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正The papers in this issue stem from the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation held in September 2016 at the University of Stuttgart,Germany.The Symposiums on River Sedimentation aim to provide a platform for scientists and engineers for fruitful and in-depth knowledge exchange.The objectives are to develop sustainable revitalization and management strategies that address the ongoing negative effects of anthropogenic activities,whilst improving river systems toward a healthy ecological status.The fundamental research and understanding of interactive  相似文献   

The World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research, the name of which has been abbreviated to WASER, was inaugurated on 19 Oct. 2004 during the 9^th International Symposium on River Sedimentation in Yichang, China. Dr. Des Walling, the President of the new Association,  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn the past decade frequently occurring floods claimed thousands of lives and caused economic loss of billions US dollars. Among them the Mississippi River flood in 1993, the Rhine River flood in 1995, the Yangtze River flood in 1998, the Haihe River flood in 1996, and the storm surges in Bangladesh in 1991 are the most devastating. It is evident that both the frequency and intensity of flooding are increasing.The first International Symposium on Flood Defence in Sep. 20…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Guanting Reservoir is located on the Yongding River (a large tributary of the Haihe River) and at the border of Beijing Municipality and Hebei Province. The reservoir receives three tributaries: the Sanggan River with a drainage area of 25,840 km2, the Yanghe River with 16,170 km2, and the Guishui River with 852 km2. The drainage area above the reservoir is 43,402 km2. The reservoir has two arms. The Sanggan River and Yanghe River join the Yongding River at the ups…  相似文献   

In this paper we carry out a theoretical analysis based on the general one-dimensional morphodynamic model for rivers in order to show how the morphological equilibrium of a fiver is influenced by water and sediment diversion/supply along the river. The results of the analysis show that large scale water diversions, like those along the Lower Yellow River, can cause the development of a convex riverbed profile in the long-term. Deposition will take place along the whole reach of the river, with an increasing deposition depth from downstream to upstream. The slope of the river bed increases from upstream to downstream. Furthermore, an analysis on the morphological time scale shows that this development in the Lower Yellow River will take a time period on the order of decades to centuries. The results of the analysis have been compared with observations in the Lower Yellow River. Since the second half of the 1980's large scale water diversions from the Yellow River have been taking place. The observations show that this has indeed led to significant sedimentation along the river.  相似文献   

The Yellow River(YR) capture of the Huai River had a profound effect on the landscape evolution,ecology, and social development in China, disrupting the evolution of some vital shallow floodplain lakes.Because of the absence of lacustrine sediment provenance analysis, previous studies were inadequate in distinguishing the influence of YR capture on paleoenvironmental changes in these lakes, especially on landscape evolution, redox conditions, lake level changes, and organic productivity. The cur...  相似文献   

The northern coast of Vietnam has accumulated a significant amount of sediment discharged from the multiple distributaries of rivers such as the Red River and Ma River.While recent decreases of the sediment supply appears to have a significant impact on coastal erosion,the complex network of these distributaries makes it difficult to determine the overall spatiotemporal characteristics of sediment discharges and related topographic changes.The goal of the current study is to develop a satellite-based monitoring system for observation of turbidity discharged from the multiple rivers and to investigate the applicability of the developed monitoring system through a case study on the northern coast of Vietnam.Based on the in-situ observed data,a formulawas determined for estimation of the surface water turbidity as a function of the red band reflectance of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer(MODIS)images.The formula was then combined with a newly determined threshold for cloud-masking to obtain maps of the nearshore turbidity patterns.These maps capture the spatiotemporal water surface turbidity along the entire coast of the Red River Delta and the coast around theMa River mouth over the past sixteen years with frequency of twice a day.Finally,long-term trends of the turbidity patterns from multiple rivers were compared with the in-situ observation data and it was found that the Red River and the Ma River showed clearly contrasting characteristics,which reasonably explain the recent coastal shoreline changes and characteristics of sediment sampled along the coast.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the latest developments, future prospects, and proposed countermeasures of reservoir sedimentation and channel scour downstream of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on the Yangtze River in China. Three key results have been found.(1) The incoming sediment load to the TGR has been significantly lower than expected.(2) The accumulated volume of sediment deposition in the TGR is smaller than expected because the overall sediment delivery ratio is relatively low, and the deposition in the near-dam area of the TGR is still developing.(3) River bed scour in the river reaches downstream of the Gezhouba Dam is still occurring and channel scour has extended to reaches as far downstream as the Hukou reach. Significantly, sedimentation of the TGR is less problematic than expected since the start of operation of the TGR on the one hand;on the other hand, the possible increases in sediment risks from dependence on upstream sediment control, deposition in the reservoir, and scour along middle Yangtze River should be paid more attention.(1) Sediment trapped by dams built along the upper Yangtze River and billion tons of loose materials on unstable slopes produced by the Wenchuan Earthquake could be new sediment sources for the upper Yangtze River. More seriously, possible release of this sediment into the upper Yangtze River due to new earthquakes or extreme climate events could overwhelm the river system, and produce catastrophic consequences.(2) Increasing sediment deposition in the TGR is harmful to the safety and efficiency of project operation and navigation.(3) The drastic scour along the middle Yangtze River has intensified the down-cutting of the riverbed and erosion of revetment, it has already led to increasing risk to flood control structures and ecological safety. It is suggested to continue the Field Observation Program, to initiate research programs and to focus on risks of sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project is one of the largest hydro-projects in the world and has drawn many debates inside China and abroad. The major concern is that sediment load from the river basin may eventually fail the functions of the project for flood control and power generation. To reduce sedimentation in the reservoir, watershed management has been adopted. However, there is limited information regarding the effectiveness of various control measures such as terracing and afforestation on a watershed scale. The Jialing River, a main tributary of the Yangtze River, contributes approximately 25% of the total sediment load in the main river but only represents 8% of the whole basin area. There have been various land use patterns and extensive human activities for thousands of years in the Jialing River watershed. Based on analysis of the major factors affecting erosion in the Jialing River watershed, the main watershed management strategies (afforestation, farming and engineering practice) are illustrated, and their effects on the reduction of sediment and runoff are studied in detail. The sediment budget of the watershed shows that 1/3 of the sediment yield is trapped by the erosion control measures (afforestation and farming) on the slope, 1/3 is trapped by the reservoirs, ponds and dams within the watershed, and only about 1/3 is transported into the Yangtze River, which will affect the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

Based on field data of river discharge, tide, tidal bore, and riverbed topography, the characteristics of river discharge, the effect of river discharge on riverbed erosion and sedimentation, and the feedback effect of riverbed erosion and sedimentation on the tide and tidal bore in the Qiantang River are analyzed. The results show that the inter-annual and seasonal variation of river discharge in the Qiantang River is noticeable, while the seasonal distribution of river discharge tends to be un...  相似文献   

Wind-blown sand is one of the key factors affecting the evolution of sediment transport,erosion,and deposition in rivers crossing desert areas.However,the differences and complex variations in the spatial and temporal distribution of the underlying surface conditions are seldom considered in research on the river inflow of wind-blown sand over a long time period.The Yellow River contains a large amount of sediment.The Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River was selected as the research ...  相似文献   

On Nov. 9, 1996 at 21h56min (Beijing Time), an earthquake of MS=6.1 occurred in offshore outside the Yangtze River Mouth (31o43¢N, 123o04¢E). The shock affected Shanghai City and both Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces in China mainly. The shock was felt more strongly in the Yangtze River Mouth and Hangzhou Bay area than in the rest of them, particularly in high buildings of Shanghai City. In addition, the earthquake was felt in South Korea and also stronger in apartments or high buildings. LIU, JIN (1998) and LIU, et al (1999) described effect of the shock on the eastern China. The paper describes the effect of the earthquake on South Korea and the whole intensity distribution in South Korea and eastern China.  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONThe Gezhouba Project is located on the main stem of the Yangtze River with a total installed capacity of 2750 MW. The general layout of the project is shown in Fig. l--a. The drainage area upstream of the project is 1 million sq. km with an…  相似文献   

The results of seismic deep reflection,high resolution refraction and shallow artificial seismic exploration indicate that the fault on the northern bank of the Weihe river is composed of two faults,one is the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault and the other is the Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault.The 22 km long Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault of EW-striking starts from Chenjiagou via Yaodian town,Qianpai village,Bili village,Wujia town and Zhangjiawan to Jiajiatan.The 15 km long Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault striking near EW starts from Chuanzhang via Mabei to Zuitou.The Weihe fault offset the basement and upper crust,the reflecting layers of TQ,TN,TE and Tg are ruptured at depth of about 15 km.In the deep part,the Weihe fault and the secondary fault form a Y-shaped structure or a synthetic low angle intersection.The Weihe fault is a listric normal fault.The fault has obvious structural characteristics of a reversed-drag normal fault and a normal drag normal fault with the depth of 1 000 m,and also has the characteris-tics of syngenetic sediment.The Weihe fault is one of the faults which control the basin sediment,and it is the boundary fault of Xi’an depression and Xianyang salient.The depth of the fault decreases from the west to east gradually,the deep part intersects with the Lintong-Chang’an fault at the intersection part of Weihe River,Jinghe River and Bahe River and the shallow part connects with the Weinan-Jingyang fault.The seismic exploration re-sults indicate that no fault exists on southern bank of the Weihe River.  相似文献   

The ecological forecasting of microorganisms and water quality dynamics in Krasnoyarsk Reservoir is based on knowledge of dependence of specific growth rate (SGR) on limiting substrata. It investigated the influence of soil extract on the growth autochtonic (bacterioplankton of Krasnoyarsk Reservoir. The maximum SGR and Michaelis-Menten constant (on chemical oxidation decomposition (COD)-permanganate) is determined. These parameters are used in eco-model of Krasnoyarsk Reservoir and the Yenisei River to estimate the payojf of self-purification.  相似文献   

On the north piedmont of Tianshan Mountains, China, the Kuytun River and Manas River transverse the Dushanzi and Manas folds, resulted in 7-level and 6-level pedestal terraces, respectively, which are the tectonomorphic marks of folding and uplift of the Dushanzi and Manas anticlines since the late Quaternary. We have collected samples from deposits of all terraces for OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) geological dating using the SMAR (single-multiple-aliquot-regeneration) method on fine grains. We have also performed dating using the 14 C method on the samples from the deposit of terrace T1 along the Kuytun River. The results show that all these deposits are of the later phase of the late Pleistocene. Comparison of terrace dating and climate change since 200 ka suggests that the terraces T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 along the Manas River formed in 6, 8.5, 10, 14 and 32 ka, respectively. The incision time of Kuitun River’s T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 terraces were 1.7, 14, 20, 25, 32, 50 and 100 ka years ago, respectively. The terrace T4 along the Manas River and T2 along the Kuytun River were formed during the late part of the late Pleistocene, i.e., 14 ka. Since 14 ka, the incision of the Manas River has generated three levels of pedestal terraces, while that of the Kuytun River has only produced one level of such terraces. The latest folding and uplift of the Dushanzi anticline took place in 1.7 ka, while that of the Manas anticline occurred in 5 ka. Since 14ka or the later time of the late Pleistocene, the Dushanzi and Manas anticlines have risen by 40 and 95 m, respectively, implying uplift rates 2.7 and 6.8 mm/a for each.  相似文献   

On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey, we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation. The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshulbe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline, the Nanchuanhe fault is a transverse tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault, the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline. By balance profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data, we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the )fining urban area. Based on the seismotectonic model, we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault.  相似文献   

The equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport refer to the relative balance of sediment transport and the relative stability of river courses formed by the automatic adjustment of riverbeds.This is the theoretical basis for the comprehensive management of sediment in the Yellow River.Based on the theories of sediment carrying capacity and the delayed response of riverbed evolution,in this study,the equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport in the Yellow River are established.These relations include the equilibrium relationships between water and sediment transport and bankfull discharge in the upper and lower Yellow River and between water and sediment transport and the Tongguan elevation in the middle Yellow River.The results reveal that for the Ningmeng reach,the Tongguan reach,and the lower Yellow River,erosion and deposition in the riverbeds are adjusted automatically,and water and sediment transport can form highly constrained equilibrium relationships.These newly established equilibrium relationships can be applied to calculate the optimal spatial allocation scheme for sediment in the Yellow River.  相似文献   

Based on data from 148 hydrometric stations in the Yellow River Basin, an analysis of regional scale relationship, or the relationship between specific sediment yield and drainage basin area, has been undertaken in the study area of the Loess Plateau. For different regions, scale relationship in log-log ordinate can be fitted by two types of lines: straight and parabola, and for each line, a function was fitted using regression analysis. The different scale relationships have been explained in terms of the difference in surface material distribution and landforms. To offset the scale-induced influence, calcu-lation has been done based on the fitted functions, in order to adjust the data of specific sediment yield to a common standard area. Based on the scaled data, a map of specific sediment yield was con-structed using Kriging interpolation. For comparison, a map based on the un-scaled data of specific sediment yield was also constructed using the same method. The two maps show that the basic pattern of specific sediment yield was basically the same. The severely eroded areas (Ys >10000 t km-2a-1) were at the same locations from Hekouzhen to Longmen in the middle Yellow River Basin. However, after the adjustment to a common standard area, the very severely eroded area (Ys >20000 t km-2a-1) became much enlarged because after the adjustment, all the values of Ys in the lower river basin in those regions became much larger than before.  相似文献   

The lower Yangtze River area, situated at the fore-land of the Qinling-Dabie orogen, is an important re-gion for high-grade mineral deposits in Cen-tral-Eastern China. Nearly 300 different types of Cu and Au polymetal, Fe, and S mineral deposits have been found and mined in this zone[1,2]. The overall distribution of these deposits follows the trend of the Mesozoic igneous rocks, suggesting their fundamental controls on the formation of these deposits. Geo-physical and geologic observatio…  相似文献   

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