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The Araçuaí orogen of southeastern Brazil together with the West Congo belt of central West Africa form the Araçuaí–West Congo orogen generated during closure of a terminal segment of the Neoproterozoic Adamastor Ocean. Corresponding to an embayment in the São Francisco–Congo Craton, this portion of the Adamastor was only partially floored by oceanic crust. The convergence of its margins led to the development of the Rio Doce magmatic arc between 630 Ma and 580 Ma. The Rio Doce magmatic arc terminates in the northern portion of the Araçuaí orogen. Granitic plutons exposed in the northern extremity of the arc provide a rare opportunity to study magmatism at arc terminations, and to understand the interplay between calc-alkaline magma production and crustal recycling. The plutons forming the terminus of the arc consist of granodiorites, tonalites and monzogranites similar to a magnesian, slightly peraluminous, calcic- (68%) to calc-alkaline (24%), with minor alkali-calcic (8%) facies, medium- to high-K magmatic series. Although marked by negative Nb–Ta, Sr and Ti anomalies, typically associated with subduction-related magmas, the combined Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic data characterize a crustal signature related to anatexis of metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks, rather than fractional crystallization of mantle-derived magmas. Zircon U–Pb ages characterizes two groups of granitoids. The older group, crystallized between 630 and 590 Ma, experienced a migmatization event at ca. 585 Ma. The younger granitoids, emplaced between 570 and 590 Ma, do not show any evidence for migmatization. Most of the investigated samples show good correlation with the experimental compositional field of amphibolite dehydration-melting, with some samples plotting into the field of greywacke dehydration-melting. The studied rocks are not typical I-type or S-type granites, being particularly similar to transitional I/S-type granitoids described in the Ordovician Famatinian arc (NW Argentina). We suggest a hybrid model involving dehydration-melting of meta-igneous (amphibolites) and metasedimentary (greywackes) rocks for magma production in the northern termination of the Rio Doce arc. The real contribution of each end-member is, however, a challenging work still to be done.  相似文献   

The Tabar–Lihir–Tanga–Feni (TLTF) islands of Papua New Guinea mainly comprise high-K calc-alkaline and silica undersaturated alkaline rocks that have geochemical features typical for subduction-related magmatism. Numerous sedimentary, mafic, and ultramafic xenoliths recovered from Tubaf seamount, located on the flank of Lihir Island, provide a unique opportunity to study the elemental and isotopic composition of the crust and mantle wedge beneath the arc and to evaluate their relationships to the arc magmatism in the region. The sedimentary and mafic xenoliths show that the crust under the islands is composed of sedimentary sequences and oceanic crust with Pacific affinity. A majority of the ultramafic xenoliths contain features indicating wide spread metasomatism in the mantle wedge under the TLTF arc. Leaching experiments reveal that the metasomatized ultramafic xenoliths contain discrete labile phases that can account for up to 50% or more of elements such as Cu, Zn, Rb, U, Pb, and light REE (rare-earth elements), most likely introduced in the xenoliths via hydrous fluids released from a subducted slab. The leaching experiments demonstrated that the light REE enrichment pattern can be more or less removed from the metasomatized xenoliths and the residual phases exhibit REE patterns that range from flat to light REE depleted. Sr–Nd isotopic data for the ultramafic residues show a coupled behavior of increasing 87Sr/86Sr with decreasing 143Nd/144Nd ratios. The labile phases in the ultramafic xenoliths, represented by the leachates, show decoupling between Sr and Nd with distinctly more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr than the residues. Both leachates and residues exhibit very wide range in their Pb isotopic compositions, indicating the involvement of three components in the mantle wedge under the TLTF islands. Two of the components can be identified as Pacific Oceanic mantle and Pacific sediments. Some of the ultramafic samples and clinopyroxene separates, however, exhibit relatively low 206Pb/204Pb at elevated 207Pb/204Pb suggesting that the third component is either Indian Ocean-type mantle or Australian subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Geochemical data from the ultramafic xenoliths indicate that although the mantle wedge in the area was extensively metasomatized, it did not significantly contribute to the isotopic and incompatible trace element compositions of TLTF lavas. Compared to the mantle samples, the TLTF lavas have very restricted Pb isotopic compositions that lie within the Pacific MORB range, indicating that magma compositions were dominated by melts released from a stalled subducted slab with Pacific MORB affinity. Interaction of slab melts with depleted peridotitic component in the mantle wedge, followed by crystal fractionation most likely generated the geochemical characteristics of the lavas in the area. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Slab volcanics are a late Paleoproterozoic volcanic succession in the Wernecke Mountains of Yukon Territory in northwestern Canada. Fragments of the succession are preserved as megaclasts in km-scale zones of hydrothermal breccia. The largest clast is 160 × 380 m and consists of 31 mafic lava flows and minor intercalated sandstone and tephra. Hydrothermal activity during the brecciation led to extensive metasomatic alteration, both sodic and potassic. Despite the alteration, an igneous geochemical signal is discernible. The rocks are mafic to intermediate and moderately alkalic. Their trace element profiles indicate derivation from a hydrated, enriched mantle source, consistent with an origin as a volcanic arc affected by a plume, rift or slab window. Major and trace element patterns demonstrate a cyclical magmatic evolution involving intervals of fractional crystallization punctuated by recharge with mafic magma. The Slab volcanics were previously thought to have been deposited on Laurentia but are herein regarded as part of the exotic terrane Bonnetia that was obducted onto the Laurentian continental margin in late Paleoproterozoic time. Bonnetia may have developed on or near the eastern margin of Australia as a continental or fringing arc. In that scenario, Bonnetia grew through arc magmatism as oceanic crust between Australia and Laurentia was consumed prior to terrane obduction and continental collision in the late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. Sediment or tephra derived from the arc was transported westward into the interior of Australia, raising εNd values of late Paleoproterozoic sedimentary strata. Vigorous hydrothermal brecciation followed and led to fragmentation of the crust, including the obducted terrane Bonnetia. Giant blocks of the Slab volcanics and other units of Bonnetia foundered into breccia zones and moved downward for thousands of meters. Erosion removed the obducted terrane and the uppermost Laurentian crust, exposing the megaclasts.  相似文献   

Mafic–ultramafic rocks in structurally dismembered layered intrusions comprise approximately 40% by volume of greenstones in the Murchison Domain of the Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton. Mafic–ultramafic rocks in the Murchison Domain may be divided into five components: (i) the ~2810 Ma Meeline Suite, which includes the large Windimurra Igneous Complex; (ii) the 2800 ± 6 Ma Boodanoo Suite, which includes the Narndee Igneous Complex; (iii) the 2792 ± 5 Ma Little Gap Suite; (iv) the ~2750 Ma Gnanagooragoo Igneous Complex; and (v) the 2735–2710 Ma Yalgowra Suite of layered gabbroic sills. The intrusions are typically layered, tabular bodies of gabbroic rock with ultramafic basal units which, in places, are more than 6 km thick and up to 2500 km2 in areal extent. However, these are minimum dimensions as the intrusions have been dismembered by younger deformation. In the Windimurra and Narndee Igneous Complexes, discordant features and geochemical fractionation trends indicate multiple pulses of magma. These pulses produced several megacyclic units, each ~200 m thick. The suites are anhydrous except for the Boodanoo Suite, which contains a large volume of hornblende gabbro. They also host significant vanadium mineralisation, and at least minor Ni–Cu–PGE mineralisation. Collectively, the areal distribution, thickness and volume of mafic–ultramafic magma in these complexes is similar to that in the 2.06 Ga Bushveld Igneous Complex, and represents a major addition of mantle-derived magma to Murchison Domain crust over a 100 Ma period. All suites are demonstrably contemporaneous with packages of high-Mg tholeiitic lavas and/or felsic volcanic rocks in greenstone belts. The distribution, ages and compositions of the earlier mafic–ultramafic rocks are most consistent with genesis in a mantle plume setting.  相似文献   

The English Lake magmatic complex in the western Superior Province of Canada represents a fragment of early (3.0 Ga) continental crust exposed in oblique cross section through tonalitic upper levels and subjacent quartz diorite, diorite and gabbro, which are cut by late gabbro, anorthosite and hornblendite dykes. Massive, foliated and gneissic units of tonalitic to gabbroic composition, crystallized over a 10 to 18 m.y. period, bear common geochemical attributes, including negative Th, U and Nb anomalies, and only slight LREE and LILE enrichment on NMORB-normalized trace-element profiles. Epsilon Nd values (+0.1 to +1.7) and 18O (+6.7 to +8.0 ) do not co-vary with silica or other crustal contamination indices. High Mg#'s and Ni contents suggest derivation from, or interaction with mantle, and large positive anomalies for Ba, Sr and Pb, as well as high U/Th, suggest metasomatism by hydrous fluids. Trace-element profiles resemble those of primitive intra-oceanic island arc magmas except for the negative Th-U anomaly, which precludes the involvement of either oceanic (sedimentary or basaltic) or continental crust in the petrogenesis of English Lake magmas. In order to account for the unusual geochemical character of the suite, we postulate that water-rich fluids derived from subducted, sea-floor-altered serpentinite provided the flux for melting a depleted mantle wedge. Contemporaneous, proximal high Th/Nb tonalites suggest that the zone of serpentinite subduction occurred within a restricted arc segment possibly due to subduction of either: (a) a seamount chain oriented broadly perpendicular to an arc, or (b) a similarly oriented serpentinite-enclosed oceanic fracture zone or fault.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

The island of Korčula, which has an area of 271.47 km2 is located along the north-eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Due to the Mediterranean climate, size and karst geology its water resources are very scarce. This paper describes the natural features of the island (air temperature, precipitation, geology, hydrogeology and groundwater) which are important for the water appearance and its distribution in time and space. The water supply of the island has been managed in the following ways: through a pipeline from the mainland, by drawing groundwater and by rain harvesting. Tourism causes high seasonal water needs which are barely met by the existing water supply system. Therefore, present water resource management on the island must be improved. The paper also presents mathematical programming scheme to get optimal costs and benefits of water exploitation on the island. Besides economic aspect, linear programming is applied to social and ecological objectives, as well. This study suggests that island’s water management should be primarily based on wisely using its proper water resources.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):338-357
Four isolated metamorphic complexes located within post-collisional granitoids occupying up to 70% of the total area, were distinguished in Sinai (Egypt) and Elat area (southern Israel), the northernmost part of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. The metamorphic rocks include metasediments, felsic and mafic metavolcanic rocks intruded by granitic, dioritic, and gabbroic plutons, all subjected to penetrative deformation.We present new SIMS U–Pb dating of zircons from 13 rock units comprising metasediments, volcanic rocks, gneisses and plutons from three metamorphic complexes (Sa'al, Feiran–Solaf, and Kid). In addition we present a SIMS U–Pb titanite age of a granitic gneiss previously dated using zircon. On the basis of the new and published U–Pb data, three successive Meso- to Neoproterozoic island arcs formed during a period of ca. 500 My are recognized. The Sa'al arc (represented by the oldest arc rocks in the ANS) evolved from 1.03 to 0.93 Ga (100 My); the Feiran–Elat arc developed from ca. 870 to 740 Ma (130 My), and the Kid arc formed from ca. 640 to 620 Ma (20 My). Evidence for an older, ca. 1.1 Ga, pre-Sa'al island arc was established from the zircon xenocryst population, though no exposures of rocks of this age were found. In the Sa'al and Kid arcs both volcanic and sedimentary rocks are preserved, whereas in the Elat–Feiran arc volcanic rocks are missing. We suggest that at ~ 700 Ma the Elat−Feiran arc was subjected to rifting that resulted in separating of the Qenaia block and its movement to the SE.  相似文献   

The Sipadan island is the only oceanic island found in Malaysia, and is popularly known for its beautiful corals and diving activities. The aquifer of the island is affected by seawater intrusion associated with groundwater exploitation. Geologically, the aquifer is composed of several series of Quaternary bioherm facies, and its recharge merely depends on rainfall. This research attempts to understand the chemical changes of the groundwater attributed to the salinization processes based on major ion composition (Ca^2+, Mg^2+, Na^+, K^+, HCO, SO, Cl^-). The initial assessments were done in years 1993 - 1994, followed by subsequent assessment in years 2004-2005. Methods of analyses were adopted from APHA (1995). The hydrogeochemical saturation indices (SI) were computed using the PHREEQC program in order to assess the state of equilibrium between groundwater and the minerals present. The results of analyses indicated that the groundwater has been highly enriched in Na^+, SO and CI, reflecting an encroachment of saline water into the aquifer. The groundwater facies can be classified as sodium chloride (Na-Cl) water type. There are positive correlations (moderate to strong), except HCO3^-, between the studied parameters. The weak and inconsistent correlation of HCO3^- with the cations and anions related to dissolved salts suggests that saltwater intrusion has an insignificant impact on the chemistry of HCO3^- in the groundwater. Strong correlations (r 〉0.70) exist among the major elements (Na^+, Mg^2+, K^+, Cl^- and SO4^-) and salinity (EC). These relationships clearly identify the main elements contributing to the groundwater salinity and their tendency to depict a similar trend of salinization pattern. Chloride has a major influence on the salinity of groundwater based on the positive and strong correlation that exist between Cl^- and EC (r=0.97).  相似文献   

New structural, petrological, chemical, isotope, and paleomagnetic data have provided clues to the Late Riphean–Paleozoic history of the Uda–Vitim island arc system (UVIAS) in the Transbaikalian sector of the Paleoasian ocean, as part of the Transbaikalian zone of Paleozoids. The island arc system consists of three units corresponding to main evolution stages: (i) Upper Riphean (Late Baikalian), (ii) Vendian–Lower Paleozoic (Caledonian), and (iii) Middle–Upper Paleozoic (Hercynian). The earliest stage produced the base of the system composed of Late Riphean ophiolite (971–892 Ma, U-Pb) and volcanic (837–789 Ma, U-Pb) and sedimentary rocks (hemipelagic siliceous sediments and dolerite sills) which represent the Barguzin–Vitim oceanic basin and the Kelyana island arc. The main event of the second stage was the formation of the large UVIAS structure (over 150,000 km2) which comprised the Transbaikalian oceanic basin, the forearc and backarc basins, and the volcanic arc itself, and consisted of many volcanic-tectonic units exceeding 100 km2 in area (Eravna, Oldynda, Abaga, etc.). Lithology, stratigraphy, major–element compositions, and isotope ages of Vendian–Cambrian volcanic rocks and associated sediments indicate strong differentiation of calc-alkaline series and the origin of the island arc system upon oceanic crust, in a setting similar to that of the today’s Kuriles–Kamchatka island arc system. The Middle–Upper Paleozoic stage completed the long UVIAS history and left its imprint in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in superposed trough basins. The rocks were studied in terms of their biostratigraphic and isotope age constraints, as well as major- and trace-element compositions, and were interpreted as products of weathering and tectonic-magmatic rework of the UVIAS units.  相似文献   

The thermal impact of several kilometre-thick magmatic underplating in the lower continental crust is studied with analytical and numerical methods. Simple analytical solutions are derived for the thermal transient in the case of an infinite depth below the underplate and also for the case of a finite depth (down to the asthenosphere). It is shown that these solutions lead to simple approximations for when the transient surface heat flow is at its maximum, what the maximum is, and for how long the transient lasts. Even though these solutions assume that the underplate is emplaced instantaneously, they are useful in the interpretation of underplating over finite time spans. A numerical scheme is suggested for the modelling of underplating that handles both short time intervals as well as long intervals. The scheme treats magmatic underplating in a mass and energy conservative manner, and it is compared against the analytical solutions. Finally, the analytical and numerical results for thermal transients are applied to a transect from the Vøring margin (NE Atlantic), with respect to various degrees of early Cenozoic magmatic intrusion. It appears that more than half of the lower crustal body (LCB) in the Vøring margin must be magmatic underplating for the vitrinite reflectance to be substantially higher than for the non-magmatic case, where the LCB is assumed to comprise Caledonian crust.  相似文献   

The Sipadan island is the only oceanic island found in Malaysia, and is popularly known for its beautiful corals and diving activities. The aquifer of the island is affected by seawater intrusion associated with groundwater exploitation. Geologically, the…  相似文献   

The crystal form,chemical composition and U-Pb isotopic composition of various zircon fractions is a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton from the Baoban area suggest that the zircons are typically magmatogenic in nature,and different from those of sedimentary and epigenetic orgins.The various zircon fractions yielded and age of about 1440.87Ma,which may represent the ge of zircon crystallization.The so-called aoban-group migmatite is,as a matter of fact,a Middle Proterozoic granite pluton.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):697-715
The Lesser Himalayan duplex (LHD) is a prominent structure through much of the Lesser Himalayan fold–thrust belt. In the Darjeeling - Sikkim Himalaya a component of the LHD is exposed in the Rangit window as the Rangit duplex (RD). The RD consists of ten horses of the upper Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Gondwana, Buxa, Upper Daling). The duplex varies from hinterland-dipping in the north, through an antiformal stack in the middle to foreland-dipping in the south. The Ramgarh thrust (RT) is the roof thrust and, based on a balanced cross-section, the Main Himalayan Sole thrust is the floor thrust at a depth of ~ 10 km and with a dip of ~ 3.5° N.Retrodeformation suggests that the RD initiated as a foreland-dipping duplex with the Early Ramgarh thrust as the roof thrust and the RT as the floor thrust. The RT became the roof thrust during continued duplexing by a combination of footwall imbrication and concurrent RT reactivation. This kinematic history best explains the large translation of the overlying MCT sheets. The restoration suggests that RD shortening is ~ 125 km, and the original Gondwana basin extended ~ 142 km northward of its present northernmost exposures within the window.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1280-1299
The Pernambuco–Alagoas (PE–AL) Domain contains major granitic batholiths typified by a wide range of TDM model ages (Archaean to Neoproterozoic), reflecting the important role of quartzofeldspathic plutons attending the Brasiliano (Pan-African) Orogeny. U/Pb zircon data for eight syn- to post-collision to syn-transcurrent granitic intrusions of the PE–AL Domain allow the studied plutons to be divided into two groups: (1) granitoids with crystallization ages older than 600 Ma (Água Branca, Serra do Catú, Serra da Caiçara, and Mata Grande plutons) and (2) granitoids with ages of ca. 590 Ma (Correntes, Águas Belas, Viçosa, and Cachoeirinha plutons). The intrusions of group 1, except for the Mata Grande Pluton, all show Nd TDM model ages ranging from 1.5 to 1.2 Ga, whereas the granitoids from group 2 and the Mata Grande Pluton have Nd TDM model ages ranging from 2.2 to 1.7 Ga. The studied granitoids are in part high-K, calc-alkaline, shoshonitic, and in part transitional high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline in terms of their bulk chemistry. Volcanic arc signatures associated with the Palaeoproterozoic TDM model ages are interpreted as inherited from the source rocks. The oldest ages and higher Nd TDM model ages recorded in the granitoids intruded in the southwestern part of the PE–AL Domain suggest that these intrusions are associated with slab-tearing during convergence between the PE–AL and Sergipano domains. The investigated plutons are coeval with high-K granitoids intruded within the Transversal Zone Domain of Borborema Province and calc-alkaline granitoids of the Sergipano Domain. This suggests that these geologic realms belonged to the same crustal block during the Brasiliano Orogeny. However, such large volumes of high-K granitoids with crystallization ages older than 600 Ma are not recorded in the Sergipano and Transversal Zone domains, suggesting differences in the crustal evolution of these three areas.  相似文献   

The Denizli region of the Western Anatolia Extensional Province (WAEP) includes a typical example of intra-plate potassic magmatism. Lamproite-like K-rich to shoshonitic alkaline rocks erupted in the Upper Miocene-Pliocene in a tensional tectonic setting. The absence of Nb and Ta depletion, low Th/Zr and high Nb/Zr ratios and distinct isotopic values (i.e. low 87Sr/86Sr, 0.703523–0.703757; high 143Nd/144Nd, 0.512708–0.512784; high 206Pb/204Pb, 19.079–19.227, 207Pb/204Pb, 15.635–15.682, 208Pb/204Pb, 39.144–39.302) mark an anorogenic geochemical signature of the Denizli volcanics. All of the lavas are strongly enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements (e.g. Ba 1,100–2,200 ppm; Sr 1,900–3,100 ppm; Rb 91–295 ppm) and light rare-earth elements (e.g. LaN?=?319–464), with a geochemical affinity to ocean-island basalts and lack of a recognizable subduction signature or any evidence for crustal contamination. The restricted range of isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) ratios in both near-primitive (Mg# 66.7–77.2) and more evolved (Mg# 64.6–68.7) members of the Denizli volcanics signify their evolution from an isotopically equilibrated parental mantle source. Their high Dy/Yb and Rb/Sr values also suggest that garnet and phlogopite were present in the mantle source. Their strong EM-II signature, very low Nd model ages (0.44–049 Ga) and isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) values analogous to those of the Nyiragongo potassic basanites and kimberlites from the African stable continental settings, suggest that the parental melts that produced the Denizli volcanics are associated with very young and enriched mantle sources, which include both sublithospheric and enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle melts. Mantle-lithosphere delamination probably played a significant role in the generation of these melts, and could be related to roll-back of the Aegean arc, lithospheric extension and asthenospheric mantle upwelling.  相似文献   

 The poljes of the Adriatic Coast are rather special features whose like is not found anywhere else in the world. The delineation of this unique landform feature by its geochemical characteristics has been attempted by using examples from Sinjsko polje, which represents a typical karst polje in the Adriatic Coast, or the area of the Dinaric Karst. Factor analysis was performed on 96 samples collected in a regular grid of 1×1 km which covered the entire area of the Sinjsko polje valley. Another factor analysis was performed in a regular grid of 5×5 km that comprised 41 samples in the karstic environment. In this manner two factor models were created and closely inspected for possible differences due to the peculiar properties arising from two geochemically different environments. Within the polje itself it was possible to evaluate three factors, while four factors were identified to be significant for the explanation of the geochemical structure of data assessed in the regular 5×5-km grid. This grid includes the area of Sinjsko polje and its wider neighborhood. The Ba/Sr index reveals striking differences in drainage patterns between the polje itself and the surrounding area. Received: 3 May 1996 · Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

The Fuchuan ophiolite belt in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen of South China provides important constraints on the tectonic setting and evolution of the Neoproterozoic suture zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. Combined UPbHf isotopic and REE analysis of zircon from gabbroic and dioritic samples of the Shexian complex, located 10 km southwest of the main Fuchuan ophiolite body, indicate that the complex crystallized at ca. 870–860 Ma with a large variation of zircon εHf(t) values from − 4.80 to + 13.30. Whole-rock geochemistry reveals that the magma mainly experienced fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and was partly affected by crustal contamination, which resulted in elevated Th/Nb, Th/La and La/Sm ratios, as well as the scattered εHf(t) values. The most mafic and least contaminated sample shows MORB affinity and was probably formed by partial melting of a depleted subduction-metasomatized mantle wedge. Other samples exhibit arc-like signatures and were probably modified by both melt- and fluid-related subduction metasomatism. The emplacement of the Shexian complex corresponds to the time that subduction switched from a ca. 1000–880 Ma intra-oceanic island arc to a 870–830 Ma continental arc along the southeastern Yangtze Block. The sequence of igneous rocks associated with this continental arc resemble those preserved in forearc Tethyan ophiolites, with magma evolving from ca. 870–860 Ma MORB to ca. 860–850 Ma arc tholeiite and ca. 830 Ma boninite. Arc magmatism concluded with the final assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks at 830–800 Ma.  相似文献   

The Hetaoping skarn type Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Baoshan–Narong–Dongzhi block metallogenic belt (BND belt), a belt between the Tengchong terrane and the Lanping basin. The deposit is hosted by marble of the upper Cambrian Hetaoping Formation and there are no outcrops of plutonic rocks present. This deposit is one of two large Pb–Zn deposits recently discovered in the BND belt. The Hetaoping deposit is a high Mn skarn. Four types of fluid inclusions were recognized in quartz from the deposit: vapor-rich inclusions (Type I), liquid-rich inclusions (Type II), pure vapor inclusions (Type III), and pure fluid inclusions (Type IV). The coexistence of Type I and Type III inclusions in Stage I (pre-ore stage) and Stage II (main ore stage) shows evidence of fluid boiling. Quartz-hosted fluid inclusions (Stage I and Stage II) display high homogenization temperatures and salinities (134–315 °C; 3.7–18.6 wt% NaCl equivalent) but calcite-hosted fluid inclusions in Stage III (post-ore stage) record lower homogenization temperatures and salinities (85–214 °C; 0.5–5.4 wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest a possible mixing between primary magmatic water and meteoric water. Based on chromatography data, the fluid inclusions in quartz contain abundant CO2 and O2 and subordinate CO, CH4 and C2H2 + C2H4, suggesting an oxidizing environment. Based on their Na/K and Cl/SO4 ratios, fluids contained in fluid inclusions are similar to volcanic spring waters. The low Na/K ratios (0.40–1.34) of the ore-forming fluids may have resulted from interaction with a deep alkaline intermediate-acid intrusion. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope determinations on quartz from different ore stages show low δ18O and δD values relative to VSMOW (−4.3‰ to 2.3‰; −109‰ to −91‰), indicating that the ore-forming fluids were diluted by external fluid sources as the skarn system cooled. Overall, geological and geochemical interpretations suggest that the Hetaoping deposit is a distal manganese skarn Pb–Zn deposit related to concealed intrusions.  相似文献   

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