1015 G, if typical values of the parameters chosen. Thus, the pulsar was most likely born as a magnetar. We further suggest that magnetar descendants can also be found among the massive X-ray binaries with extremely short-orbit periods, in addition to among the X-ray binaries with very long pulse periods.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of observational data on the mean magnetic field of the Sun from several observatories (a selection of published information and new measurements). Results of correlation and regression analyses of observations of background magnetic fields at the STOP telescope of the Sayan solar observatory in different spectral lines are also presented. Results obtained furnish an opportunity to obtain more unbiased information about largescale magnetic fields of the Sun and, in particular, about manifestations of strong (kilogauss) magnetic fields in them.  相似文献   

Massimiliano Guzzo 《Icarus》2006,181(2):475-485
The motion of the giant planets from Jupiter to Neptune is chaotic with Lyapunov time of approximately 10 Myr. A recent theory explains the presence of this chaos with three-planet mean-motion resonances, i.e. resonances among the orbital periods of at least three planets. We find that the distribution of these resonances with respect to the semi-major axes of all the planets is compatible with orbital instability. In particular, they overlap in a region of 10−3 AU with respect to the variation of the semi-major axes of Uranus and Neptune. Fictitious planetary systems with initial conditions in this region can undergo systematic variations of semi-major axes. The true Solar System is marginally in this region, and Uranus and Neptune undergo very slow systematic variations of semi-major axes with speed of order 10−4 AU/Gyr.  相似文献   

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