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P. Thébault  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2006,183(1):193-206
We investigate classical planetesimal accretion in a binary star system of separation ab?50 AU by numerical simulations, with particular focus on the region at a distance of 1 AU from the primary. The planetesimals orbit the primary, are perturbed by the companion and are in addition subjected to a gas drag force. We concentrate on the problem of relative velocities Δv among planetesimals of different sizes. For various stellar mass ratios and binary orbital parameters we determine regions where Δv exceed planetesimal escape velocities vesc (thus preventing runaway accretion) or even the threshold velocity vero for which erosion dominates accretion. Gaseous friction has two crucial effects on the velocity distribution: it damps secular perturbations by forcing periastron alignment of orbits, but at the same time the size-dependence of this orbital alignment induces a significant Δv increase between bodies of different sizes. This differential phasing effect proves very efficient and almost always increases Δv to values preventing runaway accretion, except in a narrow eb?0 domain. The erosion threshold Δv>vero is reached in a wide (ab,eb) space for small <10-km planetesimals, but in a much more limited region for bigger ?50-km objects. In the intermediate vesc<Δv<vero domain, a possible growth mode would be the type II runaway growth identified by Kortenkamp et al. [Kortenkamp, S., Wetherill, G., Inaba, S., 2001. Science 293, 1127-1129].  相似文献   

Recently, Sloan Digital Sky Survey successfully carried out the reverberation mapping of a sky area, aiming to test the R ? L relation that has been already widely used. Here, R is the responsivity-weighted radius of the broad line region, and L is the optical luminosity at 5100 Å. Two results have been obtained from the data in the first year: (1) The time lags of AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei) with a high accretion rate are much shorter than that estimated from the R ? L relation, which confirmed the results of reverberation mapping observations made by the Lijiang 2.4 meter telescope. (2) Some AGNs with a lower accretion rate also have very short time lags. The shortening of the time lags of the AGNs with a low accretion rate is caused by the retrograde accretion of black holes. This result has verified from observations the theoretical prediction made by Wang et al. (2014). The discovery of the black holes with a retrograde accretion has important significance, it indicates that the cosmological evolution of the black holes in quasars is implemented via the inherently random accretion.  相似文献   

John Chambers 《Icarus》2006,180(2):496-513
A new semi-analytic model for the oligarchic growth phase of planetary accretion is developed. The model explicitly calculates damping and excitation of planetesimal eccentricities e and inclinations i due to gas drag and perturbations from embryos. The effects of planetesimal fragmentation, enhanced embryo capture cross sections due to atmospheres, inward planetesimal drift, and embryo-embryo collisions are also incorporated. In the early stages of oligarchic growth, embryos grow rapidly as e and i fall below their equilibrium values. The formation of planetesimal collision fragments also speeds up embryo growth as fragments have low-e, low-i orbits, thereby optimizing gravitational focussing. At later times, the presence of thick atmospheres captured from the nebula aids embryo growth by increasing their capture cross sections. Planetesimal drift due to gas drag can lead to substantial inward transport of solid material. However, inward drift is greatly reduced when embryo atmospheres are present, as the drift timescale is no longer short compared to the accretion timescale. Embryo-embryo collisions increase embryo growth rates by 50% compared to the case where growth is solely due to accretion of planetesimals. Formation of 0.1-Earth-mass protoplanets at 1 AU and 10-Earth-mass cores at 5 AU requires roughly 0.1 and 1 million years respectively, in a nebula where the local solid surface density is 7 g cm−2 at each of these locations.  相似文献   

We have analysed the available spectra of WW And and for the first time obtained a reasonably well defined radial velocity curve of the primary star. Combined with the available radial velocity curve of the secondary component, these data led to the first determination of the spectroscopic mass ratio of the system at qspec = 0.16 ± 0.03. We also determined the radius of the accretion disc from analysis of the double-peaked Hα emission lines. Our new, high-precision, Johnson VRI and the previously-available Strömgren vby light curves were modelled with stellar and accretion disc models. A consistent model for WW And – a semidetached system harbouring an accretion disc which is optically thick in its inner region, but optically thin in the outer parts – agrees well with both spectroscopic and photometric data.  相似文献   

Gravitational accretion in the rings of Saturn is studied with local N-body simulations, taking into account the dissipative impacts and gravitational forces between particles. Common estimates of accretion assume that gravitational sticking takes place beyond a certain distance (Roche distance) where the self-gravity between a pair of ring particles exceeds the disrupting tidal force of the central object, the exact value of this distance depending on the ring particles' internal density. However, the actual physical situation in the rings is more complicated, the growth and stability of the particle groups being affected also by the elasticity and friction in particle impacts, both directly via sticking probabilities and indirectly via velocity dispersion, as well as by the shape, rotational state and the internal packing density of the forming particle groups. These factors are most conveniently taken into account via N-body simulations. In our standard simulation case of identical 1 m particles with internal density of solid ice, ρ=900 kg m−3, following the Bridges et al., 1984 elasticity law, we find accretion beyond a=137,000-146,000 km, the smaller value referring to a distance where transient aggregates are first obtained, and the larger value to the distance where stable aggregates eventually form in every experiment lasting 50 orbital periods. Practically the same result is obtained for a constant coefficient of restitution εn=0.5. In terms of rp parameter, the sum of particle radii normalized by their mutual Hill radius, the above limit for perfect accretion corresponds to rp<0.84. Increased dissipation (εn=0.1), or inclusion of friction (tangential force 10% of normal force) shifts the accretion region inward by about 5000 km. Accretion is also more efficient in the case of size distribution: with a q=3 power law extending over a mass range of 1000, accretion shifts inward by almost 10,000 km. The aggregates forming in simulations via gradual accumulation of particles are synchronously rotating.  相似文献   

We model the growth of Jupiter via core nucleated accretion, applying constraints from hydrodynamical processes that result from the disk-planet interaction. We compute the planet's internal structure using a well tested planetary formation code that is based upon a Henyey-type stellar evolution code. The planet's interactions with the protoplanetary disk are calculated using 3-D hydrodynamic simulations. Previous models of Jupiter's growth have taken the radius of the planet to be approximately one Hill sphere radius, RH. However, 3-D hydrodynamic simulations show that only gas within ∼0.25RH remains bound to the planet, with the more distant gas eventually participating in the shear flow of the protoplanetary disk. Therefore in our new simulations, the planet's outer boundary is placed at the location where gas has the thermal energy to reach the portion of the flow not bound to the planet. We find that the smaller radius increases the time required for planetary growth by ∼5%. Thermal pressure limits the rate at which a planet less than a few dozen times as massive as Earth can accumulate gas from the protoplanetary disk, whereas hydrodynamics regulates the growth rate for more massive planets. Within a moderately viscous disk, the accretion rate peaks when the planet's mass is about equal to the mass of Saturn. In a less viscous disk hydrodynamical limits to accretion are smaller, and the accretion rate peaks at lower mass. Observations suggest that the typical lifetime of massive disks around young stellar objects is ∼3 Myr. To account for the dissipation of such disks, we perform some of our simulations of Jupiter's growth within a disk whose surface gas density decreases on this timescale. In all of the cases that we simulate, the planet's effective radiating temperature rises to well above 1000 K soon after hydrodynamic limits begin to control the rate of gas accretion and the planet's distended envelope begins to contract. According to our simulations, proto-Jupiter's distended and thermally-supported envelope was too small to capture the planet's current retinue of irregular satellites as advocated by Pollack et al. [Pollack, J.B., Burns, J.A., Tauber, M.E., 1979. Icarus 37, 587-611].  相似文献   

In this paper, the analytical and numerical results of the stability analysis of the accretion disk at the inner boundary is presented. Including the effect of finite conductivity in the disk dynamics, a simple calculation considering only the radial perturbation has been carried out. Within local approximation, it is concluded that the disk is stable to Kelvin-Helmholtz and resistive electromagnetic modes whereas the magnetosonic mode can destabilise the disk structure.  相似文献   

R. Helled  P. Bodenheimer 《Icarus》2010,207(2):503-508
The final composition of giant planets formed as a result of gravitational instability in the disk gas depends on their ability to capture solid material (planetesimals) during their ‘pre-collapse’ stage, when they are extended and cold, and contracting quasi-statically. The duration of the pre-collapse stage is inversely proportional roughly to the square of the planetary mass, so massive protoplanets have shorter pre-collapse timescales and therefore limited opportunity for planetesimal capture. The available accretion time for protoplanets with masses of 3, 5, 7, and 10 Jupiter masses is found to be and 5.67×103 years, respectively. The total mass that can be captured by the protoplanets depends on the planetary mass, planetesimal size, the radial distance of the protoplanet from the parent star, and the local solid surface density. We consider three radial distances, 24, 38, and 68 AU, similar to the radial distances of the planets in the system HR 8799, and estimate the mass of heavy elements that can be accreted. We find that for the planetary masses usually adopted for the HR 8799 system, the amount of heavy elements accreted by the planets is small, leaving them with nearly stellar compositions.  相似文献   

S.J. Weidenschilling 《Icarus》2011,214(2):671-684
The present size frequency distribution (SFD) of bodies in the asteroid belt appears to have preserved some record of the primordial population, with an excess of bodies of diameter D ∼ 100 km relative to a simple power law. The survival of Vesta’s basaltic crust also implies that the early SFD had a shallow slope in the range ∼10-100 km. (Morbidelli, A., Bottke, W.F., Nesvorny, D., Levison, H.F. [2009]. Icarus 204, 558-573) were unable to produce these features by accretion from an initial population of km-sized planetesimals. They concluded that bodies with sizes in the range ∼100-1000 km and a SFD similar to the current population were produced directly from solid particles of sub-meter scale, without experiencing accretion through intermediate sizes. We present results of new accretion simulations in the primordial asteroid region. The requisite SFD can be produced from an initial population of planetesimals of sizes ?0.1 km, smaller than the usual assumption of km-sized bodies. The bump at D ∼ 100 km is produced by a transition from dispersion-dominated runaway growth to a regime dominated by Keplerian shear, before the formation of large protoplanetary embryos. Thus, accretion of the asteroids from an initial population of small (sub-km) planetesimals cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

New numerical simulations of the formation and evolution of Jupiter are presented. The formation model assumes that first a solid core of several M accretes from the planetesimals in the protoplanetary disk, and then the core captures a massive gaseous envelope from the protoplanetary disk. Earlier studies of the core accretion-gas capture model [Pollack, J.B., Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J., Podolak, M., Greenzweig, Y., 1996. Icarus 124, 62-85] demonstrated that it was possible for Jupiter to accrete with a solid core of 10-30 M in a total formation time comparable to the observed lifetime of protoplanetary disks. Recent interior models of Jupiter and Saturn that agree with all observational constraints suggest that Jupiter's core mass is 0-11 M and Saturn's is 9-22 M [Saumon, G., Guillot, T., 2004. Astrophys. J. 609, 1170-1180]. We have computed simulations of the growth of Jupiter using various values for the opacity produced by grains in the protoplanet's atmosphere and for the initial planetesimal surface density, σinit,Z, in the protoplanetary disk. We also explore the implications of halting the solid accretion at selected core mass values during the protoplanet's growth. Halting planetesimal accretion at low core mass simulates the presence of a competing embryo, and decreasing the atmospheric opacity due to grains emulates the settling and coagulation of grains within the protoplanet's atmosphere. We examine the effects of adjusting these parameters to determine whether or not gas runaway can occur for small mass cores on a reasonable timescale. We compute four series of simulations with the latest version of our code, which contains updated equation of state and opacity tables as well as other improvements. Each series consists of a run without a cutoff in planetesimal accretion, plus up to three runs with a cutoff at a particular core mass. The first series of runs is computed with an atmospheric opacity due to grains (hereafter referred to as ‘grain opacity’) that is 2% of the interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10, 5, and 3 M. The second series of Jupiter models is computed with the grain opacity at the full interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10 and 5 M. The third series of runs is computed with the grain opacity at 2% of the interstellar value and . One cutoff run is computed with a core mass of 5 M. The final series consists of one run, without a cutoff, which is computed with a temperature dependent grain opacity (i.e., 2% of the interstellar value for ramping up to the full interstellar value for ) and . Our results demonstrate that reducing grain opacities results in formation times less than half of those for models computed with full interstellar grain opacity values. The reduction of opacity due to grains in the upper portion of the envelope with has the largest effect on the lowering of the formation time. If the accretion of planetesimals is not cut off prior to the accretion of gas, then decreasing the surface density of planetesimals lowers the final core mass of the protoplanet, but increases the formation timescale considerably. Finally, a core mass cutoff results in a reduction of the time needed for a protoplanet to evolve to the stage of runaway gas accretion, provided the cutoff mass is sufficiently large. The overall results indicate that, with reasonable parameters, it is possible that Jupiter formed at 5 AU via the core accretion process in 1 Myr with a core of 10 M or in 5 Myr with a core of 5 M.  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the gas and the radiation pressure in accretion disks during the infall of matter to the black hole and its effect to the flow. While the flow far away from the black hole might be non-relativistic, in the vicinity of the black hole it is expected to be relativistic behaving more like radiation. Therefore, the ratio of gas pressure to total pressure (β) and the underlying polytropic index (γ) should not be constant throughout the flow. We obtain that accretion flows exhibit significant variation of β and then γ, which affects solutions described in the standard literature based on constant β. Certain solutions for a particular set of initial parameters with a constant β do not exist when the variation of β is incorporated appropriately. We model the viscous sub-Keplerian accretion disk with a nonzero component of advection and pressure gradient around black holes by preserving the conservations of mass, momentum, energy, supplemented by the evolution of β. By solving the set of five coupled differential equations, we obtain the thermo-hydrodynamical properties of the flow. We show that during infall, β of the flow could vary up to ∼300%, while γ up to ∼20%. This might have a significant impact to the disk solutions in explaining observed data, e.g. super-luminal jets from disks, luminosity, and then extracting fundamental properties from them. Hence any conclusion based on constant γ and β should be taken with caution and corrected.  相似文献   

刘仁杰  王德育 《天文学报》1995,36(2):159-164
本文在细环近似和共转半么位移不为零的条件下,考虑吸积环中非轴对称动力学不稳定性的线性扰动过程,采用数值计算方法求得不稳定性的线性增长率和共转半径位移随波数的变化关系,发现线性增长率受共转半径不为零的影响较小,而共转半径位移项随波数的色散关系与线性Kdv方程的色散关系相同,说明窄吸收环在动力学不稳定性数值模拟中出现的“行星状解”很可能是类似于Kdv方程中的孤子解。  相似文献   

Raine Karjalainen 《Icarus》2007,189(2):523-537
Ring particle aggregates are formed in the outer parts of Saturn's main rings. We study how collisions between aggregates can lead to destruction or coalescence of these aggregates, with local N-body simulations taking into account the dissipative impacts and gravitational forces between particles. Impacts of aggregates with different mass ratios are studied, as well as aggregates that consist of particles with different physical properties. We find that the outcome of the collision is very sensitive to the shape of the aggregate, in the sense that more elongated aggregates are more prone to be destroyed. We were interested in testing the accretion criterion Barbara and Esposito [Barbara, J.M., Esposito, L.W., 2002. Icarus 160, 161-171] used in their F ring simulations, according to which accretion requires that the masses of the colliding bodies differ at least by a factor of 100. We confirm that such a critical mass ratio exists. In particular, simulations indicate that the exact critical mass ratio depends on the internal density and elasticity of particles, and the distance from the planet. The zone of transition, defined by the distance where individual particles or small aggregates first start to stick on the larger aggregate, and by the distance where two similar sized aggregates on the average eventually coalesce is only about 5000 km wide, if fixed particle properties are used. The rotational state of the aggregates that form via aggregate collision rapidly reaches synchronous rotation, similarly to the aggregates that form via gradual growth.  相似文献   

A radial velocity study is presented of the cataclysmic variable V378 Pegasi (PG 2337 + 300). It is found to have an orbital period of 0.13858 ± 0.00004 d (3.32592 ± 0.00096 h). Its spectrum and long-term light curve suggest that V378 Peg is a nova-like variable, with no outbursts. We use the approximate distance and position in the Galaxy of V378 Peg to estimate E(B − V) = 0.095, and use near-infrared magnitudes to calculate a distance of 680 ± 90 pc and MV = 4.68 ± 0.70, consistent with V378 Peg being a nova-like. Time-resolved photometry taken between 2001 and 2009 reveals a period of 0.1346 ± 0.0004 d (3.23 ± 0.01 h). We identify this photometric variability to be negative superhumps, from a precessing, tilted accretion disk. Our repeated measurements of the photometric period of V378 Peg are consistent with this period having been stable between 2001 and 2009, with its negative superhumps showing coherence over as many as hundreds or even thousands of cycles.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the surface density evolution of a planetesimal disk due to the effect of type-I migration by carrying out N-body simulation and through analytical method, focusing on terrestrial planet formation. The coagulation and the growth of the planetesimals take place in the abundant gas disk except for a final stage. A protoplanet excites density waves in the gas disk, which causes the torque on the protoplanet. The torque imbalance makes the protoplanet suffer radial migration, which is known as type-I migration. Type-I migration time scale derived by the linear theory may be too short for the terrestrial planets to survive, which is one of the major problems in the planet formation scenario. Although the linear theory assumes a protoplanet being in a gas disk alone, Kominami et al. [Kominami, J., Tanaka, H., Ida, S., 2005. Icarus 167, 231-243] showed that the effect of the interaction with the planetesimal disk and the neighboring protoplanets on type-I migration is negligible. The migration becomes pronounced before the planet's mass reaches the isolation mass, and decreases the solid component in the disk. Runaway protoplanets form again in the planetesimal disk with decreased surface density. In this paper, we present the analytical formulas that describe the evolution of the solid surface density of the disk as a function of gas-to-dust ratio, gas depletion time scale and semimajor axis, which agree well with our results of N-body simulations. In general, significant depletion of solid material is likely to take place in inner regions of disks. This might be responsible for the fact that there is no planet inside Mercury's orbit in our Solar System. Our most important result is that the final surface density of solid components (Σd) and mass of surviving planets depend on gas surface density (Σg) and its depletion time scale (τdep) but not on initial Σd; they decrease with increase in Σg and τdep. For a fixed gas-to-dust ratio and τdep, larger initial Σd results in smaller final Σd and smaller surviving planets, because of larger Σg. To retain a specific amount of Σd, the efficient disk condition is not an initially large Σd but the initial Σd as small as the specified final one and a smaller gas-to-dust ratio. To retain Σd comparable to that of the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), a disk must have the same Σd and a gas-to-dust ratio that is smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 1.3×(τdep/1 Myr) at ∼1 AU. (Equivalently, type-I migration speed is slower than that predicted by the linear theory by the same factor.) The surviving planets are Mars-sized ones in this case; in order to form Earth-sized planets, their eccentricities must be pumped up to start orbit crossing and coagulation among them. At ∼5 AU, Σd of MMSN is retained under the same condition, but to form a core massive enough to start runaway gas accretion, a gas-to-dust ratio must be smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 3×τdep/1 Myr.  相似文献   

We present results from a suite of N-body simulations that follow the formation and accretion history of the terrestrial planets using a new parallel treecode that we have developed. We initially place 2000 equal size planetesimals between 0.5 and 4.0 AU and the collisional growth is followed until the completion of planetary accretion (>100 Myr). A total of 64 simulations were carried out to explore sensitivity to the key parameters and initial conditions. All the important effect of gas in laminar disks are taken into account: the aerodynamic gas drag, the disk-planet interaction including Type I migration, and the global disk potential which causes inward migration of secular resonances as the gas dissipates. We vary the initial total mass and spatial distribution of the planetesimals, the time scale of dissipation of nebular gas (which dissipates uniformly in space and exponentially in time), and orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. We end up with 1-5 planets in the terrestrial region. In order to maintain sufficient mass in this region in the presence of Type I migration, the time scale of gas dissipation needs to be 1-2 Myr. The final configurations and collisional histories strongly depend on the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter. If today’s eccentricity of Jupiter is used, then most of bodies in the asteroidal region are swept up within the terrestrial region owing to the inward migration of the secular resonance, and giant impacts between protoplanets occur most commonly around 10 Myr. If the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter is close to zero, as suggested in the Nice model, the effect of the secular resonance is negligible and a large amount of mass stays for a long period of time in the asteroidal region. With a circular orbit for Jupiter, giant impacts usually occur around 100 Myr, consistent with the accretion time scale indicated from isotope records. However, we inevitably have an Earth size planet at around 2 AU in this case. It is very difficult to obtain spatially concentrated terrestrial planets together with very late giant impacts, as long as we include all the above effects of gas and assume initial disks similar to the minimum mass solar nebular.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a wide multiple system α Centauri + Proxima. The total energy of the system was estimated according to the available observational data on masses, coordinates, proper motions, and radial velocities of its components. To account for the effect of the observational data errors on the result, we have implemented the Monte Carlo method. From N = 106 statistical tests we show that with the probability of about 90% the motion is hyperbolic, i.e., α Cen AB and Proxima will after a while diverge from each other by a considerable distance. We also perform numerical modeling of dynamic evolution of the wide pair α Cen AB + Proxima in the regular field of the Galaxy. The trajectory of relative motion is constructed. The components diverge from each other by a distance of 20 pc over the time scale of about 200 Myr. The critical parameter for determining the dynamic status of the system is the radial velocity of the C component (Proxima), known with an error of 200 ms?1. For a reliable determination of the nature of motions in the system, we have to decrease the radial velocity error by at least an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

We found a new empirical fonmula for the distance of the n-th satellite in the Jovian, Saturnian and Uranian systems, an = B1 × Bn, with just two constants b1 and B for each system. The difference between the observed distances and the values calculated according to this formula is generally less than 10%. We take the view that the satellites were formed from the accretion of planetesimals in the gas-planetesimal disk surrounding the planet, that the main component of the disk was gas so that the effect of gas drag would be very important in the above process. Our theoretical analysis shows that one type of radial perturbation in the disk will lead to instability and hence the formation of gaseous rings with enhanced density. Within these rings, the planetesimals stick together to form the satellites, and it is the form of the distribution of the rings that leads to the distance law.  相似文献   

We have performed N-body simulations on the stage of protoplanet formation from planetesimals, taking into account so-called “type-I migration,” and damping of orbital eccentricities and inclinations, as a result of tidal interaction with a gas disk without gap formation. One of the most serious problems in formation of terrestrial planets and jovian planet cores is that the migration time scale predicted by the linear theory is shorter than the disk lifetime (106-107 years). In this paper, we investigate retardation of type-I migration of a protoplanet due to a torque from a planetesimal disk in which a gap is opened up by the protoplanet, and torques from other protoplanets which are formed in inner and outer regions. In the first series of runs, we carried out N-body simulations of the planetesimal disk, which ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 AU, with a protoplanet seed in order to clarify how much retardation can be induced by the planetesimal disk and how long such retardation can last. We simulated six cases with different migration speeds. We found that in all of our simulations, a clear gap is not maintained for more than 105 years in the planetesimal disk. For very fast migration, a gap cannot be created in the planetesimal disk. For migration slower than some critical speed, a gap does form. However, because of the growth of the surrounding planetesimals, gravitational perturbation of the planetesimals eventually becomes so strong that the planetesimals diffuse into the vicinity of the protoplanets, resulting in destruction of the gap. After the gap is destroyed, close encounters with the planetesimals rather accelerate the protoplanet migration. In this way, the migration cannot be retarded by the torque from the planetesimal disk, regardless of the migration speed. In the second series of runs, we simulated accretion of planetesimals in wide range of semimajor axis, 0.5 to 2-5 AU, starting with equal mass planetesimals without a protoplanet seed. Since formation of comparable-mass multiple protoplanets (“oligarchic growth”) is expected, the interactions with other protoplanets have a potential to alter the migration speed. However, inner protoplanets migrate before outer ones are formed, so that the migration and the accretion process of a runaway protoplanet are not affected by the other protoplanets placed inner and outer regions of its orbit. From the results of these two series of simulations, we conclude that the existence of planetesimals and multiple protoplanets do not affect type-I migration and therefore the migration shall proceed as the linear theory has suggested.  相似文献   

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