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Harrat Al-Birk volcanics are products of the Red Sea rift in southwest Saudi Arabia that started in the Tertiary and reached its climax at ~ 5 Ma.This volcanic field is almost monotonous and is dominated by basalts that include mafic-ultramafic mantle xenoliths(gabbro,websterite,and garnet-clinopyroxenite).The present work presents the first detailed petrographic and geochemical notes about the basalts.They comprise vesicular basalt,porphyritic basalt,and flow-textured basalt,in addition to red and black scoria.Geochemically,the volcanic rock varieties of the Harrat Al-Birk are low- to medium-Ti,sodic-alkaline olivine basalts with an enriched oceanic island signature but extruded in a within-plate environment.There is evidence of formation by partial melting with a sort of crystal fractionation dominated by clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides.The latter have abundant titanomagnetite and lesser ilmenite.There is a remarkable enrichment of light rare earth elements and depletion in Ba,Th and K,Ta,and Ti.The geochemical data in this work suggest Harrat Al-Birk basalts represent products of watersaturated melt that was silica undersaturated.This melt was brought to the surface through partial melting of asthenospheric upper mantle that produced enriched oceanic island basalts.Such partial melting is the result of subducted continental mantle lithosphere with considerable mantle metasomatism of subducted oceanic lithosphere that might contain hydrous phases in its peridotites.The fractional crystallization process was controlled by significant separation of clinopyroxene followed by amphiboles and Fe-Ti oxides,particularly ilmenite.Accordingly,the Harrat Al-Birk alkali basalts underwent crystal fractionation that is completely absent in the exotic mantle xenoliths(e.g.Nemeth et al.in The Pleistocene Jabal Akwa A1 Yamaniah maar/tuff ring-scoria cone complex as an analogy for future phreatomagmatic to magmatic explosive eruption scenarios in the Jizan Region,SW Saudi Arabia 2014).  相似文献   

Quaternary alluvium, ranging in thickness from a few to 100 meters underlain by Precambrian rocks of metamor-phic and igneous origin, constitutes an important source of ground water in Wadi Al-Yammaniyah, Saudi Arabia. The purpose of this report is to assess the hydraulic properties, quality of water, and estimated change in storage in waterbearing rocks in the area. The results of eight pumping tests carried out in hand-dug, large-diameter wells, indicate that the hydraulic conductivity of the alluvial aquifer ranges from 5.6 × 10−5 to 1.85 × 10−3 cm/second (3.36 × 10−5 to 1.11 × 10−3 m/minute) and that its storativity varies from 8.23 × 10−2 to 1.17 × 10−1. The aquifer is replenished by sporadic but intensive rainfall of short duration. The present withdrawal is only about 10 percent of the annual recharge which is estimated at 52 × 106 m3. It is shown that there is a substantial potential for the future development of potable ground water which would be required for the development of the area.  相似文献   

The Atexcac maar is located in the central part of the Serdán–Oriental lacustrine/playa basin in the eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt. It is part of a dispersed and isolated monogenetic field consisting of maar volcanoes, basaltic cinder cones and rhyolitic domes. Atexac is a maar volcano excavated into pyroclastic deposits, basaltic lava flows and the flanks of a cinder cone cluster, which itself was built on a topographic high consisting of limestone. It has an ENE-trending elliptical shape with beds, mostly unconsolidated deposits that dip outward at 16–22°. The Atexcac crater was formed from vigorous phreatomagmatic explosions in which fluctuations in the availability of external water, temporal migration of the locus of the explosion, and periodic injection of new magma were important controls on the evolution of the maar crater. Variations in grain sizes and component proportions of correlated deposits from the different sections suggest a migration of the locus of explosions, producing different eruptive conditions with fluctuating water–magma interactions. Deposits rich in large intrusive and limestone blocks are associated with a matrix enriched in small andesitic lapilli. This could suggest differential degrees of fragmentation due to inherited (previously acquired) fragmentation and/or relative distance to the locus of explosions. Initial short-lived phreatic explosions started at the southwest part of the crater and were followed by an ephemeral vertical column and the influx of external water that led to relatively shallow explosive interactions with the ascending basaltic magma. Drier explosions progressed downward and/or laterally northward, sampling subsurface rock types, particularly intrusive, limestone and andesitic zones as well as localized altered zones (N-NE), caused by repetitive injection of basaltic magma. A final explosive phase involved a new injection of magma and a new influx of external water producing wetter conditions at the end of the maar formation. We infer the aquifer was formed by fractured rocks, predominantly andesitic lava flows and limestone rocks. Andesitic accessory clasts dominate in all stratigraphic levels but these rocks are not exposed in the nearby area. These local hydrogeological conditions contrast with those at nearby maar volcanoes, where the water for the magma/water interactions apparently mostly came from a dominantly unconsolidated tuffaceous aquifer, producing tuff rings with a much lower profile than Atexcac.  相似文献   

Split Butte is a volcanic crater of Quaternary age consisting of a tephra ring which at one time retained a lava lake. The tephra is thinly bedded and is composed of partially palagonitized sideromelane clasts and subordinate lithic fragments. The beds typically dip radially away from the center of the crater, but locally dip toward the crater center. The tephra ring resulted from phreatomagmatic eruptions as a result of interaction of groundwater with rising basaltic magma, evidenced by glassy and granulated pyroclastic debris, the presence of abundant palagonite and other secondary minerals, numerous armored lapilli, and plastically deformed ash layers below ejecta blocks. Statistical analysis of the grain size distribution of the ash also indicates a phreatomagmatic origin of Split Butte tephra. In addition, the analysis reveals that the stratigraphically lowest tephra was deposited primarily by pyroclastic flow mechanisms while the upper tephra layers, comprising the bulk of the deposits, were deposited dominantly by airfall and pyroclastic surge. The lava lake and four en echelon basalt dikes were emplaced when phreatomagmatic activity at the vent ceased. Subsequent collapse caused a broad, shallow pit crater to form in the laval lake, and minor spattering occurred at one point along the pit crater scarp. Partial erosion of the tephra, deposition of aeolian sediments and encroachment of the Butte by later lava flows completed the development of Split Butte.  相似文献   

Geophysical and geological studies of an Ethiopian maar, Haro Maja, demonstrate that its eruptive history is more complex than surface geology alone suggests. The crater is 750 m by 1000 m in diameter and varies in depth from 70 m to 110 m. A strong magnetic anomaly is caused by a central basaltic mound, but a broader crater-wide anomaly is best modelled by a 50 m thick frozen lava lake, 30 m below the crater floor. The central mound was not erupted directly onto the lava lake, but was extruded onto top of the sedimentary infill after a quiescent depositional interval. Electrical resistivity measurements further indicate that other basaltic intrusions failed to reach the surface during that eruptive period.  相似文献   

During a 52-day eruption in 1256 A.D., 0.5 km3 of alkali-olivine basalt was extruded from a 2.25-km-long fissure at the north end of the Harrat Rahat lava field, Saudi Arabia. The eruption produced 6 scoria cones and a lava flow 23 km long that approached the ancient and holy city of Madinah to within 8 km. Three chemical types of basalt are defined by data point clusters on variation diagrams, i.e. the low-K, high-K, and hybrid types. All three erupted simultaneously. Their distribution is delineated in both scoria cones and lava flow units from detailed mapping and a petrochemical study of 135 samples. Six flow units, defined by distinct flow fronts, represent extrusive pulses. The high-K type erupted during all six pulses, the low-K type during the first three, and the hybrid type during the first two.Three mineral assemblages occur out of equilibrium in all three chemical types.Assemblage 1 contains resorbed olivine and clinopyroxene megacrysts and ultramafic microxenoliths (Fo90 + Cr spinel + Cr endiopside) which fractionated within the spinel zone of the mantle.Assemblage 2 contains resorbed plagioclase megacrysts (An60) with olivine inclusions (Fo78) which fractionated in the crust.Assemblage 3 contains microphenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine in a groundmass of the same minerals with late-crystallizing titansalite and titanomagnetite; assemblage 3 crystallized at the surface and/or in the upper crust. Each assemblage represents a distinct range in PTX environment, suggesting that their coexistence in each chemical type may be a function of magma mixing. Such a process is confirmed by variable ratios of incompatible element pairs in a range of analyses.All three chemical types are products of mixing. Some of the hybrid types may have developed from surface mixing of the low-K and high-K lavas; however, the occurrence of all three types at the vent system suggests that subsurface mixing was the dominant process. We suggest that the Madinah flow was extruded from a heterogeneous magma chamber containing vertically stacked sections equivalent to the six eruptive pulses. This chamber may have developed contemporaneously with magma mixing when a crustal reservoir containing a magma in equilibrium with assemblage 2 was invaded by a more primitive magma containing cognate microxenoliths and megacrysts of assemblage 1.  相似文献   

Field, petrographic and geochemical criteria identify the Eocambrian, 500 km2, mafic-ultramafic complex of Jabal al Wask as an ophiolite possibly formed in a back-arc environment. It is one of several ultramafic bodies that lie in NW-SE zones across western Arabia and northeast Africa. The basement between these zones is mainly granitic and seemingly developed by the cratonization of island arcs. It is suggested that the ultramafic zones are sutures between these arcs and that the ophiolites represent oceanic lithosphere remnants of back-arc seas.As palaeomagnetic evidence precludes any extensive movement of individual arcs, a palaeogeographic situation analogous to that of present-day southwest Pacific is envisaged.  相似文献   

In arid and hyper-arid zones, groundwater exploration is one of the most significant ways to locate potential new water supplies. Geophysical prospecting is currently the most successfully used method for locating new supplies, but it is rather costly. Satellite remote sensing (RS) detection, however, with its integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides the best chance for identifying and initially evaluating water-bearing formations. In the western part of Saudi Arabia, Wadi Na'man has for centuries been one of the major water sources for the city of Makkah Al-Mukarramah. It is therefore very important to find appropriate groundwater potential (GP) zones in this wadi for water supply. This study utilizes RS and GIS techniques, and also studies the hydrogeological, geological, and geomorphological characteristics that have significant impact on groundwater occurrence in Wadi Na'man. Representative layers are generated for each component and each given a weight ratio that depends on the level of influence. The overlay and integration of these thematic layers was used to produce a map that shows the most promising potential groundwater areas and classifies local potentials as either low, medium, or high. The results also reveal that the areas overall-rated as “promising” (i.e., classified as medium or high) represent approximately 17-25% of the total basin area and consist mainly of Quaternary sediments and connected fractured rock areas.  相似文献   

This study aimed at the micro-level seismic behavior and zoning of the saline sabkha strata in Jubail industrial area in Eastern Saudi Arabia. It encompasses the evaluation of the site-specific seismic response parameters and the liquefaction potential for various possible subsurface conditions under the probable seismic event(s). The approach to achieve the objectives of this study included the following: analysis of geologic, hydrologic, and geotechnical data of the area; performance of field and laboratory dynamic testing; and dynamic modeling and analysis of the subsurface profiles. The results of the simulation have been used to develop liquefaction potential maps and site-specific spectra of the study area, consisting of ten seismic zones under a range of probable peak horizontal ground acceleration (PHA). Results do not show significant probability of liquefaction of the loose soil layers in the study area at the maximum possible design PHA of 0.035 g; however, liquefaction is anticipated at higher PHA values. Site-specific spectral response resulted in values of S s and S 1 spectral accelerations to be different as compared to those suggested by local standards. The resulting seismic micro-zonation maps and the corresponding parameters are very useful for the stability analysis of the existing and planned structures in the Jubail area.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the exploitation of the existing water resources in the Asir region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has considerably increased due to both the decrease in annual precipitation and the added population pressures from the growing tourist industry. To face the conventional water shortage, attention has been mainly focused on desalination of water. To save the region from severe water shortage, additional new water sources that are low-cost and renewable must be identified. There exists an alternative source of water such as fog water harvesting. Fog forms in the Asir Region more frequently between December and February compared to the other months of the year. This paper presents the study of the climatic conditions in the Asir region of the Kingdom to identify the most suitable location for fog water collection as well as design and testing of two large fog collectors (LFCs) of size 40?m2 along with standard fog collectors (SFCs) of 1?m2 in that region. During the period from 27 December 2009 to 9 March 2010, a total of 3,128.4 and 2,562.4 L of fog water were collected by the LFC at two sites in the Al-Sooda area of the Asir region, near Abha. Experimental results indicate that fog water collection can be combined with rain water harvesting systems to increase water yield during the rainy season. The quality of the collected fog water was analyzed and compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standards and found to be potable. An economic analysis was carried out for the proposed method of obtaining fresh water from the fog. The study suggests a clear tendency that in terms of both quality and magnitude of yield, fog is a viable source of water and can be successfully used to supplement water supplies in the Asir region of the Kingdom.  相似文献   

Ali Subyani  Zekai en 《水文研究》2006,20(20):4373-4380
The rainfall and infiltration elements of the hydrological cycle in arid regions are characterized by temporal and spatial variations that are random and sporadic. Consequently, the chloride concentration in rainfall has a similar behaviour. Despite this, the classical chloride mass balance (CMB) approach only employs arithmetic and weighted averages for recharge estimation. In this paper, the classical CMB method is modified by taking into account some perceived deficiencies in the methodology. The modified CMB method takes into consideration additional statistical parameters, namely variances and the correlation coefficient between variables concerned based on the application of the perturbation method. Strategic aquifer planning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires a quick method for estimating groundwater recharge in order to determine the temporal management of available water resources. To demonstrate the difference between the classical and the refined CMB methods, both were applied to a representative basin, i.e. Wadi Yalamlam, in the western part of Saudi Arabia. Based on the refined calculations, recharge to groundwater is found to be 11% of the effective annual rainfall. This refined method provides higher recharge rates because it takes into account the actual variability in the variables concerned and can, thus, improve the accuracy of future groundwater recharge estimation studies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sequence of earthquakes took place in June 2004 approximately 60 km southeast of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. The first felt event (M W = 3.9) occurred on June 9 and caused minor damage in the epicentral area according to the National Earthquake Information Center and the local reports. Another moderate size event occurred on June 22 (M W = 5.1) and was followed by a few felt aftershocks without any reported damage. This earthquake sequence caused considerable alarm at Tabuk and highlights the fact that damaging earthquakes can occur in this region away from the major plate boundary in the Red Sea. Being the largest well-recorded event in the area for which the digital and broadband records from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Cyprus, and Kuwait are available, it provides an excellent opportunity to study the tectonic process and present day stress field acting on this area. The digital records from these regional networks were used to relocate the largest three events of this sequence. Focal mechanisms were obtained from full waveform inversion and indicate normal faulting mechanisms with two nodal planes oriented NW–SE in parallel to the faults bounding the Tabuk graben and the Red Sea rift axis. These events originated at shallow focal depths of 4–5 km, possibly contributing to the widely felt ground motions. These events offer a unique opportunity to study the active tectonics of the region as well as inform future studies of seismic hazard in northwestern Saudi Arabia, the Gulf of Aqaba, and eastern Egypt.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard assessment is carried out by utilizing deterministic approach to evaluate the maximum expected earthquake ground motions along the Western Coastal Province of Saudi Arabia. The analysis is accomplished by incorporating seismotectonic source model,determination of earthquake magnitude(Mmax), set of appropriate ground motion predictive equations(GMPE), and logic tree sequence. The logic tree sequence is built up to assign weight to ground motion scaling relationships. Contour maps of ground acceleration are generated at different spectral periods. These maps show that the largest ground motion values are emerged in northern and southern regions of the western coastal province in Saudi Arabia in comparison with the central region.  相似文献   

The upper 40 m of Lake Nyos is bounded on the north by a narrow dam of poorly consolidated pyroclastic rocks, emplaced during the eruptive formation of the Lake Nyos maar a few hundred years ago. This 50-m-wide natural dam is structurally weak and is being eroded at an uncertain, but geologically alarming, rate. The eventual failure of the dam could cause a major flood (estimated peak discharge, 17000 m3/s) that would have a tragic impact on downstream areas as far as Nigeria, 108 km away. This serious hazard could be eliminated by lowering the lake level, either by controlled removal of the dam or by construction of a 680-m-long drainage tunnel about 65 m below the present lake surface. Either strategy would also lessen the lethal effects of future massive CO2 gas releases, such as the one that occurred in August 1986.  相似文献   

Carbonate mineralogy of El Qasr reef sediments, north of Jeddah on the west coast of Saudi Arabia, was studied by X-ray analysis. Although the mineralogical composition varies only little, there are significant differences in the proportions of aragonite and high Mg-calcite between the environments. Lagoon sediments, which contain relatively more fine-grained material, are characterized by higher aragonite concentrations than the reef flat sediments. Decreasing grain size and increasing aragonite contents towards the centre of the lagoon suggest a transport of aragonitic mud from the shallow reef flat to the lagoon. The amount of fine fraction and occasionally the nature of the coarse fraction rather than the sand-sized skeletal material controls the aragonite concentrations in the reef sediments. Low Mg-calcite, which occurs in minor quantities and is erratically distributed in the reef sediments, is derived from the Pleistocene coral limestone in the coastal plain. Aragonite abundances in the sediments may be considered to delineate lagoon and reef flat environments in a coral reef complex.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to compare the relative accuracy of three methodologies of regional flood frequency analysis in areas of limited flood records. Thirty two drainage basins of different characteristics, located mainly in the southwest region of Saudi Arabia, were selected for the study. In the first methodology, region curves were developed and used together with the mean annual flood, estimated from the characteristics of drainage basin, to estimate flood flows at a location in the basin. The second methodology was to fit probability distribution functions to annual maximum rainfall intensity in a drainage basin. The best fitted probability function was used together with common peak flow models to estimate the annual maximum flood flows in the basin. In the third methodology, duration reduction curves were developed and used together with the average flood flow in a basin to estimate the peak flood flows in the basin. The results obtained from each methodology were compared to the flood records of the selected stations using three statistical measures of goodness-of-fit. The first methodology was found best in a case of having short length of record at a drainage basin. The second methodology produced satisfactory results. Thus, it is recommended in areas where data are not sufficient and/or reliable to utilise the first methodology.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar age determinations have been carried out on eight samples of melt rocks and one of the maskelynite from Mistastin Lake impact crater, Labrador. The observed40Ar* evolution spectra of the impact melts fall into distinct groups which correlate with petrographic variations. The release patterns of six of the melt rock samples define an age plateau in the range 34–41 m.y.; the other two have complex spectra which indicate incomplete equilibration of inclusions. Four of the samples with well-defined plateaux exhibit a high-temperature sag in their40Ar/39Ar ratio similar to that observed in some lunar samples. Maskelynite gives a partially overprinted spectrum which rises monotonically to a final age near 700 m.y., approximately half the age of the country rocks. The data from the melt samples are interpreted as indicating an age of 38 ± 4 m.y. for the Mistastin Lake impact event. Previously, it had been considered that this crater was 202 ± 25 m.y. old.  相似文献   

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