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Partitioning of F between H2O and CO2 fluids and topaz rhyolite melt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fluid/melt distribution coefficients for F have been determined in experiments conducted with peraluminous topaz rhyolite melts and fluids consisting of H2O and H2O+CO2 at pressures of 0.5 to 5 kbar, temperatures of 775°–1000°C, and concentrations of F in the melt ranging from 0.5 to 6.9 wt%. The major element, F, and Cl concentrations of the starting material and run product glasses were determined by electron microprobe, and the concentration of F in the fluid was calculated by mass balance. The H2O concentrations of some run product glasses were determined by ion microprobe (SIMS). The solubility of melt in the fluid phase increases with increasing F in the system; the solubility of H2O in the melt is independent of the F concentration of the system with up to 6.3 wt% F in the melt. No evidence of immiscible silica- and fluoriderich liquids was detected in the hydrous but water-undersaturated starting material glasses (8.5 wt% F in melt) or in the water-saturated run product glasses. F concentrates in topaz rhyolite melts relative to coexisting fluids at most conditions studied; however, DF (wt% F in fluid/wt% F in melt) increases strongly with increasing F in the system. Maximum values of DF in this study are significantly larger than those previously reported in the literature. Linear extrapolation of the data suggests that DF is greater than one for water-saturated, peraluminous granitic melts containing 8 wt% F at 800° C and 2 kbar. DF increases as temperature and as (H2O/H2O+CO2) of the fluid increase. For topaz rhyolite melts containing 1 wt% F and with H2O-rich fluids, DF is independent of changes in pressure from 2 to 5 kbar at 800° C; for melts containing 1 wt% F and in equilibrium with CO2-bearing fluids the concentrations of F in fluid increases with increasing pressure. F-and lithophile element-enriched granites may evolve to compositions containing extreme concentrations of F during the final stages of crystallization. If F in the melt exceeds 8 wt%, DF is greater than one and the associated magmatic-hydrothermal fluid contains >4 molal F. Such F-enriched fluids may be important in the mass transport of ore constituents, i.e., F, Mo, W, Sn, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, U, Th, Nb, Ta, and B, from the magma.  相似文献   

An automatic system for the continuous monitoring of CO2, H2S, SO2 and meteorological parameters in atmosphere has been developed. The system has been tested in the laboratory in order to verify the stability and reliability of each sensor and of the whole system. A field test for a period of one month, at the Solfatara of Pozzuoli has also been carried out. The acquired data during the field test reveal a correlation between the wind speed and the concentrations of CO2, H2S, and SO2 in the atmosphere. With a wind speed of over 4 ms-1 the concentration of the three gases reached constant background values of 600 ppm for CO2 and about 2 ppm vol. for H2S and SO2. The different ratios of H2S/SO2 measured in the fumaroles (~100) and in the atmosphere (1–0.1) clearly indicate that H2S is oxidized to SO2 during the transport.  相似文献   

由于高海拔和高降水,青藏高原东南部成为全球少有的积雪集中分布的亚热带地区。其积雪覆盖的变化受到亚洲夏季风的强烈影响,同时积雪覆盖又能通过改变青藏高原东南部的热效应,对亚洲夏季风的动态造成影响。然而当前器测记录的积雪覆盖面积只有几十年,限制了对高原积雪面积变化和亚洲季风动态关系的探讨,尤其是在年代际尺度上二者的关系。本文首次开展了基于树轮的青藏高原积雪覆盖重建的研究。通过收集了青藏高原东南部的25个树轮年表,发现其中9个树轮年表和积雪覆盖存在显著正相关;进一步研究发现这些树轮年表和积雪覆盖的关系主要表现在年代际波动上,在年际尺度上的波动两者的关系不显著。这9个树轮年表的年代际波动在历史时期也能很好的吻合,进一步说明这些树轮序列受到共同的积雪覆盖变化的影响,且这种影响在年代际尺度上比较稳定。积雪覆盖和干旱指数表现出显著正相关以及9个年表均表现出干旱响应,说明积雪覆盖可以通过调制土壤湿度来影响树轮生长。年际尺度上树轮生长主要受到区域气候条件的影响,而年代际尺度上,积雪覆盖通过调控区域气候和土壤湿度,对树轮生长起到决定性的影响。基于这些树轮年表,定量重建了青藏高原东南部过去300年来积雪面积的年代际波动,并讨论它与亚洲季风动态的关系。  相似文献   

We report a FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) study of a set of cordierite samples from different occurrence and with different H2O/CO2 content. The specimens were fully characterized by a combination of techniques including optical microscopy, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, EMPA (electron microprobe analysis), SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry), and FTIR spectroscopy. All cordierites are orthorhombic Ccmm. According to the EMPA data, the Si/Al ratio is always close to 5:4; X Mg ranges from 76.31 to 96.63, and additional octahedral constituents occur in very small amounts. Extraframework K and Ca are negligible, while Na reaches the values up to 0.84 apfu. SIMS shows H2O up to 1.52 and CO2 up to 1.11 wt%. Optically transparent single crystals were oriented using the spindle stage and examined by FTIR micro-spectroscopy under polarized light. On the basis of the polarizing behaviour, the observed bands were assigned to water molecules in two different orientations and to CO2 molecules in the structural channels. The IR spectra also show the presence of small amounts of CO in the samples. Refined integrated molar absorption coefficients were calibrated for the quantitative microanalysis of both H2O and CO2 in cordierite based on single-crystal polarized-light FTIR spectroscopy. For H2O the integrated molar coefficients for type I and type II water molecules (ν3 modes) were calculated separately and are [I]ε?=?5,200?±?700?l?mol?1?cm?2 and [II]ε?=?13,000?±?3,000?l?mol?1?cm?2, respectively. For CO2 the integrated coefficient is $ \varepsilon_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ?=?19,000?±?2,000?l?mol?1?cm?2.  相似文献   

A tree-ring proxy of summer temperature anomalies for northern Finland for the past 7500 yr was analyzed using Fourier spectrum and wavelet approaches. Multicentennial (250-450 yr) variability is present in the proxy record during most of the time range. This variability is suggested to reflect low-frequency variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation. Century-scale (90-130 yr) variation is another important feature of the tree-ring proxy data during the Holocene and may be attributed to Glessberg solar activity variations. In addition, an approximately 2000-yr quasi-period is found in this temperature proxy data, similar to the millennial-scale variability, present in many climate records from the North Atlantic region. The results point to the importance of multiple forcings underlying significant Holocene climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

The products of the 1974 eruption of Fuego, a subduction zone volcano in Guatemala, have been investigated through study of silicate melt inclusions in olivine. The melt inclusions sampled liquids in regions where olivine, plagioclase, magnetite, and augite were precipitating. Comparisons of the erupted ash, groundmass, and melt inclusion compositions suggest that the inclusions represent samples of liquids present in a thermal boundary layer of the magma body. The concentrations of H2O and CO2 in glass inclusions were determined by a vacuum fusion manometric technique using individual olivine crystals (Fo77 to Fo71) with glass inclusion compositions that ranged from high-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite. Water, Cl, and K2O concentrations increased by a factor of two as the olivine crystals became more iron-rich (Fo77 to Fo71) and as the glass inclusions increased in SiO2 from 51 to 54 wt.% SiO2. The concentration of H2O in the melt increased from 1.6 wt.% in the least differentiated liquid to about 3.5% in a more differentiated liquid. Carbon dioxide is about an order of magnitude less abundant than H2O in these inclusions. The gas saturation pressures for pure H2O in equilibrium with the melt inclusions, which were calculated from the glass inclusion compositions using the solubility model of Burnham (1979), are given approximately by P(H2O)(Pa)=(SiO2−48.5 wt.%) × 1.45 × 107. The concentrations of water in the melt and the gas saturation pressures increased from about 1.5% to 3.5% and from 300 to 850 bars, respectively, during pre-eruption crystallization.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon analyses were carried out in the annual bands of a 40 year old coral collected from the Gulf of Kutch (22.6°N, 70°E) in the northern Arabian Sea and in the annual rings of a teak tree from Thane (19°14′N, 73°24′E) near Bombay. These measurements were made in order to obtain the rates of air-sea exchange of CO2 and the advective mixing of water in the Gulf of Kutch. The Δ14C peak in the Thane tree occurs in the year 1964, with a value of ∼630‰, significantly lower than that of the mean atmospheric Δ14C of the northern hemisphere (∼ 1000‰). The radiocarbon time series of the coral was modelled considering the supply of carbon and radiocarbon to the gulf through air-sea exchange and advective water transport from the open Arabian Sea. A reasonable fit for the coral data was obtained with an air-sea CO2 exchange rate of 11–12 mol m−2 yr−1, and an advective velocity of 28 m yr−1 between the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Kutch; this was based on a model generated time series for radiocarbon in the Arabian Sea. The deduced velocity (∼ 28 m yr−1) of the advective transport of water between the gulf and the Arabian Sea is much lower than the surface tidal current velocity in this region, but can be understood in terms of net fluxes of carbon and radiocarbon to the gulf to match the observed coral Δ14C time series.  相似文献   

The modeling of the solubility of water and carbon dioxide in silicate liquids (flash problem) is performed by assuming mechanical, thermal, and chemical equilibrium between the liquid magma and the gas phase. The liquid phase is treated as a mixture of ten silicate components + H2O or CO2, and the gas phase as a pure H2O or CO2. A general model for the solubility of a volatile component in a liquid is adopted. This requires the definition of a mixing equation for the excess Gibbs free energy of the liquid phase and an appropriate reference state for the dissolved volatile. To constrain the model parameters and identify the most appropriate form of the solubility equations for each dissolved volatile, a large number of experimental solubility determinations (640 for H2O and 263 for CO2) have been used. These determinations cover a large region of the P-T-composition space of interest. The resultant water and carbon dioxide solubility models differ in that the water model is regular and isometric, and the carbon dioxide model is regular and non-isometric. This difference is consistent with the different speciation modalities of the two volatiles in the silicate liquids, producing a composition-independent partial molar volume of dissolved water and a composition-dependent partial molar volume of dissolved carbon dioxide. The H2O solubility model may be applied to natural magmas of virtually any composition in the P-T range 0.1 MPa–1 GPa and > 1000 K, whereas the CO2 solubility model may be applied to several GPa pressures. The general consistency of the water solubility data and their relatively large number as compared to the calibrated model parameters (11) contrast with the large inconsistencies of the carbon dioxide solubility determinations and their low number with respect to the CO2 model parameters (22). As a result, most of the solubility data in the database are reproduced within 10% of approximation in the case of water, and 30% in the case of carbon dioxide. When compared with the experimental data, the H2O and CO2 solubility models correctly predict many features of the saturation surface in the P-T-composition space, including the change from retrograde to prograde H2O solubility in albitic liquids with increasing pressure, the so-called alkali effect, the increasing CO2 solubility with increasing degree of silica undersaturation, the Henrian behavior of CO2 in most silicate liquids up to about 30–50 MPa, and the proportionality between the fugacity in the gas phase, or the saturation activity in the liquid phase, and the square of the mole fraction of the dissolved volatile found in some unrelated silicate liquid compositions. Received: 21 August 1995 / Accepted: 8 July 1996  相似文献   

The effects of small amounts of H2O (<4 wt % in the melt)on the multiply saturated partial melting of spinel lherzolitein the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ±Na2O ± CO2 have been determined at 1·1 GPa inthe piston-cylinder apparatus. Electron microprobe analysisand Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to analysethe experimental products. The effects of H2O are to decreasethe melting temperature by 45°C per wt % H2O in the melt,to increase the Al2O3 of the melts, decrease MgO and CaO, andleave SiO2 approximately constant, with melts changing fromolivine- to quartz-normative. The effects of CO2 are insignificantat zero H2O, but become noticeable as H2O increases, tendingto counteract the H2O. The interaction between H2O and CO2 causesthe solubility of CO2 at vapour saturation to increase withincreasing H2O, for small amounts of H2O. Neglect of the influenceof CO2 in some previous studies on the hydrous partial meltingof natural peridotite may explain apparent inconsistencies betweenthe results. The effect of small amounts of H2O on multiplysaturated melt compositions at 1·1 GPa is similar tothat of K2O, i.e. increasing H2O or K2O leads to quartz-normativecompositions, but increasing Na2O produces an almost oppositetrend, towards nepheline-normative compositions. KEY WORDS: H2O; CO2; FTIR; hydrous partial melting; mantle melting; spinel lherzolite; system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ± H2O ± CO2 ± Na2O  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of hydrothermal alteration associated with a gold prospect located within a differentiated iron-rich gabbro sill in the Chibougamau region has been investigated in order to establish the alteration mechanism. The gold mineralization, occurring in east-west trending shear zone, shows a close spatial relationship to zones of intense alteration. Ankerite-sericite-pyrite/ankerite-fuchsite-chlorite/ankerite-sericite-chlorite, and chlorite-calcite-magnetite form four distinct alteration facies which extend outward from the mineralized zones. Detailed mineralogical, petrological and chemical studies show that the iron content of chlorite increases whereas the iron content of the carbonate decreases from the mineralized zone outwards. The hydrothermal alteration pattern is shown to be derived from a single fluid with a high initial CO2/H2O ratio. At first, reducing reactions prevailed and, with progressive fluid-rock interaction, the CO2/H2O ratio was lowered and oxidation reactions dominated.
Alterationsmuster in beziehung zur goldmineralisation und dem CO2/H2O- Verhältnis
Zusammenfassung Hydrothermale Alterationen in Zusammenhang mit einer Goldvererzung eines differenzierten eisenreichen gabbroischen Sills im Chibougamaugebiet wurden untersucht, um den Umwandlungsmechanismus zu ermitteln. Die Goldvererzung in der Ost-West verlaufenden Scherzone ist eng mit Zonen intensiver Alteration verbunden. 4 deutlich unterscheidbare Alterationsfazics, die mit zunehmender Entfernung von der Vererzung auftreten, sind: Ankerit - Serizit - Pyrit/Ankerit - Fuchsit - Chlorit/Ankerit -Serizit - Chlorit und Chlorit - Kalzit - Magnetit. Detailierte mineralogische, petrographische und geochemische Untersuchungen zeigen, daß sich von der Vererzung weg der Eisengehalt im Chlorit, erhöht, gleichzeitig aber in Karbonaten verringert. Die hydrothermale Alteration ist auf eine einzige fluide Phase mit ursprünglich hohem CO2/ H2O-Verhältnis zurückzuführen. Vorherrschend waren zunächst reduzierende Reaktionen. Mit zunehmender Wechselwirkung zwischen Fluid und Gestein erniedrigte sich das CO2/H2O-Verhältnis und oxidierende Reaktionen nahmen zu.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Experiments defining the distribution of H2O [Dw = wt % H2O(melt)/wt% H2O(crd)]) between granitic melt and coexisting cordieriteover a range of melt H2O contents from saturated (i.e. coexistingcordierite + melt + vapour) to highly undersaturated (cordierite+ melt) have been conducted at 3–7 kbar and 800–1000°C.H2O contents in cordierites and granitic melts were determinedusing secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). For H2O vapour-saturatedconditions Dw ranges from 4·3 to 7 and increases withrising temperature. When the system is volatile undersaturatedDw decreases to minimum values of 2·6–5·0at moderate to low cordierite H2O contents (0·6–1·1wt %). At very low aH2O, cordierite contains less than 0·2–0·3wt % H2O and Dw increases sharply. The Dw results are consistentwith melt H2O solubility models in which aH2O is proportionalto Xw2 (where Xw is the mole fraction of H2O in eight-oxygenunit melt) at Xw  相似文献   

胡家文 《地球化学》2002,31(4):389-394
为了计算高温,高压和高密度流体的热力学性质,提出了一个具有19个参数的维里型状态方程,其中参数与温度间的函数关系采用由Sutherland位能函数导出的维里系数近似式。除临界点附近以外,在已报道的pVT数据所覆盖的大部分超临界区域内,该方程均可适用。用该方程对H2O,CH4,H2,CO2,CO和O2等流体pVT关系的计算结果令人满意,其中pVT上限分别为:91-610GPa,1.6-11.0cm^3/mol,4000-5000K。计算体积的平均偏 小于0.8%,最大偏差小于5.4%。  相似文献   

树木年轮与其根部土壤化学元素含量的相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用树木年轮学方法研究了北京南郊土壤环境中元素含量随时间序列演变的规律.依据吸收系数研究了相同土壤类型上生长的不同树种对12种化学元素的吸收状况,结果表明不同树种对元素的吸收情况不同.Zn、Cd和P 3个元素吸收系数较高.对杨树年轮及其根部土壤中9种化学元素(Na、K、Cu、Zn、As、Sr、Cd、Ba、Pb)的相关性研究结果表明,年轮中元素的含量与其根土中对应元素的含量呈正相关.采用对数线性相关模式(lgC'=α lgC+b),根据逐年年轮中Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Ba、Pb 6种化学元素的含量,反演6种元素在土壤中的逐年(1982-2004年)演变状况.本技术方法能为追溯近代城市化几十年以来的环境污染变迁历史、预测未来污染演变趋势提供更为丰富和科学的信息.  相似文献   

Distribution of Tl, Zn, Cd, Pb, K, Ca, Mg and Mn and Pb isotopic composition in tree rings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from an area affected by primary Zn smelting (Olkusz, southern Poland) were investigated. Elevated concentrations of Tl (up to 0.8 mg kg−1) in pine trees imply that conifers tend to accumulate this metal to some extent. A generally positive relationship between soil and tree-ring Tl levels was identified. The Tl patterns in stem wood did not correspond to changes in Tl deposition; the lateral translocation of Tl in the sapwood and its accumulation at the sapwood-heartwood boundary (i.e., in the inner sapwood) is suggested. It is probable that the specific behavior of Tl in trees results from its biogeochemical analogy with K. In contrast, tree-ring patterns of Zn and Cd significantly correlated with their deposition; nevertheless, a partial shift of these metals towards the stem center cannot be excluded. The isotopic composition of Pb (206Pb/207Pb ~ 1.172–1.184) in trees and underlying soils revealed the predominant influence of smelter emissions (206Pb/207Pb ~ 1.17) on Pb contamination. Analysis of main nutrients (Ca, Mg and Mn) in wood reflected environmental changes related to acid deposition.  相似文献   

Fractionation of selected REE between brine and vapour was experimentally determined using a large-volume rocking Ti-autoclave that allowed quasi-isobaric sampling of liquid-vapour pairs. Samples were extracted along the 350, 400 and 450 °C-isotherms of the H2O-NaCl system, and along the 400 °C isotherm of the CaCl2 system. Total salt concentrations were either 6.6 and 10 wt% NaCl or CaCl2, respectively, and total REE concentrations were about 2 ppm of each REE. Starting pH at room temperature was 1.8, added as HCl. In another series of experiments, REEs were added in amounts of 312 ppm. Here, the starting pH at room temperature was 0.5, added as HNO3:HCl=1:2. Liquid-vapour pairs (L-V) were analysed for REE by ICP-MS methods. L-V-partitioning of REE along a particular isotherm follows broadly the partitioning of the main salt components, NaCl or CaCl2. DREE=REEV/REEL decrease rapidly from the critical point with decreasing pressure (equivalent to increasing salinity of the liquid) as the solvus opens. This is independent of the total amount of the added REE. Log DREE values show approximately linear correlations with decreasing pressure from the critical point to salt-saturated conditions where the L-V curve meets the liquid + vapour + solid boundary. At given P and T, we found a systematic variation of DREE along the La-Lu suite. HREE are enriched in the vapour phase relative to LREE. Fractionation coefficients KD=(HREEV/HREEL)/(LREEV/LREEL) increase linearly with (P=Pcrit-P along a particular isotherm. At the 450 °C isotherm, KD (Lu/La) at the critical point (425 bar and 10 wt% NaCl) is 1; about 2.5 at 350 bar (33 wt% NaCl in the liquid); and about 5 if extrapolated to salt-saturation (250 bar and 52 wt% NaCl in the liquid). The REE fractionation behaviour is similar along the CaCl2-H2O solvus boundaries. Existing equations of state and thermodynamic databases of REE species cannot predict this behaviour at L-V-equilibrium conditions. That HREE are preferentially fractionated over LREE into the vapour phase has important petrogenetic consequences. In boiling hydrothermal systems, brines will be depleted in HREE relative to LREE. Isobaric cooling is ineffective for fractionation because the solvus closes and the system eventually shifts into the one-phase field. Fractionation is most effective in systems undergoing isothermal or adiabatic decompression. In an open system, where vapour may escape through cavities, fractionation is probably controlled by a Rayleigh fractionation process, resulting in larger overall fractionation effects. Similar fractionations probably occur during magma degassing at very shallow intrusion levels.  相似文献   

硫酸参与的长江流域岩石化学风化速率与大气CO2消耗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流域的岩石化学风化过程是全球碳循环中的重要环节。以往的流域水化学碳汇通量估算大多是基于碳酸的风化作用。而实际上,硫酸和碳酸一样,也参与了流域碳元素的地球化学循环,从而对全球碳循环过程产生影响。长江流域水体近几年出现酸化现象,大部分河段SO42-和Ca2+含量增高,其对应的岩石风化过程和大气CO2消耗速率也发生变化。文章对长江干流及主要支流2013年不同季节的离子组成进行监测,利用水化学平衡法和Galy估算模型,对长江流域岩石化学风化速率和CO2消耗通量进行了估算,对硫酸参与下的长江流域岩石风化和碳循环过程进行了分析。结果表明,长江流域水体离子主要来源于硅酸盐岩风化和碳酸盐岩风化。其中碳酸盐岩风化对河水离子贡献率为92%。在硅酸盐岩广泛分布的赣江流域,碳酸盐岩风化离子贡献也达85%。分析表明,硫酸参与了长江流域的岩石风化过程,对水体中离子产生一定影响。硫酸的参与加快了碳酸盐岩的化学风化速率,平均提高约30%,但是使流域大气CO2消耗速率降低。在不考虑蒸发岩溶蚀作用下,平均从516×103 mol/km2·a降至356×103 mol/km2·a,降低约31%。在各支流中,硫酸对乌江流域碳酸盐岩的风化和碳循环的影响最大,而对雅砻江的影响最小,这与乌江流域的含煤地层、矿床硫化物及大气酸沉降有关。  相似文献   

运用树木年轮学方法研究了北京南郊土壤环境中元素含量随时间序列演变的规律。依据吸收系数研究了相同土壤类型上生长的不同树种对12种化学元素的吸收状况,结果表明不同树种对元素的吸收情况不同。Zn、Cd和P3个元素吸收系数较高。对杨树年轮及其根部土壤中9种化学元素(Na、K、Cu、Zn、As、Sr、Cd、Ba、Pb)的相关性研究结果表明,年轮中元素的含量与其根土中对应元素的含量呈正相关。采用对数线性相关模式(lgC'=algC+b),根据逐年年轮中Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Ba、Pb6种化学元素的含量,反演6种元素在土壤中的逐年(1982—2004年)演变状况。本技术方法能为追溯近代城市化几十年以来的环境污染变迁历史、预测未来污染演变趋势提供更为丰富和科学的信息。  相似文献   

The Qinling Mountain range constitutes a critical boundary for climate and vegetation distribution in eastern central mainland China owing to its importance as a geographic demarcation line. In this article, cores from 88 Chinese pines ( Pinus tabulaeformis ) from the southern (MW site) and northern (NWT site) slopes of the Qinling Mountains were used to reconstruct seasonal temperature variations. During the calibration period, significant correlations were found between ring width and the mean temperature from prior September to current April of 0.76 at the southern slope, and between ring width and the mean May–July temperature of 0.67 at the northern slope. The subsequent temperature reconstructions span 1760–2005 for the northern site and 1837–2006 for the southern site. Prior to the mid-20th century, low September–April temperatures were, in general, followed by high May–July temperatures, probably reflecting variations in the winter and summer monsoon. However, since the mid-20th century, both records show trends of a more pronounced increase in September–April temperature on the southern slope. The results provide independent support for the interpretation that recent warming is unusual in nature, coinciding with the observed record. The results compare well with tree-ring based reconstructions from the surrounding regions, suggesting regional signals in the Qinling Mountain reconstructions.  相似文献   

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