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In several merging clusters of galaxies so-called cluster radio relics have been observed. These are extended radio sources which do not seem to be associated with any radio galaxies. Two competing physical mechanisms to accelerate the radio-emitting electrons have been proposed: (i) diffusive shock acceleration and (ii) adiabatic compression of fossil radio plasma by merger shock waves. Here the second scenario is investigated. We present detailed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of the passage of a radio plasma cocoon filled with turbulent magnetic fields through a shock wave. Taking into account synchrotron, inverse Compton and adiabatic energy losses and gains, we evolved the relativistic electron population to produce synthetic polarization radio maps. On contact with the shock wave the radio cocoons are first compressed and finally torn into filamentary structures, as is observed in several cluster radio relics. In the synthetic radio maps the electric polarization vectors are mostly perpendicular to the filamentary radio structures. If the magnetic field inside the cocoon is not too strong, the initially spherical radio cocoon is transformed into a torus after the passage of the shock wave. Very recent, high-resolution radio maps of cluster radio relics seem to exhibit such toroidal geometries in some cases. This supports the hypothesis that cluster radio relics are fossil radio cocoons that have been revived by a shock wave. For a late-stage relic the ratio of its global diameter to the filament diameter should correlate with the shock strength. Finally, we argue that the total radio polarization of a radio relic should be well correlated with the three-dimensional orientation of the shock wave that produced the relic.  相似文献   

In the course of the formation of cosmological structures, large shock waves are generated in the intracluster medium (ICM). In analogy to processes in supernova remnants, these shock waves may generate a significant population of relativistic electrons which, in turn, produce observable synchrotron emission. The extended radio relics found at the periphery of several clusters and possibly also a fraction of radio halo emission may have this origin. Here, we derive an analytic expression for (i) the total radio power in the downstream region of a cosmological shock wave, and (ii) the width of the radio-emitting region. These expressions predict a spectral slope close to −1 for strong shocks. Moderate shocks, such as those produced in mergers between clusters of galaxies, lead to a somewhat steeper spectrum. Moreover, we predict an upper limit for the radio power of cosmological shocks. Comparing our results to the radio relics in Abell 115, 2256 and 3667, we conclude that the magnetic field in these relics is typically at a level of 0.1 μG. Magnetic fields in the ICM are presumably generated by the shocks themselves; this allows us to calculate the radio emission as a function of the cluster temperature. The resulting emissions agree very well with the radio power–temperature relation found for cluster haloes. Finally, we show that cosmic accretion shocks generate less radio emission than merger shock waves. The latter may, however, be detected with upcoming radio telescopes.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays produced in cluster accretion and merger shocks provide pressure to the intracluster medium (ICM) and affect the mass estimates of galaxy clusters. Although direct evidence for cosmic ray ions in the ICM is still lacking, they produce γ-ray emission through the decay of neutral pions produced in their collisions with ICM nucleons. We investigate the capability of the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope ( GLAST ) and imaging atmospheric Čerenkov telescopes (IACTs) for constraining the cosmic ray pressure contribution to the ICM. We show that GLAST can be used to place stringent upper limits, a few per cent for individual nearby rich clusters, on the ratio of pressures of the cosmic rays and thermal gas. We further show that it is possible to place tight (≲10 per cent) constraints for distant  ( z ≲ 0.25)  clusters in the case of hard spectrum, by stacking signals from samples of known clusters. The GLAST limits could be made more precise with the constraint on the cosmic ray spectrum potentially provided by IACTs. Future γ-ray observations of clusters can constrain the evolution of cosmic ray energy density, which would have important implications for cosmological tests with upcoming X-ray and Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect cluster surveys.  相似文献   

Ram-pressure stripping can remove significant amounts of gas from galaxies that orbit in clusters and massive groups, and thus has a large impact on the evolution of cluster galaxies. In this paper, we reconstruct the present-day distribution of ram pressure and the ram-pressure histories of cluster galaxies. To this aim, we combine the Millennium Simulation and an associated semi-analytic model of galaxy evolution with analytic models for the gas distribution in clusters. We find that about one quarter of galaxies in massive clusters are subject to strong ram pressures that are likely to cause an expedient loss of all gas. Strong ram pressures occur predominantly in the inner core of the cluster, where both the gas density and the galaxy velocity are higher. Since their accretion on to a massive system, more than 64 per cent of galaxies that reside in a cluster today have experienced strong ram pressures of  >10−11 dyn cm−2  which most likely led to a substantial loss of the gas.  相似文献   

Using adiabatic hydrodynamical simulations, we follow the evolution of two symmetric cold fronts forming in the remnant of a violent   z = 0.3  massive cluster merger. Because the fronts develop after the first passage of the two gas cores of the merging subclusters, and because they soon move ahead of their associated dark matter cores, both the structure and the location of our simulated cold fronts may correspond to a stage that is later than that of most cold fronts observed so far. The cold fronts are preceded by a roughly spherical shock that originates in the centre of the cluster and disappears in the outer regions after 1.6 Gyr. The cold fronts last longer, until   z ∼ 0  . We follow the spatial evolution of the gas of the subcluster cores, and find that a fraction of this gas is liberated in the intracluster medium after core passage, but mainly at apocentre, and that it does not fall back onto the cluster centre. Conversely, we trace back the low-temperature gas constituting the fronts and find that it is initially associated with the two dense cores of the merging clusters. In addition, we find some evidence for discontinuity of the gas velocity field across the edge of the forming cold fronts, suggesting the presence of a contact discontinuity there. In the light of other recent work, we then speculate on the physical mechanism resulting in the cold fronts. We suggest that sloshing induced by strongly varying ram pressure along the subcluster's orbit and/or spatial segregation between the dark matter and gas components of the cores of the subclusters results in strong tidal forces on the gas, and that these forces could be responsible for the deposition of part of the cold dense gas in the surrounding hot intracluster medium. This deposited gas then expands, cools down further, and constitutes the cold fronts.  相似文献   

We forecast the constraints on the values of  σ8, Ωm  and cluster scaling-relation parameters which we expect to obtain from the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS). We assume a flat Λ cold dark matter Universe and perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis of the evolution of the number density of galaxy clusters that takes into account a detailed simulated selection function. Comparing our current observed number of clusters shows good agreement with predictions. We determine the expected degradation of the constraints as a result of self-calibrating the luminosity–temperature relation (with scatter), including temperature measurement errors, and relying on photometric methods for the estimation of galaxy cluster redshifts. We examine the effects of systematic errors in scaling relation and measurement error assumptions. Using only  ( T , z )  self-calibration, we expect to measure Ωm to ±0.03 (and  ΩΛ  to the same accuracy assuming flatness), and σ8 to ±0.05, also constraining the normalization and slope of the luminosity–temperature relation to ±6 and ±13 per cent (at 1σ), respectively, in the process. Self-calibration fails to jointly constrain the scatter and redshift evolution of the luminosity–temperature relation significantly. Additional archival and/or follow-up data will improve on this. We do not expect measurement errors or imperfect knowledge of their distribution to degrade constraints significantly. Scaling-relation systematics can easily lead to cosmological constraints 2σ or more away from the fiducial model. Our treatment is the first exact treatment to this level of detail, and introduces a new 'smoothed ML' (Maximum Likelihood) estimate of expected constraints.  相似文献   

We use the results from a constrained, cosmological magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the Local Universe to predict the radio halo and the γ-ray flux from the Coma cluster and compare it to current observations. The simulated magnetic field within the Coma cluster is the result of turbulent amplification of the magnetic field during the build-up of the cluster. The magnetic seed field originates from starburst driven, galactic outflows. The synchrotron emission is calculated assuming a hadronic model. We follow four approaches with different distributions for the cosmic ray proton population within galaxy clusters. The radial profile of the radio halo can only be reproduced with a radially increasing energy fraction within the cosmic ray proton population, reaching >100 per cent of the thermal-energy content at ≈1 Mpc, for example the edge of the radio-emitting region. Additionally, the spectral steepening of the observed radio halo in Coma cannot be reproduced, even when accounting for the negative flux from the thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect at high frequencies. Therefore, the hadronic models are disfavoured from the present analysis. The emission of γ-rays expected from our simulated Coma is still below the current observational limits (by a factor of ∼6) but would be detectable by FERMI observations in the near future.  相似文献   

The X-ray properties of a sample of 11 high-redshift  (0.6 < z < 1.0)  clusters observed with Chandra and/or XMM–Newton are used to investigate the evolution of the cluster scaling relations. The observed evolution in the normalization of the   L – T , M – T , M g– T   and M – L relations is consistent with simple self-similar predictions, in which the properties of clusters reflect the properties of the Universe at their redshift of observation. Under the assumption that the model of self-similar evolution is correct and that the local systems formed via a single spherical collapse, the high-redshift L – T relation is consistent with the high- z clusters having virialized at a significantly higher redshift than the local systems. The data are also consistent with the more realistic scenario of clusters forming via the continuous accretion of material.
The slope of the L – T relation at high redshift  ( B = 3.32 ± 0.37)  is consistent with the local relation, and significantly steeper than the self-similar prediction of   B = 2  . This suggests that the same non-gravitational processes are responsible for steepening the local and high- z relations, possibly occurring universally at   z ≳ 1  or in the early stages of the cluster formation, prior to their observation.
The properties of the intracluster medium at high redshift are found to be similar to those in the local Universe. The mean surface-brightness profile slope for the sample is  β= 0.66 ± 0.05  , the mean gas mass fractions within   R 2500( z )  and   R 200( z )  are  0.069 ± 0.012  and  0.11 ± 0.02  , respectively, and the mean metallicity of the sample is  0.28 ± 0.11 Z  .  相似文献   

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