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Mesozoic alkaline intrusive complexes are widespread in the southern portion of the North China Craton and can provide some important constraints on the evolution of the Mesozoic lithosphere beneath the region. Three selected intrusive complexes (Tongshi, Hongshan, and Longbaoshan) are generally high in alkalis (K2O+Na2O=913 wt.%) and Al2O3 (1421.6 wt.%) and low in CaO and TiO2 (<0.6 wt.%), with high and variable SiO2 contents. Rocks from these complexes are all enriched in LREE and LILE (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th), depleted in Nb and Ti, have a highly positive Pb anomaly, and are characterized by lack of a clear Eu anomaly despite trace element abundances and isotopic ratios that vary greatly between complexes. The Tongshi complex has high Cs (2.68.5 ppm) and REE abundances (∑REE=112.6297 ppm, (La/Yb)N=13.130.9) and MORB-like Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic ratios ((87Sr/86Sr)i<0.704; εNd>0; (206Pb/204Pb)i>18). The Hongshan complex has low REE concentrations (∑REE=28.2118.7 ppm, (La/Yb)N=4.614.7) and is moderately enriched as demonstrated by their Sr–Nd isotopic ratios ((87Sr/86Sr)i>0.706; εNd<−7). The Longbaoshan complex is extremely REE enriched (∑REE=211.3392.6 ppm, (La/Yb)N=32.460.9) and has an EM2-like Sr–Nd isotopic character ((87Sr/86Sr)i>0.7078; εNd<−11). We suggest that the Tongshi complex originated from the asthenosphere and the Hongshan complex and the Longbaoshan complex were derived from the partial melting of previously subduction-modified lithospheric mantle, in response to post-collisional lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling. The occurrence of these alkaline intrusive complexes demonstrates that the lithosphere beneath the region must have been considerably thinned at the time of intrusion of these complexes. This study also shed light on the temporal evolution of the Mesozoic lithosphere and the timing of the lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

佟鑫  王惠初  张永 《岩石学报》2023,39(9):2598-2618

冀东地区是华北克拉通早前寒武纪地质研究的经典地区, 赋存有丰富的地球早期地壳演化和太古宙板块构造信息。本文对出露于冀东昌黎地区的一套新太古代碱性花岗质岩石进行了系统的研究。其主要矿物组成为碱性长石、石英和霓辉石, 以及榍石、磷灰石等副矿物, 偶见紫苏辉石。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年显示其成岩年龄为2531~2518Ma。该套碱性花岗质岩石具有高SiO2(70.2%~73.0%)、K2O+Na2O(10.1%~11.0%)、Sr/Y值(44.3~103.5), 低CaO(0.48%~0.94%)、MgO(0.14%~0.33%)、Cr (4.96×10-6~10.9×10-6)、Ni(2.46×10-6~4.62×10-6)的特征, 稀土元素配分模式与冀东-辽西地区闪长质及二长-正长花岗质岩石相似, 同时显示Eu的正异常(Eu/Eu*=1.02~1.49)以及岩浆分异的稀土元素分布特征。根据以上元素地球化学特征以及微量元素的模拟计算, 本文认为这套岩石来自增厚镁铁质下地壳的部分熔融, 并经历了以磷灰石为主同时包括榍石、褐帘石等副矿物的分离结晶。结合前人对区域内同时代变质表壳岩岩石地球化学以及变质作用的研究, 认为增厚下地壳的部分熔融与岩石圈地幔镁铁质岩浆的底垫和侵入有关。陆块发生碰撞后, 岩石圈包括下地壳不断增厚, 岩石圈地幔下部沉入软流圈, 引起了软流圈的上涌以及残余岩石圈地幔的部分熔融。昌黎碱性花岗质岩石形成于新太古代末期碰撞后的拉张环境, 暗示了华北克拉通新太古代末期的克拉通化。


山西临县紫金山碱性杂岩体位于华北克拉通内鄂尔多斯盆地东缘,为汾河富碱侵入岩带中最典型的碱性岩体。岩体主要岩石类型为二长岩、辉石正长岩、霓霞钛辉岩、暗霞正长岩、霞石正长岩、假白榴石斑岩和粗面斑岩。依据SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果,结合前人的测年数据,确定岩体形成于138.7~125.0 Ma,系早白垩世碱性岩浆事件的产物。该套岩石高钾、富碱、贫钙和镁,属于碱性岩石系列。稀土元素总量高,轻、重稀土元素分馏明显,Eu异常不显著。微量元素富集LREE和Rb、Ba、K、Sr等大离子亲石元素,亏损HREE和Th、U、Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素。同位素分析结果显示全岩ISr为0.704 228~0.706 313,εNd(t)变化于-12.3~-0.5之间。锆石的εHf(t)为-20.2~-16.4,二阶段模式年龄tDM2为2.22~2.46 Ga。推测紫金山碱性杂岩体形成于华北克拉通中生代构造体制转折后的伸展背景下,因构造体制转换产生的强大应力作用导致吕梁地区软流圈多次上涌,随后软流圈、岩石圈地幔和下地壳物质部分熔融产生的岩浆发生多次不同比例的混合,所形成的各期混合岩浆分批上侵定位在地壳浅部环境,从而形成紫金山碱性杂岩体。汾河富碱侵入岩带形成时间集中于138.7~125.0 Ma,是华北克拉通中西部岩石圈破坏事件的岩浆活动证据,其与华北克拉通东部地区几乎同时发生岩石圈减薄作用。因构造体制转换产生强大应力作用导致构造薄弱地区软流圈上涌,进而引起大规模的壳-幔岩浆相互作用,可能为华北克拉通中西部地区中生代破坏的主要原因,并且由北至南壳幔岩浆相互作用中幔源岩浆逐渐减少。  相似文献   

报道了大兴安岭-太行山重力梯度带以西河北阳原和山西大同新生代玄武岩的元素和 Sr- Nd同位素地球化学数据.含幔源包体的阳原早第三纪碱性玄武岩具有均一的 Sr- Nd同位素组成(ε Nd≈ 5.7)和相似于 OIB的微量元素特征,玄武岩主要来自软流圈地幔,岩浆起源较深.大同地区第四纪时期同时产出碱性和拉斑玄武岩 , 碱性玄武岩也主要来自软流圈地幔,岩浆起源深度小于阳原样品 ; 拉斑玄武岩具有较低的ε Nd( 1~ 4),可能是软流圈和岩石圈地幔相互作用的产物,岩浆起源较浅.大同两类玄武岩在空间上分野明显,可能与桑干河断裂对软流圈地幔上涌的控制以及区域上岩石圈-软流圈作用程度的变化有关.  相似文献   

牛晓露  冯光英  刘飞  杨经绥 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3897-3908
华北克拉通北缘中段大同地区发育呈岩墙形式产出的煌斑岩,该煌斑岩为超钾质碱性岩,极度低硅低钠高镁高钙高钾,且富H_2O和CO_2等流体组分。本文利用镍锍试金-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了这套煌斑岩的铂族元素组成,获得了其形成及演化过程的一些信息。大同煌斑岩铂族元素含量极低,∑PGE=2.14×10~(-9)~4.50×10~(-9),原始地幔标准化铂族元素配分型式为左倾型,亏损Ir亚组(IPGE),富集Pd亚组(PPGE),(Pd/Ir)_N=3.48~10.43。低铂族元素含量、高Cu/Ni比值(48101~90926)和高(Pd/Ir)_N比值指示大同煌斑岩形成于地幔低程度部分熔融(1%~13%),熔体形成时仍有部分硫化物残留于源区。岩浆演化过程中,未发生明显的结晶分异作用和地壳混染作用,硫未达到饱和-过饱和,未发生硫化物熔离作用。计算获得铂族元素在原始地幔与煌斑岩熔体间的分配系数分别为D_(Os)=35~124,D_(Ir)=13~35,D_(Ru)=34~91,D_(Rh)=5.8~10,D_(Pt)=3.1~9.7,D_(Pd)=2.2~4.5;PPGE较IPGE明显更不相容。与峨眉山大火成岩省玄武岩对比研究发现,岩浆岩中的铂族元素含量主要受源区地幔部分熔融程度和演化过程中硫化物熔离作用共同影响;而铂族元素之间的分异受源区部分熔融程度和岩浆分离结晶作用共同影响。  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts from Fanshi, the central North China Craton (NCC), provide constraints on the evolution of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. These peridotite xenoliths are mainly spinel-facies lherzolites with minor harzburgites. The lherzolites are characterized by low forsterite contents in olivines (Fo < 91) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments in clinopyroxenes. In contrast, the harzburgites are typified by high-Fo olivines (> 91), high-Cr# spinels and clinopyroxenes with low abundances of heavy REE (HREE). These features are similar to those from old refractory lithospheric mantle around the world, and thus interpreted to be relics of old lithospheric mantle. The old lithospheric mantle has been chemically modified by the influx of melts, as evidenced by the Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of clinopyroxenes and relatively lower Fo contents than typical Archean lithospheric mantle (Fo > 92.5). The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of harzburgites are close to EM1-type mantle, and of the lherzolites are similar to bulk silicate earth. The latter could be the result of recent modification of old harzburgites by asthenospheric melt, which is strengthened by fertile compositions of minerals in the lherzolites. Therefore, the isotopic and chemical heterogeneities of the Fanshi peridotite xenoliths reflect the refertilization of ancient refractory lithospheric mantle by massive addition of asthenospheric melts. This may be an important mechanism for the lithospheric evolution beneath the Central NCC.  相似文献   

本文报道了华北克拉通鞍山-弓长岭地区古元古代中期变质辉长岩的锆石定年结果和地球化学组成。根据地球化学组成特征,可把变质辉长岩划分为两种类型。类型1变质辉长岩低MgO高FeOT,稀土总量高(TREE=107.5×10-6~114.0×10-6),轻重稀土分离不强((La/Yb)N=2.6~2.7),高场强元素Nb、P、Ti无明显亏损,相容元素Cr强烈亏损。类型2变质辉长岩高SiO2低FeOT,轻重稀土分离更强((La/Yb)N=6.8),高场强元素Nb和相容元素Cr存在一定程度的亏损。类型1变质辉长岩的斜锆石和岩浆锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年,年龄为2110±31Ma,捕获锆石年龄为~2.95Ga。研究表明,类型1辉长岩是偏超基性-基性岩浆在深部岩浆房停留较长时间经历强烈结晶分异的产物。支持了华北克拉通在古元古代中期处于伸展体制构造环境的认识。  相似文献   

汤艳杰  英基丰 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3673-3682



凉城、四子王旗、三义堂和大同的地幔包体的岩石学和矿物的主、微量元素成分显示华北克拉通中、西部北缘总体为过渡型岩石圈地幔,为原始地幔经过不同程度的熔体抽取和后期交代富集作用的残留.凉城岩石圈地幔经历的熔体抽取程度最低,后期交代富集作用比较强烈,这与其橄榄岩中尖晶石的Cr#较低,并且共存的单斜辉石的Mg#较低一致.三义堂岩石圈地幔经历的熔体抽取程度最高,后期交代富集作用最强烈,不同样品甚至同一样品中不同单斜辉石颗粒的La/Yb和LREE配分模式变化范围非常大,且矿物边部比核部更富集微量元素.大同、四子王旗岩石圈地幔经历的熔体抽取程度介于凉城和三义堂之间,但后期的交代富集作用明显不如凉城和三义堂强烈.研究区的岩石圈地幔主要受硅酸盐熔体交代作用的影响,只有三义堂岩石圈地幔还可能也受到了碳酸盐交代作用的影响.  相似文献   

Sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U–Pb ages, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data are reported for the gabbroic complex from Yinan (Shandong Province) with the aims of characterizing the nature of the Mesozoic mantle beneath the North China Craton. The Yinan gabbros contain alkali feldspar and biotite, and are characterized by moderate Mg#, high SiO2, low FeO and TiO2 contents and a strong enrichment of light rare earth elements [(La/Yb)n=11–50], but no Eu anomaly. They have low Nb/La (0.07–0.29), radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.710) and unradiogenic Nd(t) (–15 to –13). These crustal fingerprints cannot be attributed to crustal contamination, given the lack of correlation between isotopic ratios and differentiation indices and the unreasonably high proportion of crustal contaminant (>20%) required in modeling. Instead, compositional similarities to contemporaneous basalts from nearby regions imply that the Yinan gabbros were not significantly affected by crystal cumulation. Isotopic data available for the Mesozoic mafic magmas reveal two distinct mantle domains beneath Shandong. While the EM1-like domain (with low 87Sr/86Sr) is confined to western Shandong, the mantle beneath eastern Shandong is dominated by EM2-type (with high 87Sr/86Sr) affinities. This aerial distinction suggests that the EM2-like signature of the Yinan gabbros may have been inherited from westerly-subducted Yangtze crust during the Triassic North China-South China collision. Emplacement of the Yinan gabbros (127 Ma) is likely affiliated with the widespread and protracted extension during the late Mesozoic in this region.  相似文献   

The Niujuan breccia-type silver deposit forms part of the North Hebei metallogenic belt along the northern margin of the North China Craton. The Hercynian Baiyingou coarse-grained granite and the Yanshanian Er’daogou fine-grained granite are the major Mesozoic intrusions exposed in this region. Here we investigate the salient characteristics of the mineralization and evaluate its genesis through zircon U-Pb and fluorite Sm-Nd age data, and Pb, S, O, H, He and Ar isotope data. The orebodies of the Niujuan silver deposit are hosted in breccias, which contain angular fragments of the Baiyingou and Er’daogou granitoids. The δ34S values of pyrite from the silver mineralized veins range from 2.4‰ to 5.3‰. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of the sulfide minerals show ranges of 16.837–16.932, 15.420–15.501 and 37.599–37.950, respectively. The 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios of the fluids trapped in pyrite are 0.921–4.81Ra and 299.34–303.84, respectively. The δ18O and δ18Dw values of the ore-forming fluids range from 0.6‰ to −4.15‰ and from −119.4‰ to −98.7‰, respectively. Our isotopic data suggest that the ore-forming fluids were originally derived from the subvolcanic plutons and evolved into a mixture of magmatic and meteoric water during the main hydrothermal stage. The ore-forming materials were primarily derived from the lower crust with limited incorporation of mantle materials. The emplacement time of the Er’daogou granite is constrained by LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology at 145.5 ± 2.1 Ma. Five fluorite samples from the last hydrothermal stage yielded a Sm-Nd isochron age of 139.2 ± 3.8 Ma, indicating the upper age limit for the silver mineralization. These ages correlate with the formation of the Niujuan deposit in an extensional setting associated with the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean and the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate beneath the North China Craton.  相似文献   

山西吕梁地区出露的紫金山岩体为我国著名的碱性岩体之一.为了探讨紫金山碱性岩体的物质来源及地质意义,对该岩体主要岩石进行了岩相学及岩石地球化学研究.结果表明:紫金山岩体各期次岩石具有低硅、富碱、高钾的特点,属钾质碱性岩石;岩石轻重稀土元素分馏较强烈,具有轻稀土相对富集、重稀土相对亏损、无明显Eu异常的特征;微量元素总体表现为大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K、Sr等)明显富集、高场强元素(Th、Nb、Ta、La、Ce、Nd、P、Ti等)亏损的特征.紫金山岩体岩浆来源较深,与富集地幔关系密切,岩浆演化机制以部分熔融作用为主且存在陆壳物质混染.结合山西境内多处同时期的碱性、偏碱性岩体特征,推断华北中部早白垩世碱性岩浆活动与古太平洋板块俯冲背景下华北克拉通破坏作用关系密切.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan rocks in Lvliang area of Shanxi Province, are one of the famous alkaline plutons in China. The petrography and petrogeochemistry of the main rocks of the rock mass were studied to explore the material source and geological significance of Zijinshan alkaline rock mass. The results show that Zijinshan rocks of all stages show characters of low silicon, rich alkali and high potassium, which indicates zijinshan rocks belong to potassium alkaline rocks. These rocks demonstrate a high degree of fractionation and are characterized by the richness of LREE and the poorness of HREE, without obvious Eu anomaly. The trace element pattern exhibits the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements, such as Rb, Ba, K and Sr, and relative depletion of high field strength elements, such as Th, Nb, Ta, La, Ce, Nd, P and Ti. The magma of Zijinshan rocks comes from a deeper source and is closely related to the enriched mantle. The mechanism of magma evolution is mainly partial melting and it may be inter-contamination of continental crust materials. Combined with the characteristics of alkaline and partial alkaline rocks of same age in many places in Shanxi, the authors deduce that the alkaline magma activity in the middle of North China during the Early Cretaceous is closely to the destruction of North China Craton under the background of the subduction of Pacific plate.  相似文献   


The late Mesozoic tectonics of the North China Craton (NCC) and its adjacent regions were characterized by a general lithospheric extension and remarked by extensional dome structures, such as the metamorphic core complexes, syn-tectonic plutons, rolling-hinge structures, and widespreadgraben/half graben basins. According to our own field observations, laboratory work, and previous results of other groups, from north to south, five extensional domains have been delineated, namely Transbaikalia–Mongol–Okhotsk, western part of NCC, eastern part of NCC and Korea, Qinling–Dabie and its neighbouring, and the interior of South China Block, respectively. As the largest crustal scale extensional tectonic realm in the world, these domains are featured by a NW–SE extensional direction with strong extensional exhumation of middle to lower crust rocks to the surface along detachment faults. Geochronological work on these ductile detachment faults constrain a narrow activity period around 130 Ma except several extensive structures along the Tan–Lu fault, which documents a relative longer extensional period. The foundering of the lower part of the lithosphere could be a possible mechanism of this continent-scale extensional tectonics. This geodynamic model could help us to enhance the knowledge of the time, scale, and mechanism of the NCC destruction from the view of structural analysis.  相似文献   

华北克拉通的形成时间一直存在分歧,冀北基底隆起区是研究华北克拉通形成演化过程的理想区域。在冀北新发现的东瓦窑古元古代后造山A型花岗岩杂岩体,对揭示华北克拉通的形成时限具有重要启示。以东瓦窑杂岩体为研究对象,开展了岩石学、地球化学、锆石U−Pb年龄和Hf同位素研究,讨论杂岩体的形成时代、岩石成因和构造环境。锆石LA−ICP−MS U−Pb测年表明,东瓦窑杂岩体的正长花岗岩和石英正长岩侵位年龄分别为1920±11 Ma和1902±12 Ma,表明东瓦窑杂岩体侵位于古元古代晚期,并非以前认为的早白垩世。岩石地球化学研究表明,该区正长花岗岩富SiO2(72.07%~75.03%)、Na2O+K2O(8.54%~8.99%)、K2O(5.78%~6.64%)、贫CaO、Al2O3、MgO、P2O5、TiO2、Ba、Sr、Eu、P和Ti。石英正长岩属于碱性系列,富SiO2(66.09%~66.65%)、Na2O+K2O(12.22%~12.35%)、K2O (10.00%~10.18%),贫TiO2、MgO、CaO、Sr、Eu和Ti。正长花岗岩和石英正长岩均具有较高的TFeO/MgO、K2O/MgO、(Na2O+K2O)/CaO值和较高的锆石饱和温度(平均822°C),显示A型花岗岩的地球化学特征。东瓦窑杂岩体形成于后造山伸展环境,为后造山A2型花岗岩。正长花岗岩和石英正长岩的锆石εHf (t)值分别为–2.56~+2.42和–3.27~+4.17,模式年龄tDM1分别为2262~2419 Ma和2175 ~2466 Ma,显示其岩浆主要源于古老地壳物质的部分熔融。东瓦窑古元古代晚期后造山A型花岗岩杂岩体的识别与确定,表明华北克拉通北缘存在古元古代晚期后造山伸展构造−岩浆事件,标志华北克拉通1.92 Ga前后的碰撞造山拼合作用结束,进入后造山伸展演化阶段。 华北克拉通的碰撞拼合形成时限可能为1.92 Ga前后。  相似文献   

在华北克拉通中部的山西云中山地区,新太古代花岗闪长质片麻岩中存在一些超镁铁质岩-镁铁质岩块及由斜长角闪岩、角闪变粒岩、石英岩和石榴夕线黑云片岩等岩石类型构成的变质表壳岩残片,其中的超镁铁质-镁铁质岩、斜长角闪岩和角闪变粒岩构成一套高镁火成岩组合。超镁铁质岩已变质为橄榄绿泥阳起片岩等岩石类型,呈变余斑状结构,橄榄石斑晶仍有保存;岩石SiO_2含量为39.22%~44.99%,Al_2O_3为8.82%~13.47%,Mg O为19.24%~22.13%,Na_2O+K_2O=0.71%~1.11%,CaO为5.75%~8.42%;Al_2O_3/TiO_2=14.8~17.4,CaO/Al_2O_3=0.60~0.84;化学成分上与科马提岩有一定的相似性。与之紧密伴生的斜长角闪岩也具有高镁特征,Mg O含量为11.28%~15.09%,铝、硅和碱质均偏低,具正铕异常,显示堆晶辉长岩的特征。非高镁斜长角闪岩有相对高的铝、硅和碱质,其原岩应为钙碱性玄武岩。角闪变粒岩样品的SiO_2含量为54.21%~55.71%,Al_2O_3为14.24%~15.49%,Mg O为6.26%~8.28%,Fe OT/Mg O=1.11~1.58,高钠低钾,Na_2O+K_2O=3.7%~4.78%,Na_2O/K_2O=5.15%~13.13,Mg#=53.0~61.5,属于高镁安山岩。由超镁铁质质岩-斜长角闪岩-角闪变粒岩构成的变质高镁火山岩组合具有钙碱性系列趋势。超镁铁质岩稀土元素含量总量较低,具有轻稀土富集和重稀土亏损的稀土型式;斜长角闪岩与超镁铁质岩比较,除富集大离子亲石元素和Cr、Ni明显较低外,具有相似的微量元素图谱形态。三种岩石类型在微量元素蛛网图上均显示出Ta、Nb、Ti负异常和Pb正异常。野外产状和岩石地球化学特征表明超镁铁质岩和高镁斜长角闪岩属于阿拉斯加型杂岩体,角闪变粒岩属于赞岐岩质高镁安山岩。在Zr/Nb-Nb/Th和Nb/Y-Zr/Y构造环境判别图解上显示出与俯冲相关的演化趋势,在Hf-Th-Ta、Nb/La-(La/Sm)N和Th/Yb-Nb/Yb图解上也落在岛弧钙碱性岩石区域。以上特征表明高镁火成岩组合形成于与板块俯冲相关的岛弧构造背景。野外地质关系和锆石U-Pb年龄限定高镁火成岩组合形成时代在~2.5Ga。云中山地区阿拉斯加型镁铁质-超镁铁质杂岩与赞岐岩质高镁安山岩共生,表明该地区存在新太古代的板块俯冲作用,为太古宙存在板块构造机制提供了新证据。  相似文献   




The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.  相似文献   

早中生代扬子板块与华北板块之间的俯冲及其后两陆块间的碰撞为大陆深俯冲后效作用研究提供了一个少见的实例。本文在系统论述华北中生代深部年代学记录、深源岩类源区地球化学特征的时空变化规律,普遍的 Sr 同位素高度富集现象及其空间变化指向、高场强元素强烈分馏以及时间制约分析基础上,提出了导致这些源区特征变化最可能的机制为扬子板片深俯冲中析出的熔体/流体交代并改造了华北大陆岩石圈地幔。而其后中生代全球事件引发的中国东部广泛而强烈白垩纪构造-岩浆幕则提供了侵位于地壳层位深源岩类的成岩条件。本文强调指出对华北岩石圈地幔这种大尺度实体上的改造,应被视为扬子板片深俯冲后效作用中最具深远意义的一种表现,并对中生代华北岩石圈整体转型产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

本文对华北克拉通三个不同地区(河北汉诺坝、内蒙古集宁三义堂、河南鹤壁)新发现的含金云母尖晶石二辉橄榄岩和尖晶石橄榄单斜辉石岩捕虏体进行了详细的矿物组成、单斜辉石的微量元素和Sr-Nd同位素研究.通过与相同地区不含金云母尖晶石二辉橄榄岩捕虏体的系统对比发现通常含金云母的地幔橄榄岩比不含金云母的地幔橄榄岩岩富Al2O3、CaO、NaO、K2O、TiO2,但相对贫镁;其单斜辉石的LREE更为富集,但Sr、Nd同位素组成则相对亏损.这说明地幔交代作用不仅能够造成地幔橄榄岩的玄武质组分和稀土元素的富集,而且亦能够造成全岩和橄榄石Mg#的降低和同位素组成的相对亏损.捕虏体的Rb-Sr等时线年龄暗示地幔交代作用发生在中、新生代;其交代熔体来源于软流圈.同时说明华北新生代岩石圈地幔普遍存在的主、微量元素和同位素组成类似于“大洋型”岩石圈地幔的特征很可能是岩石圈地幔橄榄岩与软流圈来源的熔体的大规模反应的结果,而非真正意义上的新增生的岩石圈地幔.  相似文献   

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