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The Australian Cooper Basin is a structurally complex intra-cratonic basin with large unconventional hydrocarbon potential. Fracture stimulation treatments are used extensively in this basin to improve the economic feasibility; however, such treatments may induce fault activity and risk the integrity of hydrocarbon accumulations. Fault reactivation may not only encourage tertiary fluid migration but also decrease porosity through cataclasis and potentially compartmentalise the reservoir. Relatively new depth-converted three-dimensional seismic surveys covering the Dullingari and Swan Lake 3D seismic surveys were structurally interpreted and geomechanically modelled to constrain the slip tendency, dilation tendency and fracture stability of faults under the present-day stress. A field-scale pore pressure study found a maximum pressure gradient of 11.31 kPa/m within the Dullingari 3D seismic survey, and 11.14 kPa/m within the Swan Lake 3D seismic survey. The present-day stress tensor was taken from previously published work, and combined with local pore pressure gradients and depth-converted field-scale fault geometries, to conclude that SE–NW-striking strike-slip faults are optimally oriented to reactivate and dilate. High-angle faults striking approximately E–W appear most likely to dilate, and act as fluid conduits irrespective of being modelled under a strike-slip or compressional stress regime. Near-vertical SE–NW and NE–SW-striking faults were modelled to be preferentially oriented to slip and reactivate under a strike-slip stress regime. Considering that SE–NW-striking strike-slip faults have only recently been interpreted in the literature, it is possible that many reservoir simulations and development plans have overlooked or underestimated the effect that fault reactivation may have on reservoir properties. Future work investigating the likelihood that fracture stimulation treatments may be interacting, and reactivating, pre-existing faults and fractures would benefit field development programs utilising high-pressure hydraulic fracture stimulation treatments.  相似文献   

On the basis of field observations, microscopic thin-sections and laboratory data analysis of ten faults in Xuanhan County area, northeastern Sichuan Basin, central China, the internal and megascopic structures and tectonite development characteristics are mainly controlled by the geomechanical quality in brittle formation of the Changxing-Feixianguan Formation. The fluid transportation performance difference between the faults formed by different geomechanics or different structural parts of the same fault are controlled by the mcgascopic structure and tectonite development characteristics. For instance, the extension fault structure consists of a tectonite breccia zone and an extension fracture zone. Good fluid transportation performance zones are the extension fracture zone adjacent to the tectonite breccia zone and the breccia zone formed at the early evolutionary stage. The typical compression fault structure consists of a boulder-clay zone or zones of grinding gravel rock, compression foliation, tectonite lens, and dense fracture development. The dense fracture development zone is the best fluid transporting area at a certain scale of the compression fault, and then the lens, grinding gravel rock zone and compression foliation zones are the worst areas for hydrocarbon migration. The typical tensor-shear fault with a certain scale can be divided into boulder-clay or grinding gravel rock zones of the fault, as well as a pinnate fractures zone and a derivative fractures zone. The grinding gravel rock zone is the worst one for fluid transportation. Because of the fracture mesh connectivity and better penetration ability, the pinnate fractures zone provides the dominant pathway for hydrocarbon vertical migration along the tensor-shear fault.  相似文献   

以三维地震资料解释为基础,通过编制相关构造图件揭示了海塔盆地塔南凹陷的断裂构造特征和构造演化过程,分析了构造活动对沉积作用的控制以及对烃源岩发育、圈闭形成和油气运移聚集条件的影响。塔南凹陷白垩纪经历了叠合断陷期(铜钵庙组—南屯组沉积时期)、叠合断拗期(大磨拐河组沉积时期)和反转拗陷期(伊敏组—青元岗组沉积时期)共3期演化,发育伸展和走滑—伸展两套断裂系统。受断裂活动影响,不同时期各次凹的沉降中心发生了明显的分异与迁移。断陷期沉降中心沿断陷边界断层上盘分布,断拗期沉降中心向凹陷中心迁移。断陷期结构样式及主干断裂活动强度控制着沉积相的分布,也影响油气成藏。  相似文献   

木红旭 《地质与勘探》2023,59(1):134-144
局部排泄构造对砂岩铀成矿起重要控制作用,识别局部排泄构造对砂岩铀矿勘查具有积极意义。盆地内部局部排泄构造常被土壤、植被、沙漠覆盖,隐蔽性高,地表露头尺度识别难度大,而遥感技术具备宏观观测能力,为识别隐蔽构造提供了新途径。本文以松辽盆地南部的Landsat 8遥感影像为数据源,经K-T空间变换得到可以指示地表水动力活动的亮度、绿度、湿度指数。在此基础上结合基础地质资料,对松辽盆地南部的水动力环境进行了分析,对该地区局部排泄构造进行了识别。结果表明,松辽盆地南部蒸腾作用强烈,植被分布于盆地边缘与盆内开鲁-通辽-双辽一带,土壤湿度较大,但咸水环境分布广泛。在通辽附近、开鲁北西部、双辽西部识别出多条局部排泄构造,且这些构造与已知铀矿床(矿化点)具有较好的空间相关性,显示沿局部排泄构造有很好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

马琳  郭巍  刘群  丁鸿儒  孙守亮 《世界地质》2010,29(2):284-291
通过对钻井岩芯及铸体薄片、扫描电镜观察,结合压汞分析测试,研究了伊通盆地鹿乡断陷双阳组储层的孔隙结构特征。结果表明:储层成因类型主要为扇三角洲砂体,部分为水下扇砂体;储层砂体孔隙类型以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,部分为原生粒间孔隙,具体可见粒内溶孔、原生粒间孔和粒间溶蚀扩大孔等;孔隙喉道较小,分选不好,连通性差,总体为低孔低渗型储层,其中,双阳组二段储层略好于双三段,双一段最差。双阳组储层孔隙结构特征主要受砂体成因类型和成岩作用的控制,此外,岩石粒度和构造作用也对孔隙结构有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

李传新 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1727-1734
三维地震资料解析研究表明,塔中低凸起古生代断裂样式复杂,发育有四期不同性质的断裂:(1)寒武纪-早奥陶世张性正断裂,其展布形态和发育规模为后期构造活动奠定了基础;(2)晚奥陶世逆冲及走滑断裂,具有明显的分带、分段性,东部主要为基底卷入逆冲断裂,中西部为盖层滑脱和北西向走滑断裂;(3)志留-泥盆纪挤压应力环境下形成的走滑断裂体系,北东南西向展布,包括主干边界断裂、尾端羽列断裂和拉分地堑三个组成要素。主干断裂在剖面上断面近于直立,直插基底,延伸较远,与其它各级断裂构成花状构造,其尾端发育有羽列断裂。拉分地堑受多级断层控制,平面上呈菱形;(4)二叠纪岩浆活动派生断裂,岩浆刺穿对早期断裂进行叠置和改造,形成一系列似“花状构造”。从断裂平面展布来看,塔中古生代断裂整体上呈发散的帚状,其构造枢纽端位于东段,内旋层左旋扭动,外旋层右旋,内旋层指向发散端,属张扭性帚状构造。  相似文献   

孔雀河斜坡位于塔里木盆地的东北部,其成因与南天山和阿尔金山的地质作用密切相关。尉犁断鼻构造位于孔雀河斜坡西北部,完整地记录了孔雀河斜坡的构造演化历史,该断鼻构造特征的解析对揭示塔里木盆地东北缘早古生代以来的地球动力学背景具有重要的意义。本文利用断层相关褶皱理论,通过对过孔雀河斜坡尉犁断鼻构造带地震剖面的精细解释,分析了该断鼻构造的构造特征与形成演化,并讨论了其成因机制。尉犁断鼻构造在北西-南东向上为一古生界背斜,北西翼较陡,南东翼稍缓,背斜核部上古生界被剥蚀,并被后期由北向南的冲断层所切割。该构造主要反映了3期构造事件的叠加:中奥陶世-晚奥陶世,受北西-南东向挤压应力的影响,形成了北东-南西向展布的背斜; 志留纪-二叠纪,受南天山洋消减、闭合向南产生的挤压应力的影响,尉犁背斜北部持续地抬升剥蚀,形成鼻状构造; 侏罗纪,燕山早期运动影响了古生界和中生界,并使得北西西走向的南冲断层重新活动,错断了先存的鼻状构造。研究认为,尉犁断鼻构造北东-南西向展布的背斜在中奥陶世就开始形成,其主应力可能来自盆地东南的阿尔金山方向,与北阿尔金洋在加里东期运动时的俯冲与碰撞造山对该区域的远程挤压作用有关; 伴随着基底叠瓦构造往北西方向前展,背斜向北西移动了104 km,基底缩短率为48.4%。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动及其变形机理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文的目的是探讨塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动过程及其变形机理.在地震剖面解释、钻井资料和地质资料综合分析的基础上,通过编制塔里木盆地不同时期断裂系统图,提出控制塔里木盆地断裂构造形成和演化主要构造活动期次为:加里东早期、加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支期、燕山期和喜马拉雅期.加里东早期断裂活动受伸展环境制约,沿先存基底断裂带形成张性正断层.加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期断裂活动以逆冲作用为主,在塔东、塔中、塘古巴斯、巴楚和麦盖提地区最为发育.海西晚期断裂活动也是以逆冲作用为特征,并从早期断裂强烈活动的塔中、塘古巴斯、玛东等地区,迁移到塔北隆起和东部地区.印支、燕山和喜马拉雅期,前陆地区断裂构造发育,形成叠瓦冲断带、褶皱-冲断带、双重构造、盐相关构造等;但在盆内稳定区,断裂构造不发育,活动性弱.古生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,主要与区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换、先存基底断裂带、大型区域性不整合、滑脱带等要素密切相关.区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换主要受控于塔里木周缘洋盆的伸展裂解、俯冲消减和洋盆闭合的时限和强度.先存基底断裂带或基底构造软弱带往往控制着后期断裂的发育位置和展布方向.大型区域性不整合和滑脱带控制着断裂构造的发育和分布层位.中、新生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,与区域大地构造环境及其构造转换、区域构造位置有关.中、新生代塔里木断裂构造主要分为三种环境,即前陆构造环境、盆内稳定区构造环境和隆升剥蚀区构造环境.盆内稳定区断裂构造不发育,活动性较弱.中、新生代断裂构造主体发育在前陆构造环境中,主要受控于周缘造山带强烈隆升、挤压冲断、走滑-逆冲或逆冲-走滑作用,同时与喜马拉雅晚期盆-山耦合作用及滑脱层的发育有关.  相似文献   




Linked fault systems identified in the northern portion of the onshore Perth basin comprise north‐striking normal faults, the dominant structures in the basin, and hard linkages—east‐striking transfer faults. The former are either divided into segments of distinctive character by, or terminate at, the transfer faults. The fault systems were initiated by west‐southwest‐east‐northeast extension in the Early Permian but were reactivated by subsequent rifting with approximately east‐west extension in the Jurassic. They were also reactivated by the oblique extension of northwest‐southeast orientation associated with Gondwana continental breakup in the Late Jurassic ‐ earliest Cretaceous. In addition to reactivation, older structures of the linked fault families controlled the development of younger fractures and folds. During the oblique extension, the linked fault systems define releasing bends, characterised by a rollover anticline in the hangingwall of the Mountain Bridge Fault, and restraining bends where contractional folds are sites of major commercial hydrocarbon fields in the basin.  相似文献   

立足于中非剪切带的构造演化,文章分析了中非剪切带对多赛奥盆地形成与演化的控制作用,明确了多赛奥盆地的 构造演化阶段,并从盆地结构和构造样式分析入手,探讨了多赛奥盆地的成因机制。研究表明,受中非剪切带“强—弱” 两期走滑作用控制,多赛奥盆地经历了扭张期、压扭期、拗陷期三期的构造演化阶段,扭张期为盆地的主要形成期,压扭 期为盆地构造定型期。在晚白垩世压扭期,盆地东、西部遭受不同程度的压扭作用,形成东部主坳区和西部压扭区,东部 主坳区遭受后期压扭作用较弱,表现为不对称的双断结构特征,而西部压扭区遭受强烈的后期压扭作用,地层发生弯曲变 形,Borogop II断裂发生正反转作用,形成大型正花状构造区。受早期扭张作用和后期压扭作用双重控制,多赛奥盆地发育 两类五种构造样式。右阶右旋作用机制形成的扭张作用控制了多赛奥和塞拉迈特走滑—拉分盆地的形成。  相似文献   

立足于中非剪切带的构造演化,文章分析了中非剪切带对多赛奥盆地形成与演化的控制作用,明确了多赛奥盆地的 构造演化阶段,并从盆地结构和构造样式分析入手,探讨了多赛奥盆地的成因机制。研究表明,受中非剪切带“强—弱” 两期走滑作用控制,多赛奥盆地经历了扭张期、压扭期、拗陷期三期的构造演化阶段,扭张期为盆地的主要形成期,压扭 期为盆地构造定型期。在晚白垩世压扭期,盆地东、西部遭受不同程度的压扭作用,形成东部主坳区和西部压扭区,东部 主坳区遭受后期压扭作用较弱,表现为不对称的双断结构特征,而西部压扭区遭受强烈的后期压扭作用,地层发生弯曲变 形,Borogop II断裂发生正反转作用,形成大型正花状构造区。受早期扭张作用和后期压扭作用双重控制,多赛奥盆地发育 两类五种构造样式。右阶右旋作用机制形成的扭张作用控制了多赛奥和塞拉迈特走滑—拉分盆地的形成。  相似文献   

We present inversion results for a 100 site, broadband magnetotelluric (MT) survey in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia. The Penola Trough is host to several petroleum reservoirs and has more recently been a target for unconventional geothermal exploration. We present two interpretations of the MT data. A 1D anisotropic interpretation, where anisotropy is determined within the Otway Basin sequence and basement in the northeastern Penola Trough, fits the impedance tensor well. However, the anisotropy strike is inconsistent with the known orientation of electrically conductive fractures in the Penola Trough. On the other hand, a 3D interpretation, which incorporates lateral variations in resistivity, requires no anisotropy yet it matches the data equally well. Both the 1D and 3D inversions resolve several layers within the Otway Basin sequence, which correspond to stratigraphic units defined in wells and in the coincident Haselgrove–Balnaves 3D seismic survey. These include the Eumeralla and Dilwyn formations, which are poorly resolved in the seismic data. The basin architecture, defined in the 3D inversion, in particular the depth to basement, is consistent with previous interpretations based on seismic reflection data that show that the Otway Basin thins in the northeastern Penola Trough. This does not occur in the anisotropic model. We therefore conclude that the subsurface resistivity appears to be isotropic in the Penola Trough. This contrasts with the anisotropic resistivity structure determined in a previous study in the Koroit region, eastern Otway Basin. The difference in the MT responses between the two regions is supported by resistivity and permeability information from well logs and may reflect differences in the orientation of subsurface fractures, or differences in the present-day stress field, between the two regions.  相似文献   

We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the structural style and growth of a normal fault array located at the present-day shelf-edge break and into the deepwater province of the Otway Basin, southern Australia. The Otway Basin is a Late Jurassic to Cenozoic, rift-to-passive margin basin. The seismic reflection data images a NW-SE (128–308) striking, normal fault array, located within Upper Cretaceous clastic sediments and which consists of ten fault segments. The fault array contains two hard-linked fault assemblages, separated by only 2 km in the dip direction. The gravity-driven, down-dip fault assemblage is entirely contained within the 3D seismic survey, is located over a basement plateau and displays growth commencing and terminating during the Campanian-Maastrichtian, with up to 1.45 km of accumulated throw (vertical displacement). The up-dip normal fault assemblage penetrates deeper than the base of the seismic survey, but is interpreted to be partially linked along strike at depth to major basement-involved normal faults that can be observed on regional 2D seismic lines. This fault assemblage displays growth initiating in the Turonian-Santonian and has accumulated up to 1.74 km of throw.Our detailed analysis of the 3D seismic data constraints post-Cenomanian fault growth of both fault assemblages into four evolutionary stages: [1] Turonian-Santonian basement reactivation during crustal extension between Australia and Antarctica. This either caused the upward propagation of basement-involved normal faults or the nucleation of a vertically isolated normal fault array in shallow cover sediments directly above the reactivated basement-involved faults; [2] continued Campanian-Maastrichtian crustal extension and sediment loading eventually created gravitational instability on the basement plateau, nucleating a second, vertically isolated normal fault array in the cover sediments; [3] eventual hard-linkage of fault segments in both fault arrays to form two along-strike, NW-SE striking fault assemblages, and; [4] termination of fault growth in the latest Maastrichtian. We document high variability of throw along-strike and down-dip for both fault assemblages, thereby providing evidence for lateral and vertical segment linkage. Our results highlight the complexities involved in the growth of both gravity-driven normal fault arrays (such as those present in the Niger Delta and Gulf of Mexico) and basement-linked normal fault arrays (such as those present in the North Sea and Suez Rift) with the interaction of an underlying and reactivating basement framework. This study provides an excellent example of spatial variability in growth of two normal fault assemblages over relatively short spatial scales (∼2 km separation down-dip).  相似文献   

走滑断层判识及其油气成藏效应是当前构造地质学与石油地质学研究的热点。为进一步认识准噶尔盆地西北缘地区的控藏断层大侏罗沟走滑断层,对其进行了野外露头观察和地震剖面解释,以进一步明确其构造属性与边界,在此基础上,结合油层分布与原油性质及地球化学特征分析,讨论了其成藏效应。结果表明,大侏罗沟断层走滑特征明显,西端野外露头上断线平直、断面陡立、发育水平擦痕,东端地震剖面平面上发育"马尾状构造"、剖面上发育"花状构造"。据此重新限定了断层的边界,西以达尔布特断层为界,东以达探1井为界,全长约80km。大侏罗沟走滑断层对油气兼具横向和纵向输导效应,使得油气藏在平面上沿断层被动盘富集,纵向上呈"串珠状"分布,这可能是这类走滑断层所具有的普遍特征。据此,研究区一系列走滑断层的被动盘在下步勘探中值得重点关注。  相似文献   

跃南断裂带是塔里木盆地北部的一条形状奇特的断裂带,平面展布呈口袋状。在系统的地震资料解释的基础上,通过认真的断裂构造分析,认为跃南断裂带经历了二叠纪、二叠纪末—三叠纪和侏罗—白垩纪3期断裂作用的叠加。二叠纪大陆裂谷作用形成的一系列NE-SW和NW-SE走向的陡倾的正断层,组成一个共轭断裂系统。沿跃南断裂带的两组不同方向的正断层活动加强,并最终追踪、贯通,形成了口袋状的跃南断裂带。也就是说,跃南断裂带实际上是由NE-SW和NW-SE走向两组断层组合而成的。断裂带围限的地块相对抬升,形成一个大型的垒块。二叠纪末—三叠纪南天山碰撞造山作用引起的逆冲断层,叠加在二叠纪正断层之上,进一步强化了跃南断裂带,使之断距加大,围限的垒块进一步抬升。侏罗—白垩纪的正断层属于南天山造山后的伸展构造,见于跃南断裂带上方,规模不大,数量不多,对断裂带有一定的调整作用。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the structural evolution of a normal fault array using detailed kinematic analysis of normal fault tip propagation and linkage, adding to the growing pool of research on normal fault growth. In addition, we aim to provide further insight into the evolution of the offshore Otway Basin, Australia. We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the temporal and spatial evolution of a Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic age normal fault array located in the Gambier Embayment of the offshore Otway Basin, South Australia. The seismic reflection data cover a NW–SE-oriented normal fault array consisting of six faults, which have grown from the linkage of numerous, smaller segments. This fault array overlies and has partial dip-linkage to E–W-striking, basement-involved faults that formed during the initial Tithonian–Barremian rifting event in the Otway Basin. Fault displacement analysis suggests four key stages in the post-Cenomanian growth history of the upper array: (1) nucleation of the majority of faults resulting from resumed crustal extension during the early Late Cretaceous; (2) an intra-Late Cretaceous period of general fault dormancy, with the nucleation of only one newly formed fault; (3) latest Cretaceous nucleation of another newly formed fault and further growth of all other faults; and (4) continued growth of all faults, leading to the formation of the Cenozoic Gambier Sub-basin in the Otway Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that Late Cretaceous faults, which are located above and dip-link to basement-involved faults, display earlier nucleation and greater overall throw and length, compared with those which do not link to basement-involved faults. This is likely attributed to increased rift-related stress concentrations in cover sediments above the upper tips of basement faults. This study improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the presently under-explored Gambier Embayment, offshore Otway Basin, South Australia by documenting the segmented growth style of a Late Cretaceous normal fault array that is located over, and interacts with, a reactivated basement framework.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地巴楚隆起古董山断裂带构造分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
古董山断裂构造带位于塔里木盆地西部的巴楚隆起上,走向北西-南东,延伸140 km左右。基于地震剖面的详细解释,识别出4期构造变形:寒武-奥陶纪正断层、二叠纪正断层、中新世冲断层、上新世-更新世冲断层及其伴生的正断层。中新世基底卷入型冲断层是古董山构造带的主控断裂构造,构成断裂带的主体,构造变形样式为断层传播褶皱。寒武-奥陶纪正断层形成复式地垒,隐伏于中新世主干断层之下。二叠纪正断层可能伴生有岩浆活动。先存的正断层和岩浆岩对古董山中新世断裂活动具有明显的控制作用;后期的断裂活动,即上新世-更新世逆冲断层和正断层,对中新世形成的断裂构造有改造作用。古董山断裂带东南端与玛扎塔格构造带西端交汇,但两者不是同一条断裂带。  相似文献   

徐曦  高顺莉 《地学前缘》2015,22(6):148-166
为了揭示下扬子海陆全区新生代断陷盆地的构造特征,进而探讨盆地的形成机理,故对研究区的地震、钻井和地质资料进行系统分析,梳理区内的主要构造地质证据,并在时空上进行对比。垂直盆地走向的区域大剖面构造解析显示,下扬子区由陆至海,盆地范围逐步扩大,断陷充填厚度逐渐增厚,结构趋于复杂,表明盆地的拉伸量和伸展强度自西向东呈增大趋势。受下扬子块体近似楔形几何形状与东部侧向挤压的边界条件约束,块体近南北向侧向扩展,块体内区域伸展,前新生代的基底先存断裂复活,诱发区域张裂作用和盆地沉降,断陷盆地形成受基底应力两个基本因素制约。下扬子新生代块体的伸展与郯庐断裂的右旋走滑,均为下扬子块体构造形变的地质响应,其动力学机制可用太平洋板块北西向俯冲进行解释。  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲盆地泥收缩构造发育特征及对沉积的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥收缩构造是发育在尼日尔三角洲盆地深水区的典型构造样式,属重力滑脱冲断构造,主要构造类型有冲断裂、塑性泥构造及相关褶皱和正断裂。基于地震地质解释,结合构造发育史分析,认为泥收缩构造主要受塑性泥构造控制,在中新世托尔托纳(Tortonian)晚期开始活动,中新世墨西拿期(Messinian)—上新世赞克勒期(Zanclean)达到最强,之后构造活动逐渐减弱,但至今仍在活动。通过古构造恢复,结合沉积展布分析,认为中新世托尔托纳晚期沉积开始受构造活动控制,托尔托纳阶上部及以上地层具有明显的同沉积特征,泥收缩构造相关的冲断裂上升盘厚度明显小于下降盘厚度,褶皱两翼的地层厚度明显厚于中间背斜顶部的地层厚度。  相似文献   

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