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The establishment of standardised growth curve (SGC) for equivalent dose (De) determination can substantially reduce the amount of instrument time required for OSL measurements. In this study, we investigated the applicability of SGC for the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal from single grains and small aliquots of sedimentary quartz from Haua Fteah cave, in Libya. The samples exhibit large inter-grain and inter-aliquot variation in the shape of their single grain and small aliquot dose response curves (DRCs) constructed from a range of sensitivity-corrected regenerative dose signals (Lx/Tx), which prevents the establishment of a single common SGC among different grains or small aliquots. Instead, the DRCs for the small aliquots can be divided into a minimum of three groups using the Finite Mixture Model, with the DRC saturating at a different dose level for each group. In order to establish a common DRC, or SGC, for each group, we propose a new normalisation method, the so-called least-squares normalisation procedure (‘LS-normalisation’), which largely reduces the variation between aliquots within the same group and allows the establishment of a common DRC, or SGC, for each group. In order to apply the SGC method for these samples, two regenerative dose points are needed for each aliquot to attribute it to one of the groups based on the ratio of the Lx/Tx signals for two sensitivity-corrected regenerative dose points. Equivalent dose (De) values for each aliquot can be estimated using the fitting parameters calculated for the SGC of the relevant group to which it belongs, together with measurements of the natural signal (Ln), one regenerative dose signal (Lx1) and their corresponding test dose signals (Tn, Tx1). For the samples investigated from Haua Fteah, we found that De estimates obtained from the SGCs are consistent with those obtained using a full SAR procedure. Our results suggest that small single-aliquot and single-grain De values obtained from application of the SGC may be underestimated if there is a significant proportion of early-saturating grains present in the sample; such grains or aliquots are mostly rejected due to saturation when analysed using the full SAR procedure. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the De values based only on those grains or aliquots that have relatively high saturation levels.  相似文献   

The inland dune “Molenberg” (Lys valley, NW Belgium) is an exceptionally well-preserved dune of more than 10 m high. To determine the phases of dune formation and identify possible levels for human occupation, this dune was sampled at closely spaced vertical intervals for Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating (every 50 cm) and grain-size analysis (intervals of 10–25 cm) over its entire depth, including the top of the underlying sediments. The resulting ages show dune formation during the late glacial period (GI-1 and GS-1), with a probable extensive deposition during the Allerød (GI-1a-c) and Younger Dryas (GS-1). Interestingly, the OSL dataset for the main body of the dune shows significant cyclical age inversions that may be caused by reworking of sediment causing incomplete bleaching of sand grains. This may further indicate the potential of high-sampling resolution OSL to contribute to the reconstruction of complex dune dynamics.  相似文献   

Using the concept of bleaching in optical dating, a new index of sediment sample bleaching percentage (BLP‐2) was developed and applied to evaluate sand grain transport from riverine to deep‐marine environments. As bleached grains in modern sediments have no optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)/infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal, bleached and unbleached feldspar grains are distinguished by IRSL intensity. The BLP‐2 distribution of present deposits around the Kumano area, on the Pacific coast of central Japan, suggests that sand grains in surface turbidites obtained from the bottom of the Kumano Trough are of flood/storm origin rather than seismogenic origin. The distribution of BLP‐2 tentatively suggests sand grain erosion–transport–depositional processes; for example, origin and transport agencies of shelf sand, and influence of coastal erosion on the beach deposit. Although the present BLP analysis is not yet supported by a rigorous statistical test, it is useful to distinguish recent deposition and remobilization of sand grains. Furthermore, if the depositional age and the luminescence age of sand grains are accurately estimated, sand grain transport processes of old (late Quaternary) sediments may be estimated by the methodology similar to that of the present study.  相似文献   

Low water levels occurring on the Warsaw section of the Vistula River during droughts in 2012 and 2015 stirred considerable interest by exposing parts of the riverbed. The river's low flow discharge created favourable conditions for archaeologists who, from the river's bottom, managed to salvage sculptures, architectural artefacts, and military accessories dating back to the middle of the 17th century. Literature shows that archaeological finds at the bottom of a major lowland river are unique and are attributed to very specific hydrological and geological conditions. Embankments and works meant to regulate the channel of the Vistula River in Warsaw narrowed the channel and accelerated the erosion of the river's bottom. A comparison of rating curves created between 1919 and 2015 shows that the river's bottom had lowered by 225 cm. The diameter of sediment particles that could be moved at maximum shear stress has been calculated using the Meyer–Peter and Muller formula. According to the calculated shear stress corresponding to the highest historical flood of 1844 particles smaller than 0.05 m were transported down the river, and it is true that artefacts of that size had not been collected at the site. Taking into consideration the very specific geological and hydrological conditions, we believe that finding so many 17th century artefacts with a well‐documented history at a site at the bottom of major lowland river with intensive channel processes is indeed unique. Additionally, it is the first time that results of hydrodynamic modelling have been successfully used for archaeological survey to define the critical shear stress and the smallest diameter of artefacts, which could remain stable on a river's bottom.  相似文献   

Single grain OSL has become a widely used approach in Quaternary geochronology. However, the origins of De distributions and the sources of variation in individual dose estimates are still poorly understood. The amount of scatter in these distributions on top of the known uncertainties in measurement and analysis is defined by overdispersion and this quantity is generally used for weighting individual De values to calculate a central equivalent dose. In this study, we address the nature and amount of different sources of dispersion in quartz single grain De estimates, by (i) using appropriate statistical tools to characterize De populations and (ii) modelling, with a specifically designed Geant4 code, dose rate distributions arising from the presence of potassium feldspar grains in well-sorted sands. The model uses Monte Carlo simulations of beta emissions and interactions in a random close packing of quartz and feldspar spheres representing a sand sample. Based on the simulation results, we explain the discrepancy between intrinsic and natural overdispersion values in a well-bleached sample, thus validating the model. The three parameters having the most influence on dispersion in dose rate distributions, and modelled in this study, appear to be grain size, potassium content and total dose rate.Finally an analysis of measurement uncertainties and other sources of variations in equivalent dose estimates lead us to conclude that all age models (both logged and unlogged) which include an overdispersion value to weight individual De values rely mainly on unknown parameters; this ignorance may lead to an inadvertent bias in De estimates. Assuming counting statistics make a small contribution to dispersion (as is often the case), we suggest that in some cases it is most appropriate to use unweighted averages of equivalent doses when dividing by commonly measured average dose rates.  相似文献   

The new result of SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite from the Kanto Mountains, Japan, provides 281.5 ± 1.8 Ma. The age is 30 m.y. older than the available age of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite obtained by hornblende K–Ar method. The new U–Pb zircon age represents the time of crystallization of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite. The hornblende K–Ar age indicates the time that the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite cooled down to 500 °C which is the closure temperature of the systematics. Permian granites are found in small exposures in Japan, and frequently referred to as 250 Ma granites. The Kinshozan Quartz Diorite is considered as a type of the 250 Ma granites, and the age was influential in establishing a model of Paleozoic tectonic evolution for the Japanese Islands. The new age of the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite provides the opportunity to re‐examine the model. The Kinshozan Quartz Diorite and other Permian granites in the south of the Median Tectonic Line of Japan were constituents of the Paleo‐Ryoke Belt. The geochemical characteristics of the granitic rocks in the Paleo‐Ryoke Belt indicated that the granitic rocks were formed in a primitive island arc environment, and the new trace element data also support this interpretation. Examination of the available data and results of the present study suggests the late Paleozoic granitic activity in Japan as follows. At about 310–290 Ma, arc magmatism generated adakitic granites and other granites in the South Kitakami Belt. Quartz diorite and tonalites of primitive characteristic, such as the Kinshozan Quartz Diorite and granites in the Maizuru Belt appear to have been formed at the immature island arc, and accreted to the Japanese Islands at the end of Paleozoic or early Mesozoic era. During 260–240 Ma, granitic activity took place in the Hida and Maizuru Belts as a part of the Asian continent.  相似文献   

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