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Light hydrocarbons, especially C7 isoalkanes, cyclopentanes, cyclohexanes and n-heptane in 540 oils from the Tarim Basin were studied systematically. The results suggested the K1 values [ (2-MH+ 2,3-DMP)/(3-MH + 2,4-DMP) ] of crude oils vary from a lowest value of 0.78, to a highest value of 1.54, but the K1 values of the majority of oil samples (80%) range from 0.90 to 1.20. However, the absolute contents of ( 2-methylhexane + 2,3-dimethylpentane) and ( 3-methylhexane + 2,4-dimethylpentane) in the total light hydrocarbons ( C4-C7 ) show a similar variation trend. The variation of K1 values of crude oils can suggest a typical sedimentary environment for source rocks. Therefore, according to the compositional characteristics of C7 light hydrocarbons in light of the steady-state catalytic hypothesis, nonmarine oils from the Yingmaili area and marine oils from the Tazhong uplift in the Tarim Basin were genetically classified.  相似文献   

The monoaromatic and total aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of two pairs of undegraded and moderately biodegraded crude oils from the Santa Maria basin (California) and the Vienna basin (Austria), all dominated by unresolved complex mixtures, were studied regarding their composition and toxicity towards the feeding rate of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis. Total aromatic and monoaromatic hydrocarbon fractions from sulphur-rich Monterey Formation crude oils were slightly more toxic than the fractions isolated from sulphur-lean Vienna basin oils. The ecotoxicity tests did not show any significant differences in toxicity of aromatic compounds from undegraded or in-reservoir biodegraded crude oils from the same oilfield although some differences in composition were observed. Organic sulphur compounds are suspected to cause the slightly higher toxicity of the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions from the Monterey oils.  相似文献   

The Masila Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in Yemen, but the origin of hydrocarbons and their generation history are not fully understood. In this regard, 10 crude oils from different petroleum reservoir sections in the Masila Basin were characterized by a variety of biomarker and non-biomarker parameters using GC, GC-MS and stable carbon isotope techniques. Oils from the Masila Basin display pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios ranging from 1.7 to 2.0, low sulfur content, high C35 homohopane index, relatively high C27 sterane concentrations and relatively high tricyclic terpanes suggesting a marine clay source rock that was deposited in mildly anoxic to suboxic conditions with dominantly algal organic matter. C29 20S/(20S + 20R) steranes and ββ/(ββ + αα) sterane ratios indicate that the Masila oils have reached peak oil window maturity. Another related feature of these oils is the absence of 18α (H)-oleanane, which suggests a source age older than Cretaceous. The carbon isotope compositions are similar to those of the potential source rocks, which range from −25.4‰ to −28.3‰, indicating a marine environment. The new data presented in this paper suggest that the Masila oils constitute one oil family and that the oil originated from the Upper Jurassic Madbi source rock in the basin.  相似文献   

Abundant aromatic fractions were detected in oils from the Linnan subsag, including aphthalenes, phenanthrenes, triaromatic steroids, biphenyl, fluorenes, dibenzothiophenes, dibenzofuranes, as well as some typical higher plant-sourced compounds, such as pyrene, benzopyrene, fluoranthene, chryaene, benzofluoranthrene, perylene and cadalene. Occurrences of biomarkers indicate that oils from the Linnan subsag are typical terrestrially genetic oils. Developed in the depositional environment is a strong reduction condition typical of brackish-saline lake. Thermal evolution has entered into the mature-high mature stage.  相似文献   

Well Zheng-1 is located in the combined area of the central uplift and the north Tianshan piedmont depression in the Junggar Basin. Two oil-bearing beds are recognized at 4788–4797 m of the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Formation (K1tg) and 4808.5–4812.5 m of the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation (J1s). The geochemical characteristics of family composition, carbon isotopic composition, saturated hydrocarbons, sterane and terpane biomarkers and carotane of two crude oils are described in this paper. The results show that the geochemical characteristics of the two crude oils are basically similar to each other, indicating they were all derived mainly from the high mature, brine, algae-rich lake facies sediments. Oil-source correlation revealed that crude oils of the two beds were derived mainly from the source rocks of Permian and mixed by the oil derived from the source rocks of Jurassic and Triassic. This is consistent with the geological background with several sets of source rocks in the area studied.  相似文献   

 Apatite is a relatively common accessory mineral in the olivine-bearing zones (OB-III and OB-IV) of the Middle Banded series of the Stillwater complex, occurring interstitial to cumulus grains, as monomineralic inclusions in cumulus grains, and in polymineralic clusters which may or may not be included in the cumulus grains. Eighty-nine of 185 samples examined were found to contain some apatite. The F-Cl-OH content of the apatite show distinct stratigraphic variations. XClAp (mole fraction Cl in apatite) of interstitial apatite increases upsection in both OB-III and OB-IV with average values ranging from 0.15 to 0.85 in OB-III and from 0.03 to 0.60 in OB-IV. XFAp varies inversely with XClApwith average values ranging from 0.00 to 0.70, while XOHAp remains relatively constant near 0.40 or decreases slightly with height. These variations are remarkable given that no appreciable stratigraphic variations in either the major or trace element compositions of any of the cumulus minerals are found in the 800 m of section that comprise OB-III and OB-IV. Within-sample variation of XClAp for samples containing Cl-rich apatite is substantially larger (up to 0.65 XClAp) than for samples with more F-rich apatite (XClAp varies by approximately 0.15). Although interstitial apatite is found throughout OB-III and OB-IV, apatite occurring as monomineralic inclusion in cumulus grains or in polymineralic clusters is almost exclusively found in samples with Cl-rich apatite. The data are best explained by a model involving the degassing of a Cl-rich volatile phase from the crystallizing interstitial liquid. The up-section migration of this fluid resulted in the crystallization of F-rich apatite in the lower portion and progressive Cl-enrichment in the apatite with height. The presence of hornblende-bearing dikes, veins and pegmatoids at the level of maximum Cl-enrichment is consistent with a fluid migration model. Received: 5 October 1995 / Accepted: 19 March 1996  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬-西峰地区原油地球化学特征及油源分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用色谱-质谱(GC-MS)、裂解-色谱-质谱(Py-GC-MS)、色谱-同位素比值质谱(GC-IRMS)等方法,系统地分析了鄂尔多斯盆地南部姬塬与西峰地区原油的地球化学特征,重新确定了原油成熟度及对应源岩的形成环境.分析表明,单体碳同位素组成偏轻,介于-30‰~-33‰之间.原油饱和烃馏分中五环三萜烷含量较高;藿烷以C30藿烷占优势,C29藿烷次之;含较高的18α(H)-30-降新藿烷(C29Ts);C30重排藿烷和伽马蜡烷含量较低;规则甾烷含量高并以C29甾烷为主,含一定的孕甾烷、升孕甾烷和重排甾烷;芳烃馏分中富含萘、菲系列化合物;沥青质裂解产物中芳基类异戊二烯烃含量很低.原油成熟度相当于镜质组反射率0.82%左右,是烃源岩在生油高峰阶段的产物.油源分析表明,该区原油主要来源于三叠系长7段泥岩,有机质形成于水体较深、淡水湖相沉积环境.  相似文献   

Chelate-extractable iron and manganese concentrations in soils over and around the Bell Creek oil field suggest that compared to low average background values, there are moderate amounts of these elements directly over the production area and higher concentrations distributed in an aureole pattern around the periphery of the field. Adsorbed and organically bound iron and manganese appear to be readily taken up by plants resulting in anomalously high levels of these elements in leaves and needles over the oil field and suggesting correlation with corresponding low concentrations in soils. Iron and manganese appear to have bypassed the soil formation process where, under normal oxidizing conditions, they would have ultimately precipitated as insoluble oxides and hydroxides.  相似文献   

GC/MS and GC/MS/MS techniques were employed to describe the characteristics of biomarker assemblages in two sets of hydrocarbon source rocks, Jurassic and Permian, in southwestern Tarim, and the parameters for the classification of the two sets of hydrocarbon source rocks have been established. It is found that diahopane and C30-unknown terpane are abundant in Permian samples, the contents of diahopane in Jurassic samples are relatively low, and terpenoids have been detected in Jurassic samples but not in Permian source rock samples. Kekeya crude oils are abundant in diahopane and C30-unknown terpane. The results of fine oil-rock correlation indicated that Kekeya crude oils were derived mainly from the Permian hydrocarbon source rocks. However, a small amount of diterpenoid was detected in the crude oils, indicating that the Jurassic hydrocarbon source rocks also made a certain contribution to Kekeya crude oils.  相似文献   

Shales constitute more than 60% of the world's sediments, yet while facies models for sandstones and carbonates are at a high level of sophistication, the study of shales has clearly lagged behind. In the mid-Proterozoic Newland Formation six major shale facies types, deposited in nearshore to basinal environments, are distinguished on the basis of bedding characteristics, textural features, and the proportions of silt, clay and carbonate. Textural features of these shale types are related to sedimentary environments as deduced from associated lithologies. The shales are undisturbed by bioturbation, and their textural and sedimentary characteristics reflect subaqueous growth of microbial mats, erosion and deposition by storms, deposition of flocculated vs. dispersed clays, continuous slow background sedimentation, winnowing by waves or currents, and subaerial exposure.  相似文献   

A 2200-yr long, high-resolution (∼5 yr) record of drought variability in northwest Montana is inferred from diatoms and δ18O values of bio-induced carbonate preserved in a varved lacustrine core from Foy Lake. A previously developed model of the diatom response to lake-level fluctuations is used to constrain estimates of paleolake levels derived from the diatom data. High-frequency (decadal) fluctuations in the de-trended δ18O record mirror variations in wet/dry cycles inferred from Banff tree-rings, demonstrating the sensitivity of the oxygen-isotope values to changes in regional moisture balance. Low frequency (multi-centennial) isotopic changes may be associated with shifts in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. From 200 B.C. to A.D. 800, both diatom and isotope records indicate that climate was dry and lake level low, with poor diatom preservation and high organic carbon: nitrogen ratios. Subsequently, lake level rose slightly, although the climate was drier and more stable than modern conditions. At A.D. 1200, lake level increased to approximately 6 m below present elevation, after which the lake fluctuated between this elevation and full stage, with particularly cool and/or wetter conditions after 1700. The hydrologic balance of the lake shifted abruptly at 1894 because of the establishment of a lumber mill at the lake's outlet. Spectral analysis of the δ18O data indicates that severe droughts occurred with multi-decadal (50 to 70 yr) frequency.  相似文献   

Compound-specific isotope analysis has become an important tool in environmental studies and is an especially powerful way to evaluate biodegradation of hydrocarbons. Here, carbon isotope ratios of light hydrocarbons were used to characterise in-reservoir biodegradation in the Gullfaks oil field, offshore Norway. Increasing biodegradation, as characterised, for example, by increasing concentration ratios of Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18, and decreasing concentrations of individual light hydrocarbons were correlated to 13C-enrichment of the light hydrocarbons. The δ13C values of C4 to C9n-alkanes increase by 7-3‰ within the six oil samples from the Brent Group of the Gullfaks oil field, slight changes (1-3‰) being observed for several branched alkanes and benzene, whereas no change (<1‰) in δ13C occurs for cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, and toluene. Application of the Rayleigh equation demonstrated high to fair correlation of concentration and isotope data of i- and n-pentane, n-hexane, and n-heptane, documenting that biodegradation in reservoirs can be described by the Rayleigh model. Using the appropriate isotope fractionation factor of n-hexane, derived from laboratory experiments, quantification of the loss of this petroleum constituent due to biodegradation is possible. Toluene, which is known to be highly susceptible to biodegradation, is not degraded within the Gullfaks oil field, implying that the local microbial community exhibits rather pronounced substrate specificities. The evaluation of combined molecular and isotopic data expands our understanding of the anaerobic degradation processes within this oil field and provides insight into the degradative capabilities of the microorganisms. Additionally, isotope analysis of unbiodegraded to slightly biodegraded crude oils from several oil fields surrounding Gullfaks illustrates the heterogeneity in isotopic composition of the light hydrocarbons due to source effects. This indicates that both source and also maturity effects have to be well constrained when using compound-specific isotope analysis for the assessment of biodegradation.  相似文献   

China has a number of petroliferous lacustrine sedimentary basins of varying salinity and age (mainly Eocene). A geochemical investigation has been undertaken on several oils and source rocks from the Eocene lacustrine Biyang Basin. The distributions of n-alkanes, isoprenoids, steranes, and terpanes have been studied and used to characterize the sedimentary environment of deposition, maturity, biodegradation and undertake possible correlations. The ratios of C30-hopane/gammacerane, 4-methyl-steranes/regular steranes, steranes/hopanes, C21 tricyclic/C30 hopane are proposed to be indicative of the depositional environment whereas ß-carotane appears to be a source related indicator. The geochemical data obtained in this study suggest that the major source rocks in the Biyang Basin were deposited in a saline/hypersaline depositional environment.  相似文献   

The stable hydrogen isotopic compositions (δD) of selected aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes and isoprenoids) in eight crude oils of similar source and thermal maturity from the Upper Indus Basin (Pakistan) were measured. The oils are derived from a source rock deposited in a shallow marine environment. The low level of biodegradation under natural reservoir conditions was established on the basis of biomarker and aromatic hydrocarbon distributions. A plot of pristane/n-C17 alkane (Pr/n-C17) and/or phytane/n-C18 alkane (Ph/n-C18) ratios against American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity shows an inverse correlation. High Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 values and low API gravity values in some of the oils are consistent with relatively low levels of biodegradation. For the same oils, δD values for the n-alkanes relative to the isoprenoids are enriched in deuterium (D). The data are consistent with the removal of D-depleted low molecular weight (LMW) n-alkanes (C14–C22) from the oils. The δD values of isoprenoids do not change with progressive biodegradation and are similar for all the samples. The average D enrichment for n-alkanes with respect to the isoprenoids is found to be as much as 35‰ for the most biodegraded sample. For example, the moderately biodegraded oils show an unresolved complex mixture (UCM), loss of LMW n-alkanes (<C15) and moderate changes in the alkyl naphthalene distributions. The relative susceptibility of alkyl naphthalenes at low levels of biodegradation is discussed. The alkyl naphthalene biodegradation ratios were determined to assess the effect of biodegradation. The dimethyl, trimethyl and tetramethyl naphthalene biodegradation ratios show significant differences with increasing extent of biodegradation.  相似文献   

The Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields are new Mesozoic petroleum exploration targets in Lishu Fault Depression of Songliao Basin, northeastern China. Currently, researches on geochemistry of crude oils from Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields have not been performed and the genesis of oils is still uncertain. Based on bulk analyses, the crude oils in the Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields of Lishu Fault Depression from the Lower Cretaceous can be classified as three types. TypeⅠoils, from Quantou and Denglouku formations of Qikeshu oilfield, are characterized by high C24tetracyclic terpane/C26tricyclic terpanes ratios, low gammacerance/C30hopane ratios, tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios, C29Ts/C29norhopane ratios and 17α(H)-diahopane/17α(H)-hopane ratios, indicating a brackish lacustrine facies. TypeⅡoils, from Shahezi Formation of Qikeshu oilfield show low C24tetracyclic terpane/C26tricyclic terpanes, high gammacerance/C30hopane ratios, tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios, C29Ts/C29 norhopane and C30diahopane/C30hopane ratios, thus suggesting that they originated from source rocks deposited in a weak reducing brackish lacustrine environment, or clay-rich sediments. Type oilsⅢ, from some wells of Qikeshu oilfield have geochemical characteristics intermediate between those two types and may be mixture of typeⅠand Ⅱoils.  相似文献   

为了明确Melut盆地北部不同地区原油母质来源、沉积环境及亲缘关系,采用饱和烃色谱及色谱-质谱方法,开展了盆地北部不同地区原油地球化学特征分析及对比。研究表明,盆地北部各地区原油正构烷烃无明显奇偶优势,Ts/Tm值1.36~3.47、C31升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)比值0.54~0.60、αααC2920S/(20S+20R)与C29αββ/(ααα+αββ)比值大于0.4,总体表现为成熟原油;伽马蜡烷指数普遍小于0.1,C21三环萜烷具有明显优势,Pr/Ph值0.97~2.31,均值1.61,指示其烃源岩形成于弱还原-弱氧化的淡水湖相环境;生油母质为II~III型混合型。不同地区原油母质来源及成熟度有差异:Moleeta次凹东坡原油为单峰后峰态分布,高碳数正构烷烃含量占优势,C24TeT/C23TT平均值大于1,具有明显的陆源高等植物贡献,原油成熟度较低,发育重质—中质油;Jamous次凹深洼区原油为前峰优势的双峰态分布,C24  相似文献   

An40Ar/39Ar age of 85.81 Ma±0.22 my was obtained on sanidine from a volcanic procellanite bed near the top of the 2135+m-thick Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Lima Peaks area of southwestern Montana. This early Santonian age, combined with previously determined age data including a palynological age of Cenomanian for the lower Frontier at Lima Peaks, and a U-Pb isotopic date of about 95 Ma for the base of the Frontier Formation in the eastern Pioneer Mountains north of the Lima Peaks area, provides an age range for the nonmarine formation. In the Madison Range, farther east in southweastern Montana, this age range corresponds to marine strata of not only the Frontier Formation, but also the overlying Cody Shale and Telegraph Creek Formation, a sequence that totals less than 760 m thick.The Upper Cretaceous marine formations of the madison Range are closely zoned by molluscan faunas that are well constrained with radiometric dates. The40Ar/39Ar age of 85.81 Ma±0.22 my at Lima Peaks is bracketed by radiometric dates for theScaphites depressus—Protexanites bourgeoisianusbiozone and the overlyingClioscaphites saxitonianus—Inoceramus undulatopilcatusbiozone of the Western Interior. Fossils of both of these biozones are present in the Cody Shale and the Telegraph Creek Formation in the Madison Range. The Telegraph Creek contains two units of volcanic ash that are approximate time equivalents of the volcanic procellanite of the Lima Peaks area. Clasts in the conglomerate of the upper part of the Frontier in the Lima Peaks area were shed during the initial stages of uplift of the Blacktail-Snowcrest Highlands which rose to the north. The dated porcellanite lies above the conglomerates and indicates that the uplift was initiated by middle or late Coniacian, 87–88 Ma.  相似文献   

苏丹Muglad盆地Fula坳陷油气地球化学特征与成藏意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fula坳陷位于Muglad盆地东北部,面积约5 000 km2,FN油田是该坳陷最大的亿吨级油田。油气储层主要为白垩系Abu Gabra、Bentiu和Aradeiba组。应用油藏地球化学的方法对FN油田的成藏期次进行了探讨。FN油田Abu Gabra、Bentiu和Aradeiba组原油特征相似,来源于同一套烃源岩,原油既表现出正构烷烃、藿烷、甾烷系列分布完整等正常油特征,又表现出色谱基线抬升、高峰度UCM、25 降藿烷出现等生物降解油特征,这些特征表明FN油田经历了至少两期成藏过程,早期充注的原油遭受生物降解后又接受后期成熟度较高的原油充注。根据构造演化、埋藏史和生排烃史可以研究生烃期次及油气成藏特征。Abu Gabra组烃源岩发生了两次生烃作用,第一次生烃作用发生在晚白垩世,Ro达到0.6%以上,进入生排烃作用阶段,晚白垩世末构造抬升作用使这次生烃产物遭受较为严重的生物降解;第二次生烃作用发生在古近纪,Abu Gabra组烃源岩进入生油高峰阶段,是本区最重要的一次生油作用和成藏过程,与该次成藏事件相关的构造圈闭是Fula坳陷油气勘探的重点。  相似文献   

Crude oil samples taken from the southern part of western Qaidam Basin were analyzed with GC/MS in order to understand the geochemical characteristics of crude oils. The results reveal that most crude oils are characterized by high abundance of gammacerane and C35 homohopane, which are the representative characteristics of saline lacustrine crude oils. Based on the variation of the ratios of gammacerane/C30 hopane (G/H) and C35 homoho-pane/C34 homohopane (C35/C34H), two crude oil groups, A and B, are identified. Group-A crude oils mainly occurr in the north of the study area, with higher ratios of G/H (〉0.8) and C35/C34H (〉1.2), whereas group-B crude oils, selected from the south of the study area, show lower ratios of G/H (〈0.8) and C35/C34H (〈1.0). In addition, group-A crude oils are distinguished into three subgroups in accordance with their different ratios of G/H and C35/C34H and different distribution characteristics of n-alkanes, isoprenoids and steranes. These may be helpful for understanding the distribution characteristics of crude oils in the southern part of western Qaidam Basin and providing clues to the forthcoming exploration of crude oils and gas.  相似文献   

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