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Termit盆地位于尼日尔东南部,属于西非裂谷系的北延部分,是发育于前寒武系—侏罗系基底之上的中、新生代裂谷盆地。该盆地早白垩世—古近纪经历了"裂谷—坳陷—裂谷"的构造演化过程及"陆相—海相—陆相"的沉积演化过程,表现为晚白垩世大规模海侵、早白垩世和古近纪两期裂谷叠置的特点。基于构造作用影响裂谷盆地层序发育的观点,分析了Termit盆地下白垩统裂谷阶段内的层序地层充填样式。根据裂谷作用的强弱,将早白垩世裂谷阶段划分为裂谷初始期、裂谷深陷期及裂谷萎缩期3个阶段。裂谷初始期层序断裂活动弱,构造沉降小,长轴物源体系较为发育,陡坡带为加积至退积型河流或三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育加积型河流或三角洲体系。裂谷深陷期层序断裂活动强烈,构造沉降大,陡坡带形成退积型水下扇或滑塌扇沉积,缓坡带发育退积型三角洲体系,盆地中心为泥岩充填。裂谷萎缩期层序断裂活动减弱并趋于停止,陡坡带为进积型扇三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育进积型三角洲体系。研究表明:裂谷作用对层序地层充填样式具有明显的控制作用,以构造作用为主线的裂谷盆地层序地层分析方法,能有效预测沉积体系和储层分布。  相似文献   

The origin of the Baikal rift zone (BRZ) has been debated between the advocates of passive and active rifting since the 1970s. A re-assessment of the relevant geological and geophysical data from Russian and international literature questions the concept of broad asthenospheric upwelling beneath the rift zone that has been the cornerstone of many “active rifting” models. Results of a large number of early and recent studies favour the role of far-field forces in the opening and development of the BRZ. This study emphasises the data obtained through studies of peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths brought to the surface by alkali basaltic magmas in southern Siberia and central Mongolia. These xenoliths are direct samples of the upper mantle in the vicinity of the BRZ. Of particular importance are suites of garnet-bearing xenoliths that have been used to construct PT- composition lithospheric cross-sections in the region for the depth range of 35–80 km.Xenolith studies have shown fundamental differences in the composition and thermal regime between the lithospheric mantle beneath the ancient Siberian platform (sampled by kimberlites) and beneath younger mobile belts south of the platform. The uppermost mantle in southern Siberia and central Mongolia is much hotter at similar levels than the mantle in the Siberian craton and also has significantly higher contents of ‘basaltic’ major elements (Ca, Al, Na) and iron, higher Fe/Si and Fe/Mg. The combination of the moderately high geothermal gradient and the fertile compositions in the off-cratonic mantle appears to be a determining factor controlling differences in sub-Moho seismic velocities relative to the Siberian craton. Chemical and isotopic compositions of the off-cratonic xenoliths indicate small-scale and regional mantle heterogeneities attributed to various partial melting and enrichment events, consistent with long-term evolution in the lithospheric mantle. Age estimates of mantle events based on Os–Sr–Nd isotopic data can be correlated with major regional stages of crustal formation and may indicate long-term crust–mantle coupling. The ratios of 143/144Nd in many LREE-depleted xenoliths are higher than those in MORB or OIB source regions and are not consistent with a recent origin from asthenospheric mantle.Mantle xenoliths nearest to the rift basins (30–50 km south of southern Lake Baikal) show no unequivocal evidence for strong heating, unusual stress and deformation, solid state flow, magmatic activity or partial melting that could be indicative of an asthenospheric intrusion right below the Moho. Comparisons between xenoliths from older and younger volcanic rocks east of Lake Baikal, together with observations on phase transformations and mineral zoning in individual xenoliths, have indicated recent heating in portions of the lithospheric mantle that may be related to localised magmatic activity or small-scale ascent of deep mantle material. Overall, the petrographic, PT, chemical and isotopic constraints from mantle xenoliths appear to be consistent with recent geophysical studies, which found no evidence for a large-scale asthenospheric upwarp beneath the rift, and lend support to passive rifting mechanism for the BRZ.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main recent results obtained by the seismological and geophysical monitoring arrays in operation in the rift of Corinth, Greece. The Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL) is set up near the western end of the rift, where instrumental seismicity and strain rate is highest. The seismicity is clustered between 5 and 10 km, defining an active layer, gently dipping north, on which the main normal faults, mostly dipping north, are rooting. It may be interpreted as a detachment zone, possibly related to the Phyllade thrust nappe. Young, active normal faults connecting the Aigion to the Psathopyrgos faults seem to control the spatial distribution of the microseismicity. This seismic activity is interpreted as a seismic creep from GPS measurements, which shows evidence for fast continuous slip on the deepest part on the detachment zone. Offshore, either the shallowest part of the faults is creeping, or the strain is relaxed in the shallow sediments, as inferred from the large NS strain gradient reported by GPS. The predicted subsidence of the central part of the rift is well fitted by the new continuous GPS measurements. The location of shallow earthquakes (between 5 and 3.5 km in depth) recorded on the on-shore Helike and Aigion faults are compatible with 50° and 60° mean dip angles, respectively. The offshore faults also show indirect evidence for high dip angles. This strongly differs from the low dip values reported for active faults more to the east of the rift, suggesting a significant structural or rheological change, possibly related to the hypothetical presence of the Phyllade nappe. Large seismic swarms, lasting weeks to months, seem to activate recent synrift as well as pre-rift faults. Most of the faults of the investigated area are in their latest part of cycle, so that the probability of at least one moderate to large earthquake (M = 6 to 6.7) is very high within a few decades. Furthermore, the region west to Aigion is likely to be in an accelerated state of extension, possibly 2 to 3 times its mean interseismic value. High resolution strain measurement, with a borehole dilatometer and long base hydrostatic tiltmeters, started end of 2002. A transient strain has been recorded by the dilatometer, lasting one hour, coincident with a local magnitude 3.7 earthquake. It is most probably associated with a slow slip event of magnitude around 5 ± 0.5. The pore pressure data from the 1 km deep AIG10 borehole, crossing the Aigion fault at depth, shows a 1 MPa overpressure and a large sensitivity to crustal strain changes.  相似文献   

A map of major active faults has been constructed for the Baikal rift system (BRS). Recent active faults are identified using seismological data. The BRS seismicity of the past 40 years is statistically analyzed. Areas of a “stable” concentration of epicenters are revealed. On this basis, a zone of recent fracturing of the lithosphere is identified and its relation to active and developing faults of the BRS is analyzed. The zone of the lithosphere fracturing is a major tectonic structure, which controls both the recent seismic process and the reactivation of ancient faults. It is demonstrated that the available seismological data can provide a basis for a detailed classification of faults by degree of their tectonic activity. Regularities in the distribution of strong earthquakes along the zone of the recent fracturing of the lithosphere are established, as well as regularities in the distribution of strong and weak seismic events relative to transform and other faults. The degree of the fault reactivation is determined by their spatial closeness to the axial zone of the recent rupturing of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

在层序地层学原理和方法的指导下,综合利用地震、测井、钻井及岩心等资料,结合盆地构造演化特征,建立了梨 树断陷断陷层(晚侏罗世火石岭组及早侏罗世沙河子组、营城组和登娄库组)层序地层格架。将梨树断陷断陷层划分为 1 个一级层序(TSq1)、3 个二级层序 (I—III)、7 个三级层序 (SQ1—SQ7),并在层序格架内进行沉积相划分和沉积体系研究, 明确研究区主要发育冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、近岸水下扇和湖泊等沉积体系。冲积扇沉积体系主要分布在早期 SQ2 层序中;扇三角洲沉积体系主要分布在 SQ3 和 SQ4 层序中;SQ5,SQ6 和 SQ7 层序则以辫状河三角洲沉积为主;近岸水 下扇沉积体系主要发育在 SQ4、SQ5 和 SQ6 各层序的陡坡带。沉积体系在平面与纵向上的演化受古构造与古地貌的双重控制, 提出梨树断陷 SQ4 和 SQ5 层序沉积砂体为较有利的勘探区域。  相似文献   

基于东非裂谷系西支地震地质综合解释对比研究,发现该生长型裂谷盆地受基底属性影响,主要发育陡断面地堑型盆地结构,沿边界主控断裂走向发育背离型和接近型两类主要调节构造,沿边界主控断裂倾向主要发育地垒式和地堑式两类调节构造。构造样式控制了主要成藏条件:陡断面地堑式裂谷能够形成沉积范围广、厚度大的湖相优质烃源岩;裂谷间走向调节构造属于一级调节带,控制长轴辫状河三角洲的展布;裂谷内错断的边界断裂带属于次级走向调节构造,控制中小型扇三角州的发育。倾向调节构造形成的断鼻、断块圈闭,为该类盆地的主要油气藏类型。  相似文献   

地层不整合结构的量化判识是油气藏,特别是地层不整合油气藏成藏研究的关键问题。针对断陷盆地覆盖区不整合结构研究相对局限、量化判识不够的现状,研究了济阳坳陷第三系不整合纵向结构的发育特征,将不整合结构划分为Ⅰ1,Ⅰ2 和Ⅱ三种类型,它们可通过实验室岩芯样品的分析测试量化判识。由于不整合各层结构在测井曲线上都有一定的响应,因而根据多种测井曲线构建了综合分层曲线,并用最优分割法确定了地层中不整合面的位置。在此基础上,根据GR,AC和SP 曲线建立了主成分曲线,并综合岩芯地质和分析测试研究成果,提出了量化判识不整合结构的量化标准图版。该方法应用于济阳坳陷地层不整合油气藏勘探中,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

中国东-南部裂陷系列盆地油气资源十分丰富,而断层的分布演化十分复杂,是油气进一步勘探开发需要解决的关键问题。本文应用广义断层模式,在大量三维地震资料构造解析的基础上,以渤海湾盆地的南堡凹陷和北部湾盆地的涠西南凹陷为例,对中国东-南部盆地复杂的断裂系统进行了解剖和归纳,并提出了伸展变形区预测断层性质的伸展应变椭圆。结果表明,中国东-南部裂陷盆地断裂系统的复杂性存在9种表现方式,从成因上进一步归纳为3个方面:(1)断层的走向和性质多样;(2)断层在平、剖面上存在复杂多变的组合形式;(3)断层形成和演化存在复杂的时-空关系。造成复杂性的根本原因是先存断裂分布的复杂性和不同方向(北西-南东向和近南北向)伸展变形的叠加。不同盆地、同一盆地不同区域应力场演化具有很大的相似性:40Ma以前,北西-南东向伸展;38Ma以来,近南北向伸展。断层分布和演化差异主要是由先存构造分布差异造成的。  相似文献   

气候和构造是裂谷盆地地层形成的两个重要控制因素。Zscape数字陆地景观演化模型通过对裂谷盆地汇水扇体系的模拟揭示出一些与裂谷盆地地层形成相关的气候及构造过程。Zscape模型的相关实验结果与层序地层结构的分析认为:(1)扇面积与断层滑动速率成反比;(2)高水位期大量沉积物进积是断层滑动速率减小所引发的;(3)层序界面的形成与低水位和水进沉积是降水速率变化所致。这些认识用于分析北安断陷沙河子期大量扇体沉积的发育和层序结构的形成。沙河子组下部层序发育时期构造活动剧烈,上部层序发育时期构造活动相对趋于稳定,断裂活动和降水速率的变化控制了层序发育。Zscape模型及其实验结果的地质分析,以及在北安断陷的应用显示,构造和气候的单因素分析对一些地质认识,特别是沉积作用对于断裂活动的滞后性的理论解释起到了推动作用。  相似文献   

苏北盆地南部的高邮凹陷,是一古近纪半地堑式断陷盆地。其中发育了近东西向、北东东向与北北东向3套断层系统。高邮凹陷基底存在着中三叠世末前陆变形所形成的北东东向逆冲断层与晚侏罗世北北东向左行平移断层。古近纪期间该凹陷处于近南北向拉伸的区域伸展应力状态,近东西向断层就是在此应力作用下新生的正断层。高邮凹陷边界上总体北东东向的真①断层、吴①断层与柳菱断层皆是追踪北东东与北北东向两组基底断层而发育的,并以前者为主。它们呈现为右行平移正断层活动,因而真①断层派生了3条左阶雁列状的真②断层。凹陷中、西部大量出现的北东东向断层,一方面是由于南、北边界上北东东向断层影响了局部应力状态,另一方面也有部分是复活的基底断层。凹陷内部北北东向断层皆为复活的基底断层,以活动早、规模小为特征。高邮凹陷各类基底断层的复活方式包括形成直接复活断层、派生雁列状断层、断续分布断层与连接断层。高邮凹陷断层系统的形成机制表明,区域应力状态与基底断层是决定断陷盆地内断层系统方位与活动方式的两个关键因素,基底断层的作用与影响是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

中国东部和中—西部含油气盆地内构造样式在平面上多为雁列展布,在构造演化过程中都注入了扭动因素。归纳出了扭动构造的六大地震地质特征,如扭断裂带主断面产状近于直立插入基底,向上向外撒开呈花状结构;花状结构的花枝呈喇叭口形弯曲;扭断裂带两侧同期构造及断裂呈雁列式展布等。中国东部第三纪以拉张翘倾运动为主,贯穿其内的郯庐断裂具有一定程度的扭动性质,使得中国东部的构造存在扭动因素,如济阳坳陷张扭性帚状构造样式、黄骅“入”字形断裂构造样式等。中国中—西部扭动构造的形成,受红河、阿尔金等断裂的影响,从河内盆地的扭动痕迹可以推测莺歌海盆地也具有扭动属性;沿阿尔金主断裂南缘派生的一组近东西向断裂呈右旋雁列。塔里木盆地的东西向断裂构造带以挤压为主,北西向形成右旋性质的压扭构造带,北东向则为左旋性质的压扭构造带。  相似文献   

龙陵—瑞丽走滑体系中段自相似结构与热液成矿定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张永北 《地质学报》1999,73(4):334-341
龙陵-瑞丽走滑体系是滇西三江构造带中腾冲地块与邦地块交界线南段的大规模右旋平移走滑带。剖面上它是一个自相似的花状构造体系;平面上则是一个由强应变带与弱应变域交织复合的自相似的网眼构造,表现为大尺度的“网眼构造”套叠小尺度的“网眼构造”的复杂图像,热液蚀变主要集中在不同尺度的弱应变域的下列三个部位:(1)弱应变域消失部斜面朝向与走滑运动方向一致的一侧。(2)强烈错位部;(3)角砾化透镜体中。走滑带的  相似文献   

华北陆块北缘西段狼山—白云鄂博裂谷系中元古代形成的大型多金属矿床 ,是我国重要的铁、稀土、铜、铅、锌矿产地。矿床为产于沉积岩中热水沉积型多金属矿床。其形成受地层、构造控制 ,与裂谷作用有着密切的关系。裂谷系内外分支的地质环境及矿床矿种不同 ,导致矿床特征及成因具有一定差异。白云鄂博铁、稀土矿床为钾、钠、磷等含量较高的热水沉积型 ,霍各乞铜、铅、锌多金属矿床为与中基性火山岩有关的过渡热水沉积型 ,东升庙和甲生盘等铅、锌多金属矿床为热水沉积型。文中将对上述矿床分别进行论述。  相似文献   

Barite occurrences related to the Cenozoic (Late Alpine) low-temperature hydrothermal activity are present in the continental Ohře (Eger) Rift area. A specific, Ra-bearing type of barite has been known under the name “radiobarite” from this area since 1904. Revision of 12 localities revealed the presence of alleged radiobarite only in the Teplice (Lahošť–Jeníkov) and Karlovy Vary areas. Barite from other localities is radium-poor. Barite crystals showing concentric oscillation colour zoning totally prevail. Isomorphous substitution of Sr (X×10−1 to X×wt%), Ca (X×10−2 wt%) and Fe (X×10−1 wt%) for Ba was proved. Average SrO contents of 0.4 wt% are markedly exceeded in some samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov (max. 3.2 wt%) and Karlovy Vary (max. 4.9 wt%). Besides inclusions of stoichiometric iron disulphide, the same samples also contain iron disulphides with unusual high contents of Co (max. 12.2 wt%) and Ni (max. to 8.4 wt%). Specific activity of 238U in the studied barites is very low while that of 226Ra reaches 8 Bq/g in several samples. Therefore, 226Ra is not in equilibrium with its parent uranium. These “radiobarites” or their parts must be therefore relatively young, not older than 10–15 ka. Very low uranium contents (<0.4 ppm) were also confirmed by neutron activation analyses of barite samples.

Unit-cell dimensions refined from X-ray powder diffraction data do not show any systematic variation with the measured chemical composition. Their values agree with the data given in the literature. Reflection half-widths, however, seem to correlate with chemistry. Peaks are wider in samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov and Karlovy Vary.

Sulphur and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the Cenozoic barite mineralization of Teplice area are very uniform (δ34S values between 3.9‰ and 7.1‰ CDT, and δ18O values between 6.1‰ and 7.7‰ SMOW), while the barites of Děc˘ín area show more variable sulphur sources. Sulphate derived from sediments of the Tertiary Most Basin seems to dominate for the Teplice area, while Cretaceous sediments are a more probable sulphur source in the Děc˘ín area. Calculation of oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids based on fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and barite δ18O data shows δ18Ofluid values in the range of meteoric waters or δ18O – shifted deep circulating meteoric or basinal waters.  相似文献   

A set of 41 focal mechanisms (1989–2006) from P-wave first polarities is computed from relocated seismic events in the Giudicarie–Lessini region (Southern Alps). Estimated hypocentral depths vary from 3.1 to 20.8 km, for duration magnitudes (MD) in the range 2.7–5.1. Stress and strain inversions are performed for two seismotectonic zones, namely G (Giudicarie) and L (Lessini). This subdivision is supported by geological evidence, seismicity distribution, and focal mechanism types. The available number of data (16 in G, 22 in L) does not make possible any further subdivisions. Seismotectonic zones G and L are undergoing different kinematic regimes: thrust with strike-slip component in G, and strike-slip in L. Principal stress and strain axes in each sub-region show similar orientations. The direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress is roughly perpendicular to the thrust fronts along the Giudicarie Belt in zone G, and compatible with right-lateral strike-slip reactivation of the faults belonging to the Schio-Vicenza system in zone L. On the whole, kinematic regimes and horizontal stress orientations show a good fit with other stress data from focal mechanisms and breakouts and with geodetic strain rate axes.  相似文献   

环青藏高原巨型盆山体系构造与塔里木盆地油气分布规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
中国中西部受控于喜山期青藏高原的隆升和向北、向东的推挤,在其外围形成一个巨型的盆山构造体系,环青藏高原巨型盆山体系主要由复活后的古造山带、前陆冲断带和小型克拉通盆地三个基本的构造单元组成,其中古生界小型克拉通与中新生界前陆冲断带是重要的含油气单元,它决定了中国中西部油气分布主要受古生界克拉通古隆起和中新生界前陆冲断带的控制。塔里木盆地在纵向上由发育齐全的下古生代碳酸盐岩、上古生代海相-海陆交互相碎屑岩沉积和中新生代陆相碎屑岩等构造层序叠置而成,在平面上以较稳定的小型克拉通为核心,边缘环绕库车、喀什、塔西南、塔东南等褶皱或冲断变形的前陆冲断带。塔里木盆地古生界小型克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆逆冲带叠合-复合的构造特征,以及演化的多阶段性,决定了这类盆地具有"多套烃源岩、多储盖组合、多含油气系统"的叠合-复合含油气系统的特点;油气分布受小型克拉通盆地中的古隆起控制,形成大面积岩性地层油气藏,前陆盆地中的冲断带构造控制形成背斜油气藏,具有多期成藏并存与晚期成藏为主的特点。  相似文献   

汪劲草  胡勇  刘云田 《地质学报》2006,80(8):1141-1148
基于盆-山耦合关系、地震剖面解释及盆地沉积特征,认为早侏罗世柴达木为箕状断陷盆地,具“南断北超”性质,中侏罗世亦为箕状断陷盆地,具“北断南超”性质。昆仑山北缘正断层与阿尔金左行、鄂拉山右行走滑断裂,分别控制了早侏罗世柴西、柴东箕状断陷盆地;随着昆仑山隆升向北扩展,北倾的高角度正断层逐渐旋转上凸,柴南早侏罗世地层逐渐剥蚀而缺失,仅残存于柴北缘鄂博梁、冷湖构造带等地区。下侏罗统与基底接触带发育的“鱼鳞式”构造,为地壳不均匀隆升时,多世代旋转正断层先后切割所致。柴西南隆升导致中侏罗世地层向北、北东迁移,并出现反向箕状断陷盆地。因此,柴达木早—中侏罗世箕状断陷盆地的反向与沉积迁移,记录了青藏高原北部地壳由水平拉张转换为垂向隆升并向北扩展的地质过程。  相似文献   

甘-新北山金窝子金矿田构造控矿解析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
金窝子金矿田位于中朝-塔里木板块与哈萨克斯坦板块俯冲碰撞带南缘的甘-新北山中带,是受断裂构造控制的岩浆热液型金矿床.区域构造格局控制成矿带的分布,不同构造单元具有不同的控矿构造型式.金矿田内基本构造格局是走向NE、倾向NW的低角度逆冲断层及其伴生(派)生的同走向高角度逆冲断层、紧闭褶皱以及与其垂直的高角度横张断层组成的推覆构造体系.NE向低角度逆冲断层控制蚀变糜棱岩型金矿化(以210金矿床为代表),NNW向高角度横张断层控制石英脉型金矿化(以金窝子金矿床为代表),而NE向高角度逆冲断层和紧闭褶皱中无金矿化.NE向低角度断层不仅是重要的含矿构造,而且在成矿过程中起着控制成矿物理化学界面的作用.所以,金窝子金矿田2种不同金矿化类型是同一成矿作用在不同控矿构造动力学条件下的具体表现.  相似文献   

断裂是复杂断块油气藏聚集成藏最主要的控制因素,查明断裂体系发育特征和封闭性的强弱是断块油气藏勘探开发 和有利区带预测的关键。本文在对东营穹窿构造区地震资料精细解释的基础上,结合相干体和断裂活动性对断裂体系的时 空发育特征进行了分析,并对主要断层的封闭性进行了评价,在此基础上探讨了断裂封闭性与油气聚集分布的关系,结果 表明:东营穹窿构造的形成与孔店组、沙四段的盐、膏岩及塑性泥岩层的上拱、北界边界断层的逆牵引和后期的右旋张扭 有关,多期次叠加、多方向伸展、多类型组合的断裂体系将其复杂化;不同构造层、不同部位断层封闭性的存在较大差异, Es3—Es2x 亚段二级断层封闭性较好,三级断裂则较差,Es2s—Ed 段则表现出相反的趋势;油气藏的聚集分布与断层封闭性 好坏具有很好的相关性,多聚集于封闭性好的断层附近,封闭性差的油源断层很难聚集成藏。  相似文献   

埕岛低凸起东部南区新生代受控于伸展与走滑作用,断裂构造复杂,传统认为中深层北东向与近东西向断层属于同期同沉积断层。针对这一观点及引起的问题,利用钻井和地震资料,运用构造地质理论解析断裂系统。研究区主要发育正断层、走滑正断层两种类型,断开层位有基底—东营组、平原组—东营组、平原组—基底三种情况,现今断裂以东营组与馆陶组之间的区域不整合面为时限划分为两期断裂系统。早期断裂主要切开基底—东下段,属于同沉积断层;晚期断裂主要切开平原组—东营组,可断达基底,其发育受早期断裂制约。北东向与近东西向断层分别属于早晚两期断裂系统,对油气分布各起关键性控制作用:先期基底升降引起的伸展作用形成北东向断层,控制洼槽地貌与深水重力流沉积环境,发育了连片的层状砂质碎屑流;后期郯庐断裂右行走滑派生了近东西向雁列断层,断层面既充当储层上倾方向的遮挡条件,又在东西向挤压时封闭性变差而变成油气垂向运移通道,断层及断层作用控制了圈闭分布与油气聚集的有序性,自东向西,圈闭及油水界面依次升高且充满度变小,呈全充满、欠充满、半充满等状态。断裂系统研究将地质体置于一定的构造应力场中,分析断层组合的空间排列和交切关系以及断层的力学机制和位移特征等,探究时空演化对油气分布的控制作用。断裂系统研究方法在构造作用叠合区具有适宜性,对该区及类似地区的勘探开发具有现实意义。  相似文献   

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