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Fourier analysis was used in this study to help a specific determination of some Mimomys (Arvicolidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) species. Several Pliocene and Pleistocene Central and Western European Mimomys species first lower molar contours have been decomposed by Complex Discrete Fourier Transform. Inter- and intra-specific comparisons have been performed on the harmonics obtained from the decomposition and some problematic specimens have been classified.  相似文献   

微生物矿化的微观机理研究是当前地质微生物学的研究热点之一。以苍白杆菌与铬相互作用的研究为例,阐述了各种介观方法在微生物矿化模拟实验及微观机理研究中的应用。该研究借助透射电子显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、原子力显微镜以及X射线吸收精细结构谱(XAFS)等表面与纳米表征手段,获得了铬还原菌与六价铬作用过程中的微观结构信息,包括菌体的形貌变化、铬在菌体内外的分布和成晶情况、非晶态还原产物的离子价态以及局域配位环境。研究结果将有利于揭示微生物与重金属相互作用机理,对其它类似体系的研究亦有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - An approach to complex assessment of permissible pollutant loads for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems has been proposed. The approach is based on evaluation of the...  相似文献   

Compositions and concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been determined in the Bohai Sea (BS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) in the summer and autumn in 2013 by excitation and emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The PARAFAC model identified three humic-like components (C1, C2, and C3) and one protein-like component (C4). CDOM exhibited higher fluorescence intensities in the coastal areas in both the summer and autumn. However, its distribution patterns were different in the two seasons. Based on spatial and seasonal distributions of four components, as well as correlations with salinity, chlorophyll a (Chl-a), and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), the following assignments were made. The C1, C2, and C3 components were mainly dominated by terrestrial inputs and influenced by the primary productivity of phytoplankton in the summer as well. C4 was assigned to terrestrial and autochthonous origins and most likely represented a biologically labile component. Terrestrial inputs were the dominant source of CDOM in the BS and YS. The humification index (HIX) and biological index (BIX) suggested that CDOM in the BS was more stable than that in the YS, which had an increase in autochthonous production, and in the summer, CDOM was less stable with a higher CDOM autochthonous production compared with that in the autumn.  相似文献   

According to the suggested model of groundwater stratigraphy obtained on the basis of geological and groundwater data, the sedimentary cover of the western Siberian craton includes the suprasalt, salt, and subsalt groundwater units subdivided into regional and subregional reservoirs. It has been found reasonable to carry out special groundwater studies, either before or concurrently with petroleum exploration, in order to ensure supply of drinking, household, and technological waters to meet the demand of oil and gas production and to make groundwater available for oil-well pressure maintaining systems and for underground burial of waste waters.  相似文献   

强制海退体系域由于可发育优质的储集层而备受石油地质学者关注,但关于强制海退体系域中烃源岩的研究仍然十分缺乏。根据岩性录井、测井曲线和地球化学分析数据,以尼日尔Termit盆地为例探讨强制海退体系域中烃了源岩的类型及其识别特征和地球化学特征,并通过改进的ΔlogR方法建立烃源岩总有机碳(TOC)含量测井预测模型,初步分析了不同类型烃源岩的发育特征和质量差异。结果表明:强制海退体系域中可以发育煤/炭质泥岩、滨岸泥岩、三角洲泥岩和滨外陆棚泥岩4种烃源岩,其中滨外陆棚泥岩发育于强制海退体系域的底部,而煤/炭质泥岩以薄层状伴生于盆地边缘附近滨岸沼泽相和三角洲相。基础地球化学数据表明滨岸泥岩主要为Ⅱ2型干酪根的好-极好烃源岩,三角洲泥岩为非均质性强烈的差-好烃源岩,而滨外陆棚泥岩整体为Ⅲ型干酪根的差-中等烃源岩。应用lgRt交会图求取ΔlogR值,建立TOC测井预测计算模型,计算了其他井的TOC预测曲线,结果表明Termit盆地强制海退体系域中的泥岩基本为好-极好烃源岩,不同构造区块中差别不大,其中滨岸泥岩为主要的烃源岩类型,累计厚度大且生烃潜力高。从强制海退体系域的演化过程及Termit盆地实例研究来看,强制海退体系域中在一定条件下可以发育优质烃源岩,滨岸泥岩可能是其主要的烃源岩类型。  相似文献   

Elastic wave velocities for dense (99.8% of theoretical density) isotropic polycrystalline specimens of synthetic pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3O12) were measured to 1,000 K at 300 MPa by the phase comparison method of ultrasonic interferometry in an internally heated gas-medium apparatus. The temperature derivatives of the elastic moduli [(∂Ks/∂T) P = −19.3(4); (∂G/∂T) P = −10.4(2) MPa K−1] measured in this study are consistent with previous acoustic measurements on both synthetic polycrystalline pyrope in a DIA-type cubic anvil apparatus (Gwanmesia et al. in Phys Earth Planet Inter 155:179–190, 2006) and on a natural single crystal by the rectangular parallelepiped resonance (RPR; Suzuki and Anderson in J Phys Earth 31:125–138, 1983) method but |(∂Ks/∂T) P | is significantly larger than from a Brillouin spectroscopy study of single-crystal pyrope (Sinogeikin and Bass in Phys Earth Planet Inter 203:549–555, 2002). Alternative approaches to the retrieval of mixed derivatives of the elastic moduli from joint analysis of data from this study and from the solid-medium data of Gwanmesia et al. in Phys Earth Planet Inter 155:179–190 (2006) yield ∂2 G/∂PT = [0.07(12), 0.20(14)] × 10−3 K−1 and ∂2 K S /∂PT = [−0.20(24), 0.22(26)] × 10−3 K−1, both of order 10−4 K−1 and not significantly different from zero. More robust inference of the mixed derivatives will require solid-medium acoustic measurements of precision significantly better than 1%.  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤是中国重要的内陆珍稀鱼种,在青海湖湖泊生态系统中起着核心作用。繁殖环境是鱼类种群延续的关键因素,能获取青海湖裸鲤的繁殖环境参数和明确最佳产卵场,对于保护和扩大其渔业资源量也非常重要。本文尝试利用耳石的微区原位氧同位素组成分析青海湖裸鲤的繁殖特征,利用SHRIMP Ⅱ离子探针测定5尾青海湖裸鲤耳石微区原位δ18O组成,沿着最长生长轴到边缘打点,束斑直径大约25μm,束斑深度约2~3μm。分析结果表明,裸鲤耳石的δ18O值变动范围分别是−4.88‰~3.46‰、−0.28‰~3.91‰、−1.43‰~2.94‰、−1.81‰~3.35‰,并且耳石间歇带的δ18O值高于成长带。耳石间歇带是裸鲤在湖水中形成,而成长带是在河水中形成,上述结果与青海湖湖水的δ18O值显著高于河水的δ18O值一致,因此记录了裸鲤的洄游行为。核心区域差异性的δ18O值则反映了裸鲤的产卵地和水温状况,表明有的裸鲤在水温较低的河口产卵孵化,有的在水温较高的河流上游产卵孵化。与其他样品不同的是,其中1尾裸鲤耳石的δ18O变动范围是−9.36‰~−5.21‰,表明该裸鲤固定在河流里生长繁殖,不发生洄游行为。这一发现为进一步优化青海湖裸鲤的人工繁殖和利用耳石化石探究青海湖水环境演变提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

传统上认为大分子烃类很难通过微渗漏方式逸散到地表,但已有研究表明高分子量烃类也可以逸散到现代沉积物中。本文基于黄海现代沉积物与典型原油地球化学特征的不同,将二者进行正交配比,系统研究不同配比产物的组成特征。结果表明:随着配比实验中原油比例的增大,正构烷烃和部分芳烃的色谱指纹呈现规律性变化,其正构烷烃奇偶优势逐渐消失,烷基芳烃丰度随之增加;三环萜烷、藿烷、规则甾烷等化合物的绝对浓度,以及二苯并噻吩/菲等的比值也呈现规律性变化,其中三环帖烷、C_(24)四环萜烷/C_(26)三环萜烷和三环萜烷/藿烷三者的变化明显且平稳,其数值范围均在0~3.0,适合用于渗逸图版。将研究区采集的未知样品与配比产物的组成特征进行对比,在排除外源污染的情况下可定性判识该研究区是否存在地下油气藏;将样品的相关参数投到图版上,有望进一步定量判识样品中渗入原油的比例。该方法可以作为常规油气化探的补充,在油气藏评价方面提供诸多信息,甚至在环境污染监控等领域有望获得推广。  相似文献   

The Riphean Kresttsy and Pavlov Posad sedimentary basins, which occupy different positions in the East European Platform (EEP) are considered. Compositional features of terrigenous–mineral associations (TMA) of sedimentary complexes in these basins and their relation to the intrabasin and external sources of the detrital material are revealed. Two (preaulacogen and aulacogen) stages in the development of Riphean sedimentary basins in the central EEP are established. Relics of preaulacogen sequences are recorded only at the base of the sedimentary succession in the Pavlov Posad basin. These two basins formed at the aulacogen stage under an influence of strike-slip stresses. Aulacogen sequences of the Pavlov Posad basin formed in one stage, whereas sequences of the Kresttsy basin accumulated during two stages.  相似文献   

A nuclear method of measurement of major as well as trace light elements in silicates is presented. This method is particularly applied to the determination of Li content in micas in order to optimize some experimental conditions. The other elements that can be reached with a good sensitivity ( 10 ppm) are Be, B, F and Na. The particles which provoke the nuclear reactions are single-charged -particles provided by a Van de Graaf accelerator. The possibility of obtaining a well-focused -beam and the good accuracy of the method permit us to consider this method as a valuable complement of the electron microprobe.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived global terrestrial Drought Severity Index (DSI) had the capability of detecting regional drought over subtropical southwestern China. Monthly, remotely sensed DSI data with 0.05° spatial resolution were used to characterize the extent, duration, and severity of drought from 2000 to 2010. We reported that southwestern China suffered from incipient to extreme droughts from November 2009 to March 2010 (referred to as the “drought period”). The area affected by drought occupied approximately 74 % of the total area of the study region, in which a moderate drought, severe drought, and an extreme drought accounted for 20, 12.7, and 13.2 % of the total area, respectively; particularly in March 2010, droughts of severe and extreme intensity covered the largest areas of drought, which were 16.1 and 18.6 %, respectively. Spatially, eastern Yunnan, western Guizhou, and Guangxi suffered from persistent droughts whose intensities ranged from mild to extreme during the drought period. Pearson’s correlation analyses were performed between DSI and the in situ meteorological station-based Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for validating the monitoring results of the DSI. The results showed that the DSI corresponded favorably with the time scales of the SPI; meanwhile, the DSI showed its highest correlation (mean: r = 0.58) with a three-month SPI. Furthermore, similar spatial patterns and temporal variations were found between the DSI and the three-month SPI, as well as the agro-meteorological drought observation data, when monitoring drought. Our analysis suggests that the DSI can be used for near-real-time drought monitoring with fine resolution across subtropical southwestern China, or other similar regions, based solely on MODIS-derived evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data.  相似文献   

The German Elbe River floodplains rank under the most polluted areas in Europe. A sudden concentration increase of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) is documented in sediment profiles of Elbe bayous. The increase is dated to the mid of the 20th century (137Cs) and indicates industrialization of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) as the source of intense pollution. The collapse of the GDR and the industries in the 1990s is traced by a concentration decrease in young sediments. The contamination is restricted to an increase of unstable binding forms; the hydroxide binding form is predominant. The geogenic concentration portions are of normal level and remain stable throughout the profiles (0–2 m). The equilibrium of contradictory binding forms in the sediments makes it mandatory not to interfere with the thermodynamic conditions and to keep the Elbe floodplain as an undisturbed ecological system.  相似文献   

A recent discovery of Pliocene tree trunks (Taxodium, Glyptostrobus or Sequoia) perfectly preserved in the fluvial lacustrine sediments deposited in the old Tiberin Lake (near the town of Dunarobba, Central Italy) has led to the study of the conditions responsible for the trunks preservation. The present work has applied Sr isotope techniques to examine and confirm fluid migration in the different sediment types which cross the entire fluvial-lacustrine sequence. Based on the 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in carbonate and in silicate fractions of samples collected from a bore hole (from 0 to 120 m) it is concluded that each sedimentary level has limited communication between zones and is characterised by different isotope values. This suggests that the intrinsic properties of these clays make them a good material for isolating waste, both for direct use and for a better buffer in other formations, possibly less secure, such as salt or granite. The results obtained in the present work have demonstrated some of the potential uses of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio as an environmental tracer for confirming results from some of the geotechnical (such as permeability) and geochemical parameters of these host sediments.  相似文献   

The Mondoñedo thrust sheet has been studied to investigate the complex dynamic relationships that may be involved in the development of low- and medium-P metamorphic domains. This unit underwent an initial medium-P event during the initial stages of Variscan convergence, related to crustal thickening. Subsequently, the thrust sheet evolved to a low-P baric type of metamorphism, related to syn-convergence thinning and exhumation. Its footwall, cropping out in two tectonic windows, registered a different evolution, with a low-P history that evolved from low- to high-T under a high geothermal gradient. Several different PT paths of the Mondoñedo thrust sheet and its relative autochthon are traced and interpreted according to the structural evolution of the area. Following the initial crustal thickening, two main syn-convergence extensional shear zones developed. One of them occurs in the hangingwall, whereas the other affects the footwall unit. Both extensional shear zones were contemporaneous with ductile thrusting in the inner parts of the thrust sheet, and their activity is viewed as a consequence of the need for gravitational re-equilibration within the orogenic wedge.The most commonly accepted models of tectonothermal evolution in regions of thickened continental crust assume that low-P metamorphism is essentially a late phenomenon, and is linked to late-orogenic tectonic activity. In the Mondoñedo thrust sheet, our conclusions indicate that low-P metamorphism may also develop during convergence, and that this may occur in at least two cases. One is tectonic denudation of an allochthonous unit during its emplacement, and the other, thinning and extension at the footwall unit of an advancing thrust sheet. As a consequence, the low-P evolution may show different characteristics in different units of an orogenic nappe pile.  相似文献   

The ability to detect hydrologic variation in large arctic river systems is of major importance in understanding and predicting effects of climate change in high-latitude environments. Monitoring uranium isotopes (234U and 238U) in river water of the Yukon River Basin of Alaska and northwestern Canada (2001?C2005) has enhanced the ability to identify water sources to rivers, as well as detect flow changes that have occurred over the 5-year study. Uranium isotopic data for the Yukon River and major tributaries (the Porcupine and Tanana rivers) identify several sources that contribute to river flow, including: deep groundwater, seasonally frozen river-valley alluvium groundwater, and high-elevation glacial melt water. The main-stem Yukon River exhibits patterns of uranium isotopic variation at several locations that reflect input from ice melt and shallow groundwater in the spring, as well as a multi-year pattern of increased variability in timing and relative amount of water supplied from higher elevations within the basin. Results of this study demonstrate both the utility of uranium isotopes in revealing sources of water in large river systems and of incorporating uranium isotope analysis in long-term monitoring of arctic river systems that attempt to assess the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Lavas from Heard Island, located on the Kerguelen Plateau inthe southern Indian Ocean, exhibit the largest range (e.g.,87Sr/86Sr=0.7047–0.7079) of isotopic compositions yetobserved on a single oceanic island. Isotopic compositions arewell correlated and are accompanied by systematic changes inincompatible trace element ratios, particularly those involvingNb. These variations are interpreted as resulting from mixingbetween two components. One is characterized by high 87Sr/86Sr,low 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and negative Nb andEu anomalies, and is derived ultimately from the upper continentalcrust. The other has lower 87Sr/86Sr, and higher 206Pb/204Pband 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and lacks the depletions in Nb and Eu.Two possible compositions are considered for the low-87Sr/86Srcomponent of the source. The first is at the low-87Sr/86Sr endof the Heard Island data array, represented most closely bylavas from the Laurens Peninsula. However, trace element variationssuggest that these lavas might not be representive of the Heardplume. The second is close to the low-87Sr/86Sr end of the isotopicarray for lavas from the main volcano. In this case a lithosphericmantle origin is suggested for the Laurens Peninsula lavas.The relationships between isotopic data, major element compositions,and incompatible trace element ratios indicate that the continent-derivedmaterial is probably present in the mantle source, where itmakes a maximum contribution of <4 wt.% for all but one HeardIsland sample. However, if the Kerguelen Plateau is a submergedcontinental block, shallow-level contamination cannot be ruledout. The binary mixing model developed to explain the Heard Islandgeochemical variations is extended to include other Indian Oceanoceanic island and mid-ocean ridge basalts (OIB and MORB). Weshow that isotopic compositions of Indian Ocean OIB are consistentwith sampling of a regional reservoir in which the same twocomponents exist in variable proportions (generally 1–5wt.% of the continent-derived component). The distinctive isotopiccompositions of Indian Ocean MORB are consistent with mixingof a similar component into an Atlantic-or Pacific-like MORBmantle source. The relatively unradiogenic 206Pb/204Pb isotopiccompositions of these ‘enriched’ Indian Ocean mantlecomponents are unlike any present-day marine sediments and indicatethat their source has had 238U/204Pb ratios (µ) much lowerthan typical upper continental crust for > 1 Ga. These agespre-date the formation of Gondwana (600-130 Ma) and thereforedo not support sediment subduction beneath Gondwana as the causeof enrichment in the sub-Indian Ocean mantle. We propose thatthe enrichment of Indian Ocean OIB sources was due to subductionof upper-crustal material beneath a Proterozoic precursor ofGondwana at 1–2 Ga. The enrichment of the Indian OceanMORB sources could have had a similar origin, or could havebeen derived from sub-continental lithospheric mantle returnedto the asthenospheric mantle, perhaps during the break-up ofGondwana (200–130 Ma).  相似文献   

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