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The Europrobe Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Urals Experiments (ESRU) reflection seismic data from the Middle Urals images c. 10‐km thick band of strong, subhorizontal lower crustal reflectivity and a thinning of the crust that is associated with the East Uralian Zone, a broad strike‐slip fault system containing high‐grade metamorphic rocks and syn‐orogenic to post‐orogenic granitoids. The lower crustal reflectivity consists of discontinuous to continuous, high‐amplitude reflections. Reflections are subparallel to slightly oblique and have a layered to oblate appearance. Geometrical relationships indicate that the reflectivity post‐dates fault activity, suggesting that late‐orogenic processes modified the lower crust. The surface geology indicates that the conditions for lower crustal flow were met in the East Uralian Zone. We suggest that the lower crustal reflectivity imaged by the ESRU data is related to a flow channel that developed at the base of the crust in the interior of the orogen.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the crustal structure, especially the geometry of seismogenic faults, is key to understanding active tectonic processes and assessing the size and frequency of future earthquakes. To reveal the relationship between crustal structure and earthquake activity in northern Honshu Island, common midpoint (CMP) deep reflection profiling and earthquake observations by densely deployed seismic stations were carried out across the active reverse faults that bound the Ou Backbone range. The 40-km-long CMP profiles portray a relatively simple fault geometry within the seismogenic layer. The reverse faults merge at a midcrustal detachment just below the base of the seismogenic layer, producing a pop-up structure that forms the Ou Backbone range. The top of the reflective middle to lower crust (4.5 s in travel time (TWT)) nearly coincides with the bottom of seismogenic layer. The P-wave velocity structure and surface geology suggest that the bounding faults are Miocene normal faults that have been reactivated as reverse faults.  相似文献   


The Cobar Basin in central western New South Wales is a mineral‐rich Early Devonian basin typical of those that characterize the Siluro‐Devonian history of the Lachlan Orogen of southeastern Australia. One hundred and seventy kilometres of seismic profiling in three lines across the basin have shown it to be asymmetrical in shape with an east‐dipping western margin that is steeper than the moderately west‐dipping eastern margin. Maximum basin thickness is around 6 km, but there are significant thickness changes, especially from south to north, which reflect the effect of synsedimentary faulting. Seismic profiling suggests that the basin deformed by thin‐skinned tectonics; postulated strike‐slip effects were not visible on the sections. The seismic profiling has, for the first time, imaged the western synrift basin margin which is generally not exposed. Strain variations during deformation along this edge were taken up by the formation of a major jog ('dog‐leg') which has propagated into the basin as a tear fault. Intrabasinal tears, as well as thrusts, which link into one or more detachments, provide potential pathways for mineralizing fluids during basin inversion.  相似文献   

A new model of the junction of the Ural fold belt with the Russian and West Siberian Platforms along the Europrobe Seismic Reflection profiling in the Urals (ESRU) down to a depth of 15 km is constructed. 2Dmodeling of the density and magnetic properties was performed using seven profiles and was accompanied by an estimate of applicability of the method. In the west, the upper part of the model is represented by terrigeneous- carbonate deposits, and the bottom part shows the structures of the basement of the Russian platform, which becomes thinner eastward and plunges beneath the Ural structures. The most significant difference in the West Siberian part of the transect is the great “length” of the entire structure of the Earth’s crust. This is caused by the Early Triassic extension accompanied by the formation of a system of Triassic graben-rifts.  相似文献   

High-resolution shallow seismic reflection profiles across the northwesternmost part of the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ) and northwestern margin of the Reelfoot rift, near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in the northern Mississippi embayment, reveal intense structural deformation that apparently took place during the late Paleozoic and/or Mesozoic up to near the end of the Cretaceous Period. The seismic profiles were sited on both sides of the northeast-trending Olmsted fault, defined by varying elevations of the top of Mississippian (locally base of Cretaceous) bedrock. The trend of this fault is close to and parallel with an unusually straight segment of the Ohio River and is approximately on trend with the westernmost of two groups of northeast-aligned epicenters (“prongs”) in the NMSZ. Initially suspected on the basis of pre-existing borehole data, the deformation along the fault has been confirmed by four seismic reflection profiles, combined with some new information from drilling. The new data reveal (1) many high-angle normal and reverse faults expressed as narrow grabens and anticlines (suggesting both extensional and compressional regimes) that involved the largest displacements during the late Cretaceous (McNairy); (2) a different style of deformation involving probably more horizontal displacements (i.e., thrusting) that occurred at the end of this phase near the end of McNairy deposition, with some fault offsets of Paleocene and younger units; (3) zones of steeply dipping faults that bound chaotic blocks similar to that observed previously from the nearby Commerce geophysical lineament (CGL); and (4) complex internal deformation stratigraphically restricted to the McNairy, suggestive of major sediment liquefaction or landsliding. Our results thus confirm the prevalence of complex Cretaceous deformations continuing up into Tertiary strata near the northern terminus of the NMSZ.  相似文献   

The largest ultra-high pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt in the world is located along the Dabie–Sulu region, which tectonically belongs to the east part of the central orogenic belt of China. Integrated geophysical investigations of using deep seismic reflection, MT, and geothermal observations have been carried out in the Sulu area since 1997. The results of integrated interpretation suggest the existence of three features: (1) a rift beneath the Lianshui basin by the Jiashan–Xionshui fault; (2) a special crustal pattern, called the magmatic multi-arch structure occurs beneath the northern Sulu UHPM zone; and (3) a northwest-dipping regional thrust crosses the Sulu crust, representing the intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze craton beneath the Sulu metamorphic belts after collision between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons. A magmatic multi-arch structure consists of some arched reflectors that occur in both the lower and the upper crust where arched reflectors coincide with granitoid plutons. The multi-arch structures are common in eastern China where many Mesozoic granitoid plutons of different scales occur. The crustal structures in the Sulu metamorphic belts resulted from intensive dynamic processes following the Triassic collision between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons. The formation and exhumation of UHPM rocks followed the collision, and then intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze craton beneath the Dabie–Sulu terranes took place in the early and middle Jurassic. In the late Jurassic, the Sulu lithosphere turned to an extensional regime, large-scale granitic intrusions occurred in eastern China; these likely resulted from lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric uplifting. The granitic intrusions came to a climax during the Cretaceous and were followed by rifting along existing faults in the early Eogene, resulting in many petroleum basins. The granitoid emplacement that generated the magmatic multi-arch structure and the rift were consequences of the lithospheric thinning process, and deep intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze craton beneath the Sulu metamorphic belt might partially contribute to the lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

松潘地块位于青藏高原的东缘,处于中国大陆东西向构造与南北向构造的结合部位,特殊的构造环境使其长期控制并影响着中国大陆的形成与演化。探测松潘地块的岩石圈细结构,揭示其与东昆仑-西秦岭造山带的关系,既可为研究青藏高原东北缘板块碰撞的深部过程奠定基础,同时又关联着松潘地块的油气远景评价。2004年完成了第一条横过松潘地块北缘若尔盖盆地和西秦岭造山带的长约257km的深地震反射剖面,首次揭露出若尔盖盆地和西秦岭造山带岩石圈的细结构。发现若尔盖盆地和西秦岭造山带同属统一的稳定的大陆地块,并且下地壳均以北倾的强反射为主要特征。这种北倾的反射为松潘地块向西秦岭下地壳俯冲提供了地震学证据。近于平坦的Moho反射特征反映出西秦岭造山带在造山后又经历了强烈的伸展作用。  相似文献   

The West Siberian Basin (WSB) records a detailed history of Permo-Triassic rifting, extension and volcanism, followed by Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in a thermally subsiding basin. Sedimentary deposits of Permian age are absent from much of the basin, suggesting that large areas of the nascent basin were elevated and exposed at that time. Industrial seismic and well log data from the basin have enabled extension and subsidence modelling of parts of the basin. Crustal extension (β) factors are calculated to be in excess of 1.6 in the northern part of the basin across the deep Urengoy graben. 1-D backstripping of the Triassic to Cenozoic sedimentary sequences in this region indicates a period of delayed subsidence during the early Mesozoic. The combination of elevation, rifting and volcanism is consistent with sublithospheric support, such as a hot mantle plume.

This interpretation accords with the geochemical data for basalts from the Siberian Traps and the West Siberian Basin, which are considered to be part of the same large igneous province. Whilst early suites from Noril'sk indicate moderate pressures of melting (mostly within the garnet stability field), later suites (and those from the West Siberian Basin) indicate shallow average depths of melting. The main region of magma production was therefore beneath the relatively thin (ca. 50–100 km) lithosphere of the basin, and not the craton on which the present-day exposure of the Traps occurs. The indicated uplift, widespread occurrence of basalts, and short duration of the volcanic province as a whole are entirely consistent with published models involving a mantle plume. The main argument against the plume model, namely lack of any associated uplift, appears to be untenable.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon compositions of oils sampled from collectors of Paleozoic and Jurassic ages in the southeast of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Basin are considered in this work. Based on the interpretation of the distribution of the molecular parameters, the studied samples were divided into four genetic groups with similar coefficient values. Analysis of the hydrocarbon distribution allowed us to identify the type of organic matter, the source for oil formation and the conditions of its accumulation, and the conditions of early diagenesis. In addition, an attempt to determine the ages of the source rocks was made.  相似文献   

The DACIA PLAN (Danube and Carpathian Integrated Action on Process in the Lithosphere and Neotectonics) deep seismic sounding survey was performed in August–September 2001 in south-eastern Romania, at the same time as the regional deep refraction seismic survey VRANCEA 2001. The main goal of the experiment was to obtain new information on the deep structure of the external Carpathians nappes and the architecture of Tertiary/Quaternary basins developed within and adjacent to the seismically-active Vrancea zone, including the Focsani Basin. The seismic reflection line had a WNW–ESE orientation, running from internal East Carpathians units, across the mountainous south-eastern Carpathians, and the foreland Focsani Basin towards the Danube Delta. There were 131 shot points along the profile, with about 1 km spacing, and data were recorded with stand-alone RefTek-125s (also known as “Texans”), supplied by the University Texas at El Paso and the PASSCAL Institute. The entire line was recorded in three deployments, using about 340 receivers in the first deployment and 640 receivers in each of the other two deployments. The resulting deep seismic reflection stacks, processed to 20 s along the entire profile and to 10 s in the eastern Focsani Basin, are presented here. The regional architecture of the latter, interpreted in the context of abundant independent constraint from exploration seismic and subsurface data, is well imaged. Image quality within and beneath the thrust belt is of much poorer quality. Nevertheless, there is good evidence to suggest that a thick (10 km) sedimentary basin having the structure of a graben and of indeterminate age underlies the westernmost part of the Focsani Basin, in the depth range 10–25 km. Most of the crustal depth seismicity observed in the Vrancea zone (as opposed to the more intense upper mantle seismicity) appears to be associated with this sedimentary basin. The sedimentary successions within this basin and other horizons visible further to the west, beneath the Carpathian nappes, suggest that the geometry of the Neogene and recent uplift observed in the Vrancea zone, likely coupled with contemporaneous rapid subsidence in the foreland, is detached from deeper levels of the crust at about 10 km depth. The Moho lies at a depth of about 40 km along the profile, its poor expression in the reflection stack being strengthened by independent estimates from the refraction data. Given the apparent thickness of the (meta)sedimentary supracrustal units, the crystalline crust beneath this area is quite thin (< 20 km) supporting the hypothesis that there may have been delamination of (lower) continental crust in this area involved in the evolution of the seismic Vrancea zone.  相似文献   

New processing of part of the Europrobe's Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Urals (ESRU) reflection seismic data in the Middle Urals shows a southwest‐dipping Moho imbrication and crustal underthrusting that was not previously imaged. The area of thickening associated with it roughly coincides with a deepening of the Moho imaged by the GRANIT refraction data. This feature does not fit with the currently known Palaeozoic crustal architecture of the Uralides or with its geodynamic history. Geological data suggest that it is not related to a relict southwest‐dipping subduction zone. Based on its lower crustal and Moho reflection seismic character it is presently interpreted to be a post‐Uralide feature, possibly related to Mesozoic intraplate shortening in the area. Its coincidence with a locus of mild earthquake activity further suggests that it might be active today.  相似文献   

Deep seismic reflection profiling confirms that the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Mount Isa mineral province comprises three vertically stacked and partially inverted sedimentary basins preserving a record of intracontinental rifting followed by passive margin formation. Passive margin conditions were established no later than 1655 Ma before being interrupted by plate convergence, crustal shortening and basin-wide inversion at 1640 Ma in both the 1730–1640 Ma Calvert and 1790–1740 Ma Leichhardt superbasins. Crustal extension and thinning resumed after 1640 Ma with formation of the 1635–1575 Ma Isa Superbasin and continued up to ca. 1615 Ma when extensional faulting ceased and a further episode of basin inversion commenced. The 1575 Ma Century Pb–Zn ore-body is hosted by syn-inversion sediments deposited during the initial stages of the Isan Orogeny with basin inversion accommodated on east- or northeast-dipping reactivated intrabasinal extensional faults and footwall shortcut thrusts. These structures extend to considerable depths and served as fluid conduits during basin inversion, tapping thick syn-rift sequences of immature siliciclastic sediments floored by bimodal volcanic sequences from which the bulk of metals and mineralising fluids are thought to have been sourced. Basin inversion and fluid expulsion at this stage were entirely submarine consistent with a syn-sedimentary to early diagenetic origin for Pb–Zn mineralisation at, or close to, the seafloor. Farther east, a change from platform carbonates to deeper water continental slope deposits (Kuridala and Soldiers Cap groups) marks the position of the original shelf break along which the north–south-striking Selwyn-Mount Dore structural corridor developed. This corridor served as a locus for strain partitioning, fluid flow and iron oxide–copper–gold mineralisation during and subsequent to the onset of basin inversion and peak metamorphism in the Isan Orogeny at 1585 Ma. An episode of post-orogenic strike-slip faulting and hydrothermal alteration associated with the subvertical Cloncurry Fault Zone overprints west- to southwest-dipping shear zones that extend beneath the Cannington Pb–Zn deposit and are antithetic to inverted extensional faults farther west in the same sub-basin. Successive episodes of basin inversion and mineralisation were driven by changes in the external stress field and related plate tectonic environment as evidenced by a corresponding match to bends in the polar wander path for northern Australia. An analogous passive margin setting has been described for Pb–Zn mineralisation in the Paleozoic Selwyn Basin of western Canada.  相似文献   

As a result of regional seismic research by the method of isolated seismic sounding with waves of different types, the peculiarities of the wave field and main features of abyssal structures of the earth's crust are ascertained throughout the line: western Siberia lowland, the Yenisey mountain range, and the western part of the Siberian Platform. – Authors.  相似文献   

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