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We present an analysis of the geoeffectiveness of corotating interaction regions (CIRs), employing the data recorded from 25 January to 5 May 2005 and throughout 2008. These two intervals in the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23 are characterised by a particularly low number of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). We study in detail how four geomagnetic-activity parameters (the Dst, Ap, and AE indices, as well as the Dst time derivative, \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\)) are related to three CIR-related solar wind parameters (flow speed, \(V\), magnetic field, \(B\), and the convective electric field based on the southward Geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) magnetic field component, \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\)) on a three-hour time resolution. In addition, we quantify statistical relationships between the mentioned geomagnetic indices. It is found that Dst is correlated best to \(V\), with a correlation coefficient of \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.6\), whereas there is no correlation between \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) and \(V\). The Ap and AE indices attain peaks about half a day before the maximum of \(V\), with correlation coefficients ranging from \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.6\) to \(\mathrm{cc}\approx0.7\), depending on the sample used. The best correlations of Ap and AE are found with \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\) with a delay of 3 h, being characterised by \(\mathrm{cc}\gtrsim 0.6\). The Dst derivative \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) is also correlated with \(\mathit{VB}_{s}\), but the correlation is significantly weaker \(\mathrm{cc}\approx 0.4\)?–?0.5, with a delay of 0?–?3 h, depending on the employed sample. Such low values of correlation coefficients indicate that there are other significant effects that influence the relationship between the considered parameters. The correlation of all studied geomagnetic parameters with \(B\) are characterised by considerably lower correlation coefficients, ranging from \(\mathrm{cc}=0.3\) in the case of \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) up to \(\mathrm{cc}=0.56\) in the case of Ap. It is also shown that peak values of geomagnetic indices depend on the duration of the CIR-related structures. The Dst is closely correlated with Ap and AE (\(\mathrm{cc}=0.7\)), Dst being delayed for about 3 h. On the other hand, \(\mathrm{dDst}/\mathrm{d}t\) peaks simultaneously with Ap and AE, with correlation coefficients of 0.48 and 0.56, respectively. The highest correlation (\(\mathrm{cc}=0.81\)) is found for the relationship between Ap and AE.  相似文献   

We estimate the electron density, \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\), and its spatial variation in quiescent prominences from the observed emission ratio of the resonance lines Na?i?5890 Å (D2) and Sr?ii?4078 Å. For a bright prominence (\(\tau_{\alpha}\approx25\)) we obtain a mean \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx2\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\); for a faint one (\(\tau _{\alpha }\approx4\)) \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\approx4\times10^{10}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) on two consecutive days with moderate internal fluctuation and no systematic variation with height above the solar limb. The thermal and non-thermal contributions to the line broadening, \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\), required to deduce \(n_{\mathrm{e}}\) from the emission ratio Na?i/Sr?ii cannot be unambiguously determined from observed widths of lines from atoms of different mass. The reduced widths, \(\Delta\lambda_{\mathrm{D}}/\lambda_{0}\), of Sr?ii?4078 Å show an excess over those from Na?D2 and \(\mbox{H}\delta\,4101\) Å, assuming the same \(T_{\mathrm{kin}}\) and \(V_{\mathrm{nth}}\). We attribute this excess broadening to higher non-thermal broadening induced by interaction of ions with the prominence magnetic field. This is suggested by the finding of higher macro-shifts of Sr?ii?4078 Å as compared to those from Na?D2.  相似文献   

This addendum uses an alternate fit for the electron density distribution \(N(r)\) (see Figure 1) and estimates the coronal magnetic field using the new model. We find that the estimates of the magnetic field are in close agreement using both the models.
We have fit the \(N(r)\) distribution obtained from STEREO-A/COR1 and SOHO/LASCO-C2 using a fifth-order polynomial (see Figure 1). The expression can be written as
$$\begin{aligned} N_{\text{cor}}(r) &= 1.43 \times 10^{9} r^{-5} - 1.91 \times 10^{9} r^{-4} + 1.07 \times 10^{9} r^{-3} - 2.87 \times 10^{8} r^{-2} \\ &\quad {} + 3.76 \times 10^{7} r^{-1} - 1.91 \times 10^{6} , \end{aligned}$$
where \(N_{\text{cor}}(r)\) is in units of cm?3 and \(r\) is in units of \(\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\). The background coronal electron density is enhanced by a factor of 5.5 at 2.63 \(\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\) during the coronal mass ejection (CME). The estimated coronal magnetic field strength (\(B\)) using radio data indicates that \(B(r) \approx(0.51\text{\,--\,}0.48) \pm 0.02\ \mathrm{G}\) in the range \(r \approx2.65\text{\, --\,}2.82\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\). The field strengths for STEREO-A/COR1 and SOHO/LASCO-C2 are ≈?0.32 G at \(r \approx 3.11\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\) and ≈?0.12 G at \(r \approx 4.40\ \mathrm{R}_{\odot}\), respectively.

We examine the properties of the viscous dissipative accretion flow around rotating black holes in the presence of mass loss. Considering the thin disc approximation, we self-consistently calculate the inflow-outflow solutions and observe that the mass outflow rates decrease with the increase in viscosity parameter (\(\alpha \)). Further, we carry out the model calculation of quasi-periodic oscillation frequency (\(\nu _{\mathrm{QPO}}\)) that is frequently observed in black hole sources and observe that \(\nu ^\mathrm{max}_{\mathrm{QPO}}\) increases with the increase of black hole spin (\(a_k\)). Then, we employ our model in order to explain the High Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (HFQPOs) observed in black hole source GRO J1655-40. While doing this, we attempt to constrain the range of \(a_k\) based on observed HFQPOs (\(\sim \)300 Hz and \(\sim \)450 Hz) for the black hole source GRO J1655-40.  相似文献   

In a two-component jet model, the emissions are the sum of the core and extended emissions: \(S^{\mathrm{ob}}=S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}+S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), with the core emissions, \(S_{\mathrm{core}}^{\mathrm{ob}}= f S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\delta ^{q}\) being a function of the Doppler factor \(\delta \), the extended emission \(S_{\mathrm{ext}}^{\mathrm{ob}}\), the jet type dependent factor q, and the ratio of the core to the extended emissions in the comoving frame, f. The f is an unobservable but important parameter. Following our previous work, we collect 65 blazars with available Doppler factor \(\delta \), superluminal velocity \(\beta _{\mathrm{app}}\), and core-dominance parameter, R, and calculated the ratio, f, and performed statistical analyses. We found that the ratio, f, in BL Lacs is on average larger than that in FSRQs. We suggest that the difference of the ratio f between FSRQs and BL Lacs is one of the possible reasons that cause the difference of other observed properties between them. We also find some significant correlations between \(\log f\) and other parameters, including intrinsic (de-beamed) peak frequency, \(\log \nu _{\mathrm{p}}^{\mathrm{in}}\), intrinsic polarization, \(\log P^{\mathrm{in}}\), and core-dominance parameter, \(\log R\), for the whole sample. In addition, we show that the ratio, f, can be estimated by R.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an interacting holographic dark energy model in the framework of fractal cosmology. The features of fractal cosmology could pass ultraviolet divergencies and also make a better understanding of the universe in different dimensions. We discuss a fractal FRW universe filled with the dark energy and cold dark matter interacting with each other. It is observed that the Hubble parameter embraces the recent observational range while the deceleration parameter demonstrates an accelerating universe and a behavior similar to \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\). Plotting the equation of state shows that it lies in phantom region for interaction mode. We use \(\mathit{Om}\)-diagnostic tool and it shows a phantom behavior of dark energy which is a condition of avoiding the formation of black holes. Finally we execute the StateFinder diagnostic pair and all the trajectories for interacting and non-interacting state of the model meet the fixed point \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\) at the start of the evolution. A behavior similar to Chaplygin gas also can be observed in statefinder plane. We find that new holographic dark energy model (NHDE) in fractal cosmology expressed the consistent behavior with recent observational data and can be considered as a model to avoid the formation of black holes in comparison with the main model of NHDE in the simple FRW universe. It has also been observed that for the interaction term varying with matter density, the model generates asymptotic de-Sitter solution. However, if the interaction term varies with energy density, then the model shows Big-Rip singularity. Using our modified CAMB code, we observed that the interacting model suppresses the CMB spectrum at low multipoles \(l<50\) and enhances the acoustic peaks. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper and using Metropolis-Hastings method of MCMC numerical calculation, it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\Omega _{m0}=0.278^{+0.008~+0.010} _{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(H_{0}=69.9^{+0.95~+1.57}_{-0.95~-1.57}\), \(r_{c}=0.08^{+0.02~+0.027}_{-0.002~-0.0027}\), \(\beta =0.496^{+0.005~+0.009} _{-0.005~-0.009}\), \(c= 0.691^{+0.024~+0.039}_{-0.025~-0.037}\) and \(b^{2}=0.035\) according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   

The kinetic Alfven waves in the presence of homogeneous magnetic field plasma with multi-ions effect are investigated. The dispersion relation and normalised damping rate are derived for low-\(\beta\) plasma using kinetic theory. The effect of density variation of \(\text{H}^{+}\), \(\text{He}^{+}\) and \(\text{O}^{+}\) ions is observed on frequency and damping rate of the wave. The variation of frequency (\(\omega\)) and normalised damping rate (\(\gamma / \varOmega_{H^{ +}} \)) of the wave are studied with respect to \(k_{ \bot} \rho_{j}\), where \(k_{ \bot} \) is the perpendicular wave number, \(\rho_{j}\) is the ion gyroradius and \(j \) denotes \(\text{H}^{+}\), \(\text{He}^{+}\) and \(\text{O}^{+}\) ions. The variation with \(k_{ \bot} \rho_{j}\) is considered over wide range. The parameters appropriate to cusp region are used for the explanation of results. It is found that with hydrogen and helium ions gyration, the frequency of wave is influenced by the density variation of \(\text{H}^{+}\) and \(\text{He}^{+}\) ions but remains insensitive to the change in density of \(\text{O}^{+}\) ions. For oxygen ion gyration, the frequency of wave varies over a short range only for \(\text{O}^{+}\) ion density variation. The wave shows damping at lower altitude due to variation in density of lighter \(\text{H}^{+}\) and \(\text{He}^{+}\) ions whereas at higher altitude only heavy \(\text{O}^{+}\) ions contribute in wave damping. The damping of wave may be due to landau damping or energy transfer from wave to particles. The present study signifies that the both lighter and heavier ions dominate differently to change the characteristics of kinetic Alfven wave and density variation is also an important parameter to understand wave phenomena in cusp region.  相似文献   

To investigate the \(M_\bullet -\sigma \) relation, we consider realistic elliptical galaxy profiles that are taken to follow a single power-law density profile given by \(\rho (r) = \rho _{0}(r/ r_{0})^{-\gamma }\) or the Nuker intensity profile. We calculate the density using Abel’s formula in the latter case by employing the derived stellar potential; in both cases. We derive the distribution function f(E) of the stars in the presence of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center and hence compute the line-of-sight (LoS) velocity dispersion as a function of radius. For the typical range of values for masses of SMBH, we obtain \(M_{\bullet } \propto \sigma ^{p}\) for different profiles. An analytical relation \(p = (2\gamma + 6)/(2 + \gamma )\) is found which is in reasonable agreement with observations (for \(\gamma = 0.75{-}1.4\), \(p = 3.6{-}5.3\)). Assuming that a proportionality relation holds between the black hole mass and bulge mass, \(M_{\bullet } =f M_\mathrm{b}\), and applying this to several galaxies, we find the individual best fit values of p as a function of f; also by minimizing \(\chi ^{2}\), we find the best fit global p and f. For Nuker profiles, we find that \(p = 3.81 \pm 0.004\) and \(f = (1.23 \pm 0.09)\times 10^{-3}\) which are consistent with the observed ranges.  相似文献   

In this paper we have studied the anisotropic Kantowski-Sachs, locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type-I and LRS Bianchi type-III geometries filled with dark energy and one dimensional cosmic string in the Saez-Ballester theory of gravitation. To get physically valid solution we take hybrid expansion law of the average scale factor which is a product of power and exponential type of functions that results in time dependent deceleration parameter (\(q\)). The equation of state parameter of dark energy (\(\omega _{\mathit{de}}\)) has been discussed and we have observed that for the three models it crosses the phantom divide line (\(\omega _{\mathit{de}} = -1\)) and shows quintom like behavior. The density of dark energy (\(\rho _{\mathit{de}}\)) is an increasing function of redshift and remains positive throughout the evolution of the universe for the three models. Moreover in Kantowski-Sachs and LRS Bianchi type-I geometries the dark energy density dominates the string tension density (\(\lambda \)) and proper density (\(\rho \)) throughout the evolution of the universe. The physical and geometrical aspects of the statefinder parameters (\(r,s\)), squared speed of sound (\(v_{s}^{2} \)) and \(\omega _{\mathit{de}}\)\(\omega ^{\prime }_{\mathit{de}}\) plane are also discussed.  相似文献   

We review the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Earth, Venus and Mars from the time when their accreting bodies were released from the protoplanetary disk a few million years after the origin of the Sun. If the accreting planetary cores reached masses \(\ge 0.5 M_\mathrm{Earth}\) before the gas in the disk disappeared, primordial atmospheres consisting mainly of H\(_2\) form around the young planetary body, contrary to late-stage planet formation, where terrestrial planets accrete material after the nebula phase of the disk. The differences between these two scenarios are explored by investigating non-radiogenic atmospheric noble gas isotope anomalies observed on the three terrestrial planets. The role of the young Sun’s more efficient EUV radiation and of the plasma environment into the escape of early atmospheres is also addressed. We discuss the catastrophic outgassing of volatiles and the formation and cooling of steam atmospheres after the solidification of magma oceans and we describe the geochemical evidence for additional delivery of volatile-rich chondritic materials during the main stages of terrestrial planet formation. The evolution scenario of early Earth is then compared with the atmospheric evolution of planets where no active plate tectonics emerged like on Venus and Mars. We look at the diversity between early Earth, Venus and Mars, which is found to be related to their differing geochemical, geodynamical and geophysical conditions, including plate tectonics, crust and mantle oxidation processes and their involvement in degassing processes of secondary \(\hbox {N}_2\) atmospheres. The buildup of atmospheric \(\hbox {N}_2\), \(\hbox {O}_2\), and the role of greenhouse gases such as \(\hbox {CO}_2\) and \(\hbox {CH}_4\) to counter the Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYSP), when the earliest life forms on Earth originated until the Great Oxidation Event \(\approx \) 2.3 Gyr ago, are addressed. This review concludes with a discussion on the implications of understanding Earth’s geophysical and related atmospheric evolution in relation to the discovery of potential habitable terrestrial exoplanets.  相似文献   

By systematically searching the region of far infrared loops, we found a number of huge cavity-like dust structures at \(60\,\mu \hbox {m}\) and \(100\,\mu \hbox {m}\) IRIS maps. By checking these with AKARI maps (\(90\,\mu \hbox {m}\) and \(140\,\mu \hbox {m}\)), two new cavity-like structures (sizes \(\sim \) \( 2.7\,\hbox {pc} \times 0.8\,\hbox {pc}\) and \(\sim \) \( 1.8\,\hbox {pc} \times 1\,\hbox {pc}\)) located at R.A. (\(\hbox {J}2000)=14^{h}41^{m}23^{s}\) and Dec. \((\hbox {J}2000)=-64^{\circ }04^{\prime }17^{{\prime }{\prime }}\) and R.A. \((\hbox {J}2000)=05^{h}05^{m}35^{s}\) and Dec. \((\hbox {J}2000)=-\,69^{\circ }35^{\prime } 25^{{\prime }{\prime }}\) were selected for the study. The difference in the average dust color temperatures calculated using IRIS and AKARI maps of the cavity candidates were found to be \(3.2\pm 0.9\,\hbox {K}\) and \(4.1\pm 1.2\,\hbox {K}\), respectively. Interestingly, the longer wavelength AKARI map gives larger values of dust color temperature than that of the shorter wavelength IRIS maps. Possible explanation of the results will be presented.  相似文献   

This paper considers disruption of triple close approaches with low initial velocities and equal masses in the framework of statistical escape theory in a three-dimensional space. The statistical escape theory is based on the assumption that the phase trajectory of a triple system is quasi-ergodic. This system is described by allowing for both energy and angular momentum conservation in the phase space. In this paper, “possibility of escape” is derived with the formation of a binary on the basis of relative distances of the participating bodies. The complete statistical solutions (i.e. the semi-major axis \(a\), the distributions of eccentricity \(e\) of the binary, binary energy \({E}_{{b}}\), escape energy \({E}_{{s}}\) of escaper, and its escape velocity \({v}_{{s}}\)) of the system are derived from the allowable phase space volumes and are in good agreement with the numerical results in the range of perturbing velocities \({v}_{{i}}\)(\(10^{ - 1} \le {v}_{{i}} \le 10^{ - 10}\)) and directions of \({v}_{{i}}(0 \le \alpha _{{i}},\beta _{{i}},\gamma _{{i}} \le \pi )\), \({i} = 1,2,3\). In this paper, the double limit process has been applied to approximate the escape probability. Through this process, it is observed that the perturbing velocity \({v}_{{i}} \to 0^{ +} \), as the product of the semi-major axis \(a\) of the final binary and the square of the escape velocity \({v}_{{s}}\) approach 2/3, i.e. \({a} {v}_{{s}}^{2} \to 2 / 3\), whatever direction of \(\mathbf{v}_{{i}}\) may be.  相似文献   

We study a holographic dark energy model in the framework of Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with taking into account the interaction between dark matter and holographic dark energy. We use the recent observational data sets, namely SN Ia compressed Joint Light-Analysis (cJLA) compilation, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) from BOSS DR12 and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) of Planck 2015. After calculating the evolution of the equation of state as well as the deceleration parameters, we find that with a logarithmic form for the BD scalar field the phantom crossing can be achieved in the late time of cosmic evolution. Unlike the conventional theory of holographic dark energy in standard cosmology (\(\omega_{D}=0\)), our model results in a late time accelerated expansion. It is also shown that the cosmic coincidence problem may be resolved in the proposed model. We execute the statefinder and Om diagnostic tools and demonstrate that interaction term does not play a significant role. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\varOmega_{m}=0.268^{+0.008~+0.010}_{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(\alpha =3.361^{+0.332~+0.483} _{-0.401~-0.522}\), \(\beta =5.560^{+0.541~+0.780}_{-0.510~-0.729}\), \(c=0.777^{+0.023~+0.029}_{-0.017~-0.023}\) and \(b^{2} =0.045\), according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   

In extremely dense neutrino environments like in supernova core, the neutrino-neutrino refraction may give rise to self-induced flavor conversion. These neutrino flavor oscillations are well understood from the idea of the exponentially growing modes of the interacting oscillators in the flavor space. Until recently, the growth rates of these modes were found to be of the order of the vacuum oscillation frequency \(\Delta m^2/2E\) [\(\mathcal {O}(1~\mathrm{km}^{-1})\)] and were considered slow growing. However, in the last couple of years it was found that if the system was allowed to have different zenith-angle distributions for the emitted \(\nu _e\) and \(\bar{\nu }_e\) beams then the fastest growing modes of the interacting oscillators grew at the order of \(\mu =\sqrt{2} G_\mathrm{F}n_{\nu }\), a typical \(\nu \)\(\nu \) interaction energy [\(\mathcal {O}(10^5~\mathrm{km}^{-1})\)]. Thus the growth rates are very large in comparison to the so-called ‘slow oscillations’ and can result in neutrino flavor conversion on a much faster scale. In fact, the point that the growth rates are no longer dependent on the vacuum oscillation frequency \(\Delta m^2/2E\), makes these ‘fast flavor conversions’ independent of \(\Delta m^2\) (thus mass) and energy. This is a surprising result as neutrino flavor conversions are considered to be the ultimate proof of massive neutrinos. However, the importance of this effect in the realistic astrophysical scenarios still remains to be understood.  相似文献   

We use a formulation of the N-body problem in spaces of constant Gaussian curvature, \({\kappa }\in \mathbb {R}\), as widely used by A. Borisov, F. Diacu and their coworkers. We consider the restricted three-body problem in \(\mathbb {S}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }>0\) (resp. \(\mathbb {H}^2\) with arbitrary \({\kappa }<0\)) in a formulation also valid for the case \({\kappa }=0\). For concreteness when \({\kappa }>0\) we restrict the study to the case of the three bodies at the upper hemisphere, to be denoted as \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\). The main goal is to obtain the totality of relative equilibria as depending on the parameters \({\kappa }\) and the mass ratio \(\mu \). Several general results concerning relative equilibria and its stability properties are proved analytically. The study is completed numerically using continuation from the \({\kappa }=0\) case and from other limit cases. In particular both bifurcations and spectral stability are also studied. The \(\mathbb {H}^2\) case is similar, in some sense, to the planar one, but in the \(\mathbb {S}^2_+\) case many differences have been found. Some surprising phenomena, like the coexistence of many triangular-like solutions for some values \(({\kappa },\mu )\) and many stability changes will be discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the parameters of global solar p-mode oscillations, namely damping width \(\Gamma\), amplitude \(A\), mean squared velocity \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\), energy \(E\), and energy supply rate \(\mathrm{d}E/\mathrm{d}t\), derived from two solar cycles’ worth (1996?–?2018) of Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) time series for harmonic degrees \(l=0\,\mbox{--}\,150\). We correct for the effect of fill factor, apparent solar radius, and spurious jumps in the mode amplitudes. We find that the amplitude of the activity-related changes of \(\Gamma\) and \(A\) depends on both frequency and harmonic degree of the modes, with the largest variations of \(\Gamma\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(31\le l \le60\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(26.6\pm0.3\%\) and of \(A\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le 3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(61\le l \le100\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(27.4\pm0.4\%\). The level of correlation between the solar radio flux \(F_{10.7}\) and mode parameters also depends on mode frequency and harmonic degree. As a function of mode frequency, the mode amplitudes are found to follow an asymmetric Voigt profile with \(\nu_{\text{max}}=3073.59\pm0.18~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\). From the mode parameters, we calculate physical mode quantities and average them over specific mode frequency ranges. In this way, we find that the mean squared velocities \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\) and energies \(E\) of p modes are anticorrelated with the level of activity, varying by \(14.7\pm0.3\%\) and \(18.4\pm0.3\%\), respectively, and that the mode energy supply rates show no significant correlation with activity. With this study we expand previously published results on the temporal variation of solar p-mode parameters. Our results will be helpful to future studies of the excitation and damping of p modes, i.e., the interplay between convection, magnetic field, and resonant acoustic oscillations.  相似文献   

Recently we (Kahler and Ling, Solar Phys.292, 59, 2017: KL) have shown that time–intensity profiles [\(I(t)\)] of 14 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be fitted with a simple two-parameter fit, the modified Weibull function, which is characterized by shape and scaling parameters [\(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)]. We now look for a simple correlation between an event peak energy intensity [\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\)] and the time integral of \(I(t)\) over the event duration: the fluence [\(F\)]. We first ask how the ratio of \(F/I_{\mathrm{p}}\) varies for the fits of the 14 KL events and then examine that ratio for three separate published statistical studies of SEP events in which both \(F\) and \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) were measured for comparisons of those parameters with various solar-flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) parameters. The three studies included SEP energies from a 4?–?13 MeV band to \(E > 100~\mbox{MeV}\). Within each group of SEP events, we find a very robust correlation (\(\mathrm{CC} > 0.90\)) in log–log plots of \(F\)versus\(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) over four decades of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\). The ratio increases from western to eastern longitudes. From the value of \(I_{\mathrm{p}}\) for a given event, \(F\) can be estimated to within a standard deviation of a factor of \({\leq}\,2\). Log–log plots of two studies are consistent with slopes of unity, but the third study shows plot slopes of \({<}\,1\) and decreasing with increasing energy for their four energy ranges from \(E > 10~\mbox{MeV}\) to \({>}\,100~\mbox{MeV}\). This difference is not explained.  相似文献   

The forecast of solar cycle (SC) characteristics is crucial particularly for several space-based missions. In the present study, we propose a new model for predicting the length of the SC. The model uses the information of the width of an autocorrelation function that is derived from the daily sunspot data for each SC. We tested the model on Versions 1 and 2 of the daily international sunspot number data for SCs 10?–?24. We found that the autocorrelation width \(A_{\mathrm{w}} ^{n}\) of SC \(n\) during the second half of its ascending phase correlates well with the modified length that is defined as \(T_{\mathrm{cy}}^{n+2} - T_{\mathrm{a}}^{n}\). Here \(T_{\mathrm{cy}}^{n+2}\) and \(T_{ \mathrm{a}}^{n}\) are the length and ascent time of SCs \(n+2\) and \(n\), respectively. The estimated correlation coefficient between the model parameters is 0.93 (0.91) for Version 1 (Version 2) sunspot series. The standard errors in the observed and predicted lengths of the SCs for Version 1 and Version 2 data are 0.38 and 0.44 years, respectively. The advantage of the proposed model is that the predictions of the length of the upcoming two SCs (i.e., \(n+1\), \(n+2\)) are readily available at the time of the peak of SC \(n\). The present model gives a forecast of 11.01, 10.52, and 11.91 years (11.01, 12.20, and 11.68 years) for the length of SCs 24, 25, and 26, respectively, for Version 1 (Version 2).  相似文献   

We present a multi-wavelength correlation study of diffuse ultraviolet radiation using GALEX observations towards the Aquila Rift. Apart from airglow and zodiacal emissions, we find a diffuse background of \(1300\mbox{--} 3700~\mbox{ph}\,\mbox{cm}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\,\mbox{sr}^{-1}\,\mathring{\mathrm{A}}^{-1}\) in the far-ultraviolet (FUV, 1350–1750 Å) band and \(1300\mbox{--}2800~\mbox{ph}\,\mbox{cm}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\,\mbox{sr}^{-1}\,\mathring{\mathrm{A}}^{-1}\) in the near-ultraviolet (NUV, 1750–2850 Å) band. The observed diffuse UV emissions are saturated with total as well as neutral hydrogen column density in the region due to high optical depth in UV (\(\tau \), 0.91–23.38). Higher values of FUV/NUV ratio in the region, greater than the threshold value of 0.6, along with the positive correlation between the ratio and FUV intensity are due to excess emission in the FUV band which is absent in the NUV band. We estimated the excess emission to be in the range \(\sim 400\mbox{--} 2700~\mbox{ph}\,\mbox{cm}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\,\mbox{sr}^{-1}\,\mathring{\mathrm{A}}^{-1}\), plausibly due to H2 fluorescence, ion line emissions and two-photon continuum emissions from the region in the FUV band, which also shows saturation in optically thick regions with N(H2) as well as \(\mbox{H}\alpha \) emissions. Since N(H2) and \(\mbox{H}\alpha \) emissions spread all over the region, the excess emission from the field is composite in nature and a detailed spectroscopic analysis is needed to disentangle the contribution from individual components.  相似文献   

In present paper higher harmonic electrostatic ion-cyclotron (EIC) parallel flow velocity shear instability in presence of perpendicular inhomogeneous DC electric field with the ambient magnetic field has been studied, in different regions of the magnetosphere of Saturn. Dimensionless growth rate variation of EIC waves has been observed with respect to \(k_{ \bot } \rho _{i}\) for various plasma parameters. Effect of velocity shear scale length (\(A_{i}\)), temperature anisotropy (\(T_{ \bot } /T_{\|}\)), magnetic field (\(B\)), electric field (\(E\)), inhomogeneity (\(P/a\)), angle of propagation (\(\theta \)), ratio of electron to ion temperature (\(T_{e}/T_{i}\)) and density gradient (\(\varepsilon _{n}\rho _{i}\)) on the growth of EIC waves in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn has been studied and analyzed. The mathematical formulation for dispersion relation and growth rate has been done by using the method of characteristic solution and kinetic approach. This theoretical analysis has been done taking the data from the Cassini in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn in the extended region where ion cyclotron waves have been observed. The change in the growth of these waves due to the presence of Enceladus has been analyzed.  相似文献   

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