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Spatial patterns of Holocene glacier advance and retreat in Central Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glaciers in the southern Himalayas advanced in the early Holocene despite an increase in incoming summer solar insolation at the top of the atmosphere. These glacier advances are in contrast to the smaller alpine glaciers in the western and northern regions of Central Asia. Two different glacier mass-balance models are used to reconcile this Holocene glacier history with climate by quantifying the change in equilibrium-line altitudes (ELA) for simulated changes in Holocene climate. Both ELA models clearly show that the lowering of ELAs in the southern Himalayas is largely due to a decrease in summer temperatures, and that an increase in monsoonal precipitation accounts for less than 30% of the total ELA changes. The decrease in summer temperatures is a dynamic response to the changes in solar insolation, resulting in both a decrease in incoming shortwave radiation at the surface due to an increase in cloudiness and an increase in evaporative cooling. In the western and northern zones of Central Asia, both ELA models show a rise in ELAs in response to a general increase in summer temperatures. This increase in temperatures in the more northern regions is a direct radiative response to the increase in summer solar insolation.  相似文献   

We reconstructed a chronology of glaciation spanning from the Late Pleistocene through the late Holocene for Fish Lake valley in the north‐eastern Alaska Range using 10Be surface exposure dating and lichenometry. After it attained its maximum late Wisconsin extent, the Fish Lake valley glacier began to retreat ca. 16.5 ka, and then experienced a readvance or standstill at 11.6 ± 0.3 ka. Evidence of the earliest Holocene glacial activity in the valley is a moraine immediately in front of Little Ice Age (LIA) moraines and is dated to 3.3–3.0 ka. A subsequent advance culminated at ca. AD 610–900 and several LIA moraine crests date to AD 1290, 1640, 1860 and 1910. Our results indicate that 10Be dating from high‐elevation sites can be used to help constrain late Holocene glacial histories in Alaska, even when other dating techniques are unavailable. Close agreement between 10Be and lichenometric ages reveal that 10Be ages on late Holocene moraines may be as accurate as other dating methods. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study aims to explain the spatial and temporal variability in phases of aggradation/incision in response to changes in climate and seismicity during the late Quaternary in the Alaknanda River valley (a major tributary of the river Ganges or Ganga). Geomorphology, stratigraphy and optical dating of the fluvial sediment reveal that the oldest fluvial landforms preserved in the south of the Main Central Thrust are debris flow terraces developed during the early part of pluvial Marine Isotopic Stage 3. Following this, a period of accelerated incision/erosion owing to an increase in uplift rate and more intense rainfall occurred. In the Lesser Himalaya, three phases of valley fill aggradation around 26 ± 3 ka, 18 ± 2 ka and 15 ± 1 ka and 8 ± 1 ka occurred in response to changes in monsoon intensity and sediment flux. The last phase was regionally extensive and corresponds to a strengthening of the early Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon. A gradual decline in the monsoon strength after 8 ± 1 ka resulted in reduced fluvial discharge and lower sediment transport capacity of the Alaknanda River, leading to valley fill incision and the development of terraces. The study suggests that fluvial dynamics in the Alaknanda valley were modulated by monsoon variability and the role of tectonics was subordinate, limited to providing accommodation space and post‐deposition modification of the fluvial landforms. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palynological and paleontological investigations supported by the radiocarbon dates of the lacustrine sediments of two profiles from the temperate lake Saria Tal, in Naini Tal District, Kumaun Himalaya, have revealed the presence of a concealed fold at the region. The profile from bore cores represents the upper part of the Late Holocene and the profile from exposed sections from the Middle Holocene to the over middle part of the Late Holocene. The data generated from different investigations have uniformly indicated that the former profile represents normal superposition, while the latter represents the reverse order. The contemporary pollen as well as molluscan zones of both profiles are situated at different elevations but consist of similar bioremains – indicating continuation of the same strata in two profiles. The presence of reverse order of superposition, continuation of the same strata in two profiles at different elevations, and the orientation of biozones, have indicated that the revealed folding is of syncline type. The present study has also given an idea about the origin of this lake.  相似文献   

易朝路 《第四纪研究》2018,38(3):537-561

一百多年来,新技术的运用和认识水平的不断提高,给第四纪冰川研究带来重大变化,研究方法和内容大致经历了两个阶段:早期的研究者采用野外地质地貌调查方法,定性描述冰川地貌和冰碛物沉积特征及其分布,根据冰川遗迹的相对位置和风化程度划分了4~6次经典冰期;20世纪80年代开始到21世纪初的近30年间,采用放射性碳、光释光和电子自旋共振、宇宙成因核素暴露年代,以及火山灰钾氩法/裂变径迹等测年技术测定冰川地貌及其相关沉积物的数值年代。其他新技术的不断涌现,定量化描述冰川遗迹,解决了许多以往第四纪冰川研究不能解决的问题,还发现了不少新的科学问题。结果表明:1)相当于深海氧同位素3阶段的大规模冰进、末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,简称LGM)、末次冰期早阶段的时代和倒数第二冰期的时代在全球范围内可以对比;北美洲、南美洲和青藏高原最老的冰期时代大约1 Ma。2)采用3S技术(GPS、GIS和RS)并结合野外调查,发现海洋性冰川作用区冰下磨蚀量与冰流速成2次方的定量关系,定量描述古冰川分布和平衡线的空间变化,最近和未来将采用数值模型并结合野外调查模拟山地冰川的面积、体积和平衡线等对气候变化的响应和反馈作用,并进一步提高实验室测年水平,对冰碛物精细测年,以利全球冰期对比和古冰川气候模拟。


Proglacial lake sediments at Goting in the Higher Central Himalaya were analyzed to reconstruct the summer monsoon variability during the Last Glacial to early Holocene. Sedimentary structures, high resolution mineral magnetic and geochemical data suggest that the lacustrine environment experienced fluctuating monsoonal conditions. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating indicates that the lake sedimentation occurred before 25 ka and continued after 13 ka. During this period, Goting basin witnessed moderate to strengthened monsoon conditions around 25 ka, 23.5 ka–22.5 ka, 22 ka–18 ka, 17 ka–16.5 ka and after14.5–13 ka. The Last Glacial phase ended with the deposition of outwash gravel dated at ~11 ka indicating glacial retreat and the onset of Holocene condition. Additionally, centennial scale fluctuations between 16.5 ka and 12.7 ka in the magnetic and geochemical data are seen.A close correspondence at the millennial scale between our data and that of continental and marine records from the Indian sub-continent suggests that Goting basin responded to periods of strengthened monsoon during the Last Glacial to early Holocene. We attribute the millennial scale monsoon variability to climatic instability in higher northern latitudes. However, centennial scale abrupt changes are attributed to the result of albedo changes on the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

We present a record of monsoon variations for the early and middle Holocene that is inferred from the geochemistry of sediment cores from Ahung Co, a lake in central Tibet. The resolution of this record is better than 50 yr and the age model is derived from radiocarbon ages of terrestrial charcoal, which eliminates errors associated with the lake hard-water effect. We made down-core geochemical measurements of % carbonate, % organic carbon, C/N and δ13C of bulk organic matter, δ13C and δ18O of carbonate, and % dolomite. Proxy calibration and modern water-balance reconstruction show that these are proxies for lake depth and the amount of monsoon precipitation. We find that lake level and monsoon precipitation have been decreasing at Ahung Co since the early Holocene (∼7500 cal yr B.P.). Superimposed on this trend are rapid declines in monsoon rainfall at 7000-7500 and 4700 cal yr B.P. and seven century-scale wet-dry oscillations. The cores do not contain sediment from the last ∼4000 yr. Surface sediments from the lake accumulated during the 20th century, however. From this, we argue that lake levels have risen again recently following a late Holocene dry period.  相似文献   

Lake sediment, glacier extent and tree rings were used to reconstruct Holocene climate changes from Goat Lake at 550 m asl in the Kenai Mountains, south‐central Alaska. Radiocarbon‐dated sediment cores taken at 55 m water depth show glacial‐lacustrine conditions until about 9500 cal. yr BP, followed by organic‐rich sedimentation with an overall increasing trend in organic matter and biogenic silica content leading up to the Little Ice Age (LIA). Through most of the Holocene, the northern outlet of the Harding Icefield remained below the drainage divide that currently separates it from Goat Lake. A sharp transition from gyttja to inorganic mud about AD 1660 signifies the reappearance of glacier meltwater into Goat Lake during the LIA, marking the maximum Holocene (postglacial) extent. Meltwater continued to discharge into the lake until about AD 1900. A 207 yr tree‐ring series from 25 mountain hemlocks growing in the Goat Lake watershed correlates with other regional tree‐ring series that indicate an average summer temperature reduction of about 1°C during the 19th century compared with the early–mid 20th century. Cirque glaciers around Goat Lake reached their maximum LIA extent in the late 19th century. Assuming that glacier equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELA) are controlled solely by summer temperature, then the cooling of 1°C combined with the local environmental lapse rate would indicate an ELA lowering of 170 m. In contrast, reconstructed ELAs of 12 cirque glaciers near Goat Lake average only 34 ± 18 m lower during the LIA. The restricted ELA lowering can be explained by a reduction in accumulation‐season precipitation caused by a weakening of the Aleutian low‐pressure system during the late LIA. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palynological records in cores C4 and B106 from the Gulf of Tonkin reveal signals of paleo-monsoon and paleoenvironmental change during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Before ∼ 13.4 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was exposed to the atmosphere and covered by grassland. Starting at ∼ 11.7 cal kyr BP, the Gulf of Tonkin was inundated by brackish water, indicated by the appearance of the brackish algae Cleistosphaeridium, Sentusidinium and Spiniferites, a decrease of herb content, and an increase of Pinus. After Hainan Island was completely separated from the Leizhou Peninsula by Qiongzhou Strait at ∼ 8.5 cal kyr BP, a continuous marine sedimentary environment was found. The current patterns were similar to those of the present, with a general trend of current homogenization reflected by gradually decreasing quantities of Quercus pollen and a narrowing gap between the palynological concentrations of the southern and northern parts of the region. The data suggest that three short periods of strengthened winter monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 6.0 cal kyr BP, ∼ 2.7 cal kyr BP and ∼ 0.2 cal kyr BP and that two short periods of strengthened summer monsoons and currents were centered at ∼ 7.5 cal kyr BP and ∼ 3.4 cal kyr BP.  相似文献   

Three glacial stages (Deshkit 1, Deshkit 2 and Dishkit 3 glacial stages) are identified in the Nubra and Shyok valleys in northernmost Ladakh, northwest India, on the basis of geomorphic field mapping, remote sensing, and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating. The glacial stages date to ∼ 45 ka (Deshkit 1 glacial stage), ∼ 81 ka (Deshkit 2 glacial stage) and ∼ 144 ka (Deshkit 3 glacial stage). A mean equilibrium line altitude depression of ∼ 290 m for the Deshkit 1 glacial stage was calculated using the area accumulation ratio, toe-to-headwall ratio, area-altitude, and area-altitude balance ratio methods. Comparison of glaciation in the Nubra and Shyok valleys with glaciations in the adjacent Central Karakoram of northern Pakistan and northern side of the Ladakh Range of northern India indicates that glaciation was synchronous on Milankovitch timescales across the region during MIS-6, but differed greatly in extent, with more extensive glaciation in the Karakoram than the morphostratigraphically equivalent glaciation on the northern slopes of the Ladakh Range. This highlights the strong contrast in the extent of glaciation across ranges in the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen, necessitating caution when correlating glacial successions within and between mountain ranges.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(9-10):213-222
Two and a half decade (1985–2009) surface air temperature from Giovanni database available for the Naradu valley at High Himalaya Mountain range of Himachal Pradesh has been analysed to determine the changes in the maximum, minimum and mean air temperatures. The analysis was subjected for seasonal, annual and monthly basis and revealed a tendency towards warmer years all around, with significantly warmer winter and more significant increase in minimum temperatures. The annual maximum, minimum and mean temperatures have increase by 1,41 °C, 1,63 °C and 1,49 °C, respectively. The seasonal analysis indicates that the tendency is more pronounced in winter followed by post-monsoon, pre-monsoon and monsoon season. The trends were also examined on a maximum temperatures, and it showed a significant warning in all the months in annual mean, minimum and maximum temperatures, except February during the period of 1985–2009 in the valley. Different trend detection statistical tools have been exercised by using variety of non-parametric tests and all are in agreement.  相似文献   

 A field study was conducted to assess variations in physico-chemical characteristics of water of the springs located within the boundary of a Central Himalayan town where the springwater is used for drinking purposes. Monitoring of 12 springs was carried out for three seasons (winter, summer and monsoon). The results indicate direct influence of unplanned sewage disposal on the springwater quality as reflected by significant regional variations in the concentration of nitrates, chlorides, sulfates, sulfides and electrical conductivity. Population density varies within the town from 3110 to 14 137 persons/km–2 and has direct relationship with water quality. Springs located in the densely populated area had higher concentrations of all these compounds. Concentrations of nitrates up to 60 ppm were observed in some springs, making water unsuitable for human consumption. No significant changes were observed in springwater quality during different seasons. Received: 3 February 1995 · Accepted: 27 February 1996  相似文献   

Palynology, texture, mineralogy, geochemistry, and magnetic susceptibility analysis of a 2 m deep sediment core from Padauna Swamp, southeastern Madhya Pradesh infers that between 8600 and 7500 cal yr BP a warm and relatively less-humid climate prevailed with open tree-savannahs dominated by grasses followed by sedges, Artemisia and members of Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae with scanty trees viz., Schrebera, Aegle marmelos and Sterculia urens. This is well supported by lower organic to carbonate carbon ratio, coarser texture having relatively low CIA and magnetic susceptibility values and presence of some primary minerals. Between 7500 and 6250 cal yr BP the tree-savannahs were succeeded by open mixed deciduous forests with the invasion of a few more trees viz., Madhuca indica, Holoptelea, Emblica officinalis, Mitragyna parvifolia and members of Anacardiaceae in response to onset of a warm and humid climate. A considerable rise in organic carbon generated from the degradation of plentiful biomass along with increase in clay content with signs of kaolinite and increase in immobile over mobile elements with slightly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values also suggest climatic amelioration. The presence of ruderal plants such as Artemisia, Cannabis sativa and Cheno/Am further infers initiation of human activities in the region. Between 6250 and 2800 cal yr BP, the mixed deciduous forests became more diverse and dense, subduing grasses and other herbaceous elements. Sporadic incursion of Shorea robusta (Sal) in forest floristic was recorded around 5000 cal yr BP. The overall change in the vegetation mosaic reflects that a warm and more-humid climate prevailed in the region, probably on account of invigoration of southwest monsoon. This observation is further corroborated by other proxy data showing a spurt in organic/inorganic carbon ratio, increase in clay content with matured mineralogy, significantly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values. Since 2800 cal yr BP onwards, the modern Sal dominated deciduous forests were established indicating continuation of warm and more-humid climate including timely arrival of SW monsoon coinciding with the shedding of Sal seeds as they are viable for a very short period.  相似文献   

江口冰期和南沱冰期是华南地区引人注目的2次成冰纪冰川事件,但其确切启动时间及其全球对比关系仍未有定论。为此,对桂北地区成冰系(南华系)长安组底部和南沱组底部冰成杂砾岩开展了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究。长安组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄集中分布于958—717 Ma,显著峰值为720、753、805及848 Ma,最年轻一组 206Pb/238U 年龄的加权平均值为719.6±6.1 Ma,可解释为长安组最大沉积年龄;南沱组碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄集中分布于987—649 Ma,显著峰值为650、720、753、779、803、823及848 Ma,最年轻一组 206Pb/238U 年龄的加权平均值为649.3±6.2 Ma,可解释为南沱组最大沉积年龄。结合已发表的相关年龄数据可知,江口冰期很可能启动于ca.715 Ma,与塔里木、阿拉伯—努比亚、劳伦等陆块的Sturtian冰川作用高度同步;南沱冰期的启动应晚于650 Ma,与西伯利亚、澳大利亚、劳伦等陆块的Marinoan冰川作用基本同步。另外,碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄谱与CL图像显示,长安组和南沱组的物质来源主要为下伏新元古界岩浆—沉积记录,揭示出冰川对下伏地层的强烈刨蚀作用和华南新元古代幕式构造岩浆热事件。扬子陆块成冰纪冰川刨蚀作用可能与Rodinia 超大陆“裂离”有关的强烈伸展活动存在联系,并可能持续至Marinoan 冰期结束。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Tonkin coastline migrated at an average rate of ca 60 m year?1 landward during Holocene sea‐level rise (20 to 8 ka). Due to a combination of rapid coastline migration and undersupply of sand, neither coastal barriers nor tidal sand bars developed at the mouth of the Red River incised valley. Only a 30 to 80 cm thick sandy interval formed at the base of full‐marine deposits. Thus, the river mouth represented a mud‐dominated open funnel‐shaped estuary during transgression. At the base of the valley fill, a thin fluvial lag deposit marks a period of lowered sea‐level when the river did not reach geomorphic equilibrium and was thus prone to erosion. The onset of base‐level rise is documented by non‐bioturbated to sparsely bioturbated mud that occasionally contains pyrite indicating short‐term seawater incursions. Siderite in overlying deposits points to low‐salinity estuarine conditions. The open funnel‐shaped river mouth favoured upstream incursion of seawater that varied inversely to the seasonal strongly fluctuating discharge: several centimetres to a few tens of centimetres thick intervals showing marine or freshwater dominance alternate, as indicated by bioturbational and physical sedimentary structures, and by the presence of Fe sulphides or siderite, respectively. Recurrent short‐term seawater incursions stressed the burrowing fauna. The degree of bioturbation increases upward corresponding to increasing marine influence. The uppermost estuarine sediments are completely bioturbated. The estuarine deposits aggraded on average rapidly, up to several metres kyr?1. Siphonichnidal burrows produced by bivalves, however, document recurrent episodes of enhanced deposition (>0·5 m) and pronounced erosion (<1 m) that are otherwise not recorded. The slope of the incised valley affected the sedimentary facies. In steep valley segments, the marine transgressive surface (equivalent to the onset of full‐marine conditions) is accentuated by the Glossifungites ichnofacies, whereas in gently sloped valley segments the marine transgressive surface is gradational and bioturbated. Marine deposits are completely bioturbated.  相似文献   

声波探测具有很高的分辨率和信号发射频度,可以获得高品质浅地层剖面,显示出沉积地层的结构与构造细节、斜层理等三角洲沉积标志特征。展示了渤海湾西部浅地层声纳探测原始记录。探测发现,在大沽口以东27km处存在一个以前不为人知的埋藏槽谷,涉及地层的时代为晚更新世末期与全新世中期。宽达几百米到1km,深约30m,走向北北西,形成时代距今约5000~6000a,可能代表了某种重大地质事件,其成因有溺谷充填和构造断陷2种可能。  相似文献   

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