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鳗鲡(Anguilla)作为我国优质水产养殖种类,精准掌握其数量对高效养殖有重要意义。为实现对循环水养殖鳗鲡的准确计数,提出了一种基于深度学习的改进Faster RCNN模型。针对检测目标即鳗鲡头部尺寸小的问题,选择在特征提取网络ResNet50中加入FPN结构来作为模型的骨干网络,以提取并融合多尺度的特征;针对原模型锚框都是基于人工经验设置的,并不适用于鳗鲡数据集的问题,使用k-means聚类算法对训练集中标注的鳗鲡头部检测框进行聚类分析,获得了适合鳗鲡数据集的15种不同尺度的锚框;针对图像中存在鳗鲡头部重叠的问题,选择使用Soft-NMS算法替代原NMS算法对RPN部分生成的候选框进行筛选,以减少模型对鳗鲡重叠部分的漏检情况。试验结果表明:改进后的Faster RCNN模型对鳗鲡头部的检测精度(mAP0.5)高达96.5%,较原Faster RCNN模型(Backbone为ResNet50)显著提升了14%,与SSD300和YOLOV3模型相比分别显著提升了24.9%和15%;在鳗鲡计数上,利用改进后的Faster RCNN模型检测结果进行计数,计数准确率达到90%以上,提升了模型对鳗鲡的检测识别能力。  相似文献   

台湾东港大鹏湾、琉球乡北侧海域成功地以网箱养成黑鲷、黄蜡■、银纹笛鲷、红■等高经济价值的鱼。目前影响箱网养殖或沿海养殖之污染有两大来源,一为由陆上人为排放废弃物流入了海洋,另外一种是由养殖生物的排遗物或残饵所造成的污染,即浅海养殖上所谓的“自家污染”。海洋养殖是未来水产养殖的可行方向,对业者来说公益及权利的交集点目前仍有一段距离。琉球渔会的箱网养殖可以说相当成功,但仍有空间上及财力上的限制。如何有效规划出现实可以发展的区域或途径,需适时做出规划,以避免未来出现混乱局面。箱网养殖正在创新商机  相似文献   

在自然或人为因素下容易出现鳗苗种质混杂的现象,由于鳗鲡苗种在形态上十分相似,难以区分。为了保障鳗农的合法利益和提高养殖效益,急需建立一种能够在现场快速、高效使用的鳗鲡种质鉴定方法。本研究通过比对找出5种常见鳗鲡养殖种类:日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)、美洲鳗鲡(A.rostrata)、花鳗鲡(A.marmorata)、太平洋双色鳗鲡(A.bicolor pacifica)、欧洲鳗鲡(A.anguilla)线粒体细胞色素B(cytochrome b,cyt b)基因的差异序列,基于5个cyt b基因序列差异较大的片段,设计多对引物,分别经过PCR验证和条件优化,挑选出4对引物:aj S1/A1、r-a S1/A2、bp-m S5/A3和m-a S4/A4。将这4对引物组合在同一个反应体系中进行PCR扩增,进行条件优化,筛选出组合PCR的最优条件:退火温度为58oC;退火时间为45s;循环数为27。结果表明,通过扩增产物凝胶电泳中条带的有无及大小可快速准确的鉴定出五个鳗鲡种类。本研究建立的组合PCR方法在3小时内可完成整个种类鉴定过程,同时可使用便携式小型仪器完成操作,可满足现场快速、高效鉴定的要求。此外,通过MEGA5.0软件构建5种鳗鲡线粒体cyt b基因序列NJ进化树,发现花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡先聚为一支,再与日本鳗鲡聚在一起,而欧洲鳗鲡和美洲鳗鲡聚在一起,进化树图显示的遗传距离和它们的地理分布的远近相似。  相似文献   

珠江口黄茅海拦门沙演变及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贾良文  罗军  任杰 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):120-127
采用1977,1994,2003,2010年4个年份的地形图,建立了DEM模型,结合二维水动力模型对近30多年来黄茅海拦门沙演变的特征及成因进行了分析。研究表明近30多年来黄茅海拦门沙平面上向海推移,范围缩小,在内坡和拦门沙顶冲刷,在外坡淤积;拦门沙的基本成因是其位于上溯流与下泄流控制区域之间的过渡带,该过渡带为明显的动力较弱的区域,泥沙较易在此处沉积;黄茅海大面积的围垦导致纳潮量减少、潮汐动力减弱、径流作用相对增强,使下泄流控制区扩大、上溯流控制区减小、过渡区下移,这是拦门沙冲刷外移和缩小的主要原因。上游来沙量减少加剧了拦门沙冲刷外移和缩小。  相似文献   

依据2006年夏季对东海区水文化学数据的现场调查, 对台湾暖流的水文化学特性进行了初步分析, 并对台湾暖流自身的水文化学特性对东海赤潮高发区的影响进行了初步探讨。结果表明, 夏季, 台湾暖流水具有台湾海峡水和黑潮次表层涌升水两个来源, 分别构成台湾暖流的表层水和深层水。通过亚硝酸盐含量的多少能够对表层水和深层水进行明显的区分。此外, 通过对台湾暖流水文特征的分析, 发现夏季台湾暖流在浙江沿海出现的上升流给赤潮生物提供了适宜的温度。并通过对台湾暖流的营养盐含量进行分析, 发现相对于硝酸盐含量, 台湾暖流含有较高的磷酸盐浓度, 能够缓解海区“过剩氮”导致的磷限制。  相似文献   

基于1992~2016年4个时相的遥感数据, 对盐城滨海川东港至梁垛河口岸段进行景观分类, 分析湿地植被类型及分布, 借助转移矩阵法探究滨海湿地植被的时空演变。结果表明: 茅草、芦苇、碱蓬, 米草为川东港至梁垛河口段主要湿地植被类型。1992~2016年植被总面积减少, 其中茅草几近消失殆尽; 芦苇、碱蓬面积持续缩减; 米草面积大幅增长。1992~2000年植被面积快速缩减, 大面积的茅草碱蓬地被开发为耕地; 2000~2009年养殖塘侵占湿地植被, 规模剧增。2009~2016年, 米草向海方向扩张的同时靠陆侧转变为养殖塘。川东港至梁垛河口的植被演变是自然和人为共同作用的结果。一方面受淤积型海岸影响, 另一方面受政策引导下的各类滩涂开发活动, 及互花米草的引种所带来的快速扩散的影响。本文研究结果为盐城滨海湿地管理与可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

长江口阳离子浓度与细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉积   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
本文根据长江口细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉积试验和长江口一年的实测阳离子浓度资料,分析了阳离子浓度对细颗粒泥沙动水絮凝沉积的影响。文章指出,细颗粒泥沙动水絮凝存在絮凝最佳离子浓度,对长江口悬浮泥沙,该浓度约为170×10(-3)mo1/dm3;在阳离子浓度相同的水体中,高价离子比低价离子更能促进细颗粒泥沙的动水絮凝沉积。文章分析了长江口阳离子浓度变化及其与细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉积的关系后指出,长江口南槽阳离子浓度受径流影响,洪季浓度低,枯季浓度高,但8~9月高温高盐的台湾暖流逼近长江口时,口门附近的阳离子浓度明显升高。文章指出,长江口细颗粒泥沙絮凝最佳阳离子浓度恰好位于拦门沙滩顶,170×l0(-3)mol/dm3阳离子浓度等值线通过最大浑浊带的核心。文章认为,长江口阳离子浓度的时空变化,影响细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉积强度和沉积部位,对拦门沙的发育及冲淤变化有重要影响。  相似文献   

广利河口拦门沙的沉积特征与冲淤过程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给广利河口航道的建设提供科学依据,通过对研究区现场调查,查明了广利河口拦门沙水动力特征、海底地形、底质特征和地层垂向分布特征。在进行沉积物分析与历史资料对比分析的基础上,探讨了拦门沙体的沉积特征和冲淤过程。分析认为,广利河口拦门沙是在浅海-潮坪基础上接受广利河、支脉河和溢洪河携运泥沙堆积而成,海岸滩涂沉积物和黄河口水下岸坡物质对拦门沙的发育也产生了一定的影响。在河流和海洋动力作用的改造下,现在拦门沙基本进入冲淤平衡时期。但近期由于人工因素的影响,拦门沙顶出现暂时的淤积。研究结果还表明:拦门沙体北侧水动力作用明显强于南侧,航道设计为东偏南较好。  相似文献   

何岚轩  杨蕴  宋健  俞烜 《海洋科学》2024,48(1):85-97
随着全球气候变暖,风暴潮在沿海地区的频率和强度均可能增长,由此引发的海水垂向入侵可能会造成大面积的含水层淡水咸化。同时,由人类活动引起的沿海虾塘咸水养殖规模日益增长,由此引发的咸水垂向入侵可能会导致沿海地区地下水水质及生态环境的恶化。虽然已有一部分学者在海水(咸水)垂向入侵的研究中取得了成果,但由于海水(咸水)垂向入侵过程复杂,其对地下水咸化及恢复规律依然有待深入研究。文章阐述了海水垂向入侵的危害及前人的研究办法,总结了他们的研究成果并得出了海水垂向入侵的影响因子,指出了洪水和养殖活动对沿海地区含水层的威胁。得出的结果如下:研究海水垂向入侵常用的方法包括室内试验和数值模拟;海水垂向入侵主要与地形地貌、含水层性质和水文气象条件有关;虾塘养殖等人类活动可能会成为垂向咸水入侵的潜在来源。建议未来在海水垂向入侵研究中将多种现场观测实验方法结合起来。数值模拟应注重与现场观测实验数据相互验证,模型简化的方式有必要仔细考虑。虾塘养殖等人类活动可能造成的垂向咸水入侵问题应更多地受到关注。  相似文献   

为了促进深远海养殖装备朝智能化方向发展,解决电能供给困难的问题,克服抗风浪网箱受波流耦合作用对太阳能和风能利用的局限性的问题,针对养殖区域的低流速海域,提出了一种适用于深远海可升降网箱的横轴半潜式潮流能发电装置,建立了Savonius型水轮机叶片受力数学模型,分析了叶轮中心与水面的距离对水轮机捕能效率的影响,利用Fluent软件数值模拟了导流增速浮体的速度场情况,设计了发电装置整体结构及锚泊系统,搭建了发电装置试验模型,开展了物理模型试验,测试了不同水流速度情况下与叶轮相对离水距有关的各参数变化情况,并对试验数据进行分析。试验结果表明,在不同的水流流速下,随着离水距的不断增加,捕获功率呈先增加后减小的趋势,当叶轮中心高出水面1/4个叶轮直径时,叶轮的输出功率最大。  相似文献   

2000年8月长江口外海区冲淡水和羽状锋的观测   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
采用CTD、多参数环境监测系统 YSI等仪器设备 ,于 2 0 0 0年 8月在长江口外海区对长江冲淡水结构、羽状锋等进行了现场观测。 2 0 0 0年 8月长江冲淡水出口门后 ,朝东北偏北流动 ,而当年 8月为长江径流量偏小的月份。通过动力分析指出了近口门段长江冲淡水分布类型与径流量的关系。长江冲淡水主流在近口门附近朝东北偏北扩展后 ,在科氏力作用下朝东南扩展 ,在转向区域为沿水下河谷北上的高盐台湾暖流水。高盐的台湾暖流水和长江冲淡水混合 ,生成口外羽状锋 ,强度大 ,阻挡了长江冲淡水向东扩展 ,并使冲淡水在当年径流量偏小情况下朝东北偏北运动。部分台湾暖流水在中下层能穿越长江口外而向北流动。羽状锋主要存在于长江口外 1 2 2 .6°E附近的 1 5m水层之上。在浙江沿岸、长江口外水下低谷西侧、吕泗近岸存在着上升流现象  相似文献   

The distributional features of sea surface temperature and salinity(SST and SSS) in the Taiwan Straits have been analyzed using the SST and SSS underway measurements in August,1999.The characteristics of SST and SSS are summarized as foloows:There are several upwellings and diluted water in the Taiwan Straits.The upwellings are divided into two kinds:those along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits and those around the Taiwan Shoal.There are three sources of diluted water:diluted water of the Jiulongjiang River,diluted water of the Zhujiang River and diluted water of the Minjiang River.  相似文献   

东海西部沿岸海域冬季的逆温跃层现象及其与环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文引用《渤海、黄海、东海海洋图集──水文》分册(1992)中有关逆温跃层分布变化的图幅以及温盐历史资料,指出东海西部沿岸(22~32°N)冬季出现逆温跃层的区域北起长江口,南到南澳岛以南几乎相联成片的现象,论述了这一分布与中国东南近海冬季潜伏于深底层的暖流水的区域相吻合,从而从水文结构上证实了冬季在深底层粤东沿岸的南海暖流北上通过台湾海峡西部与闽浙沿岸的台湾暖流相接这一环流特征。  相似文献   

Glass eel migration of the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L., 1758) in the eastern Mediterranean is poorly known despite the increasing state of anxiety for the future of the stock. In the present study, glass eel migration was investigated from October 1999 to April 2000, using experimental fishery with fyke nets, in two coastal systems along the western Greece (Ionian Sea): at the Sagiada marsh in the delta area of Kalamas River and at the mouth of Alfios River. The main period of the glass eel entrance was from December to March and the migration pattern was similar to those observed along the Atlantic coast of southwestern Europe. The variance of daily glass eel catches between the two studied sites was significantly different. The univariate and bivariate time series spectral analysis showed that glass eel short-term freshwater migration: (1) consisted of waves with periods from 5 to 40 days and (2) was correlated with environmental factors such as water temperature, atmospheric pressure, rainfall and moonlight. The observed differences between the two sites reveal the importance of the inland ecosystem characteristics.  相似文献   

Several water quality parameters, marginal vegetation, and the fish community in Lake Ellesmere, a large, shallow, turbid lake situated on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand, were sampled along selected transects in late summer to determine species spatial patterns. Thirteen species offish were caught, with seven of them comprising major populations, although only four of these were adequately sampled by the method used—they included inanga (Galaxias maculatus), common smelt {Retropinna retropinna), shortfinned eel (Anguilla australis), and common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus). Inanga were almost exclusively confined to areas on the western side of the lake which has a convoluted shoreline with a variety of small embayments with scattered vegetation along the margins. Common smelt occupied both marginal and offshore areas, but they too were more abundant along the margins particularly on the western side. Both the common bully and shortfinned eel were widespread and abundant in the lake, although their abundance and biomass were higher within the vicinity of the lake outlet, major inflowing tributaries, and other marginal habitats. All three species of flounders of the genus Rhombosolea were poorly represented in our samples. However, in commercial catches they were reasonably abundant, with the sand flounder (R. plebeia) and yellowbelly (R. leporina) being more common in offshore than inshore catches, whereas the black flounder (R. retiaria) showed no difference in the catches between areas. Our overall findings are consistent with the hypothesis that bottom‐dwelling species (eels, bullies, flounders) are more widely distributed than free‐swimming forms (inanga, common smelt), which were largely confined to areas sheltered from prevailing winds. The highly turbid nature of the lake, primarily because of re‐suspension of fine bottom sediments by frequent winds, is considered an important factor in the distribution of the fish fauna.  相似文献   

The construction of an estuary barrage, an instream structure in the lower reaches of a river, causes significant physical changes in water flow patterns and river morphology, and results in altered environmental conditions. Here, we examined the impact of the Geum River estuary barrage, completed in 1990, on fish assemblages by using a literature search and fresh surveys of fishways in the barrage. We found that fish assemblages upstream and downstream of the barrage were altered following its completion. After construction, more species were found in the freshwater area, with a particularly great increase in freshwater species. Conversely, estuarine and marine species were only consistently caught in the downstream salt-water area, although the number of species increased. In total, 15,829 fish from 47 species and 20 families were identified at the three types (pool and weir, rubble type, and boat passage) of fishways in the barrage. The dominant species were Chelon haematocheilus, an estuarine species, Coilia nasus, a diadromous species, and Erythroculter erythropterus, a freshwater species. The mean total length of fish (101.9 ± 76.0 mm) in the boat passage fishway was approximately 100 mm lesser than those in the pool and weir (207.2 ± 112.8 mm) and rubble type (205.8 ± 112.7 mm) fishways. The boat passage fishway was the most efficient for fish movements. The current fishway system is not sufficient for fish migration, and thus additional ways are required to improve the system such as the boat passage. Few estuarine or diadromous species were found in both freshwater and salt-water areas, but freshwater fishes that accidently moved to salt-water area actively used fishways. Therefore, fishway management in the Geum River estuary barrage has to focus on freshwater fish; however, this may need to change to a focus on migratory fishes depending on ecological life cycles of migratory fish.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from seventeen sites was investigated on the coasts around Taiwan in order to verify its occurrences and to understand its characteristics. The fresh water fraction (FWF) in most pore water samples, except the Fangsan sampling site, range from 0 to 59% based on the salinity evidence. The relative low FWF evidence implies that the recirculated saline groundwater discharge (RSGD) is more important than the submarine fresh groundwater discharge (SFGD) in most sampling sites. Fangsan, which is located at the southwestern coast of Taiwan, has nearly 100% FWF in SGD. Evaluation of the relationship between the magnitude of SGD flux and geological type of the Taiwanese coast proves to be difficult because complex hydrological factors affect the SGD, rather than the coastal topography. According to the hydrological evidence, the modeled-SGD discharge is enhanced by high precipitation but is generally reduced by severe groundwater pumping. In addition, modeled-SGD has an inverse relationship with river base flow, indicating the river effect. The almost fresh SGD with flow rates ranged from 34 to 42 m/year at Fangsan deserves attention because a seven-year-long groundwater budget calculation implies that the aquifer could not supply so much fresh SGD over a large area. This suggests that a significant amount of fresh water SGD at Fangsan is derived from a point source via a fault passage, considering its geological background. Although the rudimentary salinity and stable isotope results indicate that RSGD plays an important role in SGD, the type of submarine spring discharge via fault zones may very well be the most prominent in highly deformed areas elsewhere in the world, too.  相似文献   

利用POM模型,以研究海区的海面风应力、温度和盐度资料作为海面边界条件,以与外海界面处的温度和盐度资料作为侧向液边界条件,并考虑长江径流、台湾暖流和东海沿岸流的影响,对长江口及其邻近海区各季节的三维斜压环流和温、盐结构进行了数值模拟。环流的数值结果表明,冬季和秋季研究海区的水平环流主要由长江径流、东海沿岸流、台湾暖流、杭州湾环流和沿岸流与台湾暖流之间的气旋和反气旋涡构成;东海沿岸流与长江径流顺岸南下,随着自北往南岸界地形坡度的增大,其流幅变窄,流速增强;台湾暖流沿陡坡及其外缘蜿蜒北上,随着自南往北水深的变浅,其流幅由宽变窄继而又由窄变宽,流速却一直由强变弱。冬季和秋季海区纬度断面垂直环流的总趋势由近岸向外海流动,海底地形变化缓慢区离岸流产生波动,海底地形变化显著的陡坡区离岸流产生剧烈振荡而生成强升降流。春季和夏季研究海区的水平环流主要由长江径流与东海沿岸流汇合流、台湾暖流、杭州湾环流、舟山群岛附近及长江径流和东海沿岸流汇合流与台湾暖流之间的气旋和反气旋涡构成;长江径流和台湾暖流平行北上并在长江口以北产生顺时针偏转。由海区水平环流特征和变化趋势证实,春季长江冲淡水已开始向东北偏转,夏季冲淡水的偏转程度、伸展距离和扩展范围都更甚于春季;春季在长江口近岸存在弱上升流,夏季长江口外的陡坡区出现下降流,而长江口以北和以南的陡坡区出现上升流。  相似文献   

根据1988年夏季台湾海峡海域的调查资料讨论福建北部沿岸和台湾北面海域水化学的区域性特征。结果表明,福建沿岸上升流是西部海域诸化学要素分布的控制因素。台湾北面海域(25°50′-26°40′N,121°45′-122°30′E)水体下层出现局部冷水抬升,福建沿岸和台湾北面海域都具有低溶解氧且不饱和、高营养盐、低温、高盐的特征,溶解氧、诸营养盐与温度、盐度分别有良好的相关关系。  相似文献   

大沽河是胶东半岛最大的河流,近几年随着城市发展,用水量增加,其水环境问题也日益突出,利用已有资料,结合本次水文地质及环境地质调查、野外弥散试验等工作成果,建立青岛市大沽河水源地地下水质数值模型并进行验证,模拟预测地下水污染并分析治理对策,通过预测,在进入地下水的污染物质浓度每年平均递减3%的情况下,今后10年内,大沽河水源地地下水质大部分地段有变好的趋势,下游李哥庄镇附近有变差的趋势。  相似文献   

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