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Doklady Earth Sciences -  相似文献   

Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of Roccamonfina volcano (Southern Italy)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first hydro-geochemical investigation carried out on the Roccamonfina Volcanic Complex groundwaters. The chemistry of Roccamonfina waters is defined by water–rock and water–rock–gas interactions. In fact, interactions between rocks of the first eruptive high-K formations and circulating groundwaters are recognized by high K concentrations. On the other hand, inverse concentration of calcium versus alkali metals is related to two different rock interactions occurring in different areas of the volcano: (a) within the caldera where groundwaters flow within latite and pyroclastic formations releasing calcium, and (b) similarly at the base of the volcano where groundwaters flowing from surrounding carbonates got strongly enriched in Ca. These geochemical processes are also associated with K (SE of caldera) and Mg/Ca (in sites located at the NE base of the volcano) decrease. Completely different dynamics occurs at Riardo groundwaters (SE). Here waters are the result of a mix between the Roccamonfina deep aquifer and the carbonate aquifer of the Riardo plain. Rich-CO2 emissions make these waters strongly mineralized. Minor elements show a similar geochemical behavior of major ions and are crucial defining interactions processes. The evolution of Roccamonfina groundwaters is also evident along the simultaneous enrichment of Ba, Sr, and Ca. Ba increase is the result of deep local carbonate alteration enhanced by CO2 emissions and, the lower Sr/Ca ratio, from 10 to 2 (ppb/ppm), is also due to the same process. In the light of our results the Roccamonfina aquifer can be schematically divided into two main reservoirs: (a) a superficial aquifer which basically follows the volcanic structure morphology and tectonics and (b) a deeper reservoir, originating within the oldest Roccamonfina volcano ultra potassic lavas and then flowing into the carbonate aquifers of the neighboring plain. Eventually, the chemistry of the Roccamonfina aquifer does not show any specific and visible pollution, contrary to what happens in the volcano surrounding plains. In fact, only 14% of the samples we collected (206) show a NO3 content >30 mg/l. These sites are all located at the base of the volcano, near the plain.  相似文献   

南秦岭早古生代地层含硒量及硒的分布规律   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文对南秦岭大巴山区主要分布的早古生代地层各种岩石的含硒量的研究结果表明,含硒量与岩石的岩性和形成时代密切相关,与岩石的含碳量和含硫量成正线性关系。碳质板岩和石煤相对于其他类岩石的含硒量高,碳质板岩一般为6×10~(-6)~35×10~(-6),石煤的含硒量为8×10~(-6)~45×10~(-6);中、下寒武统和志留系大贵坪组的碳质板岩和石煤含硒量较高,可达30×10~(-6)。同时,下寒武统的含硒量远远大于早古生代其他层位同类岩石的平均含硒量,是同类岩石平均含量的5~10倍。如碳酸盐岩的含硒量为2×10~(-6)~4×10~(-6);细粒岩石的含硒量较粗粒岩石的含硒量高,下志留统陡山沟组的厚层状到中厚层状砂岩、粉砂岩和上寒武统的砾屑灰岩的含硒量相近,约0.05×10~(-6)~0.08×10~(-6),是本区最低的。因此,并非本区所有岩石都富硒。  相似文献   

On the basis of an integrated interpretation of well data, core analysis, geophysical well logging, and seismic data a new geological model of the JV11−2 stratum is suggested for one of the Shirotnoye Priobie areas in Western Siberia. The results of acoustic inverse and the rock elastic property research were used for the validation of lithofacies zonation. Supplementary exploration of the area and production drilling are recommended.  相似文献   

阿尔金山前侏罗系出露大套厚层的暗色泥页岩,生烃潜力优越,具备陆相页岩气形成条件,是有利的勘探接替区。通过野外地质调查、样品采集和测试分析,研究下—中侏罗统泥页岩的沉积展布、有机地球化学特征及储集性能,并探讨了该区页岩气的勘探潜力。研究表明: 富有机质泥页岩主要处于滨浅湖—半深湖相、沼泽相沉积环境中,其在平面上呈NE向展布,单层厚度和累计厚度均较大; 泥页岩的有机质类型主要为Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2型干酪根; TOC含量为0.55%~10%,平均为2.28%; 镜质体反射率(Ro)为1.0%~1.6%,平均为1.269%,处于成熟—高成熟阶段,为页岩气藏形成提供良好的生烃条件; 其矿物特征表现为脆性矿物含量高,大于51%,有利于后期的水力压裂改造和页岩气开采; 通过扫描电镜观察,泥页岩储层发育微孔隙及微裂缝,为页岩气提供了良好的储集空间和运移通道。初步预测,后期改造相对较弱的月牙山地区为页岩气勘探的有利目标区。  相似文献   

A foraminiferal assemblage comprising 30 species dominated by the family Vaginulinidae is recovered from the Chari Formation exposed at Keera Dome, Kutch. The paper presents a systematic account of eight species, reported for the first time form the Indian region. Preliminary interpretations regarding age and palaeoenvironment are drawn on the basis of the recovered foraminiferal assemblage. The assemblage supports a Callovian to Oxfordian age for the studied sequence. A near shore, open marine environment ranging from mid to outer shelf is interpreted on the basis of the foraminiferal assemblage.  相似文献   

阿尔金山前侏罗系出露大套厚层的暗色泥页岩,生烃潜力优越,具备陆相页岩气形成条件,是有利的勘探接替区。通过野外地质调查、样品采集和测试分析,研究下—中侏罗统泥页岩的沉积展布、有机地球化学特征及储集性能,并探讨了该区页岩气的勘探潜力。研究表明: 富有机质泥页岩主要处于滨浅湖—半深湖相、沼泽相沉积环境中,其在平面上呈NE向展布,单层厚度和累计厚度均较大; 泥页岩的有机质类型主要为Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2型干酪根; TOC含量为0.55%~10%,平均为2.28%; 镜质体反射率(Ro)为1.0%~1.6%,平均为1.269%,处于成熟—高成熟阶段,为页岩气藏形成提供良好的生烃条件; 其矿物特征表现为脆性矿物含量高,大于51%,有利于后期的水力压裂改造和页岩气开采; 通过扫描电镜观察,泥页岩储层发育微孔隙及微裂缝,为页岩气提供了良好的储集空间和运移通道。初步预测,后期改造相对较弱的月牙山地区为页岩气勘探的有利目标区。  相似文献   

The contents of REE tend to decrease from Ordovician to Tertiary strata with the average in the whole profile higher than that in the continental shell. REE distribution patterns in different rock types of various periods display some similarities, though their absolute REE contens are different from each other. All these rock types yield rightward declined V-shaped curves with negative Eu anomalies. Thus, their REE distribution patterns are parallel to each other. In addition, their REE parameters (δ Eu, Sm/Nd, ΣCe/ΣY, and La/Yb) only vary over a narrow range with small deviations. These features in REE stribution indicate a stabbe platform environment during sedimentation. The similarities in REEatterns since Palaeozoic imply a uniform chemical evolution of the Phanerozoic crust.  相似文献   

Zircons in serpentinites from Nyashevo massif of the Ilmenogorskii complex were dated for the first time by means of the SHRIMP technique. The maximum date of 1892 ± 23 Ma for the zircons accounts for the minimum age of their mantle substrate probably constituting the restite residue. The date is comparable to those for metamorphic rocks of the Selyankino group, as well as of fenite–sand amphibolites of the Ilmenogorskii complex. The Upper Ordovician age limit of 443 ± 12 Ma is adequate for formation of the massif and conforms to the age of the Buldym massif and miaskites. The Early Permian dates of zircons (275.8 ± 2.1 Ma) represent late shear processes in the Ilmenogorskii complex.  相似文献   

Basal Pennsylvanian coal-bearing strata exposed along Roaring Creek, west-central Indiana, exhibit extreme lateral discontinuity. Coal seams abruptly change in thickness and elevation; they split, grade into shale, are cut out by channels and disrupted by soft-sediment deformational structures. Initial sediments were laid down by a network of southwest-flowing streams that traversed a deeply channelized upland surface of Mississippian carbonate rocks. Channels aggraded rapidly as uplands were worn down, so the region changed through time from uplands to upper deltaic plain. Local environments included channels, localized point bars, small natural levees and crevasse splays, overbank deposits, and swamps. Differential compaction and subsidence, slumping stream banks, and possibly collapsing sinkholes influenced sedimentation. As a consequence, coals are too discontinuous for economical mining, although they are locally thick and high in quality.  相似文献   

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