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Recently, besides magma–rock and rock–rock reaction, magma–magma interaction at mantle depth has been proposed as an alternative mechanism to produce diverse compositions of mantle. Clinopyroxene and garnet megacrysts can be formed at this condition since this process is suggested to trigger the high-pressure crystallization of these minerals. Studying on this type of megacrysts provides us important information on the genesis of intraplate basalts and the chemical heterogeneity of mantle, which has not been reported before. Here we present major, trace elements and Sr isotopes of clinopyroxene and garnet megacrysts hosted by Cenozoic basalts from Penglai, Shandong province of eastern China. The megacrysts are suggested to be formed by crystallization from magma because of their moderate Mg# (74.0–79.9 for clinopyroxene and 58.8–65.0 for garnet) and good correlations between Mg# and other elements (e.g. CaO, TiO2, Nd and Lu). The potential crystallized temperature and pressure are estimated to be ~1156°C at 2.6–3.2 GPa, which should occur at the top of asthenosphere or lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary based on the lithospheric thickness in this area (~60–70 km). Since the megacrysts show variable Sr isotopes, and their primary magmas show negative correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Hf/Sm ratios, as well as positive correlation between Ba/Th and Nb/U for clinopyroxenes, it indicates a mixing origin. Cenozoic basalts from Shandong show a mixing trend, and high-pressure fractionation of clinopyroxene and garnet is suggested to occur during the mixing process because some basalts show significantly higher Sm/Yb and lower Ca/Al ratios than others, which again supports our interpretations. When compared to megacrysts and host basalts from other locations of eastern China, similar geochemical variations and a deviation trend relative to the mixing trend are also observed. It indicates that magma–magma interaction can be a common process for formation of intraplate basalts and basalt-borne megacrysts.  相似文献   

To better understand the origin, migration, and evolution of melts in the lithospheric mantle and their roles on the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), we conducted a petrological and geochemical study on a quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite xenolith from Hannuoba, the NCC, and its hosted melt and fluid inclusions. Both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the xenolith contain lots of primary and secondary inclusions. High-temperature microthermometry of melt inclusions combined with Raman spectroscopy analyses of coexisting fluid inclusions shows that the entrapment temperature of the densest inclusions was ~1215°C and the pressure ~11.47 kbar, corresponding to a depth of ~38 km, i.e. within the stability of the spinel lherzolite. Intermediate pressure inclusions probably reflect progressive fluid entrapment over a range of depths during ascent, whereas the low-pressure inclusions (P < 2 kbar) may represent decrepitated primary inclusions. In situ laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses of major and trace elements on individual melt inclusions show that the compositions of these silicate melt inclusions in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are rich in SiO2, Al2O3, and alkalis but poor in TiO2 and strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), with negative anomalies of high-field strength elements (HFSEs). These characteristics suggest that the silica-rich melts could be derived from the partial melting of subducted oceanic slab. Therefore, this kind of quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite may be produced by interaction between the slab-derived melts with the mantle peridotite. This study provides direct evidence for the origin, migration, and evolution of melts in the lithospheric mantle, which may play an important role in the destruction of the NCC.  相似文献   

The ages of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the North China and South China cratons are less well-constrained than the overlying crust. We report Re–Os isotope systematics of mantle xenoliths entrained in Paleozoic kimberlites and Mesozoic basalts from eastern China. Peridotite xenoliths from the Fuxian and Mengyin Paleozoic diamondiferous kimberlites in the North China Craton give Archean Re depletion ages of 2.6–3.2 Ga and melt depletion ages of 2.9–3.4 Ga. No obvious differences in Re and Os abundances, Os isotopic ratios and model ages are observed between spinel-facies and garnet-facies peridotites from both kimberlite localities. The Re–Os isotopic data, together with the PGE concentrations, demonstrate that beneath the Archean continental crust of the eastern North China Craton, Archean lithospheric mantle of spinel- to diamond-facies existed without apparent compositional stratification during the Paleozoic. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalt-borne peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths, on the other hand, show geochemical features indicating metasomatic enrichment, along with a large range of the Re–Os isotopic model ages from Proterozoic to Phanerozoic. These features indicate that lithospheric transformation or refertilization through melt-peridotite interaction could be the primary mechanism for compositional changes during the Phanerozoic, rather than delamination or thermal-mechanical erosion, despite the potential of these latter processes to play an important role for the loss of garnet-facies mantle. A fresh garnet lherzolite xenolith from the Yangtze Block has a Re depletion age of ∼1.04 Ga, much younger than overlying Archean crustal rocks but the same Re depletion ages as spinel lherzolite xenoliths from adjacent Mesozoic basalts, indicating Neoproterozoic resetting of the Re–Os system in the South China Craton.  相似文献   

The Bohai Bay Basin is a region where part of the North China Craton has been thinned and destroyed. It has experienced two periods of crustal thinning that occurred during the Cretaceous and Paleogene, but investigations of its Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric thermal structure are limited. Therefore, in this study,the distributions of mantle heat flow, crustal heat flow, and Moho temperatures during the Meso-Cenozoic are calculated based on analyses of the thermal history of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results indicate that the ratio of mantle heat flow to surface heat flow peaked during the late stages of the early Cretaceous and during the middle to late Paleogene. The corresponding mantle heat flow was more than 65% of the surface heat flow. Moho temperatures reached three peaks: 900-1100℃ in the late stages of the early Cretaceous;820-900℃ in the middle to late Paleogene; and(in the Linqing Depression, Cangxian Uplift, and Jizhong Depression) 770-810℃ during the early Neogene. These results reveal that the Bohai Bay Basin experienced significant geological change during the Cretaceous, including the transformation of lithospheric thermal structure from "cold mantle and hot crust" before the Cretaceous to "hot mantle and cold crust" after the Cretaceous. The results also indicate that the basin experienced two large-scale rifting events.Therefore, this work may provide the thermal parameters for further investigations of the geodynamic evolution of eastern China.  相似文献   

Elemental and Li–Sr–Nd isotopic data of minerals in spinel peridotites hosted by Cenozoic basalts allow us to refine the existing models for Li isotopic fractionation in mantle peridotites and constrain the melt/fluid-peridotite interaction in the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Highly elevated Li concentrations in cpx (up to 24 ppm) relative to coexisting opx and olivine (<4 ppm) indicate that the peridotites experienced metasomatism by mafic silicate melts and/or fluids. The mineral δ7Li vary greatly, with olivine (+0.7 to +5.4‰) being isotopically heavier than coexisting opx (−4.4 to −25.9‰) and cpx (−3.3 to −21.4‰) in most samples. The δ7Li in pyroxenes are considerably lower than the normal mantle values and show negative correlation with their Li abundances, likely due to recent Li ingress attended by diffusive fractionation of Li isotopes. Two exceptional samples have olivine δ7Li of −3.0 and −7.9‰, indicating the existence of low δ7Li domains in the mantle, which could be transient and generated by meter-scale diffusion of Li during melt/fluid-peridotite interaction. The 143Nd/144Nd (0.5123–0.5139) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7018–0.7062) in the pyroxenes also show a large variation, in which the cpx are apparently lower in 87Sr/86Sr and slightly higher in 143Nd/144Nd than coexisting opx, implying an intermineral Sr–Nd isotopic disequilibrium. This is observed more apparently in peridotites having low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios than in those with high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd, suggesting that a relatively recent interaction existed between an ancient metasomatized lithospheric mantle and asthenospheric melt, which transformed the refractory peridotites with highly radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd isotopic compositions to the fertile lherzolites with unradiogenic Sr and radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions. Therefore, we argue that the lithospheric mantle represented by the peridotites has been heterogeneously refertilized by multistage melt/fluid-peridotite interactions.  相似文献   

The mechanism and process of lithospheric thinning beneath the North China Craton (NCC) are still debated. A key criterion in distinguishing among the proposed mechanisms is whether associated continental basalts were derived from the thinning lithospheric mantle or upwelling asthenosphere. Herein, we investigate the possible mechanisms of lithospheric thinning based on a systematic Re–Os isotopic study of Mesozoic to Cenozoic basalts from the NCC. Our whole-rock Re–Os isotopic results indicate that the Mesozoic basalts generally have high Re and Os concentrations that vary widely from 97.2 to 839.4 ppt and 74.4 to 519.6 ppt, respectively. They have high initial 187Os/188Os ratios ranging from 0.1513 to 0.3805, with corresponding variable γOs(t) values (+20 to +202). In contrast, the Re–Os concentrations and radiogenic Os isotope compositions of the Cenozoic basalts are typically lower than those of the Mesozoic basalts. The lowest initial 187Os/188Os ratios of the Cenozoic basalts are 0.1465 and 0.1479, with corresponding γOs(t) values of +15 and +16, which are within the range of ocean island basalts. These new Re–Os isotopic results, combined with the findings of previous studies, indicate that the Mesozoic basalts were a hybrid product of the melting of pyroxenite and peridotite in ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the NCC. The Cenozoic basalts were derived mainly from upwelling asthenosphere mixed with small amounts of lithospheric materials. The marked differences in geochemistry between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts suggest a greatly reduced involvement of lithospheric mantle as the magma source from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. The subsequent lithospheric thinning of the NCC and replacement by upwelling asthenospheric mantle resulted in a change to asthenosphere-derived Cenozoic basalts.  相似文献   

This article discusses the Meso–Cenozoic thermal history, thermal lithospheric thinning, and thermal structure of the lithosphere of the Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The present-day thermal regime of the basin features an average heat flow of 64.5 ± 8.1 mW m–2, a lithospheric thickness of 76–102 km, and a ‘hot mantle but cold crust’-type lithospheric thermal structure. The Meso–Cenozoic thermal history experienced two heat flow peaks in the late Early Cretaceous and in the middle to late Palaeogene, with heat flow values of 82–86 mW m?2 and 81–88 mW m?2, respectively. Corresponding to these peaks, the thermal lithosphere experienced two thinning stages during the Cretaceous and Palaeogene, reaching a minimum thickness of 43–61 km. The lithospheric thermal structure transformed from the ‘hot crust but cold mantle’ type in the Triassic–Jurassic to the ‘cold crust but hot mantle’ type in the Cretaceous–Cenozoic, according to the ratio of mantle to surface heat flow (qm/qs). The research on the thermal history and lithospheric thermal structure of sedimentary basins can effectively reveal the thermal regime at depth in the sedimentary basins and provide significance for the study of the basin dynamics during the Meso–Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) provides a classic example for extensive destruction of the cratonic lithosphere. The Mesozoic magmatism which contributed to the decratonization of the NCC was also accompanied by the formation of a variety of mineral deposits. In order to gain further insights into the cratonic destruction process, typical iron and gold deposits are investigated here. Helium–argon isotopic data on pyrite, from typical skarn iron deposits of the Beiminghe and Fushan in the Han-Xing district of the central NCC, and the Linglong and Canzhuang gold deposits in the Jiaodong district in the eastern NCC, are presented in this paper. The 3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar and 40Ar/4He ratios show generally uniform patterns within the individual deposits and reveal a complex evolutionary history of the ore-forming fluids with varying degree of crust–mantle interaction. The ore-forming fluids associated with the gold mineralization at the Jiaodong mine have higher content of fluids of mantle origin with mantle helium ranging from 1.24% to 18.02% (average 6.73%; N = 18). In contrast, the ore-forming fluids related to the iron ore deposits contain less mantle contribution with mantle helium ranging from 0.12% to 4.96% (average 1.29%; N = 10). Our results suggest complex and heterogeneous crust–mantle processes associated with the magmatism and metallogeny, where the lithosphere of the eastern NCC was subjected to more extensive thinning and destruction as compared with that in the western part, consistent with the observations from geophysical studies in the region. Our study demonstrates that fluids associated with the Mesozoic metallogenic processes in the NCC provide useful insights into the geodynamics of destruction and refertilization of the cratonic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) was an active convergent margin during Palaeozoic and preserves important imprints of magmatic and metasomatic processes associated with oceanic plate subduction. Here, we investigate the mafic–ultramafic rocks in the Xiahabaqin–Sandaogou complexes from the northern NCC including pyroxenite, hornblendites, hornblende gabbro, and their rodingitized counterparts within a serpentinite domain. We present petrological, zircon U–Pb geochronological, and geochemical data to constrain the nature and timing of the magmatic and metasomatic processes in the subduction zone mantle wedge. The rock suites investigated in this study are characterized by low contents of SiO2, Na2O, and K2O, with high CaO, FeO, Fe2O3, and MgO. The rodingitized rocks show markedly high CaO and lower MgO compared to their ultramafic protolith, suggesting extensive post-magmatic infiltration of Ca-rich, Si-poor fluids derived by serpentinization of mantle peridotite. The enrichment of large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements such as Ba, Sr, K, La, and Ce with relative depletion of high field strength elements like Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf in the ultramafic rocks collectively suggest metasomatism of a fore-arc mantle wedge by fluids released through dehydration of subducted oceanic slab and subduction-derived sediments. Dehydration and decarbonation leading to metasomatic fluid influx and serpentinization of mantle wedge peridotite account for the enriched geochemical signatures for the rodingitized rocks. The zircon grains in these rocks show textures indicating magmatic crystallization followed by fluid-controlled dissolution–precipitation. Magmatic zircons from altered pyroxenite, hornblendite, and rodingitized pyroxenite in Xiahabaqin yield protolith crystallization ages peaks at 396 Ma and 392 Ma and metasomatic grains show ages of 386 Ma, 378 Ma, and 348 Ma. The zircons from hornblendite and basaltic trachyandesite indicate protolith emplacement during 402–388 Ma. Metasomatic zircon grains from rodingitized hornblende gabbro in Sandaogou complex show a wide range of ages as 412 Ma, 398 Ma, 383 Ma, and 380 Ma. The common magmatic zircon ages peaks at 398–388 Ma in most of the rocks suggest a similar time for magma crystallization in the Xiahabaqin and Baiqi during Middle Devonian. Subsequently, repeated pulses fluids and melts resulted in metasomatic reactions in mantle wedge until early Permian. The Lu–Hf analysis of the zircon grains from these rocks display markedly negative εHf(t) values ranging from ?22.4 to ?7.7, suggesting magma derivation from an enriched, hydrated lithospheric mantle through fluid–rock interaction and mantle wedge metasomatism. Rodingitization processes are associated with exhumation of ultramafic mantle wedge rocks within a serpentinized subduction channel close to the subducted slab in response to slab roll back in a long-lasting subduction regime. This study offers insights into magmatic and metasomatic processes of ultramafic rocks in the fore-arc mantle wedge which were exhumed and accreted to an active continental margin during the southward subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic lithosphere beneath the NCC.  相似文献   

The large scale Mesozoic magmatism and related metallogeny in the Taihang Mountains (TM) provide important clues for the lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton (NCC). Among the ore deposits, the vein gold mineralization of Shihu in the Fuping region and the skarn ore deposit of Xishimen in the Wu'an region represent typical Mesozoic metallogeny in the TM. In the Shihu gold mine, the Mapeng batholith is dominantly composed of monzogranite and granodiorite, whereas, the Wu'an pluton in the Xishimen iron mine mainly comprises monzonite and diorite. Here we present zircon LA–ICP-MS U–Pb data from 8 samples which reveal the timing of magmatism in the TM as ca. 130 Ma, which is contemporaneous with the large-scale metallogeny in the margins of the NCC. The δ34S values recorded in the sulfide minerals from the Shihu gold deposit and the Xishimen skarn iron deposit show a range of 2.2‰–5.0‰, and 11.6‰–18.7‰, respectively. Helium isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in pyrite from the Shihu gold deposit vary from 0.12 to 1.98 Ra (where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of air = 1.39 × 10? 6), with calculated mantle helium values of 1.4%–25%, whereas, those of the Xishimen skarn iron deposit range from 0.06 to 0.19 Ra, with calculated mantle helium of 0.7%–2.2%. The S–He–Ar isotopic data suggest a lower crustal origin for the ore-forming components, with variable inputs of mantle source. The large population of inherited zircons in our samples, with 207Pb/206Pb ages ranging between 2500 Ma and 1800 Ma, also supports crustal participation. Our data reveal that the Shihu gold deposit witnessed greater mantle input than the Xishimen skarn iron deposit, suggesting that the continental lithosphere is markedly thinner under the Fuping region than that under the Wu'an region. Our interpretation is also supported by published data from two ultra-broadband high-precision magnetotelluric sounding profiles across the TM region showing a variation in the lithosphere thickness from 155 km to 70 km while moving from the south (Wu'an region) to the north (Fuping region). Our study suggests that inhomogeneous lithospheric thinning in the central NCC occurred at least as early as ca. 130 Ma ago.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1728-1743
Quartz-vein type gold mineralization at Xishimen is a recently discovered gold deposit in the central North China Craton. More than 50 auriferous quartz veins occur in this region within a NNW–SSE-trending fault zone 4600 m in length and 3–10 m wide. Wall rocks are mainly Precambrian tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses and associated supracrustals, modified by K-feldspathization and pyrite-phyllic hydrothermal alteration. Based on detailed field and petrographic studies, we identify five episodes of mineralization: pyrite-phyllic stage (I), coarse-grained pyrite-milky white quartz stage (II), fine-grained smoky grey quartz-pyrite stage (III), fine-grained smoky grey quartz-polymetallic sulphide stage (IV), and quartz-carbonate stage (V). We present results of δ34S analysis of sulphide minerals from the different stages which show tightly clustered values in the range of –1.0‰ to 2.1‰, close to those of mantle and meteorite sulphur. Lead isotopic ratios of pyrite from the early to main stages also show restricted ranges with 206Pb/204Pb of 16.289–17.286, 207Pb/204Pb of 15.217–15.453, 208Pb/204Pb of 37.012–38.232, implying lower crustal input. 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios of fluid trapped in pyrite are 0.68 Ra to 1.20 Ra (where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of air = 1.4 × 10?6) and 540.9–1065, respectively. 3He and 4Ar concentrations vary from 10.05 to 18.5 (10?7 cm3STP/g) and 6.15 to 17.4 (10?7cm3STP/g), respectively, with calculated mantle helium ranging from 8.47% to 14.96% (average 11.01%). δ18OQ and δ18DQ values of quartz range from 8.0‰ to 13.2‰ and –101.9‰ to –70.5‰, respectively, with calculated δ18OW values of the mineralizing fluid ranging from 1.11‰ to 5.72‰, suggesting the mixing of magmatic aqueous fluid with meteoric water during gold precipitation. We correlate the mixed crust–mantle signature of the ore-forming sources to magmatism and metallogeny associated with Mesozoic inhomogeneous lithosphere thinning in the central North China Craton.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Meso-Cenozoic lithospheric thermal–rheological structure and lithospheric strength evolution of the Jiyang sub-basin were modeled using thermal...  相似文献   

The western part of the Ronda peridotite massif (Southern Spain) consists mainly of highly foliated spinel-peridotite tectonites and undeformed granular peridotites that are separated by a recrystallization front. The spinel tectonites are interpreted as volumes of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle and the granular peridotites as a portion of subcontinental lithospheric mantle that underwent partial melting and pervasive percolation of basaltic melts induced by Cenozoic asthenospheric upwelling. The Re–Os isotopic signature of sulfides from the granular domain and the recrystallization front mostly coincides with that of grains in the spinel tectonites. This indicates that the Re–Os radiometric system in sulfides was highly resistant to partial melting and percolation of melts induced by Cenozoic lithospheric thermal erosion. The Re–Os isotopic systematics of sulfides in the Ronda peridotites thus mostly conserve the geochemical memory of ancient magmatic events in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Os model ages record two Proterozoic melting episodes at ~1.6 to 1.8 and 1.2–1.4 Ga, respectively. The emplacement of the massif into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle probably coincided with one of these depletion events. A later metasomatic episode caused the precipitation of a new generation of sulfides at ~0.7 to 0.9 Ga. These Proterozoic Os model ages are consistent with results obtained for several mantle suites in Central/Western Europe and Northern Africa as well as with the Nd model ages of the continental crust of these regions. This suggests that the events recorded in mantle sulfides of the Ronda peridotites reflect different stages of generation of the continental crust in the ancient Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

Continental intraplate basalts (15.42–0.16 Ma) from Abaga–Dalinuoer volcanic field (ADVF) in central Inner Mongolia of eastern China, as a part of Cenozoic volcanic province along eastern margin of the Eurasian continent, provide a good opportunity to explore potential links between deep subduction of the Pacific slab and continental intraplate volcanism. In this study, we report an integrated dataset of whole-rock K–Ar ages, major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, and olivine major and minor elements for the Abaga–Dalinuoer basalts (ADBs), and propose that mantle source lithology of the ADB magmas may consist of both pyroxenite and peridotite. The ADBs display low SiO2 (42.3–50.2 wt.%), high MgO (7.3–11.4 wt.%) and moderate K2O + Na2O (3.8–6.4 wt.%), and can be subdivided into basanites, alkali basalts and tholeiitic basalts that are all characterized by ocean island basalt (OIB)-like rare earth elements (REE) and enrichment in both large ion lithosphile elements (LILE) and high field strength elements (HFSE). Olivine phenocrysts have higher Ni and Fe/Mn and lower Mn, Ca and Ca/Fe relative to those from peridotite melts, but exhibit clearly lower Ni contents (< 2500 ppm) compared with expected Ni range (> 3000 ppm) for olivines crystallized from olivine-free pyroxenite melts. Estimated compositions of the ADB primary magmas, together with olivine compositions, suggest an iron-rich mantle source related with silica-deficient pyroxenite that is most likely derived from deeply subducted Pacific oceanic crust. Additionally, peridotite and recent subducted sediments are also required to account for high Ni and MgO in primary magmas together with their trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope systematics. We suggest that a mixed pyroxenite–peridotite source lithology can better match observed whole-rock and olivine signatures in the ADB, compared with either peridotite only or olivine-free pyroxenite only source lithology. In our model, pyroxenite melts would either react with or mechanically mix with peridotite, and the proportion of pyroxenite melts may range from 30% to 45% for mechanical mixing scenario. A continuous spectrum from tholeiitic to alkali melts revealed by melt-peridotite reaction experiment can explain formation of primary magmas of basanites, alkali basalts and tholeiitic basalts by increasing melting degree of a similar mantle source. Relatively higher 206Pb/204Pb of the ADB may suggest more significant role of recent (< 0.5 Ga) subducted Pacific oceanic materials, in contrast to other Cenozoic basalts in eastern China (e.g., Changbai basalts) that exhibit varying contributions from ancient (> 1.5 Ga) subducted continental sediments. We emphasize that coupled geochemical and geodynamic links (i.e., subduction polarity) between deeply subducted Pacific slab and continental intraplate volcanism in eastern China may exist, which directly support the involvement of deeply subducted Pacific materials in petrogenesis of the ADB. From the perspective of plate motion kinetics, decompression partial melting of upwelling fragmented Pacific slab (silica-deficient pyroxenite + recent subducted sediments) may be triggered by rollback of deeply subducted Pacific slab during Late Cenozoic times. Continental intraplate volcanism in the ADVF generally started with termination of opening of the Japan Sea, suggesting that deep subduction of the Pacific slab may have been an important geodynamic mechanism responsible for tectono-magmatic evolution of northeastern Asia. We suggest that the ADBs have the potential to shed light on genetic links between continental intraplate volcanism and deep subduction of the Pacific slab in geochemical and geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

Alkali-bearing Ti oxides were identified in mantle xenoliths enclosed in kimberlite-like rocks from Limeira 1 alkaline intrusion from the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, southeastern Brazil. The metasomatic mineral assemblages include mathiasite-loveringite and priderite associated with clinopyroxene, phlogopite, ilmenite and rutile. Mathiasite-loveringite (55–60 wt.% TiO2; 5.2–6.7 wt.% ZrO2) occurs in peridotite xenoliths rimming chromite (~50 wt.% Cr2O3) and subordinate ilmenite (12–13.4 wt.% MgO) in double reaction rim coronas. Priderite (Ba/(K+Ba)< 0.05) occurs in phlogopite-rich xenoliths as lamellae within Mg-ilmenite (8.4–9.8 wt.% MgO) or as intergrowths in rutile crystals that may be included in sagenitic phlogopite. Mathiasite-loveringite was formed by reaction of peridotite primary minerals with alkaline melts. The priderite was formed by reaction of peridotite minerals with ultrapotassic melts. Disequilibrium textures and chemical zoning of associated minerals suggest that the metasomatic reactions responsible for the formation of the alkali-bearing Ti oxides took place shortly prior the entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magma, and is not connected to old (Proterozoic) mantle enrichment events.  相似文献   

We found extremely high-Mg# (=Mg/(Mg + total Fe) atomic ratio) ultramafic rocks in Avacha peridotite suite. All the high-Mg# rocks have higher modal amounts of clinopyroxene than ordinary Avacha peridotite xenoliths, and their lithology is characteristically heterogeneous, varying from clinopyroxenite through olivine websterite to pyroxene-bearing dunite. The Mg# of minerals is up to 0.99, 0.98 and 0.97 in clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine, respectively, decreasing progressively toward contact with dunitic part, if any. The petrographical feature of pyroxenes in the high-Mg# pyroxenite indicates their metasomatic origin, and high LREE/HREE ratio of the metasomatic clinopyroxene implies that the pyroxenites are the products of reaction between dunitic peridotites and high-Ca, silicate-rich fluids. The lithological variation of the Avacha high-Mg# pyroxenites from clinopyroxenite to olivine websterite resulted from various degrees of fluid-rock reaction coupled with fractional crystallization of the high-Ca fluids, which started by precipitation of high-Mg# clinopyroxene. Such fluids were possibly generated originally at a highly reduced serpentinized peridotite layer above the subducting slab. The fluids can reach the uppermost mantle along a shear zone as a conduit composed of fine-grained peridotite that developed after continent-ward asthenospheric retreats from the mantle wedge beneath the volcanic front. The fluids are incorporated in mantle partial melts when the magmatism is activated by expansion of asthenosphere to mantle wedge beneath the volcanic front.  相似文献   

Determining an age framework for Precambrian crystalline rocks and associated granulite-facies metamorphism of the inner blocks in the North China Craton (NCC) is important for determining the tectonic setting and evolution of the craton during the Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic. The Eastern Hebei terrane (EHT), located in the Eastern Block of the NCC, is composed of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses and potassium-rich granitoids, along with rafts of supracrustal rocks that are intruded by basic dikes. TTG gneisses in the EHT yield crystallization ages of 2516–2527 Ma. The oldest age of inherited zircons from a mylonitic TTG gneiss is ~2918 Ma. Granulite-facies supracrustal metamorphic rocks in the Zunhua high-grade meta-greenstone belt indicate an andesitic/basaltic protolith that was formed at ~2498 Ma. A syn-deformational granite in the Jinchangyu greenschist-facies shear zone yields a crystallization age of ~2474 Ma. Metamorphism of the supracrustal rocks and mylonitic greenschist took place at ~2461 and ~2475 Ma, respectively. Rare earth elements (REE) patterns and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies indicate that the magmatic precursors of the supracrustal rocks might be derived from partial melting of a sub-arc mantle wedge and metasomatized by fluids derived from a subducting slab. These rocks plot in the island arc basalts (IAB) field on a La/Nb vs. La diagram, further supporting this interpretation. The microstructures of a garnet–two-pyroxene granulite indicate an approximately clockwise P-T path. The crystallization ages of the TTG gneisses represent periods of the major crustal growth in the NCC, and the granulite- and greenschist-facies metamorphism indicates an orogenic event that involved crustal thickening at ~2.47 Ga.  相似文献   

A suite of mainly spinel peridotite and subordinate pyroxenite xenoliths and megacrysts were studied in detail, enabling us to characterize upper mantle conditions and processes beneath the modern North American–Eurasian continental plate boundary. The samples were collected from 37-Ma-old basanites cropping out in the Main Collision Belt of the Chersky Range, Yakutia Republic (Russian Far East). The spinel lherzolites reflect a mantle sequence, equilibrated at temperatures of 890–1,025 °C at pressures of 1.1–2 GPa, with melt extraction estimated to be around 2–6 %. The spinel harzburgites are characterized by lower P–T equilibration conditions and estimated melt extraction up to 12 %. Minor cryptic metasomatic processes are recorded in the clinopyroxene trace elements, revealing that percolating hydrous fluid-rich melts and basaltic melts affected the peridotites. One of the lherzolites preserves a unique melt droplet with primary dolomite in perfect phase contact with Na-rich aluminosilicate glass and sodalite. On the basis of the well-constrained P–T frame of the xenolith suite, as well as the rigorously documented melt extraction and metasomatic history of this upper mantle section, we discuss how a carbonated silicate melt infiltrated the lherzolite at depth and differentiated into an immiscible carbonate and silicate liquid shortly before the xenolith was transported to the surface by the host basalt. Decreasing temperatures triggered crystallization of primary dolomite from the carbonate melt fraction and sodalite as well as quenched glass from the Na-rich aluminosilicate melt fraction. Rapid entrainment and transport to the Earth’s surface prevented decarbonatization processes as well as reaction phenomena with the host lherzolite, preserving this exceptional snapshot of upper mantle carbonatization and liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

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