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The Tomino–Bereznyaki ore field lies in the western part of the East Urals volcanic megazone (20–30 km southwest of Chelyabinsk). The commercial Tomino porphyry (Mo, Au)–Cu deposit is localized in the east of the field, within a small mesoabyssal intrusion of quartz–diorite composition. The epithermal Au–Ag Bereznyaki deposit is confined to subvolcanic dioritic porphyrites in the west of the field. The western and eastern parts of the ore field have a tectonic boundary. Granitoids belong to a single volcanoplutonic complex of K–Na-quartz–diorite composition. The U–Pb concordant age of zircons from the ore-bearing dioritic porphyrite of the Tomino and Bereznyaki deposits is 428 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 0.9) and 427 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 1.1), respectively. A Silurian absolute age has been established for the Urals porphyry Cu ore-magmatic system for the first time. The diorites and acid metasomatites of both deposits contain a unique three-mica assemblage (Mu, Pa, and Mu0.36Pa0.64). The metasomatized diorites are of similar isotope-petrogeochemical compositions; they have close total REE contents (24–52 ppm) and REE patterns. Their Zr–Hf, Nb–Ta, and La–Ce diagrams show similar trends. The obtained data indicate the close time of formation of the porphyry and epithermal deposits and their probable genetic unity. The vertical evolution of the porphyry Cu column from meso- and hypabyssal to subvolcanic level includes the isotope (Sr, S, and O) crust–mantle interaction. The deposits formed at different depths expose on the modern surface as a result of the block tectonic processes in the ore field.  相似文献   

Tourmalines from the Kalinovka porphyry copper deposit with epithermal bismuth-gold-basemetal mineralization and the Michurino gold-silver-base-metal prospect have been studied in the South Urals. Tourmaline from the Kalinovka deposit occurs as pockets and veinlets in quartz-sericite metasomatic rock and propylite. The early schorl-“oxy-schorl” [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.66?0.81] enriched in Fe3+ is characterized by the homovalent isomorphic substitution of Fe3+ for Al typical of propylites at porphyry copper deposits. The overgrowing tourmalines of the second and third generations from propylite and quartz-sericite metasomatic rock are intermediate members of the dravite-magnesio-foitite solid solution series [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.05?0.46] with homovalent substitution of Mg for Fe2+ and coupled substitution of X ? + YAl for XNa + YMg. These substitutions differ from the coupled substitution of YAl + WO2? for YFe2+ + WOH? in tourmaline from quartz-sericite rocks at porphyry copper deposits. At the Michurino prospect, the tourmaline hosted in the chlorite-pyrite-quartz veins and veinlets with Ag-Au-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is an intermediate member of the dravite-magnesio-foitite solid solution series [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.20?0.31] with homovalent substitution of Mg for Fe2+ and coupled substitutions of X ? + YAl for XNa + YMg identical to that of late tourmaline at the Kalinovka deposit. Thus, tourmalines of the porphyry and epithermal stages are different in isomorphic substitutions, which allow us to consider tourmaline as an indicator of super- or juxtaposed mineralization.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and geochemical studies of precious metal mineralization within the Baimka trend in the western Chukchi Peninsula have been preformed. Porphyry copper–molybdenum–gold deposits and prospects of the Baimka trend are spatially related to monzonitic rocks of the Early Cretaceous Egdygkych Complex. Four types of precious metal-bearing assemblages have been identified: (1) chalcopyrite + bornite + quartz with high-fineness native gold enclosed in bornite, (2) low-Mn dolomite + quartz + sulfide (chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tennantite-tetrahedrite) ± tourmaline with low-fineness native gold and hessite, (3) rhodochrosite + high-Mn dolomite + quartz + sulfide (chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tennantite- tetrahedrite) with low-fineness native gold, electrum, acanthite, Ag and Au–Ag tellurides, and Ag sulfosalts, and (4) calcite + quartz + sulfide (chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena) with low-fineness native gold, Ag sulfides and selenides, and Ag-bearing sulfosalts. Study of fluid inclusions from quartz, sphalerite, and fluorite have revealed that hydrothermal ores within the Baimka trend precipitated from fluids with strongly variable salinity at temperatures and pressures ranging from 594 to 104°C and from 1200 to 170 bar, respectively. An indicator of vertical AgPbZn/CuBiMo geochemical zoning is proposed. The value range of this indicator makes it possible to estimate the erosion level of the porphyry–epithermal system. The erosion level of the Baimka deposits and prospects deepens in the following order: Vesenny deposit → Pryamoi prospect → Nakhodka prospect → Peschanka deposit → III Vesenny prospect.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Gold and silver mineralogy is studied in ores of the Biksizak base-metal deposit (South Urals, Russia). This is a skarn-related carbonate replacement mineralization...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Ores of epithermal Au–Ag deposits of the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanoplutonic belt are characterized by enrichment in a wide spectrum of elements in relation to the...  相似文献   

The geochemical features and conditions of formation of the Paleozoic epithermal Au–Ag mineralization in the pre-accretion Kedon (D2–3) volcanoplutonic belt located within the Omolon craton terrain are described. The new data on the composition and contents of trace and rare-earth elements (REEs) in igneous ores of epithermal deposits is provided. The elevated grades of a wide range of trace elements as compared to the average values of the upper crust have been identified.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from host felsic volcanics, as well as fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks were studied at the Cu-Zn massive sulfide deposits in the Verkhneural’sk ore district, the South Urals. The high-temperature (850–1210°C) magmatic melts of volcanic rocks are normal in alkalinity and correspond to rhyolites of the tholeiitic series. The groups of predominant K-Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.3–1.0), less abundant Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.15–0.3), and K-type (K2O/Na2O = 1.9–9.3) rhyolites are distinguished. The average concentrations (wt %) of volatile components in the melts are as follows: 2.9 H2O (up to 6.5), 0.13 Cl (up to 0.28), and 0.09 F (up to 0.42). When quartz was crystallizing, the melt was heterogeneous, contained magnetite crystals and sulfide globules (pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, bornite). High-density aqueous fluid inclusions, which were identified for the first time in quartz phenocrysts from felsic volcanics of the South Urals, provide evidence for real participation of magmatic water in hydrothermal ore formation. The fluids were homogenized at 124–245°C in the liquid phase; the salinity of the aqueous solution is 1.2–6.2 wt % NaCl equiv. The calculated fluid pressure is very high: 7.0–8.7 kbar at 850°C and 5.1–6.8 kbar at 700°C. The LA-ICP-MS analysis of melt and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts shows a high saturation of primary magmatic fluid and melt with metals. This indicates ore potential of island-arc volcanic complexes spatially associated with massive sulfide deposits. The systematic study of fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks at five massive sulfide deposits of the Verkhneural’sk district furnished evidence that ore-forming fluids had temperature of 375–115°C, pressure up to 1.0–0.5 kbar, chloride composition, and salinity of 0.8–11.2 (occasionally up to 22.8) wt % NaCl equiv. The H and O isotopic compositions of sericite from host metasomatic rocks suggest a substantial contribution of seawater to the composition of mineral-forming fluids. The role of magmatic water increases in the central zones of the feeding conduit and with depth. The dual nature of fluids with the prevalence of their magmatic source is supported by S, C, O, and Sr isotopic compositions. The TC parameters of the formation of massive sulfide deposits are consistent with the data on fluid inclusions from contemporary sulfide mounds on the oceanic bottom.  相似文献   

Thermobarogeochemical studies have revealed the relatively high-temperature ore-bearing fluid of the N’yavlenga deposit. The dependence between the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions and salinity of the fluid and the bimodal distribution of salinity values indicates mixing of two different fluids in the ore-bearing system. These facts are related to the thermal metamorphism of ores from the N’yavlenga deposit and indicate the complex relations of the early Au-Ag epithermal and late Au-Cu-Mo porphyry mineral complexes in orebodies of the deposit.  相似文献   

Before our studies, it was considered that the Bagrusha rhyolite–porphyry complex (BC) including veins and thin dykes occurring in the Kusa region among deposits presumably of the Satka and Avzyan Formations of the Lower and Middle Riphean, respectively. Based on the U–Pb SHRIMP and IDTIMS studies of zircons from rhyodacite—porphyry, we established the age of the BC formation of T0 = 1348.6 ± 3.2 Ma for the first time. The age obtained is inconsistent with the idea on the Paleozoic age of the BC and the geological situation shown on geological maps of the region. The age (T0 = 1348.6 ± 3.2 Ma) of rhyodacite–porphyry from the BC provides evidence for acid volcanism controlled by the Mashak (Middle Riphean) magmatic event in the region, and deposits hosting volcanic rocks of the BC cannot be younger than the base of the Middle Riphean, i.e., the Mashak Formation, which was not previously distinguished by researchers in the western part of the Kusa and Bakal–Satka regions. At the same time, it is possible that deposits hosting dykes and veins of the granite–rhyolite formation may have a Bakal (Lower Riphean) age.  相似文献   

New structural, petrological, chemical, isotope, and paleomagnetic data have provided clues to the Late Riphean–Paleozoic history of the Uda–Vitim island arc system (UVIAS) in the Transbaikalian sector of the Paleoasian ocean, as part of the Transbaikalian zone of Paleozoids. The island arc system consists of three units corresponding to main evolution stages: (i) Upper Riphean (Late Baikalian), (ii) Vendian–Lower Paleozoic (Caledonian), and (iii) Middle–Upper Paleozoic (Hercynian). The earliest stage produced the base of the system composed of Late Riphean ophiolite (971–892 Ma, U-Pb) and volcanic (837–789 Ma, U-Pb) and sedimentary rocks (hemipelagic siliceous sediments and dolerite sills) which represent the Barguzin–Vitim oceanic basin and the Kelyana island arc. The main event of the second stage was the formation of the large UVIAS structure (over 150,000 km2) which comprised the Transbaikalian oceanic basin, the forearc and backarc basins, and the volcanic arc itself, and consisted of many volcanic-tectonic units exceeding 100 km2 in area (Eravna, Oldynda, Abaga, etc.). Lithology, stratigraphy, major–element compositions, and isotope ages of Vendian–Cambrian volcanic rocks and associated sediments indicate strong differentiation of calc-alkaline series and the origin of the island arc system upon oceanic crust, in a setting similar to that of the today’s Kuriles–Kamchatka island arc system. The Middle–Upper Paleozoic stage completed the long UVIAS history and left its imprint in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in superposed trough basins. The rocks were studied in terms of their biostratigraphic and isotope age constraints, as well as major- and trace-element compositions, and were interpreted as products of weathering and tectonic-magmatic rework of the UVIAS units.  相似文献   

The origin and sources of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky miaskite-carbonatite complex, one of the world’s largest alkaline complexes, with unique rare-metal and colored-stone mineralization and Nb, Zr, and REE deposits, are discussed in this paper. Geochemical and isotopic studies, including of Nd, Sr, C, and O isotopes, as well as estimation of PT formation conditions, of miaskites and carbonatites from various deposits of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex have been carried out. The Vishnevogorsky, Potaninsky, and Buldym Nb-REE deposits and the Il’mensky, Baidashevo, and Uvil’dy occurrences related to carbonatites were investigated. Their geological setting, composition, and ore resource potential are characterized. The genetic models and typical features of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex are considered. The rocks of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex were formed at T = 1000?230°C and P = 2–5 kbar. Carbonated miaskite melt was divided into immiscible silicate and carbonate liquids at T = 1000°C and P = 5 kbar. Miaskite crystallized at T = 850?700°C and P = 3.5–2.5 kbar. The formation temperature of carbonatite I of the Vishnevogorsky pluton was close to the temperature of miaskite crystallization (700–900°C). The crystallization temperature of carbonate-silicate rock and carbonatite I in the Central alkaline tract was 650–600°C. The formation temperature of carbonatite II varied from 590 to 490°C. Dolomite-calcite carbonatite III and dolomite carbonatite IV of the Buldym massif were formed at T = 575?410°C and T = 315?230°C, respectively. The geochemical features of carbonatites belonging to the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex differ from those of carbonatites related to alkaline ultramafic rocks and are close to those of carbonatites related to nepheline syenite or carbonatites localized in linear fracture zones. A high Sr content in early carbonatites along with relatively low Ba, Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, and Hf contents and a certain enrichment in HREE (a low La/Yb ratio) in comparison with carbonatites of the alkaline ultramafic association are typical. The geochemistry of carbonatites of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex corresponds to the trend of geochemical evolution of carbonatitic melts and their fluid derivatives. The Sr, Nd, C, and O isotopic compositions indicate a mantle magmatic source of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky Complex and participation of moderately depleted mantle (DM) and enriched mantle EM1 in magma generation. Carbonatite and miaskite of the Vishnevogorsky pluton are related to the DM magma source, and carbonatite of the Buldym massif, to the EM1 source, probably, involved in the plume ascent.  相似文献   

Zijinshan is a large porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore system located in the Zijinshan mineral field (ZMF) of southwestern Fujian Province, China. Although it is commonly accepted that the early Cretaceous magmatism and the metallogenesis of the mineral field are closely related, the tectonic setting for the ore-forming event(s) has been controversial and regarded as either extensional or subduction-related. New U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systematics, and geochemical data presented here from granites and volcanic rocks in the mineral field help to clarify this uncertainty.LA–MC–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analyses yield weighted mean ages of between ca. 165 and 157 for the monzogranite, ca. 112 Ma for granodiorite, and between ca. 111 and 102 Ma for nine samples of volcanic units in the study area. These dates, integrated with previous geochronological data, indicate that there were two magmatic events in the area during the Middle to Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous. Major and trace element geochemistry indicates that these rocks are high-K, calc-alkaline granites, are enriched in LREE and Th, U, Ta, Nd, Sm and Yb, and depleted in Ba, K, Sr, P, Ti and Y. These features are characteristic of volcanic-arc granites or active-continental margin granites. The Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons in the region have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 to 0.7173, εNdT values of − 10.1 to − 7.6, 206Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 18.51–18.86, 207Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 15.64–15.73, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 38.76–39.18. The Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks are distinctly different with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7055–0.7116, εNdT values of − 8 to 0.5, 206Pb/204Pb ratios ranging between 18.49 and 19.77, 207Pb/204Pb ratios of 15.63–15.71, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 38.71–40.62. These characteristics suggest that the source for the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons is a partially melted Mesoproterozoic substrate, with a minor component from Paleozoic material, whereas the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks may represent mixing of crustal and mantle-derived melts. It is therefore suggested that the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons, and the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the ZMF are the result of an active continental-margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. Given that the mineralization and the early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the area are genetically related, the Zijinshan porphyry–epithermal ore system formed in the subduction-related tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope analysis of Late Paleozoic granitoids of Central Chukotka, which are exemplified by the Kibera and Kuekvun plutons, are...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper reports new data on the Early Ordovician age established for granitoids of the gabbro—tonalite–trondhjemite complex in the Denisovka ophiolite zone...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Early Paleozoic age of the protolith for gneisses in the East Uralian megazone (South Urals) is proved by zircon dating. Two metamorphic complexes have been identified...  相似文献   

Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa represents the best example of paired porphyry Cu and epithermal Cu–Au deposits within the Late Cretaceous Apuseni–Banat–Timok–Srednogorie magmatic and metallogenic belt of Eastern Europe. The two deposits are part of the NW trending Panagyurishte magmato-tectonic corridor of central Bulgaria. The deposits were formed along the SW flank of the Elshitsa volcano-intrusive complex and are spatially associated with N110-120-trending hypabyssal and subvolcanic bodies of granodioritic composition. At Elshitsa, more than ten lenticular to columnar massive ore bodies are discordant with respect to the host rock and are structurally controlled. A particular feature of the mineralization is the overprinting of an early stage high-sulfidation mineral assemblage (pyrite ± enargite ± covellite ± goldfieldite) by an intermediate-sulfidation paragenesis with a characteristic Cu–Bi–Te–Pb–Zn signature forming the main economic parts of the ore bodies. The two stages of mineralization produced two compositionally different types of ores—massive pyrite and copper–pyrite bodies. Vlaykov Vruh shares features with typical porphyry Cu systems. Their common geological and structural setting, ore-forming processes, and paragenesis, as well as the observed alteration and geochemical lateral and vertical zonation, allow us to interpret the Elshitsa and Vlaykov Vruh deposits as the deep part of a high-sulfidation epithermal system and its spatially and genetically related porphyry Cu counterpart, respectively. The magmatic–hydrothermal system at Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa produced much smaller deposits than similar complexes in the northern part of the Panagyurishte district (Chelopech, Elatsite, Assarel). Magma chemistry and isotopic signature are some of the main differences between the northern and southern parts of the district. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Elshitsa magmatic complex are indicative for the medium- to high-K calc-alkaline character of the magmas. 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios of igneous rocks in the range of 0.70464 to 0.70612 and 143Nd/144Nd(i) ratios in the range of 0.51241 to 0.51255 indicate mixed crustal–mantle components of the magmas dominated by mantellic signatures. The epsilon Hf composition of magmatic zircons (+6.2 to +9.6) also suggests mixed mantellic–crustal sources of the magmas. However, Pb isotopic signatures of whole rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.13–18.64, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.58–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.69–38.56) along with common inheritance component detected in magmatic zircons also imply assimilation processes of pre-Variscan and Variscan basement at various scales. U–Pb zircon and rutile dating allowed determination of the timing of porphyry ore formation at Vlaykov Vruh (85.6 ± 0.9 Ma), which immediately followed the crystallization of the subvolcanic dacitic bodies at Elshitsa (86.11 ± 0.23 Ma) and the Elshitsa granite (86.62 ± 0.02 Ma). Strontium isotope analyses of hydrothermal sulfates and carbonates (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70581–0.70729) suggest large-scale interaction between mineralizing fluids and basement lithologies at Elshitsa–Vlaykov Vruh. Lead isotope compositions of hydrothermal sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.432–18.534, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.608–15.647, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.497–38.630) allow attribution of ore-formation in the porphyry and epithermal deposits in the Southern Panagyurishte district to a single metallogenic event with a common source of metals.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief review of what I consider as the state of the art regarding the largely accepted data and ideas concerning the Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of South China. The South China craton was built by the welding of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, with a different previous history giving a different pre-Neoproterozoic basement composition, due to the Jiangnan (Jinning, Sibao) orogeny. This Jiangnan orogeny was a collisional event, induced by the consumption of an intervening oceanic domain by subduction beneath the Yangzte plate. The evolution involved a volcanic arc on the Yangtze active margin, active from ca. 980 Ma to ca. 850 Ma, the subsequent collision beginning at around 870–860 Ma and responsible for the emplacement of thrust sheets of ophiolitic mélange (dated around 1000–900 Ma) and blueschists (900–870 Ma), followed by late- to post-collisional granitic plutonism (840–800 Ma). The newly amalgamated South China craton suffered from rifting, starting around 850 Ma, marked by mafic–ultramafic magmatism until ca. 750 Ma. The Nanhua rift basin evolved with a thick sedimentation in its middle part until the Ordovician. South China was affected by the Early Paleozoic orogeny (mainly Silurian), characterized by a strong quasi-symmetrical intracontinental shortening, involving the sedimentary cover of the rift and its margins as well as the basement, leading to crustal thickening. This crustal thickening induced an important anatexis and emplacement of peraluminous granites during the Silurian. Unlike the Jiangnan orogeny, which was of collisional type, the Early Paleozoic one was a bit similar to a Pyrenean intracontinental type.Some pending problems need further research for clarification, for example: the location and timing of integration of South China within Rodinia, the triggering factor of the Early Paleozoic orogeny, the mapping of the contacts bounding the Lower Paleozoic thrust sheets responsible for the crustal thickening.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Data on the mineralogical and geochemical features of three epithermal gold deposits in Kamchatka, as well as on the compositions and physicochemical parameters of...  相似文献   

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