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以山岭隧道洞口段为研究对象,通过有限元数值模拟验证在不同注浆加固厚度下的加固效果,结果表明:注浆加固措施对拱顶沉降和最大加速度有一定的影响,随着注浆加固厚度的增大,隧道各个部位的拱顶沉降和最大加速度逐渐减小,最大位移降幅发生在拱顶,最小发生在仰拱;隧道左侧最大主应力整体大于右侧,最大值部位为左拱脚处,这与整个隧道洞口左...  相似文献   

杭锦旗地区十里加汗区带是中石化高度关注的地区,但其下石盒子组和山西组存在储层井眼条件差、储层致密物性差、岩性复杂、地层水矿化度变化较大等问题,导致气水层识别难.分析了前人研究工作存在的问题,提出削弱或排除井眼扩径影响,突出流体贡献,构建流体识别的气敏感因子和综合多种敏感测井参数进行综合识别的思路和方法,并将其应用于十里...  相似文献   

扩张期洋中脊热液循环系统的热排出与岩浆系统的热注入共同控制着洋壳厚度的生成,而岩浆流体是热液循环系统的流体成分之一,往往与下渗海水混合参与各圈层能量和物质传递,但其能量传递对洋壳厚度的影响机制目前还不清楚.利用有限元的数值模拟手段,对扩张期热液循环系统中岩浆流体与洋壳厚度的关系进行研究.结果表明:(1)相较于只有海水参与的对流循环,含有岩浆流体的热液循环造成的洋壳厚度的减薄量更大、热液喷口温度更高.(2)岩浆流体对洋壳厚度的二次减薄作用随其含量的增大而减弱,热液喷口温度随其含量的增大而升高.(3)南海岩浆水、地幔水含量和洋壳厚度的分布具有非均质性,东部次海盆的地幔水、岩浆水含量高于西南次海盆,前者的平均洋壳厚度也大于后者,并且在海盆残余扩张脊附近存在异常薄洋壳.结合模型结果分析认为,残余扩张脊附近的薄洋壳可能受到扩张期热液循环或后期岩浆流体的影响,而东部、西南次海盆的洋壳厚度差异可能是由于前者的岩浆流体含量高于后者而造成的.  相似文献   

应用冲击回波法检测预应力孔道的注浆质量时,无浆孔道处厚度频率的确定至关重要.建立三维有限元模型,对影响无浆孔道处厚度频率的多种因素,如孔厚比(波纹管内径与板厚之比)、波纹管类型、壁厚比(波纹管壁厚与板厚之比)等进行了数值分析.提出了无浆孔道处厚度频率的计算公式,并以实验结果验证了分析的有效性.结果表明:无浆孔道处的厚度频率只与孔厚比有关,与板厚无关,且随孔厚比的增大而减小;铁皮波纹管对无浆孔道处厚度频率的影响更显著;当孔厚比及波纹管类型相同时,壁厚比越大,无浆孔道处厚度频率相对于无缺陷板厚度频率的偏移量越大.  相似文献   

在研究多个工程场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造了若干典型场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的场地地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了各剖面在不同基底地震动输入的反应谱值及地表加速度峰值,分析了覆盖层厚度对反应谱峰值及峰值周期、地表加速度峰值和放大倍数的影响,得出了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

卓发成 《地震工程学报》2020,42(4):1035-1042
为了研究盆地基岩倾角对盆地地表动力反应的影响,选取了一个跨度2 km,深度500 m的二维成层盆地为研究对象进行有限元动力反应分析。以持时0.25 s的狄拉克脉冲作为输入地震动,探讨了P波和SV波垂直入射时,盆地基岩倾角从10°\,20°\,30°\,40°依次增加的情况下盆地地震反应。结果表明:入射波在倾斜基岩处发生波型转化,同时产生面波,在盆地中心区域发生汇聚;随着基岩倾角的增加地表中心处的卓越频率有减小的趋势。  相似文献   

对同一场地改变土层分层厚度分别建立四种土层反应分析计算模型,输入人工合成的基岩地震波,分别进行土层地震反应分析计算,得到相应的地表加速度峰值和反应谱。对计算得到的结果进行分析比较,最终得出分层厚度对地震动参数的影响。  相似文献   

我国地质地形条件复杂多样,地形效应研究与影响校正是电磁勘探数据处理与解释中的重要问题,忽略地形影响将造成数据解释的较大误差.为了避免复杂的地形效应,实际勘探中尽量将发射源与接收点布置在地形平缓处,但源内仍然可能存在水坑、空洞等小型地形对电磁响应造成一定影响.本文基于有限元法实现了频域、时间域电磁法三维数值模拟,构建了大回线源内含凹陷地形的多种勘探场景,分析了地形尺寸、填充介质变化对电磁响应的影响规律.文中通过与均匀半空间解析解、前人的块状高导体模型的数值结果对比,验证了基于有限元法的频域、时域电磁法三维正演的正确性和精度.在矩形回线源内构造了不同尺寸的凹陷区域,将凹陷区域填充空气、雨水介质模拟空洞和水坑,以均匀半空间响应为参考,定量考察了空洞、水坑对电磁响应的影响程度.研究表明,回线源内地形对电磁响应的影响主要反映在较高频段和时间域早期,水坑对电磁响应的影响显著高于空洞,在实际勘探中,应尽量避开水坑,而存在较小空洞时,可忽略地形效应.  相似文献   

湿陷性是黄土的特殊工程性质,为研究试样厚度对室内测定黄土湿陷性指标的影响,对西安某地深1~20 m内不同深度采取的黄土,利用常规高压固结仪及改造的固结仪,进行了厚度分别为2 cm与8 cm试样的湿陷试验.对比分析各深度土层2 cm试样和8 cm试样的室内湿陷试验的结果,表明:土层湿陷性较弱或压力较小时,不同厚度试样所得...  相似文献   

利用SV地震波(偏振化方向在入射面内的横波)在自由表面反射系数的附加相角导出了SV波Goos-Hnchen效应所引起的横向偏移和横向偏移渡越时间,给出了Goos-Hnchen效应正常时差动校正量,讨论了Goos-Hnchen效应对反射SV波正常时差的影响,绘出了横向偏移、Goos-Hnchen效应正常时差及Goos-Hnchen效应正常时差校正量曲线.曲线表明:反射地震波存在负横向偏移效应,在大多数入射角度范围,横向偏移(横向偏移渡越时间)与波长(周期)为同一个数量级.对掠入射波或入射角在临界角附近的入射波,Goos-Hnchen效应对正常时差有较大的测量误差,对反射P、SV波的传播走时产生了不可忽略的影响,因此在实际的地震资料处理中应进行横向偏移效应误差校正.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of acoustic waves inducing electric fields in porous media is called the seismoelectric effect. Earlier investigators proposed the usage of seismoelectric effect for well logging. Soil texture has a strong influence on the coupled wave fields during shallow surface explorations. In this article, we study the borehole pure shear‐horizontal wave and the coupling transverse‐electric field (acoustic–electrical coupling wave fields) in the partially saturated soil. Combined with related theories, we expand the formation parameters to partially saturated forms and discuss the influence of soil texture conditions on the seismoelectric wave fields. The results show that the elastic and electrical properties of porous media are sensitive to water saturation. The compositions of the acoustic and electric fields for different soil textures do not change, but the waveforms differ. We also use the secant integral method to simulate the interface‐converted electromagnetic waves. The results show that interface response strength is greatly influenced by soil texture. In addition, considering the sensitivity of the inducing electric field to fluid salinity, we also simulate the time‐domain waveforms of electric field for different pore fluid salinity levels. The results show that as the salinity increases, the electric field amplitude decreases monotonically. The above conclusions have certain significance for the application of borehole shear wave and its coupled electric fields for resource exploration, saturation assessment and groundwater pollution monitoring.  相似文献   

井环境对阵列感应测井响应的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阵列感应测井资料经常出现与井眼环境有关的质量问题.采用三维矢量有限元法分别在椭圆形井眼、仪器偏心及斜井条件下的阵列感应测井原始响应进行了模拟,并对环境校正和合成聚焦后的数据进行了分析.结果表明,线圈距较短的原始测量信号更易受井眼椭圆度、仪器偏心、泥浆电阻率及与地层电阻率反差的影响;而合成聚焦后的浅探测曲线虽然经过了环境校正和合成聚焦等数据处理,但仍然受这些因素的影响,这反映出阵列感应测井的数据处理是不完善的或采用的校正模型是理想化的;在井斜影响方面,浅探测曲线受井斜角大小影响相对较小,深探测曲线在井斜角为60°以上时受其影响较大而必须进行进一步处理.  相似文献   

贴井壁声波测井仪的有限差分模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
贴井壁声波测井仪在石油勘探开发中具有广泛的应用.它能够避开泥浆的影响而直接检测井壁附近的地层性质.但目前对此进行的数值模拟研究还仅局限于比较简单的模型.有限差分法可以模拟比较复杂的井眼模型,然而贴井壁声源的频率较高(80kHz左右),使有限差分法计算量过大.本文应用局部加密交错网格有限差分方法解决了这类数值模拟中计算精度和计算量之间的矛盾.用这种算法模拟了井中有仪器时贴井壁声源激发的声场,并将其与无仪器时的声场作了比较.对模拟结果的验证和分析显示,该有限差分方法能够正确模拟贴井壁声源激发的声场.通过考察井中仪器本体对贴井壁声源激发声场的影响发现,测井仪器本体能够对直达波进行衰减而对环绕井壁传播的面波影响不大.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a semi‐infinite fluid‐filled borehole embedded in an elastic half‐space under a concentrated normal surface load is analysed in the long‐wavelength limit. The solution of the problem is obtained with integral transforms in the form of a double integral with respect to the slowness and frequency. The partial P‐ and SVwave responses are further transformed to path integrals along Cagniard paths in the complex slowness plane. Unlike the traditional Cagniard‐de Hoop technique based on the Laplace transform of time dependence, this paper is based on the Fourier transform. The tube‐wave response is presented as a causal integral over a slowness range. The resultant representation in the time‐domain is suitable for the numerical evaluation of the complete response in the fluid‐filled borehole, especially at large distances. Asymptotic analysis of seismic phases arising in the borehole is performed on the basis of the obtained solution. The complete asymptotic wavefield consists in P and SVwaves, the Rayleigh wave and the low‐frequency Stoneley (tube) wave. Pressure synthetics obtained by the use of the asymptotic formulas are shown to be in good agreement with straightforward calculations.  相似文献   

在油、气储层的勘探和开发中观察到的一个现象是储层岩石中普遍存在孔隙和裂隙.随着近年来孔、裂隙介质弹性波动理论的进展,我们可以将此理论应用于测井技术,以此来指导从声波测井中测量孔、裂隙地层的声学参数.本文计算了孔、裂隙地层里充流体井眼中的多极子声场,分析了声场随裂隙介质的两个主要参数(即裂隙密度和裂隙纵横比)的变化特征.井孔声场的数值计算表明裂隙密度可以大幅度地降低井中声波纵、横波的波速和振幅.随着裂隙密度的增加,在测井频段内也可以看到纵、横波速的频散现象(这种频散在孔隙地层中一般是观察不到的).本文还研究了多极子模式波 (即单极的Stoneley波、伪瑞利波以及偶极的弯曲波)随裂隙参数的变化特征.结果表明,这些模式波的振幅激发和速度频散都受裂隙密度的影响.裂隙密度越高影响越大.此外,裂隙还对模式波的传播造成较大的衰减.相对裂隙密度而言,裂隙纵横比是一个频率控制参数,它控制裂隙对声场影响的频率区间.本文的分析结果对裂缝、孔隙型地层的声波测井具有指导意义.  相似文献   

In recent years the emphasis in acoustic logging has been shifting from the wireline to the Logging While Drilling (LWD) environment, the latter being far different from the former in that both tool rigidity and tool radius are considerably greater. In this paper we present a generic mathematical formulation for the multipole borehole acoustic measurement (alternate and equal polarity case), including a detailed analysis on the effects of multipole source amplitude imbalances. It is shown that source imbalance induced mode contaminants have excitation amplitudes that are scaled by the sum of the relative source imbalances between diametrically opposed sources. Furthermore it is shown that for mode contaminants with odd modal number there can be a significant offset in the associated directivity pattern, even at low levels of source imbalance. However, it is also shown that source imbalance induced mode contaminants can be completely eliminated if the multipole source is accompanied with a ‘vertically’ (but not azimuthally) offset multipole receiver. Mathematically, it is demonstrated (for a centered tool) that a polarity weighted stack of these multipole receivers completely eliminates the source imbalance induced mode contaminants. Excitation amplitudes and phase slowness of borehole guided modes are presented for the most common excitation regimes, i.e., monopole, dipole, quadrupole and the hexapole excitation, the latter one showing to have the advantage of a higher formation shear cut-off frequency than the quadrupole mode. Special emphasis will be on the analysis of the dipole excitation and the differences that occur due to variations in tool rigidity, tool diameter and (isotropic) formation properties with the resulting conclusion that a formation flexural mode is not observable as a result of a LWD dipole excitation (this opposed to its dipole wireline counterpart). The guided mode excitation amplitudes are calculated as residues using a Laurent series expansion. This (unconventional) way of calculating the residue has the advantage that it is independent of the pole order, does not require the numerical evaluation of derivatives with respect to the vertical wavenumber and allows for an accurate and efficient FFT implementation.  相似文献   

刘宇  刘国强 《地球物理学报》2014,57(4):1345-1355
套管非匀质性对于过套管电阻率测井响应会产生显著影响.首次采用数值模式匹配法模拟过套管电阻率测井响应,在此基础上分析了各种套管局部变化对于测井响应的影响.模拟结果表明,套管异常区域及其附近的测井响应出现异常变化,异常变化程度与套管参数局部变化程度呈现正相关性;通过模拟不同类型电极系还发现,双注入电极系对套管非匀质性具有很好的补偿作用.文中首次模拟了井温梯度对过套管电阻率测井响应的影响.计算结果表明,该数值方法能够很好地解决包含套管非匀质性因素的过套管电阻率测井数值模拟问题.  相似文献   

为深入认识裂缝性地层的双侧向测井响应特征,指导裂缝识别及裂缝参数表征,基于数值仿真开展了井旁裂缝的缩小比例物理模拟.在物理模拟平台构建的基础上,用不同浓度的氯化钠溶液模拟基岩,用不同宽度的镀锌板来模拟高导裂缝,实现测量过程的可视化.通过实验分析井旁裂缝的规模、发育位置和产状等因素对深、浅侧向电阻率的影响.研究表明:在仪器有效探测范围内,垂直缝延伸长度对深浅侧向电阻率的数值影响较小;裂缝离井壁越远,双侧向电阻率明显增大,但深浅侧向电阻率值的降低幅度不同;随着裂缝倾角增大,深侧向电阻率增大,浅侧向电阻率无明显变化,深浅侧向电阻率从负幅度差向正幅度差过渡,但临界角的观测十分困难,应用双侧向测井判断地层产状时,需特别注意其适用条件.  相似文献   

Gas hydrates are a potential energy resource, a possible factor in climate change and an exploration geohazard. The University of Toronto has deployed a permanent seafloor time‐domain controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) system offshore Vancouver Island, within the framework of the NEPTUNE Canada underwater cabled observatory. Hydrates are known to be present in the area and due to their electrically resistive nature can be monitored by 5 permanent electric field receivers. However, two cased boreholes may be drilled near the CSEM site in the near future. To understand any potential distortions of the electric fields due to the metal, we model the marine electromagnetic response of a conductive steel borehole casing. First, we consider the commonly used canonical model consisting of a 100 Ωm, 100 m thick resistive hydrocarbon layer embedded at a depth of 1000 m in a 1 Ωm conductive host medium, with the addition of a typical steel production casing extending from the seafloor to the resistive zone. Results show that in both the frequency and time domains the distortion produced by the casing occurs at smaller transmitter‐receiver offsets than the offsets required to detect the resistive layer. Second, we consider the experimentally determined model of the offshore Vancouver Island hydrate zone, consisting of a 5.5 Ωm, 36 m thick hydrate layer overlying a 0.7 Ωm sedimentary half‐space, with the addition of two borehole casings extending 300 m into the seafloor. In this case, results show that the distortion produced by casings located within a 100 m safety zone of the CSEM system will be measured at 4 of the 5 receivers. We conclude that the boreholes must be positioned at least 200 m away from the CSEM array so as to minimize the effects of the casings.  相似文献   

建筑结构在爆炸荷载作用下的连续倒塌问题近些年被很多学者所关注。从本质上讲,结构的抗倒塌和抗震都是动荷载作用下的结构响应问题,因此,结构抗震设计的很多理念对结构的抗连续倒塌设计同样适用。本文采用数值模拟的方法,分别对按抗震设防烈度Ⅵ度、Ⅶ度和Ⅷ度的钢框架结构进行了40kg炸药爆炸作用下的连续倒塌分析,探讨了抗震设防烈度对钢框架连续性倒塌的影响。计算结果表明,抗震设防烈度高的钢框架结构其抵抗连续倒塌的能力较强。其中,按Ⅵ度设防的结构发生了连续倒塌;按Ⅶ度设防的结构没有发生连续性倒塌,只发生了一定程度的变形和破坏;而相比之下,按Ⅷ度设防的结构变形和破坏最为轻微。  相似文献   

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