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The fact that several half-grabens and normal faults developed in the Lower—Middle Cambrian of Tazhong(central Tarim Basin) and Bachu areas in Tarim Basin,northwest China,indicates that Tarim Basin was under extensional tectonic setting at this time.The half-grabens occur within a linear zone and the normal faults are arranged in en echelon patterns with gradually increasing displacement eastward.Extensional tectonics resulted in the formation of a passive continental margin in the southwest and a cratonic margin depression in the east,and most importantly,influenced the development of a three-pronged rift in the northeast margin of the Tarim Basin.The fault system controlled the development of platform-slope-bathyal facies sedimentation of mainly limestone-dolomite-gypsum rock-saline rock-red beds in the half-grabens.The NW-SE trending half-grabens reflect the distribution of buried basement faults.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西北缘皮羌辉长岩体的时代讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
皮羌辉长岩体位于塔里木盆地柯坪断隆西部,皮羌村北约15 km处。该岩体的围岩包括志留系、泥盆系和石炭系—二叠系,新近系不整合覆盖其上。采集该辉长岩样品进行单矿物分离,取分离出的斜长石进行Ar-Ar定年。700~1400℃的8个加热阶段析出的~(39)Ar为总量的95.89%,在坪谱图上得到一个较稳定的坪,坪年龄为265.5±1.2 Ma;与之相对应的等时线年龄为267.29±5.62 Ma。结合区域地质分析,皮羌辉长岩体的侵入时代为中二叠世早期;是塔里木二叠纪岩浆活动的一部分。其侵入后基本未受后期构造热事件影响。  相似文献   

皮羌辉长岩体位于塔里木盆地柯坪断隆西部,皮羌村北约15 km处。该岩体的围岩包括志留系、泥盆系和石炭系—二叠系,新近系不整合覆盖其上。采集该辉长岩样品进行单矿物分离,取分离出的斜长石进行Ar-Ar定年。700~1 400 ℃的8个加热阶段析出的39Ar为总量的95.89%,在坪谱图上得到一个较稳定的坪,坪年龄为265.5±1.2 Ma; 与之相对应的等时线年龄为267.29±5.62 Ma。结合区域地质分析,皮羌辉长岩体的侵入时代为中二叠世早期; 是塔里木二叠纪岩浆活动的一部分。其侵入后基本未受后期构造热事件影响。  相似文献   




塔里木盆地西北缘沙井子构造带断裂构造分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
沙井子构造带位于塔里木盆地西北缘,是分隔阿瓦提凹陷和温宿凸起的边界断裂。它是塔里木盆地研究最薄弱的大型断裂构造带之一。根据系统、精细的地震资料解释,沙井子构造带存在3套断裂体系:深部楔状冲断构造、狭义沙井子断裂和浅部的伸张构造。深部楔状冲断构造形成于志留纪—泥盆纪,由北西倾向的主冲断层和南东倾向的反冲断层形成构造楔; 构造楔主要由前寒武纪变质岩组成,冲断前锋楔入于寒武系中部,造成上覆地层向温宿凸起方向的急剧抬升。狭义的沙井子断裂,即通常所说的沙井子断裂,为一条高角度基底卷入型挤压走滑断裂,形成于二叠纪末—三叠纪初,错断了早期的深部冲断楔。浅部的伸展构造形成于第四纪早-中期,为一系列较小规模的正断层,沿狭义沙井子断裂呈右步雁列状排列,构成左行剪切张扭性断裂带。深部的楔状冲断构造和浅部的伸展构造是本次研究的新发现。  相似文献   

An early Paleozoic inter‐platform, platform, slope and shelf succession comprised of five Cambrian to mid‐Ordovician seismic sequences, has been identified in the southwestern part of the Tarim Basin. A previously unknown, elongate shelf succession that extends from east to west transects the Taxinan area of the southwestern Tarim Basin. It was flanked by carbonate platforms and platform margins, and by peri‐platform margin slopes on its north and south sides. The Markit platform margin and slope, located along the northern side of the shelf, extended nearly linearly west to east with some headlands and embayments towards the east. The Tangnan platform margin and slope, located along the southern side of the shelf, extended southwest to northeast and was more sinuous with pronounced northwest‐directed headlands flanked by embayments. Differentiation of these settings began in earliest Cambrian time during continental breakup. Initially, broad gentle slopes flanked an open shelf seaway in Cambrian time. In Early Ordovician time, the Markit and Tangnan platform margins became more distinct and rimmed, and were flanked by slightly steeper, but still very gentle slopes. During their deposition, these platform margins and their adjoining slopes exhibited some lateral migration, with a slight overall widening of the open shelf seaway between them from Cambrian to Ordovician time. The presence of these platform margin and slope successions in the southwestern area of the Tarim basin provides another focus for petroleum exploration and discovery of additional carbonate reef‐shoal reservoirs in the Markit and Tangnan areas. The adjoining deep‐water shelf shale and mudstone shelf succession itself is an additional prospective petroleum source rock in close proximity to these potential reef‐shoal reservoirs.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地中部阿-满低梁带断裂构造分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地北部坳陷中部存在一个北东-南西方向的下古生界的(鞍状)低梁带(阿-满低梁带)。它是阿瓦提凹陷和满加尔凹陷之间的天然分界,以此低梁带的脊线划分出两个凹陷。以三维地震资料解释为依据,本文研究了阿-满低梁带的断裂构造特征。研究区主要发育4期断裂构造:1)南华纪-奥陶纪的正断层与罗迪尼亚超大陆的裂解有关,并可进一步划分为南华纪-震旦纪和寒武纪-奥陶纪两个断裂活动阶段。南华纪-震旦纪正断层的成因是罗迪尼亚超大陆的裂解作用,形成堑垒构造,寒武纪-奥陶纪正断层的成因是塔里木自罗迪尼亚超大陆裂解出来后,游离于古特提斯洋所处的区域性弱伸展构造背景,形成负花状构造。2)晚奥陶世-中志留世断层包括晚奥陶世-志留纪初的滑脱-冲断构造和早-中志留世的挤压走滑断裂,形成断层传播褶皱和正花状构造。其形成的动力来源是昆仑加里东碰撞造山作用。3)晚志留世-石炭纪正断层是昆仑加里东碰撞造山后构造应力松弛阶段的产物,形成典型的负花状构造,组合成雁列状张扭性断层带。4)二叠纪正断层是大陆裂谷作用的结果,往往受相关岩浆作用的改造。剖面上形成堑垒构造和负花状构造,平面上组合成雁列状张扭性断层带。二叠纪断裂与晚志留世-石炭纪的断裂可能有继承关系。  相似文献   


塔里木盆地西北缘的沙井子断裂带, 位于塔北隆起的温宿凸起和北部坳陷的阿瓦提凹陷之间。它是塔里木盆地的一条一级断裂带, 由沙井子断裂、英雄断裂、温宿断裂和沙南断裂组成。其中沙井子断裂是主干断裂, 其它3条是其分支断裂。本轮研究新发现温宿分支断裂, 并将沙南断裂解释为英雄断裂前缘的反冲断层, 归属沙井子断裂带。沙井子断裂带的雏形形成于奥陶纪末-志留纪初, 在泥盆纪末-石炭纪、二叠纪末-三叠纪初、侏罗纪末-白垩纪初、白垩纪末-古近纪初和新近纪-第四纪发生过多期冲断作用和新近纪末-第四纪初的张扭性构造变形后, 才最终定型。沙井子断裂带是一条断控油气富集区带, 温宿油田、托探1油藏、沙南1油藏、新苏地1油气藏等都受其控制。


Seismic and drilling well data were used to examine the occurrence of multiple stratigraphic unconformities in the Tarim Basin, NW China. The Early Cambrian, the Late Ordovician and the late Middle Devonian unconformities constitute three important tectonic sequence boundaries within the Palaeozoic succession. In the Tazhong, Tabei, Tadong uplifts and the southwestern Tarim palaeo‐uplift, unconformities obviously belong to superimposed unconformities. A superimposed unconformity is formed by superimposition of unconformities of multiple periods. Areas where superimposed unconformities develop are shown as composite belts of multiple tectonic unconformities, and as higher uplift areas of palaeo‐uplifts in palaeogeomorphologic units. The contact relationship of unconformities in the lower uplift areas is indicative of truncation‐overlap. A slope belt is located below the uplift areas, and the main and secondary unconformities are characterized by local onlap reflection on seismic profiles. The regional dynamics controlled the palaeotectonic setting of the Palaeozoic rocks in the Tarim Basin and the origin and evolution of the basin constrained deposition. From the Sinian to the Cambrian, the Tarim landmass and its surrounding areas belonged to an extensional tectonic setting. Since the Late Ordovician, the neighbouring north Kunlun Ocean and Altyn Ocean was transformed from a spreading ocean basin to a closed compressional setting. The maximum compression was attained in the Late Ordovician. The formation of a tectonic palaeogeomorphologic evolution succession from a cratonic margin aulacogen depression to a peripheral foreland basin in the Early Caledonian cycle controlled the deposition of platform, platform margin, and deep‐water basin. Tectonic uplift during the Late Ordovician resulted in a shallower basin which was followed by substantial erosion. Subsequently, a cratonic depression and peripheral or back‐arc foreland basin began their development in the Silurian to Early–Middle Devonian interval. In this period, the Tabei Uplift, the Northern Depression and the southern Tarim palaeo‐uplift showed obvious control on depositional systems, including onshore slope, shelf and deep‐water basin. The southern Tarim Plate was in a continuous continental compressional setting after collision, whereas the southern Tianshan Ocean began to close in the Early Ordovician and was completely closed by the Middle Devonian. At the same time, further compression from peripheral tectonic units in the eastern and southern parts of the Tarim Basin led to the expansion of palaeo‐uplift in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous interval, and the connection of the Tabei Uplift and Tadong Uplift, thus controlling onshore, fluvial delta, clastic coast, lagoon‐bay and shallow marine deposition. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地寒武-奥陶系烃源岩的分子地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
对塔里木盆地下古生界样品的地球化学分析表明,上奥陶统良里塔格组、中上奥陶统却尔却克群烃源岩与其他烃源岩具有明显的差异,具有低的C28甾烷、24-降胆甾烷、甲藻甾烷、甲藻三芳甾烷与伽马蜡烷含量以及高的C24四环萜烷、重排甾烷含量等特点。柯坪地区中上奥陶统萨尔干组、印干组页岩伽马蜡烷、C28甾烷相对含量与寒武系、中下奥陶统黑土凹组烃源岩具有相似性。萨尔干组、印干组烃源岩中生物标志物的绝对含量很低。柯坪地区寒武系玉尔吐斯组、中上奥陶统萨尔干组、上奥陶统印干组、满东地区中下奥陶统黑土凹组等较强沉积环境的泥质烃源岩伽马蜡烷、C28甾烷、特殊甾烷的相对含量与海相原油主体有较大差异。上奥陶统印干组烃源岩较高含量的三芳甲藻甾烷、24-降重排胆甾烷和24-降胆甾烷化合物的检出表明,断代生物标志物的提法值得商榷。  相似文献   

为了探索塔里木盆地区域构造演化对盆地内沉积相带展布和储层发育的控制,文章在综合了前人对塔里木盆地板块构造演化研究成果的基础上,深入分析了塔里木盆地周边早古生代区域地球动力学从伸展向挤压转换的时间及其所对应的盆地内部的沉积作用响应,认为古隆起的形成演化、台内相带的分异和台内台缘高能礁滩相带的展布、沉积基准面的转换、岩性岩...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西南坳陷发现晚新生代伸展构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过认真、系统的地震资料解释, 我们在塔里木盆地西南坳陷首次发现晚新生代正断层。 这些正断层发育于西南坳陷的东北部, 走向 NE-SW, 剖面上组合成堑垒构造, 个别剖面上显示负花状构造特征。 正断层主要发育于新生界, 向上断至的最高层位是第四系更新统下部。 倾向相反的正断层向下交汇后断距消失, 断层继续向下延伸的情况不清楚。 根据断距 变化和生长指数计算, 正断层形成于上新世晚期, 持续演化至更新世早期。 正断层的形成演化过程与以往在阿瓦提凹陷、巴楚隆起和塘沽孜巴斯坳陷发现的晚新生代正断层基本一致, 正断层活动时间为 ca. 3~2 Ma。 它们形成于一个区域性弱伸展构造应力场, 代表印度-亚洲碰撞远程效应下, 塔里木盆地脉式挤压冲断过程中的一个构造间歇期。  相似文献   

In the Tarim Basin, dolomite, which formed during the middle Cambrian associated with evaporites, has been attributed to the sabkha-style dolomite formed during the syndepositional period. The sedimentary microfacies suggests dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian is an ancient analogue of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Poorly crystallised dolomite spheroids or ovoids within or on the surface of dolomite crystals are a common phenomenon that can be widely observed in different stromatolites in the upper part of the intertidal zone and strongly resemble the morphology in modern sabkha dolomite-producing microbial mats and in microbial culture experiments. These lines of evidence suggest organic substrates for dolomite nucleation. Dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian in the Tarim Basin has been considered a classic analogue for carbonate and evaporate assemblages. The extent of microbial dolomite in ancient sabkha environments is proposed as an alternative model for dolomite formation, in which the mineral properties of organic substrates play a crucial role.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部的新生代断裂活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区以塔里木盆地西部的巴楚隆起为核心,包括其南侧的麦盖提斜坡和北侧的北部坳陷(阿瓦提凹陷)。这里新生代断裂异常发育。以鸟山-古董山地区为重点,通过精细的地震剖面解释,在塔里木盆地西部识别出5期新生代断裂活动,分别发生于:白垩纪末-古近纪初(ca.65Ma)、中新世末-上新世初(ca.5Ma)、上新世末-更新世中期(ca.3~1.5Ma)、更新世中-晚期(ca.1~0.1Ma)和全新世(ca.0.01Ma)。中寒武统和古近系膏盐层构成了研究区的2个主滑脱面。ca.65Ma的冲断受控于基墨里中间大陆与亚洲大陆碰撞的远程效应;ca.5Ma、ca.3~1.5Ma、ca.1~0.1Ma和ca.0.01Ma的断裂活动(包括滑脱断层、冲断层、走滑断层和正断层)均受控于印度-亚洲碰撞的远程效应。晚新生代(中新世以来)的断裂活动以脉动式冲断为特征,两次相邻脉动式冲断之间为时间不等的短暂的构造间歇期;间歇期构造平静,甚至可以形成正断层。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动及其变形机理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文的目的是探讨塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动过程及其变形机理.在地震剖面解释、钻井资料和地质资料综合分析的基础上,通过编制塔里木盆地不同时期断裂系统图,提出控制塔里木盆地断裂构造形成和演化主要构造活动期次为:加里东早期、加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支期、燕山期和喜马拉雅期.加里东早期断裂活动受伸展环境制约,沿先存基底断裂带形成张性正断层.加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期断裂活动以逆冲作用为主,在塔东、塔中、塘古巴斯、巴楚和麦盖提地区最为发育.海西晚期断裂活动也是以逆冲作用为特征,并从早期断裂强烈活动的塔中、塘古巴斯、玛东等地区,迁移到塔北隆起和东部地区.印支、燕山和喜马拉雅期,前陆地区断裂构造发育,形成叠瓦冲断带、褶皱-冲断带、双重构造、盐相关构造等;但在盆内稳定区,断裂构造不发育,活动性弱.古生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,主要与区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换、先存基底断裂带、大型区域性不整合、滑脱带等要素密切相关.区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换主要受控于塔里木周缘洋盆的伸展裂解、俯冲消减和洋盆闭合的时限和强度.先存基底断裂带或基底构造软弱带往往控制着后期断裂的发育位置和展布方向.大型区域性不整合和滑脱带控制着断裂构造的发育和分布层位.中、新生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,与区域大地构造环境及其构造转换、区域构造位置有关.中、新生代塔里木断裂构造主要分为三种环境,即前陆构造环境、盆内稳定区构造环境和隆升剥蚀区构造环境.盆内稳定区断裂构造不发育,活动性较弱.中、新生代断裂构造主体发育在前陆构造环境中,主要受控于周缘造山带强烈隆升、挤压冲断、走滑-逆冲或逆冲-走滑作用,同时与喜马拉雅晚期盆-山耦合作用及滑脱层的发育有关.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部奥陶系内部不整合   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
塔里木盆地西部柯坪地区奥陶系内部存在两期主要不整合。其一,位于下奥陶统蓬莱坝组与鹰山组之间,为平行不整合。该不整合在柯坪县北水泥厂剖面上缺失牙形石Glyptoconus floweri带和Tripodus proteus—Paltodus deltifer带,有大至相当于5.5Ma的地层缺失量;在乌什县鹰山北坡剖面上缺失了牙形石Glyptoconus quadraplicatus带、Glyptoconus floweri带和Tripodus proteus/Paltodus deltifer带,有相当于约7.2Ma的地层缺失量。其二,存在于上奥陶统铁热克阿瓦提组与下伏地层之间,主要为平行不整合,局部为角度不整合。古生物研究表明其间的地层缺失量变化相当大,在柯坪大湾沟、大湾沟东以及羊吉坎剖面上,不整合之下地层为印干组,地层缺失量比较少,时间间隔为1~2Ma;在阿克苏四石厂剖面和柯坪铁热克阿瓦提剖面,其下伏地层为其浪组,缺失了印干组和其浪组的上部,其时间间隔相当于约5Ma;在伽师三间房剖面,下伏地层为吐木休克组或一间房组,缺失地层的时间间隔约为15Ma;西克尔地区地层缺失量最大,铁热克阿瓦提组直接覆于中奥陶统鹰山组之上,缺失地层的时间间隔超过了20Ma。  相似文献   


塔里木盆地塔中台地上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩相中核形石大量发育,本文选取5口钻井取心样品,从核形石形态、粒径大小、纹层磨损度、圆度几个方面进行镜下统计分析。镜下观察核形石有长条状、扁平状、偏心椭圆形、椭圆形、卵圆形、圆形等形状,平均粒径在0.1~2.5 cm之间,核心颗粒以生屑颗粒为主。核形石的纹层磨损度在泥粒岩中为轻度,在颗粒岩中为重度,泥粒—颗粒岩居中。研究认为,促使塔中台地上奥陶统核形石形成的因素包括水动力能量、微生物、碎屑颗粒的累积量等,其中水动力能量占主导地位。能量过低,核形石扁平;能量适合,核形石纹层均匀且厚;能量过强,核形石处于磨蚀状态。水流的强烈冲刷作用会破坏微生物对颗粒的黏附作用,使砂屑生屑核形石滩转变为砂屑生屑滩。


The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum(PETM) event was a dramatic global warming w55.93 Ma ago that resulted in biological extinction events, lithological changes, and major deviations in σ13 C and σ18 O.The southwestern Tarim Basin of China exposes successive Paleogene strata as a result of Tethys evolution and is considered an ideal region for PETM research.Based on calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, we also used stable isotopes and XRD to analyse the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Tarim Basin. At the Bashibulake Section, the PETM interval is characterized by(1) an abrupt negative shifts in σ13 C_(org), σ13 C_(carb) and σ18 O(-3%, -4.5% and -3%respectively);(2) an obvious negative correlation between the K-mode(Discoaster, Fasciculithus, Ericsonia, Sphenolithus and Rhomboaster) and r-mode(Biscutum, Chiasmolithus, Toweius) nannofossil taxa coincident with a robust Rhomboaster-Discoaster assemblage; and(3) a significant increase in the percentage of detrital input along with an increase in gypsum content. In the upper part of the Qimugen Formation Micrantholithus and Braarudosphaera are commonly found right up to the top where most of the nannofloras suffer a sharp decrease. In the overlying Gaijitage Formation, calcareous nannofossils disappear completely. These events indicate that the southwestern Tarim Basin was a warm shallow continental shelf during the deposition of the Qimugen Formation. From the early Eocene, the environment changed conspicuously. Evaporation increased and sea level fell, which led to an acid climate.This climate mode continued within the youngest unit studied, the Gaijitage Formation, characterized by the deposition of thick evaporates. Consequently, most of the marine plankton, i.e. calcareous nannoplankton, became disappear, because of the significant climate shift.  相似文献   

The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt (EQFTB) is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarirn Basin. Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB, particularly the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field. Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust, which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation, and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline. Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB, also developed beneath the Jidike Formation evaporite. Very gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling. The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south, in an area where evaporite may be lacking. Since the Pliocene, the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area. Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m. Assuming that this shortening occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan, the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 ram/year.  相似文献   

The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt (EQFTB) is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarim Basin. Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB, particularly the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field. Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust, which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation, and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline. Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB, also developed beneath the Jidike Formation evaporite. Very gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling. The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south, in an area where evaporite may be lacking. Since the Pliocene, the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area. Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m. Assuming that this shortening occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan, the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 mm/year.  相似文献   

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