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钾质斑脱岩的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从矿物学、地球化学两个方面对钾质斑脱岩的研究进展进行综合评述。矿物学研究表明,钾质斑脱岩为岩浆成因,由粘土矿物与非粘土矿物组成,粘土矿物以伊.蒙混层矿物和伊利石为主,非粘土矿物包括原生斑晶矿物和次生矿物。钾质斑脱岩的矿物学研究有助于地层对比难题的解决,亦将促进古大陆再造研究。钾质斑脱岩及斑脱岩的主量元素数据统计结果显示,钾质斑脱岩以相对富钾为特征,K2O含量一般大于3.5%。微量元素数据统计表明,钾质斑脱岩的微量元素以,Th、U的明显富集为特征,同时均具有负Eu异常并缺乏负Ce异常。通过对早寒武世、奥陶纪及志留纪的钾质斑脱岩的微量元素特征进行对比研究,认为不同时期钾质斑脱岩的微量元素与REE的配分模式表现出不同的特征,尤其是Nb/Y、Th/U等微量元素比值及(Ia/Yb)N、(Ia/Sm)N、(G/Yb)N、δEu和δCe等稀土元素参数的差异明显。经对比,初步判定滇东石岩头组底部钾质斑脱岩与遵义石岩头组钾质斑脱岩可能不属于同一期火山活动的产物。  相似文献   

从矿物学、地球化学两个方面对钾质斑脱岩的研究进展进行综合评述.矿物学研究表明,钾质斑脱岩为岩浆成因,由粘土矿物与非粘土矿物组成,粘土矿物以伊-蒙混层矿物和伊利石为主,非粘土矿物包括原生斑晶矿物和次生矿物.钾质斑脱岩的矿物学研究有助于地层对比难题的解决,亦将促进古大陆再造研究.钾质斑脱岩及斑脱岩的主量元素数据统计结果显示,钾质斑脱岩以相对富钾为特征,K2O含量一般大于3.5%.微量元素数据统计表明,钾质斑脱岩的微量元素以Th、U的明显富集为特征,同时均具有负Eu异常并缺乏负Ce异常.通过对早寒武世、奥陶纪及志留纪的钾质斑脱岩的微量元素特征进行对比研究,认为不同时期钾质斑脱岩的微量元素与REE的配分模式表现出不同的特征,尤其是Nb/Y、Th/U等微量元素比值及(La/Yb)N、(La/Sm)N、(Gd/Yb)N、δEu和δCe等稀土元素参数的差异明显.经对比,初步判定滇东石岩头组底部钾质斑脱岩与遵义石岩头组钾质斑脱岩可能不属于同一期火山活动的产物.  相似文献   

四川盆地及周缘五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩地层中斑脱岩广泛分布,蕴含着丰富的地球化学信息。开展相关矿物学(XRD)、主量元素(XRF),以及微量元素(ICP-MS)等分析,结合野外露头观察,对四川盆地及周缘五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩地层中斑脱岩进行了分析。研究结果表明:1)斑脱岩主要由伊利石、斜长石、石英等矿物组成;2)主量元素以SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O 为主,其中K2O/Na2O介于15.54~270之间;3)微量元素富集Th、U、Pb、Zr、Hf、Ta等高场强元素(HFSE)和Rb、Cs、Ba等大离子亲石元素,亏损La、Ce、Sr、Sm、Eu等元素;4)稀土元素∑REE介于19.58×10-6~383.88×10-6之间,平均值为105.43×10-6,LREE/ HREE介于0.74~12.67之间,平均值为3.93,总体表现为轻稀土(LREE)富集,而重稀土(HREE)亏损,轻、重稀土元素分异明显,Eu表现出一定的负异常,而Ce未出现明显异常。综合分析认为:1)四川盆地及周缘五峰组-龙马溪组斑脱岩具有高钾低钠的特点,与钾质斑脱岩特征相符,且五峰组与龙马溪组斑脱岩特征相似,火山灰物质来源相近;2)原岩构造环境主要为岛弧环境,同时也存在板内环境,火山灰主要来源于北部秦岭地区;3)火山灰可以提高海洋表层初级生产力,为优质页岩有机质形成提供物质基础。  相似文献   

遵义松林地区广泛出露前寒武系及寒武系,是国际上研究前寒武纪-寒武纪过渡时期生物演化、古环境变迁及成矿事件的重要窗口之一.  相似文献   

胡艳华  孙卫东  丁兴  汪方跃  凌明星  刘健 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3298-3308
扬子地台内奥陶纪顶部的五峰组到志留纪底部的龙马溪组间存在着多个粘土岩层.前人研究结果认为这些粘土岩层为钾质斑脱岩,是火山喷发的凝灰质物质在海相环境沉积、蚀变的产物.这些斑脱岩广泛分布于扬子地台周缘,对理解奥陶纪-志留纪时华南所处的大地构造位置和相应的构造事件具有重要的意义.本文对采自扬子地台内湖北宜昌地区和贵州桐梓地区奥陶纪-志留纪界线剖面的斑脱岩层进行了矿物学及地球化学工作,旨在判定其形成的构造环境.矿物学研究表明上述岩石除了含有粘土矿物外,还含有石英、长石、黑云母、磷灰石、锆石等中酸性岩浆岩中的常见矿物,属典型的钾质斑脱岩.本文利用在风化过程中不活动元素对斑脱岩的原岩进行了恢复,结果也表明其原岩为中酸性火山岩,包括安山岩-英安岩-及流纹岩等.微量元素特征显示多数样品具有典型的岛弧火山岩的特征,很可能与北面早古生代秦岭洋的闭合过程中的板块俯冲有关,也可能是早古生代在华南板块东南缘外侧存在的一古老洋壳向华南板块的俯冲.有一个样品(YC0711)没有Nb的负异常,但是具有明显的Ti负异常,在Th/Yb-Nb/Yb判别图上落在岛弧区附近,其原岩可能是富铌玄武岩之类的特殊岛弧岩石.火山活动的峰期为晚奥陶世赫南特阶时代,与地质历史上第二大的生物大灭绝事件同时.前人认为该生物灭绝事件与冈瓦纳冰川有关.考虑到华南以及欧洲、北美等地均出现大规模晚奥陶世-早侏罗纪钾质斑脱岩,奥陶纪-志留纪边界的火山事件是具有全球规模的,所喷发的岩石多是富含挥发份的中酸性岩,对大气圈和生物圈具有十分重要的影响,本文认为火山活动很可能是造成晚奥陶世的生物大灭绝事件和冈瓦纳冰川的主要诱导因素.  相似文献   

奥陶纪和志留纪钾质斑脱岩研究评述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
与欧洲与北美相比,国内对钾质斑脱岩的研究较少。为了更好的认识这类岩石,本文从其定义、判别、研究进展等方面,对已发表的钾质斑脱岩资料特别是奥陶纪和志留纪钾质斑脱岩资料进行了研究评述,并在此基础上对华南奥陶纪钾质斑脱岩研究进行了介绍,并提出了华南钾质斑脱岩研究中三个可能的突破方向,即钾质斑脱岩所代表的火山喷发活动与晚奥陶世生物大绝灭的关系、斑脱岩内斑晶矿物熔体包裹体与世界其他地区对比研究、奥陶纪不同层位斑脱岩高精度同位素年代学研究是华南奥陶纪钾质斑脱岩三个有前途的研究方向。钾质斑脱岩作为一类特殊的事件标志层,在年代地层、事件地层、古大陆再造、地层对比研究中具有重要的价值,并将在古环境、古构造和古地理研究等方面发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

赣南地区(华夏陆块西缘)早南华世上施组中含多层乳白色、黄绿色凝灰质黏土岩。化学成分分析结果显示富K2O,属钾质斑脱岩;微量元素分析结果显示其源岩为中酸性岩体,源于火山岛弧构造环境。应用LA-ICP-MS对其中的锆石进行U-Pb测年,得到(756.0±7.5)、(774.3±8.5)、(774.1±8.8)Ma 3组谐合年龄。锆石Hf同位素分析显示εHf(t)为-20.1~5.8(正值较少且多出现在774 Ma),其t_(DM2)为130 6~3 030 Ma,表明早期岩浆(774 Ma)具有少量的地幔物质贡献,而晚期岩浆(756 Ma)几乎完全是壳源物质局部熔融的结果。综合构造背景及时限性,认为774~756 Ma间华夏内部还存在洋壳俯冲形成的火山弧岩浆活动,进一步证实扬子与华夏在早南华世还未发生碰撞拼贴。  相似文献   

浙江安吉上奥陶统钾质斑脱岩特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浙江安吉杭垓地区的上奥陶统黄泥岗组和长坞组分别发现42层和5层钾质斑脱岩夹层,对其中部分斑脱岩开展的X衍射分析显示,其主要成分为石英、伊利石、蒙脱石、高岭石和极少量钠长石;该套斑脱岩具有高钾特征,为钾玄岩系列;稀土元素成分分析显示具有高∑REE含量,轻、重稀土分异明显,具较强负铕异常,球粒陨石标准化稀土配分曲线具有右倾的特征;富集Rb、Th、U、K,亏损Ba、Sr、P等。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年值为453±4~444.7±3.3 Ma。成因地球化学分析显示,这些斑脱岩主要形成于板内构造环境,为晚奥陶世凯迪期广西运动构造—岩浆事件的产物。  相似文献   

华北克拉通上奥陶统的发现和地质时代的确定一直颇受重视。前人通过对华北奥陶系顶部地层中牙形石和笔石记录的核实,将耀县桃曲坡组的顶限定在笔石Diplacanthograptus spiniferus带结束的位置(凯迪阶下部),该位置代表了华北奥陶系的最高层位。而《中国地层表》(2014)将桃曲坡组的底置于艾家山阶和钱塘江阶分界处附近,后者略高于上述笔石生物带结束的位置,可见分歧是明显的,亟需来自绝对年龄资料的约束。笔者在耀县桃曲坡组下部发现了一层斑脱岩,地球化学数据揭示了其富钾质特征(K2ONa2O),K2O含量(3.81%)接近鄂尔多斯盆地南缘奥陶系17个斑脱岩样品的平均值(4.75%)。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年表明其就位年龄为453.7±3.3 Ma(MSWD=0.25),考虑到采样层位接近桃曲坡组的底界,认为桃曲坡组的底可置于454 Ma(桑比阶晚期)。这与前人在周缘地区上奥陶统斑脱岩获得的年龄在误差范围内一致,表明本文获得的年龄是可信的。因此,《中国地层表》(2014)中桃曲坡组的底界需要适当下移。  相似文献   

杨颖  马昌前  王世明 《地质学报》2019,93(12):3183-3196
中扬子宜昌黄花场地区上奥陶统五峰组内出露多层钾质斑脱岩,斑脱岩以伊蒙混层黏土矿物为主,同时含六方双锥石英、锆石、磷灰石及铁质微球粒等,地球化学成分具有高钾、岛弧火山岩的特征。五峰组底部第一层斑脱岩ε_(Nd)(t)为-3.83,锆石U-Pb年龄445.4±2.0Ma,锆石ε_(Hf)(t)介于2.7~7.3之间,加权平均值为4.67±0.89,t_(DM2)值965~1249Ma,加权平均为1127±55Ma。五峰组中第八层斑脱岩ε_(Nd)(t)为-7.92,锆石U-Pb年龄444.1±2.2Ma,锆石ε_(Hf)(t)介于-6.6~-11.2之间,加权平均值为-8.74±0.88,t_(DM2)值1840~2130Ma,加权平均为1973±55Ma。斑脱岩的矿物成分、地球化学元素特征、锆石U-Pb年龄及Hf同位素特征表明其可能来自于早古生代扬子北缘秦岭地区的火山爆发,同时也限定了临湘组和五峰组界限年龄为(445.4±2.0)Ma,这些斑脱岩的频繁出现预示着晚奥陶世生物灭绝更替等重大地质事件的开端。  相似文献   

Large acanthomorphic acritarchs have been found in chert of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at several localities in South China, including the East Yangtze Gorges of Hubei Province, Weng’an area of Guizhou Province, and elsewhere. However, their potential for biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of Ediacaran successions is limited by facies control, taphonomic biases, and taxonomic problems. In the Yangtze Gorges, the Doushantuo Formation is generally subdivided into four lithologic members. However, in the Weng’an area, the Doushantuo Formation comprises just a lower and upper part separated by a mid-Doushantuo erosional surface. In the Yangtze Gorges at the Zhangcunping section, the Doushantuo succession is similar to that at Weng’an. So far, the correlation between the Yangtze Gorges and Weng’an area, and elsewhere has been an issue of debate. To resolve the debate, we selected eight sections in the Yangtze Gorges area and systemically sampled chert nodules of the Doushantuo Formation, focusing in particular on the upper Doushantuo Formation. Our data confirm two different assemblages appearing separately in the second and third members, which are separated by a negative δ13C excursion (EN2). The lower assemblage is characterized by Tianzhushania and a diverse suite of large acanthomorphic acritarchs. The upper assemblage is distinguished from the lower assemblage, by (1) absence of Tianzhushania; (2) occurrence of abundant, 100–150 μm, smooth-walled spherical microfossils; (3) occurrence of highly diverse acanthomorphic acritarchs including species extending from the second member and new forms in this member; (4) occurrence of unnamed new forms of protist; and (5) occurrence of the tubular microfossil Sinocyclocylicus guizhouensis. Since the Tianzhushania-dominated assemblage is not present in Australia, it seems that only the upper acanthomorph assemblage is present and thus the lower Doushantuo acanthomorph assemblage is missing in Australia.  相似文献   

Metazoan fossils in the Gaojiashan Biota are famous for being well preserved and may provide new insights into the early evolution and skeletonization of Metazoans. We are studying the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon from a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Gaojiashan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Shaanxi Province of China. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between –30.8‰ and –24.7‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between 0.1‰ and +6‰. Positive δ13C values from sediments with Gaojiashan biota reflect temporal variations in carbon turnover, i.e. an increasing in photosynthetic carbon fixation followed by an increasing subsequent fractional organic carbon burial, and that related to bio-radiation such as increasing algae, bacteria, and original creatures productivity in biomass. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the regional carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon, and discuss the relationship between Gaojiashan biota and paleoenvrionmental variation.  相似文献   

Octoradiate Spiral Organisms in the Ediacaran of South China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Shales of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China contain a new disc-shaped macrofossil, Eoandromeda octobrachiata, characterized by eight spiral arms that were probably housed within an outer membrane. Although the presence of eight radiating structures entails a resemblance to cnidarian octocorals as well as to ctenophores, direct homologies with these extant groups are unlikely. Instead we bring attention to the helicospiral morphology of newly reported embryos from the Doushantuo Formation, suggesting that the long-sought adults of the Ediacaran embryonic metazoans have finally been found.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of macrofossils in the Ediacaran have attracted much attention. The upper Doushantuo macrobiotas in South China, including the Miaohe biota from Hubei and the Wenghui biota from Guizhou, are mainly preserved as the carbonaceous compressions and dominated by macroscopic algae and metazoans. Here, we describe 10 genera and 10 species (including 6 new genera and species) of macrofossils from the Wenghui biota. At present, the Wenghui biota yields macrofossils in more than 31 genera and 33 species, excluding those given no image and established on a few unascertained specimens. Based on the occurrence and distribution of macrofossils in both Miaohe and Wenghui areas, the middle-late Ediacaran (back shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation) in South China can be subdivided into two assemblage biozones in biostratigraphy: (i) the Protoconites–Linbotulitaenia–Eoandromeda–Anomalophton assemblage biozone characterized by abundant and diverse macrofossils and by the ranges of Protoconites, Linbotulitaenia and Anomalophton; and (ii) the Baculiphyca–Gesinella–Cucullus–Beltanelliformis assemblage biozone characterized by the acme of the longer macrofossils Baculiphyca and Gesinella, and by few shorter and discoidal macrofossils.  相似文献   

In South China, various megascopic symmetrical metazoan fossils were found in the upper Doushantuo (陡山沱)Formation of the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran.The worm-like fossil is characterized by modern taxological annelid, for many metameres, parapodia, one possible tentale, an alimentary canal, and a dorsal vessel. The triradiate discoidal fossil is belong to Trilobozoa, and the octaradiate discoidal fossil might be Ctenophora. All these fossils indicate that the megascopic metazoans have appeared in the Doushantuoian of Eidacaran and imply that the symmetrical metazoans must have originated at least 550 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Doushantuo acanthomorphic acritarchs are large morphologically complex organic-walled microfossils broadly constrained between the 635 Ma Nantuo glaciation and the 551 Ma Miaohe Biota. They are potential biostratigraphic tools for subdivision and correlation of the Ediacaran System in South China. However, major variations in sedimentary facies and stratigraphic thickness present challenges in understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of these acritarchs. Further, the distribution of acritarchs in the Doushantuo Formation is associated with the presence of early diagenetic chert and phosphate, implying a certain degree of preservational bias and/or environmental control. The purpose of this paper is to document the stratigraphic distribution of Doushantuo acritarchs and to quantitatively evaluate their biostratigraphic significance and possible taphonomic–environmental biases, based on high-resolution paleontological data from six sections over 100 km in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China.A total of 1082 acritarch fossils were recorded from 84 chert horizons in the six sections of the study area. These chert horizons are not uniformly distributed throughout the Doushantuo Formation, thus the presence/absence of early diagenetic chert does play a role in controlling the distribution of acritarchs. The sampled chert horizons can be grouped into two stratigraphic intervals in the lower and upper Doushantuo Formation, respectively, based on regional stratigraphic correlation. Quantitative analysis shows that the two intervals are distinct taxonomically and largely independent of taphonomic or facies controls. Thus, the two intervals can be regarded as assemblage biozones. The lower biozone (biozone 1) is numerically dominated by Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 587; 68.3%) and Meghystrichosphaeridium magnificum (n = 74; 8.6%), whereas the upper biozone (biozone 2) is dominated by Ericiasphaera rigida (n = 104; 47.1%) and Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 34; 14.1%). The three most common genera, Meghystrichosphaeridium, Tianzhushania, and Ericiasphaera, have been identified in all sections. Correspondence analysis (CA), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), discriminant analysis (DA), and pairwise comparisons of samples (Spearman rank coefficient and Jaccard–Chao index), all consistently support biostratigraphic zonations. Thus, the distribution of the Doushantuo acanthomorphs is primarily controlled by biostratigraphic position of samples, with facies and taphonomic differences playing a secondary role. Our case study suggests that acanthomorphic acritarchs can offer a viable tool for regional correlation of the Ediacaran System.  相似文献   

Macroscopic organisms lived in the Yangtze Sea of South China during the Late Doushantuo period of the Ediacaran. The results of the specimen collections and statistics within each meter show that the macroscopic biota from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in northeast Guizhou, South China, can be subdivided into Globusphyton, Cucullus, Sectoralga–Longifuniculum, Beltanelliformis, and Baculiphyca–Gesinella paleo-communities. The paleo-community evolution indicates the relationship not only between biota and environment, but also between metaphytes and metazoans. From the Globusphyton paleo-community, through to the Sectoralga–Longifuniculum paleo-community, to the Cucullus paleo-community, the increase in the abundance and diversity of metaphytes (especially the branching macroalgae) and metazoans implies that the oxygen content in the seawater increased gradually. Both the Beltanelliformis and Baculiphyca–Gesinella paleo-communities could be related to a deteriorated environment and fragile ecosystem. The emergence, abundance, and diversity of macroscopic metaphytes, which were closely connected with the environmental microchanges, accelerated the process, improving the environment and increasing oxygen, and established an important platform for the development of macroscopic metazoans.  相似文献   

埃迪卡拉纪是地球第二次大规模成磷时期,全球各大陆均有这次成磷事件的记录。目前对于该时期成磷事件的形成 尚未有广泛接受的地球化学模型解释。而磷酸盐的沉积受海水氧化还原条件的控制,因此通过该时期磷块岩沉积与海水氧 化还原条件演变之间关系的研究可为全球大规模成磷事件的沉积地球化学模型建立提供验证。文章通过对扬子板块埃迪卡 拉纪不同相区磷块岩中碳酸盐组分稀土元素分析,结果表明磷块岩形成时底层海水处于次氧化-接近氧化的不稳定状态, 氧化还原界面沿浅海-大陆架呈现动态变化的特征,为磷块岩的大规模形成提供最佳沉积地球化学条件。合适的海水化学 条件及丰富的磷质来源,大大增加了磷块岩沉积的空间和机会,导致了地质历史时期第二次全球规模成磷发生。  相似文献   

华南埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组生物地层学研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点介绍华南地区埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组生物地层学研究的新进展:(1)贵州江口陡山沱组上部黑色页岩中发现保存完美的八辐射螺旋结构的埃迪卡拉型动物化石--八臂仙母虫,首次确立陡山沱组上部庙河生物群层位有埃迪卡拉型动物化石的存在,为该层位与澳大利亚典型埃迪卡拉动物群层位对比提供了重要证据.(2)陡山沱组第二段首次发现有饰天柱山藻,确立了陡山沱组中下部出现的以Tianzhushania属为特征的具刺疑源类下组合带,为同期地层的对比提供了新依据.(3)在峡东地区陡山沱组第三段发现以Tanarium属为特征的具刺疑源类上组合带,它们与断面呈圆形和方形的管状化石共生,层位稳定,分布广泛.这些新古生物的发现,不仅进一步完善了我国埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的生物地层序列,而且为解决全球埃迪卡拉系划分和对比提供了可靠的古生物依据.  相似文献   

本文报道的微体化石产于湖北宜昌樟村坪万家沟剖面埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组第10层的硅磷质结核中,化石组合包括疑源类Appendisphaera grandis、Ericiasphaera spjeldnaesii、Knollisphaeridium maxi mum、Leiosphaeridia tenuissi ma、Meghystrichosphaeridium perfectum、Tianzhushania polysiphonia、T.spinosa、T.ornata;丝状蓝藻Oscillatoriopsis obtusa、Polytrichoides induviatus、P.lineatus、Salome hubeiensis、Siphonophycustypicum;多细胞藻类Sarcinophycus palilloformis、Wengania minuta。该微体化石组合面貌与黄陵背斜东、南翼陡山沱组二段硅质结核中以大型具刺疑源类Tianzhushania为特征的组合相同,与贵州瓮安地区陡山沱组上磷块岩下部保存的微体化石组合面貌基本一致。  相似文献   

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