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Studied in this paper are the mode of occurrence, petrology, petrochemistry, Sn abundance and REE geochemistry of Sn-mineralized granitoids in the Mt. Hengduanshan Region. The results show that the concentration of Sn increases with decreasing LREE but increasing HREE in the complex plutons associated with Sn mineralization. Generally, LREE< 150ppm, HREE> 50ppm, δEu = 0.01–0.14 and symmetrically “V” -shaped curves representing the REE patterns are the important indices of Sn enrichment and mineralization. This project was finantially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are the Nd isotopic compositions of the pre-Sinian and Sinian-Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Xiushui area,Jiangxi Province.Significant differences are noticed between them in their Nd isotopic dompositions.As for the pre-Sinian lightly metmorphozed sedimentary rocks,^143Nd/^144Nd=0.512000-0.512214,CNd(T)=-8.04-9.99,and TDM=18332426Ma are suggested for the Sinian-Cambrian sedimentary rocks .These differences would reflect the diversity of material source for the sedimentary rocks deposited before and after the Sinian period.Mantle material ap-pears to have been involved in the formation of the pre-Sinian sedimentary rocks while the post-Sinian sedimentary rocks are composed mainly of recycled detritus from the continental crust.  相似文献   

The Late Archean Fuping Group of the Xiaojiao area in Pingshan Couty,Hebei Province consists mainly of three metamorphic rock types of supracrustal affinity,i.e.,Kfeldspar leucoleptite,biotite leptite-gneiss and hornblendic rocks.Their anatectic derivatives formed in the initial stage of anatexis are petrochemically of K-feldspar granitic trondhjemitic and granodioritic compositions respectively,and in general have inherted the main petrochemical featurews from their parent rock types,Probably due to the fact that they contain less REE rich accessory minerals as compared with their parent rocks,the anatectic derivatives are in general lower in EREE content,But both the derivatives and their parent rocks have similar REE patterns,which serves as an additional indication of the genetic relationship between them.  相似文献   

In North Xinjiang there is an alkali granite belt extending in the NW-SE direction along the southern band of the Ulungur River and running parallel to the suture zone,i.e.,Aermantai-Zhaheba Ophiolitic Melange Zone ,between the Junggar Plate and the Altay Orogenic Belt.Whole -rock Rb-Sr isochron ages of the Ulungur alkali granites are within the range of 292-309Ma, showing that they were genetically connected with the latest episode of Hercynian magmatism subsequent to the syncollision S-type and post-collision uplifting I-type granitoids in the Altay region .The alkali granites are miner-alogically characterized by the occurrence of aegirine and arfvedsonite and chemically by high silicon and alkali,low calcium and magnesium and abundant high-field elements, being typical A-type granites .The alkali granites were formed in the final stage of the Hercynian calc-alkaline magmatic cycle in a very short period of time .They are in line with the post-orogenic A-type(PA-type)granites, implying that the tectonic regime was changed from compression to extension.  相似文献   

The Qooshchi area lies to northwest of Orumieh Lake in western Azerbaijan, NW Iran. A basement metamorphic complex, consisting of Precambrian schists and gneisses, has been intruded by gabbres and diorites. Granitolds are grouped into five suites according to their mineralogy, texture and exposed features. The main body, pink Qooshchi granite, and apophyse-like, myrmekite-bearing granit-oids are discussed in this paper. On the basis of field observations and microscopic studies, an intensive metasonmtism has overprinted the country rocks, especially gabbros, transforming them into a more felsic composition. A prior event of intensive deformation and cataclasis preceded the metasonmtism, al-lowing the introduction of hydrothermal fluids. K-metasonmtism converted plagiuclase into K-feldspar (microdme), myrmekite, and sodic plagioclase as Si-metasomatism replaced the ferromagnesian silicates by quartz. Apophyse-like bodies within gabbros, called leucometasomatites, are formed during this process.  相似文献   

Warm and humid climate and gentle hilly topography have provided favourable conditions for the devel-opment of the weathering crust of the granite intrusions in the Longnan area, Jiangxi Province. REE is mostlyconcentrated in an adsorption state in clay in the wholly weathered zone. The rare-earth minerals enriched inthe parent rocks provided the source material for the REE enrichment. Exchangeable REE accounts for48-86%. Extraction experiments and stable isotopic study of clay minerals suggest that the downward infiltra-tion of meteoric water and increasing gradient of pH values have played an important role in the enrichment ofREE during the progressive weathering. Slight fractionation of individual REE can not change their distribu-tion patterns in the profiles. which are inherited from the parent rocks.  相似文献   

The occurrence,mineralogy and geochemistry of eclogites in the Mt.Dabie area show that they were subjected to a high-pressure metamorphism together with the country rocks,but their petrochemistry and REE geochemistry show some difference from those of the country rocks.The geochemical characteristics of the eclogites are similar to those of bot continental tholeiitic basalt and oceanic tholeiitic basalt.The rocks probably subducted to the upper mantle with the Dabie metamorphic complex.When elevated to the surface,they were subjected to different staes of retrogressive metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Jiujiang-Ruichang area in northwestern Jiangxi extends along the western part of the minerogenic belt of the middle-lower Yangtze Valley in a terrain of sediments ranging from Ordovician to Triassic in age with NEE-folda,and NW-compressive,NNW-tensile and NEE-compressive-shearing faults as the major structures .Igneous rocks are mostly intermediate-acid epizonal intrusive bodies.Typical copper mineralizations in this area include the skarn-type and stratiform Cu-bearing pyrite-type deposits at Wushan and the porphyry and breccia-pipe type copper-molybdenum deposits at Chengmenshan.Silurian strata,with a great thickness and an average copper content of 51 ppm,are considered to be the source bed of copper mineralization,as is evidenced,among other things,by the presence of an envelope which is notably impoverished in Cu aroud most of the deposits.Magmatic rocks which intruded into the Silurian strata often have relatively high alkali contents and K2O/Na2O ratios ,with extensive potash alteration.Magmatic rocks in the area are of co-melting type or mixed type.The magma assimilated a large quanity of country rocks while ascending.They are characterized by high REE contents,absence of Eu anomalies and high LREE/HREE ratios.Ancient lead and strontium isotopes were detected in feldspar megaphenocrysts from the granodiorite porphyry.Hydrothermal convective circulation systems of magmatic water of magmatic water and supergenic water was extensively developed in the magmatic and country rocks,in which copper,potassium and other ore-forming components were extracted from the country rocks and concentrated through heating,boiling and evaporating.When the ore-forming fluids found their way into the skarn zone or the unconformity between the Wutong Formation and the Huanglong Formation,ore precipitation would have occurred as a result of changing media,If the concentration of KCl exceeded 9%,copper and other ore-forming components might have been deposited in magmatic rocks,forming the porphyry-type ore deposits.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic investigations have been carded out on the Chebu gabbroite in southern Jiangxi Province, southeast China and these results are compared with gabbro bodies along the coast of Fujian Province in order to understand their magma sources and tectonic implications. The Chebu intrusion formed at the beginning of the Middle Jurassic (172~4.3 Ma). These rocks are Ti-rich and Al-poor in major elements, characterized by strong enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and moderate enrichment in high field strength elements (HFSE) and light rare-earth elements CLREE), without pronounced Nb or Ta anomalies. Age-correlated Sr-Nd isotope ratios show moderately high ranges of (^87Sr/^86Sr)i from 0.7065 to 0.7086 and 0.5124 to 0.5125 of (^143Nd/^144Nd)i. The geochemical characteristics of the Chebu gabbroite suggest that it is notably different from island-arc basalt and similar to intra-plate basaltic rocks. By combining interpretations of its geological and geochemical characteristics and the regional geological development history, the Chebu gabbroitic intrusion is thought to be the product of asthenosphere upwelling and rapid lithosphere extension during a transition of tectonic systems in southeast China. The tectonic environment and source characteristics of the intrusion are different from Cretaceous gabbro bodies along the coast of Fujian Province, The former formed in a tectonic environment of rapid intra-plate lithospheric extension and the source characteristics were of a weakly enriched primitive mantle, whereas the latter originated mainly in a volcanic-magmatic arc extensional tectonic environment and the nature of the source was an enriched mantle with more subduct subducted components.  相似文献   

The Guandishan granitoids consist mainly of various granitoid intrusions with different scales, including the Huijiazhuang intrusion, Shizhuang intrusion and Hengjian intrusion, which were formed between 1906 Ma and 1848 Ma. On the basis of geological and petrological characteristics, these granitoids can be classified into two groups: the earlier gneissic granodiorites and monzogranites, and the later massive leuco-monzogranites. Their geochemical and Nd isotopic features indicate that they could be derived from complicated partial melting of supracrustal rocks with an affinity of continental arc materials, such as sandy shale and pelite, and with garnet, pyroxene, hornblende and plagioclase as residual phases. Biotite, feldspar and other minerals were most likely fractionated during the magma evolution. Their source may have an affinity with continental arcs, and the granitoids could be derived from the main syn-collisional to late-orogenic tectonic environment, which may be related to the final amalgamation between the Eastern and Western continental blocks in the North China Craton.  相似文献   

东准噶尔贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩的厘定及意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
初步研究表明,长期以来被认为S型花岗岩的贝勒库都克黑云母花岗岩应为铝质A型花岗岩.该岩体以富硅(SiO2=75.25%~76.67%)和碱(Na2O+K2O=8.08%~8.97%),贫镁(MgO=0.02%~0.18%)和钙(CaO =0.39%~0.89%),氧化指数变化较大(W=0.02~0.15)以及高FeOT/MgO比值(12.71~84.51,平均34.55)为特征.其K2O>Na2O,NK/A=0.86~0.95(平均0.92),A/CNK=0.97~1.02(>0.95),属偏铝-过铝质钙碱-弱碱性岩石.在微量元素和稀土元素组成上,岩石富Ga、Zr和Hf等高场强元素,亏损Ba、Nb、Sr等元素.10 000 Ga/Al比值(2.97~4.20)均大于A型花岗岩的下限值(2.6),明显高于I型和S型花岗岩的平均值(分别为2.10和2.28).在Zr、Ce、Nb对10 000 Ga/Al以及FeOT/MgO对(Zr+Nb+Ce+Y)、SiO2等A型花岗岩多种判别图上,投影点均落在A型花岗岩区,而与高分异的I、S型花岗岩明显不同.这些特征表明,贝勒库都克黑云母花岗岩与国内外铝质A型花岗岩(如福建沿海、东西准噶尔和澳大利亚Lachlan褶皱带铝质A型花岗岩)十分相似.在Nb-Y-Ce、R1-Ga/Al和R1-R2构造环境判别图上,显示出造山后花岗岩的特征.贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩的厘定,不仅对探讨卡拉麦里地区地壳物质组成及构造演化有着重要的地质意义,还为我国新疆北部寻找与铝质A型花岗岩有关的锡矿资源开辟了方向.  相似文献   

福建沿海铝质A型花岗岩的地球化学及岩石成因   总被引:71,自引:7,他引:71  
以乌山、金刚山和新村三个典型岩体为例,系统研究了福建沿海铝质A型花岗岩的地质和地球化学特征。研究结果表明,铝质A型花岗岩常含有锰铝榴石、富锰白云母等特征的富铝矿物,化学成分上相对富铝,为一套准铝到弱过铝的岩石组成,并具有贫磷、贫钛,氧化指数较低等特征。与碱性花岗岩相比,其Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Ga、Y和Zn等元素的含量及稀土总量和Ga/Al比值均偏低,但轻、重稀土的分馏程度(尤其是重稀土的分馏程  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔沿达拉布特构造带出露几个主要由碱长花岗岩组成的花岗岩基(包括庙儿沟、阿克巴斯套、克拉玛依及红山等岩体)。岩石学和元素地球化学研究表明,碱长花岗岩属于典型的铝质A型花岗岩,其10000×Ga A/l比值大。锆石的LAI-CPMS UP-b定年结果证实它们的形成时代均为~300Ma,与东准噶尔的碱性花岗岩体的侵位年龄一致。这些碱长花岗岩在成因类型上属A2型,形成于后碰撞的张性环境中。花岗岩的Nεd(t)= 6.42~ 7.46,但众多地质地球化学特征显示它们不是直接来源于亏损地幔,而更可能是由洋壳和岛弧建造组成的年轻地壳部分熔融形成的花岗闪长质岩浆再经过分离结晶作用的产物。  相似文献   

江西会昌密坑山岩体的地球化学及其成因类型的新认识   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
密坑山岩体是南岭地区与锡成矿密切相关的典型岩体,侵入于上侏罗统鸡笼嶂组流纹质凝灰熔岩及火山碎屑岩中,为一破火山中央岩株侵入体,其主体岩性为钾长花岗岩, Rb Sr全岩等时线年龄为 (124.5± 0.7) Ma.地球化学方面,该岩体具有富 Si、偏碱性、富 K、 Al弱过饱和、 Rb/Sr及 Rb/Ba比值高、 Eu负异常显著、富 Ga、 Ga/Al比值大 (4.14~ 6.77)、富高场强元素 (如 Nb和 Zr)等特点.地质地球化学特征及产出构造背景的综合分析表明,该岩体不是典型的 S型花岗岩,而应属铝质 A型花岗岩.岩体的ε Nd(t)值偏高 (- 3.56~- 5.13),二阶段 Nd模式年龄偏低 (1 207~ 1 326 Ma),反映成岩过程中有地幔组分的参与,属壳幔混源花岗岩.二元混合模拟计算显示成岩过程中地幔物质的混入比例为 53.1%~ 60.0% ,较高含量地幔组分参与成岩过程无疑指示幔源组分对成矿具有重要贡献,这一认识对于进一步揭示南岭地区稀有多金属矿床的成矿机理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

广东龙口南昆山铝质A型花岗岩的成因   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
南昆山花岗岩出露面积约 2 0 0km2 ,为一等轴状岩体。具中粒等粒结构 ,由黑鳞云母、钠长石、条纹长石和石英组成。弱过铝质 ,MgO和CaO含量极低 ,亚碱质 ,碱度率和NK/A值偏高 ;富F贫Cl,具较高F/Cl值 ;具较高的锆石饱和 (液相线 )温度 (81 0~ 847℃ ) ,与澳大利亚A型花岗岩的平均值 (839℃ )基本相当。在微量元素特征上 ,具有高的 1 0 4 Ga/Al值和 (Zr+Nb +Ce +Y)元素组合值 ,分别高于A型花岗岩下限值的 2 .6和 350× 1 0 - 6 。在同位素组成特征上 ,具有较高的εNd(t)值 (- 1 .54~ - 2 .87)和较低的δ1 8O值 (7.9‰~ 9.8‰ )。按幔 -壳混合模型计算 ,其源区地幔组分约占 63 %~ 69%。上述特征表明 ,南昆山花岗岩与国内外典型铝质A型花岗岩 (如苏州花岗岩和澳大利亚Lachlan褶皱带A型花岗岩 )很相似。这一发现对阐明南岭东段燕山晚期地壳伸展构造的发育具有重要意义  相似文献   

新疆东准噶尔苏吉泉铝质A型花岗岩的确立及其初步研究   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
新疆东准噶尔卡拉麦里地区是一个重要的锡成矿带,分布有多种类型花岗岩,其中黑云母花岗岩长期以来被认为是S型花岗岩。本文研究表明,苏吉泉黑云母花岗岩富集Rb、K等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素,其FeO/MgO和10000Ga/Al值大,明显不同于典型的I型和S型花岗岩,属于典型的铝质A型花岗岩。锆石的LA-ICPMSU-Pb定年结果显示其形成时代为304±2Ma,比该区钙碱性花岗岩侵位晚,而与碱性花岗岩形成时代相近。这些黑云母花岗岩具有高εNd(t)的同位素特征,但它们不是直接来源于亏损地幔,而更可能是源自地幔且被深埋的年轻地壳物质部分熔融和结晶分异作用的产物。花岗岩微量元素构造判别图显示它们是一种后碰撞花岗岩,标志晚石炭世卡拉麦里地区造山作用的结束和板内构造演化的开始。  相似文献   

杭州泗岭铝质A型花岗岩的发现及其构造意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
初步研究表明,以往被认为是典型的S型花岗岩或改造-重熔型花岗岩的泗岭岩体应为铝质A型花岗岩。该岩体高硅、碱、钾而明显贫钙、镁;高(K2O Na2O)/CaO值(平均16.79)和AKI指数(平均0.92);FeO*/MgO比值大(平均13.95),高于M型、S型和I型花岗岩,而与世界A型花岗岩平均值(13.4)相近;岩石为弱碱性、准铝-弱过铝质,富含稀土元素、HFSE元素,高Rb、F和Nb,反映其具A型花岗岩的成分特征。泗岭岩体氧同位素δ18O为 8‰~ 9‰,反映岩浆主要起源于下地壳。该岩体侵位于拉张的构造环境,是晚白垩世早期一次重要的构造-岩浆热事件,同时也反映了区域性孝丰—三门湾大断裂与学川—湖州大断裂在晚白垩世早期处于拉伸阶段。  相似文献   

江西南部白面石-东坑盆地A型火山岩的确定及地质意义   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
江西南部沿三南(全南县,龙南县,定南县)-寻邬(县)断裂带从东向西分布有东坑临江盆地和白面石盆地,其中中生代菖蒲组的流纹岩 Rb- Sr全岩等时线年龄为 165 Ma;主元素 SiO2偏高,平均为 71.35%;偏碱, Na2O+ K2O较高 (6.19%~ 8.36% ),且 K2O > Na2O;准铝到弱过铝质, ACNK平均为 0.99,稀土总量较高( 251.37× 10- 6~ 345.92× 10- 6)。微量元素具明显的 Sr、 Ba、 Ti亏损,而 Zr、 Hf富集。表现出与 A型花岗岩相似的特征。因此,这是一套 A型火山岩。其ε Sr较高( 68.98~ 99.98),而ε Nd(- 11.73~- 11.92)非常低,表明其岩浆成因可能是地壳物质的部分熔融。  相似文献   

秦亚  梁一鸿  胡兆初  冯坚  李敏 《地球科学》2013,38(4):677-688
主微量元素分析和LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄显示吉南老岭地区的头道、老岭、上绿水桥和高台子岩体为一套早白垩世铝质A型花岗岩.主要岩性为钾长花岗岩、晶洞钾长花岗岩、花岗斑岩和花岗岩.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为121~125Ma.主量元素具有富Si、alk, 贫Fe、Mg、Ca、Ti的特征; 微量元素亏损Ba、Sr、Ti、Nb、Ta、P, 富集K、Rb、Th等不相容元素; 稀土元素具有中等到强烈的负铕异常及右倾海鸥型的球粒陨石标准化稀土配分模式.元素地球化学特征表明岩体为铝质A型花岗岩(A/CNK=0.82~1.15, A/NK=1.00~1.28).岩石具有较低的不相容元素Ce/Nb、Y/Nb、Yb/Ta比值, 为A1型非造山花岗岩.研究表明吉南老岭地区早白垩世时处于非造山的伸展构造环境, 是华北板块东部早白垩世伸展地球动力学背景在吉林南部地区的岩浆活动体现.   相似文献   

祁漫塔格印支期铝质A型花岗岩的确定及初步研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
祁漫塔格小红山印支期钾长花岗岩的岩石化学成分为过铝质(A/NKC介于1.03~1.06之间),高硅(SiO2>76%),偏碱性(ALK=7.77%~8.22%),K2O>Na2O,FeOT/MgO比值高(9.4~21.7),CaO、MgO、TiO2和P2O5含量低(分别为<0.78%,≤0.14%,≤0.1%和≤0.02%)。岩石富Rb、Th、U、Y、Zr、Nb和Hf,贫Sr、Ba、Eu、Cr和Ni,Ga/Al比值高,明显不同于I型和S型花岗岩,显示了铝质A型花岗岩的特征,形成于造山后的伸展环境。该A型花岗岩的确定证明了祁漫塔格地区晚三叠世之前碰撞造山作用的存在,以及祁漫塔格与东昆仑造山带的亲缘性。  相似文献   

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